Download - Week 8 – The Road to Jericho

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Place of Victory for all Nations, Northern Ireland

Live 58: House Fellowship Discussion Guide

Week 8 Live58 DVD Clip Timing: 48.09 – 54.02

The Road to Jericho

A. Prayer and Worship 20 mins

B. Watch the Movie Clip from timing: 48.09 – 54.02 6 mins

C. Group Discussion Guide 30 mins

1. Read Luke 10: 25-37

2. The ‘expert in the law’ asks Jesus how to inherit eternal life. What do we learn about this from

their exchange (v26-28)? See: Deut. 6:5-6

a. Compare this answer with how to inherit eternal life with:

i. Luke 18:18-23

ii. Acts 16:31

iii. John 3:16

3. Why do you think the ‘expert in the law’ wanted to justify himself when he asked the second

question “who is my neighbour”. So who is our neighbour and how far do our ‘neighbours’ and

those we are to love as ourselves go? Is it those only in our geographic location? Does it extend

to those living on other continents? Is our neighbour that person that robbed, abused us or

exploited us? Does it extend to that group of people who threaten our community with bombs

and killings or who treat us unfairly?

4. Why do we need to be a good neighbour? See:

a. Proverbs 19:17

b. Proverbs 21:13

c. 1 John 3:17

d. Romans 13:9-10

e. James 1:27

5. The narrator in the DVD says that to be compassionate, to be that kind of Samaritan takes risks

and personal cost. What kind of risks and costs will we have to take to be the kind of Samaritan

and neighbour God is asking us to be?

6. Start to reflect on what you think Jesus wants you to do and our church to do, as a response to

people living in extreme poverty and the people we need to be a good Samaritan to?