Download -  · Web viewWe can meet the government requirement of having 50% of our pupils in school. South Lanarkshire Council has indicated to schools that

Page 1:  · Web viewWe can meet the government requirement of having 50% of our pupils in school. South Lanarkshire Council has indicated to schools that

St C

St Columbkille’s Primary Recovery Plan


The strategic framework for reopening schools states that it is the national intention to take a maximalist approach to the restart of education. If it is consistent with the health and well-being of both pupils and staff and a quality learning environment, we should enable as many pupils as possible to return to education settings, to some extent, at the earliest possible date. The approach to be taken will be a blend of in school and at home learning for almost all children and young people. This will be kept under constant review and time spent in school will be increased further as and when it is safe to do so.

Attendance Arrangements

Following government guidelines and social distance requirements, our school will no longer be able to operate with all of our children in the building at one time. We will therefore be working on a lower daily capacity to facilitate all of our learners over the week.

Each child will be offered 2 full days in school which will be complemented by 3 days blended learning at home. We have tried to ensure that all siblings attend the school on the same days. The model we are using is children attending on a Monday/Tuesday will be called Family Group A and children attending on a Thursday/Friday will be called Family Group B.

We can meet the government requirement of having 50% of our pupils in school.

South Lanarkshire Council has indicated to schools that it is expected that children will be back from 12th August and, given the length of time our children have not been in school, arrangements should be made to ensure all children attend at some point that week. This means that the practicalities of Week 1 will look a bit different from subsequent weeks as all pupils are expected to experience some introductory time back in school during these three days. Therefore the model for week 1 will be as follows: Tuesday 11 August 2020 In-service day – Staff only in schoolWednesday 12 August 2020        (Family Group A – introductory day)Thursday 13/Friday 14 August    (Family Group B – introductory days, as per your model)Wk beginning 17 August               (revert to two day model Mon/Tues and Thurs/Frid model as outlined above)

*Please note that P1 children will have a shorter day on their first day in school (10am – 2pm)

Outside School Building Arrangements

- School car park will only be available for staff and blue badge holders only- Only one vehicle gate will be open for entry and exit- Drop off zone within school grounds will not be in use- A one way system for pedestrians will be in operation. The only exemptions will be

for wheelchair users and small children in buggies. See below:

Page 2:  · Web viewWe can meet the government requirement of having 50% of our pupils in school. South Lanarkshire Council has indicated to schools that

St C

St Columbkille’s Primary Recovery Plan

Children entering the School

- No unplanned access to the school buildings or grounds will be permitted for parents and visitors. Parents will be able to contact the school in the usual way to make an appointment should they require to speak to a member of staff.

- Once you have dropped you child off we would politely ask that you don’t congregate and leave through the one way system.

- To ensure a reduction of social contact at the start of the school day there will be a staggered start. Times are outlined below:

Time Room Numbers8.50am R1, R2, R 3, R4 & R5 9.00am All siblings – P1 - 79.10am R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, R11, R12

- Children will not line up outside the building but enter through the following doors:

Rooms 1 & 2 Main EntranceRooms 3 & 4 Entrance in main playground beside pitchRooms 5,6 & 7 Entrance at back of schoolRooms 8,9,10 & 11 Entrance in P7 playground

Entry Only

Exit Only

Page 3:  · Web viewWe can meet the government requirement of having 50% of our pupils in school. South Lanarkshire Council has indicated to schools that

St C

St Columbkille’s Primary Recovery Plan

Each door will be open and children will proceed to their classroom.

- Hand sanitiser will be available on entry to the classroom/building.

Children only beyond this point

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Page 4:  · Web viewWe can meet the government requirement of having 50% of our pupils in school. South Lanarkshire Council has indicated to schools that

St C

St Columbkille’s Primary Recovery Plan

Determining Physical Capacity (Teaching Areas)

This has been undertaken by establishing the maximum number of pupils that could be safety accommodated in each individual classroom or other areas across the school building if required, while maintaining a quality learning environment and physical distancing rules of 2 metres.

We have considered:

• where children and young people can reasonably be expected to maintain a 2m distance, the layout of classrooms has been rearranged to support this. We have taken the decision not to install physical markings between each seating position as the removal of chairs has provided clarity about where children should sit. We also want our classroom environment to be as welcoming as possible for the children and for it to be a positive learning and teaching environment.

• for younger children who are unable to maintain a 2m distance, individual teachers will consider the creation of zones to maintain small groups of pupils and reduce interactions between them. In these circumstances, consideration will be given to the allocation of resources to the same small group, rather than sharing across groups. For example, by allowing P1 pupils to work in a specific area of the classroom/outdoor areas/playroom within a small group setting in order to continue to support play-based learning.

• the removal of unnecessary items in the classroom to maximise capacity and decrease the number of items requiring cleaning, including soft furnishings.

• the use of additional rooms within the school to accommodate further groups of children. We will utilise the rooms that were due to be adapted for the nursery for additional classes.

• packed lunches will be eaten in classrooms and will also be provided by facilities staff for FME.

• There should be sufficient space within the room for the class teacher and any other support staff present to remain 2 metres apart from pupils and from each other.

Page 5:  · Web viewWe can meet the government requirement of having 50% of our pupils in school. South Lanarkshire Council has indicated to schools that

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St Columbkille’s Primary Recovery Plan

Classroom Procedures

- Children will not use their class cloakroom. Jackets will be hung on the back of their chair.

- Packed lunches and water will be kept in children’s school bags which will be hung on the back of their chairs.

- Every child will be given their own desk and chair. This must not be changed whilst children are in school.

- Each child will have a tray on their desk which will include 2 jotters (one for all numeracy work and one for all written work) and a plastic wallet with all materials they will need (pencil, rubber, ruler etc)

- All worktops etc should be kept free from clutter etc- Suitable routines will be adopted by individual teachers to ensure safe whole class

entry and exit. - All children and adults should wash their hands using soap and water or hand

sanitiser when entering a classroom as the adopting of effective whole class handwashing routines will allow for the safe maximisation of space in each classroom

- Tissue bins with flip lids will be in place in all classrooms

Break time

- Staggered breaks will be in force to reduce the number of children in the playground.- Break 1 will be between 10.30 & 10.45 and Break 2 will be between 10.55 & 11.10. - Classes will alternate between break times on their days in school i.e. on a Monday

they will have a break at 10.30 and on a Tuesday they will have a break at 10.55. The reason for alternating is due to differing lunch times outlined below.

- Trim trail will not be in use- No outdoor toys e.g. skipping ropes etc to be used- Football will not take place unless guidance changes


- Staggered lunch breaks will be in force to ensure lunch provision is managed in a safe and timely manner and to reduce the number of children in the dinner hall and playground.

- Maximum dining room capacity with 2 m distancing enforced – 30 pupils- All packed lunches to be eaten in classroom at children’s desks however, outside

areas may also be used weather permitting.- All packed lunches ordered from dinner hall will be delivered to classroom and to be

eaten at child’s own desk.- One way system in place in dining hall with in and out door. Staff will direct children

to appropriate seats 2m apart from each other.

Page 6:  · Web viewWe can meet the government requirement of having 50% of our pupils in school. South Lanarkshire Council has indicated to schools that

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St Columbkille’s Primary Recovery Plan

- Classes will alternate between lunch times on their days in school i.e on a Monday they will have lunch at 12.00 and on a Tuesday they will have lunch at 12.45.

End of Day Procedures

- To ensure a reduction of social contact at the end of the school day there will be a staggered end of day.

- Children will leave the building from the same entrance point.

Rooms 1 & 2 Main EntranceRooms 3 & 4 Entrance in main playground beside pitchRooms 5,6 & 7 Entrance at back of schoolRooms 8.9.10 & 11 Entrance in P7 playground

- A bell will signal when specific groups of children should be dismissed by class teachers.

- Proposed times are as follows:

Time Groups2.50pm R1, R2, R 3, R4 & R5 3.00pm All siblings – P1 - 73.10pm R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, R11, R12

Other Practicalities

- Extensive Risk Assessments have been developed with South Lanarkshire Council- Children will be expected to wear school uniform.- Everyone will be encouraged to walk on the left hand side of corridors at all times at

a 2m distance.- Initially, movement around the school will be very limited. No assembly, ICT, PE etc

and will be reviewed as further guidance becomes available.- Visiting services room identified for isolation area in the event of staff or pupil

developing COVID 19 symptoms. - Posters will be displayed highlighting social distancing and hygiene.

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St Columbkille’s Primary Recovery Plan


- Cleaning products meet the BS 14476 standard for enveloped viruses and all touch points and surfaces in establishments will be cleaned daily. This includes desks, tables, switches, door handles, handrails & push plates, and sanitary ware.

- In addition to this, the janitorial daily workplan has been revised to allow time for increased disinfecting of high-density touch points during the day. This will take place after 9am, morning break and lunchtime.

- Every Wednesday an electrostatic spray will be used in all classrooms etc