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Page 1: Waste segregation!

Bataan Peninsula State University

Narrative Report of Proper Waste Segregation

Environmental Education

Submitted by:

Geraldine Perez

BSE III- Social Studies

Page 2: Waste segregation!

First week:

The Biodegradable waste such as dried leaves will be given to the trash man when the truck of garbage was on its way to our street. The left-over foods such as rice, fruits, vegetables, etc. were put in the separate pail ofr container and this is the food of my pig.

The Non-biodegradable such as empty packs of junk foods, over used and damaged plastic bags will be givwen also to the collector of the garbage.

The recyclable materials such as cans, bottles, and plastics are separated in two sacks and my mother were selling it to the junk shop.

Biodegradable Non-biodegradable Recyclable Materials

Second week: The Biodegredable waste were only half-sack because the garbage collector were got the garbage last Saturday. Still, the left-over foods were eaten by my cat and the pig.

The non-biodegradable were replaced to a sack because of the abundance of waste in our house. We recycled the good quality plastic bags in our house.

Recyclable materials also placed in its new container or sack. We added at least 3 cans of sardines and 2 bottles of catsup and fish sauce. The papers also become more abundant because in myself only, I have used many scratch papers everyday and I put it in the sack of papers.

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3rd week of monitoring :

There’s no change in my observation to the biodegradable waste in my house. We have a very big mango tree in front of our house and it contributes to our garbage, especially its leaves. My mother cleans our house’s surroundings every morning and the waste, moslty dried leaves, were put in the sack.

The non-biodegradable were also put in a separate sack.

The recyclable materials such as the plastic bottles and cans were almost full and its nearer to be sell in the junk shop. My parents continues to use papers in cooking to make fire.

Biodegradable Non-biodegradable

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Bottles Papers

4th week: The Biodegradable materials were almost full in the sack and tomorrow, the garbage collector will get it.

The non-biodegradable waste were also put in the right place.

Biodegradable Non-biodegradable

Plastics/Cans/Bottles Papers

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5th week :

There’s nothing new in the routine. Still, biodegradable materials were put in the proper sack. It will be collected by thr truck either Tuesday or Friday.

Non-biodegradable waste has the same process in the biodegradable.

But in the recyclable materials. If we remember, it was already sold last week. Now, we hace a half-sack plastic bottles and cans because my relative has given it to me and said that I must sold it to the junk shop. I am very happy because I have gained money in selling it then I helped to conserve our ernvironment.

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6th week :

The biodegradable waste were almost half-sack.

The non-biodegradable waste such as plastic bags were placed in its sack.

Plastic and glass bottles continues to gain a large number and its neare to be sold. Papers were became abundant and the sack were almost full.

Biodegradable Non-biodegradable

Plastics/Bottles/Cans Papers

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7th week: The Biodegradable waste were few in the sack of dried leaves. But the non-biodegradable materials has almost full because my family has conducted a general cleaning in the house last Saturday. We put all the trash in the sack and waiting for the garbage collector tomorrow to get that waste.

Biodegradable Non-biodegradable

Plastics/Bottles/Cans Papers