Download - WEEK 1 Vastberadenheid · 2: Geleerd hebt _____ 3: Zou willen weten _____ Vastberadenheid Besluiten dat het het waard is om af te maken wat je bent begonnen. Wat is een obstakel waarvan

Page 1: WEEK 1 Vastberadenheid · 2: Geleerd hebt _____ 3: Zou willen weten _____ Vastberadenheid Besluiten dat het het waard is om af te maken wat je bent begonnen. Wat is een obstakel waarvan

Day 1Go to and watch this week’s episode of The So & So Show.(Click on Fun2Watch! then The So & So Show.)

Even if you already saw it at church, feel free to check it out again!


After watching, write one thing that . . .

1) YOU LIKED: ______________________________________________

2) YOU LEARNED: ___________________________________________

3) YOU’D LIKE TO KNOW: ___________________________________

Did you follow through and share with someone yesterday about God’s love? It’s okay if you didn’t—it’s not always the easiest thing to do. But even if it seems impossible, it’s not!

Think about these things that at one time people thought was impossible:1) Walking on the moon2) Air travel3) The automobile4) Computers (and now we carry them in our pockets!)

What is something that seems impossible to you right now? Maybe it’s long division, doing a cartwheel, or making the swim team. Write it down here: ________________________.

Now, write down one thing you can do today to make that impossible thing seem a little more possible: ________________________________

As you work toward doing the seemingly impossible, remember Jesus is with you. And one day, when you achieve what once seemed impossible, be sure and share with others how Jesus’ power and presence carried you through!

Day 5



Ga naar en kijk de aflevering van The So & So Show van deze week. (Klik op Fun2Watch! en dan The So & So Show).

Ook als je het al in de kerk hebt gezien, kan je het nog een keer kijken!

Schrijf na het kijken één ding op dat je.

1: Leuk vond ________________________________________

2: Geleerd hebt ______________________________________

3: Zou willen weten __________________________________

VastberadenheidBesluiten dat het het waard is om af te maken wat je bent begonnen.

Wat is een obstakel waarvan je vaak merkt dat je er tegenaan loopt als je iets

probeert af te maken? Misschien word je wel:

Vermoeid (Jesaja 40:28-29)Bezorgd (Filippenzen 4:6-7)Overweldigd (Mattheüs 11:28)Bang (Psalm 27:1)Angstig (1 Petrus 5:7)Lui (Galaten 6:9)

Omcirkel één of twee dingen waar je soms tege-naan loopt.

Zoek nu de bijbelverzen op die naast die obstakels staan. Kies het vers dat je het mooist vindt en schrijf het op, op een plek waar je het kan zien. Wanneer je merkt dat je wil opgeven, lees het vers en wordt erdoor bemoedigd: Je kan doorgaan, zelfs als het moeilijk wordt!

Page 2: WEEK 1 Vastberadenheid · 2: Geleerd hebt _____ 3: Zou willen weten _____ Vastberadenheid Besluiten dat het het waard is om af te maken wat je bent begonnen. Wat is een obstakel waarvan

What is something that you believe Jesus is calling you to do that seems impossible right now? Maybe it’s like the disciples: to tell others about Jesus. Or maybe it’s being nice to your little brother or sister, and some days it just doesn’t seem possible. Fill in the blanks below and ask God to help you.

“Dear God,

I believe You want me to ______________________________________,but it feels very overwhelming and even impossible at times. I believe that Jesus has the power to help me do this, and He is with me always. Help me to take one step today by ____________________________________, remembering that Jesus is always with me. In His Name, I pray.


Read Matthew 28:16-20

As you read Matthew 28:16-20, underline the direct commands Jesus has for His disciples. If you were a disciple that day, do you think those commands would feel possible or impossible? ___________________________________

Now, read back through and circle the places where Jesus makes the seeming impossible, possible. (Hint: It has to do with His power and His promise.)

The task Jesus gave His disciples may have seemed impossible, but having Someone with all authority by their side no matter what meant they could keep going!

The command that Jesus gave His disciples wasn’t just for the 11 men who met Him at the mountain that day. Jesus told them to keep sharing until all nations know Who He is, and until then, we are also tasked with that mission: to share God’s love and the fact that He sent Jesus to be our Savior with everyone.

You can just tell a friend about how God’s love makes you feel, or share a story about a time you felt Jesus with you, or do something kind for someone and explain that you love because God first loved you. There are so many ways to talk about Jesus. Think about who you will see and talk to today, and what you might be able to share with them about Jesus and His love, then follow through (and remember that Jesus is there with you)!

Day 2 Day 3

Day 4

What is something that you believe Jesus is calling you to do that seems impossible right now? Maybe it’s like the disciples: to tell others about Jesus. Or maybe it’s being nice to your little brother or sister, and some days it just doesn’t seem possible. Fill in the blanks below and ask God to help you.

“Dear God,

I believe You want me to ______________________________________,but it feels very overwhelming and even impossible at times. I believe that Jesus has the power to help me do this, and He is with me always. Help me to take one step today by ____________________________________, remembering that Jesus is always with me. In His Name, I pray.


Read Matthew 28:16-20

As you read Matthew 28:16-20, underline the direct commands Jesus has for His disciples. If you were a disciple that day, do you think those commands would feel possible or impossible? ___________________________________

Now, read back through and circle the places where Jesus makes the seeming impossible, possible. (Hint: It has to do with His power and His promise.)

The task Jesus gave His disciples may have seemed impossible, but having Someone with all authority by their side no matter what meant they could keep going!

The command that Jesus gave His disciples wasn’t just for the 11 men who met Him at the mountain that day. Jesus told them to keep sharing until all nations know Who He is, and until then, we are also tasked with that mission: to share God’s love and the fact that He sent Jesus to be our Savior with everyone.

You can just tell a friend about how God’s love makes you feel, or share a story about a time you felt Jesus with you, or do something kind for someone and explain that you love because God first loved you. There are so many ways to talk about Jesus. Think about who you will see and talk to today, and what you might be able to share with them about Jesus and His love, then follow through (and remember that Jesus is there with you)!

Day 2 Day 3

Day 4

What is something that you believe Jesus is calling you to do that seems impossible right now? Maybe it’s like the disciples: to tell others about Jesus. Or maybe it’s being nice to your little brother or sister, and some days it just doesn’t seem possible. Fill in the blanks below and ask God to help you.

“Dear God,

I believe You want me to ______________________________________,but it feels very overwhelming and even impossible at times. I believe that Jesus has the power to help me do this, and He is with me always. Help me to take one step today by ____________________________________, remembering that Jesus is always with me. In His Name, I pray.


Read Matthew 28:16-20

As you read Matthew 28:16-20, underline the direct commands Jesus has for His disciples. If you were a disciple that day, do you think those commands would feel possible or impossible? ___________________________________

Now, read back through and circle the places where Jesus makes the seeming impossible, possible. (Hint: It has to do with His power and His promise.)

The task Jesus gave His disciples may have seemed impossible, but having Someone with all authority by their side no matter what meant they could keep going!

The command that Jesus gave His disciples wasn’t just for the 11 men who met Him at the mountain that day. Jesus told them to keep sharing until all nations know Who He is, and until then, we are also tasked with that mission: to share God’s love and the fact that He sent Jesus to be our Savior with everyone.

You can just tell a friend about how God’s love makes you feel, or share a story about a time you felt Jesus with you, or do something kind for someone and explain that you love because God first loved you. There are so many ways to talk about Jesus. Think about who you will see and talk to today, and what you might be able to share with them about Jesus and His love, then follow through (and remember that Jesus is there with you)!

Day 2 Day 3

Day 4

Lees Handelingen 3:1-11, 4:1-21

Omcirkel bij het lezen van Handelingen 3:1-11 alle positieve reacties van mensen op het wonder van Petrus en Johannes.

Ga daarna door naar Handelingen 4:1-21. Omcirkel alle negatieve reacties die de religieuze leiders hadden op wat Petrus en Johannes vertelden. Kijk naar de manieren waarop ze de autoriteit van Petrus en Johannes in twijfel trokken, hen bedreigden en probeerden hen te laten stoppen.

Er veranderde een hele hoop in een korte tijd hè? Petrus en Johannes gingen van onderwijzen en genezen, naar gevangen zitten.

Maar stopte dat Petrus en Johannes? Lees nog eens Handelingen 4:19 en 20 om het antwoord te vinden.

In het kort, nee. Peter en Johannes gingen door, zelfs al was het moeilijk. Zij wisten dat iedereen moest horen over Jezus. Dus ze gingen door, zelfs toen ze werden bedreigd, ge-arresteerd en in de gevangenis werden gegooid. Over vastberadenheid gesproken!

Wat is iets waar je momenteel druk mee bezig bent?

Misschien ben je aan het oefenen voor een muziek- of dansuitvoer-ing en lukt het nog niet om het helemaal foutloos te doen.Misschien ben je weer aan het sporten geslagen en moet je er aan wennen om weer te trainen. Misschien komen er wel toetsen aan en weet je niet zeker of je wel goed bent voorbereid.

Hoe voel je je als je over je doel nadenkt? Teken je emoties in het lege emoji-gezicht.

Hoe voel je je als je nadenkt over de dingen die het op dit moment lastig maken?

En als laatste, hoe zou het voelen om door te gaan, zelfs al is het moeilijk.

Praat er nu met God over. Deel met Hem wat er aan de hand is en wat er moeilijk is. Vertelt Hem over de dingen die je verdrietig, bang, boos of bezorgd maken. Vraag Hem jou te helpen om door te gaan, zelfs als het lastig is.

Wat is iets wat je tegenhoudt om iets belangrijks af te maken, bijvoorbeeld waar je gisteren voor hebt gebeden? Vandaag ga je hulp van anderen in je leven inbouwen om je aan te moedigen om door gaan, ook wanneer iets moeilijk is. Maar eerst mag je jezelf op onderstaande schaal plaatsen. Wees eerlijk: waar sta jij als het erop aankomt om af te maken wat je bent begonnen? Markeer op de streep waar je nu staat, in vergelijking tot je doel.

Vul dan in de lege stukken de dingen in die tussen jou en de finishlijn staan: obstakels die het moeilijk maken om het af te maken. Vind tot slot een vriend waar je eerlijk mee kan zijn en laat hem of haar het schema zien. Bespreek de obstakels op je pad en vraag je vriend om met en voor je te bidden. Nodig ze ook uit om de komende weken te vragen of het je lukt om je obstakels te overwinnen en om af te maken waarmee je bent begonnen.

Startlijn Obstakel Obstakel Eindstreep