Download - Week 13 More Word practical work More case study.

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Week 13

• More Word practical work

• More case study

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Word Practical Skills

• Undo/Redo

• Tables

• Insert x

• Paragraphing

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• Undo– Ctrl+Z

• Redo– Ctrl+Y

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What’s a table?

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• Row

• Column

• Cell

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4 Rows

1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4

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5 Columns

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

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20 Cells

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20

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Table Tasks

• Insert a table• Resize a table• Distribute rows• Distribute columns• Cell Alignment• Borders and Shading

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Insert Table

• To insert: to put something in

• Table Insert– Choose number of columns and rows

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Resizing a table

• Easiest way – just drag a side or corner!

• This leaves it looking ugly, so we need to distribute the rows and columns evenly.

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Distributing Rows and Columns

• This makes each row and column even

• TableDistribute Row, Distribute Column

• Another choice – fit to content

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Task 1

• Create a 3x3 table• Change the page orientation to landscape• Resize the table so it fills most of the page• Evenly distribute the rows and columns

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Cell Alignment

• This lets you put the text in the best place

• Select the whole table– Right clickCell Alignment

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Borders and Shading

• Borders are the lines around a cell

• Shading is the color of the cell

• Select the table (or cell)– Right clickBorders and Shading

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Task 2

• Center align all text in your 3x3 table• Remove the outer borders• Play a game of tic-tac-toe with your neighbor,

using x’s and o’s

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Merging Cells

• To merge is when 2 things become one.• Select 2 cells– Right-clickMerge

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Insert a column or row

• Select a cell– TableInsert Row, Insert Column

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Task 3

• Go back to your game of tic-tac-toe• Insert a new column between columns 2 and

3• Insert a new row at the top• Merge any 2 cells

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Insert Symbol

• Sometimes, you need to type something that’s not on the keyboard

• InsertSymbol

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Task 4

• Create a new 3x3 table– No outside borders– Center aligned text

• Tic-tac-toe– € against £

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Insert…more stuff!

• Insert can be used for a number of things

• Symbols• Pictures• More!

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• Classic Paragraphing• Business (Modern) Paragraphing

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Classic Paragraphing

Classic paragraphing begins with a TABindentation, looking like this. You should notadd any spaces between paragraphs, you justneed to use a new TAB indent.

It should look something like this. Remember,use the TAB key, not the spacebar. If you usethe spacebar, it might become uneven. The TABKey always indents the same amount.

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Modern ParagraphingModern paragraphing does not use anyindentation, so there’s no need to use the TABkey. Instead, you add a space betweenparagraphs.

It looks like this. You can choose either way ofparagraphing your writing. Just don’t do both! Anddon’t forget what you’ve learned about paragraphsin ARW!

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• Review what we’ve studied with your neighbor.

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• Read the situation described carefully. What type of computer, input devices, output devices, and software will be most useful in this situation? Remember to use specific names of devices, the types of software used (not the brand names). Also remember to EXPLAIN all ideas – why have you chosen all of these things?

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• Situation: A gym is creating a new computer system to help with its business. The gym wants to keep track of all the members, and the employees check the members in and out.

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• What’s a gym?

• What do people do there?

• What do the workers do there?

• What ICT stuff do you see?

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Size, Speed, Place

• How many people are using the system?

• How many people are using it at the same time?

• How fast must it operate?

• Where is it located? Are there any size constraints?

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• …The gym wants to keep track of all the members…

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• … and the employees check the members in and out…

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Answer all parts of the question!

• “What type of computer… Remember to use specific names of devices…Also remember to EXPLAIN all ideas – why have you chosen all of these things?”

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Continue checking…

• “What type of input devices … Remember to use specific names of devices…Also remember to EXPLAIN all ideas – why have you chosen all of these things?”

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• “What type of output devices… Remember to use specific names of devices…Also remember to EXPLAIN all ideas – why have you chosen all of these things?”

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• “What type of software will be most useful in this situation? Remember to use specific names of devices, the types of software used (not the brand names). Also remember to EXPLAIN all ideas – why have you chosen all of these things?”

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• In PAIRS, write this up.

• Use the information about MS Word we learned today.

• Email a .doc – one .doc for each pair.

• Subject line: Name and Name, Class, Homework Week 13

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• Header, Footer• In paragraph format; one paragraph per part

of the question.– That means four paragraphs!

• Spellchecked and grammarchecked. No red or green lines!