Download - · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,

Page 1: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,

Work Hard.Get Smart. World History

Homework: 7.WH.6.1

Topic: European Geography

Mr. Welch 937-657-1521

Name: ______________________________



Directions: Use the map on the back and your packet to complete the following. (No Partial Credit)

1. Locate and label the following cities: Rome, Florence, Milan and Venice.2. Shade the Papal States.3. Locate and label the Adriatic Sea and Mediterranean Sea.

4. How is Italy today different than Italy during the Renaissance?


5. Define a city-state.


Page 2: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,
Page 3: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,

Work Hard.Get Smart.

World HistoryHomework: 7.WH.6.2

Topic: The Renaissance

Mr. Welch 937-657-1521

Name: ______________________________


Directions: Answer each question. For short-answer question make sure to restate and answer in a complete sentence for full credit.

1. What were two causes of the Renaissance?


2. What philosophy contributed to the growth of the Renaissance? How did it do so?


3. Renaissance is French for _______________________________.4. Which two ancient cultures will reemerge during the Renaissance?


5. A wealthy class emerges, what will they spend their money on?


Page 4: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,

Work Hard.Get Smart.

World HistoryHomework: 7.WH.6.3

Topic: Art

Name: ______________________________



Page 5: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,

Mr. Welch 937-657-1521

Directions: Complete the following graphic organizer. Use your notes to reference the Paintings!

Characteristics(2 minimum)

Examples(2 minimum)

Medieval Art

(Use image number)

Renaissance Art

(Provide artist names)

1. How were Medieval and Renaissance art the same?


Page 6: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,

Work Hard.Get Smart.

World HistoryHomework: 7.WH.6.4

Topic: Florence

Mr. Welch 937-657-

Name: ______________________________



Page 7: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,


Directions: Match the terms on the left with the definition on the right. Write the letter on the line. For short answer, make sure to write a complete sentence that restates and answers the question.

1. _____ Dante Alighieri2. _____ Leonardo da Vinci3. _____ Raphael Donatello4. _____ Filippo Brunelleschi5. _____ Galileo Galilei6. _____ secular7. _____ patrons8. _____ humanists

A. to have no religious or spiritual basisB. famous poet, wrote The Divine ComedyC. a philosophy balancing religious faith

and the power of the human mindD. did important experiments concerning

gravityE. famous for being a jack of all trades and

painting the Mona LisaF. famous artist, known for the School of

AthensG. famous architect who designed the

dome on the cathedral in Florence, ItalyH. people who paid artists to create art

9. Why is Florence called “the Cradle of the Renaissance?”


Page 8: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,

Work Hard.Get Smart.

World HistoryHomework: 7.WH.6.5

Topic: Printing Press

Mr. Welch 937-657-1521

Name: ______________________________



Page 9: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,

Directions: Answer the following questions. Write the letter of your answer on the line.

1. _____ What was Johann Gutenberg’s main achievement?

A. He helped the Catholic Church censor books.

B. He wrote a book satirizing the churchC. He invented printing that used

movable type.D. He translated In Praise of Folly into


2. ____ Who wrote Gargantua and Pantagruel?

A. Desiderius ErasmusB. Johann GutenbergC. Thomas MoreD. Francois Rabelais

3. _____ What was the goal of many northern humanist?

A. They wanted to use the new learning to reform the Church and society.

B. They wanted to make money by writing and selling sarcastic books.

C. They wanted to convince scholars to go back to writing in Latin.

D. They wanted to defend the pope from criticism by Italian humanists.

4. _____ What does the term utopia mean?

A. a person of gigantic sizeB. movable type made of metalC. an imaginary, ideal placeD. to stop works from being published

5. How did the printing press help spread Renaissance learning?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 10: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,

Work Hard.Get Smart. World History

Homework: 7.WH.6.8

Topic: Renaissance Figures

Mr. Welch 937-657-1521

Name: ______________________________



1. Check the Characteristic of Renaissance art.a. _____ subject matter limited to Christian themesb. _____ realistic portrait paintingc. _____ settings reflecting the world of the artistd. _____ paintings showing depth and perspectivee. _____ important figures appeared larger

Name the figure of the Renaissance who made each contribution. **You may use a Renaissance figure more than once**

2. ____________________________ sculpted David and was known as il Divino3. ____________________________ developed Heliocentrism4. ____________________________ invented the printing press spread ideas of the Renaissance5. ____________________________ painted the Assumption and used bold colors6. ____________________________ is known as the world’s greatest playwright and finest poets

Directions: Match the terms on the left with the definition on the right

7. _____ patrons8. _____ utopia9. _____ secular10._____ perspective

A. shows three dimensions on a flat surfaceB. an imaginary, ideal placeC. financially, supported the creation of artD. to have no religious or spiritual basis

Page 11: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,
Page 12: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,

Work Hard.Get Smart. World History

Homework: 7.WH.6.13

Topic: Reformation

Mr. Welch 937-657-1521

Name: ______________________________



Directions: Read the following passage and answer the question on the back.

Worldliness and Corruption Within the Church During the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church united the

Christians of western Europe in a single faith. But the Church was a political and economic institution as

well as a religious one. By the 1300s, many Catholics felt that the Church had become far too worldly and


Too often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example, priests,

monks, and nuns made vows, or solemn promises, not to marry or have children. Yet many broke these

vows. Others seemed to ignore Christian values. Church leaders often behaved like royalty instead of

God's servants. For example, the popes, and many cardinals and bishops, were extremely wealthy and


People were also troubled by the way many Church officials raised money to support the

church. One method was the practice of selling indulgences. An indulgence is a release from punishment

for sins. During the Middle Ages, the Church granted indulgences in return for gifts to the Church and

good works. People who received indulgences did not have to perform good deeds to make up for their

sins. Over time, popes and bishops began selling indulgences as a way of raising money. This practice

made it seem that people could buy forgiveness for their sins. Many Catholics were deeply disturbed by

the abuse of indulgences.

The Church also sold offices, or leadership positions. This practice is called simony. Instead of

being chosen based on their merit and accomplishments, buyers simply paid for their jobs. Buying an

office was worthwhile because it could be a source of income. Often, people acquired multiple offices in

different places without actually going there to perform their duties.

People questioned other practices as well. Some clergy charged pilgrims to see holy objects, such

as the relics of saints. In addition, all Catholics paid taxes to the Church. Many people resented having to

pay taxes to Rome as well as to their own governments.

Page 13: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,

1. Define indulgences. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Define simony.


3. Name 3 other complaints, besides indulgences and simony, that Catholics had with their church.

A. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

B. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

C. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Work Hard.Get Smart.

World HistoryName: ______________________________

Page 14: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,

Homework: 7.WH.6.14

Topic: Luther and Calvin

Mr. Welch 937-657-1521



Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the line. For the short answer remember to restate and answer in a complete sentence.

1. _____ What were the 95 Theses?A. a translation of the New

Testament into English by William Tyndale

B. an argument written by Martin Luther to attack the sale of indulgences

C. a decree issued by at the Diet of Worms declaring Martin Luther an outlaw

D. a book written by John Calvin to set out the basic ideas of the Protestant faith

2. _____ What statement sums up the doctrine of predestination?

A. The Bible is the sole source of religious truth.

B. God decided long ago who would gain salvation.

C. Christians should found a “City of God”.

D. People should go to church.

3. _____ What was the original goal of the Reformation leaders?

A. to found Protestant churchesB. to prove that the pope was

immoralC. to show how to rule a city with

godly governmentD. to correct corruption and

problems in the Catholic Church

4. _____ In a theocracy, who rules the government?

A. a monarchB. the militaryC. religious leadersD. elected representatives

5. How were Lutheranism and Calvinism similar?


Page 15: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,

Work Hard.Get Smart.

World HistoryHomework: 7.WH.6.16

Topic: Counter-Reformation

Name: ______________________________



Page 16: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,

Mr. Welch 937-657-1521

Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the line. For the short answer remember to restate and answer in a complete sentence.

1. _____ How did the Jesuits improve the status of the Catholic church

A. Dedicating themselves to the artsB. Planting beautiful gardens

everywhereC. They gave kings political adviceD. They built schools and charities

2. _____ How did the Council of Trent respond to Luther’s teachings?

A. It sent missionaries to spread Luther’s ideas.

B. It invited Luther to explain his reason to the council.

C. It issued an apology for the corruption Luther described.

D. It declared Luther’s doctrines to be wrong.

3. _____ How did the Council of Trent try to improve the priesthood?

A. by allowing priest to marryB. by requiring the education and

training of priestsC. by raising clerical pay so non-

noble could be priestsD. by sending priests to Asia to learn

about other cultures

4. _____ What did the Inquisition do to people convicted of heresy?

A. Forced them to swear loyalty oathes

B. tortured themC. fined themD. reeducated them

5. What kinds of books did the Catholic Church attempt to censor? Why did they attempt to censor those books? You must answer both questions to receive full credit.


Page 17: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,

Work Hard.Get Smart. World History

Homework: 7.WH.6

Topic: Scientific Revolution 1

Mr. Welch 937-657-1521

Name: ______________________________



Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the line. For the short answer remember to restate and answer in a complete sentence.

Page 18: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,

1. _____ What did Europeans study in order to understand the natural world before the Scientific Revolution?

A. The BibleB. Isaac NewtonC. AristotleD. Both A and C

2. _____ The Scientific Revolution occurred

A. before the Renaissance.B. in the Americas.C. between 1500 and 1700.D. during Aristotle’s life time.

3. _____ All of the following contributed to the Scientific Revolution except:

A. The RenaissanceB. The Ancient GreeksC. humanismD. simony

4. _____ Rationalism isA. The belief in one godB. The belief in human reason and

logic.C. The belief in monarchyD. The belief is the church

5. How might Rationalism change European society? Explain.


Page 19: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,

Work Hard.Get Smart.

World HistoryHomework: 7.WH.6.19

Topic: Scientific Revolution 2

Mr. Welch 937-657-1521

Name: ______________________________



Directions: Match the terms on the left with the definition on the right. Write the letter on the line. For short answer, make sure to write a complete sentence that restates and answers the question.

1. _____ heliocentric2. _____ geocentric3. _____ microscope4. _____ thermometer5. _____ Nicolaus Copernicus

A. Model of the solar system where the earth is the center of the universe

B. An invention that increased understanding of diseases

C. Made a more powerful telescope to

Page 20: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,

6. _____ Galileo7. _____ Isaac Newton8. _____ barometer

further explain the heliocentric model

D. Model of the solar system where the sun is the center of the universe

E. Studied motion and gravity

F. A tool to measure air pressure

G. Proposed the heliocentric model of the solar system

H. An invention that measures the temperature of a space

9. What branch of math did Newton develop, and what is it used for?


Page 21: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,

Work Hard.Get Smart.

World HistoryHomework: 7.WH.6.19

Topic: Scientific Revolution 3

Mr. Welch 937-657-1521

Name: ______________________________



1. What is Francis Bacon famous for discovering? Write 2 sentences.a. _____________________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________________________b. _____________________________________________________________________________________


2. What is Renee Descartes famous for discovering? Write 2 sentences.

a. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Imagine you are Rationalist philosopher. The King of France has invited you to discuss politics with him at lunch tomorrow. What opinions might you have for an Absolute Monarch whose government is supported by the Church? Write 2 sentences minimum. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 22: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,
Page 23: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,

Work Hard.Get Smart.

World HistoryHomework: 7.WH.6.20

Topic: Enlightenment 1

Mr. Welch 937-657-1521

Name: ______________________________



Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the line. For the short answer remember to restateand answer in a complete sentence.

1. What was the Enlightenment?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Given an example of how the old beliefs were different from new ideas.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. _____ Not believing what you are told without evidence is

A. classicalB. skepticismC. salonD. Enlightenment

4. ______ Which of the following would be highly valued by European intellectuals during the Enlightenment?

A. Progress through the use of reasonB. Obedience to traditional waysC. Loyalty to one’s nationD. Strengthening religious institutions

(More on the back)

5. ______ The Enlightenment grew out of all of the following except

Page 24: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,

A. the RenaissanceB. the ideas of ancient GreeceC. the ideas of ancient RomeD. the writings of Confucius

Work Hard.Get Smart.

World HistoryHomework:

Name: ______________________________

Page 25: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,


Topic: Enlightenment Figures

Mr. Welch 937-657-1521



Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the line. For the short answer remember to restate and answer in a complete sentence.

1. __________ believed that people are mean, selfish and violent. He thinks that only monarchs with absolute power can rule effectively.

a. Thomas Hobbesb. John Lockec. Baron de Montesquieud. Voltaire

2. _______ believed that a separation of power was the key to a good government. He thought that if too much power was in the hands of one person, a tyranny would result.

a. Thomas Hobbesb. John Lockec. Baron de Montesquieud. Voltaire

3. _______ believed that a constitutional monarchy was the best form of government. He did not think that kings had a divine right to rule.

a. Thomas Hobbesb. John Lockec. Baron de Montesquieud. Voltaire

(More on the back)

4. What is a social contract?


Page 26: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,

5. What historical experience led Thomas Hobbes to believe that Parliament could not rule effectively?


Work Hard.Get Smart. World History

Homework: 7.WH.6.21


Mr. Welch 937-657-1521

Name: ______________________________



Page 27: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,

Directions: For questions 2-4 write in complete sentences. If you were absent use the notes and reading on the back to answer each question.

1. Who was your character?__________________________________________________________2. Write and introduction for your character.


3. What were your characters ideas for the new island country Zootopia?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. What did other guests have to say about the new government? (Use character names)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. What made arguments stronger than other arguments?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

(More on the back)

Mary Wollstonecraft 

Born on April 27th, 1759

English writer Mary Wollstonecraft was another early leader in the struggle to gain equal rights for women. In an essay published in 1792, she argued that women deserve the same rights and opportunities as men. “Let woman share the rights,” she wrote, “and she will emulate [imitate] the virtues of men, for she must grow more perfect when emancipated [freed].”

Page 28: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,

Wollstonecraft believed that education was the key to gaining equality and freedom. She called for reforms to give women the same education as men. In the 19th century, her ideas about equality for women inspired early leaders of the women’s rights movement in the United States.

Work Hard.Get Smart. World History

Homework: 7.WH.6.23

Topic: Impact

Mr. Welch 937-657-1521

Name: ______________________________



Directions: Read the following passage and answer the following questions.

Page 29: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,

(More on the back)

1. _____ The ideas of which Enlightenment thinker are reflected in this passage?A. Locke B. VoltaireC. MontesquieuD. Beccaria

2. _____ Where does government get its power?A. by using forceB. from a monarchyC. from the consent of the governedD. from the aristocracy

Page 30: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,

3. _____ Locke said that all people are naturally free, equal, and independent. Which phrase in the Declaration echoes this idea?

A. “we hold these truths to be self-evident”B. “all men are created equal” C. “Governments are instituted among Men”D. “in General Congress, Assembled”

4. _____ What is being established by the “Representatives”?A. the EnlightenmentB. the French RevolutionC. the American RevolutionD. the United States**

5. How else did the Enlightenment impact the United States government? Explain.


Work Hard.Get Smart. World History

Homework: 7.WH.6.24

Topic: Review 1

Mr. Welch 937-657-1521

Name: ______________________________



Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the line.

1. _____ Which of the following did not cause the Renaissance?A. the Black DeathB. the Crusades

Page 31: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,

C. Classical culture from Greece and RomeD. Lutheranism

2. _____ How did the wealthy Patrons encourage the Renaissance?A. Improved farmingB. a rigid social classC. spent fortunes on new artD. the banning of paintings

3. _____ Which is the best definition for humanism?A. balanced religion with human individualityB. non-religiousC. financial supporter of the artsD. strong religious beliefs

4. Write if the characteristics are from Medieval (M) or Renaissance (R) art.

_____ background mostly one color _____ faces were serious

_____ faces express feeling _____ background shows perspective

_____ figures look stiff _____ realistic body proportions

Page 32: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,

Work Hard.Get Smart. World History

Homework: 7.WH.6.25

Topic: Review 2

Mr. Welch 937-657-1521

Name: ______________________________



Directions: Fill in each blank with the correct answer.

1. Reformers believed the Catholic Church had many faults. One of these was the selling of ________________________________, payment for forgiveness of sins. Another was that the Catholic Church allowed people to buy important __________________________.

2. A man named ____________________________________________ posted 95 Theses against the selling of indulgences.

3. One Reformer was ___________________, who established a theocracy in Switzerland.

Page 33: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,

4. After the reformation Christianity was left with many different _____________________________, or subgroups- like Presbyterianism, Methodism, and the Baptists.

5. A central belief of the Scientific Revolution was _______________________ .6. Using reason, scientists developed the _______________________________________________.7. Today the scientific method is based on _____________________________________________ and


Scientific Method Martin Luther Observation Indulgences CalvinHypothesis Rationalism Experimentation Positions Denominations

Page 34: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,

Work Hard.Get Smart. World History

Homework: 7.WH.6.26

Topic: Review 3

Mr. Welch 937-657-1521

Name: ______________________________



Directions: Restate and answer in a complete sentence.1. How did the Scientific Revolution influence the Enlightenment?


2. What did Enlightenment thinkers use to solve political and social problems?


Page 35: · Web viewToo often, Church officials failed to live up to their role as spiritual leaders. For example,

__________________________________________________________________________________________________3. How did the Enlightenment influence the American government?


4. Describe the Enlightenment ideas of Voltaire.


5. Describe the Enlightenment ideas of John Locke.
