Download - Wake Me Up When September Ends - Stella Starwoman · April but on the 25th there is a lunar eclipse at the Scorpio full moon. You may remember last November’s Scorpio eclipse (the

Page 1: Wake Me Up When September Ends - Stella Starwoman · April but on the 25th there is a lunar eclipse at the Scorpio full moon. You may remember last November’s Scorpio eclipse (the

AstroUpdate – April 2013

Welcome to the Stella Starwoman April AstroUpdate! I’m sorry this newsletter is a little late, but hopefully you’ve

been enjoying yourselves over the Easter break, eating chocolate and basking in this glorious autumn sunshine!

Ann Wright from the Tarot Guild of Australia asked me to let you know about an upcoming conference organised

by the Tarot Guild. Now these international conferences don’t happen every year, (from memory the last two were

2005 and 1995) so take this as an amazing opportunity to learn from some of the world’s leading tarot experts and

authors. Click on the link for more information. INTERNATIONAL TAROT CONFERENCE or check out the

flyer below.

Wake Me Up When September Ends

Stella On Long Service Leave - April to September 2013

This will be my last AstroUpdate for a while as I’m heading off on long service leave in just a few days’ time.

Some of you have contacted me asking about the shaving and waxing dates in months to come, so I’ve included a

BUMPER LUNAR HAIR CARE MOON TABLE taking you right through to the end of September when I’ll be

back in business with readings, courses, workshops, shopping cart orders, monthly stars, birth chart reports etc.

Make sure you print off the moon table and keep it handy. And if you have a gift voucher that you’d like to use,

don’t worry about the voucher expiring, just contact me in October to book in.

I’d like to thank all those of you who’ve written to me wishing me well and

telling me how much you enjoy these monthly AstroUpdates – your kind words

and generous cards and gifts are much appreciated and make all the hard work

worthwhile. So before I head off, let’s take a look at what’s happening in the

cosmos this month and believe me there’s plenty!

Page 2: Wake Me Up When September Ends - Stella Starwoman · April but on the 25th there is a lunar eclipse at the Scorpio full moon. You may remember last November’s Scorpio eclipse (the

Rev Up Your Engines

The astrological climate has been very dour of late with much talk of the Pluto-Uranus square series and the mutual

reception between Pluto in sober Capricorn and Saturn in serious Scorpio. Well, get ready for a change of pace this

month as action-packed Aries takes centre stage blasting these more conservative planetary energies onto the

sidelines – at least temporarily. Even confirmed couch potatoes will be shaking their booty as relationship planets

Venus and Mars get together on the 7th April in passionate and dynamic fire sign Aries, followed by the biennial

Sun-Mars conjunction on the 18th, also in Aries. And with volatile and unpredictable Uranus in the mix, seriously

anything could happen this month.

Love, Love, Love – The Venus-Mars Conjunction

Things really started to hot up on the relationship front in the lead up to the Libra full moon in late March with the

fiery Sun lining up with Venus, Mars and Uranus in Aries opposing the moon in Libra. Full moons illuminate hidden

emotions and always relate to the need to balance opposing forces. The Aries-Libra polarity deals with the issue of

maintaining a sense of self without being selfish (Aries) vs. the joys of being in relationship without sacrificing the

self (Libra). Uranus aligned with the Sun at this full moon, challenging the status quo and producing all sorts of

unexpected developments and switches in allegiance in relationships, both business and personal.

Then on the 29th March, only two days after the full moon , Venus, ruler of Libra and the planet of love, beauty and

relationships, met up with the Sun at the halfway point in her journey from morning star (the light and bright side of

relating) to evening star (the darker, more passionate side of love).

Now fast forward to early April and Venus, the most feminine of energies finds herself poised exactly halfway

between the Sun and Mars, two uber-masculine planets. You don’t have to be an astrologer to imagine the outcome.

Venus finally mates with Mars on the 7th April at 19-20º Aries in a rare planetary line-up with Venus and Mars

conjunct the Sun. The Sabian Symbol for this zodiac degree is appropriately:

‘Transmutation of life (the Sun) into love (Venus-Mars)’. Early April is therefore

a wonderful time to make a long term commitment in marriage or business with

these masculine and feminine forces united in perfect harmony. It’s also a

great time to change the way you relate to others, focussing on a healthy

balance between giving and receiving and acknowledging the importance

of love and commitment.

Page 3: Wake Me Up When September Ends - Stella Starwoman · April but on the 25th there is a lunar eclipse at the Scorpio full moon. You may remember last November’s Scorpio eclipse (the

Featured Sign-Aries

This year from the 20th March to the 20th April, the Sun travels through masculine fire sign Aries. Aries is the first

sign of the zodiac, the seed, the new beginning, the hero. Its keywords are “I am” and “I initiate”. The symbol for

Aries is the horned ram who rushes fearlessly into new situations, heedless of danger with no consideration for

others. Arians are true individuals, keen to build their own personality and ego. The typical Arian is youthful,

independent and adventurous, displaying strength, boldness, initiative and courage. Negatively they can be angry,

headstrong, selfish, domineering and arrogant. Arians need to learn how to cooperate with others, complete projects

they have started and conserve their energy. If you want to annoy an Aries, boss them around or tell them to calm

down! Each zodiac sign rules a part of the body. For Aries this is the head. When Arians are out of balance they

often suffer from headaches, migraines and injuries to the head. And the Aries colour is red. When we get angry we

talk about ‘seeing red’.

April New Moon, Full Moon & Scorpio Lunar Eclipse

The April new moon falls on the 10th in fire sign Aries with both Sun and Moon in Aries closely conjunct Mars and

Venus. Again the theme of relationships is paramount with the delicate balance of yin and yang, but this time the

subtext is ‘survival of the fittest’. New moons are always times of new beginnings and this moon cycle asks you to

step up and fight to become the best you can be.

The Sun moves into earth sign Taurus on the 20th bringing a more relaxed and sensual mood to the final week of

April but on the 25th there is a lunar eclipse at the Scorpio full moon. You may remember last November’s Scorpio

eclipse (the one that passed over Far North Queensland on 14/11/12), well now we have the second eclipse in this

Taurus-Scorpio polarity at 5-6º Scorpio. The theme for this full moon is the importance of following your vision or

dream in order to create a more abundant life, especially on the feeling plane. This concept ties in nicely with the

Sun-Mars desire to initiate action and the April new moon theme of stepping up to

be the best you can be. The typical Scorpio is driven by an inner yearning for an

ever more intense and all-absorbing union with a person, community or the

divine, a yearning which underlies all their actions. This full moon eclipse

will not only suddenly reveal and strip bear our unconscious dreams and visions,

but will offer us concrete ways of bringing them to fruition.

Page 4: Wake Me Up When September Ends - Stella Starwoman · April but on the 25th there is a lunar eclipse at the Scorpio full moon. You may remember last November’s Scorpio eclipse (the

SunYoga Holiday Retreat

Eco Beach Wilderness Resort in Broome, WA

(Sunday 23rd-Sunday 30th June 2013)

Treat yourself to a blissful yoga holiday at this luxury, multi-award winning, wilderness resort on the shores

of the Indian Ocean, North Western Australia with Claire Heywood of SunYoga.

From $2125 plus return flight to Broome – BOOK NOW!

Includes: 6 days yoga tuition; 7 nights accommodation plus three gourmet meals a day, tea,

coffee, filtered water and coach transfer to and from Broome airport.

Click here for more information

or contact Claire on 03 9311 7801 or [email protected]

Page 5: Wake Me Up When September Ends - Stella Starwoman · April but on the 25th there is a lunar eclipse at the Scorpio full moon. You may remember last November’s Scorpio eclipse (the

An ‘A’ Type Sun-Mars Conjunction

Every two years, the Sun, symbol of light and life, meets up with Mars the god of war to propel us into a new cycle

of action and adventure. In 2013 this astronomical event takes place on the 18th April and is a particularly special and

super-charged conjunction as the Sun and Mars join forces in fire sign Aries for the first time since April 1981. Mars

is the natural ruler of Aries and the Sun is exalted in Aries, meaning both planets are particularly at home in this

zodiac sign and can access and display their full and glorious potential. Think of the Sun as Chairman of the Board

and Mars as the CEO. When they work together, they form a dynamic duo and extraordinary achievements are


Some positive themes for Sun-Mars include self-assertion; desire to take action; physical and sexual vitality;

initiative and innovation; creative potential; love of risk, challenge and competition; supreme confidence and

bravery; leadership and individuality. Negative themes include extreme anger and aggression; anti-authoritarian

attitude; needing to prove oneself; explosiveness and volatility; refusal to compromise; inner tension; compulsive

behaviour and self-hatred leading to depression. If we add the Aries energy into the mix, you can multiply all of the

above by ten.

The conjunction occurs at 28-29º Aries with the Sabian Symbol, ‘Music of the Spheres’ – the need to listen to the

inner voice and be attuned to cosmic order. We are all a small part of a much greater plan but our individual choices

are nevertheless important. With this in mind I suggest you mark the 18th April

in your diary as the beginning of a two year cycle where your actions will

make a real difference, providing you listen to and follow your inner voice.

On a global level we will see both positive and negative examples of people

and governments taking action in accordance with the Sun-Mars energy.

Will there be senseless wars and violence or positive solutions and initiative?

Page 6: Wake Me Up When September Ends - Stella Starwoman · April but on the 25th there is a lunar eclipse at the Scorpio full moon. You may remember last November’s Scorpio eclipse (the

What the Sun-Mars Conjunction Means For You

The Sun-Mars conjunction will play out in a different way for each person based on where it falls in your birth chart.

Using the solar house system you can look up your star sign in the table below and see which area of your life will

be most affected. So for example Leos can expect exciting new beginnings in travel and study, while for Librans the

focus is on relationships.

If you have a more detailed knowledge of astrological houses, you can also check the exact house position of 28-29º

Aries in your birth chart and expect an exciting new beginning and surge of energy in this part of life as well. For

example if the Sun-Mars conjunction falls in your tenth house (career), you might decide to start up a new business

and if it’s in your sixth house (health), you might start training for a triathlon.

Sun-Mars Conjunction by Star Sign



Area of

Life Affected

What You Can Achieve

Aries First House

The Self

Reach for the stars. Seize the day. Just do it. The

universe is right behind you and your dreams this year.

Taurus Twelfth House

Inner World

Inner peace; time alone; creative ideas and insight;

getting rid of old stuff through emotional and physical


Gemini Eleventh House


An exciting social life with new friends. More

involvement with community groups. Networking

opportunities abound.

Cancer Tenth House


Promotions, pay rises, new jobs, new careers or even

starting up your own business.

Leo Ninth House


Book your dream holiday; expand your horizons with a

new study course or overseas trip; write your book.

Virgo Eighth House



Successful investment planning; new share portfolio;

joint ventures and partnerships, new ways of managing


Libra Seventh House


New relationships, new business partners or creative

change in existing relationships

Scorpio Sixth House


New work environment; different approach to diet,

health and fitness; healing chronic health problems;

getting a new pet.

Sagittarius Fifth House


Creativity goes into overdrive. Fun, adventure and

flirtation. Great time to conceive a child or discover

your inner child.

Capricorn Fourth House


Focus on creating a dream home and building loving

family relationships. Renovating, decorating, buying


Aquarius Third House



New visions and ideas; closer connection with

neighbours and community; sorting out stuff with

siblings; writing projects.

Pisces Second House


New ways of earning and managing money. New sense

of self-esteem and self-worth. Change in values and

people you spend time with.

Page 7: Wake Me Up When September Ends - Stella Starwoman · April but on the 25th there is a lunar eclipse at the Scorpio full moon. You may remember last November’s Scorpio eclipse (the
Page 8: Wake Me Up When September Ends - Stella Starwoman · April but on the 25th there is a lunar eclipse at the Scorpio full moon. You may remember last November’s Scorpio eclipse (the

April Moon Calendar

Launch projects at the New Moon, bring them to completion in the period from just before the Full Moon to the

Third Quarter phase and wind them down and reflect on developments in the week before the next New Moon. The

period between the New Moon and the Full Moon is the waxing moon (moon getting bigger and fuller). The period

between the Full Moon and the New Moon is the waning moon (moon getting smaller and thinner).

You can use this moon table to select the most favourable days to slow or increase hair regrowth. Full instructions

can be found in my Lunar Hair Care guidelines at but to get you

started I’ve marked the best dates for waxing/shaving to slow regrowth in yellow and the best dates to cut hair for

thicker, lusher growth in green. If you’re serious about Lunar Hair Care - order your own Moon Calendar from the

Stella Starwoman Store then you’ll know exactly what time of day the moon changes from one zodiac sign to the

next meaning you can fine-tune your activities with confidence.


Sign Element Moon Phase


nd Sagittarius Fire



Capricorn Earth Third Quarter


th Aquarius Air


th Pisces Water


th Aries Fire New Moon 10th


th Taurus Earth


th Gemini Air


th Cancer Water First Quarter


st Leo Fire


rd Virgo Earth



Libra Air


th Scorpio Water Full Moon 26th

Lunar Eclipse


th Sagittarius Fire


th Capricorn Earth

Thanks for being part of AstroUpdate. If there’s something you’d like to see featured, or have something you think

would interest others, please contact me at [email protected]

PS – Don’t forget to check out your April Monthly Stars at

to see what’s coming up for you this month. The next batch of monthly stars will be posted in October.

Happy Stargazing

Stella Woods

Page 9: Wake Me Up When September Ends - Stella Starwoman · April but on the 25th there is a lunar eclipse at the Scorpio full moon. You may remember last November’s Scorpio eclipse (the

Moon Calendar May to September 2013

Launch projects at the New Moon, bring them to completion in the period from just before the Full

Moon to the Third Quarter phase and wind them down and reflect on developments in the week

before the next New Moon. The period between the New Moon and the Full Moon is the waxing

moon (moon getting bigger and fuller). The period between the Full Moon and the New Moon is the

waning moon (moon getting smaller and thinner).

You can use this moon table to select the most favourable days to slow or increase hair regrowth. Full

instructions can be found in my Lunar Hair Care guidelines at but to get you started I’ve marked the best dates

for waxing/shaving to slow regrowth in yellow and the best dates to cut hair for thicker, lusher growth

in green. If you’re serious about Lunar Hair Care - order your own Moon Calendar from the Stella

Starwoman Store then you’ll know exactly what time of day the moon changes from one zodiac sign

to the next meaning you can fine-tune your activities with confidence.


Month Sign Element Moon Phase


nd May Capricorn Earth


-4th May Aquarius Air


th May Pisces Water


th May Aries Fire


th May Taurus Earth New Moon 10th

Solar Eclipse


th May Gemini Air


th May Cancer Water


th May Leo Fire First Quarter


st May Virgo Earth


rd May Libra Air



May Scorpio Water


th May Sagittarius Fire Full Moon 25th


th May Capricorn Earth


st May Aquarius Air

31st May Pisces Water


nd June Pisces Water Third Quarter


-5th June Aries Fire


th June Taurus Earth


th June Gemini Air New Moon 9th


th June Cancer Water


th June Leo Fire


th June Virgo Earth First Quarter


th June Libra Air


st June Scorpio Water


rd June Sagittarius Fire



June Capricorn Earth Full Moon 23rd


th June Aquarius Air


th June Pisces Water


th June Aries Fire Third Quarter


nd July Aries Fire


-4th July Taurus Earth

Page 10: Wake Me Up When September Ends - Stella Starwoman · April but on the 25th there is a lunar eclipse at the Scorpio full moon. You may remember last November’s Scorpio eclipse (the


th July Gemini Air


th July Cancer Water New Moon 8th


th July Leo Fire


th July Virgo Earth


th July Libra Air First Quarter


th July Scorpio Water


st July Sagittarius Fire


rd July Capricorn Earth



July Aquarius Air Full Moon 23rd


th July Pisces Water


th July Aries Fire


st July Taurus Earth Third Quarter

1st August Taurus Earth


rd August Gemini Air


-6th August Cancer Water


th August Leo Fire New Moon 7th


th August Virgo Earth


th August Libra Air


th August Scorpio Water First Quarter


th August Sagittarius Fire


th August Capricorn Earth


st August Aquarius Air Full Moon 21st


rd August Pisces Water



August Aries Fire


th August Taurus Earth


th August Gemini Air Third Quarter


st August Cancer Water


nd September Cancer Water


-4th September Leo Fire


th September Virgo Earth New Moon 5th


th September Libra Air


th September Scorpio Water


th September Sagittarius Fire First Quarter


th September Capricorn Earth


th September Aquarius Air


th September Pisces Water Full Moon 19th


nd September Aries Fire



September Taurus Earth Spring Equinox



th September Gemini Air


th September Cancer Water Third Quarter


th September Leo Fire