Download - €¦  · Web viewNikita . Khrushchev. led the effort to build the Berlin Wall. Fidel Castro led a Communist revolution in a nation just south of Florida. The USSR wanted to put

Page 1: €¦  · Web viewNikita . Khrushchev. led the effort to build the Berlin Wall. Fidel Castro led a Communist revolution in a nation just south of Florida. The USSR wanted to put

Name:____________________________________________ Date:_______________ Class:______________

The Cold War and President JFKPart A: Short Answer: Instructions: In at least one paragraph, answer the questions below.

1. How did the televised debate between Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy, in 1960, impact the Presidential election?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Why did the USA feel that it was so crucial to have the first man on the moon?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. What was the Berlin Wall? Why was it built?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Part B: Fill in the Blank and Word Search: Instructions: First, fill in the words that complete the sentence. Second, find the words in the word search.

1. Jack _________ killed JFK’s assassin.2. Nikita _________________ led the effort to

build the Berlin Wall.3. Fidel ____________ led a Communist revolution

in a nation just south of Florida.4. The USSR wanted to put nuclear weapons in

________.5. Yuri ________________ was the first man in

space.6. JFK practiced the military tactic of a Flexible

_______________.7. The USA agreed to remove missiles from

_____________ during the Cuban Missile Crisis.8. Lee Harvey ________________ assassinated

JFK.9. _____________ was the first satellite in space.10. Neil _______________ was the first man to walk

on the moon.

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Page 2: €¦  · Web viewNikita . Khrushchev. led the effort to build the Berlin Wall. Fidel Castro led a Communist revolution in a nation just south of Florida. The USSR wanted to put

Answers: The Cold War and President JFKPart A: Short Answer: Instructions: In at least one paragraph, answer the questions below.

1. How did the televised debate between Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy, in 1960, impact the Presidential election?In 1960, Eisenhower’s Vice President, Richard Nixon, ran for the Republican Party for the Presidency. He faced off against a young Democrat named John F. Kennedy. They had the first televised Presidential debate. Television greatly helped JFK due to his youthful appearance and communication skills.

2. Why did the USA feel that it was so crucial to have the first man on the moon?The USSR was the first nation to launch a Satellite, Sputnik , into space in 1957. Also, the USSR was the first nation on Earth to put a man in space. Soviet Cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin, made it to space in 1961. The USA felt that the Soviets were gaining an edge in space technology. JFK promised that the USA would be the first to the moon. His promise was fulfilled in 1969 as Neil Armstrong became the first human ever to walk on the moon. This was important to the USA because, in the Cold War, each nation wanted to be technologically more advanced than the other.

3. What was the Berlin Wall? Why was it built?After the USSR was not able to maintain a nuclear presence in Cuba, they began to be more aggressive with their control of Eastern Europe. Khrushchev began to take actions to try and control the border of West Berlin. He was angry that many were fleeing to West Berlin to escape Communism. He built the Berlin Wall to try to ensure that people could not flee to the West to pursue freedom and Democracy.

Part B: Fill in the Blank and Word Search: Instructions: First, fill in the words that complete the sentence. Second, find the words in the word search.

1. Jack Ruby killed JFK’s assassin.2. Nikita Khrushchev led the effort to build the

Berlin Wall.3. Fidel Castro led a Communist revolution in a

nation just south of Florida.4. The USSR wanted to put nuclear weapons in

Cuba.5. Yuri Gagarin was the first man in space.6. JFK practiced the military tactic of a Flexible

Response.7. The USA agreed to remove missiles from

Turkey during the Cuban Missile Crisis.8. Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated JFK.9. Sputnik was the first satellite in space.10. Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the


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Page 3: €¦  · Web viewNikita . Khrushchev. led the effort to build the Berlin Wall. Fidel Castro led a Communist revolution in a nation just south of Florida. The USSR wanted to put

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