Download - Weekday Masses 111316 - Holy Trinity Church · Pastoral: Charles Casiano (Singles) Peter McGhee & Jeanne Dennison (Marrieds) ... Durso, Alexandra Leake, Marge McKay Names will remain


PARISH ADMINISTRATION Spanish Speaking Ministry, *Fr. Luis Pulido Parish Bookkeeper, *Tara Dahill Program Manager, *Colleen Glazer Parish Secretary, *Catherine Jestice Parish Plant Manager, *Victor Zambrano PARISH ADVISORY COUNCILS Pastoral: Charles Casiano (Singles) Peter McGhee & Jeanne Dennison (Marrieds) Ramona Garcia (Spanish speakers) Carol Joyce (Seniors) Felicity McKenna (Teenagers) Financial: Michael Donofrio, Vincent Pascal Norma Ytuarte, Sheila Mullan (Trustees) WORSHIP Acolytes, Kevin McKenna Devotions, Private, Adoration / Daily Evening Rosary, Ellen Valko Legion of Mary, Blanca Bulit Sagrado Corazon, Yolanda Pardo Lectors, Stephanie Miller Floral Decorations, Mia Kravitz Sacred Music, *Andrew Yeargin, Director Cantors,*Andrew Yeargin Contemporary Ensemble, Phelder St. Germain Misa in Espanol, *José (Cheito) Guevara Schola Cantorum, *Andrew Yeargin Sacristans,*Victor Zambrano III,*Charles Haskell, James Hulak COMMUNITY BUILDING Bulletin, Parish Weekly, *Catherine Jestice Calendar, Master Parish, *Catherine Jestice Concert Series GUEST, Andrew Yeargin PARISH, Andrew Yeargin CRC (Contemporary Roman Catholics), James Hulak Scouting Programs, Bob Deaver Trinity Counters, JoAnne Pollio FORMATION / EDUCATION Adult Faith Formation, *Colleen Glazer Lectio Divina-Young Adults, *Fr. Gary Mead Christian Meditation, Donald Main RCIA (Christian Initiation), *Gary Cushing Religious Education,*Colleen Glazer OUTREACH Blood Drive, Catherine Jestice Breakfast Line, *Colleen Glazer Food Pantry, Colleen Glazer Guest Clergy Hospitality,*Msgr. Sandi Homeless Shelter, Mike Griffin Making All Things New (MATN), Kenneth Craig Twelve-Step Programs, *Catherine Jestice * indicates parish employee * * * * * * * *

Please keep our sick in your prayers: Lois Mazzitelli, Kate Concannon, John Muratori, Anthony DeFrancesco, Regina & Joe Rywelski, Steve Manfredo, Ralph Asher, Jorge de Armas, Jr., Marie DeTullio, John Melaney, Pat Stinchi, Dianne Mastrorocco, Alice Mayer, Graziella Piciulo, Kelsey Kruse, Shannyn Craig, Karen Murphy, Kit Gill, Anne Lia, Brennan Strovink, Maria Alvarado, Edouard Tiger, Edward Haggerty, Matthew Escobar, Keira Maloney, Ellen Blackwood, Antoinette Durso, Alexandra Leake, Marge McKay Names will remain on our prayer list for one month. If you would like us to carry a name longer, please contact the Rectory.

NOVEMBER 13, 2016 Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

“There will be … awesome sights and mighty signs will come from the sky.”

THIS WEEK AT HOLY TRINITY SUNDAY Holy Trinity Literature Collection Religious Ed. – Pre-K-Grade 5 – Center – 10:30 AM HT Sun. Evening Concert – Church – 7:00 PM MONDAY DA Meeting – Rectory – 12:30 PM Rosary – Church – 5:10 PM Religious Ed.– Grades 6 & up–Center – 6:00-7:15PM NA Meeting – Center – 7:30 PM Legion of Mary – Rectory– 7:30 PM TUESDAY Rosary – Church – 5:10 PM Lectio Divina (Spanish) – Center – 7:00 PM Christian Meditation – Rectory – 7:00 PM Fr. Gary YA Lectio Divina – Rectory – 7:30 PM WEDNESDAY Rosary – Church – 5:10 PM NA Meeting – Rectory – 5:30 PM R.C.I.A. – Rectory – 7:30 PM THURSDAY Al Anon Meeting – Rectory – 12:15 PM Rosary – Church – 5:10 PM NO Girl Scouts Cub Scout & Boy Scout Troop 1 – Center – 7:00 PM AA Men’s Meeting – Rectory – 7:00 PM FRIDAY Rosary – Church – 5:10 PM AA Women’s Meeting – Rectory – 8:15 PM * * * * * * * *


Last week’s collection: $5,027.00 THANK YOU!

In conjunction with Ascension Church, where our Homeless Shelter is now located, we will be collecting socks for the guests. All types are needed – athletic socks, socks for work boots, dress socks. Watch the bulletin for details!

MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK SATURDAY 11/12 5:30 John Frank McKeon SUNDAY 11/13 7:30 Francisco Guillen 9:30 Petronilla Rispoli 11:15 Aniello Antonio Monti 12:30 Renée Elizabeth Kaplan & Marina & Angel Suárez Fernández 5:30 HT Parishioners MONDAY 11/14 9:00 Ralph Zingone 5:30 Joseph Shevlin (living) TUESDAY 11/15 Albert the Great, doctor 9:00 Marianne Bogunovich 5:30 Jackie McNamara WEDNESDAY 11/16 Margaret of Scotland/Gertrude 9:00 Arline Marianace 5:30 Our Neighbors THURSDAY 11/17 Elizabeth of Hungary, rel. 9:00 Petronilla Rispoli 5:30 Marianne Bogunovich 7:00 Families of the Parish FRIDAY 11/18 Ded. Basilica Peter & Paul/Rose Duchesne 9:00 Dominic Muoio 5:30 Mary White Kearns SATURDAY 11/19 9:00 Iris Okun

* * * * * * * * Liturgical Year to End

Solemnity of Christ the King Each year we, the Church, live through “seasons,” and the 34th Sunday in Ordinary Time is the final Sunday of the Year. These liturgical seasons help us integrate the events of salvation (birth of Jesus to his death, his Resurrection, his Ascension), and our daily lives. This year we are particularly grateful to see our beautifully restored tabernacle again (SEE paragraph, next column). The formal blessing of the tabernacle will be celebrated by Monsignor at the 11:15 Mass next Sunday. * * * * * * * *

+ Holy Trinity Literature Collection + Today at all Masses there is a Holy Trinity Collection for Literature – the literature that is made available to you, free of charge. There are special envelopes available at the entrance of the church. * * * * * * * *

New Hymn Board We hope you noticed the beautiful, tall, hymn board gracing our sanctuary. It is a gift to Holy Trinity parishioners from Monsignor Sandi in tribute to Dr. Andrew Yeargin and the Schola Cantorum, Mr. Phelder St. Germain and the Contemporary Ensemble, and Mr. José Guevara, who faithfully labor to help us raise our minds and hearts to God at our Sunday Liturgies. This directly affects our ability to “live what we celebrate” every day of our Christian lives. And how beautiful is our sung prayer!

Divine Murmurs Many Minds, Many Sources; Same God

In the final analysis, love is not something sentimental we talk about. It is not merely an emotional something. Real love is creative understanding goodwill for all. It is the refusal to defeat any individual at any cost. Rev. Martin L. King * * * * * * * *


RestoRed tabeRnacle A special Liturgical Rite of Blessing (in place of the Penitential Rite) will take place at the beginning of the 11:15 Mass on Sunday, November 20th, the Solemnity of Christ the King. Monsignor Sandi will process into the Church, incense the altar, greet the People of God, and bless our beautiful, marble tabernacle, installed in 1912 (!), at the center of the magnificent altar of Repose. The regular Liturgy, featuring the Holy Trinity Schola Cantorum, will continue as usual. This brings closure to our Faith community anxiety over the sacrilegious vandalism of the bronze tabernacle door and theft of a gold ciboria (used at Pope Benedict’s 2008 Mass in Yankee Stadium), and a lunette.

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Sophia, ChurchMouse

Did you vote last Tuesday? Your trusty ChurchMouse hopes so, because as the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that really matter.”

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Second Collections For Our Parish Ministries and Those of the Wider Church

We thought you would appreciate knowing the dates of the upcoming 2nd collections: Nov. 20th Campaign for Human Development Dec. 11th Retired Religious Fund (Religious Order Priests, Sisters and Brothers) * * * * * * * *


God has something to say to you and you will hear what you need to. You can always find a nugget or two, if you try. * * * * * * * *


“Within the community of believers there can never be room for a poverty that denies anyone what is needed for a dignified life.” – Pope Benedict XVI, Deus Caritas Est

We will have a second collection next week for the Cam-paign for Human Development (CCHD). The Campaign works at the grass-root level to break the cycle of poverty. Some 46.2 million Americans struggle at or below the poverty line. Our faith calls us to work for an end to the injustice of poverty. There are special envelopes available at the entrance of the church. We ask your usual generosity for this collection. For more information, go to: * * * * * * * * A Reflection – “BY YOUR PERSEVERANCE …” “For several weeks now, we’ve felt the drama of the end times building. Today, we find ourselves one Sunday away from the end of the liturgical year, and the heat of the impending. Judgment is high – ‘blazing like an oven.’ It is the message about ‘perseverance’ that Paul wants the Thessalonians to understand clearly. Disciples, then and now, prepare best for final judgment by imitating Paul – living according to Christ’s teachings and taking responsibility for their own livelihood.” – At Home with the Word

Ábrete …

Ciertamente nos impacta la sensibilidad de Jesús, quien se conmueve ante el drama personal de un sordomudo que vive en tierra de paganos. Pero no nos quedemos en el milagro histórico. Preguntémonos qué nos dice a nosotros, mujeres y hombres del siglo XXI: No sólo exis-ten los sordomudos fisiológicos, que padecen esta limitación que les dificulta la comunicación con quienes los rodean. También existen los sordomudos culturales, incapaces de comunicarse con el entorno. Conocemos el infierno que se vive en muchas familias, donde no existe una comunicación serena entre la pareja, como tampoco entre padres e hijos. Las agresiones verbales y físicas son el pan de cada día.

A pesar de que nuestra época es la edad de oro de los medios de comunicación y de que Internet ha revolucio-nado la forma como se trasmite la información, los seres humanos nos sentimos solos e incomunicados. Aunque vivimos inmersos en un océano de palabras habladas y escritas, los seres humanos nos sentimos terriblemente limitados para escuchar desprevenidamente a los demás y para expresar nuestra manera particular de ver la vida. Muchos factores bloquean nuestros oídos, y eso nos impide escuchar la voz de Dios que habla a través de los acontecimientos, y también nos impide percibir las nece-sidades de nuestros hermanos. Muchos factores bloquean nuestra lengua y por eso somos incapaces de pronunciar una palabra de perdón a quienes nos han ofendido y una palabra de optimismo para el que se siente triste.

En esta eucaristía dominical pidámosle a Jesús que pronuncie esa palabra salvadora, “effetá, ábrete”, de manera que podamos escuchar la voz de Dios en medio de los mil ruidos y distracciones de la vida diaria. Pidá-mosle que podamos acoger, con ánimo desprevenido, las palabras de las personas que están a nuestro alrededor.

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BOUNTIFUL BLESSINGS! Holy Trinity’s Annual Thanksgiving Potluck Supper, hosted by the CRC, is next Sunday, November 20th. This “Feast” has long been an opportunity for Holy Trinity family and friends to get together for a Thanksgiving celebration before going off to share the day with their own family and friends. Needed are turkeys, hams, stuffing, sides, desserts of all sorts! For more info: Beforehand, from 4-5:00 PM, the CRC will have a “Get Involved” meeting – a chance to introduce yourself, meet people working with the CRC and check out opportunities – social, spiritual, and outreach – that might be just for you!