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Page 1: Ways to study  sophia ak

It’s quite true that ways of study, differ , change from a person to another as it is

actually an individual matter; the study methods that suit you might not suit others, subjects

as well might also differ from each and the way to study it must be appropriate and suitable

to your studies. Anyhow, certain general principles stay in whatever subject you are studying

that will enable you to work out your individual ways to study in more effective manner,

with lesser error and at a faster speed. Hard work and aptitude alone don’t do good and are

not enough to reach the success in studying, therefore we should add many ways to study in

order to make it more effective.

One of the techniques that seem to be very helpful and in the reach of every

interested students is what we call 2,1,0 method, this later is very effective as it paves the

way to the student to clarify his study map , in this method the reader while reading puts the

score for himself depending on how good he or she has done from 0 to 2;

2: Good, in other words you have understood the text enough and have explained it


1: Okay, is 50/50 of the general understanding

And finally 0: which means terrible, and failing one’s test and as a result having no hope of

doing well the class test.

There are actually various ways of using 0,1,2 method, one which consists of understanding

gradually ; 0,1,2, because going from being clueless to being ‘expert’ shows progress,

encourages students ,and built their self-confidence.

Highlighting is defined as marking important passages of texts, with fluorescent Marker as

means of memory retention or for later reference. Underlining is used to help students organize

what they have read by selecting what is important. This strategy teaches students to underline only

the key words, phrases, vocabulary, and ideas that are central to understanding the reading.

Underlining is a flexible strategy that may be tailored to fit various types of information, and

different skill-levels. You can employ the selective highlighting for many different

instructional purposes ( key vocabulary, main ideas). This strategy can also be integrated

with the use of technology and electronic information such as eBooks.

As students study, selective highlighting helps them learn to pay attention to the essential

information within a text.

Another effective way is studying through Flash cards, this later refers to printed with

words or numbers and briefly displayed as part of a learning drill. I personally think that using Flash

card as a method during the study is a helpful way to grasp the the course , as we all tend , to like all

what get out of the corner of the traditional ways and the routine in order to get a better

understanding of the course, and this advantages actually can be found in the use of Flash cards.

Many times you see capable students flopped, the reasons behind is not insufficient

work done, its ways of study. Therefore, aptitude alone is never enough. Important systemic

Page 2: Ways to study  sophia ak

study skills, such using new methods ,while reading and revising , highlighting, and using

Flash-cards need to be practiced hard. And This is an area which is more ignored by many for

speedy improvement in the ways to study.