Download - €¦  · Web viewInstinct/Innate. Kinesis. Taxis. Identification & Justification Directions: The following animal behaviors video clips will be viewed in class. For each, identify

Page 1: €¦  · Web viewInstinct/Innate. Kinesis. Taxis. Identification & Justification Directions: The following animal behaviors video clips will be viewed in class. For each, identify

HomeostasisGPS: SB4e. Relate plant adaptations, including tropisms, to the ability to survive stressful environmental

conditions.SB4f. Relate animal adaptations, including behaviors, to the ability to survive stressful environmental


Directions: Using the Biology textbook. Or your previous knowledge, define the following words/concepts in your groups.

AdaptationAltruismClassical ConditioningHabituationImprinting

Insight LearningInstinct/InnateKinesisTaxis

Identification & Justification Directions: The following animal behaviors video clips will be viewed in class. For each, identify the animal behavior and justify your answer with supporting evidence.

“Itchy Bear” – Kinesis – a movement or activity of a cell or an organism in response to a stimulus. This response is non-directional. The bear is scratching his back on the tree.

“Neutrophils Migrating Toward Chemical” – Taxis – an innate behavioral response by an organism to a directional stimulus. The human neutrophil is moving towards the chemical.

“My Sandfish” – Adaptation – an inherited characteristic that increases an organism’s chance of survival. The sandfish has developed the ability to swim in the sand to hide from its predators.

“Loggerhead Sea Turtles Hatching Moving To Sea by Moonlight” – Instinct – an innate behavior that appears in fully function form the first time they are performed.

“Squirrel Completing Insane Obstacle Course” & “Day 5 Squirrel Obstacle Course” – Learning – altering behavior as a result of experience (a.k.a. acquired behavior). The squirrels are taught to navigate an obstacle course by using food as the motivation to show them how to perform the obstacle.

“Flight with the Birds” – Imprinting – some young animals identify with the first moving object they see. This is called imprinting. The geese following the small aircraft to learn how to migrate is an example of imprinting because after the first flight, the geese could make the trip home and migrate without any help.

“Genius Chimp” – Insight Learning – the most complicated form of learning, it requires reasoning.

“Male Turtle helping Another Male he Knocked over When Fighting for the Female” – Altruism – involves selflessness and is the principle or

Page 2: €¦  · Web viewInstinct/Innate. Kinesis. Taxis. Identification & Justification Directions: The following animal behaviors video clips will be viewed in class. For each, identify

practice of concern for the welfare for others. The turtle is being altruistic by helping the other turtle to turn back over.

“Snails Response” – Habituation – a form of learning in which an organism decreases or ceases to respond to a stimulus after repeated presentations. The snail responds less and less each time to the touch of the q-tip.

Day 1 Summary:

For each of your new vocabulary words, create an analogy, or give a real world example of each, not given in class.

AdaptationAltruismClassical ConditioningHabituationImprinting

Insight LearningInstinct/InnateKinesisTaxis

Remember, an analogy is a statement comparing two things (_______ behavior is like ______ because…)

Plant Hormones & TropismsDirections: Use the stems and root words, and your textbook to define the terms in your groups.

Plant TropismsGravitropismPhotoperiodismPhototropismThigmotropism

Plant HormonesGibberellins CytokininsAuxinsEthylene

Page 3: €¦  · Web viewInstinct/Innate. Kinesis. Taxis. Identification & Justification Directions: The following animal behaviors video clips will be viewed in class. For each, identify

Identification & Justification Directions: The following plant hormones & tropisms video clips will be viewed in class. For each, identify the plant hormone and/or tropisms and justify your answer with supporting evidence.

“Root Elongation” – gravitropism or geotropism – growth of the plant in response to gravity. Root growth is downward due to the force of gravity.

“Mimosa pudica” – thigmotropism – the response of a plant to touch. The Mimosa pudica’s leaves shrink or close in response to touch.

“Lean This Way” – phototropism – the response of plants to light. The plant bends towards the light.

“One Year in 2 Minutes” – photoperiodism – the response of plant growth to changing periods of light. For example in fall and winter days become shorter giving trees less light, leaves change color and eventually fall off.

“What Hormone Accelerates This Process?” – Ethylene – accelerates the ripening of fruit. The banana is ripening because of increased ethylene.

“What Hormone Helped Increases The Tomato Plant’s Height?” – Auxins – stimulate cell elongation and regulate cell growth. The tomato plant is becoming taller due to the elongation.

“Root and Lateral Growth” – Cytokinins – stimulate cell division and growth of lateral buds, cause dormant seeds to sprout.

Day 1 Summary:For each of your new vocabulary words, create an analogy, or give a real world example of each, not given in class.

Plant TropismsGravitropismPhotoperiodismPhototropismThigmotropism

Plant HormonesGibberellins CytokininsAuxinsEthylene