Download - Warm Gun 2014: Fostering Effective Collaboration in a Global Environment


1. Fostering EffectiveCollaboration in aGlobal Environment@mynameispj 2. What am I doing with my life?Why did I become a designer again?Is there still time to go back to school? 3. What could I havedone to prevent this? 4. COMMUNICATING ISHARD 5. F***INGTIMEZONE MATHARGHHHHH 6. UX DesignerPrototyperBack-end DevFront-end DevUX DesignerProgram Manager(behind the camera) 7. STEP ONEBE ACCESSIBLE& TRANSPARENT 8. STEP TWOLISTEN 9. Youre not fully listening to whatpeople are saying. 10. 0 750 1500 2250 3000 3750BrainEarsWORDS / MINUTE 11. STEP THREEBE A PERSON 12. STEP FOURWORK WITH PEOPLE,NOT AT THEM 13. BE ACCESSIBLE & TRANSPARENTLISTENBE A PERSONWORK WITH PEOPLE, NOT AT THEM 14. Thank you!@mynameispj