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Google Specialist, Seo Copywriter & Conversion Optimizer for Hire Trading as Online Expansions® ABN: 37153449091 Address: 72 / 259 Malvern Road, Melbourne, VIC, 3141, AustraliaAustralian Callers: 0421600702 Overseas Callers: +61421600702e-mail: [email protected]

SEO InsightsFor the Future Success of Your Website

This document is designed for webmasters who wants to have quick and easy way to check their website for search engine optimisation (SEO) factors of their website.

You can easily �ll in the value and score �elds to give yourself an overview of your website analysis. Once you check your website’s overall SEO standing against these ranking factors, then you can take action accordingly. I hope it serves you well

Page 2: Website SEO Analysis

Let’s First Build the Foundationsof Your Website Strong

Website Assessment Report

Page 3: Website SEO Analysis

SEO RankingFactors

Why Should I Care(brie�y)

Value Score What Action Can We Take?

URL Canonicalization


Robots.txtRobots meta tags

It’s Google’s Own DirectoryIt’s Free to submitIt has high authority

DMOZ Directory

You will gain more control over how your URLs appear in search results, & will avoid duplicate content issues, while passing seo power to the content you want to rank

Creating and submitting a Sitemap helps make sure that Google knows about all the pages on your site, including URLs that may not be discoverable by Google's normal crawling process. HTML sitemaps are good design principle for UX

robots.txt �le is the �rst �le Google requests from your server. There’s no reason to get indexed for pages like privacy policy & thus lose your overall seo power. Will help Google know whenever you updated your sitemap.xml �le, thus crawl your site better.

Find the most appropriate category and submit your URL (domain) name and also title and description of your home page for inclusion

Use rel="canonical" directive on web pages code, where appropriate use web server 301 redirection by modifying .htaccess �le and also can use Google webmasters tool setting preferred domain

Create XML sitemap and place it in root folder of your hosting. Utilize priority settings option in your xml sitemap according to your most important pages.

Include a HTML page which maps out your websites entire navigation

Determine which �les or folders don’t serve your mission towards your Google rankings.

(In robots.txt �le) place a URL link pointing to your XML-sitemap

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SEO RankingFactors

Why Should I Care(brie�y)

Value Score What Action Can We Take?

Will guide Google as to under-stand what the web page is all about, works with your entire sites ranking e�orts. Google understands semantics, & these meta directives can guide it to focus on the relation between signi�ers, such as words, phrases, and what they stand for

Meta Tag DirectivesTitle & Description

There is nothing worse than to have broken links on a website, it also is against what Google provides as a business. Google doesn’t want to provide links that takes Google users to URL’s that doesn’t exist. Thus will de-rank websites with broken links that linger around & isn’t �xed

This is another ranking factor, poorly designed code which serves no purpose other than to confuse Google. Since Google does also store your website’s raw HTML, thus, if your website has empty-redundant code, then, this surely will a�ect your ranking

Broken Links

Redundant Code

Valid HTML, XHTML Validity is one of the quality criteria for a Web page. And quality is always important for search engine optimisation factors. Although, it’s not the make or break factor, one should still strive to have valid html �le where possible

Create unique title and description for your web pages that adheres to Google Webmasters Guidelines.

Also, can be cleverly utilized to let your products & services shine, since your potential customers will read this when they see your website in Google organic search results

Fix all broken links on your entire website

Fix all redundant code in your html �le

Take steps towards creating a valid HTML -- XHTML docu-ment

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SEO RankingFactors

Why Should I Care(brie�y)

Value Score What Action Can We Take?

Although this may actually fall into security category, you still need to address it properly, because your competition can actually gather intelligence on your online business if there are �les which is not intended for them on your website

Directory Browsing (or content that shouldn’t be available to public)

Heading tags (h1, h2, h3) sends strong signal for Google ranking algorithm. Also, this is where you grab the attention of your visitors, since their attention is always distracted, yet, cleverly using heading tags helps both Google ranking, and also waking up your user’s attention

Syntactic ambiguity & semantic analysis used for keyword relevance determination. Using keywords while allowing them to �ow naturally within your website will only help to skyrocket your Google ranking results

Heading Tags

Use of Keywords & their relation to natural �ow of language within a website

Colours When not used properly, it creates a distraction for Google rankings, and also to your users. Example: colour blue (or shades of blue) to highlight text, when this colour should only be used for hyper-links. Google is highly sensitive to good user experience of a website

Disallow directory browsing and also, secure or remove �les which shouldn’t be available to public view

Create mouthwatering heading tags that entice and engage the mind of your potential prospects. Implement pain and pleasure principles where appropriate

Use keywords according to the overall text content and allow them to �ow naturally within your content.

Furthermore, do not underline targeted keywords; <u>underlined text</u> should only be used for links.

Use <em>Emphasis Keywords Properly</em> where needed, appropriate and intelligent to do so

Use colours sparingly within content. Example: Bright orange or redish colours for call to action procedures.

Blend the colour of footer links to match the background color (caution: never hide, or try to hide links)

Link colour blending is ok when it has di�erent RGB range, but, must �ows nicely into the document

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SEO RankingFactors

Why Should I Care(brie�y)

Value Score What Action Can We Take?

Google also indexes your images for their Google image search. Naming your images according to your websites theme is impor-tant factor in guiding Google for determining your overall websites subject

Image Names

These tags describe the image used, and when done so properly, with proper seo in mind, then it will help Google in determining your websites subject. Works hand in hand with images. And since it’s text based, it’s another important factor for ranking in Google.

This is good for user experience & also for Google, since Google pays attention to how deep the struc-ture of a website is. And also because the closer the content is to site root / directory, can mean strong signal to Google ranking factors

Alt Tags

Hierarchical website structure

Backlinks Relevant backlinks are important to obtain, if an external resource (webpage) references your resource, then, that is seen as a positive signal for your ranking e�orts. Caution: must be thought of very carefully & implemented properly

Fix image names, do not spam, nor think that this is a place to stu� your main keywords.

Instead, cleverly name images which naturally combines your main keywords.

Identify any missing or empty alt tags alt=" " and �x them.

Implement crafty tested methods to see maximum results

Determine the levels of folder structure, try to keep it less than 4 levels deep. If large site, then determine which �les and folders should be keyword rich.

Implement backlink gathering procedures that is natural, meaning, slowly and from the right places.

RankYa seo services tested & proven formula should be considered before embarking on link building campaigns

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SEO RankingFactors

Why Should I Care(brie�y)

Value Score What Action Can We Take?

Actually important especially if your target audience is local to your city & country

Geolocation Meta Tags

There is nothing worse than to present your users with default page not found errors. Customiz-ing your error pages is a good web design principle, also brands you as professional business, while allowing your potential customers to easily navigate your website

Although at times this is tricky to accomplish, nonetheless, at least majority of major browsers should be rendering your webpages properly & without any errors. Technology behind Google is aware of user experience your webpages present to your visitors

Customized 404error page

Major BrowserCompatibility

Place geolocation information on your websites HTML code

Create custom 404 page that �ts to your branding require-ments. Make it professional, or make it fun, make it accord-ing to your tone of speech, make it as if, its a simple honest mistake (assure Addison that you are on his side)

Fix any rendering issues major browsers have with your webpage

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Google Specialist, Seo Copywriter & Conversion Optimizer for Hire Trading as Online Expansions® ABN: 37153449091 Address: 72 / 259 Malvern Road, Melbourne, VIC, 3141, AustraliaAustralian Callers: 0421600702 Overseas Callers: +61421600702e-mail: [email protected]

Further ResourcesSearch Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Webmaster Guidelines

Our YouTube Channel

SEO "Search Engine Optimisation" Expert

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