Download - WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

Page 1: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)


Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic District

Architectural Survey File

This is the architectural survey file for this MIHP record. The survey file is organized reverse-

chronological (that is, with the latest material on top). It contains all MIHP inventory forms, National

Register nomination forms, determinations of eligibility (DOE) forms, and accompanying documentation

such as photographs and maps.

Users should be aware that additional undigitized material about this property may be found in on-site

architectural reports, copies of HABS/HAER or other documentation, drawings, and the “vertical files” at

the MHT Library in Crownsville. The vertical files may include newspaper clippings, field notes, draft

versions of forms and architectural reports, photographs, maps, and drawings. Researchers who need a

thorough understanding of this property should plan to visit the MHT Library as part of their research

project; look at the MHT web site ( for details about how to make an appointment.

All material is property of the Maryland Historical Trust.

Last Updated: 03-12-2004

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~roperty Name: ..... (:~~ Ritc~.e. .. I:Iistoric District Inventory Number:

Address: MD 550 and Ritchie Road Historic district:


X yes

City: Fort Ritchie Zip Code: 21719 County: Washington

USGS Quadrangle{s): Blue Ridge Summit, Smithsburg

Property Owner: U.S. Army Tax Account ID Number:

Tax Map Parcel Number(s): Tax Map Number:

Project: Agency:

Agency Prepared By: C. Fisher/US_ Arm]'_ Environmental Center

Preparer's Name: Date Prepared: 3/3/1997

Documentation is presented in: MHT Files WA-IV-262


Preparer's Eligibility Recommendation: x Eligibility recommended Eligibility not recommended

Criteria: X A B xc D Considerations: A B c D E F G

Complete if the property is a contributing or non-contributing resource to a NR district/property:

Name of the District/Property:

Inventory Number: Eligible: yes Listed: yes

- ;te visit by MHT Staff yes X no Name: Date:

Description of Property and Justification: (Please attach map and photo)

The Camp Ritchie Historic District embodies the rich heritage of commitment that individual states have made toward the nation. In addition to the historic theme of military preparedness and training, the stone buildings are architecturally significant for the use oflocally available labor, stone and timber and for the organization of the Post. Thus, the District is considerd eligible under Criteria A and C.

[For more information, see the Maryland Inventory of Historic Properties form for WA-IV-262]


Eligibility recommended X Eligibility not recommended

Criteria: XA B XC D Considerations: A B c D E F G

MHT Comments: Camp Ritchie Historic District was Federally nominated for the National Register of Historic Places.

Reviewer, Office of Preservation Services Date

R. Little Wednesday, March 26, 1997 > ~ ~" - "

Reviewer, National Register Program Date

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Complete each itea by marking •x• in the appropriate box or by entering the information requested. If any item does not apply to the property being documented, enter "N/A" for •not applicable.• For functions, architectural classification, materials, and areas of significance, enter only categories and subcategories from the instructions. Place additional entries and narrative items on continuation sheets. Use a typewriter, word processor, or computer, to complete all items.

============================================================================= 1. Name of Property

============================================================================= historic name Camp Ritchie Historic District

other names/site number WA-IV-262

============================================================================= 2. Location

============================================================================= street & number ""M"'D'--'R~o:.i.uiu.t~e-""'s .... s:..i.o~&-,,..c..,h ...... i..:.e ....... Ri..i.o~a..i.d,.__ _________________ _ not for publication_NlL_ city or town state Maryland code_Mll_ zi '.Jde 21719

Fort Ritchie county Washington

vicinity_NA code~

============================================================================= 3. State/Federal Agency Certification

============================================================================= As the designated authority under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1986, as amended, I hereby certify that this ___ survey __ nomination __ request for determination of eligibility meets the documentation standards for registering properties in the National Register of Historic Places and meets the procedural and professional requirements set forth in 36 CFR Part 60. In my opinion, the property~~ meets ~~ does not meet the National Register Criteria. I recommend that this property be considered significant ~~ nationally~~ statewide -~ locally. ( __

See continuation sheet for additional comments.)

Not Applicable Signature of certifying official Date

State or Federal agency and bureau

In my opinion, the property ;K meets __ does not meet the National Register criteria. _ See continuation sheet for additional comments.)

~ ~commenting or other official Date

State or Federal agency and bureau

( _

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=- ========================================================================= 4. ~ertification

============================================================================= I, hereby certify that this property is:

entered in the Maryland Register ~~ entered in the National Register

See continuation sheet. _xx_ determined eligible for the

National Register See continuation sheet.

determined not eligible for the National Register removed from the National Register other (explain) :

Not N;lplicable Signature Date

============================================================================= 5. Classification ============================================================================= Ownership of Property (Check as many boxes as apply)

- private public-local public-State

___x public-Federal

Category of Property (Check only one box) building(s)

___x district site structure object

Number of Resources within Property

Contributing 96




Noncontributing --11. buildings

sites --2. structures

objects ------1.2. Total

N}JJll_ber of contributing resources previously listed in the National F _ster_Q__

Name of related multiple property listing (Enter "N/A" if property is not part of a multiple property listing.)

Page 5: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)


=:,-...========================================================================= 6 . .cunction or Use

============================================================================= Historic Functions (Enter categories from instructions)

Cat: Defense Sub: military facility

Current Functions Cat:

(Enter categories from instructions) Defense Sub: military facility

============================================================================= 7. Description

============================================================================= Architectural Classification (Enter categories from instructions)

Tudor Revival Craftsman Other· castellated

Materials (Enter categories from instructions) foundation roof walls


Concrete & Stone Asphalt. Rubber Membrane

Stone Wood


Narrative Description (Describe the historic and current condition of the property on one or more continuation sheets.)

S attached sheets.

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=-~·========================================================================= 8. dtatement of Significance

============================================================================= ApI?licable National Register Criteria (Mark 11 x 11 in one or more boxes for the criteria qualifying the property for National Register listing)

__ X_ A



Property is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history.

Property is associated with the lives of persons significant in our past.

Prol?erty embodies the distinct~ye characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction or represents the work of a master, or possesses high artistic values, or represents a significant and distinguishable entity whose components lack individual distinction.

Property has yielded, or is likely to yield information impor­tant in prehistory or history.

Criteria Considerations (Mark 11 X11 in all the boxes that apply.)

A owned by a religious institution or used for religious purposes.

B removed from its original location.

C a birthplace or a grave.

D a cemetery.

E a reconstructed building, object, or structure.

F a commemorative property.

G less than 50 years of age or achieved significance within the past 50 years.

Areas of Significance (Enter categories from instructions)

Military Architecture

Period of Significance 1926-1945

Significant Dates n/a

Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

Cultural Affiliation

Architect/Builder Captain Robert F Barrick

Narrative Statement of Significance (Explain the significance of the property oµ_one or more continuation sheets.)

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=·,--~========================================================================= 9. Aajor Bibliographical References

============================================================================= (Cite the books, articles, and other sources used in preparing this form on one or more continuation sheets.)

Previous documentation on file _.NA previously surveyed __NA preliminary determination of individual listing (36 CFR 67) has been

requested. _NA previously listed in the National Register _NA previously determined eligible by the National Register _.NA designated a National Historic Landmark _NA recorded by Historic American Buildings Survey # __ recorded by Historic American Engineering Record # MD-104 & 105

Primary Location of Additional Data State Historic Preservation Off ice Other State agency

_x_ Federal agency Local government University Other

Name of repository: __.,F~o""'r.....,,.t'---"R.,.1 .... · _,,,t""'c .... h ... 1 .... · ,,.e'--------------

============================================================================= 10. Geographical Data =============================================================================

Acreage of Property -~1~2~6"'-~~~~

UTM References (Place additional UTM references on a continuation sheet)

Zone Easting Northing Zone Easting Northing 1 3 2 4

See continuation sheet.

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=·...-~========================================================================= 1~ Geographical Data (Continued)

============================================================================= Verbal Boundary Description

Beginning at gate 3, travel west along the northern edge of Lower Lake Royer, cross Redman Street and go north around Upper Lake Royer. Cross Buena Vista Avenue and include building 700. Continue along Buena Vista Avenue and follow it south to the parking lot on the eastern edge of building 503. Turn south on Greenhow Street and include building 504. From building 504, cross Greenhow Street on the south side of building 519, going toward Grombacher Street. Go south on Grombacher to West Banfill Avenue, turn southwest and include building 401. Continue along West Banfill Avenue to the fenceline along Ritchie Road and follow it to the intersection with Route 491. Continue north along the eastern fenceline until returning to gate 3.

Boundary Justification The boundaries of the Camp Ritchie Historic District are designed to

include the concentration of significant buildings, structures, and landscape features that represent the National Guard and World War II phases of the post.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------::;:.;:.--------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Form Prepared By

============================================================================= name/title Caroline Fisher. Historic Preseryation Planner organization U S Army Environmental Center date 3 March 1997 street & number ATTN· SFIM-AEC-ECN. Bldg City or town Aberdeen Proving Ground

4435 telephone 410-671-1575

state__MD_ zip code 21010

============================================================================= Additional Documentation

============================================================================= The following items are submitted with the completed form: Continuation Sheets X Maps X

x Photographs Additional items (Check with the SHPO or FPO for any additional items)

============================================================================= Property Owner

============================================================================= (Complete this item at the request of the SHPO or FPO.)

r ~ U S Army. Fort Ritchie sLreet & number 200 Castle Drive telephone (301) 878-6415 city or town Fort Ritchie state_MD_ zip code 21719


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Description Summary

The resources within the bounds of the Camp Ritchie Historic District illustrate the

history of the Post as a significant element in the military preparedness and support of United

States military defense. Although the installation covers an area of 638 acres, the historic district

consists of approximately 126 acres on the eastern side of the Post. Established in 1926, the post

was originally developed as a Maryland National Guard Training Facility. The installation was

leased by the federal government in 1942, immediately after our entrance into World War 11, and

subsequently played a significant role in the war effort. The installation was selected due to its

close proximity to the capital, as well as its relative remoteness and defensible position in a

saddle-like topographic setting in the Catoctin Mountain Range of western Maryland near the

Pennsylvania border.

A total of 122 properties are present within the Camp Ritchie Historic District, including

113 buildings, six structures and three definitive landscape features. Of these properties, 103 are

contributing elements to the Historic District, including 96 buildings, 2 gate posts with attached

walls, a dam, a pier (Bldg. 12), two lakes and a parade ground. This list includes 28 World War

II temporary buildings, which can be demolished without further Section 106 consultation per a

programmatic memorandum of agreement among the United States Department of Defense, the

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Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and the National Conference of State Historic

Preservation Officers. The remaining properties are buildings, sites or structures constructed

after 1950 and are considered non- contributing elements to the historic district. Modem infill

construction on the west side of the lakes has isolated three buildings, 710, 711 and 860, from

the remainder of the historic Fort Ritchie buildings, eliminating them from consideration as part

of the historic district.

General Description

The buildings comprising the Camp Ritchie Historic District are stone buildings

constructed to support the Maryland National Guard's Camp Ritchie, a summer training camp,

and temporary wooden buildings constructed to support the U.S. entrance into World War II.

The site was chosen primarily based upon its proximity to the Western Maryland railway and the

telegraph line (Dietrich 1972:3). Other deciding factors were its "altitude, picturesque

surroundings, topography and accessibility to both road and railroad" (Strain 1993: 219). The

site was formerly occupied by the Buena Vista Ice Company and the camp was designed to

accommodate two lakes originally associated with its occupation. Along with the Parade

Ground, the lakes serve as significant features of the landscape.

Overlooking the Parade Ground is the Post Headquarters, which, along with three aligned

buildings, serves as the visual and pivotal axis for the majority of the contributing elements to

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the historic district. Each side of the axis is a roughly symmetrical design in terms of building

location and massing. While the original layout as planned by the architect and builder Captain

Robert F. Barrick has been interrupted by the construction of W.W. II temporary buildings, the

integrity of the original landscape design remains.

The original Camp Ritchie buildings are typically simple, one to two story structures

constructed of fieldstone with gable roofs and a minimum of architectural detail. Character­

defining features include decorative rafter ends and prominent chimneys. The buildings exhibit

the influence of Tudor Revival and Craftsmen styles. The most elaborate building, the Post

Headquarters, is the focal point of the installation. It is constructed in a castellated style,

mimicking the form and features, such as parapets, of medieval castles.

The original buildings are constructed of local fieldstone and timber. The camp designer

and builder, Captain Robert Barrick, employed local workers and materials to build the camp. A

portable saw mill and a steam-powered rock crusher were the main mechanical tools, while

dynamite was used to blast the larger rocks (Camp Ritchie and the Resort Area: 9). Stone was

used in construction of the buildings, gate posts, and walls, and was crushed for use in road and

railroad beds.

The headquarters building (200), the gate posts and the stone wall are all constructed in

the castellated style and many of the remaining large structures include buttressed walls with

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bays (Buildings 160, 360 and 700) and/or a courtyard (Buildings 601-603). While this style is

often associated with post-Civil War 19th century military construction in the United States, its

use at Camp Ritchie represents a very late and unusual use of the style. By 1910, the castellated

style had gone out of fashion for military construction projects within the U.S. Army and for

National Guard facilities along the east coast of the U.S. The selection of the style in 1926

reflects a preference within the command structure of the Maryland National Guard for the

castellated style, with one factor possibly being the proposed location in the mountainous setting

of Western Maryland.

The enlisted personnel, kitchens/mess halls ("finger buildings"), administration buildings

and headquarters were located in the central swale to the south of the parade ground. The

engineering buildings were located across the parade grounds on the southern side of the lakes,

while the commanding officers were located on the lower mountain slopes on the north side

above the lakes.

Several resources within the bounds of the Camp Ritchie Historic District pre-date the

establishment of the Camp, but were subsequently incorporated into it and added to the character

of the facility. These include the two constructed lakes, the upper dam, and the officer's housing

units 004 and 155. Although these five resources all predate the creation of Camp Ritchie in

1926, their integration and use directly contributes to the history of the Post. For example,

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Captain Robert Barrick designed and directed clearing, layout and construction operations from

his residence at Building 004.

Although most building activity ceased at the inception of the Depression in 1929,

beginning in late 1931 and continuing through 1934, the New Deal ushered in a number of

construction and landscape projects at the Post through the Works Progress Administration and

Civilian Conservation Corps. This work carried out the completion of Barrick's plans using the

same stylistic parameters and design elements initiated in 1926.

A virtual explosion of construction activity followed the lease of the property by the U.S.

government in 1942. The majority of the new construction included barracks, administration

and classroom buildings necessary to carry out the new change of mission at then Camp Ritchie:

the development of a defense intelligence and counter-intelligence force. The new structures,

which broke with tradition and relied on wood wall construction, were placed in most of the

open spaces that had been carefully designed by Barrick to create the separation of various

Maryland National Guard units and to make use of the limited usable space on the installation.

Despite the effect on the original design, the World War II buildings are significant to the

development of Camp Ritchie and are included as contributing elements to the historic district.

However, it should be noted that these buildings are covered by the Programmatic Memorandum

of Agreement among the United States Department of Defense, the Advisory Council on Historic

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Preservation and the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers Regarding

Demolition of W.W.11 Temporary Buildings.

A complete description of the buildings and structures within the bounds of the Camp

Ritchie Historic District is contained in Appendix IX of the Cultural Resource Management Plan

for Fort Ritchie (1995). This material includes Maryland Inventory of Historic Properties Forms

for each resource. A list of those resources that comprise the contributing elements of the

Maryland National Guard period are provided in Table 1. The non-contributing elements are

presented in Table 2. The dates contained in this document are considered accurate and

supersede those found in the Cultural Resource Management Plan for Fort Ritchie (1995).

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Summary Statement

The Camp Ritchie Historic District embodies the rich heritage of commitment that

individual states have made toward the nation. In addition to the historic theme of military

preparedness and training, the stone buildings are architecturally significant for the use of locally

available labor, stone and timber and for the organization of the Post. Thus, the District is

considered eligible under criteria A and C. The following history and context statement will

address these criteria.

Resource History and Historic Context

In 1926, the State of Maryland determined that the location of a defunct natural ice

processing plant, Buena Vista Ice Company, should be the site of their National Guard summer

training facility. The locus is positioned in an upland saddle topographic setting below Quirauk

Mountain in the Catoctin Mountains of Western Maryland at its border with Pennsylvania

(Friedman et al. 1995:2-4). At the time of purchase, the locus included two constructed lakes, a

number of habitable structures, a spur line of the Western Maryland Railway and a telegraph line

(Dietrich 1972:3). Named after the popular governor, Albert C. Ritchie, who served from 1919

to 1934 and instituted numerous economic and social reform programs, construction of Camp

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Ritchie was placed in the hands of Captain Robert F. Barrick, a self-taught architect and

engineer, by Major General Milton A. Reckord, Adjutant General of the Maryland National

Guard. The presence of the District was dependent on each of their efforts. Development of the

installation during this phase primarily took place in two stages due to interruption by the "crash

of '29" and the early Depression years.

Military Importance The Camp Ritchie Historic District is eligible for listing in the

National Register of Historic Places on the basis of Criterion A, in this instance its association

with the history and development of military preparedness, training and National defense. These

objectives were personified in the financial contribution that Maryland citizenry made in

developing Camp Ritchie as a model updated National Guard facility between 1926 and 1941.

The National Guard was first organized in 1903 and later strengthened by the 1916

National Defense Act. Following W.W. I, the development of numerous National Guard

facilities responded to public concerns for a ready military force. Armories were erected within

communities to serve as auxiliary training and gathering centers for civilian soldiers.

Installations such as Camp Ritchie afforded these soldiers the opportunity to practice defensive

maneuvers, marksmanship, and other training activities in a realistic setting.

Camp Ritchie served primarily as a summer training area for Maryland National Guard

units. Construction began in May 1926 with the mess halls, bath houses, kitchen and

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administrative buildings. Soldiers were housed in tents, first with dirt floors and later concrete

tent pads. Units came for a period of two to four weeks to practice drills and weapons

operation. Numerous rifle and small arms ranges were constructed to accommodate such

practice. In addition to providing services to its soldiers, the Camp provided a dining facility,

recreation and entertainment to the local community.

Camp Ritchie continued to serve in this capacity until 1942. With the onset of World

War II, additional military training facilities were needed across the country. Camp Ritchie

offered solid infrastructure and a remote mountainous setting that was in relatively close

proximity to Washington D. C. Its remote location made it difficult for a foreigner to penetrate

or linger in the vicinity without drawing local attention. It also lacked local distractions which

might have detracted from the serious study of intelligence tactics. Furthermore, Washington

could quickly forward the latest information, captured prisoners or materials to the Camp Ritchie

locations (Strain 1993:220). The property was leased from the State of Maryland, existing

buildings were modified for new uses, and temporary wooden buildings were constructed to

accommodate an influx of troops. Between 1942 and 1946, the United States Army trained

19 ,669 military intelligence specialists at the site.

Architecture and Design The Camp Ritchie Historic District is also eligible for listing on

the National Register under Criterion C for architecture. It is a cohesive group of fieldstone

buildings designed to make use of local materials and to harmonize with the mountainous natural

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surroundings. The buildings are designed around significant landscape features and retain

integrity of design, workmanship and location.

Initial efforts were focused on the construction of 19 small square stone buildings with

fireplaces to be used as kitchens by the platoons of the First Maryland Regiment. Completed in

1926, these buildings were quickly modified in 1927 with additions so that the troops could eat

indoors, out of the elements (History of Fort Ritchie Up Until WWII:9.) The buildings, located

on the southwest end of Barrick Avenue (approximately Buildings 305-322), are now known as

the "finger buildings" because they are long and narrow. Other buildings were constructed to

support the camp, such as Headquarters (Bldg. 200), Lakeside Hall (Bldg. 11), headquarters

company mess (Bldg. 205), administration facilities (Bldg. 201), a stable (Bldg. 401), and

various bath houses. Soldiers were quartered in tents until W.W.11 when temporary barracks

were constructed. In order to accommodate the soldiers and mission, the terrain was cleared and

the landscape extensively modified, numerous roads were constructed, and water, electrical and

waste disposal systems were installed.

The 58th Brigade Headquarters (Building 200) was constructed in the castellated style

popular at National Guard armories in the United States between 1877 and the first decade of the

20th century. Reminiscent of medieval castles, the style featured the form and architectural

details characteristic of these structures. The most prominent features are the towers flanking the

central entrance and the crenellated roofline. The castellated style and fortress aspects of

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armories remained prevalent in Maryland long after other states had abandoned these styles. In

fact, Maryland continued to build National Guard armories in this style until 1938. Captain

Barrick drew the original plans for the Brigade Headquarters in September 1926 and they were

approved by the Commanding General of the Maryland National Guard during the same month.

However, actual construction extended into 1928.

Construction picked up in early 1929, although budget constraints were becoming evident

with some work undertaken under promissory note. Land was graded for the placement of 210

concrete slabs that were to serve as bases for bivouac tents on the hill southeast of the finger

buildings. The sewage system was expanded and a new disposal plant constructed (Camp

Ritchie, Maryland, 1940:2). Roads were resurfaced during the year and a covered corral for

forty horses was built where the Health Clinic now stands (Building 341). A major

beautification effort was begun during the year, and 25,000 flowers, shrubs, and conifers were


Major building activities occurred between late 1931 and 1933 with the implementation

of Public Works Projects. Later, in 1934 and 1935, the Works Progress Administration and

other programs of the New Deal ushered in additional work. This stage was completed through

contracting services, although the stylistic parameters and layout of the Post established by

Barrick were maintained.

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Several buildings and landscape elements existed when the camp was constructed,

including Bldg. 4 and Bldg. 155. All buildings were retained for use by the National Guard and

modified to meet soldier needs. Two lakes associated with the Buena Vista Ice Company were

major elements of the site requiring significant attention in designing and maintaining the camp.

Reconstruction of the dam at Lake Royer required installation of a "new concrete

spillway" which allowed the lake to be filled (Barrick 1965:1-2). The area around the upper lake

was also re-engineered, involving a significant amount of excavation and terrain re-contouring.

Lake Royer was "reconditioned and made ready for use" in 1927 (Camp Ritchie, Maryland,

1940:1). Two years later, on June 19, 1929, the south bank of the lower lake between the

spillway and the Western Maryland Railroad gave way. The water rushed down Red Run Falls

Creek and damage was done in the vicinity of Rouzerville, Pennsylvania. Captain Barrick set

about ensuring that the dam would not burst again. He and his men "built large core walls in the

earth banks" 31 feet deep and "extending 110 feet on each side of the spillway" (Camp Ritchie,

Maryland, 1940:2-3).

An effort was also made to strengthen the dam at Lake Wastler. "Men used picks and

shovels and dump carts to haul the dirt to build the embankment which shored up and reinforced

the banks of the upper lake, where the stony spillway is" (Dietrich 1972: 5). However, the map

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of the Buena Vista Ice Company property depicts the upper lake once as having had two

spillways that drained into the lower lake. It appears that Barrick may have removed the

northernmost spillway of the upper lake.

The lakes, parade ground and homogenous architecture create a cohesive historic district

of buildings representing Camp Ritchie. This installation was important to the state and federal

military system in support of the United States' commitment to military preparedness and defense

and for these reasons is eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places.

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Maryland Comprehensive Historic Preservation Plan Data Chart

Geographic Organization:

Western Maryland

Chronological/Developmental Periods:

lndustrial/U rban Dominance

Modem Period

Prehistoric/Historic Period Themes:

Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Community Planning


Resource Type:

Category: District

Historic Environment: Village

Historic Function and Use:


Known Design Source:

Captain Robert Barrick

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Section ---2._ Page 1 Camp Ritchie Historic District name of property

Washington County Maryland county and State



Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations 1993 The National Gua.rd: Defending the Nation and the States. Advisory

Commission on Intergovernmental Relations. Washington, DC.

Balkoski, Joseph 1991 The Maryland National Gua.rd. State of Maryland Military Department.

Baltimore, Maryland.

Barrick, Captain Robert F., Maryland National Guard n.d. The Buena Vista Ice Company. An undated map of the Buena Vista Ice

Company and surrounding properties. Fort Ritchie Museum. Cascade, Maryland.

1926 Brigade Headqua.rters Building. Hand-drawn diagrams of exterior and interior.

1934 Map of Camp Albert C. Ritchie, Maryland National Gua.rd. Cascade, Maryland.

1940 Map of Maryland National Gua.rd Camp Albert C. Ritchie, Maryland National Gua.rd. Cascade, Maryland.

Barrick, Major Robert F., USA QMC 1941 Letter to William P. Lane. Fort Ritchie Museum. Cascade, Maryland.

Barrick, Major Robert F., USA QMC (Ret) 1965 A narrative of photographs held in museum's collection. Fort Ritchie

Museum. Cascade Maryland.

Bond, Isaac 1858 Map of Frederick County, Maryland. E. Sacks & Company. Baltimore,


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Section __L_ Page _2_ Camp Ritchie Historic District name of property

Washington County. Maryland county and State


Bowman, Marhsall 1993 Discussions with Paul Mummert, Fort Ritchie DEH. Fort Ritchie. Fort

Ritchie, Maryland.

"Camp Albert C. Ritchie" n.d. Chapter 13 of an unidentified publication. Excerpt obtained from the Fort

Ritchie Library. Cascade, Maryland.

"Camp Ritchie and the Resort Area" n.d. Script from the Fort Ritchie Museum. Fort Ritchie. Cascade,


"Camp Ritchie, Maryland" 1940 A history from the Fort Ritchie Museum. Fort Ritchie. Cascade, Maryland.

"Data Received from Col. Leland T. Reckard, Commanding, Camp Ritchie, Maryland" 1951 Notes concerning the original purchases of land by Maryland. Obtained

from the Fort Ritchie Museum. Cascade, Maryland.

Department of the Army 1951 "Establishment and Designation of Fort Ritchie, Maryland." Letter from

the Office of the Adjutant General. Washington, DC.

Dietrich, Elizabeth 1972 "Slide Narrative: April 11, 1972, Officers' Wives' Club Luncheon Program."

Fort Ritchie Museum. Cascade, Maryland.

Drury, Allen T. 1950 "Soldiers on the Appalachian Trail" from the October, 1950 PA TC

Bulletin. In The Blue Hills of Maryland, edited by Paula Strain, pp. 228-230. Potomac Appalachian Trail Club. Vienna, Virginia.

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Section _2.__ Page 3 Camp Ritchie Historic District name of property

Washington County Maryland county and State


Fedak, Stephan 1993 Graduate of the Military Intelligence Training Center. Discussion with

Andrew J. Rubis of Dames & Moore. Bethesda, Maryland.

Feingold, Brigadier General Bernard 1994 Director of the Maryland National Guard Museum. Discussion with

Andrew J. Rubis of Dames & Moore. Bethesda, Maryland.

Fogelson, Robert M. 1989 America's Armories. Harvard University Press. Cambridge,


Fort Ritchie Real Property Master Plan 1993 Fort Ritchie. Cascade, Maryland.

Fort Ritchie Installation Environmental Assessment Based on the Real Property Master Plan 1993 Fort Ritchie. Cascade, Maryland.

Fotheringham, Kathy 1992 A brief history of the Buena Vista Ice Company. Fort Ritchie

Museum. Cascade, Maryland.

1993 Director of the Fort Ritchie Museum. Discussion with Andrew J. Rubis of Dames & Moore. Bethesda, Maryland.

Friedman, Janet, et al. 1995 Fort Ritchie Annex to Real Property Master Plan, Cultural Resources

Managment Plan and Historic Property Rehabilitation Guidelines. Dames & Moore. Bethesda, Maryland.

Griffith, Dennis 1794 A Map of Maryland. U.S. Library of Congress. Washington, D.C.

"History of Fort Ritchie During World War II"

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Section J_ Page _A_ Camp Ritchie Historic District name of property

Washington County. Maryland county and State


n.d. One page summary. Fort Ritchie Museum. Cascade, Maryland.

"History of Fort Ritchie up Until World War II" n.d. History obtained from the Fort Ritchie Museum. Cascade, Maryland.

Lake, D.J., H.E. Blakeman, and William G. Hard 1873 Atlas of Frederick County, Maryland. Titus & Company. Philadelphia,

Pennsy 1 vania.

Lake, Griffing & Stevenson 1877 An Illustrated Atlas of Washington County, Maryland. Lake, Griffing &

Stevenson. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Maryland Department of Geology, Mines and Water Resources 1946 The Physical Features of Carrol County and Frederick County. State of

Maryland Board of Natural Resources. Baltimore, Maryland.

1951 The Physical Features of Washington County. State of Maryland Board of Natural Resources. Baltimore, Maryland.

Moore, Susanne 1985 National Register of Historic Places Inventory - Nomination Fonnfor

Maryland National Guard Annories. Maryland Historic Trust. Annapolis, Maryland.

Mummert, Paul 1994 Staff of Fort Ritchie Directorate of Engineering and Housing. Discussions

with Andrew J. Rubis of Dames & Moore during 1994 and 1994. Bethesda, Maryland.

Musey, Reuben L. 1976 It Happened in Washington County. Washington County Bicentennial

Committee. Washington Country, Maryland.

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Section _L_ Page _s_ Camp Ritchie Historic District name of property

Washington County. Maryland county and State


Photographs Various dates. A collection of photographs, mostly shot by Captain Robert

Barrick. Fort Ritchie Museum. Cascade, Maryland.

Robert Frederick Barrick n.d. One-page biography from the Fort Ritchie Museum. Cascade, Maryland.

Strain, Paula M. 1993 The Blue Hills of Maryland. Potomac Appalachian Trail Club. Vienna,


Taggart, Thomas and Charles Desilver 1859 A Map of Washington County, Maryland. L. McKee and C.B. Robertson.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

United States Geological Survey 1911 Maryland-Pennsylvania, Emmitsburg Quadrangle. United States

Department of the Interior. Washington, DC.

1912 Maryland-Pennsylvania, Hagerstown Quadrangle. United States Department of the Interior. Washington, DC.

1953a Maryland-Pennsylvania, Blue Ridge Summit Quadrangle. United States Department of the Interior. Washington, DC.

1953b Maryland-Pennsylvania, Smithsburg Quadrangle. United States Department of the Interior. Washington, DC.

1985a Maryland-Pennsylvania, Blue Ridge Summit Quadrangle. United States Department of the Interior. Washington, DC.

1985b Maryland-Pennsylvania, Smithsburg Quadrangle. United States Department of the Interior. Washington, DC.

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Section Camp Ritchie Historic District name of property

Washington County. Maryland county and State


Warfield, Sandra K. 1990 A Newspaper History of Life in Washington Country 1820-1835.

Washington County Free Library. Hagerstown, Maryland.

Williams, Thomas J.C. 1906 A History of Washington County, Maryland. Runk & Titsworth.

Hagerstown, Maryland.

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WA-IV-262 camp Ritchie Historic District Washington County, Maryland

District Boundaries, 1997

see vertical files for additional maps




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Page 47: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

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Page 75: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

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(wit-- I U-;;2 ~ ;;i.)

Page 80: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 81: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

&a::i 101, CAJ~P iz,1c.1.J,~ l-Lsn::i(2.1<-D,e_.,e.1c...1

t U'\'~H1J..J61Df\.I <..o 1 MD

0 t\.t-4~ s ~ \\\c:oee Z.2..~~9c\-

"" ... 2.'-llA...~ ~?o v I ..::t.·:> F~\ ~I...~~'\

·- -~

( w1t-/11-;;~ ~)

Page 82: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 83: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

~LO€i /02, CA..M'P Qnn~1£ 1(1' ... -r'ba...,e_. D1"':;.~1c1

1 i"'lAe-~,) .. :::xc\T~ Co, MA..{L.'-tL~

U ":Me"... ~ ~cx:iQ.~

z.z.. ~ 9 + (\I\ 'I L "-."'-1 D S.\.\ '?()

'f. I f;J.J.:::! ~DR. 'Tl.\ ~':.T ('.:'° l'2..Q(V\ '&~ ~ c_ {_ 1:) Q.1v€


Page 84: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 85: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

D~NIC..-:.. ~ M~E. z:z_ ~~e °" 4

"" °"~" l AJ,.Ji) Cj.\ 'Po

"·~ c:-. (:"'.; ....o~ °2.0l'vl C.hE'...,"\..E;. "Da_,~

Page 86: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 87: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

&..CG /OZ , CAMP ~ncij1c; ~1-sn:;e1c:.. 1)\c,,,..,-g1c..T

L0~-... u,~~ C.01


DA.Mes~ MroRe 2-.~ ~~4

V\.{ A.. iLLf LA.~ s ~ y:> 0

\J 11!:1 '~ t12.ot--\ '°?o..Q-'L \ ~c.. ~i.2A2b.. ~ ~1':::> '?...>\-ex~ 1~z .... ~ 1cz..

Page 88: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 89: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

B L.Dc:i / o 4- , CAN.p ,::< , ..,-c 1.J , f:: t./1s7l:R..1 '- 171 c;-re, Gr­

\..,O~\..\. t...::x:~Co, MD

D A.. ti.\€~ '\ N c:az.e: 22- c-~94-

1\\ I'... j2_, I l ~ 'Sr+ Po

v IO.u ("°e,o"-'\ S::u-r\.\d\">;;-

Page 90: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 91: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

l..UA.t" • ' - ... , "1.~\Cl...J c C> I M. D

D. M.~-;. ~ M~

z.z F"~ 94..

M A.e.'-flA.~O ~\,\~ ,,, el~ f 12.oi\.l \\4

(UJ l+-JV-'J_ v :J,)

Page 92: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 93: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

~ 11u,., c.._Mo 12.'"lC'""'t: HIS;iTOIZ.•c.. l>rSTTZ.1~..,..

UJ b....~\.\.1 ~~ Cc::.1

N t>

DANE<"~ i, (\-\ Coe.e-

22 P~ ..... "i 4-

1\'\ A."<!.\{ LA. ~t:> S' ~ l' 0

V,E:\-u i=:e°""\ "eA~1c.. <. ~" EN..\C


Page 94: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 95: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

t~ ... Me;. 7, Mc::x>W..£"

z:z.. F~ I '1 C\ 4-

M,.,e-.t u... "'-' o ~ \.\'f"e

\11 e..::> ~(2..CIV\ ~

(aJ A-IV-J t,J)

Page 96: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 97: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

~t:>Cr. \"Z. ~ 1 WJ, P J2_ 1 '1(:.J 1 E.. 1-\ l .. _.,b (.?.. 1 C.,... 'O I e,,. iT2.. 1 C. 'r

'-.._"")o.._.,.."'~'t.:>~\O~ C.o \v\o I

"DA.ME..~.>~ <V\.002.£"

~ p-~ t"14-

lv'\ ti.. f2. \./ LA. t...:::oQ ~ ~

\I 1 el..X> c:ti.d'o' ~ c::e. "\"\l,

(wit-IV-/.~ 2)

Page 98: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 99: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

5LDG 124- t C~? ~,1c.1.\1c; ~1s-n:.elc..ALJ:>.-s1u.1c_.,- ((J.)f.t-/V-J&JJ) \~~~ 1 "-lc;:in~~ Cc l "-\ D

"D~"-\E.""~ \ t'-\Oc:::Q.c

2..'2.. ~ 94-

\"v\ ~~lA.~1) S.\i:>~

'V1a'-J l-12°''-\ 1?1c.u "1 ~ I C: .:.n12. t(;;. "j"

Page 100: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 101: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

Bi....o:, 124-,C:A:IAP l<.11c'''c /J1~m;?.1c._ D1sr121c..r- (_u.JA-/''\/-J.~J) l•--...A.:::.H1"-G,m~ Co

1 1l/D

()A.Mt.~ ~I MCOJ?~ 2'Z-~ t:'t 4-

/Vt 412 Y L .t\-.~0 S W ?c

\f, e1. ·) Fa.Ot\..t ~-n-\-


Page 102: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 103: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

E!;.. '~, c~\;::> \-<~\C ~,e \-\_,s-n:a...•c.... "D1«;::;.-n:a~c:..,

\J.:)()..~v,. ~'i'Oi...::> Co I M 6..\2.'-( L~C

"Db-..~~~ ~ MOOC?..€

2:z.. ~11!. 9'4,..

Mb..12...~""'°"'~n ~»o

"c=v::. ~':V1eet1~oe.o ~E:

Page 104: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 105: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

--'5._fX?.i ( 41

1 C t\.M p 'KI , C ~I E. /.i 1 $fl:(.2. I(__ 'D1 'STI?.. \C. 'T ( vJ A--/\)-J..{p :i)

\..Ut....~ 't-.JGiTD/1..1 Co, M ~'2-"L~D Db..Me-::. \ M~

zz.. ~£B c:i4

r'v\t...'Q..'IL~ s..l'Po

"'I~ ~0.1 P..)6..1\_\~\ I. t AVeJ\)E"

Page 106: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 107: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

'Bu::x::. I~ I c::...,...,...? K\ \°C. I.\ '~ \.\ \ ":;\CS!..l c.... u I "-"'il2... \ c T

\...U~,\ n..1C.1it)l,J. Co I (\,..\>..fl..~D

r::::...IV\i.:;..~ ~ M~

Zz. ~ ~4-

t\.l\t..Q.." L A..t..::0 'Sr.\ Po

\/ e:w T~c:. ~Et::Ml\"1 S~


Page 108: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 109: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

:5u::G to:> , C.~"''P "H11c~1e.. ~•slCi21c:.. Dre-.;re,cr

r Ub....S\.\"'-::l(::~.-tc:t-.\ Co MA...C2.,)..IL..A.....:>b I

t':>~E;: "!:. ~ N\c::oo..~

~:l- !=€ r--_. 'l 4-

l v\t..C2; IL~~ ~Pc

'\/it:.v....'> "-.k:::.i<..'TI.{~-r ~' "?iet~·u,~ ~<N"'.>--...,, -.c;""t1

Page 110: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)



Page 111: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

&oa. \~ , C.b..N'? 'R\\C\.\\(.. ~)w~·.,.-m~,c.. n,c:.,p,c. ,- (wlf-/U- ;J.~ .:L) ~~"'"'-' ~-n ... 1'..\ C.o \\..tbJ2 ... ~L~"D


~\E. ~ ~\ No02.E

Zz.. ~~94-

fv\ ~12.. ..... LJ>j..j) S\'?D

Vi f?tA:> R:.?..c..J\.\ P.;Jv"\.. i.r, l L l:.....:e..::>..:>E:.

Page 112: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 113: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

'Bc-o~ \'5'5 I ~p \2. \"'t C:.\-\\t \..\ ,~..,,t)(L.,C:.,., 1)1 <"~;-e IC.\

l.0ti...-.. \l. ,...._1c;,~ C.0 µ D I

DA ME'... ~ i"\Oo:z.c

2..Z.. ~ '74..

M A '2. '('-A. A..)D ?-I F't':>

t/1 t::-t 0 ~(2.o.v• ':.c..~-n-1~'"'.;.1

( oJt:t-1 \}-'J.(;t)

Page 114: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 115: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

t:.1 Ll I \% \CAM? Rq n\1 \;.. \.\\ S"tt:AZ. \C 'u«' .... ' ~\C...\ (uJ A -I u-;). (; :2) WD...<>,L\ 1 ~11::1~ Co ND


D~N\~ ~ N.ooe..c

2 -z. -K....E <:'.\ 0....

N\ ~'Q..'t'-.A.~O Su.~

'-J . 0.. ~ ~ Q.c\'V\ f bf;;.'

Page 116: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 117: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

B...D6 tl.oD , 0-.M.? 12.1Ki.t1e:, ~ 1slb0c_ D1s1121c..T

\....1... .......,i'l1,-_.1,\, 1-:::)~"l'OO c.c 'loo..l I 'ID

Dl'.!V\t..s ~ M~ Zz_ \-€.~ c:-1 ~

M 0..Q...-4~~ S...\?o

\/, t..\.0 r 12.ctV\ i; ·- \ t:..A-'"!:.~

Page 118: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 119: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

5L a:?i l(o 0 1 CAMP R 1-rc. ih E:. ti r:::R:>l2 , c... D 1 -STtZ.1 c.:r

\..0b.... ... ~\.\,t-.:::<:.t0~ c.~ t\.tD I

D b.-M ~ ~ MOCle2..E

22- ~c:-,4

M~L~S'.-\~ \./ i au A...L~ 1;>a:Co'2 -o ~\JUC

Page 120: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 121: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

\.Ub.~~ 1...i(C,.~ C=, ""' '-'12."-I '-A....:::.D

LA.t-' ~ .. _ ~ M 0012..e:

t"2. r-1:.c~ ~ 6r-

f\.\ t... 'ILA.t,;;)c ~?o

v,~ F~ ~~c"",....r-,," .~. --...... D.\kct..i~

Page 122: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 123: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

BL..~ 2c:c:>, CAwPK1\C.d11.S H1sT01?-1c... D1c.;.1T2..tC.:r (uJfl--/U-cJ&'J)

c.U~~~Cc~D I

\:)A.N~-s ~ Mt:c~t: ·z:z.... fua C-) 4-

\\J\ ti..~~t> 5-\PQ \' \~ (:°01'AA

-..,.v\ 'E0.'\'2.1'1 C,.\C b...~~

Page 124: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 125: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

B.,q;~ 200 I CA..N\? ')2. \"\C ~ 1€,. ~I ~"TCR.tc_ D 1""_:.""1'12_, C..t'­

Luk ...i..\, t..::t.=irbc\.) Co ~ t:> I

'b..\Mcs ~ Mcoe.€. 'lZ- r-~ °t4-""' b..e.~Ltv-;::e> S~?o V•EL..;:;, r-~'-1 (_A._.r__-n .. 'I"\

-,. ''-'C.. V~I Ut:;:"

Page 126: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 127: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

'Bu:x, '2.J::;C:::>. "~MP ~'"CJ..\'e... ~ ''S.\ o, .. .:m_, '-'

I_ ()~"':::.U., I• ~G.;TD11 (_p 1

\ ! f__.

D~ME_r..., ~1 ( AO::ft"-E,.

22- ~C::.1.-

1\..\ ~'Q..'-\~ 'S:..\ ?o

'1 \ ~ r-12.1::;/\/. r--~..:>\

Page 128: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 129: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

(011-fU- ').v,l)

Page 130: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 131: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

6-Jx""' 'Zo\ 1 CA.MP "R\\C.. \.\\€, \-h~"n.:::Q..•C- \:::>'~°\"~\C..."r U-"'\~"4 '"'-!C::-'b.J (p, M~lA~O

D~"'le.o;.. ~ tvb;:.Q_c

Z-2... ~-e. '14-

1'\;\ f\~'-4 LA..IU~ 'S....\~

'(IE.le~\ ~MA..l\.J 'Srt~-r

Page 132: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 133: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

&.oG. 2oz.1 ~P 12.n-ca..1•€. H1~;,-rD121c... Q,c:.,t?...1C.T {_a)ft-/ tJ-~(,~

\.._() ~\..\ \ ~-rt:>t-.1 Co I N b..2..." \...~'D '->b..ME"'";. ~ MCC'2..E.

Z.:z_ ~ C'"l 4-"-\ o..Q__'h.A."-.ID $.\Pc

v,~ F~ ~n.~'c\'.-. b..veJ~

Page 134: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 135: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

1&-~ zo4 1 CA..MP 'Rrrt:.iJ1€ H1sroe.1c.. D1s~1c:r

'-0~"4tt-~1t:>~ Co ~~A'i2..l./lA_~D I

'D A../\\ 8"" .... "*i \\.-\ cx::.ca_E

22 ~ 9q_

M b..12. \./ LA 100 C:A ?o

Page 136: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 137: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

~Me-...,~ t\.\cxut

'2..'2. ~~ ~ 4-

\1\\~Q_"~ s.\?D

V1 r!5l,i::) .::::>oQ....~

Page 138: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 139: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

~ ZD6, C~p 12..\TLUtE:. Ht~'TI::>e..\c.... DcsTtZ.,c...r

t...0 A.c;.µ '"" Gi1D~ ( 0 I u D

D ~..t.e."':> ~ N.ooe.c

-z.z. FGP...,. ~ 4-

~{ ~ 12-'-( L i\v0'D ~ Tt)

'.J, c;W r~ l'\Jc:a.11.\v.>e<;.-f'

Page 140: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 141: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

v.:io:i...-_...;. '"-'CC."n:>"-.1 Co "-'"-12...'-' 1....L~D ~f\1W::.'_, -!:,.1 M~

LZ.. ~~ .,4.. M.t>..Q.." c.. ~o So\ Po

'I,.,... --~ • o....;:,~~

( u.JA-1 U-;Jt,~)

Page 142: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 143: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

Bt-oc:;i.. 2. cc., • C-.b...M t=a 12. "'C l.\ \IE. \.\ \ 'S'1::Q. \ c_ \::> \C',.;\'12 .. \ C:T {WA - Iv -;;i& ~ \...1.. '""""-'-"'"" '....::xc...~ Go I k A..~--t l~\:) \:::>~~ ... \.. ~~ 2..Z. ~e:e C\ 4-

rv\ ~ ... l L~S\.\~

)1o..-...i ~\ ~.\. ..... ~~

Page 144: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 145: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

E;Loc, 3c:>' 1 ~p K\'"K.l, 1 £ 1-\ \ - _,Die .. ,r- ~ ,. """" - - "-J• -•..:;..\CT

L...;) .... -.. ""'·"'-~~ ee>. M °"~L.~D "D AM.E.'"".-. ~ Mc:x::e..~

:!2 (:"'Ii;..~ ., 4-

l'-\ t....e. --ILA. "-1 c ~t-o

\./' !:" h.:> FC2o'IA. ~'ST'"

Page 146: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 147: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

~~~ 3cf'2..' cA...J'.\? ~,,c. .. ,,~ ~\1 .. ..)it>a.'c... '"D1s1-e,\c...- (wrt-1 U'Of'c'P~) vJ~~\.\' "'-' <:. '°"' Co IM f)

'D..M.e.-... ~~\co~ 2..'2- ~....:l C\d,..

{\J\h.,.~'(lA.IVO Srlfb \} lel...() c:::...

.- ""O(\,,'- c...,~ ue....()E""

Page 148: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 149: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

Cw...c:::, -302 C.a....1'-'\? K\'\l~ \\1~\0~C.... l),~C..i (llJA-!U .... ;;i.~;i) I

\J.:::> ~~ '.\ ' "-1 ~ "lbt\..1 C:c f\.t D I

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Page 150: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 151: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

~I'"~ :3r'S I CANf'°'.Ri"\c:..o,..I e: i..:~1'01<-1c.....'D\STe..1c.\ I )As.\l lfl..I C"'\1l:>l'J C..0 .

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'.'1 a,...":> F12Df\.\. 5.::::vn+

Page 152: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 153: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

5u:x:=.. 5c5 , (;A.Mp R. ·TC'_..~, t. U1-:. n:>121 c..- D, ~\ u.')t>-.:.\\,f\JG.~ (.o M_ D


~At\~~{\.\~ ~2.. rec:, C\4-

M ~C2.•-> "-A.~O ~\.\PO

'\1e1,, /:Iv...~ ~D~ICe.'T

Page 154: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 155: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

~ _'\X::. ~ , C-Mtp 2 - c\.\IC. µ,Sl',, 'D1sw1c..T "" 1,... ..... :.>\.\ • "-lC-ffbO Cu> ~D

'D~"'-'CS :\ (\.\~~ 22- ft.--e 9 ~

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Page 156: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 157: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

B..,.o~ ~\3 C>-.M_'P 12.,.,'"'-C""\'~ l\,~"'\c::i2..\<:_ '"D.e~~'C.."'\ t. ~le--· "'~lb~ CQ, ~D

'Dt...M~~ \ t\..\o:>\2.E.

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'I rt)...::::, ~12..oM B6..12.n-.'~"- ~\.l~"-.luE:

Page 158: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 159: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

\'(p, c......_ w~'"!I:- ~..:::>e::>oO \,c;.1'.-\ ~oQ.~'\l..>.t S\IZ.;\.~~ Cb..N.? ~ \\C~\~

I--\~\(_ \ 1· ;\?..'l.q'"

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\)si...(\.\E. "=:;. ~ ~ <:::c'26

zz... ~~ °'~ Mt\~\[LA..~") S\.\PD

(Wft-IV- () G,c;i j

Page 160: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 161: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

fBcCEi 326' ,Cl' MP 1<17C1/1e- l-l1e.;v:>i21c.. D1<:..T12.1c..r (_u.JA-IV -d. ~'J.-) LOA.~ •t-.l~lD>d Co, f\.t~°i2.\./L~

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2.:z. \-~ 94-M P-. '12. 'I LAtv'D ~Po

V1ti0 t '-~T fi:2C1-f STI2.~r

Page 162: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 163: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

'B1..o::., 82.c..,, C.i-Jv,?~\~.\\e. \\,~.;n::ia..\C,... U1C:.:.~\C..T \

\..i....A<:'..~.~'TCt...lCo, M~\.J~

\...,1-.M E":. ~ M C1C!2.E

Z..7- +c..~ 94-

Page 164: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 165: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

&oc."" 3'50 , ~~ p ".Rn c. \.\ , E \.\' ..... re~.' c... U c::n-z..' c..,

' ~\.liit-..:X.""'.\~ C.01


D~ f;"';:, ~ MOci2.C

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Page 166: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 167: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

D b.C\.\..::.s \ M ~ Z'"Z. ~--e 9 4-

VV\ ft.... Q_, I LA.. t..JD "S '-\ Do

',.), ~.....:> (:""tZ.01\,,\ ~'.\~~,

Page 168: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 169: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

\L""'>k--...\.\.~~ 0:::::> 1 M~U...t-.::>Q

lJ tl-..1\.\e'" ... ~ (\\~€..

2:2. .. ~94-

Mo...~ ..... I~~~~ I I z:.,....._ .... ~ ..... ..., Au:M.13J..~1ll. Iv...~~

( uJ A-/\)-.;> (o.;t)

Page 170: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 171: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)


_:_ .f'=-r ... ' (-

..... " \ ) l ' ' l I ' •

Page 172: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 173: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

B'-r.x; 34-1, C~p "P-11ci..1,~ Mrs7t::>f2.1c... Ds1f2.1c., (wA-/V-.;l~J..)

u.~ ~ u, rVGiVf() co 1


DA.Me?~ Nroet= 2.z. Fee 4 4-

l\i A12-vt~D S\-\Po

\J t~ F.ZoN. f\ LOE:-"$!

Page 174: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 175: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

'BL.c::::.O::,. er(.~ C~P ~·~W.1€:, u_,.,.,,.,CQ..,C... \:).~~·C:....\ I

\. ._""' ..... '- \..\ \ "'-1.~ \t:)~ Co I \'-\ 6J2_ '' \.. 6., ~

'Ot:.~· 1~ :::!.., ~c~

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f'..l ti..,~-.~ L ~D <;,\'?(:)

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~ .... ~ \ '--1..... 2.\.'11t_ "-.\\,)~

Page 176: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 177: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

-(w11-1tJ-;; 6:i)

Page 178: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 179: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

8t..oG ~o 1 GtiMp /2.1-rc1..t1e: f..11sTD~1 c.. D1sTrvc...:r Wk;;)\.\1~mk:) Co MO

o~~ ~ Ma:>iu; 2.?. ~9 ce.

~ A.t2.'-{ LA...~Q S ~ ?o

\[1o,u Rz OM 612o.\.1 81.c~ €12. ~ 4!'.i:T

Page 180: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 181: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

~ .... ~~ .. \.\,~~C.<:) ,\\J\~~

Dt>.:\J\&*""' ~~co::..~ '2..."'2. F~ 'I 4

MA.~ ... ) UJ..!Vt> S.~1"C

\Jr~ Fa.o-.'\. ~~T


Page 182: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 183: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

\._u~ ... ~ t-::::~·iu:>\;) C'o, N 1\2..'{ LA..."ID

~\\\ E!°:> .;_ M. C:d2.€

zz.. ~ ... '14-

w N4'-/ LA.1..)0 ~t--\PO

\,}\e:t..U ~~...;r ~ l.JVeJT ~\1...1.... ~~

Page 184: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 185: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

'B\....OGi 4o1 ,CAA1P R11ci.-J16 ~IS1t:>r<..1c DS"R.\c..:\

U,,:)Clo. ~ '4 \ "-lC:::rlb-.\ Co I ""p.. 2..'-l LA r-...::>D

n '\M~ ~ N\e:x::::tQ.e..


l\t'i 0. R'-1 L~ ~\?C

Y1e;v.:, t.u~-r R2.CJ\\ r,...,_. __ _ ~l\€.'tl... oe::s-1UE.,."'-.,\

Page 186: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 187: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

B..J:x; 5:>(... \ CANP 1<. ' TC 14 / £ ti t<= .. ;T'Dc2.1 '- Ur ~C./ \.\Jt..' .... U I~ "'G.TD"-1 LO {\...\ 0


DNv\(;...S ~ {\1\001(_~ 77 r-12.-~ 9 4-

N ll..~\./ u ... N-:;:) S\..\PQ

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Page 188: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 189: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

"'-~1-\,~\D~ Co I f\..\ flo._.Q_\.{~9) 'D~\ E~ ~ (\,\ c::a2G

2.z. re.~ ~d,-

(\,\ ~Q."4\..~"-!D ~~

~·,au rf2.0M R12.~1 uc; lor ON ~ cP <?l~~ <:T ~ '0.:6JA.V~),.1'.E.

Page 190: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 191: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

bLV1 (pol r ~ 121-r(_~I~ H1s1D2rc.. Dis112.1c_.,- (wll-ltJ-;)-1,rJ..j ·~ *i ~10.:) C..0 t--\D


~-N.5-. ~ Na:::R..£

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Page 192: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 193: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

!::)c £/", ~I 1 CJ..MPR1TCiJ1~ (l1r..·10C?1 c_, D1':..f'2-tC-"f- (lb/i-/IJ-~~.J.) l> '~~~ 11\j r..• !Df\.{ Cc

-:;L.1 .t ES ~ tvl.coR..e

2. z_ ~~-"' l .,.., o, 4-

/ I lo..';:l'-\ ~ ~i"'Q

\I' ev:::> ~' 0 "-l .... A..\'--~ ~ \ c:>1::. \)""- •

Page 194: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

" . ·~ .. ~· , . I I

;~ ._ I I

l . ~ .-. ' .

f. ·~· " - '.. " .


Page 195: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

'?-<. ' 'c- , 0e I , CAMP 1°' 1 tr L, r r I f, ·-m-e. 1 r,,, [) «-,-!2 / c.­

:...ul\....-)~ t...r.~m .. ~ Le...., ~(D

\' t l

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.( l ')-1 .. \

Page 196: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 197: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

l ~ A.'St.1 11'1.../G"fbN c.o I Iv\ A..''2.VLAI\:;/)

QA.Me:;,....,) ~ t\t Oo(i!("

2. 2.. 4="'"e:.~ CJ 4-

~\J. A.<2.y(IJ..~ ~Po

\{, E"l.0 t C~1VAe.o ~e-h "- ._ ...... ,, aO(Q <...oce

( W /;-IU - ~c, 'J_)

Page 198: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 199: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

I C J..M P Q, -re:.µ, & I~,-;_.,.~ -r.- ''- ;""\, .... n:::i1c1 ~IM>D oF e,._,,.._ '->03 (,,Ot 1 ( (µ f.I- J U - ~(,a,) \.0~1.-\r~~ C.;::, / Mb..i2..\fvi..,...::O

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'11 raA;) NCQ.~~,- ~ ~OG. "°'0'3 "10-.0"'4~ '2.1...QC., (rD•

Page 200: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 201: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

~i::::ca (oO~ CAMP 'K1Tcrl1e t/1"$Tr::if<1c.. U':>i'2.rc1 l

U "")~~I ~i.J. Cc ) \'I\ Jl.IZ.,\../~ "'DA.M~~ M~~ 2."2.... R:...~ ~4-

M b...('2."\...f.I..~ CS\l..r-o

'Xr~t...:> ~\ Lb..1(..eC:.d":>c.. 'DQ.,~

Page 202: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 203: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

'£I '*"1lf-n (\..;10 Q\\c 1.\112. \.\\C;.~\C. \),S\U.-1<....T

\...U~·.!,,tJ°'::>1ot(:) Co 1 ~\1)

DM\e'..J -i, ~\Oce.~ Z.L ~~ C\4..

(\\ ~12-.'{ L ..._...::D S~~

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Page 204: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 205: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

~&...~ID() 1 ~~ 'Q.,,c..u..~ ~\1~\tl~'c... 1)1c:~~·c:r (w/.f-IV-;)v~) \......10~-''1~\Q~ C.o Mc

0.0...Me_~~ Mc:x:R€ zz. ~94.. "" b..QljlMX> ~\\>c '<I I~ \ ~ 1>~Q...IC.. ·~ )l...\U..l..._

Page 206: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 207: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

~'"l\(.p, C.J:>...~\'.)~\TC. ... l\C: ,\,~t21C.. "Dc:,'"'\1a1C.T

\..>-) • -~ • .._"<~\ Co 1 Nr....i;a~L~"":::>

'D 1"-M~-::- ~, Mc:::x:::a.E


N fl..~ ... LAd-)t:) ~;:ic

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Page 208: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 209: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

L\~ Ub..M , ~ ~'"'-4-\1.C. ~'~~·Tc::ii2-~c... \),<;.~'<:'\ (Wit-\{)-)../.,~ ~ ~~ ~ • ~"Tt:;:tl..' Cc ~I\ t:> •

D~Me:. ~ M<:ci02~

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l'-\ ~\2.'-l~o S'~?o y,Elu F120~ "l-18)MA,l\::lc;~

Page 210: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
Page 211: WA-IV-262 Fort (Camp) Ritchie Historic DistrictMar 12, 2004  · Period of Significance 1926-1945 Significant Dates n/a Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)

lJ ?PE."'Q.. l...A..~E (l.,...b...<.,.e;. l.vb...<;;."-.Sc.~ .._.NJ? ~\"'I c \.\\~ \\ ''~l::f2 'C.... \), ~ XlZ-'0

Lui¥ ... ~,~~ Co, "''D ( w~-IU -J-(, J-)

"D..f\.\E.<::. ~ Mc~ 'Z-z... ~ C"\4-

~ b..12>{ L.b..~t> S~?c

\.~1au "-~ f~'"bt\.M