Download - · Web viewSince the establishment of the General Baptist Bible College (GBBC) in 1965, GBBC has never ceased to train the youth to become pastors, teachers, and workers

Page 1: · Web viewSince the establishment of the General Baptist Bible College (GBBC) in 1965, GBBC has never ceased to train the youth to become pastors, teachers, and workers


With all the challenges that we have faced over the years, most specifically this year, all of you continue to lift us up through your prayers and words of encouragement that we receive regularly. We thank you for being responsive to our needs, and every time we are faced with calamities, you are there willing to help at all times.

I thank the General Baptist International Missions under the leadership of our Director, Mark Powell. I sincerely thank him for his heart for missions and most especially for always being so concerned for the people in the field. I thank our Missions One coordinator, Dr. Jim Pratt, for always assisting us in our needs and in the needs of the various mission teams.

I thank all of you, our ministry partners, sponsors, and mission supporters, and missionaries for your continued support and prayers to the ministry here in the Philippines, especially that of the General Baptist Bible College and the Matigsalug Bible Institute.

We continue to exist here because of your partnership with us over the years, and we thank our Almighty Father because through and by His grace, He continues to use you to help us here, so thank you very much.

When we started school year 2019-2020 in June, none of us expected all the challenges we would face for the year. Before year 2019 ended, we were shaken by a series of earthquakes. As a family, GBBC responded in love and reached out to our brethren in North Cotabato and Davao Del Sur areas where we were able to help by distributing food packs and relief goods to the affected communities.

We were able to do this in collaboration with General Baptist International Missions, General Baptist Church of the Philippines, Inc., General Baptist National Missionary Women's Conference, and with the parents, students, and staff of General Baptist Bible College.

Following our celebration of GBBC’s 55th founding anniversary in February this year, none of us knew our circumstances would change by March, just a few weeks before our school year would end. We know that all of us were looking forward to our closing and recognition ceremonies, which is always a highlight for the pupils, students, parents, guardians, the faculty and staff. COVID-19 has really changed the course of our school year, but it is only by and through the grace of God that we are still here.

This crisis has taught us so many life lessons. One of which is contentment. Through this period of time that we have been on quarantine, we have learned to be content with what we have and what God has blessed us with. Just as our theme this school year says, “Grace Brings Beauty in Contentment.” Yes, it is only by and through the grace of God that we can see and experience the beauty of being content in every circumstance in our lives.

We thank all of you who helped our pastors during this crisis. We thank GBIM, through our Director, Mark Powell, who initiated this campaign and to those of you who responded and gave generously and sacrificially, thank you so much. The financial support that you sent was of great help to our pastors and their families. More than 300 pastors received the financial aid and this meant a lot, especially that many of our churches are still not allowed to gather together. Again, thank you very much on behalf of the General Baptist Church of the Philippines, Inc.

As we just closed school year 2019-2020, our Abba Father reminds us that while we do not know what tomorrow holds, we find peace, comfort and hope knowing that He holds our tomorrow.

To all of you our dear ministry partners, thank you so much for being with us for the past 55 years

and most especially throughout school year 2019-2020.

Page 2: · Web viewSince the establishment of the General Baptist Bible College (GBBC) in 1965, GBBC has never ceased to train the youth to become pastors, teachers, and workers


Since the establishment of the General Baptist Bible College (GBBC) in 1965, GBBC has never ceased to train the youth to become pastors, teachers, and workers to serve in the various ministries of the General Baptist church in the Philippines.

GBBC over the years has evolved from a small Bible school of 18 students to a multi-level educational institution which has continued to exist and expand its territory by training, equipping, and developing leaders to be deeply rooted in the word of God and fully committed in making disciples, not just within the Philippines but around the world.

GBBC is moving forward to face the challenges and opportunities of globalization and integration among neighboring countries thus intensifying its efforts to produce graduates who are effective and efficient leaders and who are of Christ-like character.

The Philippines, where GBBC is located, has borderless opportunities reaching countries in the Southeast Asia region and even in Asia Pacific where the most unreached people groups are located. This gives GBBC an open window of opportunity to be able to share the Gospel and bring light and hope to this lost world.

Filipinos have proven to be very effective cross-cultural missionaries. Filipinos can go anywhere and fit in and blend in and be productive in the culture, productive in the society, and with those they have a unique gifting to be able to carry the message of God's love.

Reality is, there are still a lot of people who have not heard the Gospel and this was experienced first-hand by the staff and students who have gone to India for the very first time on a mission and immersion trip in 2015. But just as Scriptures tell us in Romans 10:14-15 (New International Version):

“14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

The bigger question is, how can we send if we do not train and equip? That is what GBBC is doing. GBBC is training and equipping disciples to be disciple-makers so that there can be people to be sent. The kind of training and equipping is done through formal theological and ministerial education.

However, in the Philippines, not everybody has the opportunity for education or access to it. While education in the Philippines is prioritized because parents believe that education is indispensable, a national legacy which should be passed from one generation to the next, there are barriers to quality education for young people in the Philippines.

The biggest barrier to many young people in the Philippines is poverty. Many students are unable to finish education because they do not have enough resources that will enable them to go to school and receive a decent education. Moreover, due to poverty, many students are forced to drop out and work by their parents.

It has always been believed that education is the greatest key in solving poverty and in solving many of the world’s problems. Education plays an important role in the country’s progress. It helps people to become better and productive citizens. Education helps make a difference in the country. Education helps solve the unemployment problem which poses a hindrance to the growth of the nation. Education can help raise moral and social standards.

Page 3: · Web viewSince the establishment of the General Baptist Bible College (GBBC) in 1965, GBBC has never ceased to train the youth to become pastors, teachers, and workers


GBBC sees the importance of education as it should never be overlooked by anyone who holds close to his heart the welfare of the people, the future of one’s country, and the hope of the Gospel to be heard and known in all nations. GBBC is much more than a process of imparting to boys and girls information or knowledge that will give them personal material advantages over others and that will merely prepare the individual to make a livelihood. GBBC provides the kind of education that has to do with one’s whole being, with all his faculties, his mind, body and soul. The kind of learning experience that affects every student decisively as an individual, as well as in his relations to others, to the nation and to God.

We need you to partner with us in this endeavor.


Your prayers mean a lot to us. It is through the prayers of our partners around the world that continue to encourage us and through your prayers, the school is able to survive and thrive.


You can also sign up via our GBIM Mission One program and be part of a leadership team that comes every October for the 360 Youth Leadership Forum or part of a teaching team that comes in April and October for the Stinson Institute. The Stinson Institute is continuing education for GBBC and MBI graduates as well as those who graduated from different courses who desire to acquire ministerial and pastoral training.


You may partner with us by giving financially to our various needs like helping us build a new dormitory for our students or help purchase computers or laptops for our students and teachers to be used in our new mode of distant learning.


You can also help us by being a sponsor to our students. Please see more details below.

Through valued partners like you, we can multiply your donation to keep students in school, provide a shelter for them while on campus, make available theological and ministerial education and training, and above all strengthen and expand evangelism and discipleship efforts so that the Gospel will be heard not just by the unreached in the Philippines but eventually and intentionally penetrate nations with creative and limited access and even those that are closed to the Gospel. This is to win souls to Christ.

While each one deserves the opportunity to pursue their dreams through education, every person also deserves the opportunity to hear the Gospel because Christ tasted death for everyone. Therefore, in order for this vision to become a reality, we need to continue to train and equip our students so we can send them. We need your support, prayers and partnership.

Page 4: · Web viewSince the establishment of the General Baptist Bible College (GBBC) in 1965, GBBC has never ceased to train the youth to become pastors, teachers, and workers


Today, since March 14, 2020, our gate has been locked. Our college students who lived in our dormitories were sent home. Classes in all levels were suspended because of the COVID-19 threat. Schools are facing the unknown, especially since next school year 2020-2021 is still uncertain. Although, the Department of Education has set for classes to begin on August 24, 2020 with no face to face classroom instruction. Everything must be done via distant learning. This is a big adjustment for the students, faculty, and staff especially since the internet is not that accessible in all areas.

Since the lock-down GBBC has struggled with finances to keep up with meeting the needs for staff salaries, maintenance, and utilities. The bigger question is, will we have students next school year? Will parents and students have enough money to pay for school fees considering that many people lost their jobs. If we don’t have students then the domino effect is, what will we pay our faculty and staff? Will we resort to retrenchment or closure? Nobody knows the answer. Only God.

At this present time, God is teaching us to be still in His presence and trust His process. We urge you to pray for and with us that God will grant us His wisdom and His provision.

Please consider how you can help GBBC, because by helping with our needs, you are allowing us to impact more lives in the Philippines, Southeast Asia, the Asia Pacific, and around the world.

Again, on behalf of our Filipino brothers and sisters, thank you very much!

Stay healthy, safe, and make the most of this time to draw closer to our sovereign God!

Page 5: · Web viewSince the establishment of the General Baptist Bible College (GBBC) in 1965, GBBC has never ceased to train the youth to become pastors, teachers, and workers


Every child deserves the opportunity to pursue their dreams, just as every student deserves the right to education.

Your gift of $92 each month will bring hope and change to a sponsored student’s life, his family, church and community. Through your sponsorship, you'll help the General Baptist Bible College (GBBC) assist the student with education, food, and shelter.

When you sponsor a student through GBBC you join GBBC in walking with that student—along with the student’s family, church and community—as they move from struggling to thriving. Through consistent monthly support, letters and prayers—you and your sponsored student build a relationship that makes a lasting difference.

When you partner with GBBC through student sponsorship, your monthly gift equips us to help that student tackle his or her biggest obstacle—poverty. We meet their most basic needs through resources such as education, shelter, clean water, medical aid, food, ministerial and pastoral training and empowerment in the midst of unimaginable hardships.

GBBC has been walking with students who have become pastors, teachers, church workers, and other professionals for over five decades, and we’ve learned that student sponsorship is one of the most successful ways for the youth, families, churches and entire communities to rise up out of poverty.

We believe that when people are equipped to care for its most vulnerable members, everyone is served, poverty is eliminated, and entire communities are lifted, churches grow.

Your sponsorship will connect you with a student who believes he is called by God and dreams to become a worker in His vineyard. This gives you the opportunity to build a relationship with your sponsored student through letter writing. We know this experience will be mutually transformational.

Your $92-a-month gift of sponsorship is life-changing!

Page 6: · Web viewSince the establishment of the General Baptist Bible College (GBBC) in 1965, GBBC has never ceased to train the youth to become pastors, teachers, and workers

THE STUDENT IS BLESSED WITH: Improved housing and living conditions Access to clean water to drink A poverty-busting education Life-changing training Community outreach and missions opportunities to demonstrate the love of God The knowledge that someone loves them and wants them to succeed Hope for a better life

YOU ARE BLESSED WITH: The knowledge that YOU stepped in to help end poverty in the life of a student The chance to make a difference in the life of the student and his/her family The opportunity to communicate with the student you sponsor Updated photos of the student and prayer requests from GBBC Important reports of progress of the student and the school The privilege to be part of a ministry that trains and equips global leaders making disciples for Christ


How long does sponsorship last?

Students in the sponsorship program are between the ages of 16 and 27. We allow students who started school late to stay in the program until they finish their chosen program (Theology or Christian Education). When you sponsor a student, that student will remain in the program as long as they remain in school, or until the student graduates from the program.

Each program (Theology or Christian Education) are 4-year courses. That means the sponsorship for each student lasts for four years, then you can renew your sponsorship by sponsoring another student.

Your monthly donation pays for the student’s tuition, dormitory and other school fees, and provides food assistance.

If you choose to stop your sponsorship at any time, just let us know. We’ll find another sponsor. If the student graduates, we can help you choose another student to sponsor.

Page 7: · Web viewSince the establishment of the General Baptist Bible College (GBBC) in 1965, GBBC has never ceased to train the youth to become pastors, teachers, and workers

Can I visit the student?

Yes. You are more than welcome to visit your sponsored student on campus. Please let us know or communicate with us to find out how this is possible.

How do we select students to be sponsored?

GBBC selects students based on greatest need and the willingness to abide with the sponsorship program agreement, policies and requirements. We purposely seek out the poorest but deserving students based on their academic and work performance, character, and the family’s economic situation.

How often will I hear about the student? And from the student?

When you sponsor a student, you will receive an initial letter from the school and the student. Throughout the year, you will also receive updates, prayer and praise requests. Your sponsored child will write 3-4 letters during the year.

Can I send gifts to my student?

Yes, but with limits. We welcome designated cash gifts for birthdays, Christmas, graduation, and other special occasions. Elaborate gifts can set your child up for jealousy within the campus, or even a feeling of dependency on you rather than their parents.

Does the money go directly to the student/family?

No. We do not give the money directly to the student unless it is designated as a birthday, Christmas, or graduation gift. Once we receive your donation, we apply it directly to the student fees, so it goes directly as payment to the school for the students tuition and other fees as specified (dormitory, registration, miscellaneous, and food).

In most cases, your student sponsorship payments are leveraged with the donations of other sponsors to make your sponsored student’s education and learning experience meaningful and that opportunities are maximized. Our sponsorship program equips your sponsored student to provide for needs such as education, shelter, health and nutrition.

Page 8: · Web viewSince the establishment of the General Baptist Bible College (GBBC) in 1965, GBBC has never ceased to train the youth to become pastors, teachers, and workers

What does the $92 a month provide for the child?

Through our programs, your sponsored student will have access to things like: Education – The education they receive is government-recognized, therefore it is based on the policies, guidelines, and

standards set forth by the Commission on Higher Education and in accordance to the highest standards of the Bible. Shelter – The students are housed in a dormitory. While the dormitory at GBBC is not fancy, it has the basics: a kitchen,

dining area which is also their study area, and sleeping quarters where each one has a bed (bunk beds are provided, one student on the top bed and another student on the lower bed. For many, their living conditions are better on campus than where they come from, as some just sleep on the floor with a mat.

Clean water - Many of the students come from areas where water is not piped into their houses, they still have to walk to the water source, and sometimes the water is contaminated.

Improved healthcare – Filipinos are known to only see a doctor when it is really necessary, sometimes as a last resort. Most Filipinos do not have family doctors with whom they have regular visits and check-ups. At GBBC, there is a school nurse who is designated to be the medical officer and stays on campus making sure that students are cared for, especially in times of illness. There is also a medical and dental practitioner who comes regularly on campus to check on the students.

Better nutrition – Through the food allowance given to the students in the form of rice, it is guaranteed that the student is able to eat three meals a day.

Your monthly pledge provides resources to empower the student to become an effective and efficient global leader.

Is this a real student/how many sponsors does each student have?

GBBC student sponsorship pairs a single student with a single sponsor as long as you continue your monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual sponsorship. However, if the sponsorship does not cover the entire cost and there is no commitment from the sponsor to give regularly and consistently, then GBBC will need to look for more sponsors to sponsor that particular student until the cost for one student sponsorship is raised. Can I have communication with my student?

Absolutely! We encourage you to write to your sponsored child. We encourage you to write letters and channel it through GBBC. Through consistent monthly support, letters, and prayers—you and your sponsored child build a relationship that ministers to both of you. Your sponsored child will also experience lasting change in his life.

Because of the easy access to social media and the internet, communication has become faster and readily available. We just want you to be very cautious when communicating with the student using social media (specifically Facebook, Instagram, and the like), because we do not want students to take advantage of and abuse your thoughtfulness and generosity.

Always remember that your sponsorship is life-changing. It is like bringing light and hope into the student’s life.

Page 9: · Web viewSince the establishment of the General Baptist Bible College (GBBC) in 1965, GBBC has never ceased to train the youth to become pastors, teachers, and workers


FEE ANNUAL (USD) SEMESTER (USD) MONTHLY (USD)Tuition and Dormitory 400.00 200.00 33.50Registration and other school fees 300.00 150.00 25.00Food Assistance 400.00 200.00 33.50TOTAL 1,100.00 550.00 92.00

Please send your sponsorship to:

GBIM – 100 Stinson Drive – Poplar Bluff, MO 63901

Please write on the memo line “GBBC student sponsorship.”