Download -   · Web viewThe Lord knows the purpose of all evil; and, He will put a stop to them. Let the Word of the Lord be performed, which said, “I will rise up against those who rise

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These are the Messages for the people in these days!

Carrium: 10-31-38th-Year"No Certain Dwelling Place: 1 year-177 Days!"

The 10th Month of The 38th Year!11-05-2017

1st Day of the week, which is called Sunday!

04-13-2005The Lord Said, “He That Reads; Let Him Also Understand!”It is written in Revelation 19:9, saying, “And He saith unto me,

Write, Blessed are they, which are called unto the marriage supper

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of the Lamb. And He saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.” Amen!

When the Lord instructs you to do something, there is a reason. But, to just obey is of the utmost importance. It is like when the

Lord told Jeremiah to go to the Potter's house, and there would He speak with him. We will not know the purpose until we have obeyed what He has commanded us to do. This morning, 04-13-2005, which is on a Wednesday, the 4th day of the week, the Lord instructed me to come again to Carrium 248. I am here, O Lord: let the reason be understood! The preparations of the heart in man, comes from the Lord! He prepares us for that which is to come. How shall I write, O Lord? That which was already written is included in the Report, plus

that which You will give me to write. Understanding comes from You, O Lord. Let the understanding be applied to my heart; and,

cause the understanding to be communicated, I pray Thee. Amen!

Interference from the evil is handled by the way the Lord instructs us to do so! Let all obedience be built up in all of you; and, make

sure you remain clean, because unclean people will have no power against the darkness, even though they speak the same Words as

the righteous do. The Power is the Righteous Spirits, which inhabits the Words! As it is written, believe and understand, that the Power of God inhabits the praises of saints! And, God is dwelling only in

those who are clean! It is not by a man's own thoughts that makes him clean: but, by careful examination by the Lord to show the man whether he is clean or not. The Lord said that the thoughts of a man tells him that he is clean, and that all of his ways are clean! Those who are actively seeking out the evil in themselves, and taking the steps to dispose of the evil, are counted as being clean in the Eyes

of God. What did God see you doing about the last evil that He showed you? If you just let it stand; He has seen you as not being

interested in becoming clean. Therefore, no more steps are ordered for your cleansing, until you respect what He told you to do about

the last thing He showed you. Amen!We are not totally free from the influence of evil: but, the Lord will cause all evil to cease from influencing us, and from disturbing us.

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Our hearts are to be purged of all evil. We will become as isolated from all outside, and inside influence, when we are doing our work.

The evil spirits are as Sanballat, who is spoken of in the Book of Nehemiah, who heard of the work, which was being done; and, set out to put an end to the work. The evil spirits will cause people to come, or they will try to come in directly against those who have

begun to do the work, which the Lord has ordained. They will come! If it is evil, He will stop it: but, if it is innocent, He will allow it. The Lord knows the purpose of all evil; and, He will put a stop to them. Let the Word of the Lord be performed, which said, “I will rise up

against those who rise up against you!” I shall not be moved from doing what the Lord has assigned for me to do! Whosoever,

whether they will be evil spirits, or people, that will come to try to cause me to be moved away from that which the Lord has assigned for me to do, will be met by a Force of Fierce Angels. This is done whether the wicked believe it or not! The Angels are as a Wall of fire around the righteous! The Angels becomes as those men who

held the sword while the workers worked, according to that which is written about in the time of Nehemiah. The work that the Lord gives us is very important, even though the wicked don't see it that way. Even the young and the weak don't understand how important our work is. Those who are not deeply involved with the Lord cannot understand that which a dedicated person is given to do. We see the end coming; and, we know that a preparation is needed. Even

the meddling spirits that yet remain in us, are destroyed from within. He will purge us bit by bit, because He has said that He

would thoroughly purge His temple. We are made to be able to do our work in the way in which the Lord has ordained. Blessed are all of You Heavenly Angels, Who come in the Name of the Lord. The

Lord said that His Angels encamps round about those who are showing respect for the Lord. Understand this, and acknowledge

what the Word has said. Angels are Mighty in Power; and, They are Faithful! An Angel comes forth according to the help that is needed, according to the purpose of that Angel. They are Ministering Spirits! They cause us to understand, and to have ability. I saw Them in a vision as men sitting at a short distance around a fire. I was not far away, working on something. One of the men came forth to help

me with that which I was working on, because He had knowledge of

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that which I was doing. He helped me! These are the Angels of God, the Help that is sent from the Lord. Are you worthy to receive the Help of the Lord? Are you doing what He gave you to do. These Angels will not help us in our own chosen purpose: but, are given as

Help to us in accomplishing the purpose, which the Lord gave us. Are you truly depending on the Lord? Examine all that you depend

on, and see if it is what the Lord has provided. Amen!

Showing Honor for the Lord, is showing Honor for the Word of God, and giving respect to all that He has said; and, showing that respect

by doing all that He commands to be done. Who will ignore what the Lord has said, and will still expect Him to bless them? Your

blessings come through your obedience and respect for the Word of God. It is important to give your attention to your obedience, and don't be deceived as so many are, thinking that God will answer

them, even though they will not do what He commands. His Mercy is towards those who have shown mercy! You are the Great and Just

God! You are the God of Truth! The Lord Jesus is both Christ and Truth! You are Merciful unto those who show mercy. You are the

God and Father of the Just. Cause us to have good understanding of Your Words, I pray Thee, so that we might obey Them. Let us not

have a sound of respect: but, cause us to show unto You true respect. You build us according to Your Will; and You build us in

Truth. No deceit, nor pretense shall be found in Your people.

10-09-2003(Thursday: The 5th Day of The Week!)

(From Beaumont, Texas)“Has Your Relationship With God Been Secured?”

It was after 7:00 PM that a man came up to the house, saying he needed help. He said he was about to quit. He said he was tired. He had his little Bible with him. How could anyone suppose I have

any money to help them with? God already knew that I did not have any money! Money I don't have. I was able to give him a Report, which I had in the van; and, told him to stay where the Lord has

made available for him to stay that night. The Word of the Lord is

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help for those who will listen, and accept it. I gave him what the Lord has made available by me. It is like when Peter and John went to the Temple, and found a lame man at the gate, expecting people to give him some money. Money, I don't have: but, what I have, I give freely. The Word will help you to walk! I could only give him encouragement. Whosoever shall keep the Word, shall be kept by

the Word! I seek the way to make people comfortable, and to remove the distress from their hearts. But, I can only help people with the help which He has made available to me. But, who wants

the Word of God? Man must be made to understand about God, and His Power to help those who call upon Him sincerely. The Lord is responsible for our lying down! I know! I have been out on the highway for many years! We learn to trust Him in whatsoever

situation we are in. Where we are to lie down at night is not our determination: but, according to where the Lord has provided. He only makes us to lie down in safety! If we lie down where the Lord has told us to lie down; no evil shall come nigh our dwelling. But, if

this is where we have chosen for ourselves, we are subject to be spoiled. The man wanted me to pray for him. I asked the Lord for the Words to speak unto him. I can only give people testimonies

about how I had to suffer many things, and how the Lord provided for me when I was out on the highway from 1979 through 1984.

Many times He would not allow me to sleep in those shelters; but, to make my bed wheresoever He would instruct me. I have had to

deal with mosquitoes in the woods all night long! This was for the perfecting of my attitude towards God. Many people, like

mosquitoes, will be allowed to bother us; but, I often ask people, saying, “What has God done to you, that you are so bitter against Him?” People become angry with God because of what someone else did to them. What did God do to you? He allowed this to be:

but, for what reason? Did He not say that there is a good that would arise out of this situation, if you would endure? The only way this good could appear, is for this to happen. Not remembering what

God said, will cause problems during trials. A listening relationship must have been developed between you and God. Love and respect is not based on what you can get from God, nor is it based on where He will require you to live. “What can God give me in this world” is the attitude that I have witnessed among the people. When I listen

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to their testimonies, they are always talking about what God has given them: but, never about what service they have rendered to

God. But, what kind of relationship have you developed with God? I find people not wanting to accept what God is giving them; but, go about with their own desires in their hearts. Are you willing to do whatsoever God commands you to do, and to live wheresoever He

will tell you? Your willingness to do what God commands, will translate into His willingness to do for you. Remember what is said

in Psalm 18 about God being to us the same as we are to Him. There are those people who want God to be faithful to them, without

them being faithful to Him. That is not a two-way relationship. Where is your reasonable service to Him? Respect for God must be

developed by doing whatsoever He will command. God does not cater to our wants, even as it is when a man is going through basic military training. The job that you have to do requires you to learn

obedience. This is like what the Lord told Paul about the great things he would have to suffer for His name's sake. We are not

going to live where we have chosen to live; but, where the Lord has chosen for us to live. When the Word has told us that we are not

our own anymore; this is telling us that we are given to the Lord to serve Him in the capacity in which He has chosen. Those who are truly purchased with the price which Jesus gave for us, understand

what this means. If you have been purchased by someone else, you are not going to make any demands, because you belong to that

master. Consider the slaves, which were brought to America! Did they have the right to make any demands to those who purchased them? They had to do whatsoever that slave master ordered them to do. Men being bound by sin had to be set free by the price that

Jesus Christ gave for them. That means we belong to Him; and, that He is Lord and Master over us. He will tell us what He wants done, and where He wants us to do it. Those who are not yet delivered

don't understand this, because they go about as people demanding that the Lord do what they desire in their hearts. But, what is the Will of God? Do you know what Lord and Master means? The Lord

Jesus is not a cruel Master: but, He does order us, telling us what He wants done. Who can understand what this means? The word tells

us that we must yield all of our members to God to do His Will, because this is reasonable service to Him for the great reward He

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has made available for us. To yield a thing to someone else means not having anymore say-so about the thing. To yield means to give up the control over a thing. Who will make these decisions? Why

would anyone say in the prayer which the Lord Jesus gave, saying to God, “Thy will Be Done!” And, just what is His Will? It is not always

as you are thinking; and, this is the reason why so much conflict arises between God and man, because man wants his will to be

God's Will. Are you really doing what God wants you to do; or, are you doing what satisfies yourself? Amen!

“Credit From God; Or, Credit From Man!”Some of you have been put into positions whereby you are able to earn wealth: but, you are not doing what God wants you to do with that wealth. You are taking that ability that God gave you, and you

are doing evil works, and supporting the works of the darkness. And, because this work of the darkness professes to be the Church; you support it. But, the real work of God, you have ignored. Where

you can get praise for yourself, is not where God is telling you to distribute your money. Is your giving in secret; or, does someone

else have access to how much you have given? When anyone else can know how much you gave, that makes it no longer to be a

secret. This has canceled out the requirement of secrecy, which the Lord commanded. Therefore the giving is not according to His Will,

and He has not blessed it. Because you desire a tax credit, you must tell someone how much you gave, and to whom you gave it.

Your giving is no longer a secret! Your giving is no longer according to God's instructions; and that makes you to have disobeyed Him.

Pay attention to the subtle ways the devil makes you to disobey the Lord. Matthew 6:1-4: “Take heed that you do not your alms (giving)

before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. Therefore, when you do your alms (giving), do not sound a trumpet before you (which means to cause it to be known by others by some means), as the hypocrites do in

the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But when you do

alms, let not your left hand know what your right hand does: that your alms may be in secret: and your Father, which sees in secret,

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Himself shall reward you openly.” Now you see how you cannot claim a tax credit, and expect God to bless you also, because to

claim a tax credit will not make it to be a secret anymore. You can receive either credit from God, or from man: but, not from both! I say these things so that you can give your attention to preciseness in doing things the way the Lord said to do them. What matters the most to you: what some person can know about you, or what God

knows about you? Amen!

"Acts 27: “The Righteous Are Caught In A Storm, Because Someone Else Would Not Listen To God's Counsel!”

My Lord, give me inspired writings, and inspired speaking, I pray Thee! Direct my thoughts when I am given to speak with You; and, when I am given to speak with people. Establish the focus, which

You have spoken about. Let the skills, and understanding come out from You, and cause it to be applied to me. Amen!

In Acts 27, Paul is on his way to Rome to appear before Caesar, because this is the will of God. Paul is traveling as a prisoner. He

has no influence, at this time, over the decisions which men in charge will make. Their decisions will also affect him. These are

men who look upon themselves as being very successful in business. These are wealthy people; and, their thoughts are about

their business daily. When they make the wrong decisions, and that which comes upon them will also come upon Paul. This is a case

whereby someone is moved by the evil to do something; and, what he is caused to do, will affect the righteous as well. Everybody

becomes affected by that which was done. But, you will see how God delivered the righteous out of the traps, which the evil spirits had privately laid, to try to kill Paul. There are things that were

started centuries ago, that God did not allow to continue. In these days, people are beginning to get back to that which God did not

allow to take place back then. Man is progressing up to a point that was spoken about as having taken place in old times. Men are

looking for that knowledge that people of old times had; and, they are beginning to work from that knowledge, and do the same things!

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The Lord has promised to come down again, and put a stop to it, once and for all! Amen!

The righteous are caught in things because of the stubbornness and pride of the wicked. Who will pay attention? Who will see what I am talking about? Let them match wits with God, and not with you! Let them contend with God, and not with you! If they want to prove just how smart they are; let them not prove it against you, whereby you will try to prove to them that you are smarter. The wicked appears as not being troubled about anything: but, the righteous cry out to God continually about afflictions and troubles! Being in a storm for 14 days, and 14 nights, without seeing the Light, is translated as being how long, O Lord? Being tossed as a ship caught up in a

violent storm, whose intent is to bring you down to the bottom. O how the people get in a uproar! The one that the people put down, and looked down upon, was the one whom God made them to have to listen to, if they wanted to be saved! Paul was exalted; and, the high was brought low! He exalted the prisoner above those who

thought upon themselves as free, and knowledgeable. Where there are dark clouds covering the earth, how shall we find refuge from the storm? Lord, You've been good to me; have I been good to

people?Give me the Joy of the Holy Ghost, O Lord!

“What Seemed Like A Curse, Was Actually A Blessing!”Because one of the sons of Noah was cursed, he would not advance

like the other sons. Genesis 9:24-27: "And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him. And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his

brethren. And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. This is

what the Word of God said, "And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without." Noah actually cursed one of Ham's sons! The curse was applied to one particular branch of that tree, and not to the whole tree as some

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have supposed. Genesis 10:6: "And the sons of Ham; Cush, and Mizraim, and Phut, and Canaan." There are four sons!

“What Happened To That Mighty Black Empire?”It is written in Genesis 10:8-10, saying, “And Cush (a descendant of Ham) begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD. And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the

land of Shinar.”Genesis 11:1-9: “And the whole earth was of one language, and of

one speech (like English is becoming dominant in the world). And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a

plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And

they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar.And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose “top” may reach unto heaven (Pay attention to the fact that this spoke of something at the top of something!); and let us make us a name,

lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth (This means to become a super power, so that no one will even think about attacking you. Your reputation will be known to all other

nations!) And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men built. And the LORD said, Behold, the

people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound

their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. So, the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of

all the earth: and they left off to build the city. Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter

them abroad upon the face of all the earth.”

1st Chronicles 1:10: “And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be mighty upon the earth.”

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Micah 5:6: “And they shall waste the land of Assyria with the sword, and the land of Nimrod in the entrances thereof: thus shall he

deliver us from the Assyrian, when he comes into our land, and when he treads within our borders.”

“There Is Nothing New!”Ecclesiastes 1:9: “The thing that has been, it is that which

shall be; and that which has been done, is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” So,

computers and this technology have been before! We are working with that which already has been. So, man is trying to get to where

men before him has already been. It was destroyed once before; and, now it is being built again: but, this time by the descendants of

one of Noah's other sons! Amen!

“Cave Men; Or, Mighty Men?”So, there is nothing new under the sun! So, the marvelous things,

which you see in these days, have already been before! What happened to those things? God destroyed it; and, caused men to

forget! Men are finding evidence of what is called superior life forms on earth; and, the movies are always showing people seeking proof of an advanced civilization being here previously. What about

this which they are calling cave men findings? How do you know what kind of life forms existed on the earth in the beginning? That is not man that is being found. If something would happen in the

minds of people in these days to cause them to forget the knowledge, which they possess; who would maintain that which is already built? What happened when God sent His Spirit upon man

to confound the languages, and no one could understand these things anymore. Confound means to make something confusing! Learn one thing about the Bible! There are symbols being used in

the "Old Testament!" Who is Nimrod; and, what is the Tower of Babel? The hunter's skill symbolizes someone being able to hit a

target! These are "smart weapons!" These are the accurate missiles that can hit a target from far away. Who shot the arrow? He that shoots the arrow is the hunter! The Lord spoke saying,

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"There is nothing new under the sun! That which is, has been already!" What is the purpose of the Bible speaking about Nimrod being a mighty hunter; and, how he fired his arrows into the air? The bow is that which propels the arrow. The bow symbolized something that propels that which would be symbolized by the

arrow. These are the rockets, and the jet propulsion systems. The arrow is that which is propelled by the rockets! A tower is a

construction which stands tall! A rocket is as a tower! “Babel” is a confusion! The speech is not understood! The tower of Babel is

that which we see today as the rockets, which stands on the launching pad! This is speaking of a time of old when men built the

platform, with the rockets to climb up into heaven (outer space). There is nothing new under the sun! That which is has already

been. Amen!In the building a tower, materials are gathered from different places! Every part is according to the knowledge of the manufacturer. They

send to the manufacturers, saying, “Supply us with this, or that!” This is the same as those who gathered the bricks and mortar, and whatever else was needed to build the tower of Babel! It is a thing that is fitted together. How tall is a rocket standing on its platform? Is it not also a tower? And, what is the purpose of this rocket? Is it not for reaching up into outer space? "Whose "top" may reach unto

heaven!" “Heaven” in this instance is translated to mean outer space. The first rockets, which were fired into space, had the

payload at the top of the rockets; and, rockets propelled them into space! Amen!

Then, there was shown a focus on making superior weapons as a defense, and as a deterrent to other nations, by this statement, which said, "And let us make us a name, lest we be scattered

abroad upon the face of the whole earth." There is always a need to show your superiority, or else no one will fear you. Amen!

My Lord, cause it all to come back to me, even as You had spoken it to me, I pray Thee! Blessed is the Power of Remembrance, Who has come from the Lord! So, then I was given to meditate on that which is spoken of in the Book of Joel! It speaks about events that will take

place before the Lord comes. He said that the Day when He shall

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return, it shall be a great and terrible day! But, we are going to see some things happening before that day! Joel 2:30-31: "And I will

show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sky is going to be filled with missiles; and, the burning of America will be seen from far off. The sun shall be turned

into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come." Things are being knocked out of the skies! Explosions taking place on earth. Things burning, and the smoke rising up into the sky, whereby it is seen from far off.

It is written in Ecclesiastes 3:16, saying, “And moreover I saw under the sun, the place of judgment, that wickedness was there; and the place of righteousness, that iniquity was there.” He said, “I saw!” “The place of judgment, that wickedness was there!” What was

seen about the court system? “That wickedness was there!” And, what was seen about the places, the church houses, where the

righteous gathered? “And the place of righteousness, that iniquity was there.”

Ecclesiastes 4:1: “So I returned, and considered all the oppressions that are done under the sun: and behold the tears of such as were

oppressed, and they had no comforter; and on the side of their oppressors, there was power; but they had no comforter.”

Whosoever is exercising rule over another man, is causing hurt to himself! It is written in Ecclesiastes 8:9, saying, “All this have I

seen, and applied my heart unto every work that is done under the sun: there is a time wherein one man rules over another to his own

hurt.”And, the conclusion of all of this knowledge that is coming forth is

written about in Ecclesiastes 8:17, saying, “Then, I beheld all of the work of God, that a man cannot find out the work that is done under the sun: because, though a man labor to seek it out, yet he shall not find it; yea, further; though a wise man think to know it, yet shall he

not be able to find it.” Amen!

“Having No Certain Dwelling Place Is The True Work of Evangelism!”

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“We Go About The Country Bringing The Word of

Understanding To The People To Unify Such As Are In The Light In

The True Faith!”

Matthew 22:9-10: “Go you therefore into the highways, and as many as you shall find, bid to the marriage. So those

servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the

wedding was furnished with guests.” (So, this is what we are in the process of doing!)

“Blessings For Contributions!”(Contribute & Distribute)

This is what the Lord is saying to you, "If you bring all of the Tithes and offerings to those whom I have chosen and sent, that they might be provided for; and prove Me now in this Way, saith the LORD of hosts; and see if I will not open for you the Windows of

Heaven, and pour out a Blessing to you, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. And, I will rebuke the devourer for your sake,

and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD of


And now, you rise up early in the morning, and go forth in the Spirit of the Lord: and, as you go forth, you stand, and say, "Hear me, O

you children of the Lord, and you who abide by His Laws, "Believe in the LORD your God, so shall you be established; believe His

anointed preachers, so shall you prosper." Amen!

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Email: [email protected] Reports: http://www.2nd-xmeah.comSpanish Reports: Reports are translations of these Reports by Ruben Cruz.

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We are Evangelists Xmeah & Felicia ShaEla'ReEl of the Children of Christ of America!

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“Contribute, Be Blessed; and, Believe; And, Don’t Doubt!”