Download -  · Web viewAmong the range of adolescents and young women who struggle with negative body image, middle school girls in particular present three unique

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I Love My Body!A Small Group Counseling Plan on Fostering Positive Body Image for Middle School

StudentsBy: Sarah Davis

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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IntroductionMore adolescents today are feeling pressure to live up to certain expectations in

body type and physical appearance. As a result, fat talk, dieting, and the comparison of body types are becoming more frequent in young girls. Body image, or “the mental image of one’s own body,” (SOURCE) can take up a majority of a person’s thoughts and take away from the more important aspects of a student’s life: education, relationships, and career building. Furthermore, according to an article on promoting healthy body image in middle school (Akos & Levitt 2002), body dissatisfaction is the strongest predictor to eating disorder symptoms (p. __). On the other hand, positive body image has been known to “promotes physical and mental health, strengthens self-esteem and decreases vulnerability” (Main 2009 p. 3).Group Rationale (Review of Literature)

Among the range of adolescents and young women who struggle with negative body image, middle school girls in particular present three unique qualities that further promote the constant degrading of the body and a pursuit of a more fitting one: the onset of puberty, an increased exposure to media and pop culture, and a movement from reliance on family approval to peer pressure and conforming to the opinions of friends.

According to the National Institute of Health, girls experience puberty, or the development from a girl to a woman, between the ages of 8 and 15, or in other words, during their middle school years. Girls will begin to develop breasts, experience hair growth, sweat more, develop more acne, and begin their menstrual cycle. Along the way, many girls tend to experience weight gain (p. 1). Akos and Levitt (2002) note that while puberty in boys often leads to growing bigger and stronger, something that goes with the western cultural ideal, girls often struggle with growing into a body which goes against the same ideal (p. 138-139).

Additionally, today, mass media has begun to funnel what has become known as the standard western culture ideal of female beauty into the minds of adolescents. This media includes print media such as magazines and books; digital media such as music and movies; and lastly, social media, such as Facebook and Twitter. Through advertisements of beauty products, the frequent use of thin models, and the powerful influence of celebrities, adolescents now live in a constant rejection of their bodies and constantly strive to achieve more. Hesse-Biber, Howling, Leavy, and Lovejoy peg this pot of insecurity and false identity as “The Cult of Thinness” (2004):

“The food, diet, and fitness industries, aided by the media, have systematically convinced women that independence means self improvement, self-control, and the duty to achieve the ultra slender body ideal. Furthermore, because this ideal is so unrealistically thin, the American ‘body industries’ have gluttonously consumed immense profits by feeding insecurities and starving bodies. For as confidence in one’s body decreases, the sale of low-fat foods, diet pills, and exercise bikes increases” (p. 49-50).

In an article on art education, artist and teacher Judith Briggs describes how the media crosses boundaries, “creating odd juxtapositions to create new meanings” (p. 39). She continues to argue how teenagers often follow trends within these media avenues and ultimately become influenced by them. They begin wearing what is “in-season” among


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popular fashion lines and listening to what society tells them is that week’s top-selling music. More importantly, “When images are repeated enough times, whether they are positive or negative, they become natural and are often embedded within our subconscious minds” (p. 41). Therefore, when 00-sized models appear in every high fashion advertisement or when every celebrity singer appears on television with a perfectly made-up face, teenagers will begin to view this as a societal norm.

Lastly, middle school students possess the unique quality in which they “begin to establish an individual identity outside the family unit” (Akos & Levitt p. 138). As adolescents navigate the waters of identity formation, they often look to their peers for approval or disapproval in their actions or their appearances rather than their parents or other family members. This is detrimental because their peers often have the same distorted views of body image as they do themselves. And if positive body image is not fostered among these students, it is less likely to become an important part of their everyday thinking.

Ultimately I Love My Body! is a small-group counseling plan targeted towards middle school girls struggling with negative body image. However, depending on the screening process, the group leader may choose to make the group more specifically targeted towards eighth grade girls as they may be feeling more pressure to obtain an ideal body image before venturing off to high school. The group aims to not just foster support for girls who may feel dissatisfaction with their bodies, but to offer different ways of thinking about pop culture and the media as well as to promote more healthy ways of thinking about their own bodies. In addition, because weight is a significant aspect of body image, the group will also aim to help prevent eating disorders among these students.1 Through group, middle school girls can know they are not alone in their struggle with body image and can rely on others for support.Multicultural Considerations

Overall, body image is often associated with weight management; however, it encompasses much more that numbers on a scale. Hair color, eye color, the shape of different body parts, and how a person views themselves as a whole are also important aspects to body image. As a result, I Love My Body! is not solely a group targeted for students struggling with weight issues, but with how they view their bodies as a whole.

Due to the fact that Shepard Middle School is a predominantly African-American school, understanding body image as a whole is an extremely important consideration to make. In a study on racial identity and the development of body image issues among African American girls (Hesse-Biber, Howling, Leavy, & Lovejoy 2004), researchers interviewed a variety of black teenage girls on the topic of body image satisfaction and compared this to those of Caucasian girls.

The study found that black teenage girls are less concerned with their weight and more concerned with their hairstyle and skin color. Rather than adhering to Western Culture norms of thinness, black adolescents tend to place more value on racial identity and what it means to “be black” rather than what it means to fit in culturally (p. 60). For example, the study notes, “Many of the girls in our sample noted that larger sizes were more acceptable in the black community/culture, and thus offered little criticism for

1 Please note that this group is not targeted for girls with eating disorders, but only to prevent the onset of eating disorders (see page 8 for further information).


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bigger bodies” (p. 65). The girls in the study continue by noting that black males prefer “thick” girls and that feeling “ugly” was more of a concern than feeling “fat” (p. 66).

However, these results do not reject the notion that black teenage girls are at risk for developing eating disorders. In fact, because society has pegged eating disorders have become known as “white girl disorders,” doctors often overlook black girls who have eating disorder symptoms in their diagnoses (Hesse-Biber, Howling, Leavy, & Lovejoy 2004 p. 50). Furthermore, as black middle school girls become more frequently surrounded by white cultural attitudes, many girls may begin to assimilate to other lifestyles. The National Association of Eating Disorders says, “eating disorders may result from either the process of assimilation or from the stress of trying to navigate two distinct cultures” (p. 1). As black middle school girls begin to break away from their families, become more exposed to western culture where beauty and thinness are exonerated, and hit puberty, they are at risk for this “culture shock” and wanting to change the way the look or see themselves. Gender Considerations

While both girls and boys are susceptible to developing negative body image and eating disorders, the two are much more prevalent in girls. Akos and Levitt (2002) note, “28% to 55% [of girls] wanting thinner bodies compared to 17% to 30% of boys” (p. 138). As mentioned before, this is usually because girls tend to develop less ideal body aspects when going through puberty than boys do. While this plan could be adapted to boys, more research must be conducted as to determine what influences body image in boys compared to that of girls. Screening and Selection Process

The selection process for all counseling groups is extremely vital. About midway through the fall semester, a needs assessment form will be distributed to girls at all grade levels at Shepard Middle School. Adapted with questions from a survey conducted by the The Florida Department of Juvenile Justice on body image, the assessment will contain basic questions related to body image and how this topic is influencing their academics, their experience at school, and their relationships with friends and family (see appendix).

Additionally, flyers will be created as a way to further promote awareness of the group. Posted on bulletin boards and throughout the school hallways, these flyers will be colorful, advertise the basic goal of the group and who the group is targeting, and contain other logistical information such as location and time of group. While this group can be adapted to any grade level, this particular group will be targeted specifically to middle school girls.

After a number of girls volunteer to participate in the group or are referred to the group by faculty or parents, a screening process will begin. These students will meet with the group’s counselor leader for one-on-one sessions in regard to the group and the group’s goals. Here, the students will attain a better understanding of the group, and the counselor will assess if the student is a good match for the group. This process may be lengthy, as selecting participants for the group is of utmost importance. It is vital that all girls selected for the group have similar goals and are struggling will similar issues pertaining specifically to the group. The group leader must believe that the student meets these four criteria for the group:


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The student is constantly unhappy with her body The student is in a constant pursuit to change the way she looks (this could be

through dieting or having an obsessed attitude toward trends in fashion or beauty) The student feels that pop culture and social media is furthering her negative body

image The student’s negative body image is taking away from her academics,

relationships with her family and friends, or is preventing her from living her life to the fullest.

The counselor will also ask the student what she herself hopes to gain from the group. This will ensure the counselor that the group participants will have similar goals that in turn align with the goals of the group.

Additionally, the screening process will serve as an opportunity to seek out students who may be at risk for severe eating disorders. It is imperative that the lead counselor is aware that I Love My Body! is not a group targeted for girls with eating disorders. These are disorders that fall outside the bounds of a school counselor’s competence, and while students struggling with these disorders should have the opportunity for counseling, they would not be a good fit for this group. I Love My Body! is body image specific, and will work to help prevent girls from developing eating disorders rather than working with girls who are already diagnosed with an eating disorder.

Recognizing this difference is extremely important because girls who may already have a severe eating disorder or display eating-disorder symptoms may have a negative impact on the group as a whole. It is important that the counselor consults with the school nurse during the screening process to be aware of which students do or do not fall into this category. This could further serve as an opportunity for the counselor to work with students individually whom he/she feels is struggling with more severe eating disorder-like symptoms and could potentially get them and their parents referred to an outside therapist whom works specifically with eating disorders.

If the counselor feels that a student will make a good fit for the group and would benefit from the group, he/she will explain to the student in depth the group’s goals as well as some of the tasks and activities that will be implemented. Lastly, the counselor will explain informed consent to the student and ask the student and the student’s parents to sign a form, which will list the group’s goals, rules, and expectations (see sample form on final page). The counselor should plan to receive all forms and have the 6-8 member group in place before the winter break. The group will begin upon the start of the spring semester.

In the event that there is a wide pool of girls to choose for the group, the counselor may decide to run another group after the first one has ended. In addition, the counselor must also prepare for the fact that members may drop the group if they are no longer interested in pursuing it. Group Composition

I Love My Body! is an eight-session small group designed for 6-8 students which will take place over a course of 8 weeks (this amounts to one session per week). Each session will last approximately 30 minutes and will take place during the school day wherever space is available. It is important that the location of the session is private and provides enough room where group members and the group leader feel comfortable. If


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the group must take place during lunch period, the space of the session must also be food friendly.Material of Sessions

The group leader will provide each student with a personal folder as well as a mini journal, both purchased from a store such as Target or the DollarTree. Throughout each session, students will keep all group materials they accumulate within these folders. Leaders will also encourage each student to write down thoughts and feelings about group in their journals. Students will be permitted to write in them at anytime during group as well as during their own time at home. The group will also contain a “Box of Emotions.” The box will contain different items for students to use if they feel they need to “let out” their emotions. Such items will be tissues for tear, a stuffed animal to be hugged, a pillow to punch, and a variety of stress balls for anxiety or stress. Additionally, the group will contain a sign-in sheet so that the group leader can keep track of group attendance.Theoretical Foundation

The sessions of I Love My Body! are based primarily on the factors proposed by Dr. Laura Hensley Choate, an associate professor at Louisiana State University. In an article published with ASCA on Body Image Resilience (2007), Choate argues that there are two main strategies to prevent body image dissatisfaction: providing more protective factors and the implementation of a holistic focus. Together, these strategies create what is known as the “Body Image Resilience Model” (p. 317). The five protective factors of this model which are necessary in decreasing body image dissatisfaction are

1. Support from family and friendsChoate proposes that a crucial way in promote body image satisfaction in students is by informing the students’ family and friends of body image and what can create negative or positive body image. She recommends a parent newsletter and group role-playing in which students learn to identify teasing and learn ways of overcoming teasing. Because friendship is such a vital part of middle school, it is also beneficial to engage in a group discussion on what friendship is and what qualities students believe friends should possess.

2. Understanding the female roleChoate argues that much of body image perception is based upon what a student believes lies in being female. She proposes deconstructing western ideals of female roles and beauty and what that means to the students. Group activities include analyzing magazine ads and finding other ways to get out their emotions rather than manipulating their bodies (such as journaling).

3. Physical self-esteemChoate’s research states that girls have higher body image when they focus on what their bodies can do rather than how they actually appear. She suggests focusing on student strengths and activities that focus less on the body and more on the personality, such as volunteering for a charity, painting and drawing, or getting involved in academic clubs. Discussions may also include how personality and body image collide, which will create a more holistic self-awareness in students.

4. Critical thinking skillsChoate believes that students at this age possess many irrational beliefs or false knowledge about the world around them. This includes the meaning of happiness and


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success, and the means of obtaining the two. She suggests informing students on the purpose of advertisements, how Photoshop is a tool used to manipulate images, and how models and celebrities can be one thing on a movie or television screen and something else in real life. She suggests also informing students on opinions and how they different among many people. Choate encourages letter writing, in which students can write letters to magazines or television directors, expressing their feelings about body image.

5. Holistic wellnessLastly, Choate focuses much of her strategies on the Wheel of Wellness model, which accentuates that a person’s identity lies in many things regardless of the physical body.

I Love My Body! will be a series of eight consecutive sessions which will begin with an introductory session and end with a wrap-up session. This leaves six core sessions which will incorporate all five of Choate’s strategies. Each session will contain a different theme pertaining to body image, but will also always include a review of previous themes as well as a summary to what the students learned in that session.


ASCA National StandardsWith the incorporation of Choate’s Body Image Resilience Model, I Love My Body! will adhere to these specific ASCA National Standards:

PS:A1.1 Develop positive attitudes toward self as a unique and worthy personPS:A1.2 Identify values, attitudes and beliefsPS:A1.4 Understand change is a part of growthPS:A1.5 Identify and express feelingsPS:A1.10 Identify personal strengths and assetsPS:A2.3 Recognize, accept, respect and appreciate individual differencesPS:B1.8 Know when peer pressure is influencing a decisionPS:C1.6 Identify resource people in the school and community, and know how to

seek their helpPS:C1.7 Apply effective problem-solving and decision-making skills to make safe and healthy choices

North Carolina Essential Standards Along with the ASCA National Standards, I Love My Body! will also incorporate these specific NCES:6.NPA.2.16.NPA.3.17.MEH.1.27.NPA.3.27.NPA.4.18.MEH.2.28.MEH.3.18.MEH.3.28.NPA.3.1


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8.NPA.3.28.NPA.3.38.NPA.4.18.NPA.4.38.NPA.3 Analyze the relationship of nutrition, fitness, and healthy weight management to the prevention of diseases such as diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and eating disorders. 8.NPA.3.1 Identify media and peer pressures that result in unhealthy weight control (eating disorders, fad dieting, excessive exercise, smoking). 8.NPA.3.2 Differentiate the signs, symptoms, and consequences of common eating disorders from more healthy eating behaviors. 8.NPA.3.3 Use strategies to advocate for those who are at risk for eating disorders or poor nutrition.

Overall outcome Goals(Based on objectives and lit review)

ConclusionIn conclusion, body image dissatisfaction is a topic of major concern for students at the middle school level. With the onset of puberty, more exposure to pop culture and the media, and a reliance on peers rather than family, middle school females are especially apt to develop negative body image. As a result, students’ focuses will be taken away from their educational studies, relationships with family, and a lack of self identity. By incorporating strategies from Dr. Choate’s Body Image Resilience Model, the implementation of session activities and discussion, as well as the encouragement of group and self growth, I Love My Body! will work to help eighth grade female students attain a higher level of positive body image satisfaction. By adhering to the ASCA National Standards and NCES,


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Lesson Plan Template

School Counselor: Sarah Davis _______________________Date: January 2015 (week 1)Activity: What is Body Image?_____________________________________Grade(s): 8

Time required: 30 minutes Recap Time: 5 minutes Activity / Discussion Time: 20 minutes Wrap up Time: 5 minutes

Session One Statement of Purpose:This first session will be an introductory session in which members will get to know the other members of the group, understand group rules, and learn the importance of group trust and confidentiality. Because it is essential that students understand what body image is, students will also learn, critically think, and discuss the definition of body image and the way in which they view their own bodies. To foster this thinking, students will be asked to take a pre-group test, which will act as a baseline of their views of body image.

Session One goals – Students will: Learn about the other members in the group, the importance of trust and

confidentiality, the group rules, and the definition of body image. Engage in a body image activity and discussion focusing on their own talents and

bodily strengths Review what they have learned about themselves and receive homework in which

they practice what was discussed in group

ASCA Student Standards (Domain/Standard/Competencies) Covered in Session 1: PS:A1.1 Develop positive attitudes toward self as a unique and worthy personPS:A1.10 Identify personal strengths and assetsPS:A1.5 Identify and express feelings

North Carolina Essential Standards Covered in Session 1:

Materials: Group rules handout (see appendix) Pre-group test (same as needs assessment in appendix) Personal folder and journal Ball (for icebreaker) Human body cut-outs Colored pencils/markers + heart stickers Chalkboard or whiteboard

Content and Process: Group members will sign in


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Group leader with introducer him/her self and explain group rules, norms, and expectations as laid out in the Group Rules Handout; leader will also hand out personal folders (where students can decorate and store group activity work) and personal journals in which students are encouraged to write in throughout the sessions and on their own time about their feelings on group

Group leader will emphasize confidentiality and trust and will ask members what trust means to them

Icebreaker – a ball is thrown to each member in the group; as they catch the ball, they state their name and one of their talents; group members will review names and talents at the end of the icebreaker

Group members will take the pre-test evaluation on body image; this test will be used as data to measure where attitudes of body image lie before and after participation in the group

Group members will participate in a group discussion on the definition of body image and what that means to them

Group Activity: everyone will receive a cut-out of a human body; group members will color them and place hearts on the parts of the body they like most about themselves and write in personality traits they like the most about themselves; members are encouraged to share their cut outs

Wrap up: What did group members learn about themselves today? Homework: Write a journal entry on thoughts of group; Share human body cut-

out with parents and have one discussion with at least one parent about what body image means to the member and to the parent

Plan for Evaluation: Process: attendance formsPerception: group members will inform the group of what they learned about body image and about themselves at the end of the group session Outcome: N/A

Lesson Plan Template

School Counselor: Sarah Davis _______________________Date: January 2015 (week 2)Activity: Embracing Differences____________________________________Grade(s): 8

Time required: 30 minutes Recap Time: 5 minutes Activity / Discussion Time: 20 minutes Wrap up Time: 5 minutes

Session Two Statement of Purpose:The purpose of this session will be to engage students in an open discussion on what it means to be different as well as what students can and cannot control about their outward


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appearance. This session will focus on student strengths in both their physical and personal traits.

Session Two Goals – Students will: Learn what it means to be different Identify their physical and personal strengths and how different people with

different strengths can still accomplish the same task Participate in a group activity and discussion on the importance of being different

and unique Review what they have learned about themselves and receive homework in which

they practice what was discussed in group

ASCA Student Standards (Domain/Standard/Competencies) Covered in Session 1: PS:A1.1 Develop positive attitudes toward self as a unique and worthy personPS:A2.3 Recognize, accept, respect and appreciate individual differencesPS:A1.5 Identify and express feelings

North Carolina Essential Standards Covered in Session 1:

Materials: Laptop to show images for group activity Personal folders and journals Chalkboard or whiteboard

Content and Process: Group members will sign in and retrieve folders and journals Recap: review of names, talents, and the definition of body image Group members will participate in a group discussion on what it means to be

different, what we can and cannot change about our bodies, and what types of emotion this evokes

Group Activity: Group leader will show group members a variety of pictures, which will display two very different types of people who have accomplished a similar goal. Examples will include athletes of different sports, politicians, singers, actresses, authors etc. Group members will choose a partner and participate in the Venn Diagram exercise (see instructions in appendix)

Group members will share thoughts and feelings on the activity Wrap up: What did group members learn about themselves today? Homework: Write in journal thoughts about group today; participate in the Venn

Diagram activity with another person outside of school

Plan for Evaluation:Process: attendance formsPerception: group members will inform the group of what they learned about body image and about themselves at the end of the group session Outcome: N/A


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Lesson Plan Template

School Counselor: Sarah Davis________________________Date: January 2015 (week 3)Activity: Changes in My Body______________________________________Grade(s): 8

Time required: 30 minutes Recap Time: 5 minutes Activity / Discussion Time: 20 minutes Wrap up Time: 5 minutes

Session Three Statement of Purpose:The purpose of session two is to discuss what it means to be a middle school female and how the body changes when a girl grows into a woman. Discussion will include what group members do and don’t like about this growing process and what they are and are not able to control. The session will encourage group members to explore their feelings about their changing bodies and express any concerns they have about their bodies as they prepare to enter into high school next year. Students will learn of other school faculty members who can help them answer these questions.

Session Three Goals – Students will: Learn and discuss what it means to grow into a woman and what changes will

happen to their bodies Participate in an activity that will allow members to discuss how they feel about

these growing changes and what they can and cannot control Express concerns about their bodies and emotions as they get ready to prepare for

high school Identify faculty that can assist them with any concerns they may have with their

bodies Review what they have learned about themselves and receive homework in

which they practice what was discussed in group

Materials: Changes in My Body Worksheet (see appendix) Colored pencils Personal folders and journals Chalkboard or whiteboard

Content and Process: Group members will sign in and retrieve personal folders and journals Recap: students will share any Venn Diagrams that were created over the past

week Group activity: group leader will pass out coloring utensils and Changes in My

Body Worksheet


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Group leader will go through each statement on the worksheet and members will discuss their replies to the statements

Group discussion: group members will share their concerns about their growing bodies and the emotions that comes with the growth and who they can go to in the school to address any of these concerns

Wrap up: What did group members learn about themselves today? Name one person in the school they can go to for help about their bodies.

Homework: ??

Plan for Evaluation:Process: attendance formsPerception: group members will inform the group of what they learned about body image and about themselves at the end of the group session; group members will be able to give at least three faculty members that could help them understand their growing and changing bodies and where they are located (ex: nurse; where is nurse’s office?)Outcome: N/A

Lesson Plan Template

School Counselor: Sarah Davis________________________Date: January 2015 (week 4)Activity: Influencers Part I: Advertising_______________________________Grade(s): 8

Time required: 30 minutes Recap Time: 5 minutes Activity / Discussion Time: 20 minutes Wrap up Time: 5 minutes

Session Four Statement of Purpose:The purpose of this session is to discuss what the major influences on body image views are. Students will be informed on what advertising is, its purpose, and why it can be such an influential part of a person’s body image. Students will be asked to deconstruct magazine advertisements and to discuss the influence of models and fashion on how they view themselves.

Session Four goals – Students will: Be exposed to the different types of media advertisements Learn the affects of photo enhancers and Photoshop on advertisements of models

and celebrities Participate in a group activity of deconstructing magazine advertisements Discuss the importance of being aware of these altered images Review what they have learned about themselves and receive homework in which

they practice what was discussed in group

ASCA Student Standards (Domain/Standard/Competencies) Covered:


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PS:A1.1 Develop positive attitudes toward self as a unique and worthy personPS:A1.2 Identify values, attitudes, and beliefs

North Carolina Essential Standards Covered:

Materials: Magazines tailored towards adolescent females such as Seventeen, Teen Vogue,

and Pop Star One poster board, glue sticks, scissors Personal folders and journals Chalkboard or whiteboard

Content and Process: Group members will sign in and retrieve folders and journal Recap: ?? Group members will participate in a discussion on what influences their

perception of their own bodies and their reactions to certain beauty and fashion advertisements.

Group leader will add in a psychoeducational element by teaching the students the affects of Photoshop and image altering on magazine advertisements and professional photographs; group leader will also inform members on the purpose of advertisements

*Group Activity: Group leader will pass out glue sticks, scissors, and a variety of teen magazines. Group leader will present members with a poster board that displays a “wall of shame” one side and a “rave wall” on the other. Members will cut out magazine ads they feel do not portray what they are selling and glue them to the “wall of shame” side. They will also glue ads that they feel do portray a true sense of what they are trying to sell to the “rave wall” side

Wrap up: what did group members learn about themselves today? Homework: write a journal entry on thoughts and feelings about today’s session;

create a magazine advertisement or slogan for a fashion line or a product that would promote positive body image

Plan for Evaluation:Process: attendance formsPerception: group members will inform the group of what they learned about body image and about themselves at the end of the group sessionOutcome: N/A

*This group activity is taken from Dr. Choate’s Body Image Resilience Model

Lesson Plan Template

School Counselor: Sarah Davis_______________________Date: February 2015 (week 5)


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Activity: Influencers Part II: Pop Culture______________________________Grade(s): 8

Time required: 30 minutes Recap Time: 5 minutes Activity / Discussion Time: 20 minutes Wrap up Time: 5 minutes

Session Five Statement of Purpose:Session five is aimed to help students define pop culture and discuss the ways in which pop culture influences the way they view their bodies. Students will participate in an activity in which they identify and discuss songs, movies, and celebrities that promote either positive or negative body image. Students will discuss their beliefs about pop culture and their emotions to how the pop culture scene makes them feel about themselves.

Session Four Goals: Students will: Define pop culture and what encompasses it Name, listen, and watch songs, movies, and music videos that promote either

positive or negative body image Discuss their feelings towards these songs and videos and how pop culture

impacts their life and personal body image Review what they have learned about themselves and receive homework in

which they practice what was discussed in group

ASCA Student Standards (Domain/Standard/Competencies) Covered:

North Carolina Essential Standards Covered:

Materials: Laptop to play songs and show clips from movies and music videos Personal folders and journals Chalkboard or whiteboard

Process and Content: Group members will sign in and retrieve personal folders and journals Recap: students will show the magazine ad they feel either promotes positive or

negative body image and why they think so Group leader will engage members in a discussion about other things that

influence body image such as pop culture Members will be asked to define pop culture and state the role it plays in their life Group Activity: leader will ask members if they can think of any song or movie

that promotes positive body image; Group leader will name a few if members are having trouble and will spend some time listening to lyrics and watching movie clips

Group Discussion: group leader will ask members how these songs make them feel and why


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Wrap up: What did members learn about themselves today? Homework: write a journal entry about today’s session; write a song, poem, or a

movie scene that promotes positive body image

Plan for Evaluation:Process: attendance formsPerception: group members will inform the group of what they learned about body image and about themselves at the end of the group sessionOutcome: N/A

Lesson Plan Template

School Counselor: Sarah Davis_______________________Date: February 2015 (week 6)Activity: What is happiness?________________________________________Grade(s): 8

Time required: 30 minutes Recap Time: 5 minutes Activity / Discussion Time: 20 minutes Wrap up Time: 5 minutes

Session Six Statement of Purpose:The purpose of session six is based off of Dr. Choate’s protective factor of helping students develop critical thinking skills. This session will be primarily discussion-based and will incorporate some writing components. This session’s conversation will circle around the definition and meaning of happiness and the different things that elicit happiness. Students will also be asked when they feel most happy in their own lives and how body image relates to it.

Session Six goals – Students will: Be prompted to critical think about the definition and meaning of happiness Engage in discussion about when and where they feel most happy in their own

lives and how that relates to body image Be asked to identify one person in their own life that exhibits what it means to be

happy Make a collage of the things that make them most happy in life Review what they have learned about themselves and receive homework in

which they practice what was discussed in group

Materials: Magazines, stickers, and markers for collaging Scissors and glue sticks Personal folders and journals Chalkboard or whiteboard


Page 17:  · Web viewAmong the range of adolescents and young women who struggle with negative body image, middle school girls in particular present three unique


Content and Process: Group members will sign in and retrieve personal folders and journals Recap: sharing of songs, poems, and movie scenes Group members will discuss what happiness means to them and recall a time

when they were most happy Group Activity: Using markers, magazine cut outs and stickers, group members

will create a collage of the things that make them most happy in life. Wrap up: What did members learn about themselves today? Homework: write a journal entry about today’s session; students will pull out their

collages when they feel sad this week or have negative body image and do at least one thing on it.

Plan for Evaluation:Process: attendance formsPerception: group members will inform the group of what they learned about body image and about themselves at the end of the group sessionOutcome: N/A

Lesson Plan Template

School Counselor: Sarah Davis_______________________Date: February 2015 (week 7)Activity: Food and Fitness Fun______________________________________Grade(s): 8

Time required: 30 minutes Recap Time: 5 minutes Activity / Discussion Time: 20 minutes Wrap up Time: 5 minutes

Session Seven Statement of Purpose:The purpose of this session will be to discuss the importance of exercise and nutrition and how they both play vital roles in the growth of young girls. This session will allow the group members to open up about their experiences in both of these areas and the feelings they have as a result. Group members will participate in a creative fitness activity.

Session Seven Goals – Students will: Define and discuss the importance of nutrition and exercise Discuss emotions about food and fitness Discuss the different ways in which people eat and exercise and the importance

of realizing these differences Participate in a creative activity in which members will partner up and share their

favorite and least favorite foods and fitness workouts; members will also act out their favorite fitness activities for the group to guess.

Review what they have learned about themselves and receive homework in which they practice what was discussed in group


Page 18:  · Web viewAmong the range of adolescents and young women who struggle with negative body image, middle school girls in particular present three unique


Materials: Personal folders and journals Chalkboard or whiteboard

Content and Process: Group members will sign in and retrieve personal folders and journals Recap: discuss if anyone was able to use their collage to do something they

enjoyed and how that experience went for them Group leader will facilitate a discussion on what the group members think about

nutrition and fitness Group activity: group members will act out what their favorite sport or fitness

activity is for the other members. The other members will guess. Group discussion: members will discuss their concerns about food and fitness and

the emotions that run with them. Wrap up: group members will share what they learned about themselves today Homework: write a diary entry about today’s session; Try one new fitness

workout over the next week

Lesson Plan Template

School Counselor: Sarah Davis_________________Date: February/March 2015 (week 8)Activity: Last Day, Fun Day! _______________________________________Grade(s): 8

Time required: 30 minutes Recap Time: 5 minutes Activity / Discussion Time: 20 minutes Wrap up Time: 5 minutes

Session Eight Statement of Purpose:Session eight will serve as a conclusion session in which the group leader will facilitate a final discussion about what the group members have learned over the course of the past two months. Group members are encouraged to share anything from their personal journals as well as their favorite part of the group. Group members will take a post-group test that will be used as data in the group’s final evaluation. Lastly, this session will serve as a goal-setting session for what students hope to continue over the course of the last few months of the school year.

Session Eight goals – Students will: Discuss and share with group members what they have learned over the course of

the group Participate in a group activity in which they will tell what they learned from each

individual member of the group (“Footprints”) Set goals on what they want to remain consistent in for the rest of the school year


Page 19:  · Web viewAmong the range of adolescents and young women who struggle with negative body image, middle school girls in particular present three unique


Say their final goodbyes and take home their personal folders and journals

Materials: Post-group test (same as needs assessment – see appendix) “Footprints” worksheets for learning activity (see appendix) My Goals! Worksheet (see appendix) Personal folders and journals Chalkboard or whiteboard

Content and process: Group members will sign in and retrieve personal folders and journals Recap: Group members will discuss what workouts they tried and whether or not

they enjoyed them Group discussion: leader will facilitate discussion about what group members

have learned over the course of the past two months and how they feel about body image as a whole

Group leader will hand out post-group test for members to complete and hand back

Group leader will hand out “footprints” to each member in which they will write their name and pass to every other member. Members will write on the footprints what she has learned from every other member.

Group leader will hand out My Goals! Worksheet in which members will write goals they hope to accomplish or maintain for the remainder of the school year and beyond

Final comments and goodbyes


Needs Assessment Test / pre-group test / post-group test:

For each statement, circle a number that best relates how you feel to that statement.

1 = Strongly disagree2 = Disagree 3 = Neither agree nor disagree4 = Agree5 = Strongly agree

I love myself1 2 3 4 5

There is nothing about my body I need to change1 2 3 4 5

Losing weight is very important to me1 2 3 4 5


Page 20:  · Web viewAmong the range of adolescents and young women who struggle with negative body image, middle school girls in particular present three unique


My friends and family would love me more if I looked differently1 2 3 4 5

I would do better in school if I changed the way I looked1 2 3 4 5

Eating stresses me out / When I’m eating, I am worried about my calorie intake1 2 3 4 5

I never come to school without makeup on1 2 3 4 5

I am teased because of the way I look1 2 3 4 5

Focusing on how I look is taking away from my studies1 2 3 4 5

Focusing on how I look is taking away from my relationship with my family and friends1 2 3 4 5

Group Rules Handout:

Group Rules

1. What is talked about in group stays in group2. Respect the opinion of others3. Participate (if not, I will prompt you to!)4. Use “I Statements” when speaking5. Be honest!6. No gossiping7. Express yourself and be honest about your feelings8. Be on time9. Do homework and take homework seriously10. Be fearless

Session Two Changes in my Body Worksheet

Write one feeling word that comes to mind for the following statements:


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I am growing into a woman.

Session 3: Venn Diagram Worksheet and Instructions

Session eight: footprints