Download -  · Web viewThey can show each other their pets, complete weekly challenges or play fun mini-games together. Pets also appreciate the social interactions they get

Page 1:  · Web viewThey can show each other their pets, complete weekly challenges or play fun mini-games together. Pets also appreciate the social interactions they get

Hack the Waste 2019

team 8“Trash Pandas”

Urška KnehtlKintija Šulte

Yves LardenoijeDevon Çavis

Page 2:  · Web viewThey can show each other their pets, complete weekly challenges or play fun mini-games together. Pets also appreciate the social interactions they get

KEY IDEAThe goal of our game is to get people to repurpose waste they would have otherwise

thrown away.In our game we give the player their own cute little pet. By bringing their leftover

food to designated 'hotspots' such as grocery stores, they receive in-game food for their digital pet.

These hotspots deal with the waste in an appropriate manner - either by finding people who can still use the food, or by turning it into compost so it can be sold later.

These hotspots also serve a second purpose, namely they are a meeting ground for our (newly) waste-aware players. They can show each other their pets, complete weekly challenges or play fun mini-games together. Pets also appreciate the social interactions they get and again encourage the player to keep coming back.

This should hopefully create a sense of community and belonging that encourages people to fit proper waste disposal into their routine.

Problems and solutions

1. People have too much food waste. => Make people aware of how much food they are wasting, and the effects this has on the environment.

2. A lot of perfectly edible food is thrown away on a daily basis. => Encourage people to bring their food waste to hotspots, where it will be properly dealt with.

3. A lot of wasted food, which is not in good quality, is spent unproductively. => Will compost it, recycle and send/sell to farms.

Industry analysis Facts about food waste

- 1/3 of the food produced in the world for human consumption every year gets lost or wasted.

- Food losses and waste amounts to roughly US$ 680 billion in industrialized countries and US$ 310 billion in developing countries.

- Every year, consumers in rich countries waste almost as much food (222 million tonnes) as the entire net food production of sub-Saharan Africa (230 million tonnes).

- Per capita waste by consumers is between 95-115 kg a year in Europe and North America, while consumers in sub-Saharan Africa, south and south-eastern Asia, each throw away only 6-11 kg a year.

- Food loss and waste also amount to a major squandering of resources, including water, land, energy, labour and capital and needlessly produce greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to global warming and climate change.

Customer needs

Page 3:  · Web viewThey can show each other their pets, complete weekly challenges or play fun mini-games together. Pets also appreciate the social interactions they get

- Information: customers need information to participate in the game and to donate food - it is important that they understand the food waste awareness and why they are joining the game and why they are donating food - they need to be aware of social and environmental benefits. With sufficient information, they will also participate more often and for a good reason.

-- Experience: game brings to this also a special experience that the customers crave.

They don’t just donate food, they also have fun doing it and are able to communicate with other customers.

Marketing strategy



- Men and women aged approximately 20-50 (our main focus is young adults for the beginning)

- People aware of environmental issues or who want to be aware

- Socially & environmentally conscious

- Increase food waste awareness

- Increase environmental and social awareness

- Make people participate and change their behaviour through a game

- Google Play Store

- App Store

- Twitter, Instagram, Facebook


Page 4:  · Web viewThey can show each other their pets, complete weekly challenges or play fun mini-games together. Pets also appreciate the social interactions they get

- Encouraging people to manage their food waste in a playful way

- Promote game, logo, hashtag

- Network, make business connections

- Promoting through social media, posters, stickers

- Move from an unknown cause and game to a popular one

- Game

- Social media posts – interactive posts where followers participate

- Connecting with influencers

- Posters/stickers, social media visual presentations

- Stores promoting us


- Number of visits and donations in our food hotspot- Number of application users- Number of social media followers- Number of social media posts that include hashtag #tamafoodchi- Number of our reposted posts.



1st month Launch of the game

Page 5:  · Web viewThey can show each other their pets, complete weekly challenges or play fun mini-games together. Pets also appreciate the social interactions they get

Begin of promotions – social media start

2nd month Posters, partnering up with stores (to promote us)

3rd month Stickers – people can post them wherever they want – in real life or social media - print them out, post on social media and encourage people to share

Encouraging followers to be interactive, to post things with the hashtag – reposting their posts – posts about the game, food hotspot

4th month Sposored posts on Facebook and Instagram

6th month – 1 year after the launch Contacting influencers for promoting on their sites, for taking over our profile - showing their followers how this works

Social media plan - more detailed - #tamafoodchi - used for promotion, for every post, people start using it - Enourage people to take part in sharing pictures and hashtag on social media -

IDEAS: 1. Take a picture of your food donation to the food hotspot and use our hashtag

#tamafoodchi;2. Take a picture with a new friend you made at our food hotspot and gain extra

points for your pet. Use the hashtag #tamafoodchi;3. Posting pictures of others on profile, repost them, post in stories;4. Posting pictures of food hotspots - locations, benefits of it - to bring

awareness; 5. Connecting with social media influencers to join our cause and game;6. Do a story often where you explain how things work, also an influencer can

take over the account (people follow what they do).

Partnering with stores - In expiration date food section of the store a poster

will show they can buy this food and take it to the food hotspot - promoting it;

- Also beneficial for store - bigger profit, less food waste for them;

Page 6:  · Web viewThey can show each other their pets, complete weekly challenges or play fun mini-games together. Pets also appreciate the social interactions they get

- More food gets donated to the food hotspot instead of being wasted; - Mutual benefits.

Using promotional posters and stickers - Encouraging them to join the game and the cause; - Bring awareness; - Stickers can be posted in random places around the

city - people will look up the hashtag;- Can be used printed or posted on social media -

here they can be.

Page 7:  · Web viewThey can show each other their pets, complete weekly challenges or play fun mini-games together. Pets also appreciate the social interactions they get

Business Model

KEY ACTIVITIES- Game; - Food hotspot; - Giving food to food banks, institutions;- Composting the rest - give to farmers; - Promoting our cause.

KEY PARTNERS- Grocery stores:

partnership is beneficial because the stores will have a profit -> people will be encouraged to buy food there, especially food that is before its expiration date so the store won’t have much food waste at the end.

- Environmental organisations: we are promoting awareness of food waste which is an important environmental issue – we are basically promoting their cause.

Page 8:  · Web viewThey can show each other their pets, complete weekly challenges or play fun mini-games together. Pets also appreciate the social interactions they get

- Charity institutions and food banks: these are the places where the food from the food hotspot ends up.

- Farms:composting food and giving it to them.


- Encouraging people to manage their food waste in a playful way;- People become environmentally and socially aware;- People change their everyday habits;

CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP - Presentation of our idea;- Giving them additional information when needed;- Be accessible on social media for any questions;- Encourage them to be part of your cause;

CUSTOMER SEGMENT- People who want to help change the environment;- People who want to help people in need;- People who want to learn about these things;- Young adults who love using social media and promoting things there.


Strengths Weaknesses

Game application New, unknown project

The awareness factor – changing social behaviour of people

Funding the food hotspots

Marketing Investments (-> risk)

Innovative idea

Opportunities Threats

Environmental issues are ‘in‘ Bigger stores start collecting food on a regular basis

Reaching a lot of people through social media

Companies reusing food waste

Sponsoring/funding opportunities from The unwillingness to cooperate from

Page 9:  · Web viewThey can show each other their pets, complete weekly challenges or play fun mini-games together. Pets also appreciate the social interactions they get

environmental organisations stores, potential partners

Funding grants for environmental issues

Food waste contests

Connecting with other similar projects - combining ideas

Overview of the competition

- Local stores who give away their food waste in a social and playful way;- Companies that reuse food waste.

Page 10:  · Web viewThey can show each other their pets, complete weekly challenges or play fun mini-games together. Pets also appreciate the social interactions they get

Risks Implementation plan

Activity Number Risk Risk rating Solutions

Severity Likelihood

Food quality testing

a Expired use time

1 4 Use for composting

b Packages opened

1 4 Use for composting

c Mixed food 4 3 Use for composting

d Bad quality and unsuitable for composting (throwing out)

5 4 Teaching what people can bring

to hotspot through marketing

Working in hotspot

e No motivation to bring food

to hotspot

5 4 Make it in more available place

Marketing f No information about this


4 3 Good marketing plan and working in social media / good campaigns

Creating collaboration

g Lack of support from


3 3 Good, reasoned argument why it is needful. Benefits for them (people buy their food)

A person who is

always in a hotspot, who

tests and evaluate products

h Non-professional behavior of a

person working in


4 1 Trainings, detailed requirements and responsibilities

Page 11:  · Web viewThey can show each other their pets, complete weekly challenges or play fun mini-games together. Pets also appreciate the social interactions they get
Page 12:  · Web viewThey can show each other their pets, complete weekly challenges or play fun mini-games together. Pets also appreciate the social interactions they get

Financial projection

- Asking for funding/sponsorship from the stores (since they’re going the be one you are partnering up with and they will also gain profit from it) - they invest in building a food hotspot.

- Fundings after the project has started with environmental organisations - to support our idea - to expand the idea in other cities/countries and to further develop the game - for instance when the pet gets more points, his ‘owner’ could get a discount in the store.

- Money from adds in the game - adds connected to the environment topic.

COST STRUCTURE - Marketing activities (building a brand value):

- Promotional poster and stickers;- Promotions through social media (facebook ads, google ads, influencers in

instagram);- Game insertion in Google Play Stores, App Store;

- Salary for 2 persons who work in hotspot during shop working hours. - If the shop doesn’t give place for free to open hotspot, then we need to pay rent.

INCOME STRUCTURE- People and organizations who believe in idea will give investments.- Money given from environment funds.- Money received from farmers who buy compost materials from our compost system

in hotspot.