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Quén Son? Qué fago? Qué pensa a xente que fago?

Who Am I? What do I do? What people think I do?

Before I start, I want to introduce myself. Who am I? What do I do? What people think I do? My name is Marta Verde, as you can notice with my accent, I´m from Spain, exactly from Galicia, at the northwest of the country. I can define myself as a creative coder. It usually is hard to explain…

Quén Son? Qué fago? Qué pensa a xente que fago?

Who Am I? What do I do? What do people think that I do?

My friends really don´t understand my thing. The clients think that I clap my hands and I create magic. My mom sees me all day with strange things. Society thinks that I play video games all day I usually think that Im doing super futuristic cool stuff. But in reality, I spend all day in front of the computer.

Quén Son? Qué fago? Qué pensa a xente que fago?

Fine Arts

Digital Arts

Digital Technologies for the Performing Arts

Fab Academy Program

Who Am I? What do I do? What do people think that I do?

My background is in Fine Arts. I specialized into digital arts and digital technologies for the performing arts here in Barcelona. I recently ended the fabAcademy Program, becoming like an “expert” in digital fabrication. I entered this path of creation because I felt the need to build my own software to achieve my creative goals.

!= interacción tradicional !


A programación creativa busca aproveitar as vantaxes e ferramentas que as novas tecnoloxías

nos ofrecen, cun fin creativo sobre o funcional

!= “traditional” interaction design

Creative coding’s aim is to take advantage of the opportunities and tools that new technologies offer, without the focus being

necessarily functional.

We can talk about interaction design, but I think there is a difference between the most common “interaction design”, that is related with User Experience; and this one. “My” interaction design looks for a creative end, not a functional one. !Now, I´m going to show you some projects that involve different creative techniques, but they have in common the use of technology.

Instalacións interactivas

Travesía por los estados de la palabra

Interactive Installations

Travesía por los estados de la palabra

Interactive mix-media installations. This one is a mix from a lot of artists, merging/combining lighting design, parametric design, generative design, 3d printing, interactive sound, sensors, data mining from twitter….

Instalacións interactivas

Travesía por los estados de la palabra


Pangenerator - Macrofilm

Permanent or ephemeral installations for museums. The users can interact with the content and “build” their own unique experience.

Instalacións interactivas

Travesía por los estados de la palabra

Performing Arts

Klaus Obermaier- Apparition

Technology adds a new layer of content and sense to a dance piece like this one. Klaus Obermaier is one of the pioneers in merging technology with dance & performances.

Instalacións interactivas

Travesía por los estados de la palabra

Retail design / shop windows

Joanie Lemercier & Jay-Z - Barney´s Quartz

Shop windows and retail spaces are perfect for testing new ideas and devices. They are super-controlled and usually closed spaces. It is a real eye-catcher for customers.

Instalacións interactivas

Travesía por los estados de la palabraé Britz - All eyes on you

Retail design / shop windows

Shop windows and retail spaces are perfect for testing new ideas and devices. They are super-controlled and usually closed spaces. It is a real eye-catcher for customers.

Instalacións interactivas

Travesía por los estados de la palabra

Eventos itinerantesEventos itinerantes

Mute Test - Fundación Telefónica

Itinerant EventsItinerant Events

Itinerant events placed in the street where people can interact with the system and share content on the go. (very important in this smartphone times we are living) This one was a sound-based installation I made for Fundación Telefónica, it runned for 3 months in Barcelona, Madrid, Bilbao, Sevilla, Granada…


Instalacións interactivas

Travesía por los estados de la palabra

Projection mapping


Projection mapping has been a hit in the last few years. It´s about adapting the content to fit (or make sense) with the projection surface. It could be a cathedral, a boat, or a pile of white boxes. But it´s starting to be used more like a technical achievement more than like a creative technique. Every town wants one on their local holidays, no matter the content, they want a projection mapping only because is on hype and every town has one.

Instalacións interactivas

Travesía por los estados de la palabra

Generative Branding

Casa da música identity - Sagmeister & Walsh

This is one of my favorite projects. This creative studio based the core of the new branding of A Casa da Música from Oporto, Portugal, on the recognizable and memorable geometry of the building. For each event, the color spectrum and the field of view changes based on a custom app. It´s never the same. It´s a living and dynamic identity.

Instalacións interactivas

Travesía por los estados de la palabra da música identity - Sagmeister & Walsh

Generative Branding

Instalacións interactivas

Travesía por los estados de la palabra

Generative Design - 10.000 digital paintings

This is a clear example of how digital and analog processes can combine. The studio made 10.000 generative “paintings” to be printed for a famous printer brand. The aim of the project was to inspire the design community for the unlimited possibilities of digital print and generative design. Each sleeve features a different view of a hypercomplex sculpture, computer-generated.

Instalacións interactivas

Travesía por los estados de la palabra

Arquitectura paramétricaParametric Architecture / Design

When In architecture they took advantage of technology, they create parametric shapes & spaces. The shapes are generated (of influenced) by mathematic formulas.

Instalacións interactivas

Travesía por los estados de la palabra Hadid Architects & Kollision

Parametric Architecture / Design

When In architecture they took advantage of technology, they create parametric shapes & spaces. The shapes are generated (of influenced) by mathematic formulas. They can even change influenced by users.

Instalacións interactivas

Travesía por los estados de la palabra Anadol - Infinity Room

Inmersive Environments

This field is close to immersive environments too. It´s more about change the perception of the space. Virtual Reality can be fitted in this area.

Instalacións interactivas

Travesía por los estados de la palabra

Product Design

The Cloud - Richard Clarkson Studio

Product design can be upgraded with the use of technology too. This cute cloud is a speaker. It reacts to the music that is playing or can react to user´s movements.

Instalacións interactivas

Travesía por los estados de la palabra


Inmaterials - Light painting Wifi

This one is a project that I love. They built a stick full of LEDs that act like a Wi-Fi signal antenna, to check the intensity of the signal everywhere. They create this beautiful light-based city landscapes using light painting techniques.

Instalacións interactivas

Travesía por los estados de la palabra


Hussein Chalayan

In wearable technology, the aim is to implement an develop new and smart materials. It´s all about reducing the size of technology so that It can be inserted on fabric. i.e. (for example) using bending and conductive threads, materials…all meant to be usable and wearable.

Instalacións interactivas

Travesía por los estados de la palabra


MegaFaces - Kinetic Facade. Asif Khan. Sochi Olympic Games.

Who doesn´t love this hypnotic installations? This is a beautiful example about merging Kinetics, light and interaction with the audience.

Instalacións interactivas

Travesía por los estados de la palabra

Data Visualization

Ryoji Ikeda - Datamatics

Presentation of data in a graphical format in realtime. Computers make possible to process large amounts of data at lightning-fast speed, merging science and art.

Instalacións interactivas

Travesía por los estados de la palabra

IInternet das cousas (smart-algo)

Smart plant kit. Seeed studio

Internet of Things“Smart - anything”

The goal of the Internet of things and ubiquitous computing, is to have technology go into the background so we can interact with the world in ways that feel natural.

Instalacións interactivas

Travesía por los estados de la palabra

Lighting Design

Lighting Design Collective - Silo 468

The main source for lighting design content can be generative or interactive. In the case of Lighting Design Collective (I proudly collaborate with them sometimes). They work on lighting design mainly applied to architecture. In this project, they transformed an abandoned Silo into a light art piece, that works from outside and also from the inside. The content comes from a generative flocking-simulation system that emulates the behavior of birds flying, and also represents the wind in Helsinki.

Instalacións interactivas

Travesía por los estados de la palabra

Mestura de vídeo en tempo real (Vjing)


Live video mixing is also a wide area, some work for clubs, discotheques or an specific artist.

Instalacións interactivas

Travesía por los estados de la palabra

Modelo de interacción !


Input (sensor, dispositivo de entrada) !

Lóxica (relación de variables, $%&*!?) !

Output (saída, actuador)

Interaction workflow

Input (sensor, input device)

Logic (variable relations, &%*!, conditionals)

Output (actuator, output device)

This is the basic workflow or core for an interactive program/behaviour. However It can be expanded to fulfill the project requirements.

Equilibrio !

Non usar a tecnoloxía de maneira gratuita


Please, don’t make gratuitous use of technology

I like to keep things simple, if your system works with 1 button, why should I use 8 sensors? I think that the biggest is the chain, more are the possibilities of have errors and problems. !

Isto non é nada novo

Moholy Nagy ‘40sDuchamp + Man Ray. Rotary Plate. 1920

This is not new

The use of technology in arts, is not new. There has always been artists (the lucky and famous ones) that took advantage of the available technological developments of their time. Artists like Sol Lewitt, Fernand Lèger, Man Ray or Nam June Paik are examples. Applied to fields like Kinetic art, Op art, Videoart, Computer arts….

Isto non é nada novo

Nam June Paik, Magnet TV 1965John Withney. Catalog. 1961

This is not new

The use of technology in arts, is not new. There has always been artists (the lucky and famous ones) that took advantage of the available technological developments of their time. Artists like Sol Lewitt, Fernand Lèger, Man Ray or Nam June Paik are examples. Applied to fields like Kinetic art, Op art, Videoart, Computer arts…. !

Instalacións interactivas

Travesía por los estados de la palabra


Sanity. Amiga Demo

In the early 80´s the demo scene appears. When computers started entering our homes, events were organized to measure skills of “Demos”, visual creations of a high-skilled technical level, that could fit on a floppy disk. It became a subculture of computer science.

Revolución. Internet

Revolution = Internet

Internet boom. It becomes an almost-endless source of information and knowledge. Communities that evolve and share appear. Free software and hardware. !The appearance of software platforms like Processing in 2001 or Arduino in 2005 democratized the use of technologies to the masses. For example, Processing is an Development Environment and programming language created by artists to be used by artists with a high learning curve. They support on online resources, forums, libraries, papers, public repositories, documentation…they make COMMUNITY. The artist doesn’t need a technologist, He can be the technologist himself.


Proceso de descubrimento usando o código como elemento principal. Resultados inmediatos


Comunidade (librerías, repositorios, foros…) !

Aproveitar o erro !!!

Discovery process using code as main element. Inmediate outcomes

Community (libraries, repositories, forums..)

Take advantage of mistakes

Open code philosophy Based on community support. Working progress using code as main element. Experimentation process, with immediate results. Do it yourself. Cut and paste. Take advantage of mistakes or unexpected events.





Compartir é vivir !



Sharing is caring

All this ideas remind me of the concept and idea of SHARING. I hardly ever do projects by myself. I always collaborate with other creatives with different backgrounds. !Establish synergies. Learn from each other. Combine inputs and outputs to develop an outcome with more strength and identity.

I´m going to show you some examples of my own work. You can stop me at anytime to ask if you have any doubts about the creative process or whatever.

Phillips Large Luminous Surfaces. Lighting Design Collective.

This is an old project, from 5 years ago. It merged Dance & Technology. It was quite pioneering to use Microsoft´s Kinect Xbox Sensor for creative purposes. We made the conscious decision of using interactivity, only when it was needed. The main exercise was to train the performers on the use of the camera and what the sensor could handle, ranges, speed of movement… In this case, we needed to hide in the middle of the show the classical “cactus” calibration pose to start body tracking. As anecdote, some day a middle-aged man, asked me if it was super tricky for the dancer to be dancing coordinated to the background video. I explained to him that it was real-time and he was clearly dissapointed….

Pirouette en Re Menor. Bacùm Producións.

This is an old project, from 5 years ago. It merged Dance & Technology. It was quite pioneering to use Microsoft´s Kinect Xbox Sensor for creative purposes. We made the conscious decision of using interactivity, only when it was needed. The main exercise was to train the performers on the use of the camera and what the sensor could handle, ranges, speed of movement… In this case, we needed to hide in the middle of the show the classical “cactus” calibration pose to start body tracking. As anecdote, some day a middle-aged man, asked me if it was super tricky for the dancer to be dancing coordinated to the background video. I explained to him that it was real-time and he was clearly dissapointed….

Pirouette en Re Menor. Bacùm Producións.

This is an old project, from 5 years ago. It merged Dance & Technology. It was quite pioneering to use Microsoft´s Kinect Xbox Sensor for creative purposes. We made the conscious decision of using interactivity, only when it was needed. The main exercise was to train the performers on the use of the camera and what the sensor could handle, ranges, speed of movement… In this case, we needed to hide in the middle of the show the classical “cactus” calibration pose to start body tracking. As anecdote, some day a middle-aged man, asked me if it was super tricky for the dancer to be dancing coordinated to the background video. I explained to him that it was real-time and he was clearly dissapointed….

Pirouette en Re Menor. Bacùm Producións.

This is an old project, from 5 years ago. It merged Dance & Technology. It was quite pioneering to use Microsoft´s Kinect Xbox Sensor for creative purposes. We made the conscious decision of using interactivity, only when it was needed. The main exercise was to train the performers on the use of the camera and what the sensor could handle, ranges, speed of movement… In this case, we needed to hide in the middle of the show the classical “cactus” calibration pose to start body tracking. As anecdote, some day a middle-aged man, asked me if it was super tricky for the dancer to be dancing coordinated to the background video. I explained to him that it was real-time and he was clearly dissapointed….

Pirouette en Re Menor. Bacùm Producións.

This is an old project, from 5 years ago. It merged Dance & Technology. It was quite pioneering to use Microsoft´s Kinect Xbox Sensor for creative purposes. We made the conscious decision of using interactivity, only when it was needed. The main exercise was to train the performers on the use of the camera and what the sensor could handle, ranges, speed of movement… In this case, we needed to hide in the middle of the show the classical “cactus” calibration pose to start body tracking. As anecdote, some day a middle-aged man, asked me if it was super tricky for the dancer to be dancing coordinated to the background video. I explained to him that it was real-time and he was clearly dissapointed….

Pirouette en Re Menor. Bacùm Producións

This is an old project, from 5 years ago. It merged Dance & Technology. It was quite pioneering to use Microsoft´s Kinect Xbox Sensor for creative purposes. We made the conscious decision of using interactivity, only when it was needed. The main exercise was to train the performers on the use of the camera and what the sensor could handle, ranges, speed of movement… In this case, we needed to hide in the middle of the show the classical “cactus” calibration pose to start body tracking. As anecdote, some day a middle-aged man, asked me if it was super tricky for the dancer to be dancing coordinated to the background video. I explained to him that it was real-time and he was clearly dissapointed….

Instalacións interactivas

Travesía por los estados de la palabra

This is an old project, from 5 years ago. It merged Dance & Technology. It was quite pioneering to use Microsoft´s Kinect Xbox Sensor for creative purposes. We made the conscious decision of using interactivity, only when it was needed. The main exercise was to train the performers on the use of the camera and what the sensor could handle, ranges, speed of movement… In this case, we needed to hide in the middle of the show the classical “cactus” calibration pose to start body tracking. As anecdote, some day a middle-aged man, asked me if it was super tricky for the dancer to be dancing coordinated to the background video. I explained to him that it was real-time and he was clearly dissapointed….

Contemporary musician + Technology. !This project was a challenge to me. Code interactive & reactive graphics to be used with classical contemporary music. And with a new instrument developed by Julián (the flute can handle 23 million of fingerings and can act like a different kind of flute when he wants.) !The public that usually goes to these music events, is unfamiliar with this kind of performance combination. So I had to adapt my work to that specific audience. !This musician played super-long compositions (a song can have a duration of 20 min), so I needed to create graphics that could be modified and hold that amount of time. So, I established a chromatic and aesthetic line to homogenize the show. !Also, I had to learn new music concepts, like fingerings or what are multiphonics. All the graphics are real-time generated and sound based. It was the first time I produced a show without using any video files.

Julián Elvira. Flauta Prónomo

Contemporary musician + Technology. !This project was a challenge to me. Code interactive & reactive graphics to be used with classical contemporary music. And with a new instrument developed by Julián (the flute can handle 23 million of fingerings and can act like a different kind of flute when he wants.) !The public that usually goes to these music events, is unfamiliar with this kind of performance combination. So I had to adapt my work to that specific audience. !This musician played super-long compositions (a song can have a duration of 20 min), so I needed to create graphics that could be modified and hold that amount of time. So, I established a chromatic and aesthetic line to homogenize the show. !Also, I had to learn new music concepts, like fingerings or what are multiphonics. All the graphics are real-time generated and sound based. It was the first time I produced a show without using any video files.

Julián Elvira. Flauta Prónomo

Contemporary musician + Technology. !This project was a challenge to me. Code interactive & reactive graphics to be used with classical contemporary music. And with a new instrument developed by Julián (the flute can handle 23 million of fingerings and can act like a different kind of flute when he wants.) !The public that usually goes to these music events, is unfamiliar with this kind of performance combination. So I had to adapt my work to that specific audience. !This musician played super-long compositions (a song can have a duration of 20 min), so I needed to create graphics that could be modified and hold that amount of time. So, I established a chromatic and aesthetic line to homogenize the show. !Also, I had to learn new music concepts, like fingerings or what are multiphonics. All the graphics are real-time generated and sound based. It was the first time I produced a show without using any video files.

Julián Elvira. Flauta Prónomo

Contemporary musician + Technology. !This project was a challenge to me. Code interactive & reactive graphics to be used with classical contemporary music. And with a new instrument developed by Julián (the flute can handle 23 million of fingerings and can act like a different kind of flute when he wants.) !The public that usually goes to these music events, is unfamiliar with this kind of performance combination. So I had to adapt my work to that specific audience. !This musician played super-long compositions (a song can have a duration of 20 min), so I needed to create graphics that could be modified and hold that amount of time. So, I established a chromatic and aesthetic line to homogenize the show. !Also, I had to learn new music concepts, like fingerings or what are multiphonics. All the graphics are real-time generated and sound based. It was the first time I produced a show without using any video files.

Julián Elvira. Flauta Prónomo

Contemporary musician + Technology. !This project was a challenge to me. Code interactive & reactive graphics to be used with classical contemporary music. And with a new instrument developed by Julián (the flute can handle 23 million of fingerings and can act like a different kind of flute when he wants.) !The public that usually goes to these music events, is unfamiliar with this kind of performance combination. So I had to adapt my work to that specific audience. !This musician played super-long compositions (a song can have a duration of 20 min), so I needed to create graphics that could be modified and hold that amount of time. So, I established a chromatic and aesthetic line to homogenize the show. !Also, I had to learn new music concepts, like fingerings or what are multiphonics. All the graphics are real-time generated and sound based. It was the first time I produced a show without using any video files.

Julián Elvira. Flauta Prónomo

Contemporary musician + Technology. !This project was a challenge to me. Code interactive & reactive graphics to be used with classical contemporary music. And with a new instrument developed by Julián (the flute can handle 23 million of fingerings and can act like a different kind of flute when he wants.) !The public that usually goes to these music events, is unfamiliar with this kind of performance combination. So I had to adapt my work to that specific audience. !This musician played super-long compositions (a song can have a duration of 20 min), so I needed to create graphics that could be modified and hold that amount of time. So, I established a chromatic and aesthetic line to homogenize the show. !Also, I had to learn new music concepts, like fingerings or what are multiphonics. All the graphics are real-time generated and sound based. It was the first time I produced a show without using any video files.

Julián Elvira. Flauta Prónomo

Contemporary musician + Technology. !This project was a challenge to me. Code interactive & reactive graphics to be used with classical contemporary music. And with a new instrument developed by Julián (the flute can handle 23 million of fingerings and can act like a different kind of flute when he wants.) !The public that usually goes to these music events, is unfamiliar with this kind of performance combination. So I had to adapt my work to that specific audience. !This musician played super-long compositions (a song can have a duration of 20 min), so I needed to create graphics that could be modified and hold that amount of time. So, I established a chromatic and aesthetic line to homogenize the show. !Also, I had to learn new music concepts, like fingerings or what are multiphonics. All the graphics are real-time generated and sound based. It was the first time I produced a show without using any video files.

Julián Elvira. Flauta Prónomo

Contemporary musician + Technology. !This project was a challenge to me. Code interactive & reactive graphics to be used with classical contemporary music. And with a new instrument developed by Julián (the flute can handle 23 million of fingerings and can act like a different kind of flute when he wants.) !The public that usually goes to these music events, is unfamiliar with this kind of performance combination. So I had to adapt my work to that specific audience. !This musician played super-long compositions (a song can have a duration of 20 min), so I needed to create graphics that could be modified and hold that amount of time. So, I established a chromatic and aesthetic line to homogenize the show. !Also, I had to learn new music concepts, like fingerings or what are multiphonics. All the graphics are real-time generated and sound based. It was the first time I produced a show without using any video files.

Julián Elvira. Flauta Prónomo

Contemporary musician + Technology. !This project was a challenge to me. Code interactive & reactive graphics to be used with classical contemporary music. And with a new instrument developed by Julián (the flute can handle 23 million of fingerings and can act like a different kind of flute when he wants.) !The public that usually goes to these music events, is unfamiliar with this kind of performance combination. So I had to adapt my work to that specific audience. !This musician played super-long compositions (a song can have a duration of 20 min), so I needed to create graphics that could be modified and hold that amount of time. So, I established a chromatic and aesthetic line to homogenize the show. !Also, I had to learn new music concepts, like fingerings or what are multiphonics. All the graphics are real-time generated and sound based. It was the first time I produced a show without using any video files.

Julián Elvira. Flauta Prónomo

Contemporary musician + Technology. !This project was a challenge to me. Code interactive & reactive graphics to be used with classical contemporary music. And with a new instrument developed by Julián (the flute can handle 23 million of fingerings and can act like a different kind of flute when he wants.) !The public that usually goes to these music events, is unfamiliar with this kind of performance combination. So I had to adapt my work to that specific audience. !This musician played super-long compositions (a song can have a duration of 20 min), so I needed to create graphics that could be modified and hold that amount of time. So, I established a chromatic and aesthetic line to homogenize the show. !Also, I had to learn new music concepts, like fingerings or what are multiphonics. All the graphics are real-time generated and sound based. It was the first time I produced a show without using any video files.

Julián Elvira. Flauta Prónomo. Juniper

Contemporary musician + Technology. !This project was a challenge to me. Code interactive & reactive graphics to be used with classical contemporary music. And with a new instrument developed by Julián (the flute can handle 23 million of fingerings and can act like a different kind of flute when he wants.) !The public that usually goes to these music events, is unfamiliar with this kind of performance combination. So I had to adapt my work to that specific audience. !This musician played super-long compositions (a song can have a duration of 20 min), so I needed to create graphics that could be modified and hold that amount of time. So, I established a chromatic and aesthetic line to homogenize the show. !Also, I had to learn new music concepts, like fingerings or what are multiphonics. All the graphics are real-time generated and sound based. It was the first time I produced a show without using any video files.

Julián Elvira. Flauta Prónomo

Contemporary musician + Technology. !This project was a challenge to me. Code interactive & reactive graphics to be used with classical contemporary music. And with a new instrument developed by Julián (the flute can handle 23 million of fingerings and can act like a different kind of flute when he wants.) !The public that usually goes to these music events, is unfamiliar with this kind of performance combination. So I had to adapt my work to that specific audience. !This musician played super-long compositions (a song can have a duration of 20 min), so I needed to create graphics that could be modified and hold that amount of time. So, I established a chromatic and aesthetic line to homogenize the show. !Also, I had to learn new music concepts, like fingerings or what are multiphonics. All the graphics are real-time generated and sound based. It was the first time I produced a show without using any video files.

Julián Elvira. Flauta Prónomo

Contemporary musician + Technology. !This project was a challenge to me. Code interactive & reactive graphics to be used with classical contemporary music. And with a new instrument developed by Julián (the flute can handle 23 million of fingerings and can act like a different kind of flute when he wants.) !The public that usually goes to these music events, is unfamiliar with this kind of performance combination. So I had to adapt my work to that specific audience. !This musician played super-long compositions (a song can have a duration of 20 min), so I needed to create graphics that could be modified and hold that amount of time. So, I established a chromatic and aesthetic line to homogenize the show. !Also, I had to learn new music concepts, like fingerings or what are multiphonics. All the graphics are real-time generated and sound based. It was the first time I produced a show without using any video files.

Instalacións interactivas

Travesía por los estados de la palabra

Contemporary musician + Technology. !This project was a challenge to me. Code interactive & reactive graphics to be used with classical contemporary music. And with a new instrument developed by Julián (the flute can handle 23 million of fingerings and can act like a different kind of flute when he wants.) !The public that usually goes to these music events, is unfamiliar with this kind of performance combination. So I had to adapt my work to that specific audience. !This musician played super-long compositions (a song can have a duration of 20 min), so I needed to create graphics that could be modified and hold that amount of time. So, I established a chromatic and aesthetic line to homogenize the show. !Also, I had to learn new music concepts, like fingerings or what are multiphonics. All the graphics are real-time generated and sound based. It was the first time I produced a show without using any video files.

Instalacións interactivas

Travesía por los estados de la palabra

Contemporary musician + Technology. !This project was a challenge to me. Code interactive & reactive graphics to be used with classical contemporary music. And with a new instrument developed by Julián (the flute can handle 23 million of fingerings and can act like a different kind of flute when he wants.) !The public that usually goes to these music events, is unfamiliar with this kind of performance combination. So I had to adapt my work to that specific audience. !This musician played super-long compositions (a song can have a duration of 20 min), so I needed to create graphics that could be modified and hold that amount of time. So, I established a chromatic and aesthetic line to homogenize the show. !Also, I had to learn new music concepts, like fingerings or what are multiphonics. All the graphics are real-time generated and sound based. It was the first time I produced a show without using any video files.

Instalacións interactivas

Travesía por los estados de la palabra

Contemporary musician + Technology. !This project was a challenge to me. Code interactive & reactive graphics to be used with classical contemporary music. And with a new instrument developed by Julián (the flute can handle 23 million of fingerings and can act like a different kind of flute when he wants.) !The public that usually goes to these music events, is unfamiliar with this kind of performance combination. So I had to adapt my work to that specific audience. !This musician played super-long compositions (a song can have a duration of 20 min), so I needed to create graphics that could be modified and hold that amount of time. So, I established a chromatic and aesthetic line to homogenize the show. !Also, I had to learn new music concepts, like fingerings or what are multiphonics. All the graphics are real-time generated and sound based. It was the first time I produced a show without using any video files.

Julián Elvira. Flauta Prónomo

Web and technology. !This is an example about how to add an extra layer to a corporate website. Wayra is the Telefonica’s startup accelerator. The name means Wind in Quechua language. For this award-winning project we decided to represent wind variables on the website’s landing page. We connected the real world with the digital one. A very simple IOT project using websockets. We built an object to endure exterior conditions which is not easy. The first prototype broke, we were noobs on 3d printing. !!!

Kallpa for Wayra. do/the/right/click. Laus Bronze / Webby Awards Nominee

!!Web and technology. !This is an example about how to add an extra layer to a corporate website. Wayra is the Telefonica’s startup accelerator. The name means Wind in Quechua language. For this award-winning project we decided to represent wind variables on the website’s landing page. We connected the real world with the digital one. A very simple IOT project using websockets. We built an object to endure exterior conditions which is not easy. The first prototype broke, we were noobs on 3d printing.

Kallpa for Wayra. do/the/right/click. Laus Bronze / Webby Awards Nominee

!!Web and technology. !This is an example about how to add an extra layer to a corporate website. Wayra is the Telefonica’s startup accelerator. The name means Wind in Quechua language. For this award-winning project we decided to represent wind variables on the website’s landing page. We connected the real world with the digital one. A very simple IOT project using websockets. We built an object to endure exterior conditions which is not easy. The first prototype broke, we were noobs on 3d printing.

Kallpa for Wayra. do/the/right/click. Laus Bronze / Webby Awards Nominee

Web and technology. !This is an example about how to add an extra layer to a corporate website. Wayra is the Telefonica’s startup accelerator. The name means Wind in Quechua language. For this award-winning project we decided to represent wind variables on the website’s landing page. We connected the real world with the digital one. A very simple IOT project using websockets. We built an object to endure exterior conditions which is not easy. The first prototype broke, we were noobs on 3d printing.

Kallpa for Wayra. do/the/right/click. Laus Bronze / Webby Awards Nominee

Web and technology. !This is an example about how to add an extra layer to a corporate website. Wayra is the Telefonica’s startup accelerator. The name means Wind in Quechua language. For this award-winning project we decided to represent wind variables on the website’s landing page. We connected the real world with the digital one. A very simple IOT project using websockets. We built an object to endure exterior conditions which is not easy. The first prototype broke, we were noobs on 3d printing.

Kallpa for Wayra. do/the/right/click. Laus Bronze / Webby Awards Nominee

Web and technology. !This is an example about how to add an extra layer to a corporate website. Wayra is the Telefonica’s startup accelerator. The name means Wind in Quechua language. For this award-winning project we decided to represent wind variables on the website’s landing page. We connected the real world with the digital one. A very simple IOT project using Websockets. We built an object to endure exterior conditions which is not easy. The first prototype broke, we were noobs on 3d printing.

Kallpa for Wayra. do/the/right/click. Laus Bronze / Webby Awards Nominee

Web and technology. !This is an example about how to add an extra layer to a corporate website. Wayra is the Telefonica’s startup accelerator. The name means Wind in Quechua language. For this award-winning project we decided to represent wind variables on the website’s landing page. We connected the real world with the digital one. A very simple IOT project using websockets. We built an object to endure exterior conditions which is not easy. The first prototype broke, we were noobs on 3d printing.

Kallpa for Wayra. do/the/right/click. Laus Bronze / Webby Awards Nominee

Web and technology. !This is an example about how to add an extra layer to a corporate website. Wayra is the Telefonica’s startup accelerator. The name means Wind in Quechua language. For this award-winning project we decided to represent wind variables on the website’s landing page. We connected the real world with the digital one. A very simple IOT project using websockets. We built an object to endure exterior conditions which is not easy. The first prototype broke, we were noobs on 3d printing.

Kallpa for Wayra. do/the/right/click. Laus Bronze / Webby Awards Nominee

Web and technology. !This is an example about how to add an extra layer to a corporate website. Wayra is the Telefonica’s startup accelerator. The name means Wind in Quechua language. For this award-winning project we decided to represent wind variables on the website’s landing page. We connected the real world with the digital one. A very simple IOT project using websockets. We built an object to endure exterior conditions which is not easy. The first prototype broke, we were noobs on 3d printing.

Kallpa for Wayra. do/the/right/click. Laus Bronze / Webby Awards Nominee

Web and technology. !This is an example about how to add an extra layer to a corporate website. Wayra is the Telefonica’s startup accelerator. The name means Wind in Quechua language. For this award-winning project we decided to represent wind variables on the website’s landing page. We connected the real world with the digital one. A very simple IOT project using websockets. We built an object to endure exterior conditions which is not easy. The first prototype broke, we were noobs on 3d printing.

Kallpa for Wayra. do/the/right/click. Laus Bronze / Webby Awards Nominee

Web and technology. !This is an example about how to add an extra layer to a corporate website. Wayra is the Telefonica’s startup accelerator. The name means Wind in Quechua language. For this award-winning project we decided to represent wind variables on the website’s landing page. We connected the real world with the digital one. A very simple IOT project using websockets. We built an object to endure exterior conditions which is not easy. The first prototype broke, we were noobs on 3d printing.

Kallpa for Wayra. do/the/right/click. Laus Bronze / Webby Awards Nominee

!Web and technology. !This is an example about how to add an extra layer to a corporate website. Wayra is the Telefonica’s startup accelerator. The name means Wind in Quechua language. For this award-winning project we decided to represent wind variables on the website’s landing page. We connected the real world with the digital one. A very simple IOT project using websockets. We built an object to endure exterior conditions which is not easy. The first prototype broke, we were noobs on 3d printing.

Graciñas!! ! @greenmartinha

Thank you all!