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7/30/2019 WBSTSPEC 1/4

Bring project involvem en t to i ts mo st pe rsonal leve l .As m ore

organizat ions m anage thei r work as projects , more an d m ore

peo ple are thinking about projects an d working on projects. Even

in organizat ions where sa vvy project m anagers a nd team leadersabou nd, the pe ople doing the work need a s imple way to get

thei r ass ignme nts , unde rs tand project goals an d repor t thei r

progress toward th ose goals. That ’s where Webs ter for Prima vera

comes in . It de l ivers project informat ion—a nd mo re—to tea m

members directly through their Web browser.

Imp rove p ro j ec t pe r fo rmance t h rough b e t t e r comm uni ca t ion .

If al l Webs ter for Prim avera did was h elp you b ette r dissem inate

project t asks and ass ignm ents to p roject t eams , chan ces are

good that p rojects wou ld run sm oo ther, finish faster. But Webs ter

for Primavera op ens th e do ors to two-way comm unicat ion a nd

efficient turnaround of project s ta tus . Team mem bers sh are

answers to ques t ions l ike: Who did what? When did they do i t?

Will the y finish b y the d ea dline? Wha t’s left to do ?Manage bet ter wi th up- to- the-minute informat ion. Webster for

Primavera shares the project database with Primavera Project

P lanner® (P3®) and SureTrak Project Man ager®, e n s u rin g t h a t

everyone is looking at and working with the same information.

And beca use you’re always working with the m ost cu rrent

inform ation p oss ible, you’l l m ake bette r-informed de cision s

affect ing the project . P roject man agem ent h as n ever been th i s

s imple or thi s approachable .

• Provide projectaccess toanyone,anywhere

• Give team

members across-projectview ofassignments

• Manage projectsusing the mostcurrent statuspossible

• Instantly see theresults of teammember updates

• Enrich theproject withdescriptive notesand hyperlinkeddocuments

Web-browseraccess to


informationfor the

entire team.

Webster for Primavera

extends the reach of

Concentric Project

Management™ from your

network to your corporate

ntranet. Using Webster for

Primavera and a Web

browser, team members

review and update their

project assignments

in real time so everyone

always has up-to-the-

minute information

for making project

management decisions.

 How the world says project management


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Give t eam me mb ers a p ersonalized v iew of the i rassignme nts without t raining them in p roje ctmanagement terminology. In indu stries wherepeople a re the m ost impo r tan t r e source—information technology, manufacturing,

ae rospace , fo r examp le—team mem bers need toknow wha t’s expected o f the m o ver the com ingweeks. Webster for Prim avera sho ws the m allactivities to which they have been assigned, acrossm ultiple projects. Even if the y ha ve resp on sibilitiesin several projects, they have a single sou rce for them ost u p- to-date l is t of upcom ing work.

Straightforward, “no-frills” pro ject inform ation .When Webs ter for Prim avera displays, usersau tom atically see t heir activities organized b yproject. The y can also look at activitieschrono logically by start or finish da te, bas edon p ercent com plete , and according toactivity descriptions. Webster for Primaverasho ws only the activit ies s cheduled to ta keplace within a specified t ime frame so th atteam m emb ers can concent ra te on theimm ediate tasks due d ur ing the n ext fewweeks. Webs ter find s a nd displays activitiesassigned to som eone in any project , even if they arecalled b y different reso urce nam es in each p roject.

Push up d at ing resp onsibi li ty to i ts most p ract icallevel: team members themselves. Par t ic ipants needno t raining in or sp ecial knowledge of project mana geme nt technique s. If theyhave use d a Web b rowser, they can useWebster for Prim avera. Team m em be rs

m ay persona lly upd ate the sta tus of  the ir activities b y recording when the ysta rted an d finishe d, or if tasks h aven’tfinished , indicate ho w m uch workremains. They can a lso est im ate whatpercentage of the task has bee ncomp leted, helping the project man ager bettermonitor overall project performance.

The Depen den cies form sh ows the successoractivit ies s o tea m me mb ers can check whichactivities will be affecte d if th eir work finish es late .If they are waiting for input, they cancheck the ir activities’ predeces sors.

Track time worke d . As an alternat ive toreviewing and up da ting activities in aGant t cha r t , t eam mem bers can use theHou rs View to provide s pecificinformation ab out ho w ma ny hou rsthe y worked each day on each activity.Webster for Prim avera auto m atically andimm ediate ly upd ates app ropria te project databas efields with actu al work pe rform ed a nd e ven sho wsan es timate of the hou rs left to com plete theactivity. You ’ll kno w on an on going b asis whatprogress is being ma de o n as signed activit ies; nowaiting for t ime sh eets to be a pproved, processedand incorporated into th e project .

Real- time, jargon- free access to project inform ation 

Webster for Primavera enables team members to see their individual assignments across multiple 

projects using a W eb brow ser.

Users enter progress information, such as percentcomplete, directly into the project database.

Team me mbers can view the predecessors and 

successors for each of their tasks, and see the effects of f inishing late.

Since team members can enter the t ime spent 

each day, on each of their tasks, you can get an up-to- date look at the overall progress of a 

project at a mome nt’s notice.


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Kee p d eta i led records . Webs ter for Prima vera include sactivity logs, add ing a rich level of det ail to th e p roject

information. Team me m bers can keep d eta ilednotes abo ut what i t too k to finish a task, ordocum ent what i t wil l take to get i t do ne. These

notes auto ma tically becom e par t of the centra lproject datab ase an d can be reviewed b y theproject man ager or by other team m em bers usingP3 or SureTrak. Webster for Primavera can alsoem bed h yper links to docum ents o r Web si tes

into a ctivity logs for instan t access t o related projectinformation. Launch a ny of the app lications or jump tothe Web pa ge—Webster acts as a task-based organizerfor project data .

Concentr ic Project Managem ent is an integrated,structured, scalable project man agem ent sof twaresolution to coordinate peop le , team s and p rojects .At the heart of Concentric Project Management isPrim avera Project Plan ner, profession al projectm anagem ent sof tware for m anaging resources, tasksand priorities across m ultiple projects. The P3 us er—typically so m eo ne who oversees a n organ ization ’sproject m anagem ent e ffor ts—esta blishes projectgroup s, project structures, resou rce p ools a ndrepo rting sta nd ards for the ir Concen tric ProjectManagem ent effor ts . Team leaders and projectm anagers th en use P3 or SureTrak Project Managerto set up individu al projects, activity lists,interre la t ionsh ips am ong activit ies, and to m ake

specific resou rce a ssignmen ts to accomp lish projectobjectives an d de adlines.

Putt ing the r ight da ta in the r ight hand s. ConcentricProject Managem ent provides ap propria te to ols forevery level of the project o rganization . As a n integralpart of Con centric Project Managem ent , Web ster forPrimavera is ideal for team m em bers who do not h avethe skill, tim e o r necess ity to u se a full-feat ured projectm anagem ent program. Individuals can seeassignme nts, report what the y’ve accom plished andhow m uch longer they need to f inish. Because Webste rfor Prim avera works directly with the project da tab ase ,everyone is working with the same project data—regardless of the project man agem ent too l they use .

Increa se the vis ibi lity of p roject m anage me nt .Web ster for Prim avera is a 32-bit ap plication tha t takesfull advanta ge o f the scalability of Windo ws NT™ Server4.0. This architecture is capa ble of em po wering m oretha n 1000 Web ster for Prim avera use rs acrossm ultiple p rojects .

Part of the Concentric Project M anagem ent ™ solution 

Annotate activit ies w ith related information and hyperlinks to documents, w hich then 

become part of the project database.


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Summary• Real- t ime access to project database• Share project datab ase wi th P3 and

SureTrak• Review activit ies a cross m ult iple

projects• Toggle b etween b ar char t and dai ly

grid/ho urs view• Fil ter act ivi t ies b y date range• Sort act ivi t ies b y date, percent

comp lete or des cript ion• Update activi t ies with actual start and

finish d ates , percent comp lete and

remaining du rat ion• Record ho urs worked p er day on tasks• Print t imes heet repor t s• View predecesso r and su ccessor

activities• Documen t progress or problems with

task logs• E mbed hype r links t o document s and

Web pa ge URLs

Administration and Security• System adm inis t ra t ion funct ions• Password protect access to project

information• Map individuals to various resource

nam es in m ul t iple projects

User Assistance• Simple Web-browser user interface• On- l ine documentat ion• On- line help sys tem

Architecture• 32-bit application• Available for up to 100 u sers an d

unl imi ted users

• Takes full ad vantage of Windo ws NTTM

Server 4.0 scalability• Mul t i- threade d• SMP-comp l iant• Asynchrono us

Client System Requirements• Windo ws® 95 or Windows NT 4.0• Microsoft® Internet Explorer (IE) 3.01+• 8MB RAM• 2.5MB hard disk space

Server System Requirements• Microso ft® NT Server 4.0• Transfer Control Proto col/Interne t

Proto col (TCP/IP) ne tworking• 32MB RAM, 5MB hard d isk space• Web Server (required for Interne t use

only)• Server mu st ha ve direct or LAN access

to Prima vera Project Plan ner (P3) 2.0

Web-browser access to multiple project information for the entire team

He adq uarte rsTwo Bala Pla za • Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004-1586 • USA(610) 667-8600 • (800) 423-0245FAX: (610) 667 -7894E-mai l : sa les@primavera .com

Unite d Kingd om Off iceEl s in o re H o u se • 7 7 Fu l h a m Pa l a c e R o a dLondon W6 8JA • Uni ted Kingdom(44) 181-748-73 00 • FAX: (44) 181-748-28 46E-mai l : in t l sa le@primavera .com

www.p rimave ra .com


Copyright © 1997 Primavera Systems, Inc.Pr imavera Project Plann er , P3 and SureTrak Project Man ager are registered tradema rks;Webster for Primavera and Concentr ic Project Managem ent a re tradem arks of Pr imavera.All other brands and p roduct nam es are tradem arks or registered tradem arks of their respective com panies.

 How the world says project management