Download - We are thrilled you are willing to invest in the young lives of… · Believing God for miracles, healing, direction,

Page 1: We are thrilled you are willing to invest in the young lives of… · Believing God for miracles, healing, direction,

Welcome to Camp

We are thrilled you are willing to invest in the young lives of NCAGkids! This week will be the highlight of your summer and could be the highlight of many of the campers’ entire life.

We have designed camp to be a place where kids DISCONNECT from their regular

devices and routine to CONNECT to God’s Spirit and healthy relationships that will help

them EXPERIENCE God’s immeasurable purpose for their life and help LAUNCH them into

all God has for them in their lifetime. This plan of action requires YOU!

We cannot create this atmosphere for God to encounter NCAGkids without you being

present to encourage, inspire and direct. The time, energy and actions you invest will last a

lifetime from this moment. Even now many prayers have been invested to set this week

apart for our camp. Please prepare your heart in prayer to raise expectation. Minimize

media and secular input to clean your mind and prepare for ministry. Rest when you can

and eat well so your body is ready for the week!

We are so excited that Crowder’s Ridge will be hosting NCAG Kids Camp again this year!

Please be patient and communicate any issues with leadership of NCAG kidmin only. God

is going to do abundantly beyond what we could ask, think or imagine in the lives of our

campers but also, God will work in and through us as we make our lives available to Him.

Believing God for miracles, healing, direction, empowerment, revelation and more! He

can do it!!!


Larissa Cockrell

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Verse of the Week… 2 Timothy 2:22 & 26 22 “Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along

with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. 26 “and that they will come to their

senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.”

Leader Training: By the way you welcome them as they come, you can help set the tone for your kids’ experience. Children may feel intimidated by groups and activity. When they see your familiar face and hear you use their names while greeting, they will know they are in a safe, secure, and special place where Jesus loves them.

Whether a counselor, nurse, helper, or activity director we all need to have an understanding of the camp purpose, theme and the devotions in order to be prepared to minister at any given time.

ON THE GO TRAINING: Jesus welcomed children and wanted

relationships with them. Though he was

surrounded on all sides by tons of people,

Jesus nurtured the children in his midst. We’d

do well to follow his example. Take the

initiative to get to know the children in your

small group.

“First I learned to love my

teacher; then I learned to

love my teacher’s God.”

Here are a few easy tips to help you get started:

• Talk eye to eye. When you’re speaking with

children, squat down so you can make

direct eye contact.

• Greet kids by name. Let children know that

you’re glad they’re in your small group!

• Find out what games the kids in your group

like to play and what their favorite (or least

favorite) interests are. Jot notes so you can


• Offer to pray for children—then pray! Follow

up the next session on whatever the prayer

request was. Let kids know that you’ve

been praying for them.

• Engage kids in meaningful conversation,

using open-ended questions rather than

questions that require a “yes” or “no”

answer. For example, you will learn far more

by asking, “When is a time you had to

forgive someone?” than by asking, “Have

you ever forgiven someone?” Kids know

you’re interested in them and their answers

when you ask open-ended questions.

• Listen - Nothing communicates care like

listening when kids talk.

Make your kids feel cherished. Many adults don’t

make the effort to truly see children. Be the

exception to the rule, and you’ll quickly become

a favorite grown-up!









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Sheets/Blanket/Pillow (Bunk Beds) o Clothes That Can Get Messed Up (We Are

Doing Some Games With Paint And Mud) o Laundry Bag o Shampoo/Conditioner o Soap o Deodorant o Toothbrush/Toothpaste o Towels (Beach Towel, Bath Towel And

Washcloths) o Bible o Spending Money For Snacks o Tennis Shoes For Hiking o Bug Spray o Sunscreen o Flashlight

o Swimming Suit o Shower Shoes o Shower Bag/Caddy (Walking To Showers) o Water Bottle o Egg Carton To Place On Mattress o Clorox Wipes o Trash Bags o Cups o Gallon Coolers o Tissues o Mirror o Frisbee o Things To Decorate Cabins o Team Appropriate Colored Items To Create

Team Spirit o Notebook o Pen

Crowder's Ridge has asked us NOT to snack in cabins and NOT to bring our own snacks.

RESPONSIBILITIES OF A CABIN COORDINATOR: 1. A counselor is an advisor, a leader, one who sets an example, one who guides, a helper.

2. A camp counselor is a good listener, patient, compassionate, a friend, one who has time to

give and share.

3. To be a camp counselor is to be someone used by God to minister to a need, a need God is

interested in the young sheep of His fold.

4. A camp counselor is a missionary to children although short term, its fulltime responsibilities

are to teach, train, and prepare students in their gifts, callings and talents for lifetime service

to the Lord.

5. Always remain in groups of 3! We never allow a “One-on-One” camper to counselor.

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Daily Schedule:

BREAKFAST 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30

CHAPEL 9:00 - 10:15

GAME CENTER 10:15 - 11:15

LUNCH 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00

ROTATIONS 1:30 - 3:00

3:00 – 4:30

GROUP ESCAPES 4:30 - 5:30

DINNER 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 NIGHT CHAPEL 7:30 DOWNTOWN until 10:30



Red and Green D L D

Blue and Orange L D L

SHOWER SCHEDULES: Will be posted in cabins. (Cabins do not contain bathrooms. Campers will need to be prepared to walk to bathhouses.)

MEAL ROTATIONS: Will be assigned at camp.

GROUP ESCAPES: Enjoy a fun activity with your church group to connect and build relationships with each other.

• Escape Room (Will be assigned at camp) • Basketball • Gaga Ball Championships • Board Games • Paintball • Kayaks • Crafts • Low Ropes • Hiking • Water Baptisms

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Explaining Salvation:

God’s Plan: You Were Created to Know Him

From the beginning, God wanted the people He created to know Him. (See Genesis 1–3.) That includes you! God loves you and wants you to have the best life possible.

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27) The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. (John 10:10) The Problem: Sin In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve disobeyed God (Genesis 3). Because of that, all people are born with a desire to do wrong things. These wrongs — also known as sins—prevent us from having a relationship with God. In fact, the results of sin are death and eternal separation from God. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23) For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:23) God’s Solution: Jesus We’ve all messed up with God. Even if we try really hard, none of us can live a perfect life. Our best efforts could never earn God’s forgiveness or pay the price for our sin. Because God loves people, He decided to send His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross in our place. Only Jesus could live a perfect life and keep all of God’s laws. He died on the cross as the final sacrifice for our sins. If we choose to believe in Jesus, we gain a right relationship with God and will spend eternity with Him. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16) Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) Your Response: Accept God’s Gift What do you do when someone gives you a gift? You accept it, don’t you?

The best response to God’s gift of forgiveness is to accept what Jesus has done. You can do this by admitting that you’ve done wrong and you need God’s forgiveness. When you do this, God sends His Holy Spirit to live inside you. If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9) If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9) If you are ready to trust Jesus, pray something like this: Lord Jesus, I’ve sinned against You. Have mercy on me and forgive my sin. I believe You died in my place, then rose from the dead. Because of You, I can be a child of God. Thank You for dying on the cross for me. In Your name, amen. What Now? • Tell Someone. Tell your parents, your friends - anyone you can think of. See if they notice the change in your life. • Start Praying. You can talk to God anytime you like. He’s your new best friend. • Read the Bible. The Bible is God’s message book for you. The more you read it the better you will know Him. • Serve God. Look for ways to serve Him using your talents and resources.

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Explaining the Baptism of the Holy Spirit:

Kids Fire Bible Before leaving earth, Jesus promised His disciples that they would be baptized in the Spirit when the Holy Spirit came (see Acts 1:4–5). This promise is for believers today as well. Kids like you can be baptized in the Spirit. But first, let’s find out what “baptism in the Holy Spirit” means. What “Baptism in the Holy Spirit” Means Being baptized by the Holy Spirit helps believers to be bold and more powerful as they serve God. To be baptized in the Spirit means to be “filled with the Holy Spirit.” The word baptize means to immerse or dip something, usually in water. Baptism in the Spirit means you are dipped in or overflowing with the Spirit. Think of a container filled with clean water. Like the container, the person filled with the Spirit is no longer empty, but has the Holy Spirit living inside. Being baptized in the Holy Spirit is like pouring more clean water into the container until it overflows. A person who is baptized in the Spirit becomes flooded with God’s presence to the point where others notice. This experience happened to Peter and the other disciples at Pentecost (see Acts 2). In the book of Acts, the sign that a believer had been baptized in the Spirit was that he or she spoke in a language different from his or her native language. We call this “speaking in tongues.” Speaking in tongues involves a language that the speaker has never learned. That person might speak in a language spoken somewhere on earth (for example, Greek, French, or Aramaic) or in a heavenly language. After the Holy Spirit arrived, Peter and the other disciples began to speak in different languages. Many people present accused them of being drunk. But they were not! They were filled with the Holy Spirit (see Acts 2). How to Receive This Gift The gift of the Holy Spirit is given to those who trust Jesus as their Savior. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you prepare to receive this gift: Talk to a parent or another trusted adult about your decision. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or talk about any concerns you might have.

Get right with God. Admit any wrongs you might have done and ask God for forgiveness. Ask in faith. Pray and believe that God will honor His promise to baptize you in the Holy Spirit. Be prepared. Some physical things may happen, such as stammering lips, tears, and trembling or shaking may accompany this experience. Don’t be afraid when this happens. You will speak in other tongues. Trust that you will get what you asked for. God promises to give the good gift of the Holy Spirit to those who desire Him with all their heart (see Luke 11:9–13). That means you.

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Helping Kids Receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit by Dick Gruber, D.Min. I’ve spent over forty years teaching and leading children into the baptism in the Holy Spirit. If there is one thing I have learned it is, “Children need God’s power more than ever, right now!” In Mark 1:8, John the Baptist states, “I baptize you with water, but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” Jesus says in Acts 1:5, “For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.” What is the baptism in the Holy Spirit? In order to help children understand and receive, I first talk about what this experience is not. Children more easily receive the gift of the Spirit after understanding what the baptism in the Spirit is and isn’t. The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is:

• Not the same as salvation. This is a separate and unique gift following conversion. (Acts 19:1–6)

• Not for adults only. This empowerment is for every believer. (Acts 2:39)

• Not natural. It is a supernatural experience. A child cannot be taught how to speak in tongues. Jesus is the baptizer. (Luke 3:16; Acts 1:4–8)

• Not just for Bible times. This experience is for today. (Acts 2:39)

• Not an experience where tongues are optional. Those baptized in the Spirit will receive power and a prayer language. Encourage them to pray for more of God. The Holy Spirit will baptize them and tongues will follow. (Acts 10:44–47)

• Not a sign that you have arrived. The baptism in the Holy Spirit is a beginning. Even after the day of Pentecost, the disciples prayed more than once for more of God’s Spirit. (Acts 2:4; Acts 4:31)

• Not scary. God will do nothing scary to a child. I’ve found that once children overcome the fear of the unknown, it is easy for them to be filled to overflowing with the Spirit. (1 John 4:16–18; 2 Timothy 1:7)

When Praying with Children for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit: Let God guide you. It is important in any prayer service to let God be God. Do not attempt to force a move of God or raise the spiritual level in your own strength. Jesus is the baptizer; He is Lord of the response time. Keep it positive! Prayer time should be a positive experience for children, especially when praying for the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Workers must be sensitive to God’s leading. Oftentimes, a child will have pressing prayer requests that are more important to her than being baptized in the Spirit. Listen and pray about those felt needs first. Then pray with the child about receiving this gift.

• Don’t force it. Praying for the baptism in the Holy Spirit should never be forced, rushed, or confusing. When children express a desire to receive, pray. Jesus said, “Let the children come to me.” He did not say, “Drag, coerce, push, force, threaten, or browbeat them to come to me.” Physical contact should be limited to a hand on the shoulder, head, or back. When appropriate, a hug may be given to a child. Cry with the children. Laugh with them. Above all, enjoy the presence of God with them at the altar.

• Let children ask. Encourage children to ask God for His Holy Spirit. According to Luke 11:13, if earthly fathers know how to give good gifts to their children, how much more will God, our Father in heaven, give the Holy Spirit to those who ask?

• Praise out loud. Once a child has asked God for the baptism in the Spirit, encourage the children to praise and glorify God aloud in the language they know. God will baptize them and give them a prayer language at just the right time. I have never witnessed a child receiving this gift without first praising God out loud in his own native tongue. We know that the disciples immediately after receiving the Holy Spirit began declaring the wonders of God in the languages the Holy

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Spirit gave them. (Acts 2:5–11)

• Trust God’s timing. Only God can baptize a person in His Holy Spirit. We can’t yell loud enough, shake hard enough, or hype ourselves up enough to make God move any faster in a child’s life. So relax. Trust that God knows exactly when the child is ready to receive. Be there to encourage and bless. There is no secret formula for receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit. God is not to be boxed in. I’ve found that He is really good at filling a child to overflowing at the time when that child—body, soul, and spirit—is ready.

• Avoid distractions. If you notice anyone, child or adult, doing something that distracts other children or scares them, put a stop to this. Speak with con dent authority, but with kindness. God has placed you as a leader for such a time as this. People bring their own experiences into prayer times. Some of these can be loud, obnoxious, or just plain weird. Stick with scriptural norms and pray with the children in mind.

• Speak out in faith. I often remind children several times during prayer that according to Luke 11:13 those who ask will receive. Encourage children to speak out by faith when the Holy Spirit even gives them a partial word to say. Oftentimes a child will receive a word or two, say the word, and immediately wonder if this is it. I tell kids to speak out whatever God is giving them and believe that He is going to help them. God will not allow children to be overcome by a fake or counterfeit response. He will baptize a child in the Holy Spirit at just the right time and they will receive a prayer language when they receive the Holy Spirit. That prayer language may not sound like any they have heard. God is so big that He can give each child his own tongue.

Dr. Gruber is Professor of Children and Family Ministries at the University of Valley Forge in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania.

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TEAM POINTS: Memory Verses


Clean Cabins

Creative Cabins

Winning Team Games

Team Spirit

Good Attitudes


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Arrival Day at Camp - Camper Registration Groups are to arrive between 3:00 – 4:00 on

Monday. The group leader is to proceed to

the registration area at the Camp Office as

you first enter the campgrounds.

Everyone else is to remain outside. The

group leader will be given all the necessary

information to get everyone in their cabins.


AT REGISTRATION! Once you are in the

cabins, your group can unpack and get

ready to head to the Lakefront. If your

church has multiple counselors, please send

at least one counselor to the Lakefront with

your group. They will remain with the group

for additional supervision during the swim

test, while the remaining counselors attend

the counselor meeting.

Counselor Meetings The first counselor meeting will take place

from 4:00 - 5:00 on Monday in the Dining

Hall. There will be an orientation for

everyone from 5:00 – 5:30 in the Barn.

Counselor meetings will also be held on

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the

Dining Hall during the morning chapel at

9:00. All campers will be supervised during

this time.

Daily Duties Kitchen Duty - Your team will be rotated to

perform meal clean-up duty. During your

rotation your team should complete the

following tasks: Wipe off all tables, pick up

remaining trash and dispose of it properly.

The kitchen manager will provide all the

supplies needed.

Cabin Checks – Your cabin will be checked

daily for made beds, put away luggage

and trash in dispensers. Please make sure

things remain cleaned up!

Activity Involvement – It is your duty to make

sure that each of your campers get involved

with the various team oriented, group

activities whether they be sports, dorm clean

up or chapel, etc. It is of course your duty to

get involved yourself in all activities the

children are involved in. By setting the

example you will promote encouragement of

participation and control for each activity.

It is also your duty to take roll at each activity

to assure that all your assigned campers are

present and accounted for. If you discover

one or more of your campers missing, report it


Chapel Involvement – During all chapel

services counselors are required to spread

themselves out among the campers; but, stay

with your assigned group. Beware of

developing counselor cliques. If one or more

of your campers go forward for ministry, go to

the altar with them. Support the speaker with

prayer and minister as needed.

Leaders should be alert to their own campers’

behavior. If you see another camper

misbehaving, you may take the liberty to

correct it immediately and then report it to

their counselor.

Be Personal – Get to know those in your group

by name. Remembering a camper’s name

brings a real sense of value in their eyes. If you

remember their name – you care; if you don’t

remember their name – you must not care. As

you take time to get to know each camper

you will find they’ll begin to open up to you.

Be Safe – At all times you should be thinking

ahead and looking out for the safety and

protection of your campers. Never, for any

reason leave a camper unsupervised! Do not

allow horseplay that can lead to possible

injury. Pillow fights, jumping from bed to bed,

etc. are potentially dangerous activities. Put

older and more experienced campers on top

bunks to help minimize children from falling

out of bed in the middle of the night. Do not

allow two campers in the same restroom stall

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or shower together. Whenever there is injury

get 2nd and 3rd opinions from qualified staff

members before deciding, “you don’t need

the nurse.” When in doubt, go to the nurse.

Protect your campers...that is what you are

there for.

Dress Code At camp we want to dress comfortably and

yet maintain a high moral standard. One-

piece bathing suits (or suits that cover the

stomach) are required. Shoes or sandals

need to be worn while walking in all areas

of the camp. Swimsuits are not to be worn in

the dining hall. No offensive printed t-shirts

are permitted. Overall apparel needs to be

modest and decent. You are to set the

example for campers. At camp we want

you to come expecting to get extremely

messy, so dressy or really nice clothing are

not necessary.

Discipline Watching what you say will build respect in

your campers. If a child has a show for

attention, talks in a wrong setting or manner,

pushes, etc., lovingly but firmly correct the

child. You should address the problem

once. If it happens again, remind the

camper that this has already been

addressed once. Then separate or set the

camper out of an activity. If problems

continue, the camper should be taken to

the counselor director. Sometimes we

create worse problems by not quickly, but

lovingly, addressing the situation sooner.

(Such as, “Oh, I will let it go this time.”)

Problems will spread to others if not

addressed. You can also lose the respect of

your campers by not approaching the


Any problems that develop between

counselors should be handled in a mature,

loving manner. Ministering to the children

and setting an example for them is the

reason each counselor is at camp. If a

difficulty arises that prayerful discussion

between counselors cannot resolve, take it to

the camp director. Don’t allow ill feelings to

intensify. And don’t come to camp with ill

feelings. The campers are watching you, what

are you teaching them?

Daily Events

Dorm Clean Up and Golden Broom Award Each and every day campers and counselors

will have to clean their dorms. Counselors can

lead their campers in meeting their standards

of cleanliness, but it is the campers that are

supposed to do the work. You will have the

breakfast shifts to get your dorm spic and

span before the judges come to inspect for

the Golden Broom Award. Boys compete

against boys and girls against girls. The winners

get a bunch of candy and get to go first in

line for meals for that day.

Dinner With The DYD Any 6th and 7th graders can meet on the

lower deck for dinner with the DYD, Thursday

night at 6:30. This will provide them the

opportunity to get to know the NCAG DYD

and hear about what is ahead of them as

they advance to youth!

Game Center Physical group games where you may get

messy. Many of your team points are

awarded at this time.

Camp Store Candy bars, assorted snacks, soda, ice

cream, t-shirts, etc. will be available in the

camp store. Use is limited to free times and

scheduled snack/camp store times.

Please encourage campers to put wrappers

and soda cans in the trash containers. Prices

for items vary from $1- $15.

Swimming Your group will have a scheduled swim time.

Appropriate swimwear for boys and men

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counselors are swimming trunks, no Speedos

please, and for the girls and women

counselors a modest one-piece swimsuit (or

suit that covers the stomach). If swim wear is

not appropriate you will be asked to make

a change or be excused from the swimming


Mail Call All mail for campers will be called out during

the morning chapel service.

Chapel Services in the Barn Chapel is by far the most important aspect

of camp. Boys and girls will be saved, filled

with the Holy Spirit, healed, set free and

callings/giftings will come into clarity. Many

will experience intimacy with God on a

personal level for the first time. Others will

begin to know and sense the call of God on

their lives. Campers will literally be caught

up in the presence of the Lord as they enter

His presence.

Chapel services will consist of anointed

preaching with a strong emphasis in

worship. We do not seek our own agenda

but strive to allow the Holy Spirit to direct the

flow of chapel services. The Spirit of God

can do in five minutes what it takes us a

lifetime to accomplish by ourselves. Be

prepared to minister to the campers as the

Holy Spirit directs. If one or more of your

campers go forward for ministry, go to the

altar with them. Support the ministry team

with prayer and minister as needed.

Counselors and campers will sit together as

a team in the Barn. Counselors should be

alert to their own camper’s behavior. If you

see another camper misbehaving, you may

take the liberty to correct it immediately

and then report it to their counselor.

Please silence your cell phone during

services. Students are not allowed to bring

them to the services.

Offering Prior to camp, invite the kids in your ministry

to begin giving for the 2019 BGMC Camp

Project. We will be raising money for… Then

bring your offering in a Steampunk decorated


Every morning Chapel we will chat with a

missionary and give the opportunity for the

kids to give in an offering. The offering

throughout the week will go toward… If you

would like credit for your church in giving,

please fill out an envelope every time you


Prepare for Bed Following our late-night activity and a snack,

campers will only have a short amount of time

to get ready for bed. Once campers are

ready gather them together for a quick word

and prayer before they turn in.

Lights Out Lights out will be exactly 11:30 p.m. Campers

will definitely need all the sleep they can get

especially as the week goes on and they are

tired from activities. Dorm areas will be

patrolled to enforce the “lights out” rule.

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COMMUNICATION TO PARENTS BUCKS: Bucks is the camp store that sells merchandise, snacks, etc, and they have officially opened Bucks Online for the 2019 camp season! This will give you the opportunity to purchase items which will be waiting for the camper upon arrival (not available to ship). These items must be purchased a week before the camp date. Letter - Parents have the option to send their child a digital letter, and we will deliver it to them. Gift Card - Giving money to kids/students isn't always ideal. Parents can buy their child a gift card! Bundles – The camp has put together exclusive camp bundles that includes a different variety of items such as a shirt, water bottle, etc.....

MERCH SHOP: This year we will be opening our very own NCAG Merch Shop. This will have fun camp gear, candy, t-shirts, Steampunk merch and much more! A portion of our proceeds will go towards the 2019 BGMC Offering.

MAIL: Please address mail as follows: NCDC Kid’s Camp Mail Camper’s Name Camp Crowders Ridge 130 Camp Rotary Road Gastonia, NC 28052

NON-CAMPER POLICY: In order to ensure a safe environment for all campers, no visitors are allowed during camp. Parents/Guardians of children being baptized are allowed to visit but must check in at the Camp Office.

2019 BGMC OFFERING: We are asking for all Kidmin Leaders to take up offering before camp, but we will also have opportunities for the kids to give during camp. Our 2019 BGMC Camp Project is…

DÉCOR: We are going with a Steampunk style to go along with our Great Escape theme for camp this year. Steampunk includes mechanical and industrial designs such as gears, clocks, antique keys, pipes, etc. The décor can be made with materials such as poster board, cardboard, Styrofoam, silver/gold spray paint etc.

21 DAY CHALLENGE: Beginning June 17th challenge your kids to take the 21 Day Challenge to prepare themselves for Camp. You can download a guide at Each day has a short verse and challenge to take on to prepare our hearts to receive.

Larissa Jo Cockrell