Download -  · Web viewpractically singlehandedly. Many margiis are aware of the situation, and also many are not, and we all need to be aware of how serious the situation is. Baba said on Oct.

Page 1:  · Web viewpractically singlehandedly. Many margiis are aware of the situation, and also many are not, and we all need to be aware of how serious the situation is. Baba said on Oct.

Namaskar! Welcome to Ananda Nagar!

‘Anandanagar is the nucleus of this universe. It is not merely the physical Anandanagar, it is also the Anandanagar of our inner heart. We will have to build it in all possible ways, we will have to take all steps for its rapid development so that it can show light to the entire universe. ‘

2016- the Year of Ananda Nagar; this was designated again last autumn by Central Committee of Kolkata. Once again it is declared a special time to particularly devote attention to this core of Baba’s Mission, the nucleus source of prana dharma of the universe. One dada was saying that in Baba declaring Himself ‘Anandamurti of Ananda Nagar’, what does this mean, that He is here, that He wants us to develop love for Ananda Nagar in our hearts, and that He wants us always thinking of Ananda Nagar, and how to help Ananda Nagar, He wants rapid development of Ananda Nagar for the welfare of the universe. Ananda Nagar needs much love, energy, and focus to move ahead, the attention and support of all of us. One example is this: a law was passed in West Bengal Government allowing no individual or organization to possess more than 24 acres, unless using for religious or public service purposes, in which case it is possible to get a waiver. But the waiver must be fought for; it is no easy task. Ananda Nagar is actually a collection of over 2000 plots and 20 pieces of information must be obtained for each one. Also there must be proof of usage, thus various projects must be restored or undertaken. The government has already confiscated 217 acres, although a court stay is in effect. Presently our beloved Asti Pahar- Dinosaur Hill- is under attack; it is 62 acres, and already constructed jagrti and school must be upgraded for use. Rector Master Dada Narayanananda is doing this work

Page 2:  · Web viewpractically singlehandedly. Many margiis are aware of the situation, and also many are not, and we all need to be aware of how serious the situation is. Baba said on Oct.

practically singlehandedly. Many margiis are aware of the situation, and also many are not, and we all need to be aware of how serious the situation is.

Baba said on Oct. 20, 1979 that “But why should this be done so rapidly?  Because human beings do not live by material objects alone; they also have their prana dharma (their vital inner essence). Even if they are provided with all their material needs – their food, clothes, and all necessary requirements, they will die an inglorious death if they are detached from their prana dharma. Anandanagar will provide that ancient eternal vital force. Thus it must be developed in all respects. This brooks no delay: to delay means to impair the cultural progress of the entire human society. We will not allow this to happen. Thus we must build Anandanagar in all ways.”       

How can we bring our minds and hearts closer and closer to Ananda Nagar and Baba’s dreams for it? Coming to Ananda Nagar can be life changing. It is indescribable to walk the dusty paths and rolling hills, the vast expanses both inner and outer, to meditate in the tantric pithas, to meet the villagers, our Ananda Nagar family, and join in the village kiirtans, to experience the place Baba has designated for so many hopes and dreams for humanity and beyond to be realized, all He offers and gives here. Reading ‘Rarh, the Cradle of Civilization’ also offers much understanding. There are infinite opportunities for helping the mission grow here.

The areas of development decided upon for this year are 4;

A. securing lands (obtaining authorized documents), B. restarting projects, C. roads and dams, and D. miscellaneous projects.

A. Securing land

 Securing the land has 4 aspects.  

1.       The first concerns a state law that is now being acted upon, that no individual or organization may own more than 24 acres of land, unless a religious or public service organization. A waiver may be obtained but must be fought for, by proving that the land is being used, or it may be taken by the state. Rector Master Dada Narayanananda is doing this nearly singlehandedly. Presently 217 acres of land are taken by state but through a court stay, it is on paper only. There are over 2000 plots of land at Ananda Nagar. 20 pieces of information, including deeds for each, must be obtained.

Page 3:  · Web viewpractically singlehandedly. Many margiis are aware of the situation, and also many are not, and we all need to be aware of how serious the situation is. Baba said on Oct.

2.       Various information to fulfill 20 points required for each plot must be obtained.

3.       Taxes are required for lands of nonprofits and profits. A law was enacted requiring payment of taxes and all back taxes even as back from 1985. It is not our fault as the previous Government was led by Communist party and whenever we wanted to deposit tax, they never accepted tax from us due to hostility.

4.       Changing titles of each plot from previous owner to Ananda Marga [transmutation] has not been finished and must be done now.

Total requirement of fund for this:

         Subject No. Fund require (in INR) Fund require (in US $)

No. of deeds for which certified copy are to obtain

424 Rs. 3,00,000 $ 5000

Information of Land Plots

517 Rs. 50,000 $ 830

Pending Land taxes 424 More than Rs. 6,00,000 $ 10,000Change of titles of owner

424 Rs. 4,00,000 $ 6,670

B. Restarting projects:  4 projects have been chosen for restoration to prove our possession.

1. Asti Pahar-  Abhedananda Dihii, a school and jagrti needs floors in several rooms, doors, windows, grills, septic tank, and infrastructure for water etc.Fund require- Rs.6,00,000  or  $10,000

2. Fine Arts Complex-  this lovely building in south Ananda Nagar needs painting, electricity and boundary wall (700 sft) repairing.  Fund require-   Rs. 1,00,000 or 50,000  or $1620

3. Dimdiha Village school- this delightful newly constructed school in the far east needs water supply, paintimg, and boundary wall. Fund require- Rs.10,00,000  or  $16,670

4. Atulananda Bhavan in North Ananda Nagar is for medical projects and dispensary for public which needs building repair and renovation Fund require- Rs. 60,000 - 70.000  or $1170


Page 4:  · Web viewpractically singlehandedly. Many margiis are aware of the situation, and also many are not, and we all need to be aware of how serious the situation is. Baba said on Oct.

C. Roads and dams

- We need to construct approx. 6 KM road from Pundag to Khatanga. Because from Khatanga to Kotshila the nearest Block town is already exist.

- Inside Anandanagar - some cement, sand and pebbles for concrete roads, slopes, and junctions and some mud road should be repaired.

- Madhu Malay- Baba’s Quarters- presently no road; make road for free access and also the construct a dam (Uttara Uttaran) plus bridge over Uttara River to facilitate movement of vehicles and easy access to Baba’s quarter.

- Singbhum Dam near Singbhum Hostel, Central Ananda Nagar; needs repairs and road across it for entering Anandanagar from Pundag Railway station.

- Dimbagiri Dam - finish re-constructing dam for irrigation and village use

D. Miscellaneous Projects

1. Forestation- Baba has given plans for trees in some areas, orchards for other areas and special plants for certain areas; forestation is all according to Baba’s plan. This project includes thousands of plants and can be well under way in 5 - 10 years. Cost for sapling and digging, etc. is approximately 70 rupees per plant. In the first phase approx. One lakh saplings needed for which fund requires - Rs.70 x 1,00,000 = Rs. 70,00,000 or $ 1,17,000

2. Tantric pithas development - the first pitha for cleanup and fixup is at Pasaka, and includes replacing dead plants and planting new ones according to Baba’s plan, and a brick boundary wall for which fund requires - Rs 5,00,000   or $ 8,035

3. Water filter project- many margiis cannot drink the unfiltered water from Ananda Nagar. This project would include a large poly tank of 2000 or 5000 liters close to RM’s office, and a 2nd smaller holding tank for the filtered water, which will be piped to a faucet available to all.  Fund requires = Rs 4,00,000   or  $6670

4. Additional mobile tower- work being done by RM Dada5. Creating Railway stoppage at Pundag station on Kolkata to Ranchi Inter

City Express-  RM Dada working on it6. Ananda Nagar map- to have a good map of Ananda Nagar, needs

surveyor, 2-3 months. Fund requires - Rs. 30,000 or less or  $5007. Souvenir magazine of Ananda Nagar- has been printed but only

Bengali, needs Hindi and English. Fund requires Rs. 1,50,000 or $2500 

Page 5:  · Web viewpractically singlehandedly. Many margiis are aware of the situation, and also many are not, and we all need to be aware of how serious the situation is. Baba said on Oct.

8. Electric connection posts- where there are  none, 6 projects for outlying villages, 5 done, but need to pay labor charges for one, plus entire post at Baba’s quarter (Madhumurchhana, at Kaushikii)). Fund requires Rs. 7000 or $115

9. New schools- land and buildings for 15 primary schools for the villages. Fund requires - Rs. 5,00,000 or  $25,000  each 

10. Rarh Museum and Guest house for overseas margiis with 4 rooms. The ground floor for Guest house and the first floor for museum of Rarh. Fund requires - Rs. 21,00,000  or $35,000

           Endless opportunities are here for visiting, activities, and seva, from coming for DMS, to volunteering, to just coming for a few days or weeks.

 If you are interested in supporting any of the above projects, or would like to receive the monthly AN newsletter or be in touch for any reason, please contact Rector Master Dada Narayananda Avadhuta, contact No. 09330894422, 70764 32596 or mail at [email protected].

'Days passed, time passed, from beginninglessness to endlessness. Rainstorms and thunderbolts struck the mountains, and gradually the mountains diminished. Their snowy crowns fell off their heads, their height decreased. As the mountains became smaller and smaller through erosion, each river basin that lay between two mountains became higher. The undulating red soil that we see today in the west of Rarh, the undulation that advances ahead of us till it mingles in the remote blue, the undulation that gives a hint of some lost address as it recedes behind us – that undulating land is our Rarh.’

Belamu Hill, oldest and biggest mountain of earth’s history, an overlying presence of much of Ananda Nagar

Page 6:  · Web viewpractically singlehandedly. Many margiis are aware of the situation, and also many are not, and we all need to be aware of how serious the situation is. Baba said on Oct.

'The searing summer heat of this tropical region, and the whirlwinds of red dust, spurred the inhabitants of Rarh to break the bondages of this limited world and to run in the direction of limitlessness. And at the very sight of the natural landscape of Rarh, tears welled up in their hearts, and their entire beings quivered, for the great unknown entity. This longing in their hearts made the people of Rarh mystical. What is mysticism? Mysticism is the never-ending endeavour to find out a link between finite and infinite. So the people of Rarh are all mystical by birth. When they look up at the boundless sky, their inner self becomes eloquent in this way:

Uriche tomar dhvaja megharandhracyuta tapaner jvaladarcirekha;Karojore ceye achi urdhvamukhe – parite jani na, kii tahate lekha.[Your banner is flying like a beam of sunlight flashing through the clouds.I am looking with upturned face and folded hands – but I cannot read what is written there.]’--- from ‘Rarh, the Cradle of Civilization’ by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti 

These projects below are fundamental and need support. Would you forward this email to as many margiis and interested people as possible?

Here are some pictures projects of Anandanagar:

Project at Ashthi Pahar (Fossil Hill)

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Fine Arts building

Dimdiha hill

Projects at Dimdiha Hill

Page 8:  · Web viewpractically singlehandedly. Many margiis are aware of the situation, and also many are not, and we all need to be aware of how serious the situation is. Baba said on Oct.

Atulananda Bhavan

Tantra Piitha at PASAKA

Dam at Singbhum Hostel

Page 9:  · Web viewpractically singlehandedly. Many margiis are aware of the situation, and also many are not, and we all need to be aware of how serious the situation is. Baba said on Oct.

Fixing broken glass pieces on the Boundary wall of Farm House

Incomplete Dam (Dimbagiri dam) near Dimdiha Hill

Page 10:  · Web viewpractically singlehandedly. Many margiis are aware of the situation, and also many are not, and we all need to be aware of how serious the situation is. Baba said on Oct.

Damaged dam (Uttara Uttaran)

Asthi Pahar (Fossil Hill)