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New English File Pre-intermediate Weblink Mini-Projects

F ile 1


Tell students that they have moved into a new flat and need some pictures for the walls. They can choose

3 pictures, each in a different style, and can spend a maximum of £1000 on each.

In class, they describe the pictures they have chosen.

F ile 2


Tell students to choose one of the locations mentioned in File 2A – Brittany, Stockholm or the Seychelles

for a week’s holiday, leaving tomorrow. Using the website, they must find a flight for those dates, find a

hotel, and find out two things to do or places to visit there. For Britanny, students will need to type in

‘Brest, France’ – Brest is a town in Britanny. In class, they tell each other about the details of their

holiday, including how much everything will cost, details of the hotel, etc.


Tell students to look through these photographs taken by South African photographers in South Africaover the past 60 years. Students should choose three photos they like. They could either describe the

 photo or say what was happening when the photo was taken.

F ile 3


Tell students to look at the site and find out more about Heathrow Airport. You could use headings such


- how to get there

- facilities e.g.

-  parking

- shopping

- services


Tell students to think about a dream they had recently, or recurring themes in their dreams. Students

then search the website for these themes and find their meanings.

They then tell each other about their dream meanings.

Alternatively students could write down three themes, swap lists, and look up these new themes. They

then find the person whose themes they researched and explain to them their meanings. Is there any truthin the explanations?

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F ile 4


Tell students that they have a number of special occasions that they have to buy new clothes for, e.g. a

family wedding, a job interview, an informal party, a holiday, etc. Students should look through thecatalogue and choose the clothes they would buy for each occasion, and make a note of what they would

 buy and how much it would cost. Students can get together in groups and compare what they chose and

how much it cost.

F ile 5


Tell students to find out about one sport (summer or winter sports), and to be prepared to describe the

sport to the class and to answer questions about it. Give students a category in which to find a sport e.g.

water, equestrian, ball, combat, etc.

F ile 6


Tell students to do the snow quiz to see if they would know how to survive extreme cold. Some of the

vocabulary is a little difficult so students will either need a dictionary or certain lexical items could be


Tell students to note down surprising or interesting things they learn when they do it.

Ask students at the end for their final score to see who would survive best in a snowstorm.

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F ile 7


Tell students to look at the history of inventions that interest them. The aim is for them to make a

5-question quiz using the passive. Questions can either be True / False (e.g., Air bags were first included

in cars in1988: True or False?), or multiple choice (e.g., When were air bags first included in cars: 1975,1985 or 1995?). The questions should not be too difficult, and each one must include a passive.

The questions can be used for a team quiz.

F ile 8

8B students to do the health quiz with a dictionary. What advice does it give them?

8C Tell students to do the short quiz to determine their personal sleep patterns. They can compare what they

learn from the results.

F ile 9


Divide students into two groups. Tell them to go to the website, and tell one group to click the tab labelled

‘Animal Tales’, and the other group to click on the one labelled ‘Strange Crimes’. Tell them to choose

three news stories that interest them or that they find funny; they should write down three words to help

them remember each story. In class, the next lesson, they tell their three stories from memory to a studentfrom the other half of the class, using only the three words they wrote down.

© Oxford University Press 2014