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English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Period: ______

Unit 4:The Giver

About the UnitBig Idea Those who control language control the truth.Essential Questions 1. How can language be used to manipulate people?

2. How can language be used to empower people?Summative Assessment

Dictional Analysis (Prompt: Dystopian novelist George Orwell once wrote, “Political language…is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable.” In a well-crafted and logically organized response, analyze how Jonas’ acquisition of language enables him to uncover the truth about his community.)

Audio ResourceYou can listen to the audio for The Giver at

Text ResourceYou can read The Giver online at Why am I doing this? I am gaining the requisite reading and writing skills to succeed in high school and


English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune

About the Packet1. You need to bring this packet to class every day.2. Individual assignments in the packet will be a Homework grade.3. You will turn in this packet at the end of the unit. This will be an Essay/Project


Why am I doing this? I am gaining the requisite reading and writing skills to succeed in high school and beyond.


English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune

Table of Contents

“He had been trained since earliest childhood, since his earliest learning of language, never to lie. It was an integral part of the learning of precise speech. Once, when he had

been a Four, he had said, just prior to the midday meal at school, ‘I’m starving.’ Immediately he had been taken aside for a brief private lesson in language precision. He

was not starving, it was pointed out. He was hungry. No one in the community was starving, had ever been starving, would be starving. To say ‘starving’ was to speak a lie.

An unintentional lie, of course. But the reason for precision of language was to ensure that unintentional lies were never uttered. Did he understand that? they asked him. And

he had.”

The Giver

Anticipation Guide…………………………………………………………………………………………………3

What is Diction?……………………………………………………………………………………………………4

“Bilingual Sestina” by Julia Alvarez………………………………………………………………………………..5

Cornell Notes………………………………………………………………………………………………………7



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English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune

Anticipation GuideDirections: Carefully read and consider each of the following statements. Place an “X” to indicate whether you agree or disagree with the statement.

Statement Agree Disagree

1. The government knows what is best for its citizens.

2. A good citizen is always patriotic.

3. An individual is more important than the community.

4. It is better to be ignorant and happy than aware and upset.

5. Lying is always unacceptable.

6. Murder is always unacceptable.

7. A person can only be considered intelligent if he or she follows conventional grammar rules in speaking and writing.

8. Young people contribute more to society than old people.

9. For an idea to exist, there must be words to express it.

10. Choose 1 of the statements above with which you strongly agree or disagree and explain your reasoning in the space below.


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English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune


Why am I doing this? I am gaining the requisite reading and writing skills to succeed in high school and beyond.


English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune

What is Diction?Directions: Review the following information regarding diction. This information will assist you in crafting your Dictional Analysis at the conclusion of the unit.__________________________________________________________________________________________

What is Diction?Simply put, diction is word choice. A dictional analysis involves examining how an author or character uses language for a distinct purpose and effect. As the seminal writer Mark Twain once stated, “The difference between the right word and almost the right word is like the difference between ‘lightning’ and ‘lightning bug.’”

Dictional Considerations:Informal Diction

Personal Writing and SpeakingFormal DictionAcademic and Professional Writing and Speaking

guys peoplejob positionkid child

boss superiorget across convey

Types of Diction:Colloquial

Conversational Language in a Specific Region

SlangHighly Informal Language

JargonSpecial Language of a

Profession or Group (e.g., medical or legal language)

ain’t gonna y’all There’s more than one

way to skin a cat.

bro emo frenemy My bad.

BP (blood pressure) FX (bone fracture) ex parte (meeting with a

judge without the presence of the other attorney)

guardian ad litem (a court-appointed guardian for a child)

Ways to Characterize Diction:General Specific

look, walk, sit, dog, boy gaze, amble, slump, Labrador Retriever, kind boy

Monosyllabic PolysyllabicWords with a single syllable Words with more than one syllable

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English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune

Denotative ConnotativeDictionary meaning (e.g., house, law

officer)Emotional meaning (e.g., home, cop)

Abstract ConcreteNot real or material; representing a

thought(e.g., pleasant tasting)

Real and material(e.g., sour tasting)

Why am I doing this? I am gaining the requisite reading and writing skills to succeed in high school and beyond.


English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune

“Bilingual Sestina”By Julia Alvarez

Directions: Closely read and annotate the poem. (Note: A “sestina” is a poem with six stanzas of six lines and a final triplet.)__________________________________________________________________________________________

Some things I have to say aren’t getting saidin this snowy, blonde, blue-eyed, gum chewing English,dawn’s early light sifting through the persianas closedthe night before by dark-skinned girls whose words evoke cama, aposento, sueños in nombresfrom that first word I can’t translate from Spanish.

Gladys, Rosario, Altagracia – the sounds of Spanishwash over me like warm island waters as I sayyour soothing names: a child again learning the nombresof things you point to in the world before Englishturned sol, tierra, cielo, luna to vocabulary words –sun, earth, sky, moon – language closed

like the touch-sensitive morivivir whose leaves closed when we kids poked them, astonished. Even Spanishfailed us when we realized how frail a word is when faced with the thing it names. How sayingits name won’t always summon up in Spanish or Englishthe full blown genii from the bottled nombre.

Gladys, I summon you back with your given nombreto open up again the house of slatted windows closedsince childhood, where palabras left behind for Englishstand dusty and awkward in neglected Spanish.Rosario, muse of el patio, sing in me and through me saythat world again, begin first with those first words

you put in my mouth as you pointed to the world –not Adam, not God, but a country girl numberingthe stars, the blades of grass, warming the sun by sayingel sol as the dawn’s light fell through the closedpersianas from the gardens where you sang in Spanish,Esta son las mañanitas, and listening, in bed, no



Intended Audience:

Literary Devices:




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English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune

Englishyet in my head to confuse me with translations, no English

doubling the world with synonyms, no dizzying array of words,– the world was simple and intact in Spanishawash with colores, luz, sueños, as if the nombreswere the outer skin of things, as if words were so closeto the world one left a mist of breath on things by saying

their names, an intimacy I now yearn for in English –words so close to what I meant that I almost hear my Spanishblood beating, beating inside what I say en inglés.

Why am I doing this? I am gaining the requisite reading and writing skills to succeed in high school and beyond.


English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune

Directions: Thoroughly answer the following questions.__________________________________________________________________________________________

1. What is the poem’s message about the power of language? Include specific words and phrases from the text to justify your response.


2. What literary devices does Alvarez incorporate into the poem? Identify at least 2 and cite the specific stanza(s) and line(s) in which they appear.


3. How do these devices enhance the poem’s message about the power of language?


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English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune


Why am I doing this? I am gaining the requisite reading and writing skills to succeed in high school and beyond.


English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune

Cornell NotesDirections: Take detailed Cornell Notes on each section.

Date: The Giver by Lois Lowry (1993)Vocabulary:This text reveals that people who control language control the truth. In order to better analyze how the leaders of Jonas’ community use language to manipulate their fellow citizens, define the literary device below.


In the society in which Jonas lives, some words and phrases have different connotations. In order to better analyze how and why certain terms in The Giver have different connotations, define the word below.


Notes:Compose at least 5 Before Reading notes of your choice on the text.





Why am I doing this? I am gaining the requisite reading and writing skills to succeed in high school and beyond.


English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune


Date: Chapter 1 (Pages 1-10)Diction:Compose at least 2 notes about the community’s word choice. What common nouns are capitalized, and why? What words have different connotations, and how? What new words does Jonas learn, and what is their significance?

Speaker (page 2):

Ceremony (page 9):

Notes:Answer the question and compose at least 4 During Reading notes of your choice on the chapter.

1. What details in this chapter indicate that Jonas’ community is different from American society?




Vocabulary:Define each term.

anthem (page 3):

recollection (page 4):

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English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune

ritual (page 4):

transgression (page 9):


Date: Chapter 2 (Pages 11-19)Diction:Compose at least 2 notes about the community’s word choice. What common nouns are capitalized, and why? What words have different connotations, and how? What new words does Jonas learn, and what is their significance?

Ones, Twos, Threes, etc. (concept on pages 11-13):

Naming (page 11):

Notes:Answer the question and compose at least 4 During Reading notes of your choice on the chapter.

1. What details in this chapter indicate that Jonas’ community is different from American society?


3.Vocabulary:Define each term.

adherence (page 12):

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English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune

fret (page 14):

aptitude (page 15):

appeal (page 17):



Date: Chapters 3-4 (Pages 20-33)Diction:Compose at least 2 notes about the community’s word choice. What common nouns are capitalized, and why? What words have different connotations, and how? What new words does Jonas learn, and what is their significance?

Birthmother (page 21):

Old (page 28):

Notes:Compose at least 5 During Reading notes of your choice on the chapter.



3.Vocabulary:Define each term.

chastisement (page 20):Why am I doing this? I am gaining the requisite reading and writing skills to succeed in high school and


English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune

petulant (page 22):

remorse (page 23):

solemn (page 25):

serene (page 28):



Date: Chapters 5-6 (Pages 34-49)Diction:Compose at least 2 notes about the community’s word choice. What common nouns are capitalized, and why? What words have different connotations, and how? What new words does Jonas learn, and what is their significance?

Book of Rules (page 37):

Elsewhere (page 43):

Notes:Answer the question and compose at least 4 During Reading notes of your choice on the chapter.

1. What are the “Stirrings” that Jonas is starting to experience?


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English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune




Vocabulary:Define each term.

vivid (page 34):

vague (page 36):

infringe (page 46):

meticulous (page 48):

scrupulous (page 49):

Date: Chapters 7-8 (Pages 50-63)Diction:Compose at least 2 notes about the community’s word choice. What common nouns are capitalized, and why? What words have different connotations, and how? What new words does Jonas learn, and what is their significance?

Chief Elder (page 51):

“acquisition of correct

Notes:Answer the questions and compose at least 3 During Reading notes of your choice on the chapter.

1. Describe how three-year-old Asher was treated for confusing the word “smack” with snack.”

2. Why do you think “precision of language” is important in Jonas’ community?

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English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune

language” (concept on page 54):




Vocabulary:Define each term.

prestige (page 53):

acquisition (page 54):

kinship (page 59):

unanimous (page 62):

spontaneous (page 64):

Date: Chapters 9-10 (Pages 65-79)Diction:Compose at least 2 notes about the community’s word choice. What common nouns are capitalized, and why? What words have different connotations, and how? What new words does Jonas learn, and what is their significance?

Not-to-Be-Spoken (page 67):

Notes:Answer the question and compose at least 4 During Reading notes of your choice on the chapter.

1. Jonas is given eight rules to follow as the new Receiver of Memory. Which requirements surprise you? Why?

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English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune





Vocabulary:Define each term.

prohibit (page 68):

courtesy (page 69):

excruciating (page 70):

diminish (page 76):

tentative (page 77):

Date: Chapters 11-12 (Pages 80-96)Diction:Compose at least 2 notes about the community’s word choice. What common nouns are capitalized, and why? What

Notes:Answer the question and compose at least 4 During Reading notes of your choice on the chapter.

1. On page 89, the narrator asks, “Even trained for Why am I doing this? I am gaining the requisite reading and writing skills to succeed in high school and


English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune

words have different connotations, and how? What new words does Jonas learn, and what is their significance?

years as they all had been in precision of language, what words could you use which would give another the experience of sunshine?” Why might Jonas’ community not want to teach children the concept of sunshine?





Vocabulary:Define each term.

abrupt (page 81):

obsolete (page 84):

admonition (page 89):

phenomenon (page 91):

capacity (page 92):

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English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune

Date: Chapters 13-14 (Pages 97-117)Diction:Compose at least 2 notes about the community’s word choice. What common nouns are capitalized, and why? What words have different connotations, and how? What new words does Jonas learn, and what is their significance?

Notes:Answer the questions and compose at least 3 During Reading notes of your choice on the chapter.

1. On page 98, Jonas declares, “We really have to protect people from wrong choices.” Explain how the leaders of Jonas’ community “protect” their fellow citizens from “wrong choices.”

2. Why have only Jonas and The Giver been selected to hold memories?




Vocabulary:Define each term.

anguish (page 100):

assimilate (page 104):

anesthetic (page 109):

assuage (page 110):

ominous (page 113):Why am I doing this? I am gaining the requisite reading and writing skills to succeed in high school and


English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune

Why am I doing this? I am gaining the requisite reading and writing skills to succeed in high school and beyond.


English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune

Date: Chapters 15-16 (Pages 118-129)Diction:Compose at least 2 notes about the community’s word choice. What common nouns are capitalized, and why? What words have different connotations, and how? What new words does Jonas learn, and what is their significance?

Hall of Open Records (page 124):

Notes:Answer the question and compose at least 4 During Reading notes of your choice on the chapter.

1. How does Jonas’ father respond to Jonas’ question about love? What does his father’s response indicate about the limits of the community’s language?





Vocabulary:Define each term.

carnage (page 119):

grotesque (page 119):

implore (page 119):

pervade (page 122):

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English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune

luxuriating (page 123):

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English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune

Date: Chapters 17-18 (Pages 130-145)Diction:Compose at least 2 notes about the community’s word choice. What common nouns are capitalized, and why? What words have different connotations, and how? What new words does Jonas learn, and what is their significance?

Notes:Answer the question and compose at least 4 During Reading notes of your choice on the chapter.

1. According to Jonas, how have his new memories (and words) changed the way in which he experiences feelings?





Vocabulary:Define each term.

permeate (page 131):

horde (page 133):

dejected (page 139):

rueful (page 141):

successor (page 143):Why am I doing this? I am gaining the requisite reading and writing skills to succeed in high school and


English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune

Date: Chapters 19-20 (Pages 146-162)Diction:Compose at least 2 notes about the community’s word choice. What common nouns are capitalized, and why? What words have different connotations, and how? What new words does Jonas learn, and what is their significance?

Hall of Closed Records (page 147):

Notes:Answer the question and compose at least 4 During Reading notes of your choice on the chapter.

1. Why might Jonas’ community use the term “Release” instead of “death”?




Vocabulary:Define each term.

syringe (page 149):

euthanasia (concept on page 150):

wretched (page 151):

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inconsiderate (page 159):

apparent (page 160):


Date: Chapters 21-23 (Pages 163-180)Diction:Compose at least 2 notes about the community’s word choice. What common nouns are capitalized, and why? What words have different connotations, and how? What new words does Jonas learn, and what is their significance?

Sameness (page 172):

Notes:Answer the question and compose at least 4 During Reading notes of your choice on the chapter.

1. How is Jonas an example of a dynamic protagonist?


3.Vocabulary:Define each term.

condemn (page 165):

languid (page 166):Why am I doing this? I am gaining the requisite reading and writing skills to succeed in high school and


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fugitive (page 168):

vigilant (page 170):

yearn (page 174):



Date: The Giver by Lois Lowry (1993)Notes:Compose at least 5 After Reading notes of your choice on the text.




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English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune



Why am I doing this? I am gaining the requisite reading and writing skills to succeed in high school and beyond.


English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune

ReflectionDirections: At the beginning of the unit, you completed an Anticipation Guide in which you assessed your level of agreement with several statements pertaining to the text. In the space below, record 1 statement about which you now think differently, and explain how and why your thinking has changed (or become more nuanced).



Why am I doing this? I am gaining the requisite reading and writing skills to succeed in high school and beyond.


English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune


Why am I doing this? I am gaining the requisite reading and writing skills to succeed in high school and beyond.


English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune

NotesDirection: Use this space to record notes or questions throughout the unit.__________________________________________________________________________________________

Why am I doing this? I am gaining the requisite reading and writing skills to succeed in high school and beyond.


English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune

NotesDirection: Use this space to record notes or questions throughout the unit.__________________________________________________________________________________________

Why am I doing this? I am gaining the requisite reading and writing skills to succeed in high school and beyond.


English Language Arts 8Ms. Thune

NotesDirection: Use this space to record notes or questions throughout the unit.__________________________________________________________________________________________

Why am I doing this? I am gaining the requisite reading and writing skills to succeed in high school and beyond.