Download - Way of The Cross In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. My Lord and my God, Under the loving eyes of our Mother, We are.


Way of The Cross

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


My Lord and my God,Under the loving eyes of our Mother,We are making ready to accompany you,Along this path of sorrow

Which was the price for our redemption.We wish to suffer all that You suffered,To offer you our poor, contrite hearts,Because you are innocent, and yetYou are going to die for us,Who are the only really guilty ones.

My Mother, Virgin of sorrows,Help me to relive those bitter hoursWhich Your Son wished to spend on earth,So that we, who were made from a handful of

clay, may finally liveIn the freedom and glory of the children of God.Amen.


V. We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.

R. Because by your holy cross, you have redeemed the world

At the cross her station keeping, stood the mournful Mother weeping, close to Jesus to the last.

Our Father..Hail Mary..Glory Be..


V. We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.

R. Because by your holy cross, you have redeemed the world

Through her heart His sorrow sharing, all His bitter anguish bearing, now at length the sword has passed

Our Father..Hail Mary..Glory Be..


V. We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.

R. Because by your holy cross, you have redeemed the world

O how sad and sore distressed, was that Mother highly blest, of the soul-begotten One

Our Father..Hail Mary..Glory Be..


V. We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.

R. Because by your holy cross, you have redeemed the world

Christ above in torment hangs, she beneath beholds the pangs of her dying glorious Son

Our Father..Hail Mary..Glory Be..


V. We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.

R. Because by your holy cross, you have redeemed the world

Is there one who would not weep, whelmed in miseries so deep, Christ’s the Mother to behold?

Our Father..Hail Mary..Glory Be..


V. We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.

R. Because by your holy cross, you have redeemed the world

Can the human heart refrain, from partaking in her pain, in that Mother’s pain untold

Our Father..Hail Mary..Glory Be..


V. We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.

R. Because by your holy cross, you have redeemed the world

Bruised, derided, cursed, defiled,She beheld her tender ChildAll with scourges rent

Our Father..Hail Mary..Glory Be..


V. We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.

R. Because by your holy cross, you have redeemed the world

For the sins His own nation,Saw Him hang in desolation,Till His spirit forth He sent

Our Father..Hail Mary..Glory Be..


V. We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.

R. Because by your holy cross, you have redeemed the world

O the Mother fount of love,Touch my spirit from above,Make my heart with thine accord

Our Father..Hail Mary..Glory Be..


V. We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.

R. Because by your holy cross, you have redeemed the world

Make me feel as thou hast feltMake my soul to glow and meltWith the love of Christ my Lord

Our Father..Hail Mary..Glory Be..


V. We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.

R. Because by your holy cross, you have redeemed the world

Holy Mother pierce me through,In my heart each would renewOf my Savior crucified

Our Father..Hail Mary..Glory Be..


V. We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.

R. Because by your holy cross, you have redeemed the world

Let me mingle tears with thee,Mourning Him who mourned for

me,All the days that I may live

Our Father..Hail Mary..Glory Be..


V. We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.

R. Because by your holy cross, you have redeemed the world

By the cross with thee to stay,There with thee to weep and pray,Is all I ask of thee to give

Our Father..Hail Mary..Glory Be..

Fourteenth Station:JESUS IS LAID IN THE TOMB

V. We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.

R. Because by your holy cross, you have redeemed the world

Virgin of all virgin blest,Listen to my fond requestLet me share thy grief divine

Our Father..Hail Mary..Glory Be..

Way of The Cross

Almighty and eternal God, merciful Father, who hast given to the human race Thy beloved Son as an example of humility, obedience, and patience, to precede us on the way of life, bearing the cross: Graciously grant us that we, inflamed by His infinite love, may take up the sweet yoke of His Gospel together with the mortification of the cross, following Him as His true disciples,

Way of The Cross

so that we shall one day gloriously rise with Him and joyfully hear the final sentence: "Come, ye blessed of My Father, and possess the kingdom which was prepared for you from the beginning," where Thou reignest with the Son and the Holy Ghost, and where we hope to reign with Thee, world without end. Amen.

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

HoseaCome back to me with all your heartDon’t let fear keep us apartTrees do bend though straight and tallSo must we to others call

Refrain:Long have I waited forYour coming home to meAnd living deeply our new life

The wilderness will lead youTo the place where I will speakIntegrity and justiceWith tendernessYou shall know.

Introductory Rites

KyrieLord, have mercy

Christ, have mercyLord, have mercy

First Reading Isaiah 58:1-9

Cry out full-throated and unsparingly, lift up your voice like a trumpet-blast; tell my people their wickedness, and the house of Jacob their sins. They seek me day after day, and desire to know my ways, Like a nation that has done what is just and not abandoned the law of their God; They ask me to declare what is due them, pleased to gain access to God. "Why do we fast, and you do not see it? afflict ourselves, and you take no note of it?"

Lo, on your fast day you carry out your own pursuits, and drive all your laborers. Yes, your fast ends in quarreling and fighting, striking with wicked claw. Would that today you might fast so as to make your voice heard on high! Is this the manner of fasting I wish, of keeping a day of penance: That a man bow his head like a reed, and lie in sackcloth and ashes? Do you call this a fast, a day acceptable to the LORD?

First Reading Isaiah 58:1-9

This, rather, is the fasting that I wish: releasing those bound unjustly, untying the thongs of the yoke; Setting free the oppressed, breaking every yoke; Sharing your bread with the hungry, sheltering the oppressed and the homeless; Clothing the naked when you see them, and not turning your back on your own. Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your wound shall quickly be healed;

First Reading Isaiah 58:1-9

Your vindication shall go before you, and the glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard. 9 Then you shall call, and the LORD will answer, you shall cry for help, and he will say: Here I am! If you remove from your midst oppression, false accusation and malicious speech;

V: The Word of the Lord.R: Thanks be to God.

First Reading Isaiah 58:1-9

Responsorial Psalm

R. A heart contrite and humbled, O God, you will not spurn.

Have mercy on me, O God, in your goodness;in the greatness of your compassion wipe out my offense.Thoroughly wash me from my guiltand of my sin cleanse me.

R. A heart contrite and humbled, O God, you will not spurn.

For I acknowledge my offense,and my sin is before me always:“Against you only have I sinned,and done what is evil in your sight.

Responsorial Psalm

Responsorial Psalm Ps :

R. A heart contrite and humbled, O God, you will not spurn.

or you are not pleased with sacrifices;should I offer a burnt offering, you would not accept it.My sacrifice, O God, is a contrite spirit;a heart contrite and humbled, O God, you will not spurn.

Gospel Acclamation (Please stand)Alleluia!

Gospel Mat 9:14-15

Then the disciples of John approached him and said, "Why do we and the Pharisees fast (much), but your disciples do not fast?" Jesus answered them, "Can the wedding guests mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast.

V: This is the Gospel of the Lord.R: Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.


Prayers of the Faithful

V: Let Us Pray to the Lord.R: O Lord, hear our prayers.

That the nations of Latin America may walk in fidelity to the Gospel and progress in justice and peace.

Prayers of the Faithful

V: Let Us Pray to the Lord.R: O Lord, hear our prayers.

For the Christian unity, that all Christians be able to see you in the Eucharist and be willing to sacrifice and seek the fullness of truth in Mother Church.

Prayers of the Faithful

V: Let Us Pray to the Lord.R: O Lord, hear our prayers.

That the Holy Spirit may give light and strength to those in many regions of the world who are persecuted and discriminated against because of the gospel.

Prayers of the Faithful

V: Let Us Pray to the Lord.R: O Lord, hear our prayers.

For the poor, the homeless, the addicted, and those begging on the street, may we not turn away from them, no matter how distasteful and offensive their circumstances might be, and instead may we earnestly attempt to lighten their load by taking it upon ourselves.

Prayers of the Faithful

V: Let Us Pray to the Lord.R: O Lord, hear our prayers.

That as we enter Lent season, we use this moment to become closer to you, to love you more as we reflect on your sacrifice on the cross.

Abba Father,We thank You and praise You for having called us here as one community. We humbly ask for Your grace, that with the Holy Spirit, we may strive to be a Eucharist-centred community; persevering in our journey of faith with one another. And by the fruits of love, peace and joy, we may bear strong witness to Your love by reaching out to our brothers and sisters here on campus. Together with Mary, our Mother, and Saint Thomas Aquinas, our patron saint, we commit ourselves to Your will, through Jesus Christ,


Community Prayer

Lord Jesus, as You once called the first disciples to make them fishers of men, let Your sweet invitation continue to resound: Come follow Me! Give young men and women the grace of responding quickly to Your voice. Support our bishops, priests and consecrated people in their apostolic labour. Grant perseverance to our seminarians and to all those who are carrying out the ideal of a life totally consecrated to Your service.

Prayer for Vocation

Prayer for Vocation

Awaken in our community a missionary eagerness. Lord, send workers to Your harvest and do not allow humanity to be lost for the lack of pastors, missionaries and people

dedicated to the cause of the Gospel. Mary, Mother of the Church, the model of every vocation, help us to say "yes" to the Lord who calls us to cooperate in the divine plan of salvation.


Loving and Forgiving

Refrain: Loving and forgiving are you, O Lord; slow to anger, rich in kindness, loving and forgiving are you.

1. All my being bless the Lord; bless the holy name of God. All my being bless the Lord, remembering the goodness of God. Refrain

2. God forgives us all our sins, healing those who live in pain, saving us from final death. God fills us with goodness and love.

Refrain. Loving and forgiving are you, O Lord; slow to anger, rich in kindness, loving and forgiving are you.

3. Good and gracious is the Lord, slow to anger, rich in love. God remembers not our sins; forgiving and loving is God.

Refrain. Loving and forgiving are you, O Lord; slow to anger, rich in kindness, loving and forgiving are you.

Prayer Over The Gifts

Liturgy of the Eucharist

Eucharistic Prayer


Holy holy, holy Lord

God of power, God of might

Heaven and earth are full of your glory

Hosanna in the highest.

Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord

Hosanna in the highest

Hosanna in the highest.

Memorial Acclamation

Christ has diedChrist is risenChrist will come again

Great Amen

Through him, with him, in himIn the unity of the Holy SpiritAll glory and honour is Yours, almighty FatherForever and ever.

R. Amen, Amen, Amen

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name;thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread;and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us;and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever.

The Sign of Peace

Agnus DeiLamb of God, you take away the sins of the world: have mercy on us.

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world: have mercy on us.

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world:grant us peace.


Communion hymnI am the Bread of Life

I am the Bread of life,He who comes to Me shall not hunger,He who believes in Me shall not thirst.No one can come to MeUnless the Father draw him.

And I will raise him up,And I will raise him up,And I will raise him up on the last day.

Communion hymnI am the Bread of Life

The bread that I will giveIs My flesh for the life of the world,And he who eats of this bread,He shall live for ever,He shall live for ever.

And I will raise him up,And I will raise him up,And I will raise him up on the last day.

Thanksgiving Hymn - O God, you search me

O God, you search me and you know me.All my ways lie open to your gaze.When I walk or lie down, you go before me:Ever the maker and keeper of my days.

You know my resting and my rising.You discern my purpose from afar,and with love everlasting you besiege me:In ev’ry moment of life or death, you are.

Before a word is on my tongue, Lord,you have known its meaning through and through.You are with me beyond my understanding:God of my present, my past and future too.

Prayer after Communion


Concluding Rite

Recessional hymn – You Are Mine

I will come to you in the silence I will lift you from all your fear You will hear My voice I claim you as My choice Be still, and know I am near

Refrain: Do not be afraid, I am with you I have called you each by name Come and follow Me I will bring you home I love you and you are mine

I am hope for all who are hopeless I am eyes for all who long to see In the shadows of the night, I will be your light Come and rest in Me

Refrain: Do not be afraid, I am with you I have called you each by name Come and follow Me I will bring you home I love you and you are mine