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Professional Development Blog IOM AY 18-19


NAME: Sari Van Wassenhove……………………………………………………………………… DATE: 31/03/2019

Guidelines for completing the ‘self-assessment attitudes’ template

Below you can find a selection of 10 important attitudes for an office manager. Apart from knowledge and skills, the programme learning outcomes of course involve attitudes as well. In this template we will focus on ten attitudes a successful office manager should possess.

A. Self-AssessmentYou evaluate yourself by means of a scale containing a series of statements. A number of situations are defined in every row. In the table, PER ROW you indicate for each of the following attitudes which statement applies to you (for instance by marking this statement in yellow).

B. MotivationBelow the table you add an explanation for the level you indicated in the different situations (rows). Give concrete examples/proofs to illustrate how well you master this attitude. This may be a description of a specific task you have accomplished, a self-created document you attach below,...

ContentAttitude 1: INITIATIVE.............................................................................................................................2

Attitude 2: EFFORT AND PERSEVERANCE...............................................................................................3

Attitude 3: PUNCTUALITY.......................................................................................................................4

Attitude 4: QUALITY AND GOAL ORIENTATION......................................................................................5

Attitude 5: CRITICAL ATTITUDE AND OPENNESS TO FEEDBACK..............................................................6

Attitude 6: EAGERNESS TO LEARN..........................................................................................................7

Attitude 7: ASSERTIVENESS....................................................................................................................8

Attitude 8: ANALYTICAL SKILLS...............................................................................................................9

Attitude 9: SYNTHETICAL SKILLS...........................................................................................................10

Attitude 10: DISCRETION......................................................................................................................11

Source: VKW (2005). SAM-schaal: schaal voor Meting van Attitudes en Vaardigheden. Consulted on 6 October 2016 via

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Attitude 1: INITIATIVE

A. Self-Assessment


1 I don't notice if there is work to do and I don't take any initiative.

I only notice there is work to do when the supervisor is near and then I take initiative.

I do notice if there is work to do, but I sometimes need some encouragement to get started.

I notice if there is work to do and I spontaneously get started.

2 I only perform tasks I like. Sometimes I perform tasks I dislike.

I perform all tasks as instructed , deliver quality and I usually demonstrate my commitment.

I spontaneously perform all tasks with attention to quality, even when I dislike them.

3 I never notify when a task is completed.

I sometimes notify when a task is completed.

I always notify when a task is completed.

I spontaneously notify when a task is completed and spontaneously ask for additional tasks.

B. Motivation

1: Whenever I know I have tasks to do, I immediately get started.

2: I didn’t like some tasks, but I still wanted to do them in a accurate and qualitative way.

3: When I completed a task, I notified my internship mentor by mail or verbally.

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A. Self-Assessment


1 Delineation of work / task assumption is poor: I hardly ever take on actual work. I take on few tasks and never do any extra work.

Delineation of work / task assumption is rather minimal. I won't do any extras if I don't have to.

Good delineation of work / task assumption: I do what is necessary. I take on extra work if I'm asked to.

Excellent delineation of work / task assumption. I assume a responsible attitude. I spontaneously do more than requested.

2 My work pace is slow for assignments, tasks or projects. I lose a lot of time through contacts with others, administration, ...

My work pace is average. I prefer to switch between several assignments. I regularly need encouragement to continue.

Good work pace, I use the available time to complete a task or assignment wisely.

I work rather hard. Others say that I have a steady work pace.

3 I only work at a decent pace when I am forced to. I give up too soon.

I give uppretty soon. I don't give up before having a satisfactory solution.

I never give up, dig into a problem.

4 I am very easily distracted, I am not very alert, even when doing work for a short time.

I let myself be distracted, am not very alert when working, especially during tasks that take a lot of time.

I usually remain alert, even during assignments, tasks or projects that take a lot of time.

I am very committed and in control, even during assignments that take a lot of time.

B. Motivation

1: I perform all tasks that are asked of me and take other tasks on me if asked to.

2: I used all the time that I had to work on my tasks with a good tempo.

3: If I don’t get something, I ask questions to go on with my work as fast as possible.

4: If assignments take a lot of time, I always work on them until they’re done.

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A. Self-Assessment


1 I am absent a lot and I don't always notify.

I am absent now and then and I sometimes notify the supervisor.

I am rarely ever absent and I usually notify.

I always notify in case of absence.

2 I have a habit of arriving late due to circumstances.

I only arrive late now and then.

I always arrive on time. I am very punctual in every field.

3 I often fail to hand in my assignments, supporting documents. I often postpone things.

I always need an extra push to hand in my work. Without warning, I never make a deadline.

I hand in my work on time. Assignments are completed punctually.

I hand in certain assignments before the deadline.

4 I find it difficult to accept rules and procedures. I sometimes ignore them. I like to do what I feel like doing.

I only apply rules and procedures on instruction.

I am willing to take into account rules and procedures, I try to follow them spontaneously.

I can interpret rules and agreements correctly according to the situation and apply them spontaneously.

B. Motivation

1: I was never absent, but if I would be I would always notify my internship mentor.

2: I was expected every day at 8.30 AM and was at my office between 8.30 and 8.35 AM.

3: I didn’t have a lot of deadlines, but I always handed in my tasks punctually.

4: This is not difficult for me, if I have to follow rules I always do it.

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A. Self-Assessment


1 I don't manage to successfully complete routine tasks.

I often lose my attention when performing routine tasks.

Performing routine tasks goes well.

Routine tasks are finished to perfection.

2 Collaborating for me means delegating: others can do some work too, I don't need to do an equal share of the work.

There is not always collaboration. I depend on the group. I don't think I should make an effort for the group. I do my share.

Good collaboration with others. I don't only make an effort for my own work, but for the group as well.

Excellent collaboration. I encourage others to work on the group assignment. I can make them enthusiastic about our common result.

3 I am easily satisfied about what I do. ‘Sufficient’ seems enough for me. I do not evaluate my tasks, assignments, approach etc.. I am rather indifferent when it comes to setting additional standards for my own work.

I aim for a feasible result for myself, and now and then I achieve the required result.

I assess the quality of my actions and solutions; if they do not meet the predetermined criteria, I continue my search.

I am highly demanding concerning obtaining qualitative results.

4 I often am very inaccurate or careless: I make mistakes that can easily be avoided and make more mistakes than average.

Now and then, I make mistakes. I often make mistakes due to carelessness .

Inaccuracy and speed are often found together, but not always. I make few mistakes.

I am able to achieve qualitative results quickly and accurately . My work is without mistakes.

B. Motivation

1: Routine tasks were done accurately whenever it was asked.

2: When other colleagues asked if I wanted to perform a task for them, I also did what they asked of me. For example, the HR manager and Assistant of the CEO asked if I wanted to create flyers, make labels for an event and make price differences for an event. See documents in appendix beneath.

3: If the outcome of my tasks were not what I expected them to be, I continued my search for better results.

4: There was one time, when I wanted to do a task to quickly that I made a few mistakes.

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A. Self-Assessment


1 I am not aware of my own mistakes.

I recognise my own improvement areas. I learn from the mistakes I make more than once.

I recognise my own improvement areas. I learn every day, only make the same mistake once.

Through my exemplary behaviour, I encourage others to perform (both in terms of quantity and quality).

2 I don't check my own work, others need to adjust essential issues.

I am willing, but I only check my work when I am asked to.

I check my own work. Checkingis an inherent part of qualitative work. I do this spontaneously.

3 I don't discover any errors or omissions in available information.

I sometimes discover errors or omissions in available information.

I discover errors or omissions in available information.

I spontaneously checkavailable information for error or omissions.

4 I get angry when others point out mistakes.

I won't admit when others point out mistakes.

I listen to remarks of others, sometimes admit to making mistakes, but I am not convinced I should change according to their suggestions.

I am open to others' remarks and apply their suggestions.

B. Motivation

1: After I have gotten feedback, I try to not make the mistake that was mentioned again in my following tasks.

2: During and after tasks I check for possible mistakes.

3: For example: I had to translate documents and powerpoints where I found some grammar mistakes. See appendix for an example of a documented I translated to English.

4: I am glad to learn about what I can do better at my internship, I always appreciated feedback.

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A. Self-Assessment


1 I really detest studying, it has always been like that.

I dislike studying and only do so because I have to.

I study, but only when I am explicitly asked to.

I study spontaneously.

2 I am not very interested in the work I do. I rarely ask any questions. I simply do what I have to.

I am moderately interested in the work I do. I occasionally asks questions.

I am interested in my work. I often ask questions.

I am passionate about work. I am eager to know a lot, I search for background information. I ask a lot of questions.

3 I keep making the same mistakes.

I regularly make the same mistakes and often these have to be pointed out to me.

I rarely ever make the same mistake twice. I spontaneously correct any errors I make.

I spontaneously learn from my mistakes and never make them again.

4 I hate remarks and critical feedback concerning my learning process.

I listen to suggestions and feedback.

I spontaneously ask for suggestions and feedback.

I ask for suggestions, feedback and spontaneously implement this in my learning process.

5 I admit that I am not really interested in recent news or recent evolutions in my subject area.

I am interested in recent news or recent evolutions, but others should prove the advantage to me, for instance in a project ...

I am spontaneously interested in recent news or recent evolutions.

I systematically follow up on recent news or recent evolutions in my subject area.

6 I don't really share my knowledge with others.

I share some of my knowledge with others, especially if there is something to be gained for me.

I will share my knowledge when I am explicitly asked to.

I spontaneously share my knowledge with others.

B. Motivation

1: It depends what I have to study. If it’s interesting to me, I’ll gladly study it.

2: I worked at the HR department and it wasn’t what I expected of HR. Therefore, some things weren’t really interesting for me.

3: If I come to realisation of my mistakes, I try to avoid them whenever I could possibly make them again.

4: I am always open to them and then perform them in my tasks.

5: When there was news about recent evolutions in the company, I asked more information about it.

6: For example: when I had to work on a project with a colleague, I shared my knowledge about the program Canva.

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A. Self-Assessment


1 I don't ooze self-confidence and I am often intimidated by others.

I often doubt my own abilities.

I ooze the necessary self-confidence.

I am able to convince a large group of my ideas all by myself.

2 I don't have a personal opinion. I assume a defensive attitude.

I develop my own opinion if others point me in the right direction.

I am not afraid to defend a different idea, providing someone shares my opinion.

I try to convince others of my ideas, even when no one has asked my opinion.

3 I am unable to express myself to superiors.

I have difficulties expressing my opinion when my superiors are around.

I easily express myself to superiors.

I spontaneously contact my superiors.

B. Motivation

1: Sometimes I doubt my own abilities when I’m in a field where I don’t have a lot of knowledge.

2: Developing my opinion about a subject I know enough about is not that difficult for me.

3: I am more a listener when superiors are around, I’d rather listen then give my opinion.

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A. Self-Assessment


1 I often fail to find the connection between different kinds of information.

I can find a general, superficial connection between different kinds of information.

I find connections between different kinds of information.

I spontaneously and systematically search for connections between different kinds of information.

2 I never make an analysis of a problem when it occurs: I immediately try to solve it.

I analyse problems, but not always correctly.

when analysing problems, I generally distinguish factual information on the one hand and interpretations or assumptions on the other hand.

I spontaneously gatherinformation on backgrounds and causes of problems/situations and found my decision on this.

3 When doing an analysis, I find it difficult to distinguish between essential and additional information.

I apply some structure in my analysis, sometimes get lost in details and lose sight of the main ideas.

I analyse processes, tasks, projects, assignments, objectives.

I clearly distinguish essential from additional information; first try to find the main ideas instead of immediately tackling the details. I formulate alternatives and anticipate interruptions.

B. Motivation

1: For example: I had to go to a department to ask questions about a job function that was open for that department to make a job vacancy after. I had to conclude what the most important things were to write in that vacancy.

Also I had to search for possible candidates for a job interview for that function on VDAB. Therefore, I had to make links between their profiles and the profile needed for the job.

See appendix for the job vacancy I made and my job profile research.

2: During tasks I try to weigh everything in a balanced way to come to a factual conclusion.

3: I try to analyse as much as possible to achieve good results.

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A. Self-Assessment


1 I find it very difficult to consider alternatives and so I fail to reach a conclusion.

I am sometimes able to consider alternatives and formulate a conclusion.

I generally consider alternatives and reach conclusions.

I spontaneously demonstrate a healthy critical attitude when reasoning, I have alternatives and so I always arrive at conclusions.

2 I formulate over-simplified suggestions for solving problems. I hardly consider positive/negative aspects.

I am able to formulate a balanced proposal on instruction for solving a problem, however, I often find this difficult.

I formulate unilaterally nuanced suggestions for solving problems.

I formulate spontaneously nuanced proposals when solving a problem, where I have considered all possible side-effects, nuances or consequences of viewpoints.

3 I am unable to determine a synthesis final objective from diverse components, elements, constituent parts.

I am able to reach a judgement or synthesis from analysed information, however not systematically.

I am able to achieve a sober synthesis logically and methodically based on gathered information.

I formulate a solidly-based synthesis, based on diverse information.

B. Motivation

1: I had to search for an education program for an employee that needed to take French classes. I searched for schools who provided that and made conclusions what were the best options for her.

See appendix for my search.

2: When I saw a problem, I alerted it and tried to come up with my own solutions and then propose them.

3: After a training for team leaders that I attended, I had to make a synthesis including for example things the team leaders and myself would change for the next time.

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Attitude 10: DISCRETION

A. Self-Assessment


1 I adopt an immodest attitude. My clothing and hairstyle are not in line with the company culture.

I don't always assume a modest attitude and I sometimes meet the norm, but not always, concerning clothing and appearance.

I have a modest, proper attitude and wear appropriate, neat clothing.

I assume an appropriate attitude on my own initiative, wear appropriate clothing, depending on the situation.

2 I am a cheat and I am dishonest. I don't realise which reactions my behaviour provokes. I like to gossip about personal matters. I bully colleagues or harass others. I don't have too much empathy .

I don't pass on any personal issues. I don't touch other people's stuff. I respect others' opinion.

I don't reveal sensitive information to unauthorised persons. I show empathy with others. I bear in mind the variety and people's (private) background. I give opportunities to others, don't treat them stereotypically.

I am very well aware of which information I can or cannot reveal. Others can come to me spontaneously. I listen with interest to what preoccupies others.

B. Motivation

1: I always wore formal/appropriate clothing. Even though, most employees wore casual clothing.

2: I always kept information for me concerning my internship/company. I listened to what colleagues told me and kept it to myself.

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Dear Supervisor,

Dear new employee,

In the context of the introduction scheme, we are asking for everybody’s participation to take our new colleagues as soon as possible into the Intrum story. What is the aim?

The supervisor/contact person/conversation partner explains where his department contributes in the Intrum chain. Therefore, it is important to sketch the roles and to explain who does what and for what things the new employee can reach out to him/her. Also, it is important that the new employee can make a link between his function in Intrum and the department. In short, on which levels do you need each other and what are the expectations towards the collaboration. Do you need each other less often? Then it is already a nice first acquaintance! The new employee already tries to write what he or she remembers from the first encounter below. The N+1 from the new employee will be responsible for explaining next topics: Strategy from Intrum, Leadership principles, Values. The conversation partner formulates as well the important learning points from the encounter and what it should have learned during the conversation. We expect this document back after the first phase from the introduction program. Usually, this is 2 weeks after the start up. This is possible on paper or can be digitally sent to [email protected] Greetings, HR

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Estimated time

What can you expect from the Conversation partner in terms of information?

What did you remember from your conversation with the department supervisor? (take-away) - Employee

CFI team/Admin - Daphé Van Hecke

The Client File Integration team (CFI) at Intrum is responsible for the file processing on different levels. Think about putting in the contracts with clients correctly, timely and correct upload files, all kinds of updates and controls.

The administrative team stands for the processing of incoming mail that flows via mail traffic or Bpost. By using the division per department or special categories, this results in a fast handling and feedback to our clients and/or customers.

Collections Center - Dimitri Thomas

Is responsible for the first line telephonic contacts for diverse clients in context of amicable claims (=not-judicial).Here, the aim is to come to a solution in an empathic professional

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Vacature halftijdse medewerker CFI team



Ons team is op zoek naar een gemotiveerde toekomstige werknemer die ons CFI team halftijds komt versterken. Je staat in voor de bestandsverwerking binnen Intrum die handelt over contracten met opdrachtgevers correct ingeven, tijdige en correcte opvoer van dossiers en verschillende updates en controles.


- Met Excel werken (formules, draaitabellen, Vlookup etc.) - Dataverwerking- Verschillende softwareprogramma’s hanteren


- Sterke kennis Excel- Bekendheid met algemene Office pakketten- Cijfermatige kennis- Nederlands, Frans en Engels beheersen- Nauwkeurigheid- Flexibiliteit- Snel leren


Wij verwachten dat Excel een van jouw topvaardigheden is gepaard met gefocust werken in een dynamische omgeving. Zelfstandig zijn en met een goeie inzet naar de werkvloer komen is zeker een must!


Een specifieke opleiding voor deze functie is niet noodzakelijk. Een sterke kennis omtrent Excel is cruciaal!Een opleiding boekhouden of dergelijke zou een voordeel kunnen zijn op cijfermatig gebied.

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Kennis maken met de softwareprogramma’s die wij hanteren binnen Intrum wordt aangeleerd aan de nieuwe werknemers.


- RONNY DERUYTER- Werkt al sinds 2014 niet meer- Heeft als team leader gewerkt voor +- 6 jaar- Geen ervaring in call center- “Samenwerken als hecht team”- Nauwkeurigheid- Flexibel- Klantgerichtheid!- Frans is goed

- REMBRAND ZENNER- Pas in februari begonnen, wilt nu al veranderen- People manager (Deutsche Bank, IBM Alcatel)

o IBM Alcatel: verantwoordelijkheid voor het team v/d klant (+- 20 personen)- Geen ervaring in call center

- Zelfstandig!- Contactvaardig!- Flexibel- Klantgerichtheid!- Frans zeer goed

- JURGEN UYTTENDAELE- Team coach (begeleiden, coachen, evalueren en aansturen…)- Gewerkt in ‘customer care’ omgeving als Contact Center Coördinator

(rekruteringsproces, opleidingen nieuwe werknemers, coachingsstructuren, werkinstructies team coaches uitschrijven…)

- Site Manager: manager v/e decentraal call center, leiden v/d dagelijkse operaties & aansturen van team coaches

- Team coach: rekruteren, begeleiden, coachen, evalueren en aansturen van team (8 à 22 advisors i/e contact center omgeving

- Helpdesk Supervisor bij UPC: aansturen v/e team

- Resultaatgerichtheid

- Nauwkeurigheid

- Klantgerichtheid!

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- Frans is zeer goed

- ICT skills goed

- Communicatief

- Stressbestendig

- Ervaring in individueel en werken in teamverband

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- Niveau 1 - versneld - 2de semester

- Maandag, uur: 18u10 - 21u30 - Prijs: 105 euro per semester

- 04/02/2019 - 24/06/2019

- Locatie: Henleykaai 83 GENT

- Praktisch Frans 1o Opmerking : de cursisten Frans Niveau 1 zijn vooral anderstaligen. Als

steuntaal wordt dan ook het Engels gebruikt.o Volgde je al eerder Frans, al was het beperkt of voor een korte periode, dan

raden we je aan in te schrijven voor PF2 (niet op maandagen)

- Maandag, uur: 19u30 - 22u00 - Prijs: 270 euro per semester

- 11/02/2019 - 20/05/2019

- Locatie: Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 136 GENT, Veyrac 8

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VERSLAG TRAINING TEAM LEADERS: “GESPREKSTECHNIEKEN VOOR MOTIVERENDE EN VERBINDENDE GESPREKKEN”- Wat is er besproken? Eerst moesten de team leaders en ikzelf een paar vragen gepaard met een vragenlijst invullen. De vragen die gesteld werden gingen over welk type gesprekken zij reeds gevoerd hebben met hun medewerkers en wat voor soort etc. De vragenlijst was een voorbereiding voor wat er besproken zou worden tijdens de training.

Dan werd er een introductie gegeven met hoe de dag eruit ziet, Anja wou de actiepunten van de team leaders eerst bespreken. Er werd ook meegedeeld wat er na de training zou gebeuren, dus de coaching en de intervisie.

Toen vroeg ze naar de focus leerpunten van de team leaders. Dit waren de punten waar zij op wilden focussen:

- Verzuimgesprekken- Motiveren van werknemers- Streng maar rechtvaardig zijn- Meer impact hebben- Hoe omgaan met emotionele gesprekken- Perceptie en congruentie- Meer kader en tempo aanpassen om naar de kern te gaan- Omgaan met verandering

Anja focuste zich op:- Emotie vs Feiten tijdens gesprekken- Communicatie goed overbrengen- Het OVK-model- Hoe actief luisteren naar de werknemer

o Trechtervrageno …

- Sub-assertiviteit, assertiviteit, manipulatie en agressiviteit/arrogantie- Verzuimgesprekken- Het 4G-model

Naargelang de training moesten we in groepjes samenzitten om onze vragenlijst te vergelijken i.v.m. assertiviteit.

Ook scenario’s/cases werden gespeeld waar de team leaders open vragen en “LSD” (= Luisteren, Samenvatten, Doorvragen) vragen moesten hanteren. Dit deden we ook per 2.

We leerden de 4G’s i.v.m. goed feedback geven, we kregen een document met zinnetjes die we kunnen toepassen tijdens evaluaties. Uitleg werd er ook bij gegeven.

Een onderwerp waar velen meer uitleg van wilden was: verzuimgesprekken. Hier kregen we ook een paar blaadjes met uitleg erin. Hierin stonden de stappen in hoe je het moet aanpakken en een tijdlijn.

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Dicht bij het einde van de sessie moesten we ook onze “Waardevolle ideeën” opschrijven, dus dingen die we meegepikt hadden en willen toepassen als team leader.

Wat vonden de team leaders ervan?

Sommige team leaders vonden dat het meer praktijkgericht mocht zijn. Ze ondervonden ook dat er te veel uitgebreid werd over niet-noodzakelijke onderwerpen. Er mochten meer cases gedaan worden en minder theoretisch.Iemand vond ook dat een dag training te lang was.

Wat vond ik ervan?

Ik vond het een leerrijke training, ik heb vooral veel geleerd over assertiviteit. Zelf vond ik het ook wat theoretisch, ik denkt niet moest ik een team leader zijn dat ik veel bijgeleerd zou hebben. Bijvoorbeeld: er werden veel blaadjes gegeven met voorbeeldzinnen, maar dit in de praktijk toepassen is toch wel iets anders. Voor alle werknemers moet je verschillende gesprekstechnieken toepassen. De zinnetjes kunnen eventueel als basis gebruikt worden.

Wat kon beter?

Zoals de team leaders vind ik ook dat het meer praktisch gerichter mocht en dus ook meer cases. Anja breidde iets te lang uit over sommige onderwerpen, wat in mijn mening niet nodig was.