Download - Webinar on "Good Practices in Promoting Microinsurance Products"


Quest ce la microassurance ?


Good Practices in Promoting Microinsurance ProductsPresenter:Miguel SolanaMicroinsurance OfficerMicroinsurance Innovation FacilityPresenter:Nancy LeePresidentSocial Marketing ServicesCase Presenter:Isabelle DelpecheMicroinsurance ManagerAlternative Insurance CompanyHaitiModerator:Jasmin SuministradoKnowledge OfficerMicroinsurance Innovation Facility

Case Presenter:Leticia GoncalvesMicroinsurance FellowAseguradora RuralGuatemalaCase Presenter:Tlalane NtuliMarketing ManagerMass and Foundation Cluster, Old MutualSouth Africa


#A good day to everyone. We are pleased to have you here in this webinar on Good Practices in Promoting Microinsurance Products. My name is Jasmin Suministrado and Im your moderator for this event.


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Tell us what you think. Type your questions/ comments here even while the presentation is on-going. Please send chat TO STAFF


#Before we start, just a quick word about the webinar system were using. You have a control panel like this and Id like to encourage you to participate in two ways one, by using the chat box that you can use anytime throughout the webinar to give comments or ask questions. Well attend to these questions in the last 20 minutes of the webinar. The second is participating in the polls that will be launched. You just need to click on your answer in the screen when a poll is opened, then well see the collective response of all the participants right after.


Profile of participants


#Now lets look at the profile of our registered participants. Almost xxx participants registered for this event. By region, xxx. By years in microinsurance, xxx. By type of organization, xxx. 3


Good Practices in Promoting Microinsurance ProductsPresenter:Miguel SolanaMicroinsurance OfficerMicroinsurance Innovation FacilityPresenter:Nancy LeePresidentSocial Marketing ServicesCase Presenter:Isabelle DelpecheMicroinsurance ManagerAlternative Insurance CompanyHaitiModerator:Jasmin SuministradoKnowledge OfficerMicroinsurance Innovation Facility

Case Presenter:Leticia GoncalvesMicroinsurance FellowAseguradora RuralGuatemalaCase Presenter:Tlalane NtuliMarketing ManagerMass and Foundation Cluster, Old MutualSouth Africa


#So now I introduce you to our panel. You will be hearing a lot of voices from different parts of the world. First, let me introduce you to our main presenters, Nancy Lee who is the President of Social Marketing Services, and Miguel Solana who is a member of the ILO Microinsurance Innovation Facility team. Nancy and Miguel are co-authors of the upcoming Facility publication entitled Best Practices in Promoting Microinsurance Products. Hi Nancy and Miguel!Nancy: Hi everyone!Miguel: Hello everyone!Then, we have panelists who will be presenting actual strategies and activities related to promotions. We have Isabelle Delpeche from the Alternative Insurance Company in Haiti.Hi Isabelle!Isabelle: Hi everyone!We also have Leticia Goncalves from Aseguradora Rural in Guatemala. Hi Leticia!Leticia: Hello everyone!And we have Tlalane Ntuli from Old Mutual based in South Africa. Hi Tlalane!Tlalane: Hi everyone!Jasmin: And now lets move on with the webinar. First, lets ask the question, why this topic of promotions, and I will ask Miguel to respond briefly to that, and then lets ask Nancy to walk us through an overview of the steps needed for a successful promotional campaign. Miguel?


DeterminantEvidence availableFirst sale effect sizeRenewal effect sizeValue proposition (and its perception) MEDIUM-HIGHHighTrust HIGHMediumInsurance awareness, knowledge and skills LOW MEDIUMMedium-highBehavioural incentives and constraints MEDIUM HIGHHighAccess to other coping mechanisms MEDIUMMedium Wealth and liquidity constraints HIGHMedium

Demand Determinants


#The facility has been carrying out a couple of studies. One is about demand determinants and our study about promotion in Microinsurance. A couple of determinants were identified for microinsurance take up. In this case we can see a split between first sale and renewal. In this case promotion tools can be seen as a way to boost these determinants and increase the chances of both a first sale and a renewal. It shows us the importance of seeing promotion in different moments of the product life as we forget that it can also be used for renewals. Promotion can help us a lot to influence value proposition, trust, awareness though it can be limited when it comes to wealth constraintsOur promotion study allowed use to both try to explain the best way to carry out a marketing campaign but also while researching different cases of experiences in microinsurance we realized that there is no solid practice in structuring and carrying out promotional campaigns. With this webinar and study we try to bring forward a solid approach to develop campaigns.Miguel: so now I turn over to Nancy


Marketing DefinedCreating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners and society. American Marketing Association

Promotion (Communicating) is only one of the marketers activities


#Thank you Miguel and Jasmin

I would like to start with a definition of marketing, and its distinction from promotion.

Marketers are responsible for creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging OFFERINGS that have VALUE for customers, clients, partners and society.

Promotion, which is the communication component, is only one of the marketers activities and responsibilities.


4 Tools in the ToolboxProduct: Features of the PolicyPrice: Premiums, Payment Schedules, PayoutsPlace: Where, How, When Sign Up and RenewPromotion: Persuasive Communications


#There are 4 tools in the marketers tool box, ones we use to win customers. We refer to them as the 4Ps.

The First P is the Product. For microinsurance this would be the features of the policy.

The Second P is the Price, including premium amounts, payment schedules and payouts

The Third P is Place, where, how and when potential customers and sign up for a policy or renew it.

And the final P, promotion, are persuasive communications, the subject of our webinar today.7

Role of PROMOTIONThe Tool We Count On To Ensure The Target Audience:Knows About Offer (Product, Price, Place)Believes Will Experience Stated BenefitsActs


#The Promotion tool plays a critical role.

It is the one we count on to ensure that the target audience:

Knows about the Offer

Believes they will experience the benefits promised

And then is inspired to act, to take the next step towards purchase8

10 Steps to a Successful Promotional Campaign7) Develop & Pre-Test Promotional Strategy6) Write a 1-2 Page Creative Brief

1) Provide Background Information10) Implement, Evaluate & Recommend for Future9) Decide on Budget & Implementation Plan8) Define Evaluation Plan2) Describe the Offer3) Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals5) Identify Barriers, Benefits, Competition

4) Select & Describe Target Audience

Pre-testPotential RevisionPotentialRevisionPotentialRevision

FutureRecommendationsWhat Worked& What Didnt

#In the next few minutes, Ill breifly describe a 10 step framework for creating a successful promotional campaign. Lets take them one at a time.

The first step is to revisit and provide background information for those who will be developing your promotional campaign.

This includes information on the insurance provider, distributors, the marketplace for the campaign, insights from prior similar efforts and established funding or budget expectations.9

10 Steps to a Successful Promotional Campaign

1) Provide Background Information10) Implement, Evaluate & Recommend for Future9) Decide on Budget & Implementation Plan8) Define Evaluation Plan7) Develop & Pre-Test Promotional Strategy2) Describe the Offer3) Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals5) Identify Barriers, Benefits, Competition6) Write a 1-2 Page Creative Brief

4) Select & Describe Target Audience

Pre-testPotential RevisionPotentialRevisionPotentialRevision

FutureRecommendationsWhat Worked& What Didnt

#The second step is to provide campaign planners with a description of the offer that will be the focus for the campaign, the Product, Price and Place components.

It is assumed that decisions have been made regarding these elements, and that the job of those responsible for the promotional campaign is to develop persuasive communications that highlight the offers benefits and decrease any perceived barriers to purchase.10

1) Provide Background Information10) Implement, Evaluate & Recommend for Future9) Decide on Budget & Implementation Plan8) Define Evaluation Plan7) Develop & Pre-Test Promotional Strategy2) Describe the Offer3) Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals5) Identify Barriers, Benefits, Competition6) Write a 1-2 Page Creative Brief

4) Select & Describe Target Audience

Pre-testPotential RevisionPotentialRevisionPotentialRevision

FutureRecommendationsWhat Worked& What Didnt10 Steps to a Successful Promotional Campaign

#The third step is to establish SMART sales goals, ones that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timebound.

When stated with this level of specificity, it answers this question for leadership and funders:

If we approve this expense, what will we get in return and by when?


1) Provide Background Information10) Implement, Evaluate & Recommend for Future9) Decide on Budget & Implementation Plan8) Define Evaluation Plan7) Develop & Pre-Test Promotional Strategy2) Describe the Offer3) Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals5) Identify Barriers, Benefits, Competition6) Write a 1-2 Page Creative Brief4) Select & Describe Target Audience

Pre-testPotential RevisionPotentialRevisionPotentialRevision

FutureRecommendationsWhat Worked& What Didnt10 Steps to a Successful Promotional Campaign

#The fourth step is to select and describe the target audience for this particular promotional campaign.

A target audience is defined as a set of potential buyers sharing common needs and characteristics that an organization decides to serve. It is a segment of a larger group (population) that may also be exposed to your efforts.

A good analogy is Birds. Birds are a population, but within that population are many different unique and homogeneous subgroups, like hummingbirds and eagles.

Your marketing strategy should be crafted to be particularly effective with an attractive subset of the population. This is how you increase the rate of return on investment of your resources.


1) Provide Background Information10) Implement, Evaluate & Recommend for Future9) Decide on Budget & Implementation Plan8) Define Evaluation Plan7) Develop & Pre-Test Promotional Strategy2) Describe the Offer3) Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals5) Identify Barriers, Benefits, Competition6) Write a 1-2 Page Creative Brief

4) Select & Describe Target Audience

Pre-testPotential RevisionPotentialRevisionPotentialRevision

FutureRecommendationsWhat Worked& What Didnt10 Steps to a Successful Promotional Campaign

#The 5th step in the planning process is designed to deepen your understanding of your target audience. It is my personal favorite step, as it provides incredible inspiration for developing a campaign.

Im first most curious about target audience Barriers, the reasons they do not want, might not want, or dont think they can buy the product.

In contrast to Barriers are Benefits, something the target audience wants or needs that your offer might satisfy. It answers the question Whats in it for me?

Then, I want to know what the target audience thinks of my competitors offerings. What do they see as their strengths and weaknesses. As the red arrow on the right of this fifth step indicates, these insights into barriers, benefits and the competition may lead to revisions of goals or even features of the offer.13

1) Provide Background Information10) Implement, Evaluate & Recommend for Future9) Decide on Budget & Implementation Plan8) Define Evaluation Plan7) Develop & Pre-Test Promotional Strategy2) Describe the Offer3) Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals5) Identify Barriers, Benefits, Competition6) Write a 1-2 Page Creative Brief

4) Select & Describe Target Audience

Pre-testPotential RevisionPotentialRevisionPotentialRevision

FutureRecommendationsWhat Worked& What Didnt10 Steps to a Successful Promotional Campaign

#One of the most effective ways to ensure that those working on developing communications for your campaign establish clear messages, choose credible messengers, create winning creative strategies, and select effective communication channels is to develop in Step 6, a Creative Brief.

This 1-2 page document provides a brief description of the target audience, your communication objectives, benefits of the offer to promise, support for that promise, your desired style and tone, and ideas on when and where your target audience would be open or most attentive to your messages.

This briefing is important, as it makes it more likely the creative planning process will go quickly and smoothly.14

1) Provide Background Information10) Implement, Evaluate & Recommend for Future9) Decide on Budget & Implementation Plan8) Define Evaluation Plan7) Develop & Pre-Test Promotional Strategy2) Describe the Offer3) Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals5) Identify Barriers, Benefits, Competition6) Write a 1-2 Page Creative Brief

4) Select & Describe Target Audience

Pre-testPotential RevisionPotentialRevisionPotentialRevision

FutureRecommendationsWhat Worked& What Didnt10 Steps to a Successful Promotional Campaign

#Notice, with Step 7, that we are more than half way through the planning process and are just now getting to developing our promotional strategy.

We first needed to confirm the offer, set goals, select a target audience, understand our audience barriers, benefits and the competition, and then capture this in a document to brief the creative team.

There are four major decisions to be made at Step Seven.Key messages to communicateMessengers to deliver messagesCreative Elements such as slogans and graphicsAnd Communication Channels.

As the red arrows indicate, the ideal is to pretest this with our target audience and make any important recommendations.

We will spend most of the rest of this webinar on this step so let me first briefly describe the remaining 3 steps.15

1) Provide Background Information10) Implement, Evaluate & Recommend for Future9) Decide on Budget & Implementation Plan8) Define Evaluation Plan7) Develop & Pre-Test Promotional Strategy2) Describe the Offer3) Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals5) Identify Barriers, Benefits, Competition6) Write a 1-2 Page Creative Brief

4) Select & Describe Target Audience

Pre-testPotential RevisionPotentialRevisionPotentialRevision

FutureRecommendationsWhat Worked& What Didnt10 Steps to a Successful Promotional Campaign

#With Step 8 we outline how we plan to evaluate our efforts.

We do this at this point in the planning process because we want to be sure to include potential costs for this in our budget, Step 9.16

1) Provide Background Information10) Implement, Evaluate & Recommend for Future9) Decide on Budget & Implementation Plan8) Define Evaluation Plan7) Develop & Pre-Test Promotional Strategy2) Describe the Offer3) Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals5) Identify Barriers, Benefits, Competition6) Write a 1-2 Page Creative Brief

4) Select & Describe Target Audience

Pre-testPotential RevisionPotentialRevisionPotentialRevision

FutureRecommendationsWhat Worked& What Didnt10 Steps to a Successful Promotional Campaign

#Creating a budget and implementation plan helps ensure accountability, as well as sustainability.


1) Provide Background Information10) Implement, Evaluate & Recommend for Future9) Decide on Budget & Implementation Plan8) Define Evaluation Plan7) Develop & Pre-Test Promotional Strategy2) Describe the Offer3) Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals5) Identify Barriers, Benefits, Competition6) Write a 1-2 Page Creative Brief

4) Select & Describe Target Audience

Pre-testPotential RevisionPotentialRevisionPotentialRevision

FutureRecommendationsWhat Worked& What Didnt10 Steps to a Successful Promotional Campaign

#This final step, is implementation of the campaign, as well as the evaluation plan.As the red arrows indicate, were checking in again with our target audience, interested in knowing, from their perspective, what promotional strategies influenced them most, and what were persuasive. This helps us make important recommendations for messages, messengers, creative elements and media channels going forward.Jasmin: Thanks Nancy. As Nancy mentioned, the rest of this webinar will focus on Step 7, which is on developing a Promotional Strategy. And as Nancy walks us through the main elements of a Promotional Strategy, well be asking Miguel to provide us with examples so the good practices will be more concrete for us.18


Four Major Decisions1. Messages2. Messengers3. Creative Elements4. Communication Channels: What You Want To Communicate: Who Delivers Messages: Visuals, Verbal Content, Sight/Sound Components: Where To Communicate


#As mentioned, the major focus for the remainder of this seminar will describe in more depth the specific promotional plan, Step 7 in the process.

As noted earlier, there are four major decisions to make, ones we will now cover in more detail, in sequential order


MessagesHighlights the Offer:Products most attractive featuresPricing advantagesConvenient distribution channels

1. Messages2. Messengers3. Creative Elements4. Comm Channel


#Key messages are designed to highlight the offer:

The products most attractive features

Any pricing advantages of your offer

And convenience of distribution channels.

Jasmin: Miguel, would you like to jump in with an example from which we can draw a good practice?


Inspiring Messages: Max Vijay

Now stop wasteful expenditure and start saving

Now small pennies will become a big strength

Now get increased insurance with increasing savings

1. Messages2. Messengers3. Creative Elements4. Comm Channel


#In this case we have an example from India where they chose Amitabh Bachchan as their spokesman. A couple of messages were designed to emphasize features of the product like a savings component that was seen as one of its main competitive advantages. These three messages could allow the audience to relate to the product.Introduce Nancy to give us some tips about how to better craft good messages.


Inspiring Messages3 TIPS#1: Articulate key audience benefits for those developing creative elements

#2: Emphasize Product, Price and Place features that eliminate barriers to action

#3: Ensure messages highlight competitive advantages

1. Messages2. Messengers3. Creative Elements4. Comm Channel



Articulate key audience benefits for those developing creative elements

Emphasize Product, Price and Place features that eliminate barriers to action

Ensure messages highlight competitive advantages


MessengersWho your target audiences perceives to be delivering your messagesOptions:Sole sponsorPartnersSpokespersonsEndorsementsMidstream audiencesMascots

1. Messages2. Messengers3. Creative Elements4. Comm Channel


# Messengers are who your target audience perceives to be delivering you messages

What they think of this particular messenger can make or break the deal.

There are six major options for you to consider:Being the Sole sponsorIncluding Partners like a funderUsing a SpokespersonFeaturing those who Endorse your offerMidstream audiences (like healthcare providers or religious organizations)Mascots like cartoon characters.POLL HERE: WHICH OF THESE HAVE YOU USED.


Credible Messengers:Pioneer Life

Parish leaders in the Philippines are used as messengers by Pioneer Life

1. Messages2. Messengers3. Creative Elements4. Comm Channel


#Jasmin: Ok, Miguel, I know you have an interesting example of the use of a messenger. Would you like to share it now?

Miguel: One of our research cases was Pioneer life in the Philippines where they have been working with Parish leaders as messengers. What they figured out is that the leaders were seen as trustworthy members of the community that could influence the behaviour of people when it comes to enroll to an insurance program.I know Nancy has other things to share about how to choose our messengers.


Credible Messengers3 Determinants of Messenger CredibilityPerceived:ExpertiseTrustworthinessLikability

1. Messages2. Messengers3. Creative Elements4. Comm Channel


#In deciding which messenger or messengers would be most effective, choose one or more that your target audience will view as the most Credible source for the message.

Three major factors have been identified as key to credibility:

Perceived Expertise regarding microinsuranceTrustworthiness: How objective and honest the source is perceived to beAnd Likability, including candor, humor, naturalness and warmth


Creative ElementsVisual Elements: Logos, graphics, images, typeface, colors

Verbal Content: Taglines, headlines, copy and script

Sight/sound Components: Executions for radio, televsion, videos, electronic media, performances

1. Messages2. Messengers3. Creative Elements4. Comm Channel


# Major creative elements are developed to deliver intended messages and support chosen messengers.

Major components include:

Visual Elements: Logos, graphics, images, typeface, colors

Verbal Content: Taglines, headlines, copy and script

Sight/sound Components: Executions for radio, television, videos, electronic media, performances


Creative Elements:Care IndiaCARE in India is following these elements: (to choose )

1. Messages2. Messengers3. Creative Elements4. Comm Channel


#Here Id like to highlight Cares example. From our research we found out how Care in India used certain creative elements to show the benefits of the product with a simple a clear layout to be able to show the solutions that the product provided. Jasmin: What other tips do you have Nancy for designing the creative elements aspect of a promotion campaign?27

Six Tips:Keep It Simple and ClearFocus on Audience BenefitsWhen Focusing On Loss, Follow w/ SolutionsMake Messages Vivid & ConcreteMake Messages Easy to RememberTell Real Stories About Real People

Creative Elements1. Messages2. Messengers3. Creative Elements4. Comm Channel


#We offer six tips when considering and approving draft creative elements.

Keep It Simple and ClearFocus on Audience BenefitsWhen Focusing On Loss, Follow w/ SolutionsMake Messages Vivid & ConcreteMake Messages Easy to RememberTell Real Stories About Real People


Communication ChannelsMass MediaPublic RelationsSocial MediaSpecial EventsPersonal SellingEdutainment/Popular Media/TheaterMobile MarketingPrinted MaterialsSignage and DisplaysDirect MailSpecial Promotional Items

1. Messages2. Messengers3. Creative Elements4. Comm Channel


# With this step, you will be selecting communication channels where your messages and creative elements appear. Major ones to choose from include:

Mass MediaPublic RelationsSocial MediaSpecial EventsPersonal SellingEdutainment/Popular Media/TheaterMobile MarketingPrinted MaterialsSignage and DisplaysDirect MailSpecial Promotional Items



Considerations:Campaign Objectives & GoalsDesired Reach & FrequencyTarget Audience Media HabitsPoints of Decision MakingOpenings/Opportune MomentsIntegrated Marketing CommunicationsCreative ElementsBudgets

Communication Channels1. Messages2. Messengers3. Creative Elements4. Comm Channel


#There are eight major factors to consider when choosing among media channels:What are your campaign sales goalsGiven this, how many people do you need to reach and how oftenWhat communication channels do your target audience pay attention toPoints of decision making. When is an ideal time to have your promotional messages and creative elements in front of your target audienceOpenings are those when your target audience might be most motivated to listen and learn more about your offer.Integrated communications encourages a coordinated effort, ensuring that messages are consistent and as everywhere as possibleCreative elements often drive choices for media channels, for example long, detailed messages wont work on outdoor billboardsAnd finally, your budget may be the most influential determinant30

Good Practices in Promoting Microinsurance Products

Case in point

Case Presenter:Isabelle DelpecheMicroinsurance Manager


#Jasmin : Thank you Nancy. Now that weve gone through the four decision points messages, messengers, creative elements, and communication channels, it will be nice to look at interesting cases of promotional campaigns being undertaken. We have three cases to look at. Ill call on Isabelle first to share briefly on what they are doing at AIC.


Case in Point: AIC in Haiti

Set up for to sell Protecta in the fair during labor day.Sensitization activities in a Market place in Port au Prince .A trained insurance agent at one of our distribution point with a Commercial bank.AIC promo vehicle

#Picture 1One of the key to the success on the product was the unconventional selling approaches. In order to sell Protecta AIC trained its own agents, which were placed in different distribution points. The distribution points were financial institutions such as commercial banks, and MFI. These agents were there to educate, sensitize and sell policies.Picture 2in addition to the trained agents AIC invested in a promo vehicle. The vehicle was to help us touch the segment of the population which did not detain a bank account. A must have when 805 of the economy is generated in the informal market The promo vehicle touches places like market place, and high commercial concentrated areas. The promotional vehicle was in place for:1- Marketing purposes2- Subscription purposes3-educational purposes After launching Protecta Picture 3- Picture 4Insurance not being part of the Haitian culture, additional promotional activities were initiated. Protecta being developed to answer to needs of the general population when facing funerals, there was a need to vulgarize the availability of such product. AS a result, we felt it was necessary to go to market places , cultural events, and interact with small merchants to test their knowledge on insurance. ( the meaning, and its use)It isn't only an initiative to sell Protecta, but an additional manner to educate on risk mitigation tools. Picture 5In an effort to support the marketing and education initiatives taken, we make use of Flyer with Product details.


Case in Point: AIC in HaitiVideo to promote funeral product


#One of the best ways to educate the population about risk mitigation tools especially for funerals, was through humor. We partnered up with a well known funny local artist/ commedian for a TV commercial.


Good Practices in Promoting Microinsurance Products

Case in point

Case Presenter:Tlalane NtuliMarketing ManagerMass and Foundation Cluster


#Jasmin: Ok, lets move on to the next case: Old Mutual in South Africa. Tlalane, would you like to describe briefly the promotional activities of Old Mutual for its microinsurance products?


Pay When You Can Campaign

Airtime Voucher


Electronic Store Poster Case in Point: Old Mutual, South Africa



For the Pay When You Can product, the objective of the campaign was to increase product uptake by selling 13 000 new starter packs while also increasing Top up amongst those who have already bought the product. The campaign was made up of a number of elements: radio, sponsorhip leveraging, in store promotions and posters, airtime voucher and mobile.

The campaign was run from Mid September to Mid October with sponsorship leveraging continuing until December.The total campaign budget was R1 250 000.The campaign has so far resulted in 270 new starter packs sold.


Advertorial Print Ad

Mobile Burial Society Support Plan Case in Point: Old Mutual, South Africa

#For the Burial Society Support Plan, the objective of the campaign was raise as many leads as possible for the foundation market sales consultants and relationship managers. As a group product the selling process for this product is long and is often based on relationship building. The campaign was made up of the following elements: radio, activations, internal communication, print and mobile.

The campaign was run from beginning mid October to mid November with 2 more activations scheduled to still happen Total campaign budget was R2 300 000.00 Results of the campaign: 1 500 leads


Cape Town ActivationFinancial Education Activation Case in Point: Old Mutual, South Africa

#The objective of this campaign was to drive a specific message to consumers in shops, particularly given that we are going into the festive season where people often spend recklesslyThe campaign was driven through mall activations in the 3 largest metros in South Africa: Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban. The mall activations were in the form of a Game Show hosted by local celebrities, consumers were given information then asked to participate in a Q & A with the chance of winning a R500 voucher for the specific mall.


Promotion leaflet

Card Game GiveawayFinancial Education Activation Campaign Case in Point: Old Mutual, South Africa


#To drive traffic to the malls on the specific game show days we place adverts on local radio stations

The total campaign budget was R1 150 000.00, the campaign cannot be measured financially but rather awareness of the message over time.Jasmin: Thank you Tlalane. So there is again here a good mix of promotional activities. What do you think about good practices that we can draw from this Nancy?Nancy:


Good Practices in Promoting Microinsurance Products

Case in point

Case Presenter:Leticia GoncalvesMicroinsurance Fellow


#Jasmin: And now last but not the least, lets look at the promotional activities of Aseguradora Rural. Leticia, the floor is yours.


"Prevention is the better medicine"Por mi y mi familia, yo vivo Segura" Q1 diario Q1 daily (USD 0,13)

Phase 1: Pilot Radio spots for 2 months (local station)1 publication (local newspaper) Special Event ( Seora Cuenta) Phase 2: National Launch National Launch / Nestl MarathonRadio, Newspapers, TV, billboardsSpecial Events (Cooperatives) Introduction of Doctora Segura Support / Partnership Liga Contra el Cncer Internal campaign to present the product to more than 2,500 staff

Case in Point: Aseguradora Rural, GuatemalaKey Messages


#Vivo Segura is a voluntary product, designed for women, which offers a mixed or health and life benefits, including compensation for cancer diagnostics. It is a bancassurance product sold at Banrural branches.The key message is prevention is the best medicineThe slogan is Por mi y mi famlia yo vivo Segura, pointing that they must stay healthy not only for them, but also for their families. Price:. They only have to save Q1 to pay the Q30 premium For this product we had two phases. First a pilot in Quetzaltenango and then the national launch last October. For the pilot we had to be careful about the extension of the promotional activities, so we basically used local channels to keep it only in Quetzaltenango. In addition we promoted a joint special event with Banrural for Seora Cuenta Clients (saving account) I will talk about the special events into more details on the next slides. For the launch we could use a mass media promotional campaign with a mixed of different channels to go nationwide. Importantly, the messenger Doctora Segura was presented and added to the campaign. She was created to be the familiar face the clients need to build trust. We also facilitated a different type of special event with a local cooperative.40

Workshops Health screening ( blood pressure and glucose) Bank presentation on savings

Kids playground

Case in Point: Aseguradora Rural, GuatemalaSpecial Event Quetzaltenango


#The event in Quetzaltenango with Seora Cuenta (saving account) clients was organized by the local branch managers. Typically clients go to this activity to enjoy a recreational moment with their friends and as well have the opportunity to learn new skills such as food preparation and floral arrangements. For this event Aseguradora Rural had the opportunity to talk about Vivo Segura for 15 minutes. A nurse and a doctor were also available to take clients blood pressure and sugar levels during the event. The issuing of policies was not available still, for us, the main objective of the activity was to promote the product and also raise awareness about prevention. By analyzing the event we felt that the key message of the product (cancer prevention) was probably too serious to be assimilated in this setting.41

Special Events - Cooperatives

Treasure Pot game

Health screening ( blood pressure and glucose) Doctor Lecture on Womens Health and Prevention + Presentation of Vivo Segura

Case in Point: Aseguradora Rural, GuatemalaSpecial Event Cooperatives


#Aseguradora Rural contacted a local agricultural cooperative to test a different kind of event. The cooperative has more than 600 workers spread in 3 different units and more than 90% of them are female. They all have a Banrural account and most of them have a Seora Cuenta. The activities took place at their workplace 1) Doctor and nurse available to take their blood pressure and sugar levels 2) Doctor presentation on Womens health + video self exam 2) Presentation of Vivo Segura 3) Q&A of Vivo Segura and Womens health 4) Treasure Pot game (smaller group) It is a game designed by the Micro Insurance Academy that enable clients to understand the notion of insurance and how pooling risks may offer better outcomes The main objective of the activity was to raise awareness about prevention and promote Vivo Segura and Based on clients questions and participation we felt that in this setting we had their full attention.42

Baseline in Xela 441 clients Baseline with 277 clients (pilot phase)Baseline after launch ( 300 clients)Questions added to the system

n.269 (Baseline Xela)

Case in Point: Aseguradora Rural, GuatemalaMonitoring and Impact Evaluation


#To make sure we are investing on the most effective promotional channels a few monitoring tools and actions have been implemented. Aseguradora Rural conducted a survey with 441 clients in Xela asking which sources of information they use the most. Results 1. TV (38%) 2. Radio (25%) 3. Internet (19%) 4. Newspaper (15%). A baseline was conducted with 277 clients out of the 1,005 of the pilot. Right now a second survey is being conducted after the first month of national sales.


Case in Point: Aseguradora Rural, GuatemalaMonitoring and Impact Evaluation


#Before the launch we also added 2 questions to the issuing system. 1) Asking if the clients have heard of Vivo Segura (multiple answers) and 2) If they could point which of these sources was the decision making one. This information is available for every single policy issued so we can evaluate after mass campaigns the impact each one has on sales. The results show that even if Doctora Segura only made appearance in printing material at the branches (videos and radio sports to come) she has already caught clients attention.Jasmin: Thanks Leticia. So again, another set of nice promotional activities. What catches your attention as good practices in this case Nancy?Nancy: Jasmin: Great. At this point Im eager to turn to questions and comments about the concepts and certainly about the cases from our participants. But before I do that, let me just ask Nancy to share a few final words to wrap up.


Before Production and LaunchingPretest: MessagesMessengersCreative ExecutionsPlanned Communication Channels



#As mentioned earlier, prior to producing and launching communication elements, take the time to pretest your draft strategies, especially messages and creative executions45

USEFUL QUESTIONS:What is the main message you get?What action do they want you to take?How likely is it that this ad will influence you to ?What works well?What doesnt?Where best place to reach you? When?



#Techniques used for pretesting are typically qualitative in nature, using focus groups or personal interviews with those in your target audience.

Questions that help assess the ability of executions to deliver include:What is the main message you get?What action do they want you to take?How likely is it that this ad will influence you to take the action you want them to take?What works well?What doesnt?

And to provide input on selecting communication channels:

6. Where best place to reach you? When? 46

NOTE:Its not about if they LIKE it!Its about whether it will inspire them to act.If not, what needs to change?



#Be sure to inform respondents, as well as audiences for the findings, that this testing is:

Not about if they LIKE it!Its about whether it will inspire them to act.And If not, what needs to change?








Staff TimeMaterials Disseminated

Posters Placed

Ads Aired

# of Policies Sold

# of People Attending an Event

# of People Called, Visited Web Site

# Requested InfoDivide Total Costs by Number of Policies Sold

$430/600 sales

$0.72 per sale


#We wanted to spend our final few minutes returning to Step 8, and encouraging you to develop an evaluation plan.

The first two components, Input and Output are fairly commonly reported, with Inputs being the most straightforward measure, itemizing resources used to develop, implement and evaluate the campaign.

And Outputs answering the question How did you spend the money and time.

Outcome measures report on audience response to your activities. How many policies were sold, how many people attended an event, called, visited your web site or requested information.

The fourth component, Return on Investment, answers the question How much did we spend to get one policy sold? This can be determined by dividing the total costs by the number of policies sold.




Rationale (or not) for future campaignsHelp allocate resourcesImagine a database



#Benefits from taking the time to calculate this measure are numerous.

It can provide solid rationale (or not) for continued funding for a similar campaign in the future.

Findings can help managers allocate resources, providing more funding for those efforts with the greatest ROI.

Imagine how useful a database of ROIs overtime would be when deciding on what promotional strategy to support in the future.49


Good Practices in Promoting Microinsurance ProductsPresenter:Miguel SolanaMicroinsurance OfficerMicroinsurance Innovation FacilityPresenter:Nancy LeePresidentSocial Marketing ServicesCase Presenter:Isabelle DelpecheMicroinsurance ManagerAlternative Insurance CompanyHaitiModerator:Jasmin SuministradoKnowledge OfficerMicroinsurance Innovation Facility

Case Presenter:Leticia GoncalvesMicroinsurance FellowAseguradora RuralGuatemalaCase Presenter:Tlalane NtuliMarketing ManagerMass and Foundation Cluster, Old MutualSouth Africa



#Thank you Nancy, and thanks to our panelists for the insights and interesting examples. Now, we turn to our audience. Weve gathered questions throughout the webinar that Id be asking to our panel now. We might not be able to get to all your questions, but lets try to address as much as we can, and well see how we can address the rest after the webinar.

That wraps up our webinar. Thank you for coming. Please fill in the quick survey that will show in your screens when you exit the webinar. This is our last webinar for this year. Please join us again next year when we have the next one. Thanks and bye to all!