Download - War Networking Assignment - Northern Highlands...1259 - English King Henry III relinquished his claims to all French territories except the duchy of Gascony, and pledged loyalty as

Page 1: War Networking Assignment - Northern Highlands...1259 - English King Henry III relinquished his claims to all French territories except the duchy of Gascony, and pledged loyalty as

Ellie Hart, Thomas Nowakoski, and Sammy Kelly AP European History HANDOUT

War Networking Assignment Name of War: War of the Roses Dates of Conflict : Begin 1455 End 1485 Belligerents by Side (Major nations only):

House of York (King Richard III) – white rose

House of Lancaster (Henry of Lancaster/Tudor) – red rose

Causes of the Conflict:

Factional Conflicts lead to series of civil wars

Major Battles:

Bosworth Field – Richard III killed, Henry (Tudor) becomes King Henry VII

Treaty (ies) Ending War and Major Terms of the Agreement:

No treaty, Henry becomes King Henry VII, beginning the Tudor dynasty

Results of the War: Short Term: Long Term

Richard III killed Start of Tudor dynasty

Many soldiers killed

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Name of War: The Hundred Years’ War Dates of Conflict : Begin 1337 End 1453 Belligerents by Side (Major nations only):

England France

Causes of the Conflict:

1259 - English King Henry III relinquished his claims to all French territories except the duchy of Gascony, and pledged loyalty as a vassal to the French King. Duchy of Gascony gives rise to disputes between the two kings, as French royal officials often interfered with their vassal’s land, irritating Henry.

King Edward III of England had a claim to the French throne when the Capetians failed to produce an heir. French nobles argued that inheritance could not pass through the female line and chose Philip, duke of Valois, as King Philip VI

1337 – King Edward III refused to do homage to Philip VI for Gascony and Philip seized the duchy. Edward responds by declaring war.

Major Battles:

Battle of Crécy: Edward invaded Normandy, Philip met him at Crécy with no battle plan and was soon devastated by English longbows. Edward captured Calais, but the battle was not decisive.

Battle of Poitiers: The Black Prince (Edward III’s son) fought French King John II. John II was captured, French defeated. Ended the 1st phase of the war.

Battle of Agincourt: After English King Henry V renews the war during France’s civil war between Burgundy and Orléans. French suffered disastrous defeat, 1500 French nobles died trying to cross the muddy field, 6,000 French dead, 300 English dead. Henry reconquers Normandy and forges an alliance with the Duke of Burgundy, leading to Charles VI’s agreement to the Treaty of Troyes

1429: Joan of Arc frees Orléans, then the entire Loire Valley, Charles the Dauphin (Son of Charles VI) crowned King Charles VII

Treaty (ies) Ending War and Major Terms of the Agreement:

Peace of Brétigny: 1359, French pay ransom for King John, English territories in Gascony become enlarged, Edward renounced his claims to the throne of France.

Page 3: War Networking Assignment - Northern Highlands...1259 - English King Henry III relinquished his claims to all French territories except the duchy of Gascony, and pledged loyalty as

Treaty of Troyes: 1420, Henry V marries Catherine (Charles VI’s daughter), Henry V is recognized as heir to the French throne, English are established as masters of Northern France.

By 1453, French victory

Results of the War: Short Term: Long Term

England lost all French possessions except Calais

England’s parliament became more powerful due to parliamentary approval of taxation

French land was devastated Nobles gained more power in England

France and England spent huge sums of money on the war

Factional struggles resulted in England’s War of the Roses

French population declined French King retained power which he refused to share with noble assemblies

Disruption of trade Nationalism grew in each country fed by propaganda, hatred of the enemy, and military victories; national literatures expressed in the language of the people arose both in England and France in the works of Chaucer and Villon.

Peasants were taxed heavily

Name of War: Schmalkaldic Wars Dates of Conflict : Begin 1546 End 1547 Belligerents by Side (Major nations only):

Holy Roman Empire (under Charles V) Schmalkaldic League – 7 Protestant Princes

Causes of the Conflict:

Reformation divides Holy Roman Empire

Diet of Augsburg ordered all Lutherans to return to Catholicism

Major Battles:

Battle of Mühlberg

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Treaty (ies) Ending War and Major Terms of the Agreement:

Peace of Augsburg: “Whose region – his religion” – only applies to Catholicism and Lutheranism…

Results of the War: Short Term: Long Term

Schmalkaldic league is victorious with the help of French King Henry II

Catholic “recognition” of Lutheranism

Further differences in Holy Roman Empire

Leads up to Thirty Years’ War

Name of War: French Wars of Religion (3 Henries) Dates of Conflict : Begin 1562 End 1598 Belligerents by Side (Major nations only):

Huguenots (Calvinists) – Bourbon family

Ultra Catholics – Guise family Royal (Valois) Family – Catholics, Henry III/Catherine de’ Medici

Causes of the Conflict:

King Henry II of France dies suddenly, leaving his young sons Francis II, Charles IX, and Henry III to rule, all controlled by their mother, Catherine de’ Medici

Emergence of Protestantism, many French influenced by Calvinism (close to Geneva) – 40-50% of the nobility become Huguenots, one of the most powerful being the Bourbon, Henry of Navarre

Ultra Catholics gain prominence, especially Henry of Guise. Both Henry of Guise and Henry of Navarre vied for control of the young kings

Massacre at Vassy – group of Huguenots massacred by a group of unruly Catholic nobles

St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre – Catherine’s celebration for the engagement of her daughter and Henry of Navarre, but many protestants were massacred

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Major Battles:

Henry III has Henry of Guise killed, Ultra Catholic kills Henry III in response, only Henry of Navarre left

Treaty (ies) Ending War and Major Terms of the Agreement:

Edict of Nantes (1598) grants religious freedom to Huguenots

Results of the War: Short Term: Long Term

Henry of Navarre becomes Henry IV and converts to Catholicism – “Paris is well worth a mass”, and reigns as a beloved politique

Start of the Bourbon dynasty

Religious freedom for Huguenots

Name of War: Thirty Years’ War Dates of Conflict : Begin 1618 End 1648 Belligerents by Side (Major nations only):

Bohemia Holy Roman Empire

Denmark Austria

Sweden Spain


Causes of the Conflict:

Spread of Calvinism to the German states

Peace of Augsburg only settled the issue of Lutheranism

Protestants tried to seize control of previously Catholic states

Protestant Union and Catholic League form to protect their respective states

Dynastic rivalry between the Bourbons (France) and the Hapsburgs(Spain and Austria) – France fears being surrounded by Hapsburgs

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Spain is now weak due to Philip II’s reign and wants control of the Netherlands again

Austrians want to consolidate control over the Germanic states and attempt to force Catholicism through any means

Sweden and Denmark want to expand their protestant states southward, and see an opportunity to do this by joining the conflict and helping other protestant states

Nobles in Bohemia (Protestants) had accepted Hapsburg Archduke Ferdinand as king, but soon grew dissatisfied with his repressive politics and Catholicism

Major Battles:

Defenestration in Prague – starts the war with the Bohemian Phase, rebellious nobles unleash their forces on the castle where the king’s representatives are meeting. They throw the Catholic officials out the window

Battle of White Mountain – after Bohemian rebels seize power and depose Ferdinand and elect Frederick V as head of the Protestant Union, Ferdinand had run, but came back with his Catholic army and caused Frederick to flee with a Catholic victory, ending the Bohemian phase

King Christian IV of Denmark helps the protestants in the Danish Phase, but is brutally defeated by Catholic Albrecht von Wallenstein of Bohemia, empowering the Hapsburgs in the HRE to impose the Edict of Restitution (all protestants of the Holy Roman Empire must convert or leave)

Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden/ “Lion of the North”, brought new military strategies to the Battle of Lutzen (1632) of the Swedish Phase. With lighter, maneuverable cannons, Lutzen was a protestant victory, despite Adolphus’s being killed

Battle of Nordlingen (1634) – Although not decisive, this battle of the Swedish Phase was regarded as a protestant victory, and later resulted in the revocation of the Edict of Restitution

The Frenco-Swedish Phase began with France’s Cardinal Richelieu’s concerns over Hapsburgs surrounding France. The French then sent in troops on the Protestant side while the Swedes regrouped and had success due to French Commander Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar at the Battle of Rocroi (1643)

Treaty (ies) Ending War and Major Terms of the Agreement:

Treaty of Westphalia (1648) – ends fighting in the German states

Peace of Pyrenees (1659) – ends fighting in Spain, Spain cedes part of the Spanish Netherlands to France, Louis XIV marries the daughter of Phillip IV of Spain

Results of the War: Short Term: Long Term

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Brandenburg comes out as the most strong Germanic state and becomes a leader of the Germanic people (later develops into Prussia)

Principles of Peace of Augsburg were reasserted, but now included Calvinists

Spain enters period of decline Swiss Confederacy achieved independence from the Holy Roman Empire

Fragmentation of the Holy Roman Empire into over 300 principalities

France emerges as a major power

Emergence of new military tactics (Adolphus influences Napoleon)

Mercenary soldiers gave way to well-trained, disciplined national armies (which lead to absolutism)

Name of War: War of the League of Augsburg Dates of Conflict : Begin 1688 End 1697 Belligerents by Side (Major nations only):

France – Louis XIV Holy Roman Empire – Leopold I

England – William III of Orange



Causes of the Conflict:

Louis XIV’s ambitions to expand

HRE Leopold I unites Catholic nations against France

Protestants unify under William III of Orange against Louis

“Glorious Revolution” in England

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Major Battles:

Battle of Fleurus Battle of Mons

Battle of Beachy Head Siege of Namur

Battle of Staffarda Naval battle of La Hougue

*French were superior on land, but inferior as a naval power*

Treaty (ies) Ending War and Major Terms of the Agreement:

Treaty of Ryswick: Captured territories returned, French sovereignty over Alsace and Strasbourg acknowledged

Results of the War: Short Term: Long Term

Louis must give up many French imperial conquests

Alliance formed between England, Holland, Holy Roman Empire that holds during the War of Spanish Succession

Name of War: War of the Spanish Succession Dates of Conflict : Begin 1702 End 1713 Belligerents by Side (Major nations only):

The Grand Alliance (England, Holland, HRE, and Prussia) – support Charles VI for the Spanish throne

France – Louis XIV – supports Philip of Anjou for the Spanish throne

Causes of the Conflict:

Charles II of Spain dies without a male heir, next in line due to Charles’ will is Louis XIV’s grandson, Philip

Balance of power principles – Louis and his grandson would control a huge portion of Europe

English William III of Orange was unwilling to accept the will and created the Grand Alliance

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France aspires to hold 2 European crowns to establish Louis XIV as a grand ruler

Spain aspires to hold onto its current possessions

Austria aspires to prevent expansion of French power into Hapsburg territory

England aspires to advance and withstand overseas involvement

Major Battles:

Battle of Blenheim – prevents the French from dominating Europe

Treaty (ies) Ending War and Major Terms of the Agreement:

Treaty of Utrecht (1713) – Although the French suffered heavy losses, Philip is placed on the Spanish thrown with the condition that France and Spain can’t merge

Peace of Rastatt (1714)

Results of the War: Short Term: Long Term

King Philip V (Bourbon) is placed on the Spanish throne

French expansionist dreams were checked, but Alsace, Strasbourg, and the Franche-Comte remained French holdings

Spain and France remain separate England gained Gibraltar, Minorca, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and the Hudson Bay Territory

French monarchy lost ground to aristocratic and parliamentary opposition

England gained asiento, the privilege of transporting slaves to the Americas, crippling their overseas rivals

Austria gained Italian Hapsburg holdings (Milan, Naples, and Sicily) and took over the Netherlands

Duke of Savoy is recognized as King of Sardinia

Elector of Brandenburg got Guelderland and was recognized as King, Brandenburg became known as Prussia

Holland gained the “Dutch Barrier”, a string of

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forts in the Netherlands

Name of War: War of the Austrian Succession Dates of Conflict : Begin 1740 End 1748 Belligerents by Side (Major nations only):

Austria France

Great Britain Prussia


Causes of the Conflict:

Austrian Hapsburg Emperor Charles VI died with no male heir

Pragmatic Sanction, entitling Charles VI’s daughter, Maria Theresa succession

France looks for new territory in the Austrian Netherlands

Frederick the Great invades Silesia

Major Battles:

No major battles, war ends in a stalemate

Treaty (ies) Ending War and Major Terms of the Agreement:

Treaty of Aix la Chapelle

Results of the War: Short Term: Long Term

All occupied territories were returned Silesia stays under Prussian control

Prussia emerges as a great power

Maria Theresa of Austria wants Silesia back from Prussia

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Name of War:__________Seven Years’ War (French and Indian War)__________ Dates of Conflict: Begin _______1754_________ End_________1763____________ Belligerents by Side (Major nations only):

● Great Britain ● France

● Prussia ● Austria

● Iroquois Confederation ● Russia

Causes of the Conflict:

● Prussian expansion into Silesia.

● Diplomatic Revolution of 1756.

● Treaty of Aix-La-Chapelle.

● War of Austrian Succession.

● Trading and Control of Ohio River Valley.

Major Battles:

● Fort Beausejour - French lose control of supply line.

● Battle of Prague - Austria defeated French forces.

● Fort William Henry - Colonists Fend off Iroquois attack.

● Battle of Kolin - French retreats from prussian army.

● Montreal - British hold off colonial invasion.

● Kolburg - Prussia Defeats Russian army.

● Battle of Lobositz ● Battle of Freiburg - Prussia defeated French army.

Treaty (ies) Ending War and Major Terms of the Agreement:

● Treaty of St. Petersburg - Russia exits war.

● Treaty of Hamburg - Declare stalemate

● Conference of Hubertusburg - Discuss terms of treaty.

● Treaty of Paris - Official end of war.

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Results of the War: Short Term: Long Term

● Britain gains Florida ● France Ceded Louisiana

● Britain gains Minorica ● France Ceded New France

● France regains trading posts ● Borders - status quo ante bellum

Name of War:__________________Napoleonic Wars___________________________ Dates of Conflict: Begin _______1803__________ End_______1815______________ Belligerents by Side (Major nations only):

● France ● United Kingdom

● Kingdom of Italy ● Austria

● Spain ● Russia

● Russia ● Prussia

Causes of the Conflict:

● French Revolution

● Treaty of Campo Forino

● Absolutism

Major Battles:

● Marengo ● Borodino - French take control of Moscow.

● Trafalgar - British destroy French fleet.

● Leipzig - Decisive French loss.

● Austerlitz - End of the Austro Russian alliance.

● Waterloo - Destruction of the French army.

● Jena - Prussian surrender.

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Treaty (ies) Ending War and Major Terms of the Agreement:

● Treaty of Ameins ● Treaty of Keil

● Treaty of Casalanza ● Treaty of Luneville

● Treaty of Chaumot ● Treaty of Mantua

● Treaty of Finlenstein ● Treaty of Paris (1810/1815)

Results of the War: Short Term: Long Term

● Europe under one Sovereign ● Pax Britianica

● Concert of Europe ● Napoleonic code

● Balance of power

Name of War:_______________Danish War__________________________________ Dates of Conflict : Begin ___February 1864___ End_____October 1864______ Belligerents by Side (Major nations only):

● Austrian Empire ● Denmark

● Kingdom of Prussia

Causes of the Conflict:

● Denmark incorporates Schleswig-Holstein (Casus Belli).

● Disputed heir to Frederick VII (Glucksburgs v. Augustenburgs)

● Nationalists wanted Schleswig-Holstein incorporation (Gran v. Kleinduetch)

Major Battles:

● Krigen - Denmark holds off the Austrian attack.

● Lundby - Denmark tries to hold off Prussian attack (Failed).

● Battle of Dybboel - Danish army ● The fall of Als - Denmark loses control

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destroyed. of territoies.

● Jutland - Denmark retreats from capital.

Treaty (ies) Ending War and Major Terms of the Agreement:

● Treaty of Vienna - Denmark surrenders Schleswig-Holstein.

● Gastein Convention - Discuss terms of surrender.

● Peace of Prague - Settle Administration of ne territories.

Results of the War: Short Term: Long Term

● Cession of Schleswig-Holstein ● Austro-Prussian War

● Christian of Glucksburg reigns ● German Unification

Name of War:____________Austro-Prussian War____________________________ Dates of Conflict: Begin ___June 1866________ End____August 1866____________ Belligerents by Side (Major nations only):

● Prussia ● Austria

● Italy ● Kingdom of Hanover

Causes of the Conflict:

● Grandeutch v. Kleindeutch nationalism.

● Administration of Schleswig-Holstein.

Major Battles:

● Battle of Bezzecca - Italy takes control City of Bezzecca (Shock Europe).

● Battle of Konigratz - Austrian army destroyed by smaller Prussian force (Europe shocked).

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● Battle of Custoza - Italy loses despite having larger army.

● Battle of Nochod - Austria fails to reclain Silisia.

● Battle of Gitschen - Austrians lose 3,000 troops.

● Battle of Schweinschadel - Prussians lose General Von Steinmetz.

● Battle of Huhnerwasser - First Battle (No decisive victor).

● Battle of Tratenau - Only Austrian victory during the war.

Treaty (ies) Ending War and Major Terms of the Agreement:

● Peace of Prague - Austria officially surrenders Silesia.

Results of the War: Short Term: Long Term

● German Confed. dissolved ● Prussia annexes Hanover

● N. German Confed. formed ● Prussia gains Schleswig-Holstein

● Italy annexes Venetia

Name of War:___________Franco-Prussian War_____________________________ Dates of Conflict: Begin ______1870___________ End______1871_______________ Belligerents by Side (Major nations only):

● France (Empire & Republic) ● Prussia

● N. German Confed.

Causes of the Conflict:

● Ems Telegram.

● Disputed heir to the Spanish throne.

● German unification.

Major Battles:

● Battle of Amiens - French lost ● Battle of Orleans - Prussians take control of

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1,500 and the Prussians lost 76. the French stronghold.

● Battle of Beaumont - French were driven back to Mouzon.

● Siege of Paris -French Empire falls German Kaiser crowned.

● Battle of Gravelotte - French lose control of Lorraine.

● Battle of Strasburg - French Surrender entire 5th army corp.

● Battle of Noisseville - French lose 5.000 troops.

● Battle of Wissemburg - First battle of the war (No victor).

Treaty (ies) Ending War and Major Terms of the Agreement:

● Treaty of Frankfurt - French Agree to unconditional surrender.

Results of the War: Short Term: Long Term

● 5 billion franc war indemnity ● France cedes Alsace-Lorraine

● Second French republic formed ● German Empire Proclaimed

● Balance of power offset

Name of War:____________Crimean War__________________________________ Dates of Conflict: Begin ______1853___________ End_______1856______________ Belligerents by Side (Major nations only):

● French Empire ● Russian Empire

● Ottoman Empire

● British Empire

● Kingdom of Sardinia

Causes of the Conflict:

● Treaty of Vienna

● Decline of the Ottoman Empire

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Major Battles:

● Battle of Genitichi Strrait - First battle (No victor).

● Battle of Kars - Desperate attempt to relieve seig at sevastopol (Failed).

● Battle of Alma - Russians lose 6,000 to an allied army.

● Battle of Malakov - Last battle that leads to the fall of Sevastopol,

● Battle of Souamenlinna - Russia loses control of Viapori (Last line of Finnish defence).

● Siege of Silista - Russians take control of Ottoman stronghold at Fort Silistra.

● Battle of Chemeya ● Siege of Sevastopol - Allies control Sevastopol (Crimean Capital).

Treaty (ies) Ending War and Major Terms of the Agreement:

● Treaty of Paris - Allies remove all Russian influence from the Black Sea area.

Results of the War: Short Term: Long Term

● Demilitarized Black Sea coast

● Introduction of Modern Nursing

● Abolition of Serfdom (Russia)

Name of War:___________Russo-Japanese War______________________________ Dates of Conflict: Begin _____1904____________ End__________1905___________ Belligerents by Side (Major nations only):

● Russian Empire ● Empire of Japan

Causes of the Conflict:

● Japanese assimilation to western culture.

● Expanding Japanese empire.

● Expanding Russian empire.

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● Dispute over control of Korea.

Major Battles:

● Battle of Port Auther - First attack on Russian navy (No winner).

● Battle of Motien Pasas - Russians abandon posion (Japan opens critical supply lines).

● Battle of Chemulpo Bay - Japan defets Russian navy.

● Battle of Hsumucheng - Russian forces surrender (Humileating).

● Battle of Yula River - Russian Front lines doesn’t hold.

● Battle of Yellow Sea - Russians try to defend but only succeed in forcing a soulmate.

● Battle of Nanshan - Japan takes control of Chinchou and Dalny.

● Battle of Tsushima - Japan destroyed entire Russian fleet.

Treaty (ies) Ending War and Major Terms of the Agreement:

● Treaty of Portsmouth - Made Russian surrender official.

Results of the War: Short Term: Long Term

● Loss of Pacific and Baltic fleets. ● US involvement in Asian affairs.

● Reparations riots in Japan. ● Revolutions in Russia.

● Duma Established & empowered. ● Poor Russian Economy.

Name of War:____________Boer Wars______________________________________ Dates of Conflict: Begin ___1880 & 1889____ End________1881 & 1902__________ Belligerents by Side (Major nations only):

● United Kingdom (1st War) ● South African Republic (Both)

● British Empire (2nd war) ● Orange Free State (2nd War)

Causes of the Conflict:

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● Displeasure with British rule.

● Rebuked promises of self-government.

Major Battles:

● Battle of Belmont - British now control Kopje (Diamond mining town).

● Siege of Ladysmith - British lose Port of Durban.

● Bloody Sunday - Highest number of Imperial casualties (~1,000).

● Battle of Poplar Grove - British now control Boer capital.

● 1st Battle of Elands River - British maintain control of Garrason (Whoever controls the garrison controls the river).

● Battle of Rooiwal - British control Transvaal (Control of the area is no longer contested by the Boer).

● Battle of Kimberly - British maintain control of the most valuable diamond mining town).

● Battle of Vaal Kranitz - British fail for a third time to relieve the garrison at Ladysmith (Humiliating them).

Treaty (ies) Ending War and Major Terms of the Agreement:

● Pretoria Convention - Discuss the terms of of any peace treaty.

● Treaty of Vereeniging - Made Boer Surrender official (As long as British agree to limited self rule).

Results of the War: Short Term: Long Term

● Union of South Africa formed. ● Scorched Earth devastates land.

● Orange Free State Dissolved. ● Population depleted.

● Irish support Boers. ● British Suzerainty over Transvaal

Name of War:__World War I______________________________________ Dates of Conflict : Begin July 28, 1914______ End___November 11, 1918_________ Belligerents by Side (Major nations only):

● Allied Powers: Britain, France, Russian Empire, Italy (1915), United States (1917)

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● Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire

Causes of the Conflict:

● Balkan Wars: effects of Serbian/Slavic frustration

● Assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand: He and his pregnant wife shot and killed by Gavrilo Princip, member of Serbian nationalist society the Black Hand

● Entangled Alliances: different treaties link various European powers together often in multiple conflicting agreements when involved in military and political conflict

● Imperialism as a result of national pride

● improved technology: new developments in war technology lead to an eagerness to test them

Major Battles:

● Schlieffen Plan: 1914, Germans march through neutral Belgium to attack france before Russia could mobilize their force

● First Battle of the Marne: September 6-10, 1914, british and French troops mobilize to hinder Schlieffen plan

● Battle of Verdun: German offensive, 70000 lost, introduction of Trench warfare, “no man’s land”

● Battle of the Somme: Allied offensive, most lost in one day throughout WWI, designed to draw soldiers from Verdun, 300,000 lost

Treaty (ies) Ending War and Major Terms of the Agreement:

● Treaty of Versailles: “war guilt clause” harsh consequences forced on Germany including reparations and demilitarization as well as loss of territory (Alsace and Lorraine) under the direction of other countries, 100,000 man army limit, rejected by the US Senate

● Wilson’s Fourteen Points: a list of reasons WWI was being fought and expected results of the United State’s involvement in the war.

● League of Nations: an international council of nations aimed at preventing wars through disarmament and settling international disputes through negotiation

Results of the War: Short Term: Long Term

● national unity reinforced but caused ● Russian, german, Austrian, Ottoman

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hardships empires all ended

● rapid development of new technology ● Social customs faded out, more social freedoms

● 46 million people killed or injured- generation was decimated

● Increase in government influence in society, propoganda

Name of War:__spanish civil war____________________________________ Dates of Conflict : Begin 17 july 1936______ End_______1 April 1939________ Belligerents by Side (Major nations only):

● Republicans- loyal to established Spanish republic (Soviet Union, Mexico, France supported)

● Nationalists- led by general Francisco Franco (German, Italian, Portuguese support)

Causes of the Conflict:

● unstable economy and depression caused by WWI

● ineffective parliamentary monarchy

● New Spanish republic under democrats and socialists

● Antifacist coalition revolted against by military

Major Battles:

● Madrid

● Guadalajara

● Belchite

● Jarama

● Ebro

Treaty (ies) Ending War and Major Terms of the Agreement:

● no treaty; nationalists win the war

● Franco established Fascist dictatorship

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Results of the War: Short Term: Long Term

Many left-leaning Spaniards exiled Hitler and Mussolini are brought together by their mutual support of the nationalists

Around 700,000 people killed

Republicans sent to concentration camps and executed

Name of War:__World War II______________________________________ Dates of Conflict : Begin ___September 1, 1939_ End __September 2, 1945 ___ Belligerents by Side (Major nations only):

● Axis- Germany, Japan, Italy

● Allied- United Kingdom, China, US (1941), Soviet Union (1941)

Causes of the Conflict:

● Hitler rises to power as Chancellor, rearms Germany

● GB tries to “appease” Russia and Germany

● alliances between Germany and Italy, Germany and Japan

● Lebensraum: Hitler’s attempts to seize smaller territories from “inferior” Slavs

Major Battles:

Pearl Harbor- Japan bombs Hawaiian naval base, US declares war on Japan, Hitler declares war on US

Blitzkrieg- “lightning war” strategy- quick and effective german strikes overwhelme Poland

Battle of Britain- August 1940- Germans aim at civilian homesteads, introduction of German Air force “Luftwaffe”

Battle of Stalingrad- Allied victory- surrender at Tunisia

D-Day- June 6, 1944- assault on Normandy beaches in France; two million men land over 3 months. Battle of the Bulge

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The Pacific- Battle of Midway, Battle of the Coral Sea

Treaty (ies) Ending War and Major Terms of the Agreement:

Potsdam Agreement- Allied plan of military occupation and reconstruction in Germany

Paris Peace Treaties- Allied powers required axis powers to pay war reparations- germany loses ¼ of its former land, commitment to supporting minority rights, Italy lost its colonies

Results of the War: Short Term: Long Term

The global economy suffered after the war United Nations is formed as a revamped version of the League of nations to keep the peace

The US and Soviet Union emerge as superpowers

The US has a “baby boom” and the largest generation in the country’s history

The Soivet union suffers massive casualties

12 million die as a result of the holocaust, six million Jews, 2 million ethnic Poles and 4 million others “unworthy of life”

Name of War:__Falkand Wars______________________________________ Dates of Conflict : Begin ___2 April 1982____ End___14 June 1982_____________ Belligerents by Side (Major nations only):

● Argentina

● United Kingdom

Causes of the Conflict:

Argentina invaded the Falkand Islands and South Georgia

Argentina had history with claims over the Falkand Islands

Major Battles:

Battle of Goose Green

Mount Kent

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Bluff Cove and Fitzroy

Fall of Stanley

Treaty (ies) Ending War and Major Terms of the Agreement:

No official Treaty- British Victory

Withdrawl of military and prewar leadership restored in the Falkand Islands

Results of the War: Short Term: Long Term

Argentina surrenders occupation of Southern Soule

Consolidation of Conservative Party in the UK

Collapse of military junta in Argentina

Name of War:_ ____Soviet War in Afghanistan______________________ Dates of Conflict : Begin ___12/24/1979____ End____2/15/1989___________ Belligerents by Side (Major nations only):

● Soviet Union, D.R. Afghanistan

● Mujhaideen

Causes of the Conflict:

● The Saur Revolution- The Afghan Army overthrew and killed the prime minister

● Long lasting alliance between Soviet Russia and Afghanistan

● Conflict between Afghanistan and Pakistan

Major Battles:

Battle for Hill 3234

Battle of Maravar Pass

Siege of Khost

Battle of Zhawar

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Treaty (ies) Ending War and Major Terms of the Agreement:

Geneva Accords of 1988

Withdrawl of Soviet Forces

Afghan Civil War continues

Results of the War: Short Term: Long Term

Carter places Trade Embargo against Soviet union

Afghan Mujhaideen aided by US and Saudi Arabia

Iranian Revolution

Iraq-Iran War

1982 Lebanon War

Name of War:__Balkan Wars______________________________________ Dates of Conflict : Begin ___8 october 1912__ End______18 july 1913____________ Belligerents by Side (Major nations only):

● Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria

● Montenegro, Greece, Serbia, Romania

Causes of the Conflict:

Young Turk Revolution- reversed the suspension of Ottoman parliment

Great powers question the integrity of Russia and the Ottoman Empire

After Italian-Turkish war, Balkan countries see weakness and take the opportunity to attack Ottoman Empire

Major Battles:

Battle of Adrianople

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Battle of Kumanovo

Battle of Kihlkis-Lahanas

Battle of Kresna

Treaty (ies) Ending War and Major Terms of the Agreement:

Treaty of Bucharest- Bulgaira loses territory again

Treaty of Constantinople

Treaty of London- Bulgaria gains territory, territory of Ottoman empire divided

Results of the War: Short Term: Long Term

Balkan League established Increase in Slavic nationalism- contributing factor to start of WWI

Russia establishes alliance with Balkan League against Austria-Hungary

Austria-hungary aims to limit Serbian power

Name of War:__Cold War_________________________________ Dates of Conflict : Begin ___1947__________ End_________1991_____________ Belligerents by Side (Major nations only):

● Western Bloc- United States and NATO

● Eastern Bloc- Soviet Union, Cuba

Causes of the Conflict:

Existing distrust between western nations and the Soviet Union

Soviet Union challenging the typical ideals of capitalism

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Soviet union places missiles in Cuba, near Florida’s coast

Major Battles:

No major battles

Treaty (ies) Ending War and Major Terms of the Agreement:

Reagan and Gorbachev come up with arms reduction agreement

Berlin Wall falls signifying end up communism in eastern Europe

Results of the War: Short Term: Long Term

Russia cuts military spending US viewed as sole superpower and remains so until the present

Soviet union dissolves US holds military alliances with multiple countries

US funds military science ventures