Download - watch?v=- Kobdb37Cwc&safe=active - Langdon Park School · SCRIPT Part 1 Perform the script using the following Drama skills: ... • I used 3-4 of the suggested Drama techniques (choral


Yellow Post-its:

Write down

One thing that

makes you

angry about


Pink Post its:

Write down

One thing that

makes you

angry about life

as a teenager

Stick to the

bottom of the


Sun Shines on all those who.....

Monday morning Journey...

What negative happenings take place at each part of the morning journey, to make ..........

So very disaffected:

-Wakes up:

-Walk to school:

-School gates:

-Home again: Vicious Cycle!!!

Scene 1 – Naturalistic Drama

•Incident on the bus on the way to school.

Scene 2 - Naturalistic Drama

•Incident in the playground and they lose it.

Scene 3 – Naturalistic Drama

•The Head Teacher’s Office – THE LAST STRAW!

Scene 4 – Stylised Drama -Juxtaposition of Music and Action)

•As the music plays they slowly open the pills and take them… as she/he falls into unconsciousness and has images of all the people in her life – mini flashbacks!

Key Questions

• I know what disaffection is?

• I can explain what disaffection is?


Why do some young people become

negative and disaffected by school and life?



Rehearse for Progress Check Assessment!

Scene 1 – Naturalistic Drama

•Incident on the bus on the way to school.

Scene 2 - Naturalistic Drama

•Incident in the playground and they lose it.

Scene 3 – Naturalistic Drama

•The Head Teacher’s Office – THE LAST STRAW!

Scene 4 – Stylised Drama -Juxtaposition of Music and Action)

•As the music plays they slowly open the pills and take them… as she/he falls into unconsciousness and has images of all the people in her life – mini flashbacks!


You must consider – Realistic dialogue

Characterisation skills Positioning and movement around the stage

Level 3 I didn’t co-operate with my group very well or put much effort into my performance. Level 4 I contributed 3 ideas to my group work. I changed 2 things about myself to suit my character. I stayed in role throughout the performance. Level 5 I contributed lots of good ideas to my group work. I changed my own voice, movement and posture/body language to suit my character. My dialogue was clear and interesting. Level 6 I was a good group leader taking on a directing role. I created a fully convincing character and used emotion. I made sure the performance was staged well i.e. positing and movement around the

stage was organised.


Girl, Interrupted SCRIPT Part 1 Perform the script using the following Drama skills:

• Choral Speech

• Synchronised Movement

• Body props

• Contact

• Interesting use of different pace

• Make sure this sequence is choreographed and well-rehearsed (like a dance sequence)

• You need to be completely off script!


Perform the section below using the following Drama skills:

• Direct Audience Address

• Synchronised Movement

• Interesting use of Space and Levels

• Dramatic Pauses

• Contact

• Make sure this sequence is choreographed and well-rehearsed (like a dance sequence)

• You need to be completely off script!

What do I need to consider? 1. Characterisation 2. Clear story line 3. Organised staging 4. Narration 5. Choral speaking 6. Expression in voice and body language 7. Body props 8. Pace and dramatic pauses 9. Co-operation and contribution 10. Confidence Higher Achievers 11. Synchronised movement 12. Direct Audience address 13. Advanced characterisation 14. Monologue/extended thoughts aloud/Flashback 15. Effective Top and Tail and a performance that runs professionally

Year 9 personal targets 1. Characterisation Skills 2. Expression in voice and body language 3. Co-operation and contribution 4. Confidence 5. Effort and energy! 6. Complete professionalism as an actor throughout - focus 7. Perfect staging (no backs, no masking, using the ‘golden section’ of the

stage) 8. Acting is reacting 9. Advanced Characterisation – taking on more challenging roles and take

your character on a journey 10. Don’t play the comedy, play the truth 11. Monologue 12. Flashback 13. Believable Emotion 14. Performance elements e.g. choral speaking, direct audience address, synchronised movement. 15. Use range to perform your character: High – Low – Fast - Slow

Assessment Levels (Scripted Drama) • Level 4 - Performing Drama (Unsatisfactory to Satisfactory)

• I used my 3 basic performances skills all the way through my performance.

• I developed a character and stayed in role throughout my performance without laughing.

• I used different facial expressions, body language, space and levels to communicate mood, feelings, relationships and status.

• Level 5 - Performing Drama (Good to Very Good)

• I was off script!

• I used different characterisation skills in my performance and didn’t just play me.

• I added appropriate emotion into my performance by using my voice and body language.

• I used 2 Drama techniques (choral speaking, synchronized movement, dramatic pauses, contact).

• I was focused and my performance was believable.

• Our staging was organised.

• Level 6 - Performing Drama (Excellent)

• I was a director

• I created a fully convincing character and used emotion.

• I used 3-4 of the suggested Drama techniques (choral speaking, synchronized movement, dramatic pauses, contact).

• I made sure the performance was staged well i.e. positing and movement around the stage was organised.

• I added my own ideas and didn’t just stick to the script.

GCSE Equivalents

3A/4C/4B = D

4A/5C/5B = C/B

5A/6C/6B = B/A

6A/7C/7B = A/A*

7A/8 = A*

The Review and Progress made

I am currently working at a level:

Student = Teacher =

I have made progress in Drama in the following ways:



My target level for my next assessment is:

To reach my target level I need to:
