Download -€¦  · Web view2011-05-07  · There would be an increased rate of respiration, increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. There would be

Page 1:€¦  · Web view2011-05-07  · There would be an increased rate of respiration, increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. There would be

1. In comparing the two bone structures of the following organisms- a human and an eagle, one can notice the similarities and especially the differences among the two. By observing the bone, one eventually notices that the density of bone of the eagle compared to the human is:a. Greater, allowing the eagle to flyb. Less, allowing the eagle to flyc. Greater, allowing the human to walkd. Less, allowing the human to run swiftly like an eagle


In observing the internal structure of a fish, one can draw similarities to an analogous structure within humans that allow for the exchange of gases. The structures are __________ in humans and _________ in fish.

a. Gills, lungsb. Cacea, lungsc. Lungs, gillsd. Muscles, ribs

3. An organism that has chloroplasts within its cells is MOST likely which type of organism?

Page 2:€¦  · Web view2011-05-07  · There would be an increased rate of respiration, increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. There would be

a. Heterotrophicb. Autotrophicc. Consumersd. Heterozygous

4. An organism that has a digestive system does NOT directly need which of the following?a. Sunlightb. Grassc. Fernsd. Mushroomse. Plankton

5. A student notices a bird swallowing small stones after it has eaten a worm. A most accurate inference for this observation would be:a. The bird swallowed the stone for nutrients and mineralsb. The bird will hold the worm later for its hatchlingsc. The bird swallowed the stones to aid in digestiond. The bird accidentally swallowed the stone on accident while eating the worm.e. The bird is not very smart.

Plants and animals are composed of organic compounds. Which of the following are the MOST common elements found in organic compounds?

a. iron, oxygen, nickel, copper d. sodium, potassium, gold, hydrogen

b. hydrogen, helium, silver, nitrogen e. carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen

helium, neon, argon, krypton

Which of the following is the fundamental element found in all living organisms?

a. iron d. magensium

Page 3:€¦  · Web view2011-05-07  · There would be an increased rate of respiration, increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. There would be

b carbon e. silicon c. calcium

Which of following is made out of organic compounds?a. steel d. leavesb. the atmosphere e. the Earth’s crustc. aquifers

Which of the following is NOT a reason why the Earth can support life?a. The distance from the sun. d. The climate.b. The size of Earth. e. The presence of water.c. The makeup of the atmosphere

A scientist is studying a tissue sample from a plant. Which elements will be most common in the sample?a. zinc and copper d. d. magnesium and calciumb. sodium and chloride e. fluoride and ironc. carbon and hydrogen

If scientists search other planets for possible life, they are likely to focus on the presence of molecules containing which of the following elements?

a. Hydrogen d. Potassiumb. Iron e. Sodiumc. Carbon

NASA scientists were recently exploring a newly discovered planet, Xeroz. The table below shows the results of their explorations:

Discovered 100km lake near the Southern Pole.The temperature of the planet is over 150 degrees Farenheit. Active volcanoes line the equator regions of the planet. Deep craters of 160km are concentrated around the Northern Pole. The atmosphere is 99% hydrogen, .4% oxygen, and .6% nitrogen.

Which observation would lead scientists to believe that life on this planet was or is possible?

a. Discovery of the lake d. Presence of deep cratersb. Temperature e. Composition of the atmosopherec. Presence of volcanoes

Page 4:€¦  · Web view2011-05-07  · There would be an increased rate of respiration, increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. There would be

Study this graph about the composition of air on Mars. What conclusion can be made about the ability of humans to breathe Martian air?

a. Life support will be needed because the percentage of oxygen is too low. .

b. It will be impossible to breathe because the percentage of nitrogen is too low.c. Oxygen and nitrogen will make it possible for photosynthesis to occur.d. Humans will be able to survive because oxygen is present.e. The amount of argon will make it possible for humans to survive

Page 5:€¦  · Web view2011-05-07  · There would be an increased rate of respiration, increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. There would be

1. Heavy rains in an aquifer’s recharge zone cause rivers and streams to flood. How will this most likely affect the aquifer?

a. The total water volume will increase.b. The water in the aquifer will have increased pollution.c. The outflow from natural springs will decrease.d. The water level in the aquifer will decrease.e. The rate of water use by humans will increase.

2. All of the following are true about groundwater EXCEPT:

a. It occurs in the tiny spaces between soil particles or in cracks in rocks.b. It can be found in aquifers below the surface of the earth.c. It is an artificial resource that is used for industry and irrigation.d. It is recharged when water in an aquifer is refilled.e. It is generally safer than surface water for drinking.

3. Why is putting concrete over the surface of the ground dangerous for aquifers?

a. The pressure on the aquifer will close it off and not allow water to flow throughb. The chemicals from the concrete will pollute the waterc. The aquifer will collapse causing the concrete to cave ind. The concrete blocks oxygen from getting through, preventing the aquifer from breathinge. The concrete blocks the recharge zone, preventing the aquifer from refilling

4. Circle the two which will pollute surface within a watershed.

I. Factories burning fossil fuelsII. Dumping oil down a sewerIII. Excess use of fertilizers

5. According to the shoebox diagram, a watershed is located:a. On the surface of the groundb. Underground

6. A watershed is similar to a :a. Trenchb. Valleyc. Deltad. Seep

Page 6:€¦  · Web view2011-05-07  · There would be an increased rate of respiration, increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. There would be

Use the map below to answer questions 1 and 2:

1. Which of the following ecoregions recieves the least amount of rainfall and is home to many organisms that are well adapted to a dry, hot climate?

a. 1 d. 10b. 4 e. 11

2. Which of the following ecoregions would support these organisms?

--Drought-resistant prairie grasses--Native bird species that nest in tall grasses--Coyotes and red-tailed hawks --Numerous grazers, historically bison and antelope

a. 1 d. 10b. 4 e. 11c. 7

Page 7:€¦  · Web view2011-05-07  · There would be an increased rate of respiration, increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. There would be

3. Why are the Piney Woods able to support more trees than the High Plains?

a. There is more precipitation in the Piney Woods.b. There is more sunshine in the High Plains. c. There are more abiotic factors in the High Plains. d. There are more heterotrophs in the High Plains. e. There is less precipitation in the Piney Woods.

4. Which of the following are reasons why some birds migrate to the Gulf Coast Prairie and Marshes in the winter?

I. There is more food available for the birds. II. The Gulf Coast is warmer than the Northern states.III.There are caves and underground rivers for shelter.

a. I only d. I and II onlyb. II only e. I and III onlyc. III only

5. An early explorer to Texas traveled through the High Plains. Which of the following observations would he most likely make?

a. “This area is a sea of waving grasslands.” d. “This area has many caves and rivers that cut across it.”b. “This area has many birds that seem not to be from around here.”e. “This is a dry, hot area with many lizards, scrubby bushes, and scorpions.”c. “This area is full of pine trees, mosquitoes, and swamps.”

Which of the following is an abiotic factor within a Piney Woods ecosystem?

a. Bacteria d. Limestone hillsb. Pine Trees e. Mushroomsc. Swamp water

Page 8:€¦  · Web view2011-05-07  · There would be an increased rate of respiration, increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. There would be

The Carbon Cycle-QuestionSet.Articles.Questions.

What would happen to the carbon cycle if tree populations were reduced in the world?

a. There would be an increased rate of respiration, increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere

b. There would be an increased rate of combustion, increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere

c. There would be a decreased rate of photosynthesis, causing CO2 to build up in the atmosphere

d. There would be an increased amount of volcanic activity, causing CO2 in the atmosphere to increase

e. There would be no more decomposition, which would stop coal and fossil fuels from being created

What would be a logical action that would help to balance out the amount of CO2 put in the air due to combustion?

a. Planting more plant life to absorb the CO2

b. Reducing the amount of animals (including humans) to reduce the amount of respiration

c. Stopping all volcanic activityd. Stopping decomposition so

that no more fossil fuels are made

e. Reducing the sunlight that reaches plant life

In the carbon cycle, coals and fossil fuels are created beneath the surface of the earth from what material?

a. Soil and rock that are compacted together

b. The melting of the bottom layer of earth’s crust

c. Burning coal and oild. Volcanic materiale. Decomposed organic matter

What are two biological processes in the carbon cycle?

a. Volcanic activity and Combustion

b. Combustion and Sunlightc. Respiration and Combustiond. Decomposition and

Respiratione. Photosynthesis and Volcanic


Page 9:€¦  · Web view2011-05-07  · There would be an increased rate of respiration, increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. There would be

When working in their yard, many people will rake their dead leaves off the ground, put them in plastic bags, and throw them away with the trash instead of them placing them in a compost bin. In which of the following ways does this practice of bagging dead leaves most significantly disrupt natural nutrient cycling and decomposition?

a. It carries away the decomposers. b. It reduces the amount of oxygen produced during photosynthesis.c. It prevents carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen from being returned to tthe soil. d. It increases the amount of carbon dioxide that is released to the atmosphere. e. It binds the oxygen to the carbon to create carbon dioxide.

Different organisms have different roles within the carbon cycle. Which of the following are accurate descriptions of these roles?

I. Plants take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide to the atmosphere through photosynthesis. II. Animals release carbon dioxide to the atmosphere through respiration.III. Decomposers build carbohydrates though decomposition.

a. I onlyb. II onlyc. III onlyd. I and II onlye. I,II, and III

In a healthy forest, dead trees and limbs fall to the ground and decompose. Which of these statements best describes why decomposition is important to a forest ecosystem?

a. Nutrients are released when wood is broken down.b. Worms produce oxygen used by other organisms.c. Dead trees provide nest sites for many different species of birds.d. Water is stored in dead trees and limbs.e. Transpiration from decomposing trees releases water into the atmosphere.

Page 10:€¦  · Web view2011-05-07  · There would be an increased rate of respiration, increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. There would be

1. The photos below show a home in Missouri after the famous Tri-State tornado ripped through Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana in 1925. It caused many deaths and lots of damage. This tornado could cause all of the following damage EXCEPT:

a. Trees uprootedb. Animal habitats destroyedc. Tree branches snapped offd. Rocks and soil lifted into the aire. The development of a tsunami

Use the following table to answer this question:

According to the Fujita Tornado Scale, a tornado that has wind speeds of 140-155 miles per hour, uproots trees, tears roofs off homes, and destroys simple structures has a scale of:

Page 11:€¦  · Web view2011-05-07  · There would be an increased rate of respiration, increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. There would be

a. F0b. F1c. F2d. F3e. F4

Page 12:€¦  · Web view2011-05-07  · There would be an increased rate of respiration, increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. There would be

The Big Bend Mountains in the Trans Pecos region have changed appearance greatly over time. They have decreased in size, changed in overall shape, and changed in color. Which of the following processes would not cause these changes?

a. Chemical weathering wearing away the limestone rock. b. Run off water causing erosion through out Big Bend.c. Physical weathering caused by extreme temperatures. d. Plant roots breaking apart the rock. e. Saltwater waves eroding away the rock.

Which of the following statements are true about cave formations?I. Caves are formed by physical weathering and erosion due to runoff water. II. Caves are formed by chemical weathering due to carbonic acid. III. Caves are formed by physical weathering due to plant roots breaking down rock.

a. I only. d. I and II only. b. II only. e. II and III only. c. III only.

Which ecoregion would cave formation weathering and erosion MOST occur?

a. Trans Pecos/ Chihuahuan Desert d. Edwards Plateau/ Llano Uplift b. High Plains e. Piney Woodsc. Gulf Coast Marshes and Prairies

The East and West Nueces, the Frio, and Atascosa rivers all flow into the Gulf of Mexico at the same location. As these rivers enter the Gulf of Mexico, sediments are deposited over a wide area. Which of these landforms is likely to be formed at the site of deposition?

a. Caveb. Trenchc. Mountaind. Deltae. Valley

Galveston Island (seen below) is classified as a barrier island, protecting the shoreline of Texas. Residents in the area are losing 2-5 feet of land every year due to erosion. What is one way they can prevent erosion from affecting their coastal property?

a. Remove all the rocks from the areab. Plant marsh grass along the shorelinec. Remove excess sandd. Increase building along the coaste. Remove invasive snails and insects from the area

Page 13:€¦  · Web view2011-05-07  · There would be an increased rate of respiration, increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. There would be

Energy Pyramid Name: ____________________________ 4.1.11

1. If the food chain from the desert food web below were arranged in an energy pyramid, which of the following would best represent that energy pyramid?

a. d.




Page 14:€¦  · Web view2011-05-07  · There would be an increased rate of respiration, increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. There would be

2. Which of the following statements are true about the energy pyramids shown above?

I. Less energy is available at each increasing trophic level. II. More energy is available at each increasing trophic level. III. 10% of the energy is used at each level and 90% of the energy is passed on to the next organism.

a. I only d. I and II onlyb. II only e. I and III only c. III only

3. Calculate the energy up to the tertiary consumer of an energy pyramid if the secondary consumer trophic level possesses 9.225 X 10 ^4 kcal.

Answer: ______________

4. The biotic factor that receives the MOST energy from the Sun are:a. Producersb. Primary Consumerc. Secondary Consumerd. Tertiary Consumere. Quaternary Consumer

5. An energy pyramid becomes smaller due to:a. A decrease in the population of organismsb. A decrease in percentagesc. A decrease in amount of energy available for the organismsd. A decrease because of overhuntinge. None.

Page 15:€¦  · Web view2011-05-07  · There would be an increased rate of respiration, increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. There would be

Ecological Succession Quiz Name: ______________ 5/14/11

1. The pictures below show an ecosystem in Texas in two separate years. What could have been the cause for the differences?

a. Development of a parking lotb. Passing through of a glacierc. Preservation of habitatd. Forest Firee. Primary Succession

2. New animals (like Foxy) that have moved in into an environment after a catastrophe or when new land is formed are known as:

a. Climax Communitiesb. Herbivoresc. Pioneer Organisms / Speciesd. Introduced Speciese. Primary Consumers

3. When ecosystems are developing, they go through stages of ecological succession. Which is the best example of primary (or beginning) succession?

a. Meadowb. Desertc. Lichens growing on a rockd. Established community of plants and animalse. Lichens growing on soil

Page 16:€¦  · Web view2011-05-07  · There would be an increased rate of respiration, increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. There would be

4. After a major landslide, most of the soil is washed away. Over time soil develops in the area. How does soil develop? (Two of the numerals below are correct)

I. Rock breaks down into soil due to weathering like wind and water II. Pioneer species like lichen die and decompose and help break down the rock III. Soil emerges from under the rock because the temperature was not as extreme

a. Ib. IIc. IIId. I and II onlye. I and III only

5. An area was just cleared to build a new mall. However, the mall was never built. Which of the following sequences MOST likely represents ecological succession that would take place in this area?

a. grasses flowering plants shrubs maple treesb. maple trees shrubs flowering plants grasses c. shrubs grasses maple trees flowering plants d. flowering plants maple trees shrubs grassese. lichen grasses flowering plants shrubs