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Page 1: We are the Church, Together


We are the Church,


Annual Catholic Appeal 243 Prospect Park West

Brooklyn, NY 11215

Parish Team Guide

Page 2: We are the Church, Together


Parish Team Guide

Annual Catholic Appeal 243 Prospect Park West

Brooklyn, New York

Office of The Annual Catholic Appeal

243 Prospect Park West Brooklyn, NY 11215

Phone: (718) 965-7375 ex. 1602

E-Mail: [email protected]


Monsignor Jamie Gigantiello

Vicar for Development


John Heyer II

Director of Parish-Based Stewardship

(718)965-7375 x1613

Joyce Romain-Barber

Field Representative

(718)965-7375 x1610

Rick Lugo

Field Representative

(718)965-7375 x5105

John Notaro

Executive Director

(718)965-7375 x1604

Amy Lennan-Lazarus

Field Representative

(718)965-7375 x1044

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Table of Contents

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Our goal in 2020 is to begin to change the way we speak about “fundraising” and focus greater on “stewardship.” When we speak about stewardship, we speak about acknowledging all we have as having been given to use by God, and therefore it is only right to return what we have to God in gratitude. Jesus speaks about money more than any other subject in the gospels including heaven or hell. We do not need to be ashamed to speak about the need for money to fulfill the mission of the Church which Jesus has given us. As parish leaders we are called to challenge fellow parishoners to support the mission of the Church with their financial support in addition to time and talent. Jesus reminds us in Matthew 6:21 “Where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.” As part of our refocusing we suggest you read ChurchMoney by White and Corcoran published in 2019. Below is a summary of the steps outlined in this book which every parish should follow when administrating the Annual Catholic Appeal in their parish:

1. Begin in Prayer 6. Make available all ways of giving 2. Lead with Your Own Giving 7. Celebrate Giving / Celebrate Moving 3. Teach people what God says about Money 8. Eliminate Competing Systems 4. Ask 9. Persevere 5. Moving through the levels of giving

The Annual Catholic Appeal is also the parish’s opportunity to raise the funds needed to run your own programs or complete capital projects. We hope this guide helps you to follow these 9 steps as you meet your 2020 Annual Catholic Appeal goal as well as your parish’s own initiatives. Last year parishes created “stretch” goals whereby they increased their own parish goal so that the over goal money could be used to fulfill needs in the parish. Parishes refurbished their bell systems, added air-conditioning and renovated a church restroom by adding those projects to the list of things the ACA would fund at the parish in 2019. We highly recommend you set a target project to be done at the parish should you exceed the parish ACA goal and tell your parishioners about it. Your Field Represented can help you craft your message. For all questions concerning the Annual Catholic Appeal, you can call your Field Representative or (718) 965-7375 ext. 1602 or e-mail [email protected]. Visit and access the link to your parish resource page at the bottom of the site which allows you to download all of the parish ACA materials including all bulletin inserts, guide books, posters and the 2020 ACA Video.

Thank You

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The Annual Catholic Appeal prayer is provided to you each year so that all parishes can unit in the same prayer, as one Church, for the success of the ACA. This prayer should not be viewed as an obligation to rush through in order to get to an agenda, request or other task. Instead, we hope you will use this prayer to communicate with God asking Him to open your heart to His will. Prayer is the foundation of the mission of the ACA since it is built on the relationship we each have with God and our response to that relationship. We also ask you to encourge those who are not able or ready to participate in the ACA with their financial gift to pledge their prayers to the benenfit of the Appeal using these words:

God and Father of all gifts, we praise you, the source of all who we are.

Teach us to acknowledge always with generous gratitude the many good things your infinite love has given us, as we support the work of

the Church in Brooklyn and Queens.

Open our hearts that we may answer your call to follow the message of the Gospel as disciples in love and service, so that all may come to know

You by the example of our faith and good works.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God, for ever and ever.


Annual Catholic Appeal


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The following petitions are suggested to be used either for Announcement Weekend, the weekend before your In-Pew or spread out one a week starting Announcement Weekend (February 24) - as an opportunity to reflect on the case elements of the appeal and the breadth of the diocesan family and the services they depend upon.


1. We pray for the success of the Annual Catholic Appeal in our parish and diocese this year, that the Holy Spirit may move us in faith to unite our prayers with our financial support to do the good works of Christ to feed the hungry, educate the young, visit the sick and imprisoned, welcome the stranger and increase vocations to the priesthood so that the Eucharist may always be celebrated for God's people, we pray to the Lord.

2. For our faith community, that God’s love inspires us to grow in faith and do the good works of our Father

throughout the Diocese in Brooklyn and Queens, as we support the ministries and services funded by the 2020 Annual Catholic Appeal, we pray to the Lord

3. That we will see the 2020 Annual Catholic Appeal as an opportunity to join with our brothers and sisters in

the parish and throughout our Diocese as Christian stewards to build communities of faith and good works, we pray to the Lord.

4. For those without a home, the hungry and individuals and families in need around our Diocese, that their

needs may continue to be met through our support of Catholic Charities programs and services, we pray to the Lord.

5. For our seminarians studying for the priesthood, and those preparing for the permanent diaconate. That our

support to the 2020 Annual Catholic Appeal will allow them to persevere in their studies and, God willing, come one day to the altar of the Lord as humble shepherds and servants after the heart of Christ, we Pray to the Lord.

6. For an increase of vocations to the priesthood and the support to the seminarians of our diocese, that by our

support to the 2020 Annual Catholic Appeal they may continue to prepare for a lifetime of service in the Church, we pray to the Lord.

7. For the children in Brooklyn and Queens, that we as a church may continue to educate the next generation in

our faith and good works through sustainable Catholic Schools and enriching parish religious education programs and the Catholic Youth Initiative; may we continue to remember our responsibility to teach and pass on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we pray to the Lord.

8. For our immigrant community, that they may continue to receive the assistance needed to navigate legal, housing and employment issues in our city through the assistance of the Office of Catholic Migration Services in Brooklyn and Queens as it has provided for generations of immigrant groups during all times in our history,

we pray to the Lord.


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We are stewards, Not Owners of Our Money “You fool, this night your life will be demanded of you; and the things you have prepared, to whom will they belong?” (Lk 12:20) “For everything is from you, and what we give is what we have from you” (Chr 29:14)

Build Treasure in Heaven “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and decay destroy, and thieves break in and steal. But store up treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor decay destroys, nor thieves break in and steal” (Mt 6:19-20) In the parable of the judgment of the nations, Jesus applauds those who use their money and possessions in the way he teaches us to use them- feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, welcoming strangers, caring for the poor, and visiting prisoners. “Then the king will say to those on his right, “Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world” (Mt 25:34)

Money Represents the Greatest Competition God Faces for Our Hearts “take care to guard against all greed, for though one may be rich, one’s life does not consist of possessions.” (Luke 12:15)

Money Can Move the Human Heart in the Right Direction Zacchaeus decides to give half of his fortune to the poor and promises to repay more than he has stolen from other. Jesus then responds, Today salvation has come to his house” (Luke 19:9) “Where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.” (Mt 6:21)

Don’t Worry about Money Look at the birds in the sky; they do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they?” (Mt 6:26)

Quotes from Scripture

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Money in the New Testament Matthew 2:11 Matthew 6:1-4 Matthew 6:19-20 Matthew 6:21 Matthew 6:24 Matthew 6:25-34 Matthew 8:28-34 Mark 5:1-20 Luke 8:28-39 Matthew 17:24-27 Matthew 18:21-35 Matthew 19:16-30 Mark 10:17-31 Luke 18:18-30 Matthew 201-16 Matthew 21:12-17 Mark 11:15-19 John 2:13-25 Matthew 22:15-22 Mark 12:13-17 Luke 20:20-26 Matthew 23:23 Matthew 25:14-30 Matthew 25:31-46 Matthew 26:6-13 Mark 14:3-9 John 12:1-9 Matthew 26:14-16 Mark 14:10-11 Matthew 27:57-61

Matthew 28:11-15 Mark 10:46-52 Mark 12:41-44 Luke 21:1-4 Luke 2:22-24 Luke 3:7-14 Luke 6:24 Luke 6:28 Luke 7:36-50 Luke 9:23-27 Luke 10:1-4 Luke 10:29-37 Luke 12:13-20 Luke 12:21 Luke 12:22-34 Luke 15:8-10 Luke 16:1-13 Luke 16:19-31 Luke 19:1-10 Luke 19:11-27 Acts 2:44-45, 4:32 Acts 4:34 Acts 4:37 Acts 5:1-11 Acts 8:9-25 Acts 10:2 Acts 11:27-29 Acts 16:12-15 Acts 19:19-20 Acts 19:23-40

Acts20:35 Roman 13:3-7 Romans 15:22-29 1 Corinthians 16:1-4 2 Corinthians 8:1-6 2 Corinthians 8:7-14 2 Corinthians 8:14 2 Corinthians 9:5 2 Corinthians 9:7 2 Corinthians 9:5-15 2 Corinthians 11:7-9 Ephesians 5:-5 Colossians 3:5 Philippians 4:15-19 1 Thessalonians 4:12 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15 1 Timothy 3:3 1 Timothy 5:8 1 Timothy 5:18 1 Timothy 6:6-8 1 Timothy 6:9-10 1 Timothy 6:17-19 Hebrews 7:1-10 Hebrews 11:4 James 2:1-6 James 4:13-17 2 Peter 2:14-15 1 John 3:16-18 Revelation 3:14-22

Quotes from Scripture

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Annual Catholic Appeal


January 27th - February 19th....................... Diocesan Bishop Receptions February 20th.................................................... ACA Volunteer Team Dinner February 21st.................................................... Appeal Letters are mailed from Bishop DiMarzio to parishioners February 22nd & 23rd......................................Appeal Announcement Weekend at all Masses Preach about impact of ACA & Show ACA Video at Mass (if possible)

February 24th ……………….............................Parishes follow Bulletin Blurb and Insert Plan from February 24 to March 29 February 24th – April 4th ……......................Parishes host their Parish Receptions

April 13th ……………………………………….....Follow-up mailing sent on parish letterhead from pastor (mailed by ACA office) April 18th/ 19th …………..……………………..Preach about impact of ACA & Show ACA Video at Mass (if possible) April 25th/26th & May 2nd/3rd …...............Conduct In-Pew Commitment Weekend May 5th……………………...………………………Post In-Pew Bulletin Insert for May 9/10 June 3rd …………………………………………… Mail sent to donors who participated in ACA in previous years but not this year and to those who did not participate in G of F from Vicar September 8th …………………………….……Follow-up mailing sent on parish letterhead from pastor (mailed by ACA office) September 19th …………………………........ ACA Court of Honor Thank You Reception October – November ……………………… 2nd In-Pew for those parishes not yet at goal December 8th ………………………………......Christmas Appeal Mailing

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Donors should be approached based first on the greatest likelihood of donating and greatest potential for giving. This approach builds momentum, provides credibility, creates enthusiasm and ensures greater participation. Asking previous donors to re-commit at the beginning of the Appeal will also bring you closer to your goal quicker and provide you the time needed to engage new donors in order to replace those who have moved away or can no longer commit.

• Phase 1 – Previous ACA Donors who made gifts of over $1000. (Leader Phase Donors)

• Phase 2 – Previous ACA Donors who made any gift between $500-$999.

(Major Phase Donors)

• Phase 3 – All who have made a gift under $500 to ACA or registered parishioners who have never given to the ACA in the past. (Special Phase Donors)

• Phase 4 – In-Pew General solicitation. (General Phase Donors)

Phase 1 The top 5 donors from the previous year should be asked to re-commit to the Annual Catholic Appeal directly by the Pastor in a personal way. Phase 2 The remaining donors who make up Phase 1 & 2 should be asked to participate in the ACA at a parish reception. Phase 3 Phase 3 donors should be motivated to participate in the ACA through bulletin inserts, announcements, parish e-mail and social media. (If the number of donors who gave in the previous year under $500 is manageable enough to include in your Parish Reception, this is encouraged) Phase 4 The last attempt to ask for a gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal is the most general request which targets Phase 4 donors. The In-Pew is done in this phase. Note: All Phase 1, 2 & 3 donors are mailed to from the Annual Catholic Appeal Office.

Annual Catholic Appeal

Phased Approach

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Tips for a Successful Appeal

• A successful 2020 Annual Catholic Appeal is directly related to the leadership, enthusiasm and motivation provided to the parishioners.

• Form an Appeal Team for your Parish.

• Follow the suggested Appeal Timeline.

• Use the bulletin blurbs & inserts, parish e-mail, social media, pulpit announcements and prayers of the faithful.

• Parishioners are generous and will give even more when given a suggested gift plan.

• Strive to obtain 100% participation by encouraging a pledge from everyone. Remember, no gift is too small.

• Encourage pledges: that can be paid over several months, instead of a one-time gift. It is important that everyone be encouraged to pledge an amount that they are committed to completing. The Annual Catholic Appeal Office will send reminders.

• Proportionate Gift Requests: Not all parishioners can give at the same level. Similar to the ideals of Christian Stewardship, we ask for equal sacrifice - not equal amount.

• Personal Solicitation: Personal requests to participate in the Appeal at receptions, during Mass or one-on-one visits result in a greater response from those being invited to participate.

• Prayer: All parishioners will be asked to prayerfully support the campaign.

• Parishioners give in relation to the person who asks because giving is contagious.

• Parishioners give when they are invited to participate.

• We highly recommend you set a target project to be done at the parish should you exceed the parish ACA goal and tell your parish about it. Last year parishes created “stretch” goals whereby they increased their own parish goal so that the over goal money could be used to fulfill needs in the parish.

• Promote using the ACA text number or website for donors to make their pledges online. Those who make their pledge online are 98% likely to fulfill their pledge!

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As leaders of your parish family, you play an essential part in communicating to your parishioners the necessity of their involvement with the larger Church. The Office of the Annual Catholic Appeal has prepared the way that leads to Announcement Weekend. The Annual Catholic Appeal brochures, pledge envelopes, video, posters, Prayer of the faithful and pulpit announcements are important ingredients toward a successful Appeal. However, there is no replacement for the PARISH LEADERS. As people of faith and as leaders of your parish, your personal request to the people of your parish is a key element. You are the principal motivators. No poster, letter, insert or other item can replace the impact of your personal support. A successful campaign is directly related to the leadership, enthusiasm and motivation provided to your parishioners by you. You are the spiritual leaders of your parish and your involvement is essential. If you intend to personally participate in the Appeal, thank you in advance, however please consider sharing with parishioners that you have made your donation in support of the 2020 Annual Catholic Appeal. The 2020 Annual Catholic Appeal emphasizes the call of all in the Church to share our Faith and do Good Works through acts of charity and emphasizes the responsibility parishioners have in supporting their parish, as well as the ministries of the larger Church community in Brooklyn and Queens, programs and services that are carried out through the Annual Catholic Appeal. We encourage you to follow the Appeal’s timeline, view the video and use all the resources made available to each Parish as effective tools to reach and exceed your Parish goal. This year’s theme “We are the Church, Together” reminds us that we are all called to be active and responsible participants in the joyful works of our church. Please ask for 100% participation. Ask every household to consider a sacrificial gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal. Remember, no gift is too small or too large. With everyone’s participation, our mission will be a monumental success! Thank you for the time you give to make the appeal a success, your talent of teaching His word and your commitment to the 2020 Annual Catholic Appeal.

Pastor, Vicar and Deacon

Pastors’, Vicars’ & Deacons’ Support

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The most significant aspects of the Appeal are organization and leadership. Success in achieving your Annual Catholic Appeal Parish Goal is very closely tied to these factors and to the abilities of individuals who assume leadership roles in the Appeal. Bishop DiMarzio has asked for every Parish to have an Annual Catholic Appeal team, which proved to be most significant during “Generations of Faith.” Pastors are asked to re-engage those volunteers who have already served and been trained as team members during Generations of Faith for the parish to now serve on your Annual Catholic Appeal Team. It is imperative to establish a Parish Appeal Team that will promote and plan the Announcement Weekend, Parish Reception and In-Pew Weekend.


– Recruits the Parish Appeal Chairperson, phase chairpersons and recruiting team. Identifies the parishioners who might be able to make Leadership or Major Gifts. Hosts receptions and makes select follow-up visits/phone calls. Delivers pulpit announcements, advocates the Appeal and advances the case for support.

Annual Catholic Appeal

Parish Team

Parish Staff

– Handles the many details of the program, including: developing lists, mailing letters, meeting reminders, ensuring parish bulletin inserts are placed and receiving the pledges from volunteers and donors and forwarding them to be processed. Please note that the Catholic Foundation will handle pledge processing, redemption efforts and thank you letters.

ACA Field Representative

– Is assigned to the parish by the Catholic Foundation and reports to the Director of the Annual Catholic Appeal. The role of the Field Representative is to assist parishes so that they may correctly implement the Annual Catholic Appeal Plan and reach their Parish goal.

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Parish Appeal Chairperson

– Provides overall coordination and chairs all Appeal Meetings. Co-hosts Parish Appeal Receptions with the pastor. Assists the pastor in identifying and contacting potential donors. Advocates the Appeal through pulpit announcements. Coordinates Annoucement Weekend.

Phase 1 & 2 Chairperson

– Recruits volunteers and oversees a small committee that will help plan the Parish Appeal Reception for Leadership, Major & Special Gift Phase families. Responsible for ensuring that all Major & Leadership Gift Phase families are contacted (via reception or personal visit). Assists in the organization of the Announcement Weekend and “In-Pew Weekends.” Helps in all phases.

Phase 4 Chair

Annual Catholic Appeal

Parish Team

Phase 1 & 2 Chair


Phase 3 Chair

Phase 4 Chairperson

– Recruits volunteers and oversees a small committee that will help plan the Parish Appeal In-Pew for the General Phase. Assists in the organization of the Announcement Weekend and Parish Reception. Helps in all phases.

Phase 3 Chairperson

– Recruits volunteers and oversees a small committee that will help coordinate all bulletin blurbs, inserts, email blasts, the use of parish social media and Mass announcements to bring awareness to the Appeal. Assists in the organization of the Announcement Weekend and Parish Reception. Helps in all phases.

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The Annual Catholic Appeal webiste has been re-created to better serve our loyal donors and parish teams. In addition to the many upgrades, donors can now have one on-line account to manage their Annual Cathoic Appeal and “Generations of Faith” accounts. At the bottom of the homepage, you will also find the “Parish Resources” link. Clicking on “Parish Resources” will open a directory of files, which will provide you with all of the materials needed to launch a succsessful appeal as follows:

• 2020 ACA Parish Planning Guides

o The 2020 ACA Plan

o 2020 Events & Mail Timeline

o Announcement Weekend Guide

o Parish Reception Guide

o In-Pew Guide

o Secretary Guide

• Essential Campaign Materials

o ACA Video Download

o ACA Video YouTube Link

o ACA Prayer

o ACA Petitions

o ACA Posters

o ACA Pamphlet

o ACA Donation Card

• Additional Parish Team Resources

o ACA Ways to Give

o ACA Stock Gifts

o Leadership & Major Gift Plan

o Stewardship Thoughts

o Suggested Petitions for Mass

o List of video equipment


• Bulletin Blurb and Insert Materials

& Timeline

o Announcement Weekend

Bulletin Insert

o Bulletin Blurb and Insert Ad


o ACA Frequently Asked

Questions Insert

o ACA Bulletin Blurbs

February – April 2020

o ACA Matching Gifts Insert

o Online Giving Benefits

o ACA Ways to Give Insert

o Scripture and Giving Money

o ACA Parish Reception Invite

Insert Option

o ACA Parish Reception Invite

Letter Option

o Pre 4.26 In-Pew Insert

o Pre 5.3 In-Pew Insert


ACA Parish Organizational Chart

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Bulletin Insert and Blurb Ad Campaign

February 23rd - Announcement Weekend Insert & Blurb

March 1st - Frequently Asked Questions

March 8th – Online Giving Benefits

March 15th - Ways to Give Insert March 22nd – Scripture and Giving Money March 29th - Pre In-Pew Insert for 4/26 or 5/3

April 19th (if In-Pew is on 4/26) Pre In-Pew Insert for 4/26 April 19th (if In-Pew is on 5/3) Pre In-Pew Insert for 5/3

April 26th (if In-Pew is on 4/26) Matching Gift April 26th (if In-Pew was on 5/3) Pre In-Pew Insert for 5/3

May 10th & 17th - Post In-Pew Insert

All Blurbs and Inserts can be downloaded as Word

documents by clicking on the Parish Resources link at



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Weekly Monthly Parish Donor Reports Beginning on February 17th, 2020, at the beginning of every week pastors and parishes will receive weekly donor reports listing all parish donors to the year’s ACA. If you are not receiving this weekly e-mail update please notify your parish ACA Field Representative from the Catholic Foundation.

ACA Donor List On February 10th, 2020 each pastor/parish should have received their Annual Catholic Appeal list in Excel format. This list contains the names and contact information for each donor enrolled into the Annual Catholic Appeal database for your parish, including their recent donation history. You may use this list to contact your donors directly.

Editing Your ACA Donor List We ask you to also review this list and update it by cutting and pasting donors who should be removed from your parish list due to death or relocation from the active tab of the Excel file to a new tab labeled as “Remove.” Please make sure during cut and paste that all columns from the row containing the name of the person to be removed are pasted on the “Remove” tab. Donors with information that needs to be corrected should likewise be copied and pasted into a tab named “Updated” with the correct information. Any new donors you wish to provide the Annual Catholic Appeal Department should be added to a tab named “New.” You are asked to copy and paste the title row at the top of the donor list into the “New” tab and fill in as much info as possible on the new parishioner. Once all changes and updates have been made to your list, you may e-mail it to [email protected].

Annual Catholic Appeal


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Pledge Your Gift and Make Monthly Payments – A gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal may be fulfilled by making monthly payments through December 31st. If possible, please include your first month’s payment when you make your peldge. Gifts of Cash – Checks should be made payable to the “Annual Catholic Appeal.” Please mail your gift card in the envelope provided. Credit Card – Take full advantage of the benefits offered by your card, such as bonus/reward points and airline miles. You can make a one-time gift or monthly pledge payments using your credit card. Simply provide your credit card information on your gift card/envelope. You may do this online, if you prefer, by going to or text ACA to 917-336-1255. Online Giving – The Annual Catholic Appeal offer’s the opportunity to make your gift and pledge payments online using a credit card or electronic funds transfer from your checking or savings account. Please visit to make your contribution or text ACA to 917-336-1255. Recuring Annual Gifts – You may choose to make a pledge online to be charged to your account automaticlly year after year. Your recuring donation will support the work of the Church beyond 2020 or until you choose to stop it. Gift of Securities – Federal tax laws allow a charitable deduction for the full market value of appreciated securities on the date of your gift. Gift of Stock or Mutual Fund – Please contact customer service at (718) 965-7375 ex. 1602 or via email at [email protected] with all mutual fund or stock transfer activities and inquiries. Making a stock or mutual fund gift is a great way to support the works of the campaign. The transaction is simple and straightforward, has an immediate impact and may also have tax benefits. IRA Minimum Requiered Distributions - Minimum amounts that a retirement plan account owner must withdraw annually starting with the year that he or she reaches 72. A donation directly to the ACA from the IRA will prevent the donor from paying income tax on the distribution.

Should you have any questions about any of the above mentioned ways to give, please contact the ACA Office at 718-965-7375 Ex. 1602 or email us at [email protected] Please visit our website to learn more about the Annual Catholic Appeal -


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On behalf of Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, Monsignor Jamie Gigantiello, the Pastors’

Advisory Committee and the Annual Catholic Appeal Staff of the Catholic Foundation ...

Annual Catholic Appeal 243 Prospect Park West • Brooklyn, New York 11215-5807