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Page 1: Wearable Devices Transforming The Way of Personal Safety (security)

How Wearable Technology is Transforming the Way of Personal

Safety (Security)

Isn’t it quite embarrassing when we are in any critical situation or any mishappening occurs

we cannot actually communicate with our family and friends. Mobile has changed the way

we communicate with each other in a smarter way but is not quite effective when we are in

any critical situation as its operation is easily noticeable by other person. Companies are

targeting wearable devices to help you connect to your known contacts easily and quickly in any life-threatening situation.

The most fascinating thing about wearable device is that it can be utilized in dual purpose.

Firstly it can fulfil your first objective like you can wear it as a jewellery item like ring, watch,

or in the form of other wearables and secondly it can be used as device to perform a specific


Although many mobile apps have already been developed which help people notify friends

and family during emergencies but companies are trying to connect mobile app to wearable

devices to make it even easier for them to call for the help.

For example, from a recent news source, React Mobile a Seattle-based company has

launched React Sidekick, a low energy Bluetooth device that pairs with free React mobile

apps and lets users send a widespread emergency email or text message just by pressing a


This will not only send but also post a message to your Facebook and Twitter accounts that

you’re in a dangerous situation and share your location with them.

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The purpose of creating this device is to simplify the mode of communication via sending

alerts and hence eliminate the need to find and unlock your phone to call for help. In case

of emergency, simply click the Sidekick Button to send out a widespread panic alert to a

group of your trusted contacts.

There are many companies that are working on various solutions to simplify the technique

of sending alert messaging in any critical situation. This device can be helpful to consumers

in many ways.

In Battle Field

This solution will be very useful for armed force men. They can use this device to send alert

messages whenever they are in any war like situation. Sometimes it happens that army

men, in battle field, are not able to communicate and share their exact location to their

contacts. In that case army men who get caught in any life threatening situation can easily

send message alerts and share their exact location with their main control source.

In Travelling

Sometimes it happens that we travel alone and suddenly we met with an accident on the

way where we somehow cannot manage to use hands to operate our phone. In that

situation this device can be of great help to the users as by just simple use of press button

you can inform your family and friends that he/she is in a critical situation

Better Parenting

Sometimes parents leave their child alone at home. In this situation this device can help

them monitor their child from anywhere anytime.

Women’s Safety

In many developing countries, women’s security is the major concern. Traveling alone is not

safe for them. Such device can be helpful to them. In dangerous situation they can use such

device to send alerts to their loved ones.

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These are the few areas where such solution can be of great help to consumers but from

personal safety point of view it is helpful for everyone and we believe that wearable device will play a major role in this area.
