Download - Web viewA pneumonia prophylactic is to prevent the patient from contracting pneumonia. For this purpose,

Page 1: Web viewA pneumonia prophylactic is to prevent the patient from contracting pneumonia. For this purpose,


Prepared to fulfill the task subjects “English Language”

TOPIC : Prophylactic Care (prevention)

Lecturer : Evi Risa Mariana, AMK, S.Pd, M.Pd

By:Group 4

Aufar AnthasyariLeny Cinintya Rumayati






Page 2: Web viewA pneumonia prophylactic is to prevent the patient from contracting pneumonia. For this purpose,

“Prophylactic Care (Prevention)”“Perawatan Profilaksis (pencegahan)”

Terms :(Istilah-istilah)

Bandage [Perban] Bedsore (decubitus) prophylactics [Pencegahan luka baring

(dekubitus)] Wet tent [Tenda basah (alat berupa selimut lembab yang sudah

didesain sedemikian rupa untuk mengatur kelembaban udara)] Contracture prophylactics [Tindakan pencegahan contracture] Air humidifier [Pelembab udara] Pneumonia prophylactics [Tindakan pencegahan radang paru-

paru (Pneumonia)] Prophylactics [Tindakan pencegahan] Footdrop (tallies equines) prophylactics [Pencegahan kelemahan

kaki (tallipes equina)] Support stockings [Kaos kaki penyokong] Thrombosis prophylactics [Tindakan pencegahan trombosis

(pembekuan darah)]

Page 3: Web viewA pneumonia prophylactic is to prevent the patient from contracting pneumonia. For this purpose,

Explanation of the terms :(Penjelasan istilah-istilah)

To avoid the formation of pressure sores, the nurse carries out the bedsore (decubitus) prophylactics, which ensures the regular easing of pressure on the individual parts of the body.[Untuk menghindari terbentukanya luka tekan, perawat melakukan tindakan pencegahan luka baring (dekubitus), yang mana menjamin mengurangi tekanan yang tetap pada bagian tubuh individu]

The tally equine prophylactic prevents the formation of tally equines (footdrop).[Tindakan pencegahan tallipes equine untuk mencegah pembentukan dari tallipes equine (kelemahan kaki)]

A contracture prophylactic serves to combat the stiffness of joints by bending the patient's joints.[Suatu tindakan pencegahan contracture berfungsi untuk menghindari kekakuan sendi akibat penekukan tulang sendi pasien]

A thrombosis prophylactic serves to prevent phlebemphraxis (occlusion of veins) in the legs.[Suatu tindakan pencegahan trombosis berfungsi untuk mencegah phlebemphraxis (oklusi vena) di kaki]

For this purpose, the nurse bandages the patient's legs before he/she gets out of the bed.[Untuk tujuan ini, perawat memperban kaki pasien sebelum dia turun dari tempat tidur]

Some patients are given support stockings, e.g. before operations.

Page 4: Web viewA pneumonia prophylactic is to prevent the patient from contracting pneumonia. For this purpose,

[Beberapa pasien diberikan kaos kaki penyokong, misalnya sebelum operasi]

A pneumonia prophylactic is to prevent the patient from contracting pneumonia. For this purpose, the nurse positions the patient with his/her chest upright and asks him/her to breathe deeply.[Suatu tindakan pencegahan pneumonia adalah untuk mencegah pasien dari terkena pneumonia. Untuk tujuan ini, perawat memposisikan pasien dengan menegakkan dadanya dan memintanya untuk bernafas dalam]

Page 5: Web viewA pneumonia prophylactic is to prevent the patient from contracting pneumonia. For this purpose,

Expressions used by the nurse :Ungkapan - Ungkapan yang digunakan oleh perawat:

Call me if you want to get up ![Panggil saya jika anda ingin bangun]

I will bandage your legs before you get up.[Saya akan memperban kaki anda sebelum anda bangun]

Please wear gym shoes in bed for one or two hours per day to avoid footdrop ![Silahkan mengenakan sepatu senam di tempat tidur selama satu atau dua jam per hari untuk menghindari kelemahan kaki !]

I will help you put on support stockings first ![Saya akan membantu anda memasang kaos kaki penyokong dulu !]

I will turn you over on your right (left) side so you won't get sore[Saya akan memiringkan anda ke sisi kanan (kiri) anda sehingga anda tidak mendapat luka tekan]

Jiggle your feet to and for ten times to avoid thrombosis ![Gerakkan kaki anda sebanyak 10 kali untuk menghindari trombosis (pembekuan darah)]

Sit up and breathe deeply or you will catch pneumonia ![Duduk tegak dan bernafas dalam atau anda akan terkena pneumonia !]

Page 6: Web viewA pneumonia prophylactic is to prevent the patient from contracting pneumonia. For this purpose,

CONVERSATION:The day before the nurse had made an appointment with a patient. The nurse said he wants to do x-rays tomorrow. Then the nurse took the patient to X-ray room after the nurse made an appointment one day in advance.

nurses: good morning mom. How are you today?[perawat: selamat pagi ibu. Bagaimana kabar anda hari ini?]

patients: good morning.I'm Fine thank you.[pasien: selamat pagi. Saya baik-baik saja]

Nurse: Firstly I want to see the bandages on your legs.[Perawat: Pertama-tama saya ingin melihat perban di kaki anda]

Patient: okay go on. [Pasien: baiklah silahkan]

Nurse: looks good enough. Do you remember our promise yesterday?[Perawat: terlihat cukup baik. apakah anda ingat janji kita kemarin?]

Patient: yes I remember. you will take me to the x-ray room right?[Pasien: iya saya ingat. anda akan membawa saya ke ruang rontgen kan?]

Nurse: you are right, before we go there, first I will bandage your legs before you get up.

Page 7: Web viewA pneumonia prophylactic is to prevent the patient from contracting pneumonia. For this purpose,

[Perawat: betul sekali ibu. namun sebelum kita berangkat kesana terlebih dahulu saya akan memperban kakimu sebelum anda bangun]

Patients: sure please.[Pasien: baiklah]

Nurse: This will be a little sore when you move too much. so I suggest you to hold on a while.[Perawat: ini akan terasa sedikit sakit apabila anda terlalu banyak bergerak. jadi saya sarankan ada diam sebentar]

Patients: what is time you bring me to the X-rays?[Pasien: jam berapa anda akan membawa saya ke ruang rontgen?]

nurses: shortly after the wrap your legs. after waiting queue in the waiting room and wait for x-rays on the call by the officials who work there[perawat: sebentar lagi setelah membalut kaki anda. setelah itu menunggu antrian di ruang tunggu rontgen dan menunggu untuk di panggil oleh petugas yang bekerja disana]

patients: well, thank you.[pasien: baiklah terimakasih]

Nurse: you’re welcome.[perawat: kembali !]