Download - W5d1 mock action research proposal presentation

  1. 1. Action Research Plan Shundella Hudson EDU 671 Fundamentals of Educational Research Instructor Dr. Kathleen Lunsford February 12, 2015
  2. 2. AREA OF FOCUS STATEMENT Improve student reading comprehension and fluency using computer games.
  3. 3. EXPLANATIONOF PROBLEM Traditional educational practices should be matched with technology in order to meet the full learning needs of the students. A traditional use of technology is skills reinforcement; for example, students who need additional practice in reading might work individually on computers equipped with reading-comprehension software.
  4. 4. VARIABLES One variable or thing that is subject to change in this research is the students classroom reading material. A second variable includes the games that are used for this research.
  5. 5. RESEARCH QUESTIONS Will the participants feelings of self-efficacy improve after using computer games for reading? What is the difference in the participants reading test scores after the computer games were added to the learning process?
  6. 6. LOCUS OF CONTROL The locus of control for this research is to test the benefits of adding technology such as computers or other multi media to instruction.
  7. 7. INTERVENTION/INNOVATION The purpose of this study is to show the impact of computer games on reading fluency and comprehension.
  8. 8. DATA COLLECTION Pre/Post Tests Direct Observation Surveys
  9. 9. ETHICS There are always ethical concerns when conducting research. The participant in my study is a minor and since the study is being conducted from home, I will need the permission of her parents. I will need to ensure that the study does not infringe upon or hinder any of the participants regular school work.
  10. 10. EDU 697 REVISION The information used from this research will be shared with other teachers in the district for collaborative purposes. The teachers themselves must agree to certain terms of privacy before viewing and commenting on the research.
  11. 11. TIMELINE Week One: Create a plan that incorporates the students classroom reading material with computer based reading material Week Two: Pre-Tests Weeks Three-Eight: Review students classroom reading material/Introduce student to computer game relating to material daily Week Nine: Post-Tests
  12. 12. REFERENCES: Mills, G. E. (2014). Action research: A guide for the teacher researcher (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.