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Chapter NAMEPAGE No.

W19658VE19/971 BOYD OF Kilmarnock [17], Elizabeth Boyd & Mr Bankhead (CB17080) 0219/972 BOYD OF Busbie, Par. of Kilmaurs, John Boyd & Janet Bankead 0719/973 BOYD OF Dalrymple, Jean Boyd & William Fulton (CB17083) 0819/974 BOYD OF Elizabeth Boyd & Thomas Reid (of Stevenston?) 0919/975 BOYD OF Largs, Ayrshire, Elizabeth Boyd & John McIntyre

107 Spurs DriveWellington Point QLD 4160BrisbaneAustralia

30 November 2018

Dear Alastair

In later September 2018, I was going another project, when I stumbled onto your family tree research on the website. As I was leaving to go the USA for four weeks, in a few days’ time, I copied the data down and filed it. And last week, after I contacted Beth Gay Freeman, whom I meet again at Stone Mountain Games, she gave me your Email address, which I could not find on electricscotland, so I can now send the Family Tree I draft on your Boyd family from Largs. If I do not write this down, I will quickly forget what I said to you.

One of my roles as Chairman of the Historical Committee of the House of Boyd Society is to try to find Boyd families wherever they are in the World and include them in Clan Boyd of Scotland. This is an effort to build a Clan Boyd Pyramid of its descendants from pre-1,200. It will also add to the over 900 Boyd families (in over 10,000 pages) that I have collected so far and make it much easier to makeconnections. During my recent seven trips to Britain and the USA, I have found a further three thousand plus of new Boyd families but I have not had time to process these data into family trees yet. I have not yet sorted out my papers from this trip but assume that I will have found another 700 to 800 new Boyd families to turn into Family Chapters or 14 to 16 new Volumes of Clan Boyd of Scotland. I have been going to the USA annually since 2010 and manned a number of Boyd tents at Games in various States and normally during these Games I visit other tents to meet other Clans.

(i) I have turned the data that you have on your website into Family Chapter 19/975 in FILE W19658VE.doc, starting on my page 39, under the title - 19/975 BOYD OF Largs, Ayrshire, Elizabeth Boyd & John McIntyre.

(ii) When I finish this letter, I will post two queries to the AYRSHIRE net list about the Census from 1851 and the other one that you have cited in this website, to see if anyone is researching any of the other siblings to your direct Boyd family or might know anythingabout this Boyd Fisherman family.

(iii) Have you been able to find anything out about where this Boyd family were buried in Largs? And were they buried with any other Boyd families?

(iv) From what is known of our Boyd history, Simon the half-brother of Walter the first High Stewart came together and settled in Renfrewshire, but I do not know this date. (I have just written to the Chairman of Clan Stewart in America, with a number of questions about Boyd and Stewart history, along with a number of articles that I have written about Boyd history.)

It is thought that they settled in the Barony of Gaven and Risk, which is east of Castle Semple Lock and has the A 737 running through it. I know that in the early 1700’s, when either the 3rd or 4th Earl of Kilmarnock were going to visit 13 tenants, that he called vassals. Which, when I saw it though was a strange term to us in the 1700’s. As I have never seen a map of this Barony, I am not sure if it may also include Boydtone, down near the Renfrewshire/Ayrshire border or not. Or if this was a second Boyd Barony.

It is also known that after the Battle of Largs in 1263, where the Boyd got our Motto of “Confido”, as the King said that I trust Sir Robert Boyd (II) to do the task of defending Goldenberry Hill above Hunterston, (about 5 or 7 miles south of Largs) and that is also when we gotthe “hand” symbol as well, that the King gave Sir Robert Boyd lands in Cunninghame, Ayrshire, but not where. I think that some of this land was one or more of the Boyd estates listed in April 1467, when Thomas Boyd, Earl of Arran, married Princess Mary Stewart, that are listed just outside of Largs.

Then at Bruce’s coronation in March 1306 at Scone, Sir Robert Boyd (IV), was listed as being a small landowner from Cunninghame, Ayrshire, but not where these lands were. He was the only Ayrshire landowner listed amongst the 21 named people at this coronation.

(v) Over the years I have written a number of articles on various parts of our Boyd history. Would you like me to send you some of these? Some of these question the “common” statements that the Boyds came from Bute or that they were vassals of the de Morvilles in Ayrshire.

(vi) While I am also trying to build data around a number of “questions on Boyd history” – such as

1. DNA shows

2. Stewart & Boyd Links with DNA

3. Simon Boyd's 6 children

4. First mention of the name Boyd - 1,111

5. 1205 Irvine - Scots Peerage, page 136.

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6. Vassals of the de Morville (Folder 08M #3A)

- Not on list - check 2008 docs list

7. Battle of Largs, 1263, - 20 men!!

8. 1290's - Wallace's Second in Command.

- Why did he not lead after Wallace's death?

9. Pre 1306 with Robert the Bruce, including Rathlin Island & attach on Arran Island

10. 1306 One of 24 names at Bruce's coronation (folder 08x #??)

11. 1306 lands given by Bruce - Balliol Lands

12. 1309 At Bruce first Parliament.

13. 1314 Bannockburn

- said to be one of 24 Clans?

14. 1423 Hostages for King James II

- who were the others

- what links after? Marriages, Bonds, etc

15 William Boyd, Abott of Kilwinning (144?-1482)

- How did he get appointed?

- Why not an Montgomery?

16 Co - founded Glasgow University in 1451?

- who were the other Co-founders.

17. Created Lord in 1454?

18. One of six Regents for King James III, 1460?

- who were they?

19. Sole Regent 1466

- Why

20 Tanist by James II.

21. Creating modern boundaries for Scotland

22. Boyd links with the Kennedy's in 1460's

23. Fall in 1469

- Who became regents or members of the Privy Council?

- who got the ear of King James III?

24. Thomas Boyd Earl of Arran

25. Boyd Lands in April 1467

26. Killing of James Boyd, second Lord Boyd in 1484

- who were involved?

27. Feud between Boyd's and Montgomeries from 1484 to 1560.

28. Why no Boyd's at Flodden in 1513?

29. Why was not Lord Hamilton called Earl of Arran after he married Princess Mary Stewart?

30. Battle of Langside 1568

First Cadet ship list of Boyds

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31. 5th Lord Boyd and Queen Mary of Scots (155x-1587?)


Other Topics

Covenantors period

Dean Castle not listed in the 1691 Hearth Tax list - Why not?

Cromwell fining Lord Boyd

- why wasn’t money repaid after King restored?

- start of financial decline leading to 1746.

1661 Stones at Badenheath Castle/Tower

Dr J H Round's paper of 1902, saying Simon is from Alan Fits Flaad's wife's second family (and so Stewart Males will not have the sameDNA as Boyds)

Not Jacobite’s in 1745

The Boyds are Norman and not Gaelic?

I have written up some details that I have under some of these headings. I hope that in time, these and other topic/questions can be added to the History page of the House of Boyd Society webpage, so that they can become the starting point of a dynamic history of ourclan. And allow others to add what material they might find to PROVE or DISPROVE, my statements and data that I have found in references.

At present we only have a single page on Clan Boyd history, on our webpage, when it should be both generic and under the various Countries that Clan Boyd members migrated to from 1111 A. D. With some of that coming under the “heading” of Myth.

(vii) When I was checking something else, I found Beth Gay’s article on electricscotland about the book Scottish Clan and Family Encyclopaedia, by George Way of Plean and Romilly Squire, in the third edition of 2017.

Our Genealogical Society, only had the first edition of 1994 – which I copied last week – but I noticed that it a number of errors in regard to Clan Boyd. And our State Library only had the 2nd Edition of it. I think that my daughter will buy me the third edition for Xmas and I was advised by our Genealogical Society, a few days ago, that they will also buy a copy of this book as well. So hopefully, shortly, I cansee this third edition to see what it now says about Clan Boyd. Although, I expect that I may have to correspond with Romilly about certain aspects of our Boyd history they have written.

viii) Are you aware of what Scotland is planning for the 700th anniversary of Arbroath on 6 April 2020?

Perhaps this is the real Independence for Scotland and not the Battle Bannockburn in 1314?

It is a great pity that the Scottish Government, can’t organise a clans gathering the weekend before at Edinburgh and then on the Monday supply trains to take the 25 to 50,000 people up to Arbroath for whatever might be planned for this 700th anniversary. If they do not do something, they will miss out on a very good opportunity to promote Scottish Tourism. Arbroath could not accommodate that number of people.

I went to both the Clans Gathering at Edinburgh in 2009 and to Bannockburn in 2014. And the Edinburgh event was far better than the 30 clan tents at Bannockburn rather than the 140 tents at Edinburgh.

I think that is all that I can help you with at the present.

I would certainly like to get what information you have for your Boyd family so I can include them in a family Chapter in a Volume of ClanBoyd of Scotland. With you as the source of these details (or other family members). It will allow me to build onto it in the future. I would contribute that information to you, so any future researchers can contact you about it. Clan Boyd of Scotland is a collection of Boyd families in an effort to build a pyramid of the Clan. The bases of these family chapters is to show a families origins; include the known details; sources of the information; any books/publications on the family and list known researchers or possible researchers (typeof family Research Group). The third Edition of I think at present I only have 2 or 3 such families, so I might leave that task to someone else and just collect Boyd families.

The information I would ideally like to be able to include are full names (including common name); date and place of birth, death and marriage (incl. church); place of burial; to whom married; spouses’ parents, children; and where they lived. This format also allows for a small history to be included on each individual. The initial draft need not have all this information and it is more important to list children and other descendants etc. The best way is to send it to me electronically as I am not the world's fastest typist. When you send that, I could then type it up and send it back to you to ensure that I have it correctly layout. It is on Word processing in Word for Windows 2 so allows you to add what you like. Depending on your objective, it can be used as a research tool to record what you have done to find information about an individual; as an appendix to a family history or as I am doing just a straight genealogy and recording who were members of the Clan. My aim as said above is to build a pyramid of the Clan, which will make it much easier for people to fit their familyinto the Clan. I think the above details for each Boyd descendant will help build the Clan Pyramid.

I would like to get your full postal address please, so I can pass on your name to others when I think I might get an match. Are you aware of any other Boyd researchers/families who I might be able to include on my researcher's list as well please. The details I would like to include here are:-

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Feel free to pass on my name to anyone you might come across who have a Boyd in their family tree, so I can add their Boyd or Boyd descendants to the Clan Boyd Pyramid or any Family History Group that you are involved with.

To develop your family tree, I would also strongly recommend that you post to the [email protected] net list, so you can advertise your Boyd Branch. This can be about telling the list more about your Boyds; asking for help to find his parent and or sibling, etc It is bestto put only one idea or request in each message. The messages that go to the list are also kept in the archives, so it means that other people can look back and see if anyone is researcher their ancestor. I am not quite sure what is happening with the Boyd Net list at present. There were no postings between 3 October and 30 October, while I was away in the USA. And about a week ago, I a “reject” message for about 9 messages from 1 October to about 10 November which I have yet to get time to look at, as to why they did not go through, when they went though some of the other net sites that I am on.

As I have said above, it would be very good if you could write a series of short stories for Dean Road on your Boyd’s. The editor of DR is Kevin McLachlan – his email address is [email protected] So if you can submit any articles that are ready to publish that would help him greatly. Initially this could be your direct tree from yourself back to your first known Boyd and there could also be one on who are their known children; while a third article could be on whom you think the parents might be, etc. There could also be quires on later generation – parents and children – to try to find lost cousins from those Branches.

So, have you undertaken DNA testing? You will need to get the 67-marker DNA test to see if your male origins come from. I have beentold that they can tell you locations from these tests? I understand that if you go to this website you can get the details of how to go about getting the test done - oin.aspx?Group=Scottish-Clans Hopefully this will “show” the linkageand the number of generations back to where is a common link. So, it will be interesting to see if you can make any linkage with any other Boyd family and where they came from. In recent times, I have started to put those details at the beginning of each family chapter.

Over the last few months I am not quite sure if my personnel Email [email protected] is working all the time, as some people report it has “bounced”. So, it might be best to use both the above and my House of Boyd Email [email protected], which drops to me private Email.

I look forward to hearing from you in the future to add further details to your Boyd family and their origins.

Kind regards

Mike BoydChairmanHistorical Committee, HBS

Incl: W19658VE.doc

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19/971 BOYD OF Kilmarnock [17], Elizabeth Boyd & Mr Bankhead (CB17080)

This Elizabeth Boyd’s origins in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, before 1667 is not known in June 2018.

Where did the date of her birth of 1667 and place of birth come from?

What is this family’s migration path to the USA and thoughout the USA?

P1 Boyd parents, b 16xx (town, etc)[Lived: , Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland ]

Q1? Elizabeth Boyd, b / /1667 ( , Kilmarnock, Ayrshire), d / /17xx (town, etc), bu , m / /1688 (church, town, county, Scotland), Mr Robert Bankhead, son of and (nee ) Bankhead, b / /166x (town, etc), d / /17xx (town, etc), bu , and had children[Lived: , Kilmarnock, Ayrshire ]

Details? What occupation, etc?

R1? James Bankhead, b / /169x (town, etc), d / /17xx (town, etc), bu , m / /17xx (church, town, county, Scotland? ), [Lived: ]

There is a number of websites for a James Bankhead, Jr, born about 1713 that went to Westmoreland County, Virginia and also seems to have settled in Caroline County, Virginia. However, these sites do not currently provide any details for James Bankhead, SR. and if his parents are Elizabeth Boyd and Robert Bankhead.



In the website –

Bankhead Family History Nov 10 –;topic=494520.0;attach...

It oulines the book/manuscript, THE BANKHEADS EARLY RECORDS OF A SMALL SCOTTISH FAMILY, [author not given], 2010.

Page 16

Robert #6 = Bessie Boyd --------------

William Mary

22/5/1692 17/3/1689

It is undoubtedly this Robert #6 who witnessed the wedding of Sarah Gordon in 1699.

The following baptismal entries are to be found in the IGI, having been initially missed by the author. William 25/6/1732, Alexander 5/6/1733, Janet 16/3/1735, William 6/1/1737, James 18/3/1739, Euphan 27/2/1741, Mary 16/3/1743. The children of William Bankhead #7 who married Euphan Allan on 24th July 1732.

This source seems ot list “additional” children to what Paula Lampkin provided me with in June 2018. (I thik she had 3 children listed, soI will make these two the 4th and 5th children, but they may need ot be renumbered when more data is found.

Q4 Mary Bankhead, b / /1689 ( , Kilmarnock, Ayrshire), Bapt 17/3/1689 (church, Kilmarnock), d / /17xx (town, etc), bu , m ?[Lived: ]


Q5 William Bankhead, b / /1692 ( , Kilmarnock, Ayrshire), Bapt 22/5/1692 (church, Kilmarnock), d / /17xx (town, etc), bu , m 24/7/1732 (church, Kilmarnock (?), Ayrshire), Euphan Allan, dau of and (nee ) Allan, b / /170x (town, etc), d / /17xx (town, etc), bu , and had issue:-[Lived: ]


R1 William Bankhead, b / /1732 ( , Kilmarnock, Ayrshire), Bapt 25/6/1732 (church, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire), d / /173x, before1737, (town, etc), bu , Kilmarnock ?[Lived: ]

R2 Alexander Bankhead, b / /1733 ( , Kilmarnock, Ayrshire), Bapt 5/6/1733 (church, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire), d / /17xx (town, etc), bu , m ?[Lived: ]


R3 Janet Bankhead, b / /1735 ( , Kilmarnock, Ayrshire), Bapt 16/3/1735 (church, Kilmarnock), d / /17xx (town, etc), bu ,m ?

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[Lived: ]

Details? If this Janet Bankhead married a Mr John Young in 1751, there are 6 children listed in FILE 19-971.doc – see (2).

R4 William Bankhead, b / /1736 ( , Kilmarnock, Ayrshire), Bapt 6/1/1737 (church, Kilmarnock), d / /17xx (town, etc), bu , m ?[Lived: ]


R5 James Bankhead, b / /1739 ( , Kilmarnock, Ayrshire), Bapt 18/3/1739 (church, Kilmarnock), d / /17xx (town, etc), bu , m ?[Lived: ]


R6 Euphan Bankhead, b / /1741 ( , Kilmarnock, Ayrshire), Bapt 27/2/1741 (church, Kilmarnock), d / /17xx (town, etc), bu , m ?[Lived: ]


R7 Mary Bankhead, b / /1743 ( , Kilmarnock, Ayrshire), Bapt 16/3/1743 (church, Kilmarnock), d / /17xx (town, etc), bu , m ?[Lived: ]


Source: Email from Paula Lampkin, 3508 Belmont circle, Birmingham, Alabama 35020, USA (Email [email protected]) [CB17080.doc]

Other reserchers





When I asked google for “Dr James Bankhead of Scotland”, I go these and other sites

William Brockman Bankhead - Google Books Result F. Goodridge - 2015 - HistoryDr. James Bankhead was born in 1713 and died in 1788 in Caroline, Virginia. 2. ... Major Andrew was from Ross Cromarty County, an area in northern Scotland.

William Brockman Bankhead, By Paul F. GoodridgePage Publishing Inc, 2 Apr. 2015 - History - 290 pages

Section 17

Could not copy or print about 10 to 15 page on Robert Bankhead’s family. Wife linked to the Kerr’s of beith/Dalry, Ayrshire. Family appear to be from Irvine

Robert Bankhead married 1688 in Kilmarnock Bessie Boyd & had three known children.

American vs. Canadian Bankheads - Message Boards

Mar 17, 2004 - 10 posts - 1 authorHe had at least two sons, Dr. John (my ancestor) and Gen'l James. Dr. John and later one or two of his sons went to Edinburgh U. in Scotland ...

About 6 researchers of Dr James Bankhead’s family.

??Dr. James BANKHEAD, Jr. b. 1713 Monroe's Creek, Westmoreland Co

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Name, Dr. James BANKHEAD, Jr. [1, 2, 3, 4]. Prefix, Dr. Suffix, Jr. Born, 1713, Monroe's Creek, Westmoreland Co., ... Ref 3 says James was born in Scotland.

Dr. James BANKHEAD, Jr.1713 - 1788

Name Dr. James BANKHEAD, Jr. [1, 2, 3, 4]

Prefix Dr.

Suffix Jr.

Born 1713 Monroe's Creek, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA

Gender Male

Died 1788

Person ID I3745 Munro

Last Modified 27 May 2008

Family Eleanor MONROE, b. 1717, Monroe's Creek, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA , d. Yes, date unknown

Married 20 Aug 1738 Monroe's Creek, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA [2, 4]

Children 1. Elinor Monroe BANKHEAD, b. 8 Aug 1739, Monroe's Creek, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA , d. 1 Dec 1754

> 2. William Monroe BANKHEAD, b. 22 Aug 1741, Monroe's Creek, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA , d. Yes, date unknown

3. Ellen BANKHEAD, b. 1745, Monroe's Creek, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA , d. Yes, date unknown

4. Sarah Jane BANKHEAD, b. 1747, Monroe's Creek, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA , d. Yes, date unknown

> 5. Gen. James BANKHEAD, Jr., b. Abt 1751, , , Virginia, USA , d. Yes, date unknown

> 6. Dr. John BANKHEAD, b. 20 Jan 1760, Monroe's Creek, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA , d. 1836

Last Modified 20 Jan 2009

Family ID F1637 Group Sheet

Notes Ref 3 says James was born in Scotland.


(1) Clan Munro files - Redden, Virginia R. - Descendancy Chart of "Andy I"- received 17 Oct 1997 - p. 2

(2) Clan Munro files - Redden, Virginia R. - "William and Mary CollegeQuarterly" - Jun 1997 - p. 194

(3) Clan Munro files - Redden, Virginia R. - e-mail message dated 27 Oct 1997- p. 5

Compiled and edited by Allen Alger, Genealogist, Clan Munro Association, USA

Sources [S344] Clan Munro files - Johnson, Monroe, Monroe Johnson, Descendants of Andrew Monroe - received 22 Apr 2004 - p. 14 (Reliability: 3).[S645] Clan Munro files - Boggs, Elizabeth Monroe, Elizabeth Monroe Boggs, "William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine " - Vol. XIII #4 - Oct 1933 - The Monroe Family - p. 231-241 (Reliability: 3).[S645] Clan Munro files - Boggs, Elizabeth Monroe, Elizabeth Monroe Boggs, Descendants of Andrew Monroe Who settled in Westmoreland Co unty, Virginia, 1652 - undated (Reliability: 3).[S645] Clan Munro files - Boggs, Elizabeth Monroe, Elizabeth Monroe Boggs, Monroe - 23 Aug 1932 (Reliability: 3).

??Genealogies of Virginia Families: From Tyler's Quarterly Historical ... Quarterly Historical and Geneological Magazine - 1981 - ReferenceI. William Ashton Gibbons, who married Elizabeth West- wood James. II. ... Dr. John Bankhead was a son of Dr. James Bankhead, the Immigrant from Scotland, ...

P 170 plusJames Bankhead, Sr, and wife Christian Miller of Westmoreland and Caroline Counties, Virginia

(could not copy or print)

??Virginia Genealogies: A Genealogy of the Glassell Family of Scotland ...

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W19658VE CLAN BOYD, SECOND EDITION, VOL. 19 11/12/2018 PAGE 8 Edwin Hayden - 1966 - ReferenceA Genealogy of the Glassell Family of Scotland and Virginia Horace Edwin ... James Bankhead, m. Christian Miller. Child. — 9. James. 10. Elizabeth. 12. Jane ... Dr. Benj. Anderson, ii. Sarah Henderson, m. Wm. H. White, iii. Jane Johnson, m.

P 449, but does not include 449- 452, which I assume include later generations.

This is Dr James Bankhead, b 1713 – so if he is connected to Robert Bankhead and Elizabeth Boyd’s family he would be a grandson.

This Dr James Bankhead, has yet to be shown to be the son of Elizabeth Boyd and Robert Bankhead – there is a missing generation. So we need his parents to help show or prove the linkage.


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19/972 BOYD OF Busbie, Par. of Kilmaurs, John Boyd & Janet Bankead


This family comes from the website, it outlines the book Scottish Record Society, The Commissariot Record of Glasgow. Register of Testaments, 1547 – 1800, ed Francis J. Grant, 1901, page 31

“Bankhead, Jonet, spouse to James Boyd, in Busbie, par. of Kilmaris* 18 May 1666”

(*) I assume Kilmaris is the modern parish of Kilmaurs.

This publication also has these other referemces to Busbie.

Page 31

Bankhead, Bessie, widow in Irvine 24 Oct. 1607 „ Isobel, spouse to John Tempiltoune, in Binstoune, par. of Dreghorne 11 Nov. 1625 „ Isobel, spouse to John Orr, in Busbie, par. of Kilmaris 18 May 1666 „ James, in Corshous. See Gait, Elizabeth. „ Jean, relict of James Findlay, walker in Tounheid of Kilmarnock 9 May 1683 „ John, in Busbie, par, of Kilmaris 26 July 1631 and 8 Apr. 1643 „ Jonet, spouse to John Auld, in Ortoune, par. of Perstoun 7 Nov. 1635 „ Jonet, spouse to James Boyd, in Busbie, par. of Kilmaris 18 May 1666 „ Jonet, relict of Hew Steinsoune, in Nether Craig of Robertoune, par. of Kilmaris 18 May 1666 „ Margaret, in Tempiltoun of Dundonald 9 Oct, 1612 „ Peter, in Corshous, and Bessie Tempiltoun, his spouse, par. of Kilmaris 22 Aug. 1616 „ Peter, par. of Dreghorn 3 Nov. 1637 „ Peter, in Corhous of Robertoun, par. of Kilmares 7 Apr. 1674 „ Robert, in Busbie. See Barclay, Jean.

Page 124Cumming, Agnes, spouse to Robert Baird, in Quhorlenfuird, par. of Rickartoun 9 Sept.“Christian, relict of Robert Boyd, merchant in Glasgow 2 April 1728

Page 125„ Margaret, relict of James Boyd, in Busbie-Fergushill, par. of Kilmaris 9 Mar. 1619

Page 381Oliver, Elizabeth, late spouse of John Boyd, factor to the late Sir James Maxwell, of Pollock, Baronet I Mar. 1792

Orr, Adam, in Miln of Beith„ Charles, in Busbie. See Boyd, Bessie.

Page 384Orr, Jonet, spouse to John Brydein, in Cruix“ Margaret, spouse to John Boyde, in Busbie, par. of Kilmaurs 24 May 1673“ Marion, relict of Robert Boyd, in Clossburne, par. of Kilbryde 14 Aug. and 5 Sept. 1673

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W19658VE CLAN BOYD, SECOND EDITION, VOL. 19 11/12/2018 PAGE 10

19/973 BOYD OF Dalrymple, Jean Boyd & William Fulton (CB17083)[need to clear taps when find out how]

The origns of this Boyd family prior to 22 August 1806 is not known, in August 2018. It is only known that Jean Boyd married William Fulton at Dalrymple – assume Presbyterian Church.

U1? Father Boyd, b / /17xx (town, etc, Ayrshire?), d / /18xx (town, etc), bu , m / /17xx (church, town, etc), [Lived: , Scotland? ]


V1? Jean Boyd, b / /178x (town, etc, Ayrshire?), d / /18xx (town, etc), bu , m 22/8/1806 (church, Dalrymple, Ayrshire), William Fulton, son of and (nee ) Fulton, b / /178x (town, etc), d / /18xx (town, etc), bu , and had issue:-[Lived: , Scotland ? ]


W1 child Fulton, b / /180x (town, etc), d / /18xx (town, etc), bu , m ?[Lived: ]


Source: In a Email form Garry F Bell, of Auckland, New Zealand (Email [email protected]) of 5 August 2018

Other reserchers





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19/974 BOYD OF Elizabeth Boyd & Thomas Reid (of Stevenston?)

The origns of Elizabeth Boyd before 1739 is not known in October 2018.

From the website –

Ayrshireroots - Descendants of Thomas Reid ca 1720

Genealogy and Local History research in Ayrshire, Scotland. ... Children of THOMAS REID andELIZABETH BOYD are: ..... More About HUGH MCLELLAND:.

I have Emailed the webmaster on 31 October 2018 to find out the tree owner.

The 1994 IGI for the UK has this entry for Thoams Reid –

Elizabeth BOYD (F)........... B: Abt 1718 B: 6 Jan 1956 F#: 446023 @ Spouse: Thomas REID of Saltcoats, Ayr, Scotland E: 22 May 1957 SLAKE SP: Pre-1970 O#: 74427

While for the Batch number 446023 there are no other entries. This would suggest that this is an Reid family tree in the IGI and people will need to look at this back number under Reid.

It may also suggest that Elizabeth Boyd’s family came from Saltcoats rather than Stevenson. Or it may have been a Boyd family, who had a “summer” house at Saltcoats and came from the Boyds of Pitcon, Bonshaw or some of the other Boyd Cadet Branches in North Ayrshire?

Could this Elizabeth Boyd be an elder sister to “William Finnie & Ann Boyd, who were married in Ardrossan in 1745” [Find Family chapter?]

Descendants of Thomas ReidGeneration No. 1 1. THOMAS1 REID was born Abt. 1720. He married ELIZABETH BOYD 13 October, 1739. Children of THOMAS REID and ELIZABETH BOYD are:i. SARAH2 REID, b. 23 November, 1740, Stevenston; m. JAMES MCALLA, 27 January, 1761, Stevenston.ii. ELIZABETH REID, b. 3 July, 1742, Stevenston.2. iii. MARY REID, b. 9 March, 1750, Stevenston, Ayrshire; d. Aft. 1819.iv. ANN REID, b. 4 March, 1751, Stevenston.v. MARGARET REID, b. 23 September, 1752, Stevenston.3. vi. JOHN REID, b. 3 May, 1754, Stevenston; d. Bef. 1819.vii. BOYD REID, b. 27 May, 1756, Stevenston.viii. JANE REID, b. 24 August, 1757, Stevenston.4. ix. ANNABELLA REID, b. 6 October, 1759, Stevenston.x. JAMES REID, b. 28 August, 1761, Stevenston. Generation No. 2 2. MARY2 REID (THOMAS1) was born 9 March, 1750 in Stevenston, Ayrshire, and died Aft. 1819. She married JAMES SMITH 21 December, 1775 in Stevenston.More About JAMES SMITH:Landsborough: 1819, Cooper, Boglemart, Stevenston Children of MARY REID and JAMES SMITH are:i. JAMES3 SMITH, b. 1 May, 1784, Stevenston, Ayrshire.ii. JOHN SMITH, b. Bef. 1819.iii. JEAN SMITH, b. Bef. 1819.iv. MARGARET SMITH, b. Bef. 1819.3. JOHN2 REID (THOMAS1) was born 3 May, 1754 in Stevenston, and died Bef. 1819. He married JANE HAMILTON 4 February, 1774 in Sorby and Venhouse.Notes for JOHN REID:John Reid, described in the register as a "coal hewer," was married, on the 4thFebruary 1771, he was living on a farm called Sorbie in the Parish of Stevenston. His bride, Jane (orJean) Hamilton, lived at View House. Sorbie is in the map of the Parishe of Ardrossan. More About JANE HAMILTON:1: or MargaretLandsborough: 1819, Jean, widow ,Cow Roading, niece living there Jean Smith Children of JOHN REID and JANE HAMILTON are:i. JOHN3 REID, b. 1775, Stevenston.ii. JAMES REID, b. 1780, Stevenston.5. iii. MARY REID, b. 12 January, 1783, Stevenston, Ayrshire.

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6. iv. CUNNINGHAME REID, b. July 1785, Stevenston; d. 9 February, 1862, Stevenston.v. ALEXANDER REID, b. 14 July, 1787, ROBERT REID, b. 14 July, 1787, Stevenston; d. Bef. 1793.7. vii. SAMUAL REID, b. 14 April, 1789, Stevenston, Ayrshire; d. Abt. 1812, Stevenston.8. viii. CHARLES REID, b. 3 April, 1791, Stevenston.9. ix. ROBERT REID, b. 24 February, 1793, Stevenston.4. ANNABELLA2 REID (THOMAS1) was born 6 October, 1759 in Stevenston. She married ROBERT REID CUNNINGHAME 22 January, 1781 in Stevenston, son of JOHN REID and ANN CUNNINGHAME.Notes for ROBERT REID CUNNINGHAME:Robert Reid Cunninghame was born Robert Reid.It is recorded in several works that in the case of the marriage of 1737,John Reid was the second son of the Rev. William Reid (the first wasThomas, father of Robert Reid of Adamton), and he and Ann, who washeiress to the Auchinarvie lands, had two sons. Of these, Robert Reid became possessor of the Cunningham property at Auchinharvie and added thename Cunninghame to his own, and John went to India, married a Miss Boileau, and had a numerous family.1770 Robert Reid, eldest son of John Reid of Auchenharvie succeeded his father and in consequence of a special arrangement with theheir-portioners, acquired the estate of Auchenharvie and added the name Cunninghame to his own. He entered into a co-partnership with Mr Warner of Ardeer to work the coal on their respective properties. Mr Reid Cunninghame of Auchenharvie being the sole manager. Children of ANNABELLA REID and ROBERT CUNNINGHAME are:i. JOHN3 CUNNINGHAME, b. 31 January, 1783, Stevenston.ii. ANNE CUNNINGHAME, b. 21 September, 1784, Stevenston.More About ANNE CUNNINGHAME:Christening: 26 September, 1784, Stevenstoniii. ROBERT CUNNINGHAME, b. 10 November, 1786, Stevenston.More About ROBERT CUNNINGHAME:Christening: 14 November, 1786, Stevenstoniv. THOMAS CUNNINGHAME, b. 27 April, 1795, Stevenston.More About THOMAS CUNNINGHAME:Christening: 4 May, 1795, Stevenstonv. MARION CUNNINGHAME, b. 29 April, 1796, Stevenston.More About MARION CUNNINGHAME:Christening: 1 May, 1796, Stevenston Generation No. 3 5. MARY3 REID (JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 12 January, 1783 in Stevenston, Ayrshire. She married WILLIAM LOGAN 22 March, 1811 in Stevenston, son of PATRICK LOGAN and AGNES PENNEL.More About MARY REID:1: or Jean or Margaret Hamilton - mother2: no direct evidence of correct pairNotes for WILLIAM LOGAN:On the 1819 PARISH OF STEVENSTONRev. Landsborough's list of inhabitants of the Parish of Stevenston taken at the end of 1819 and the beginning of1820: Shows-William Logan and second name Mary Reid other names given as inhabitants of the BOGLEMART STREETdwelling: Jean Smith, William, ? Peter, Ann Shaw, Mary, Agnes. Jean Smith scored through.1822: Family not listed1836 Landsborough Parish List:William Logan & Mary Reid, total household: 6 persons 1 communicant. Residence: Cow Roading, Stevenston.1861 Stevenston census Couroading Stschedule 26 No 14 Backhouse William Logan Head widower 76 Retired Collier b Stevenstonnext doorno 15 Jean Thom head widow 44 (should be Jean Reid/ Esdale dau in law ) More About WILLIAM LOGAN:Landsborough: 1819, Collier, Boglemart, Jean Smith scored through Children of MARY REID and WILLIAM LOGAN are:i. WILLIAM4 LOGAN, b. Abt. 1811.ii. PETER LOGAN, b. Abt. 1812.Notes for PETER LOGAN:May not be this Peter Logan#426Peter LoganAddress CC Poorhouse, Irvine59y in 1875born StevenstonWidowerHand Loom Weaverdied 28 Dec 1878from 22 Feb 1875 he was in and out of poorhouses in Barony, Plantation, City Glasgow and the CC poorhouse at Irvine. iii. ANN SHAW LOGAN, b. 26 September, 1813.10. iv. MARY LOGAN, b. 10 January, 1815.11. v. AGNES LOGAN, b. 5 April, 1818, ANN K LOGAN, b. Bef. 1819.12. vii. JOHN REID LOGAN, b. 22 May, 1826, Stevenston; d. February 1895, Stevenston, age 67.

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6. CUNNINGHAME3 REID (JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born July 1785 in Stevenston, and died 9 February, 1862 in Stevenston. He married JANET HOGGARTH 4 August, 1809 in Stevenston, daughter of WILLIAM HOGGARTH and ISABEL FERGUSON.Notes for CUNNINGHAME REID:Christening: 3 July, 1785, StevenstonLandsborough: 1819, Collier, Mill Hill StevenstonOccupation: Collier in StevenstonMore About JANET HOGGARTH:1: or Hoggart Children of CUNNINGHAME REID and JANET HOGGARTH are:13. i. MARY4 REID, b. 7 July, 1810, Stevenston.ii. JOHN REID, b. 22 February, 1812, Stevenston; d. 1831.More About JOHN REID:Christening: 1 March, 1812, Stevenstoniii. JEAN HAMILTON REID, b. 7 August, 1814, Stevenston; d. 25 December, 1832, Stevenston died of Cholera.More About JEAN HAMILTON REID:Residence: 1819, Mill Hill14. iv. ROBERT REID, b. 11 September, 1818, Stevenston; d. 1850.15. v. CUNNINGHAM REID, b. 3 September, 1820, JAMES REID, b. 22 January, 1823, Stevenston; m. (1) MARY MCMILLAN, 27 March, 1841, Stevenston; m. (2) MARGARET KING, 8 June, 1850, Stevenston.More About JAMES REID:Christening: 14 February, 1823, StevenstonOccupation: 1851, Engine DriverMore About MARY MCMILLAN:Occupation: 1851, Sewer of Muslinvii. JANET REID, b. 4 June, 1825, Stevenston; d. 11 May, 1826, Stevenston; m. WILLIAM KIRKWOOD, 3 January, 1849, Stevenston.viii. EDWARD REID, b. 9 October, 1827, Stevenston.More About EDWARD REID:Christening: 20 November, 1827, Stevenstonix. ALEXANDER REID, b. 2 March, 1830, Stevenston.x. JEAN REID, b. 1838.xi. JOHN REID, b. 1841.xii. MARTHA REID, b. Abt. 1842.More About MARTHA REID:Occupation: 1861, Domestic Servant, boarding out on Cowroading St, Stevenston7. SAMUAL3 REID (JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 14 April, 1789 in Stevenston, Ayrshire, and died Abt. 1812 in Stevenston. He marriedANN STALKER SMITH 3 October, 1807 in Stevenston, daughter of JAMES SMITH and KATHERINE STALKER.More About SAMUAL REID:Occupation: Private SoldierMore About ANN STALKER SMITH:1: or born 27-9-1788 KilwinningLandsborough: 1819, Shows the 2 Reid children to her marriage to Samual Reid. Townhead. Children of SAMUAL REID and ANN SMITH are:16. i. SAMUAL4 REID, b. 1809, Stevenston, Ayrshire; d. 11 June, 1882, Stevenston, Ayrshire.ii. JAMES REID, b. 11 April, 1811, Stevenston, Ayrshire.8. CHARLES3 REID (JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 3 April, 1791 in Stevenston. He married ELIZABETH ESDALE 29 December, 1809 in Stevenston.More About CHARLES REID:Landsborough: 1819, Collier, Townhead, Stevenston Children of CHARLES REID and ELIZABETH ESDALE are:i. JEAN4 REID, b. 10 December, 1811, Stevenston.ii. ELIZABETH REID, b. 5 June, 1813, Stevenston; m. WILLIAM HARE, 19 August, 1836, Stevenston.17. iii. JOHN REID, b. 10 May, 1815, Stevenston.iv. ROBERT REID, b. Bef. 1819.v. CHARLES REID, b. 6 February, 1820, Stevenston.18. vi. ANN REID, b. 3 March, 1823, Townhead, Stevenston.vii. MARY REID, b. 12 June, 1825, Stevenston.viii. AGNES REID, b. 24 June, 1827, Stevenston; m. MATTHEW CALDWELL, 17 June, 1848, Stevenston.19. ix. ROBINA REID, b. 15 November, 1829, Stevenston; d. 26 May, 1911, Stevenston, Ayrshire.x. ALEXANDER REID, b. 18 March, 1832, Stevenston.xi. BARR REID, b. 27 April, 1834, Stevenston; m. JAMES TAYLOR, 16 April, 1858, Stevenston.9. ROBERT3 REID (JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 24 February, 1793 in Stevenston. He married MARY LAMBIE 6 December, 1816 in Stevenston.More About ROBERT REID:Landsborough: 1819, Weaver, Mill Hill Stevenston Children of ROBERT REID and MARY LAMBIE are:i. BARBARA4 REID, b. 11 April, 1819, Stevenston; m. WILLIAM FULTON, 25 November, 1843, Stevenston.ii. CHARLES REID, b. 19 August, 1821, Stevenston.iii. JOHN REID, b. 18 January, 1824, Stevenston; d. Bef. 1835.iv. MARY REID, b. 28 May, 1826, Stevenston; m. ALEXANDER LAMBIE, 1 November, 1851, Stevenston.More About ALEXANDER LAMBIE:1: or Lambv. MARGARET REID, b. 23 August, 1829, Stevenston; m. DAVID ARNOTT, 31 December, 1851, DAVID LAMBIE REID, b. 24 June, 1832, Stevenston; d. 1832.vii. JOHN REID, b. 14 June, 1835, Stevenston.

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viii. ROBERT REID, b. 28 May, 1839, Stevenston.ix. ALEXANDER REID, b. 21 August, 1842, Stevenston. Generation No. 4 10. MARY4 LOGAN (MARY3 REID, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 10 January, 1815. She married WILLIAM THOMSON 18 July, 1835 in Stevenston, son of ARCHIBALD THOMSON and JEAN MCGEE.Notes for MARY LOGAN:# 116 Poor House RecordLogan Mary Logan or Thomsonage 49 (1865)2/- per weekb StevenstonProtestantWidowHouseworkWholly, one arm disabledhelp from familychildren living with her:William 9y, b May 4, 1856Andrew 6y, b May 15 1859Children awayRobert 26y, collier, mar, 4 childrenJane, 30, wife of John (sorry couldn't read surname), 4 childrenMary, 22, single, sewerMargaret, 19, dittoAnn 17 dittoJanet 15, ditto struck off roll or poorhouse - both boys at work Aug 6 1869.#116 Mary Logan or Thomson*Residence Doura, Kilwinning*Wholly disabled, one arm powerless*Jane 30 wife of John [possibly Gillan] 4 children [Jane Thomson m John Gillan 15 May 1863, IrvineChildren Margaret b 8 Sep 1863, Dreghorn; Jane b 29 Jul 1865, Auchinleck] More About MARY LOGAN:1: 1865, See Poor House Record in notesChristening: 1 October, 1815, Stevenston, AyrshireMore About WILLIAM THOMSON:1: no confirmation right spouceOccupation: Miner Children of MARY LOGAN and WILLIAM THOMSON are:i. JANE5 THOMSON, b. 1835; m. JOHN ?.More About JANE THOMSON:1: 1865, 4 children by 1865More About JOHN ?:1: ? possibly Gillan20. ii. ROBERT THOMSON, b. Abt. 1838, Stevenston, Ayrshire; d. 18 July, 1890, Bensley, Kilwinning.iii. MARGARET THOMSON, b. 1846.More About MARGARET THOMSON:Occupation: Seweriv. MARY THOMSON, b. 1846.More About MARY THOMSON:Occupation: SewerSource: 1865, Mother's poor house recordv. ANN THOMSON, b. 1848.More About ANN THOMSON:Occupation: Sewervi. JANET THOMSON, b. 1850.More About JANET THOMSON:Occupation: Sewervii. WILLIAM THOMSON, b. 4 May, 1856, Stevenston, Ayrshire.viii. ANDREW THOMSON, b. 15 May, 1859.11. AGNES4 LOGAN (MARY3 REID, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 5 April, 1818 in Stevenston. She married WILLIAM CLASPER 6 April, 1839 in Stevenston, son of JAMES CLASPER and MARGARET DITCHBURN.Notes for WILLIAM CLASPER:Also spelled GlasperSee Patron Submission LDS site: film # 61428161841 Census, Townhead, StevenstonWilliam Glesper 25 .m., Agnes 20, James 5, Margaret 2.1851 Census, Schoolwell, StevenstonWilliam Clesper age 37 coal miner b. Dumfermline, Agnes wife age 32 b. Stev., James son age 15 coal miner,Margaret 12, William 7, Mary 5, Agnes 3, Mathew 1.Next door

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John Clesper age 56? Coal miner b. England, Marrian age 55 b. St., James 25 coal miner, John 13 hand loomweaver cotton, then John Auld grandson age 7, and James Milne brother quarry labourer b. Stev.42 COUROADING ST 1861 STEVENSTON CENSUSWilliam Clasper head widower 47 collier StevenstonWILLIAM ; son un 17 collier StevenstonAgnes ; DAU 12 StevenstonMatthew ; SON 11 COLLIER APPR Stevenston More About WILLIAM CLASPER:1: or GlasperBurial: 1834, J Clasper - A23 Stevenston High KirkCensus: 1861, 42 Cowroading, stevenston, head, widower, 47, collier, stevenston Children of AGNES LOGAN and WILLIAM CLASPER are:21. i. JAMES5 CLASPER, b. Abt. 1836.22. ii. MARGARET CLASPER, b. 1839, Stevenston; d. 11 March, 1873, Eeast Greenock age 33.23. iii. WILLIAM CLASPER, b. 1844, Stevenston.iv. MARY CLASPER, b. 1846.v. AGNES CLASPER, b. 1848, Stevenston; m. DAVID PARK, 31 December, 1869, Greenock.More About AGNES CLASPER:Census: 1861, age 1224. vi. MATHEW CLASPER, b. 15 December, 1849, Stevenston or Kilwinning.12. JOHN REID4 LOGAN (MARY3 REID, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 22 May, 1826 in Stevenston, and died February 1895 in Stevenston, age 67. He married AGNES CAMPBELL MCKEAN 29 December, 1848 in Stevenston, daughter of ROBERT MCKEAN and AGNES CAMPBELL.Notes for JOHN REID LOGAN:1851 Census StevenstonJohn Logan head mar 24 coalminer b StevenstonAgnes Logan wife mar 23 Sews muslin b DreghornWilliam Logan son u 22mths b StevenstonRobert Logan son 1mth bStevenston1871 Census Stevenston:Dwelling 85 New StreetJohn Reid Logan, head, age 44 Coal miner born StevenstonAgnes, wife age 43 born StevenstonAgnes, daughter unmarried age 19, bonnet makerMary, daughter unmarried age 16, bonnet makerCatherine, daughter unmarried age 14, bonnet makerMargaret, daughter age 10, ScholarJoanna, daughter age 5 yrsViolet Robson daughter age 2 yrs.1881 Census Stevenston, Ayrshire ScotlandDwelling 65 NEW STREET Source FHL Film # 0203609 GRO Ref Volume 615 EnemDist 4 Page 25John R Logan M 54 M Stevenston AyrRel: HeadOcc. Coal MinerAgnes Logan M 52 F Stevenston, AyrRel: wifeAgnes Logan U 29 F Stevenston, AyrRel: DaurOcc. Packer Dynamite WorksCatherine Logan U 24 F Stevenston AyrRel: DaurOcc. Cartridge Maker Dynamite WorksJoan Logan U F Stevenston AyrRel: DaurOcc.Violet Logan 12 F Stevenston AyrRel: DaurOcc. ScholarJohn Logan 5 M Stevenston Ayr Rel: GrandsonRobert Logan 8 mth Stevenston Ayr Rel: GrandsonWilliam Logan 1mth Stevenston Ayr Rel: Grandsonnote: Violet is Sarah Logan b. Sept 1 1868 uncertain as to relationship of Grandchildren shownnot at home at the time of census: Margaret: would be 20yrs John Reid Logan: Would be 17 yrsMary Reid Logan was married to William Stevely Nov 1, 1873 and William Logan was married to Christina LoveJuly 19 1872 More About JOHN REID LOGAN:1: Still to confirm parents correctBurial: High Kirk ChurchyardCensus: 1871, aged 44, coal minerOccupation: CollierMore About AGNES CAMPBELL MCKEAN:Burial: High Kirk Churchyard Children of JOHN LOGAN and AGNES MCKEAN are:25. i. WILLIAM5 LOGAN, b. 18 May, 1849, Stevenston, Ayrshire; d. 15 February, 1922, Stevenston age 73.

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ii. ROBERT LOGAN, b. Abt. 1851.26. iii. AGNES LOGAN, b. 1 April, 1851, Stevenston; d. 24 September, 1932, - Gravestone NS Stevenston aged 80.27. iv. MARY REID LOGAN, b. 15 November, 1854, Stevenston, Ayrshire.28. v. CATHERINE LOGAN, b. 4 January, 1857, Stevenston.29. vi. MARGARET LOGAN, b. 28 November, 1860, Stevenston.vii. JOHN REID LOGAN, b. 8 January, 1864, Stevenston.Notes for JOHN REID LOGAN:6777751,OPR,C,M,,22,MAY,1826,LOGAN,JOHN OR ALEXAND,LOGAN,WILLIAM,REID,MARY,STEVENSTON,AYR,WILLIAM LOGAN/MARY REID FR504,615,,3*,,,notes from Scots Origins viii. JOANNA SHEARER LOGAN, b. 15 November, 1865, Stevenston.ix. SARAH ROBSON LOGAN, b. 1 September, 1868, Stevenston.More About SARAH ROBSON LOGAN:Census: 1871, States VIOLET as name13. MARY4 REID (CUNNINGHAME3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 7 July, 1810 in Stevenston. She married (1) ? GIBSON. She married (2) UNKNOWN. She married (3) JOHN STEWART 12 December, 1829 in Stevenston.More About MARY REID:Census: 1841, Living with parentsChristening: 8 July, 1810, StevenstonOccupation: 1851, Sewer of Muslin Child of MARY REID and ? GIBSON is:i. ROBERT5 GIBSON, b. Abt. 1835. Children of MARY REID and UNKNOWN are:ii. CUNNINGHAM5 REID, b. 1846.More About CUNNINGHAM REID:Occupation: Collieriii. EDWARD REID, b. 1849.More About EDWARD REID:Occupation: Collier14. ROBERT4 REID (CUNNINGHAME3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 11 September, 1818 in Stevenston, and died 1850. He married AGNES CRICHTON 12 June, 1838 in Ardrossan, Ayrshire.More About ROBERT REID:Christening: 12 September, 1818, StevenstonLandsborough: 1819, Mill HillOccupation: 1850, Ships MasterMore About AGNES CRICHTON:Source: James Reid Children of ROBERT REID and AGNES CRICHTON are:i. ANN5 REID, b. 7 June, 1839, Ardrossan; d. March 1840, Ardrossan.ii. ELIZABETH REID, b. 4 October, 1841, Ardrossan.iii. ANN REID, b. 16 June, 1844, Ardrossan.iv. ROBERT REID, b. 3 July, 1846, Ardrossan.v. CRICHTON REID, b. 12 September, 1850, Ardrossan.15. CUNNINGHAM4 REID (CUNNINGHAME3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 3 September, 1820 in Stevenston. He married (1) JESSIEGUTHRIE. He married (2) ELIZABETH MCNEIL 25 July, 1840 in Stevenston.More About CUNNINGHAM REID:Christening: 10 September, 1820, StevenstonOccupation: 1861, Collier in Stevenston Children of CUNNINGHAM REID and JESSIE GUTHRIE are:i. EDWARD5 REID, b. Abt. 1856, Muirkirk, Ayrshire.ii. JESSIE REID, b. Abt. 1859, Stevenston. Child of CUNNINGHAM REID and ELIZABETH MCNEIL is:30. iii. FINDLEY5 REID, b. Abt. 1846, Kilmarnock.16. SAMUAL4 REID (SAMUAL3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 1809 in Stevenston, Ayrshire, and died 11 June, 1882 in Stevenston, Ayrshire. He married AGNES CARMICHAEL REID 14 January, 1837 in Stevenston, daughter of JOHN REID and MARGARET CARMICHAEL.More About SAMUAL REID:Occupation: Mason and Spirit Dealer Children of SAMUAL REID and AGNES REID are:31. i. ANN SMITH5 REID, b. 12 November, 1837, Stevenston, Ayrshire.32. ii. ALEXANDER REID, b. 1838, Stevenston, Ayr, Scotland; d. 24 May, 1885, - Gravestone NS Stevenston aged 47.iii. SAMUAL REID, b. 16 December, 1839, Stevenston.More About SAMUAL REID:Christening: 22 December, 1839, Stevenston33. iv. JOHN REID, b. 18 June, 1842, Stevenston, Ayrshire; d. 16 September, 1907, Stevenston, Ayrshire.v. JAMES REID, b. MARGARET REID, b. 1848.vii. ALEXANDER REID, b. 1850.viii. ELIZABETH ROBERTSON REID, b. 1 September, 1853, Stevenston.More About ELIZABETH ROBERTSON REID:Christening: 11 September, 1853, Stevenstonix. ROBERT TEMPLETON REID, b. 7 March, 1856, Stevenston, Ayr, Scotland.

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More About ROBERT TEMPLETON REID:Occupation: Railway Clerk (1871)17. JOHN4 REID (CHARLES3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 10 May, 1815 in Stevenston. He married MARY BROWN. Children of JOHN REID and MARY BROWN are:i. ELIZABETH5 REID, b. 14 February, 1836, Stevenston.34. ii. CHARLES REID, b. 31 December, 1837, Stevenston.35. iii. MARY REID, b. 19 April, 1840, Stevenston.iv. ROBERT REID, b. 29 May, 1842, Stevenston.18. ANN4 REID (CHARLES3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 3 March, 1823 in Townhead, Stevenston. She married JAMES MCLELLAND 12 August, 1843 in Stevenston, son of HUGH MCLELLAND and GRIZEL SHAW.More About ANN REID:Christening: 9 March, 1823, StevenstonOccupation: 1861, Census - Midwife Children of ANN REID and JAMES MCLELLAND are:i. ELIZABETH5 MCLELLAND, b. 4 July, 1844, Stevenston; m. HUGH MCBROOM, 29 December, 1865, Stevenston.36. ii. GRACE MCLELLAND, b. 20 April, 1846, Stevenston.iii. HUGH MCLELLAND, b. 20 March, 1848, Stevenston.More About HUGH MCLELLAND:Christening: 26 March, 1848, StevenstonOccupation: at 21 Tanner at 31 Engine fitteriv. CHARLES MCLELLAND, b. 9 March, 1850, Stevenston.More About CHARLES MCLELLAND:Christening: 17 March, 1850, Stevenstonv. JANE REID MCLELLAND, b. 20 April, 1852, Stevenston; m. DANIEL BLYTHE, 17 March, 1872, Stevenston.More About JANE REID MCLELLAND:Christening: 2 May, 1852, Stevenstonvi. MARY MCLELLAND, b. 26 August, 1854, Stevenston.More About MARY MCLELLAND:Christening: 9 September, 1854, Stevenstonvii. JAME MCLELLAND, b. 14 December, 1856, Stevenston.viii. ANN REID MCLELLAND, b. 20 May, 1859, Stevenston.ix. MARGARET REID MCLELLAND, b. 4 September, 1862, Stevenston.More About MARGARET REID MCLELLAND:Occupation: at 18 Dynamite Mixerx. ALEXANDER MCLELLAND, b. 23 November, 1865, Stevenston.More About ALEXANDER MCLELLAND:Occupation: at 15 Apprentice Engine Fitter19. ROBINA4 REID (CHARLES3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 15 November, 1829 in Stevenston, and died 26 May, 1911 in Stevenston, Ayrshire. She married JAMES EWING 31 December, 1851 in Stevenston, son of SAMUEL EWING and MARTHA KING. Children of ROBINA REID and JAMES EWING are:i. ELIZABETH5 EWING, b. 11 October, 1852, Stevenston, Ayrshire.37. ii. SAMUEL EWING, b. 11 November, 1855, Govan, Lanarkshire; d. 27 August, 1935, Glasgow, Lanarkshire aged 79.iii. JAMES EWING, b. 15 September, 1858, Stevenston, Ayrshire.iv. MARTHA EWING, b. 7 November, 1860, Stevenston, Ayrshire; m. ROBERT LINTON.v. CHARLES REID EWING, b. 14 March, 1863, Stevenston, Ayrshire; m. JESSIE COOPER.More About CHARLES REID EWING:Emigration: Believed to have emigrated to Canada Generation No. 5 20. ROBERT5 THOMSON (MARY4 LOGAN, MARY3 REID, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born Abt. 1838 in Stevenston, Ayrshire, and died 18 July, 1890 in Bensley, Kilwinning. He married CATHERINE STICKER GOUDIE 29 April, 1859 in Established Church, Stevenston, daughter of JAMES GOUDIE and ANN SMITH.More About ROBERT THOMSON:Census: 1881, Boglemart St, StevenstonFact 2: died age 50 of Heart DeseaseOccupation: Coal MinerMore About CATHERINE STICKER GOUDIE:Fact 2: witnesses John Gilmour, Rob Henrt GordonFact 3: died age 80 of Senile Decay & Cardiac FailureOccupation: or Goldie Children of ROBERT THOMSON and CATHERINE GOUDIE are:i. WILLIAM6 THOMSON, b. 22 May, 1859, Stevenston, Ayr, Scotland.More About WILLIAM THOMSON:Census: 1881, not at Boglemart St with parentsRecord Change: 2 January, 1999ii. JAMES THOMSON, b. 25 March, 1861.iii. MARY THOMSON, b. 25 July, 1863, Stevenston, Ayr, Scotland.More About MARY THOMSON:Census: 1881, not at Boglemart St with parentsRecord Change: 2 January, 1999iv. HUGH GOUDIE THOMSON, b. 2 September, 1865, Stevenston, Ayr, Scotland.More About HUGH GOUDIE THOMSON:Census: 1881, not at Boglemart St with parentsRecord Change: 2 January, 1999

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v. UNNAMED THOMSON, b. 25 October, 1867, Stevenston, ANN THOMSON, b. 30 November, 1868, Stevenston, Ayrshire.More About ANN THOMSON:Record Change: 2 January, 1999vii. PETER THOMSON, b. 25 May, 1871, Stevenston, Ayrshire; m. SUSAN LAMBIE, 1899, Stevenston.More About PETER THOMSON:1: possibly the Peter Thomson son of Catherine Sticker GoudieCensus: 1881, aged 10, Boglemart St, StevenstonRecord Change: 2 January, 1999Residence: 1903, ?? Val Roll Miner at 34 Boglemart St, StevenstonMore About SUSAN LAMBIE:1: No childrenCensus: 1901, Age 26, Dyn. worker, single living with parents38. viii. MARY THOMSON, b. 30 March, 1876, East Doura, Kilwinning; d. 28 February, 1942, 29 Claremont Crescent, Kilwinning age 69 - D037.21. JAMES5 CLASPER (AGNES4 LOGAN, MARY3 REID, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born Abt. 1836. He married (1) CATHERINE MILLER WALES 1 April, 1867 in Saltcoats, daughter of DANIEL WALES and JEAN CHALMERS. He married (2) JEAN ALLAN 17 October, 1856 in Stevenston, daughter of JAMES ALLAN and JANET WALES.Notes for JAMES CLASPER:1861 Census Stevenston11 Cowrodding - all the following at the one address:James Grant 28 engine driver b. Auchinleck, Mgt., 23 b. Stev., Eliz 2, John 8 mths.Duncan Brother unm. Age 18 farm servant b. AuchinleckJean Haddow head widow age 68 b. Steven. Wife of collierCatherine Miller daughter m. age 44 dom. Serv. B. CathcartJames Clasper grandson 10 mths. James Clasper boarder widow age 25 collier1871 census StevenstonTownhead James Clasper age 35 cm & spirit dealer, with Catherine Wales or Clasper age 53 and James Clasperage 11 with a lodger John Jack age 17 unemployed collier.1881 CENSUS James 44 Cath 64 More About JAMES CLASPER:1: 1834, A23 High Kirk gravestone J ClasperMore About CATHERINE MILLER WALES:Census: 1871, Townhead, Stevenston, age 53Christening: 24 November, 1816, Cathcart Child of JAMES CLASPER and CATHERINE WALES is:i. JAMES6 CLAPER, b. 10 May, 1860.More About JAMES CLAPER:Census: 1871, Townhead, Stevenston, age 1122. MARGARET5 CLASPER (AGNES4 LOGAN, MARY3 REID, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 1839 in Stevenston, and died 11 March, 1873 in Eeast Greenock age 33. She married FRANCIS ALLARDICE 29 December, 1865 in Stevenston, son of ALEXANDER ALLARDICE and FLORA GILCHRIST.Notes for MARGARET CLASPER:1861 Census Stevenston: Cowrodding:James Smith head age 42 collier, Mary 36, Helen 9,. Eliz. 6, Margaret Clasper boarder unm. Age 22 b. St. handsewerThree children born to Margaret Clasper illegitimate. Agnes, b 1861 and twins Agnes and Alexander b,. 1865Margaret died of Childbirth Haemorrhage on day following the birth of her last child, Agnes Mary. Notes for FRANCIS ALLARDICE:Francis married Margaret CLASPER on 29 Dec 1865 at Stevenston, Ayrshire, Scotland, Cowroading Street; ByChurch of Scotland Banns. Witnesses: Robert KELSO & David BEVERIDGE.He married Janet McINTYRE in 1876 at East Greenock.Notes for FRANCIS ALLERDICE:Dwelling: 10 Carnock StCensus Place: East Greenock, Renfrew, Scotland 1881Source: FHL Film 0203572 GRO Ref Volume 564-2 EnumDist 22 Page 7Marr Age Sex BirthplaceFrancis ALLARDICE M 40 M Kilwinning, Ayr, ScotlandRel: HeadOcc: BoilermakerJanet ALLARDICE M 41 F Kintyre, Argyll, ScotlandRel: WifeAlexander ALLARDICE U 15 M Stevenston, Ayr, ScotlandRel: SonOcc: Rivet HeaterWilliam ALLARDICE 13 M Greenock, Renfrew, ScotlandRel: SonOcc: Message BoyJames ALLARDICE 1 M Greenock, Renfrew, ScotlandRel: Son Children of MARGARET CLASPER and FRANCIS ALLARDICE are:i. AGNES ALLARDICE6 CLASPER, b. 19 May, 1861, Stevenston; d. 1862, Stevenston age 1 (illeg).More About AGNES ALLARDICE CLASPER:1: Carried name of Clasper as second name but known as Allardice when mother married.

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ii. ALEXANDER ALLARDICE CLASPER, b. 9 October, 1865, Stevenston.More About ALEXANDER ALLARDICE CLASPER:1: Carried name of Clasper as second name but known as Allardice when mother married.Occupation: 1881, Rivet heateriii. AGNES ALLARDICE CLASPER, b. 9 October, 1865, Stevenston; d. 1871, East Greenock age 6 (illeg) twin.iv. WILLIAM CLASPER, b. 27 April, 1867, Greenock.More About WILLIAM CLASPER:Census: 1881, message boyv. AGNES CLASPER, b. 4 April, 1869; d. 1873, East Greenock age 4 MARY CLASPER, b. 4 April, 1869; d. 1871, East Greenock age 4 twin.vii. MARGARET CLASPER, b. 17 August, 1871, Greenock; d. 29 November, 1873, West Greenock age 2.viii. AGNES MARY CLASPER, b. 10 March, 1873, Greenock; d. 21 December, 1873, East Greenock age 9 months.23. WILLIAM5 CLASPER (AGNES4 LOGAN, MARY3 REID, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 1844 in Stevenston. He married SUSAN DUFF 15 May, 1867 in Stevenston, daughter of ALEXANDER DUFF and MARY PARK.More About WILLIAM CLASPER:Census: 1861, 42 cowroading, stevenston unmarried 17 collier Stevenston Children of WILLIAM CLASPER and SUSAN DUFF are:i. MARY PARK6 CLASPER, b. 9 February, 1868, New Parish, Greenock.ii. CATHERINE WELSH CLASPER, b. 6 July, 1870, New Parish, Greenock.iii. AGNES CLASPER, b. 28 September, 1872, New Parish, Greenock.24. MATHEW5 CLASPER (AGNES4 LOGAN, MARY3 REID, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 15 December, 1849 in Stevenston or Kilwinning. He married MARY BOYD 11 March, 1870 in Stevenston.More About MATHEW CLASPER:Census: 1861, age 11, apprentice collier Children of MATHEW CLASPER and MARY BOYD are:i. WILLIAM6 CLASPER, b. 3 April, 1871, Bothwell, Lanark.ii. JAMES CLASPER, b. 13 February, 1873, Stevenston.iii. MATHEW CLASPER, b. 16 December, 1874, Stevenston.More About MATHEW CLASPER:Census: 1901, age 26, Coal Mineriv. AGNES CLASPER, b. 1 June, 1877.v. MARGARET CLASPER, b. 29 November, JAMES CLASPER, b. 1 June, 1882.vii. MARY CLASPER, b. 22 October, 1884.viii. JOHN BOYD CLASPER, b. 25 January, 1887.ix. JOHN BOYD CLASPER, b. 19 March, 1888.x. THOMAS LAMB CLASPER, b. 29 October, 1890.xi. HAMILTON CLASPER, b. 22 March, 1893.xii. ANNIE CLASPER, b. 16 April, 1895.xiii. AGNES CLASPER, b. Abt. 1878, Dreghorn.More About AGNES CLASPER:Census: 1901, age 22, dynamite workerxiv. JAMES CLASPER, b. Abt. 1882, Stevenston.More About JAMES CLASPER:Census: 1901, age 18, coal minerxv. JOHN CLASPER, b. Abt. 1889, Stevenston.xvi. MARY CLASPER, b. Abt. 1890, Stevenston.xvii. HAMILTON CLASPER, b. Abt. 1892, Stevenston.xviii. ANNIE CLASPER, b. Abt. 1894, Stevenston.25. WILLIAM5 LOGAN (JOHN REID4, MARY3 REID, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 18 May, 1849 in Stevenston, Ayrshire, and died 15 February, 1922 in Stevenston age 73. He married CHRISTINA LOVE 19 July, 1872 in Free Church, Stevenston Minister James Treadwell, daughter of ALEXANDER LOVE and ANN FREW.Notes for WILLIAM LOGAN:1881 Census Stevenston AyrDwelling: BOGLEMART STREETSource FHL Film # 0203609 GRO Ref Volume 615 EnumDist 3 page 6William Logan M 32 M Stevenston AyrshireRel: HeadOcc: Coal MinerChristina Logan M 31 F Kilwinning AyrshireRel: WifeOcc. Coal Miners WifeJohn Logan 8 M Stevenston AyrRel: SonOcc: ScholarAnn Logan 7 F Stevenston AyrRel: DaurOcc. ScholarAlexander Logan 4 M Stevenston AyrshireRel: SonOcc: ScholarAgnes Logan 2 F Stevenston AyrshireRel: DaurOcc: Coal Miners DaurWilliam Logan 1 mth Stevenston AyrshireRel: SonOcc: Coal Miners Son

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8455286,OPR,B,M,,18,MAY,1848,LOGAN,WILLIAM,REID,JOHN,AGNES,LOGAN,STEVENSTON,AYR,JOHN REID/LOGAN AGNES MCKEAN FR587,615,,3*,,,New Street Cem. Monumental Inscription:No.B109 Erected by William Logan in loving memory of his wife Christina Lovewho died Dec 14 1912 aged 63 years also their daughter Agnes died July 5 1900age 22 years also Private Michael Logan 1st Batt A.I.F. killed in action inFrance 5th Oct 1917 aged 34 years late Cameron Highlanders his GrandsonGunner W. Logan Sinclair R.F.A. killed in action in France 25th May 1918 aged21 years the above William Logan died 15th Feb 1922 aged 73 his grandsonWilliam Logan killed at Nanaimo Canada Sept 10th 1920 aged 25 years alsohis son Peter who was accidentally killed at work July 7th 1934 aged 48 years- At Rest. More About WILLIAM LOGAN:1: no proof that this is the correct William Logan who married Christina.2: Married aged 23 agrees with birthCensus: 1881, Boglemart St, StevenstonResidence: 1872, New St, StevenstonMore About CHRISTINA LOVE:1: Marriage signed her mark 'X'Burial: New St Cemetery Stevenston B109Census: 1891, aged 41 StevenstonOccupation: HandsewerResidence: 1872, Boglemart St, Stevenston Children of WILLIAM LOGAN and CHRISTINA LOVE are:i. JOHN REID6 LOGAN, b. 9 June, 1872, Boglemart St, Stevenston; d. 18 November, 1966, Comox, BC, Canada, aged 94,; m. ELIZABETH MELDRUM.Notes for JOHN REID LOGAN:Place & date of death Comox, B.C. Nov 18, 1966 Birthplace, Stevenston, Scotland, June 9, 1872cause of death: Bronchopneumonia 4 daysPulmonary Edema & Myocardial degeneration (years) Informant: Alexander Love Logan, nephewBurial: November 21, 1966 Cumberland, B.C.Fathers name: William Logan : Born ScotlandMothers name: Christina Love: Born ScotlandName of Spouse: Elizabeth Meldrum, desceased. born Scotland. More About JOHN REID LOGAN:1: no childrenBurial: in Cumberland on Vancouver Island, BC, CanadaEmigration: 1923, to Canada, Vancouver Island (ref Linda Norby [email protected] ) married but no childrenOccupation: recruited to work in the coalfields in Vancouver Island39. ii. ANN LOVE LOGAN, b. 26 February, 1874, Stevenston.40. iii. ALEXANDER LOVE LOGAN, b. 25 June, 1876, Stevenston; d. 18 August, 1944, Vancouver, Canada.iv. AGNES LOGAN, b. 3 August, 1878, Saltcoats, Ayrshire; d. 5 July, 1900, Saltcoats, Ayrshire; m. ALEXANDER PLLU, 14 July, 1897, Saltcoats.More About AGNES LOGAN:1: 1 female childBurial: Ardrossan Cemetery Mid Section 370Census: 1891, aged 12, Stevenstonv. WILLIAM LOGAN, b. 10 May, 1880, Stevenston; d. April 1889, WILLIAM LOGAN, b. 26 February, 1881.41. vii. MICHAEL LOGAN, b. 5 October, 1882, Stevenston; d. 3 October, 1917, Killed in action WW in France , Cameron Highlanders..viii. PETER LOGAN, b. 23 August, 1884, Stevenston; d. 7 July, 1934, Killed at work aged 48.26. AGNES5 LOGAN (JOHN REID4, MARY3 REID, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 1 April, 1851 in Stevenston, and died 24 September,1932 in - Gravestone NS Stevenston aged 80. She married ROBERT MCGHEE. Children of AGNES LOGAN and ROBERT MCGHEE are:i. JEANIE6 LOGAN, b. 22 February, 1873, Stevenston.ii. ANDREW MCGHEE, b. 1886; d. 12 January, 1926, Battle Creek, Mich, USA - Gravestone NS Stevenston aged 40.iii. WILLIAM MCGHEE, b. 1895; d. 29 June, 1925, - Gravestone NS Stevenston aged 30.27. MARY REID5 LOGAN (JOHN REID4, MARY3 REID, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 15 November, 1854 in Stevenston, Ayrshire. She married WILLIAM STEVELY 5 December, 1873 in Stevenston.More About MARY REID LOGAN:Census: Stevenston aged 36 Children of MARY LOGAN and WILLIAM STEVELY are:42. i. JAMES6 STEVELY, b. 1 November, 1873, Stevenston.ii. WILLIAN LOGAN STEVELY, b. 1880, Stevenston, Ayrshire; d. 1881, Stevenston, Ayrshire.28. CATHERINE5 LOGAN (JOHN REID4, MARY3 REID, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 4 January, 1857 in Stevenston. She married DAVID FREW, son of JOHN FREW and ANN MCAULLEY.More About CATHERINE LOGAN:Census: 1901, age 43More About DAVID FREW:Census: 1901, age 44, Engine Keeper, New St Stevenston Children of CATHERINE LOGAN and DAVID FREW are:

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i. ANNIE6 FREW, b. 1882, Stevenston.ii. AGNES MCKEAN FREW, b. 1885, Stevenston.iii. DAVID FREW, b. 1887, Stevenston.iv. MARY REID FREW, b. 1888, Stevenston.v. JOHN FREW, b. 1893, HUGH WALLACE FREW, b. 1896, Stevenston.vii. SARAH KELLY FREW, b. 1900, Stevenston.29. MARGARET5 LOGAN (JOHN REID4, MARY3 REID, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 28 November, 1860 in Stevenston. She marriedWILLIAM MCKENZIE.Notes for MARGARET LOGAN:#1455 Poor Relief RecordMaggie Logan or McKenzieWarner Place Stevenston45y (1906)6/-b StevenstonProtestantDesertedHousewifePartiallyYoung FamilypartiallyNilResidence William 13 b StevenstonAndrew 11 b StevenstonJohn 8 b StrevenstonPatrick 4, b Stevenston Husband William McKenzie left her 7 weeks ago aged 45 , b Lochbroom William 13 b StevenstonAndrew 11 b StevenstonJohn 8 b StrevenstonPatrick 4, b Stevenston More About MARGARET LOGAN:Occupation: 1880, Domestic ServantMore About WILLIAM MCKENZIE:1: 1906, left his wife and children Children of MARGARET LOGAN and WILLIAM MCKENZIE are:i. ROBERT6 LOGAN, b. 10 August, 1880, Illegitimate. Stevenston 615 166.More About ROBERT LOGAN:Census: 1891, aged 10, Stevenstonii. WILLIAM MCKENZIE, b. 1893.iii. ANDREW MCKENZIE, b. 1895.iv. JOHN MCKENZIE, b. 1898.v. PATRICK MCKENZIE, b. 1902.30. FINDLEY5 REID (CUNNINGHAM4, CUNNINGHAME3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born Abt. 1846 in Kilmarnock. He married MARIONANDERSON 20 October, 1865 in Muirkirk.More About FINDLEY REID:Occupation: 1861, Collier Child of FINDLEY REID and MARION ANDERSON is:i. CUNNINGHAM6 REID, b. 29 August, 1868, Muirkirk, Ayrshire.31. ANN SMITH5 REID (SAMUAL4, SAMUAL3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 12 November, 1837 in Stevenston, Ayrshire. She married WILLIAM HAMILTON 18 September, 1860 in Stevenston, Ayrshire, son of JOHN HAMILTON and MARY JOHNSTONE.More About ANN SMITH REID:Christening: 19 November, 1837, StevenstonMore About WILLIAM HAMILTON:Occupation: Engine Smith Journeyman (1860) Child of ANN REID and WILLIAM HAMILTON is:i. AGNES6 HAMILTON, b. 1861.32. ALEXANDER5 REID (SAMUAL4, SAMUAL3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 1838 in Stevenston, Ayr, Scotland, and died 24 May, 1885 in - Gravestone NS Stevenston aged 47. He married SARAH OWEN.More About ALEXANDER REID:Occupation: App Mason (1871)Source: confirm parents correct ? Children of ALEXANDER REID and SARAH OWEN are:i. JOHN OWEN6 REID, b. 12 July, 1870, Stevenston.ii. AGNES REID, b. 30 September, 1872, Stevenston; d. Died in infancy - Gravestone NS Stevenston.iii. ANDREW REID, b. 28 October, 1874, Stevenston; d. 17 January, 1929, - Gravestone NS Stevenston aged 55.iv. JANET REID, b. 1876; d. 19 November, 1906, - Gravestone NS Stevenston aged 30.

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33. JOHN5 REID (SAMUAL4, SAMUAL3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 18 June, 1842 in Stevenston, Ayrshire, and died 16 September, 1907 in Stevenston, Ayrshire. He married JEAN GARVEN YOUNG 20 November, 1863 in Stevenston, Ayrshire, daughter ofALEXANDER YOUNG and JEAN GARVEN.More About JOHN REID:Christening: 26 June, 1842, StevenstonSource: film 458197 lds Children of JOHN REID and JEAN YOUNG are:43. i. SAMUEL6 REID, b. 8 December, 1863, Stevenston; d. 21 October, 1912, Stevenston, Ayr, Scotland - Gravestone NS Stevenston.ii. ALEXANDER REID, b. 5 August, 1865, Stevenston, Ayrshire.More About ALEXANDER REID:Record Change: 29 August, 1998iii. JOHN REID, b. 25 February, 1868, Stevenston, Ayrshire; d. Bef. 1870.More About JOHN REID:Record Change: 29 August, 1998iv. JOHN REID, b. 22 March, 1870, Stevenston, Ayrshire.More About JOHN REID:Record Change: 29 August, 1998v. WILLIAM REID, b. 30 May, 1874, Stevenston, Ayrshire.More About WILLIAM REID:Record Change: 29 August, 199834. CHARLES5 REID (JOHN4, CHARLES3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 31 December, 1837 in Stevenston. He married MARY MURPHY 20 January, 1854 in Stevenston. Children of CHARLES REID and MARY MURPHY are:i. CHARLES6 REID, b. 15 October, 1854, Stevenston.ii. JOHN MURPHY REID, b. 23 November, 1856, Stevenston; d. Bef. 1861.iii. JOHN MURPHY REID, b. 24 August, 1861, Stevenston.iv. MARY MURPHY REID, b. 15 June, 1871, Stevenston.35. MARY5 REID (JOHN4, CHARLES3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 19 April, 1840 in Stevenston. She married ROBERT BAILLIE 18 July, 1862 in Stevenston. Children of MARY REID and ROBERT BAILLIE are:i. JAMES6 BAILLIE, b. 23 June, 1863, Kilwinning.ii. ROBERT BAILIIE, b. 23 June, 1865, Kilwinning.iii. JAMES CUNNINGHAM BAILLIE, b. 2 March, 1868, Kilwinning.iv. HELEN BAILLIE, b. 8 March, 1870, Kilwinning.36. GRACE5 MCLELLAND (ANN4 REID, CHARLES3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 20 April, 1846 in Stevenston. She married HUGH MCLELLAND 25 March, 1864 in Stevenston, son of WILLIAM MCLELLAND and AGNES DUFF.More About GRACE MCLELLAND:Christening: 20 June, 1846, Stevenston Children of GRACE MCLELLAND and HUGH MCLELLAND are:i. ANN6 MCLELLAND, b. 1868, Stevenston.ii. AGNES MCLELLAND, b. 1870, Stevenston.iii. WILLIAM MCLELLAND, b. 1872, Stevenston.iv. JAMES MCLELLAND, b. 1876, Stevenston.v. JANE MCLELLAND, b. 1877, CHARLES MCLELLAND, b. 1880, Stevenston.vii. GRACE MCLELLAND, b. 1882, Stevenston.viii. ALEXANDER MCLELLAND, b. 1884, Stevenston.ix. MARY MCLELLAND, b. 1886, Stevenston.37. SAMUEL5 EWING (ROBINA4 REID, CHARLES3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 11 November, 1855 in Govan, Lanarkshire, and died 27 August, 1935 in Glasgow, Lanarkshire aged 79. He married (1) HELEN GLOSSOP. He married (2) CATHERINE MCLELLAND. He married (3) MARGARET MCKELLAR 30 March, 1877 in Stevenston, daughter of JAMES MCKELLAR and MARY ALLAN. Child of SAMUEL EWING and HELEN GLOSSOP is:i. HELEN G6 EWING, b. Abt. 1875. Children of SAMUEL EWING and MARGARET MCKELLAR are:44. ii. JAMES6 EWING, b. 27 August, 1877, New St, Stevenston, Ayrshire; d. 29 March, 1929, Paisley, Renfrewshire aged 51.iii. SAMUAL EWING, b. Abt. 1882; d. 10 July, 1950, 32 Barr Place, Ardrossan, Ayrshire.iv. THOMAS EWING, b. Abt. 1887, Stevenston, Ayrshire. Generation No. 6 38. MARY6 THOMSON (ROBERT5, MARY4 LOGAN, MARY3 REID, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 30 March, 1876 in East Doura, Kilwinning, and died 28 February, 1942 in 29 Claremont Crescent, Kilwinning age 69 - D037. She married JOHN DEANS 20 August, 1897 in Burns Tavern, Kilwinning, son of ? and MARY DEANS.More About MARY THOMSON:Census: Bensley, Kilwinning in 1897Fact 2: witnesses Daniel Wales, Mary McAllisterFact 3: Factory Worker in 1897Occupation: Died age 65 of Cerebral HaemorrhageMore About JOHN DEANS:Census: 1881, Green, Kilwinning as John WALESFact 2: Foundry Worker in 1897Fact 3: 2nd marriage to mary ThomsonFact 5: Bridgend, Kilwinning in 1897

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Fact 6: died age 55 of cardiac failure & chronic bronchitisFact 7: death informant Abraham CONN, sonFact 8: Father unknownOccupation: LabourerResidence: 1892, Union Place, Kilwinning Children of MARY THOMSON and JOHN DEANS are:i. ANNIE WALES7 DEANS, b. Abt. 1900; m. (1) JAMES HUGHES; m. (2) JIMMY NEIL.More About ANNIE WALES DEANS:Occupation: Died YoungMore About JIMMY NEIL:Fact 1: No Familyii. POLLY DEANS, b. Abt. 1900.More About POLLY DEANS:Fact 1: Died young (aged 4?) locked in a church.iii. ABRAHAM WALES DEANS, b. 28 April, 1900, Kilwinning 599 entry 117; m. FRANCIS CURDY.More About ABRAHAM WALES DEANS:Occupation: Baker in Irvineiv. CATHERINE GOLDIE DEANS, b. 30 August, 1902, Abbey Green, Kilwinning; d. 15 July, 1955, Kilwinning age 52 - D037; m. DAVID LAMBIE, 1932, Kilwinning, Ayrshire.More About DAVID LAMBIE:Residence: 1903, Owned 73 boglemart St, Stevenston. Stayed in 75 Boglemart Stv. JAMES THOMSON DEANS, b. 16 January, 1908, 15 Abbeygreen, Kilwinning; d. 15 January, 1989; m. MARY ROBERT THOMSON DEANS, b. Abt. 1912; m. CATHERINE STORRIE WILSON, 6 October, 1944, Servicemans Hall, Irvine.More About ROBERT THOMSON DEANS:Occupation: 1944, EngineerResidence: 1944, 29 Claremont Cres, KilwinningMore About CATHERINE STORRIE WILSON:Occupation: 1944, Explosives Worker, ArdeerResidence: 1944, 3 Winton Road, Irvinevii. MARY DEANS, b. 1914; d. 25 February, 1919, Kilwinning age 4 - D037 Gravestone.39. ANN LOVE6 LOGAN (WILLIAM5, JOHN REID4, MARY3 REID, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 26 February, 1874 in Stevenston. She married ANDREW SINCLAIR, son of PETER SINCLAIR and HANNAH GALLACHER. Child of ANN LOGAN and ANDREW SINCLAIR is:i. WILLIAM LOGAN7 SINCLAIR, b. 10 June, 1897, Saltcoats, Ayrshire; d. 25 May, 1918, Killed in action WW1.More About WILLIAM LOGAN SINCLAIR:Burial: Theinnes Brotish Cemetery France40. ALEXANDER LOVE6 LOGAN (WILLIAM5, JOHN REID4, MARY3 REID, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 25 June, 1876 in Stevenston, and died 18 August, 1944 in Vancouver, Canada. He married MARY S KERR 30 December, 1900 in Stevenston, daughter of FRANCIS KERR and ANNIE CALDWELL.More About ALEXANDER LOVE LOGAN:Census: 1891, aged 14, StevenstonEmigration: 1923, to Canada (ref Linda Norby [email protected] )Occupation: Recruited to work in the coalfields in Vancouver Island Children of ALEXANDER LOGAN and MARY KERR are:i. WILLIAM7 LOGAN, b. 9 September, 1900, Stevenston; d. 10 September, 1920, Mine cave in. Naniamo age 25.ii. ALEXANDER LOVE LOGAN, b. 1904, Stevenston; d. 1911, Stevenston or Saltcoats.iii. ANNIE CALDWELL LOGAN, b. 1905, Stevenston or Saltcoats; d. 7 March, 1970, North Vancouver, BC, Canada; m. KENNETH STEWART GRANT, Abt. 1928.iv. CHRISTINA LOVE LOGAN, b. 1 July, 1907, 37 Raise St, Saltcoats; d. 15 November, 1974, North Vancouver, Canada; m. FREDERICK BELL, 29 March, 1928, Trail, BC, Canada.v. MARY LOGAN, b. 1910, Saltcoats, Ayrshire; d. February 1990, Sechelt, BC, ALEXANDER LOVE LOGAN, b. 30 November, 1914, 25 Auchenharvie Cottages, Saltcoats; d. 22 December, 1995, Vancouver, Canada; m. KEITHA BEIRNES, 3 August, 1937, Vancouver, BC, Canada.41. MICHAEL6 LOGAN (WILLIAM5, JOHN REID4, MARY3 REID, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 5 October, 1882 in Stevenston, and died 3 October, 1917 in Killed in action WW in France , Cameron Highlanders.. He married FLORA ANN HILL THOMAS.More About MICHAEL LOGAN:Burial: Ypres, BelgiumCensus: 1891, aged 7, StevenstonMore About FLORA ANN HILL THOMAS:Residence: 105 Camberwell Rd, London SE5 Child of MICHAEL LOGAN and FLORA THOMAS is:i. NANCY EVIAN HILL7 LOGAN, b. 1915, London, England.More About NANCY EVIAN HILL LOGAN:1: Illegitamate child of Michael Logan42. JAMES6 STEVELY (MARY REID5 LOGAN, JOHN REID4, MARY3 REID, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 1 November, 1873 in Stevenston. He married MARY ROY. Child of JAMES STEVELY and MARY ROY is:i. MARY REID LOGAN7 STEVELY, b. 26 May, 1901, Ayr, Ayrshire; m. ARCHIBALD JAMES AYERS, 19 September, 1923, Hamilton, Wentworth, Ontario, Canada.More About MARY REID LOGAN STEVELY:Source: IGI43. SAMUEL6 REID (JOHN5, SAMUAL4, SAMUAL3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 8 December, 1863 in Stevenston, and died 21 October, 1912 in Stevenston, Ayr, Scotland - Gravestone NS Stevenston. He married ELIZABETH BELL 1 August, 1884 in Ardrossan, Ayrshire, daughter of SAMUAL BELL and CATHERINE ROSS.

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Children of SAMUEL REID and ELIZABETH BELL are:i. CATHERINE BELL7 REID, b. 21 December, 1884, Stevenston.ii. SAMUEL REID, b. 21 May, 1888, Stevenston.iii. WILLIAM BELL REID, b. 2 June, 1890, Stevenston.iv. ANNIE BELL REID, b. 3 June, 1898, Stevenston.44. JAMES6 EWING (SAMUEL5, ROBINA4 REID, CHARLES3, JOHN2, THOMAS1) was born 27 August, 1877 in New St, Stevenston, Ayrshire, and died 29 March, 1929 in Paisley, Renfrewshire aged 51. He married LAURA FRANCIS ODD 31 October, 1906 in Chatham,Kent, England, daughter of WALTER ODD and LAURA MILSTEAD. Children of JAMES EWING and LAURA ODD are:i. FRANCIS JOHN7 EWING, b. 9 March, 1909, Coatbridge, Lanarkshire; m. IVY GRACE WILTON.ii. MARGARET BEATRICE EWING, b. 1 March, 1911, 7 Greenlaw Ave, Paisley.iii. JAMES EWING, b. Abt. 1915.iv. THOMAS EWING, b. Abt. 1915.

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19/975 BOYD OF Largs, Ayrshire, Elizabeth Boyd & John McIntyre

The family of Alistair McIntyre of Electic Scotland, is based on data from the website –

Alastair McIntyre's Genealogy - Electric Scotland

James Boyd of Largs, Ayrshire is said to have been a fisherman. So would this help to trace his “father”? And were James Boyd’s siblings also fishermen at Largs? If so, can any records be found for them? And could this family be linked to those fishermen who are said to have lived in the ruin castle at Portincross (but whose names were never cited) in the 1700’s. Or could they have come from oneof the Boyd families from around Largs, Ayrhisre or even those that lived on Kintyre, Argyllshire from the early 1600’s or before?

U1? James Boyd, b / /176x (town, etc), d / /184x (town, Ayrshire?), died before 1851 Census, bu Largs? m / /180x (Church, town,Ayrshire), Margaret Crawford, dau of Ninian Crawford and Margaret Beith, bc / /1777 (town, etc), d 9/9/1862 (8 New Street, Largs, Ayrshire), bu Largs (?), and issue:-[Lived: 1851: Lade Street, Largs, Ayrshire, Scotland ]

Details? There does not appear to be any IGI entreis for either James Boyd and Margaret Crawford in the 1994 IGI for the UK. Are there any OPR entries? From the Electric Scotland website -“On 9th September 1862, at 8.30pm, at 8 New Street, Largs, Margaret Boyd, relict of James Boyd, fisherman, died, aged 85, daughter of Ninian Crawford (Mason) and Margaret Crawford m/s Beith

Cause of death: Senile debility, dropsy and incipient gangrene of footCertified by: I Campbell MDInformant: Ninian Boyd, son

(Ref: 1862)

There was no sign of Margaret’s birth, nor of her parents’ marriage.”

Need to get the 1841 Census for Largs to get details on James and other possible children born to him and Margaret. Need to check Cemetery records for Largs for this family and other Boyds?

The more than two year gap between the known children’s birth, would suggest that other children were born to this couple? Is this correct? If so, can they be found? Where?

V1 Alexander Boyd, bc / /1803 (Largs?, Ayrshire), d / /18xx (town, etc), bu Largs (?), m / /183x (church, Largs?, Ayrshire), wife not given, dau of and (nee ) ????, b / /181x (town, etc), d / /184x (town, etc), died before 1851 Census, buLargs?, Ayrshire, and had issue:-[Lived 1851: Lade Street, Largs, Ayrshire ]

Details? In 1851 Census living with his mother? He is termed a “Fisherman” along with his four brothers. In the 1851 Census, there is a grandson of Margaret Boyd – James Boyd, Weaver, aged 18 years” I will put him, as the son of Alexander Boyd, at this time until more details are known about the family.

W1 James Boyd, bc / /1833 (Largs?, Ayrshire), d / /18xx (town, etc), bu , m ?[Lived: ]

V2 Ninian Boyd, bc / /1808 (Largs?, Ayrshire), d / /18xx (town, etc), after 1862, bu , unm?[Lived: 1851: Lade Street, Largs, Ayrshire ]

Detials? In 1851 Census living with his mother. He is termed a “Fisherman” along with his four brothers.

V3 James Boyd, bc / /1813 (Largs?, Ayrshire), d / /18xx (town, etc), after 1862, bu , unm?[Lived: 1851: Lade Street, Largs, Ayrshire ]

Detials? In 1851 Census living with his mother. He is termed a “Fisherman” along with his four brothers.

V4 Crawford Boyd, bc / /1819 (Largs?, Ayrshire), d / /18xx (town, etc), after 1862, bu , m?[Lived: 1851: Lade Street, Largs, Ayrshire ]

Detials? In 1851 Census living with his mother. He is termed a “Fisherman” along with his four brothers.

In the 1994 IGI for the UK it has these entries for Crawford Boyd and Alice Wood, down to Margaret Boyd.

James BOYD (M)............... B: 10 Oct 1856 B: 22 Oct 1980 SWISS Ba: C116021 Father: Crawford BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 17 Jun 1981 SWISS So: 6035516 Mother: Elis WOOD SP: 13 Aug 1981 SWISS

Janet BOYD (F)............. B: 7 Dec 1858 B: 22 Oct 1980 SWISS Ba: C116021 Father: Cranford BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 14 Mar 1981 SWISS So: 6035516 Mother: Alice WOOD SP: 31 Mar 1981 SWISS

Elisabeth BOYD (F).......... B: 3 Apr 1861 B: 22 Oct 1980 SWISS Ba: C116021 Father: Crawford BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 18 Mar 1981 SWISS So: 6035516 Mother: Alice WOOD SP: 31 Mar 1981 SWISS

Alice BOYD (F).............. B: 4 Nov 1862 B: 22 Oct 1980 SWISS Ba: C116021

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Father: Crawford BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 19 Mar 1981 SWISS So: 6035516 Mother: Alice WOOD SP: 31 Mar 1981 SWISS

Alexander BOYD (M)........... B: 21 Nov 1867 B: 23 Oct 1980 SWISS Ba: C116021 Father: Crawford BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 19 Jun 1981 SWISS So: 6035516 Mother: Alice WOOD SP: 5 Sep 1981 SWISS

Ellen Wood BOYD (F)........ B: 8 Oct 1873 B: 19 Jul 1985 JRIVE Ba: C116021 Father: Crawford BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 22 Aug 1985 JRIVE So: 6035516 Mother: Alice WOOD SP: 5 Sep 1985 JRIVE

From the Electric Scotland website it says -

“Although there is a question mark concerning the paternity of Alexander McIntyre, there is no doubt that his mother was Elizabeth Boyd, daughter of Crawford.

Her parents’ marriage was found as follows:

1851June 7 Crawford Boyd, fisher and Alice Wood, both residing in this Parish.Two days(Ref: OPR/Largs, Ayrshire 602/3)

It is virtually certain that the following entry refers to Crawford’s birth:

CRAWFORD Crawford, lawful son of James Boyd and Margt BOYDCrawford in Town born 14th, bapt 21st October 1821By Mr Mitchell(Ref: OPR/Largs, Ayrshire 602/3)

Crawford’s death was found as follows:

On 26th March 1892, at 8.30am, at Gateside Street, Largs, CRAWFORD BOYD (Fisherman) married to Alice Wood, died, aged 74, son of James Boyd (Fisherman – Deceased) and Margaret Boyd m/s Crawford (Deceased)Cause of death: Cardiac valvular disease, Hemiplegia 6 daysCertified by: William A Caskie, MAInformant: Alexander Boyd, son, present(Ref: 1892d/Largs, Aryshire 602-20)”

NewV4 Crawford Boyd, 14/10/1821 (Largs, Ayrshire), Bapt 21/10/1821 (Church, Largs, Ayrshire), d 26/3/1892 (Gateside Street, Largs, Ayrshire), bu Largs?, m 7/6/1851 (church, Presbyterian?, Largs Parish, Ayrshire), Alice Wood, dau of and (nee ) Wood, bc / /1831 (town, etc), d / /19xx (town, etc), bu , and had issue:-[Lived: 1881: 3 Gateside Street, Largs, Ayrshire ]

Details? In the 1881 Census he is termed a Fisherman.

W1 Margaret Boyd, b / /1852 (Largs, Ayrshire), d / /19xx (town, etc), bu , m ?[Lived: ]

W2 Janet Boyd, b / /1856 (Largs, Ayrshire), d / /19xx (town, etc), bu , m ?[Lived: ]

W3 James Boyd, bc / /1858 (Largs, Ayrshire), d / /19xx (town, etc), bu , m ?[Lived: ]

W4 Elizabeth Boyd, bc / /1860 (Largs?, Ayrshire), d 13/2/1926 ( 9 Gallowgate Lane, Largs, Ayrshire), bu , Largs?, m 24/3/1882 (Presbyterian Manse, Largs, Ayrshire), John McIntyre, son of Archibald McIntyre and Margaret Blair, b 20/12/1851 (town, etc), Bapt 25/1/1852 (Largs, Ayrshire), d 9/9/1914 (1 Lade Street, Largs, Ayrshire), bu Largs, Ayrshire?, and had issue:-[Lived: ]

Details? In the 1881 Census for Crawford Boyd and Family is listed “Alex McMillan Grandson 2 Largs, Ayrshire”. But there is no indication as to whom his parents are from the Census. He could be a child born to a McMillan couple and the mother having died at birth, “Alex” was taken in by this Boyd family. However, the website suggests that he is more likely to be the son of Elizabeth Boyd. DNA testing may be required to determine this theory.

1891 Census for Scotland.

32 …*… Street, Largs, Ayrshire – 5th April 1891

John McIntyre Head Married 40 Butcher Ayrshire, LargsElisabeth McIntyre Wife Married 28 Ayrshire, LargsAlex McIntyre Son 12 Scholar Ayrshire, Largs Maggie McIntyre Daug 8 Scholar Ayrshire, Largs(Ref: 1891Cen/Largs, Ayrshire 602, bk7, p19)

The property had 3 windowed rooms and John was shown as being employed.

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* indicates illegibility or partial legibility throughout this report.

“So this suggests that Alexander was born prior to the marriage of John and Elizabeth which was found as follows:

On 24th March 1882 at the Manse, Largs, after Banns according to the forms of the Established Church of Scotland

JOHN MCINTYRE (Butcher, Journeyman – Bachelor) age 27 of Largs, son of Archibald McIntyre (Butcher, Journeyman – Deceased) and Margaret McIntyre m/s Blair

[marriage to]

ELIZABETH BOYD (Domestic Servant – Spinster) age 20, of Largs, daughter of Crawford Boyd (Fisherman) and Alice Boyd m/s Wood

Clergyman: John Kinross, Minister, LargsWitnesses: William Crawford and Agnes Wright

(Ref: 1882m/Largs, Ayrshire 602-7)

“On 26th March 1882 at 8.20pm at Main Street, Largs, MARGARET BLAIR MCINTYRE was born, daughter of John McIntyre (Butcher – Journeyman) and Elizabeth McIntyre m/s Blair

Marriage of parents: 24th March 1882Informant: John McIntyre (Flesher), father

(Ref: 1882b/Largs, Ayrshire 602-11)

It is assumed that the informant John gave his mother’s maiden name instead of his wife’s by mistake.”

“Elizabeth’s death was found as follows:

On 13th February 1926, at 5.15, at 9 Gallowgate Lane, Largs, ELIZABETH MCINTYRE, widow of John McIntyre (Flesher) died, aged 65, daughter of Crawford Boyd (Fisherman – Deceased) and Alice Boyd m/s Wood (Deceased)

Cause of death: Peritonitis, probably from malignant conditionCertified by: John Crow MDInformant: Archie McIntyre, son, 9 School Wynd, Largs(Ref: 1926d/Largs, Ayrshire 602/1-8)

It took some time to find John’s death but it was eventually found as follows:

On 9th September 1914, at 3am, at 1 Lade Street, Largs JOHN MCINTYRE(Butcher), married to Elizabeth Boyd, died, aged 63, son of Archibald McIntyre (Butcher – Deceased) and Margaret McIntyre m/s Blair (Deceased)

Cause of death: Enlarged prostate, Cystitis, NephritisCertified by: John Crow MDInformant: Daniel Allan, Brother-in-law, 14 Bristow Road, Largs(Ref: 1914d/Largs, Ayrshire 602/1-39)

John would have been born in about 1851 whereas Statutory Civil Registration didn’t start in Scotland until 1855. Before that one has to rely on the Old Parochial Registers (OPRs). There were almost 1,000 parishes in Scotland, and not all of the old registers have survived. It was not really until the early part of the 18th Century that the maintenance of OPRs became reasonably widespread. The registers were usually the responsibility of the Session Clerk and some were much more diligent than others. The secession of 1733 had an adverse effect and many of those who seceded refused, on principle, to register baptisms with the Established Church. In 1783, an act was passed imposing a tax of three pence on every entry; this also deterred many from registering.

John’s birth, and his parents marriage, were both discovered in Largs:

JOHN, 2nd child of Archibald MCINTYRE in Largs, and Margaret Blair his wife, was born 20th December 1851, and baptised on the 25th January 1852 by the Revd J Kinross

(Ref: OPR/Largs, Ayrshire 602/3)

AND: 1848Sept 9th Archibald Macintyre [sic] and Margaret Blair both in this parish. Two-days

1871 Scotland Census Name: Elizabeth Boyd Age: 10 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1861 Relationship: Daur (Daughter) Father's Name: Crawford Mother's Name: Alice Gender: Female Where born: Largs, Ayrshire Registration Number: 602 Registration district: Largs Civil parish: Largs Town: Largs County: Ayrshire

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Address: Gateside St Lades Land Occupation: Scholar ED: 5 Household schedule number: 104 Line: 14 Roll: CSSCT1871_113 Household Members: Name Age Crawford Boyd 52 Alice Boyd 40 Jamest Boyd 14 Elizabeth Boyd 10 Alice Boyd 8 [Had illegit. Wilhelmina in Feb. 1883] Alice died 1911******m. Jas ToddWilliam Boyd 6 Alexander Boyd 3 Mary Boyd 1”

[“Is Jamest Boyd 14” the correct spelling for James or Janet Boyd?]

(First Family of W4 – Elizabeth Boyd)

X1 Alex (Alexander?) Boyd/McMillan/McIntyre, b 17/12/1878 (3? Gateside St., Largs, Ayrshire), d 19/3/1952 (Royal Inf. Glasgow, Lanarkshire), bu , Glasgow?, Lanarkshire, m 4/9/1903 (40 Gateside Street, Largs, Ayrshire, Scotland), Jessie Wallace Brock, dau of Robert Wallace Brock and Elizabeth Gilmour, b / /1877 ( , East Kilbride, Lanarkshire), d 5/10/1946 (133 Balornock Road, Glasgow,), bu , Glasgow?, Lanarkshire, and had issue:-[Lived: 50 Charlotte Street, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland ]

Details? When Jessie died in 1946 they were living at 21 Plant Street Glasgpw Lanark Scotland.

A John Henderson provide this information on Alexander -

“YES! ALEXANDER WAS BORN ILLEGITIMATELY TO ELIZABETH BOYD AS 'ALEXANDER BOYD' AT 2 P.M.ON 17TH DECEMBER, 1878 IN GATESIDE STREET, LARGS ] c.f. GRO Image AttachedN.B. There were McMillans living almost next door to the Boyds in 1881 in Gateside, Largs …. But no Alexander McMillan … he had probably bolted by then!”

Y1 child?

Y3? John (Alexander) Gilmore McIntyre, b 7/9/1909 ( , Glasgow, Lanarkshire), d 13/7/1986 ( , Grangemouth Stirlingshire, Scotland, bu Grangemouth? , m 16/7/1937 (421 Langholm Street, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland), Isabella Fowler Brown, dau of James Brown and Annie Fowler Reid, b 21/10/1911 (5 Walter Street , Scotstoun and Yoker Glasgow Lanarkshire), d 24/8/1985 ( , Grangemouth Stirlingshire, Scotland), bu , Grangemouth, ? , and had issue:-[Lived: , Grangemouth, Stirlingshire, Scotland ? ]

Details? From Electric Scotland website -

“Her birth certificate was found as follows:

On 21st October 1911 at 1pm at 5 Walter Street, YokerISABELLA FOWLER BROWN was born, daughter of James Brown (Engine Fitter) and Annie Fowler Brown m/s ReidMarriage of parents: 30th November 1894, Kelvin, GlasgowInformant: James Brown, father, present(Ref 1911b/Scotstoun & Yoker 575/2-307)”

Z1 child McIntyre, b / /193x (town, etc),

Z6 Alastair McIntyre, b 31/1/1951 ( , Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland), m [Address: ]

(Second Family of W4 – Elizabeth Boyd)

X2 Margaret (Maggie) Blair McIntyre, b 26/3/1883 ( ?? Main Street, Largs, Ayrshire), d / /19xx (town, etc), bu , m ?[Lived: ]

“On 26th March 1882 at 8.20pm at Main Street, Largs, MARGARET BLAIR MCINTYRE was born, daughter of John McIntyre (Butcher – Journeyman) and Elizabeth McIntyre m/s Blair

Marriage of parents: 24th March 1882Informant: John McIntyre (Flesher), father

(Ref: 1882b/Largs, Ayrshire 602-11)

It is assumed that the informant John gave his mother’s maiden name instead of his wife’s by mistake.”

X3 (Archie?) [Archibald] McIntyre, b / 189x (otwn, etc), d / /19xx (town, etc)[Lived: 1926: 9 School Wynd, Largs, Ayrshire]

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Details? From mother, Elizabeth Boyd/McIntyre’s death certificate.

“On 13th February 1926, at 5.15, at 9 Gallowgate Lane, Largs, ELIZABETH MCINTYRE, widow of John McIntyre (Flesher) died, aged 65, daughter of Crawford Boyd (Fisherman – Deceased) and Alice Boyd m/s Wood (Deceased)

Cause of death: Peritonitis, probably from malignant conditionCertified by: John Crow MDInformant: Archie McIntyre, son, 9 School Wynd, Largs(Ref: 1926d/Largs, Ayrshire 602/1-8)

W5 Alice Boyd, bc / /1863 (Largs, Ayrshire), d / /1911 (town, etc), bu , m / /188x (church, otwn, county, etc), James Todd, son of and (nee ) Todd, bc / /1863 (town, etc), d / /19xx (town, etc), bu , and had issue:-[Lived: ]

Details? In the 1881 Census Alice is listed at Robert Craig’s Robshill Farm House, Means, Renfrewsire, being 18 years old and a Farm servant.

While in the 1891 Census she is listed as –

1891 Scotland Census Name: Alice Todd [BOYD]Age: 26 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1865 Relationship: Wife Spouse's name : James Gender: Female Where born: Largs, Ayrshire Registration Number: 644/6 Registration district: St Rollox Civil parish: Glasgow Inner High County: Lanarkshire Address: 115 St James Road ED: 10 Household schedule number: 81 Line: 2 Roll: CSSCT1891_262 Household Members: Name Age James Todd 26 Alice Todd 26 Jessie Todd 6 George Todd 4 Margaret Todd 2 Alice Todd 8 Months

(First Family of W5 – Alice Boyd)

X1 Wilhelmina (Minnie) Boyd, bc / /1883 (Largs, Ayrshire), d / /19xx (town, etc), bu , m /4/1903 (church, Glasgow, Lanarkshire), John Paxton, son of and (n[Lived: ]

(First Family of X1 – Minnie Boyd)

Y1 Crawford, Boyd, bc / /1901 (town, etc), d /8/1902 ( , Largs, Ayrshire), bu , Largs, Ayrshire).[Lived: ]She returned to Glasgow to marry John Paxton there in April 1903,Details? It would appear that Crawford was born 1 month before the 1901 Census. And his father appears to be Alexander McIntyre, future husband of ???[???]. (IT LOOKS VERY LIKELY THAT ALEX BOYD McMILLAN MCINTYRE HAD AN ILLEGITIMATE SON CRAWFORD BOYD WITH HIS COUSIN WILHELMINA BOYD IN GLASGOW IN 1901 BEFORE HE MARRIED JESSIE BROCK IN 1903)

The following shows that Alex Boyd McIntyre and Wilhelmina Boyd went back from Blantyre to Gateside, Largs c. 1902 where her son Crawford died aged 1 year 5 months of Croup in August 1902. She returned to Glasgow to marry John Paxton there in April 1903, whileAlex then married Jessie Brock in September, 1903 in Largs !

(Second Family of X1 – Minnie Boyd)


(Second Family of W5 – Alice Boyd)

X2 Jessie Todd, bc / /1885 (town, etc), d / /19xx (town, etc), bu , m ?[Lived: ]

X3 George Todd, bc / /1887 (town, etc), d / /19xx (town, etc), bu , m ?

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[Lived: ]

X4 Margaret Todd, b / /1889 (town, etc), d / /19xx (town, etc), bu , m ?[Lived: ]

X5 Alice Todd, bc / /1890 (town, etc), d / /19xx (town, etc), bu , m ?[Lived: ]


W6 Alexander Boyd, bc / /1867 (Largs?, Ayrshire), d / /19xx[Lived: ]

W7 Mary Boyd, bc / /1871 (Largs?, Ayrshire), d / /19xx ([Lived: ]

W8 Helen Boyd, bc / /1873 (Largs?, Ayrshire), d / /19xx ([Lived: ]

W9 Jane Boyd, bc / /1878 (Largs?, Ayrshire), d / /19xx ([Lived: ]

W10 Agnes (?) Boyd, bc / /1855 ([Lived: ]

3 Gateside Street, Largs, Ayrshire – 4th April 1881Crawford Boyd Head Married 61 Fisherman Largs, AyrshireAlice Boyd Wife Married 50 Fisherman’s wife Largs, AyrshireElizabeth Boyd Daug Unmarr 21 Largs, AyrshireWilliam Boyd Son Unmarr 16 Largs, AyrshireAlex Boyd Son Unmarr 14 Largs, AyrshireMary Boyd Daug 10 Largs, AyrshireHelen Boyd Daug 8 Largs, AyrshireJane Boyd Daug 3 Largs, AyrshireAlex McMillan Grandson 2 Largs, AyrshireJames Boyd Son 23 Mason Largs, Ayrshire(Ref: 1881Cen/Largs, Ayshire 602, bk 5, p19)

V5 Peter Boyd, bc / /1827 (Largs?, Ayrshire), d / /18xx (town, etc), after 1862, bu , unm?[Lived: 1851: Lade Street, Largs, Ayrshire ]

Detials? In 1851 Census living with his mother. He is termed a “Fisherman” along with his four brothers.

V6 Janet Boyd, b / /1819 (Largs?, Ayrshire), d / /18xx (town, etc), after 1862, bu , unm?[Lived: Lade Street, Largs, Ayrshire ]


V7 Shusan [or Susan] Boyd, b /1/1806 (Largs, Ayrshire), Bapt 2/2/1806 (Largs, Ayrshire), d / /18xx (twon, etc), bu , m ?[Lived: ]

Details from the Electric Scotland website –

“JANET BOYD Christening: 30 JUN 1819 Largs, Ayr, Scotland Father: JAMES BOYD Mother: MARGARET CRAWFORD Extracted birth or christening record for the locality listed in the record.

SHUSAN BOYD Christening: 02 FEB 1806 Largs, Ayr, Scotland Father: JAMES BOYD Mother: MARGARET CRAWFORD Extracted birth or christening record for the locality listed in the record.”


Lade Street, Largs, Ayrshire – 30th March 1851Margaret Boyd Head Widow 74 Ayrshire, LargsAlexander Boyd Son Married 48 Fisherman Ayrshire, LargsNinian Boyd Son Unmarr 43 Fisherman Ayrshire, LargsJames Boyd Son Unmarr 38 Fisherman Ayrshire, LargsCrawford Boyd Son Unmarr 32 Fisherman Ayrshire, LargsPeter Boyd Son Unmarr 24 Fisherman Ayrshire, LargsJames Boyd Son Grandson 18 Weaver Ayrshire, Largs(Ref: 1851Cen/Largs, Ayrshire, bk7, p29)

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Other reserchers


CONTACT - Largs and North Ayrshire Family History Society – C/- Largs Library.

Boyd Fishermen Families??

Also need to contact the North Ayrshire Local Studies Library about any Boyd Fishermen families in Largs and their history prior to 1800and during the 1800’s




Archibald BOYD (M)......... B: Abt 1791 B: 16 Jul 1957 IFALL F#: 442690 @ Spouse: Mary HENDRY of Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 15 Jan 1958 IFALL SP: Pre-1970 O#: 06515

Janet BOYD (F).............. B: 24 Mar 1817 B: 16 Jul 1957 IFALL F#: 442698 @ Father: Archibald BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 30 Apr 1958 IFALL Mother: Mary HENDRY SP: Pre-1970 O#: 06519

Janet BOYD (F)............... C: 6 Apr 1817 B: 16 Jul 1957 Ba: C116022 Father: Archibald BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 30 Apr 1958 IFALL So: 1041392, Mother: Mary HENDRY SP: 6 Jun 1959 IFALL Pr: 6900411

Janet BOYD (F).............. C: 6 Apr 1817 B: 16 Jul 1957 Ba: 7206925 35 Father: Archd BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 30 Apr 1958 IFALL So: 820248 Mother: Mary HENDRY SP: 5 Jun 1959 IFALL

Christina BOYD (F)........... B: 24 May 1818 B: 16 Jul 1957 IFALL F#: 442698 @ Father: Archibald BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 30 Apr 1958 IFALL Mother: Mary HENDRY SP: Pre-1970 O#: 06520

Christina BOYD (F).......... C: 31 May 1818 B: 16 Jul 1957 Ba: 7206925 34 Father: Archd BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 30 Apr 1958 IFALL So: 820248 Mother: Janet HENDRY SP: 24 Jul 1973 LANGE

Christina BOYD (F).......... C: 31 May 1818 B: 16 Jul 1957 Ba: C116022 Father: Archibald BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 30 Apr 1958 IFALL So: 1041392,102846 Mother: Mary HENDRY SP: 5 Jun 1959 IFALL Pr: 6900411

John BOYD (M)............... B: 27 Feb 1822 B: 16 Jul 1957 IFALL F#: 442690 @ Father: Archibald BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 15 Jan 1958 IFALL Mother: Mary HENDRY SP: Pre-1970 O#: 06514

John BOYD (M).............. C: 3 Mar 1822 B: 16 Jul 1957 Ba: 7206925 27 Father: Archd BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 15 Jan 1958 IFALL So: 820248 Mother: Mary HENDRY SP: 5 Jun 1959 IFALL

Anna BOYD (F)............... B: 6 Sep 1824 B: 16 Jul 1957 IFALL F#: 442698 @ Father: Archibald BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 30 Apr 1958 IFALL Mother: Mary HENDRY SP: Pre-1970 O#: 06520

Ann BOYD (F)............... C: 12 Sep 1824 B: 16 Jul 1957 Ba: 7206925 21 Father: Archd BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 30 Apr 1958 IFALL So: 820248 Mother: Mary HENDRY SP: 5 Jun 1959 IFALL

Archibald BOYD (M)........... C: 9 Jul 1826 B: 20 Jul 1972 IFALL Ba: 7206926 50 Father: Archibald BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 12 Jan 1974 IFALL So: 820248 Mother: Mary HENDRY SP: 30 Jan 1974 IFALL

Archd. BOID (M)............... C: 13 Apr 1802 B: 2 Nov 1971 SLAKE Ba: 7106208 17 Father: Neil BOID Southend, Argyll, Scotland E: 15 Dec 1971 SLAKE So: 1235188 Mother: Margrat MAC MILLAN SP: 20 Jan 1972 SLAKE

John BOYD (M)............. B: 1819 B: 27 Aug 1988 NZEAL Ba: 1860119 82

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Father: BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 11 Jan 1989 NZEAL So: 1553172 SP: 16 Mar 1989 NZEAL

Janet BOYD (F)............... B: Abt 1820 B: 19 Jun 1926 SLAKE F#: 183517 @ Rel: John HAMILTON Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: Pre-1970 P#: 165 (no parents listed) SP: Pre-1970 O#: 6046

Jane BOYD (F)............. B: 1836 B: 9 Nov 1988 NZEAL Ba: 1860211 36 Father: BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 15 Nov 1988 NZEAL Mother: Jane SP: 6 Dec 1988 NZEAL

Alexander BOYD (M)......... B: 1841 B: 5 Oct 1988 NZEAL Ba: 1860121 2 Father: BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 18 Mar 1989 NZEAL So: 1553172 SP: 4 May 1989 NZEAL

John BOYD (M)................ C: 13 Nov 1853 B: 23 May 1975 OAKLA Ba: 7433010 38 Father: Archibald BOYD Fairlie In Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 8 Jul 1975 OAKLA So: 935264 Mother: Janet KNOX SP: 23 Jul 1975 OAKLA

Isabella BOYD (F)........... B: 12 Sep 1855 B: 22 Oct 1980 SWISS Ba: C116021 Father: James BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 13 Mar 1981 SWISS So: 6035516 Mother: Margaret RYEBURN SP: 27 Mar 1981 SWISS

James BOYD (M)............... B: 23 Aug 1857 B: 22 Oct 1980 SWISS Ba: C116021 Father: James BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 17 Jun 1981 SWISS So: 6035516 Mother: Margaret RAEBURN SP: 13 Aug 1981 SWISS

James BOYD (M).............. B: 30 May 1859 B: 22 Oct 1980 SWISS Ba: C116021 Father: James BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 17 Jun 1981 SWISS So: 6035516 Mother: Margaret RYBURN SP: 19 Aug 1981 SWISS

Jane BOYD (F)................ B: 27 Jan 1861 B: 22 Oct 1980 SWISS Ba: C116021 Father: James BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 18 Mar 1981 SWISS So: 6035516 Mother: Margaret REYBURN SP: 31 Mar 1981 SWISS

David BOYD (M)............. B: 28 Jan 1863 B: 22 Oct 1980 SWISS Ba: C116021 Father: James BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 18 Jun 1981 SWISS So: 6035516 Mother: Margaret RYBURN SP: 3 Sep 1981 SWISS

Alexander BOYD (M)........... B: 30 Nov 1864 B: 22 Oct 1980 SWISS Ba: C116021 Father: James BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 18 Jun 1981 SWISS So: 6035516 Mother: Margaret RAYBURN SP: 4 Sep 1981 SWISS

John BOYD (M)............... B: 17 May 1866 B: 23 Oct 1980 SWISS Ba: C116021 Father: James BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 19 Jun 1981 SWISS So: 6035516 Mother: Margaret RYBURN SP: 5 Sep 1981 SWISS

Alexander BOYD (M).......... B: 31 Mar 1868 B: 23 Oct 1980 SWISS Ba: C116021 Father: James BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 19 Jun 1981 SWISS So: 6035516 Mother: Margaret RYBURN SP: 5 Sep 1981 SWISS

David BOYD (M).............. B: 7 Jan 1872 B: 11 Aug 1983 ARIZO Ba: C116021 Father: James BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 22 Oct 1983 ARIZO So: 6035516 Mother: Margaret RYBURN SP: 9 Nov 1983 ARIZO

Archibald BOYD (M).......... B: 3 Feb 1857 B: 22 Oct 1980 SWISS Ba: C116021 Father: Francis BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 17 Jun 1981 SWISS So: 6035516 Mother: Janet WORKMAN SP: 13 Aug 1981 SWISS

Elisabeth BOYD (F)............... B: 28 Sep 1857 B: 22 Oct 1980 SWISS Ba: C116021 Father: John BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 14 Mar 1981 SWISS So: 6035516 Mother: Isabella Ellison MACCALL SP: 27 Mar 1981 SWISS

Archibald BOYD (M)........... B: 31 Jan 1859 B: 22 Oct 1980 SWISS Ba: C116021 Father: John BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 17 Jun 1981 SWISS So: 6035516 Mother: Isabella MACCALL SP: 19 Aug 1981 SWISS

Janet BOYD (F).................. B: 23 Jan 1864 B: 23 Oct 1980 SWISS Ba: C116021 Father: John BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 20 Mar 1981 SWISS So: 6035516 Mother: Isabella Ellison MACCALL SP: 31 Mar 1981 SWISS

John Hendry BOYD (M).............. B: 13 Nov 1867 B: 23 Oct 1980 SWISS Ba: C116021

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Father: John BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 19 Jun 1981 SWISS So: 6035516 Mother: Isabella Ellison MACCALL SP: 5 Sep 1981 SWISS

Isabella Ellison BOYD (F)......... B: 4 Dec 1869 B: 23 Oct 1980 SWISS Ba: C116021 Father: John BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 24 Mar 1981 SWISS So: 6035516 Mother: Isabella Ellison MACCALL SP: 2 Apr 1981 SWISS

Christina Jane BOYD (F).......... B: 11 May 1871 B: 16 Nov 1982 PROVO Ba: C116021 Father: John BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 7 Dec 1982 PROVO So: 6035516 Mother: Isabella Allison MCCALL SP: 10 Dec 1982 PROVO

David BOYD (M)............. B: 4 Dec 1860 B: 22 Oct 1980 SWISS Ba: C116021 Father: Archibald BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 18 Jun 1981 SWISS So: 6035516 Mother: Flora MCARTHUR SP: 19 Aug 1981 SWISS

Catherine BOYD (F)............ B: 22 May 1862 B: 22 Oct 1980 SWISS Ba: C116021 Father: Archibald BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 19 Mar 1981 SWISS So: 6035516 Mother: Flora MCARTHUR SP: 31 Mar 1981 SWISS

Flora Archibald BOYD (F).......... B: 19 Apr 1866 B: 23 Oct 1980 SWISS Ba: C116021 Father: Archibald BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 21 Mar 1981 SWISS So: 6035516 Mother: Flora MCARTHUR SP: 1 Apr 1981 SWISS

Elizabeth Frances BOYD (F)........ B: 30 Oct 1867 B: 23 Oct 1980 SWISS Ba: C116021 Father: Walter Little Gilmour BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 21 Mar 1981 SWISS So: 6035516 Mother: Margaret Anne SMYTH SP: 2 Apr 1981 SWISS

Alice Mary BOYD (F)............... B: 14 Jan 1869 B: 23 Oct 1980 SWISS Ba: C116021 Father: Walter Little Gilmour BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 24 Mar 1981 SWISS So: 6035516 Mother: Margaret Anne SMYTH SP: 2 Apr 1981 SWISS

Annie Gertrude BOYD (F).......... B: 22 Jun 1870 B: 23 Oct 1980 SWISS Ba: C116021 Father: Walter Little Gilmour BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 24 Mar 1981 SWISS So: 6035516 Mother: Margaret Anne SMYTH SP: 2 Apr 1981 SWISS

Annie Gertrude BOYD (F).......... B: 22 Jun 1870 B: 11 Sep 1980 LOGAN Ba: C114531 Father: Walter Little Gilmour BOYD St. Andrews And St. Leonards, E: 23 Oct 1980 LOGAN So: 6035516 Mother: Margaret Anne SMYTH Fife, Scotland SP: 7 Nov 1980 LOGAN

Elisabeth Hunter BOYD (F)..... B: 21 Jul 1862 B: 22 Oct 1980 SWISS Ba: C116021 Father: David BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 19 Mar 1981 SWISS So: 6035516 Mother: Isabella CRANSTON SP: 31 Mar 1981 SWISS

Isabella BOYD (F)............ B: 12 Jan 1865 B: 23 Oct 1980 SWISS Ba: C116021 Father: David BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 20 Mar 1981 SWISS So: 6035516 Mother: Isabella CRANSTON SP: 31 Mar 1981 SWISS

Elizabeth Hunter BOYD (F).... B: 24 Jun 1871 B: 16 Nov 1982 PROVO Ba: C116021 Father: David BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 7 Dec 1982 PROVO So: 6035516 Mother: Isabella CRANSTON SP: 10 Dec 1982 PROVO

David BOYD (M).............. B: 27 Sep 1873 B: 21 Aug 1985 JRIVE Ba: C116021 Father: David BOYD Largs, Ayr, Scotland E: 5 Sep 1985 JRIVE So: 6035516 Mother: Isabella CRANSTON SP: 19 Sep 1985 JRIVE