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Page 1: Vulnerabilities & Attacks in SRS for Object-Oriented Software … · 2019-10-31 · SRS model and Defence mechanism of SRS document. Lastly section 4 concludes the work. II. LITERATURE

Vulnerabilities & Attacks in SRSfor Object-Oriented Software Development

Madhuri N. Gedam, Bandu B. Meshram

Abstract—One of the most crucial parts of software devel-opment is the integration of security in Software RequirementSpecification (SRS). The loopholes left out during SRS may leadto serious vulnerabilities resulting into severe attacks causing dis-ruption of service of the software systems. The extensive literaturesurvey of security checklists, Software Requirement Specification,Good Quality Requirement Characteristics, Methodology forSecurity Specification Languages, Security Quality RequirementsEngineering (SQUARE) and Security Requirements EngineeringProcess (SREP) is made in Software Development Life Cycle(SDLC). On the basis of this extensive literature survey, thesecure software SRS model is proposed to mitigate the threatsin software development. The defence mechanism for protectingthe attacks on software is proposed which may be embedded intoSRS.

Keywords—CLASP, Security Checklist, Software DevelopmentLife Cycle, SQUARE, SREP.


The security requirements in SRS of Software DevelopmentLife Cycle (SDLC) are critical to the success of any softwareproject. The major cause of schedule overruns and increaseddevelopment and sustainment cost is poor quality requirementsthat are not clearly specified, not synchronised to suit thebusiness logic of software project, partial and haphazardcollection of requirements, out-of-scope requirements and ob-solete nature of requirements [1]. If security requirements arenot considered in requirement engineering and SRS, it mayincrease the cost of project 10-200 times in the long run [2].The quality of the software products to be produced will be badand it will not serve the purpose of development of softwareif security requirements are not considered appropriately [3].A Software Requirement Specification (SRS) document isprepared in requirement gathering and analysis phase of SDLCserves as the guidelines for the consequent phase of SDLC.SRS document is prepared from the input received throughthe statement of the problem. Every SDLC model must followthe six phases like requirement gathering and analysis, design,coding and implementation, testing, deployment and mainte-nance. Business requirements are gathered in the requirementgathering and analysis phase [3]. The analysis of collection ofrequirements is done to verify their validity and it is studiedwhether those can be included in the system or not. Unified

M. N. Gedam is a Research Scholar associated with Veermata JijabaiTechnological Institute(VJTI), Mumbai, India (phone: +91-9869281271 e-mail: [email protected]).

B. B. Meshram is a Professor in Department of Computer Engineeringand Information Technology, Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute(VJTI),Mumbai, India (e-mail: [email protected]).

Modelling language (UML) is a standard graphical languagewhich helps system and software developers for specifying,visualizing, constructing and to document artefacts of object-oriented software development [4]. This paper is organised asfollows: Section 2 discusses related approaches for security re-quirement Specification elicitation, Methodology for SecuritySpecification Languages. Section 3 presents proposed secureSRS model and Defence mechanism of SRS document. Lastlysection 4 concludes the work.


This section describes detailed Literature Survey on Soft-ware Requirement Specification (SRS), Good Quality Require-ment Characteristics, Vulnerability-Based Risk Analysis inSRS, Attacks due to vulnerabilities in SRS Model, Securitycheck list for Proposed Secure SRS Model, Security checklist in security specification languages(e.g. UMLsec, UMLintr,SecureUML , SecureTropos), Security Requirements Engi-neering Processes (e.g. SQUARE, CLASP, SREP).

A. Software Requirement Specification (SRS)

The first phase of the Software Development Life Cycle(SDLC) is Software Requirements Specifications (SRS). SRSis a collection of specified, standardized, and organized re-quirements surrounding a software development project [18][19]. SRS document should be prepared in a precise form.The feasibility study should be part of requirement gatheringand analysis phase. The requirements should serve the purposeof development of software product i.e. they should fulfil thecriterion of good requirement characteristics. The gathering ofrequirements must include Functional Requirements (FR) tofulfil customer perspective and Non-Functional Requirements(NFR) to provide more security in SRS. FRs are those whichare related to the technical functionality of the system anddescribe interactions between the system and its environment.FRs often neglects quality requirements like performance,safety, security, reliability and maintainability. Implementationof the functional requirements takes place in the systemdesign process. NFRs are related to quality attributes. NFRsare implemented in system architecture process. NFRs arelimitations in system design or implementation process. NFRsare generally quality requirements and hence prone to beneglected. Those can be in-feasible, outdated, out-of-syncrequirements. Many times NFRs are not testable, they arenot capable of getting validated too [2][5]. NFRs define theexpected behaviour of the software product or system.

Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2019 WCECS 2019, October 22-24, 2019, San Francisco, USA

ISBN: 978-988-14048-7-9 ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)

WCECS 2019

Page 2: Vulnerabilities & Attacks in SRS for Object-Oriented Software … · 2019-10-31 · SRS model and Defence mechanism of SRS document. Lastly section 4 concludes the work. II. LITERATURE

B. Good Quality Requirement Characteristics

Donald Firesmith states that “Requirement gathering andanalysis phase should consider the quality characteristics thatare missing from poorly specified requirements like Cohesive-ness, Completeness, Consistency, Correctness, Customer/UserOrientation, External Observability, Feasibility, Lack of Am-biguity, Relevance, Usability, Validatability, Verifiability” [7].

C. Vulnerability-Based Risk Analysis in SRS

The priority for software involves calculation of “valueof protection” (VoP) [8]. The “value of protection” formularepresents a classical software security risk assessmentframework classified as a “financial loss methodology” [9].The formula is stated as below [6].

VoP = R – M, or VoP = (Ap*L) – M

where, VoP is the value of protection, R is the risk,calculated as (Ap*L), Ap is the probability of a successfulattack, M is the cost of mitigation countermeasure. Ap canbe replaced by probability of vulnerability P(V) to realizea given threat targeting a said vulnerability. The modifiedformula is defined as below.

VoP = (P(V)*L) – M

where, P(V) is the probability of a successful attack onvulnerability V [6].It is clear from the above formulae that threats are rankedby value of protection(VoP). Higher the value of VoP, itrequires higher priority and more expenditure. It is desiredthat VoP should always be low. Generally, organizations arepaying less than required P(V)*L for mitigating the risk. Thefollowing graph depicts the relationship between the value ofprotection (VoP) and cost of mitigation countermeasure (M).

Fig. 1. Relationship between VoP and M

D. Attacks due to vulnerabilities in SRS Model

The potential vulnerabilities always exist in any softwaredevelopment which needs to be studied at requirement gather-ing and elicitation phase precisely. The non-anticipation of anyvulnerability leads to attacks on developed software product ata later stage. Following are the vulnerabilities and attacks dueto non-implementation of Functional Requirements in SRS.


SRS [26][27][28]

SrNo FunctionalRequirements Vulnerabilities Attacks

1 BusinessRules

Non-cooperation& incompleteknowledge ofuser in ignoringexceptions tothe normalorganizationaloperations,Sometimescustomers don’tknow exactlywhat they need,Communicationgap between systemanalyst and theuser, Unavailabilityof customer, lack ofproper knowledge

Security Misconfig-uration, Broken Au-thentication & Ses-sion Management,Man-In-Middle at-tack

2 Administrativefunctions

Missing strong ac-cess control system

Sensitive Data Ex-posure,Broken Ac-cess Control

3 AuthenticationLow security pro-vided at the user lo-gin system

Brokenauthenticationand sessionmanagement,Man-In-Middle,DDoS, Bufferoverflow, XSS

4 Authorizationlevels

Roles ambiguity

SensitiveDataExposure,Data theft

5 Audit Track-ing

Clocks notsynchronizedacross the servers,Inconsistent logformat


6 External In-terfaces

Incorrect portconfiguration,unintended accessto the system

XML External En-tities (XXE), Sensi-tive Data Exposure


Invalid or Expireddigital certificates

Brokenauthenticationand sessionmanagement

To improve quality software product, inclusion of non-functional requirements is of much importance in securityrequirements engineering [3]. Therefore, classification andprioritization of NFRS in SRS document is important areain requirement engineering [9].

Following are the vulnerabilities and attacks due to non-implementation of Non- Functional Requirements in SRS.


OF SRS [29][30]


Vulnerabilities Attacks

1 AvailabilityNetwork starvationand resource starva-tion

Buffer overflow,Sync flood, ICMPflood

Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2019 WCECS 2019, October 22-24, 2019, San Francisco, USA

ISBN: 978-988-14048-7-9 ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)

WCECS 2019

Page 3: Vulnerabilities & Attacks in SRS for Object-Oriented Software … · 2019-10-31 · SRS model and Defence mechanism of SRS document. Lastly section 4 concludes the work. II. LITERATURE


Vulnerabilities Attacks

2 Integrity

malicious actor in-serts himself as arelay or proxy into acommunication ses-sion between peopleor systems.

Man-In-Middle ,Session hijacking

3 Confidentialityunauthenticated, re-mote attacker to ac-cess sensitive data

Packet sniffing,phishing andPharming, dumpsterdiving, wiretapping, keylogger,social engineering

4 Scalability

Cloud serviceprovider activatesmore and moreresources to meetthe SLA for theavailability of theservice for thecustomer, whicheventually addsextra billing costleading to EDoS

EconomicDenial ofSustainabil-ity (EDoS)Attack - Toput financialburdenover cloudconsumer byconsumingmeteredbandwidthof webapplicationhosted overcloud.

5 Non-repudiation

Lack of multi-layered securityapproaches , openaccess to un-trustedthird party

E-mail tracking,Man-In-Middle ,Session hijacking

Following are the vulnerabilities and attacks due to non-implementation of Quality Attributes in SRS [10].



SrNo QualityAttributes Vulnerabilities Attacks

1 Conformance

Lack of quality ofsoftware product,deliberate softwareattacks, deliberateact of sabotage,Technologicalobsolescence

Man-In-Middle,virus, worms,Trojan Horses, DoS

2 Performance

Lack ofaccessibility ofservice, gracefuldegradation,completion ofintended task,deviation in qualityof service

DoS, Security mis-configuration

3 Features

Stealing personaldata, or performingactions on behalf ofthe user.

Cross-Site Scripting(XSS)

4 Reliability

creating and storingcookies of sensitiveinformation likepasswords inbrowser cachememory.


5 Response gains super-userprivileges Privilege elevation

SrNo QualityAttributes Vulnerabilities Attacks

6 Service

Easily prone to re-veal access creden-tials and importantinformation throughsocial media com-munications.

Social Engineering,Sniffing , ShoulderSurfing

7 Reputation

uses the credentialsof a legitimate useror device to launchattacks, steal data orbypass access con-trols

Identity Spoofing

8 Usability

Easy and simple toguess passwords,storing ofpasswords in atext format in adatabase.

DDoS, password-crack, Brute Force

E. Methodology for Security Specification Languages

Secure Software development Life Cycle (SSDLC) pro-cesses and Secure Software Development (SSD) methodsconsidering software security requirements are part of soft-ware security [11]. SSDLC process considers SSD methods.SSD methods include Software Specification Languages andSoftware Security Assurance methods [12].Some of the security specification languages are listed below[17][35].


SrNo Security Specification Lan-guages Security Checklist


UMLsec: It specifies securityrequirements through the useof tags, stereotypes and con-straints for the purpose of se-curing system development[36].

Fair exchange (no cheatingbetween parties), Non repu-diation, Role-Based AccessControl (RBAC), enforcingaccess control through useof guards, securing commu-nication link, ensuring secureflow of information amongcomponents.


SecureUML: specifying role-based access control policies(these policies can be con-sidered as security require-ments) in a model.

Role-based access control, tospecify constraints for re-sources, actions, and per-missions, Specify individualsoftware’s requirements


Secure Tropos: TheSecureTropos notation canbe used to represent securityconstraints (requirements) oninteractions between actorsduring the requirementspecification phase [19].

Specify as high level state-ments, to achieve a securegoal,secure task, or anothersecure resource


UMLintr: It uses UML di-agrams like use case, class,state charts diagrams to spec-ify attacks with the help ofstereotypes and tags.

Defining privilege levels,transitions betweenprivileges and actions.

F. Security Requirements Engineering Processes

A security requirements engineering process like SecureTropos, SQUARE, CLASP, Haley, SREP should follow thedifferent activities.Security Quality Requirements Engineering (SQUARE) is a

Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2019 WCECS 2019, October 22-24, 2019, San Francisco, USA

ISBN: 978-988-14048-7-9 ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)

WCECS 2019

Page 4: Vulnerabilities & Attacks in SRS for Object-Oriented Software … · 2019-10-31 · SRS model and Defence mechanism of SRS document. Lastly section 4 concludes the work. II. LITERATURE

process for defining security in requirements engineering. It isbased on co-ordination between stakeholders and requirementengineers. It consists of nine steps – agreeing on defini-tions, identifying security goals, developing software artefacts,performing risk assessment, selecting elicitation technique,security requirements elicitation, categorizing requirements,prioritizing requirements and inspecting requirements [12].The Comprehensive Lightweight Application Security Process(CLASP) is a particular approach used to enhance security inSDLC consisting of different activities [12]. The Security Re-quirements Engineering Process (SREP) is a nine step processpartially based on SQUARE considering Common Criteria andnotions of reuse [11]. It is almost similar to SQUARE. TheSREP activities are like – agreeing on definitions, identifyingvulnerable assets, identifying security objectives and depen-dencies, identifying threats and developing software artefacts,assessing the risk, eliciting security requirements, categorizingand prioritizing requirements, inspection of requirements andrepository improvement [11].SQUARE and SREP are more elaborative than other methodswith reference to the activities to be performed [12].


The requirement phase of secure software engineering con-sists of different steps like security requirement elicitation,analysis, prioritisation, management. It shows “what” of securesoftware engineering. It produces secure software requirementspecification (SRS) document to proceed further softwaredevelopment life cycle.

Fig. 2. Proposed Secure SRS Model

• Security Requirement Elicitation: It is the practice ofresearching and discovering the requirements of a systemfrom users, customers, and other stakeholders [14]. Thisstage is used to draw out effective as well as efficientrequirements related to security of a system from thestatement of the problem (SOP). This contains the fol-lowing steps: Stakeholder identification, Role based ac-tivity allotment to each stakeholder, Security requirementidentification, Asset identification, Threat identification.The identification of vulnerabilities in functional, non-functional requirements and quality attributes must bedone at this phase to avoid the potential attacks in thelater stage of the developed product.

• Security Requirement Analysis: This stage is useful inanalyzing the effective and efficient security requirementsdrawn out in earlier elicitation stage. It is the process

of determining user expectations for a new or modifiedproduct. This contains the following steps: Conflict Res-olution, Completeness check, Requirements Inspection,Review Activity. The security requirement analysis phaseof proposed secure SRS model should consider securitySome Common Mistakes.

• Security Requirement Prioritisation: The main task ofthis stage is to prioritize the security requirements fromthe higher importance to lower one in order. It willreduce the risk during development stage. To prioritizethe security requirement among all the requirements,the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is an efficientmethodology to select alternative among many others orgive priority to alternatives as per the severity [15]. Itis a theory of relative measurement with absolute scalesof both tangible and intangible criteria based on thejudgment of knowledgeable and expert people. Decisionsare determined by a single number for the best outcomeor by a vector of priorities that gives an ordering ofthe different possible outcomes [16]. This contains thefollowing steps: Threat Evaluation, Assets rating, ThreatPrioritization, Security Requirement prioritization, Riskvalue computation.

• Security Requirement Management: It is the process ofrequirements collection, analysis, prioritization as perseverity, agree on definition, change management andeffective communication to corresponding stakeholders[14]. This contains the following steps: View point iden-tity, Traceability of security requirements, Functional andNon-functional requirements. The proposed SRS modelcan be made secure by implementing defence mecha-nism at this stage. Our proposed model addresses theseproblems with Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability (CIAtriad) extended by concepts such as use of AuthenticationAuthorization, Accounting along with scalability andnon-repudiation parameters.

A. Security Checklist for Proposed Secure SRS Model

To make robust and secure SRS, security checklist can beapplied at security requirement analysis phase of proposedsecure SRS model. The security checklist should consider theoverall perspective of system safety. It should contain checklistconsideration at application level and database level both. TheSRS document is declared as secure if it meets all the securityconditions. Table 5 and 6 shows the security checklist forProposed Secure SRS Model.


MODEL [17][18][20]

SrNo Checks Y N

1 Whether all important assets and installationenvironment are identified.

2 Whether SRS inputs are consistent, cohesive,feasible, tested and validated.

Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2019 WCECS 2019, October 22-24, 2019, San Francisco, USA

ISBN: 978-988-14048-7-9 ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)

WCECS 2019

Page 5: Vulnerabilities & Attacks in SRS for Object-Oriented Software … · 2019-10-31 · SRS model and Defence mechanism of SRS document. Lastly section 4 concludes the work. II. LITERATURE

SrNo Checks Y N


Whether interrelationship with other inputsas well as other linked products are takencare of and no conflict with other require-ments.

4 Whether security audit review is performed.

5Whether Processes like encryption andsteganography mechanism to sensitive datahas been provided in software development

6Whether usable protocols, EncryptionStrength, usage of processes, etc definedcorrectly.

7Whether Implementation of Security Con-trols like Hashing, Digital Signatures, etc.have been defined.

8Whether protection from DOS attack, BufferOverflow, abuse cases and threat modellinghas been taken care of.


Whether specifications have been read andunderstood and all inputs, outputs and in-terfaces between hardware, software, person-nel, and procedures included.

10 Whether system boundary and data sensitiv-ity or criticality defined.

11 Whether threats and relevant sources of at-tack identified.

12Discussed the working of the product anddetermined areas of disagreement or ambi-guity.

13 Whether vulnerabilities have been found outusing any security tools or checklists.

14 Whether current and planned security con-trols understood.

15 Whether attack scenarios for exploits of vul-nerabilities mapped out.

16 Whether impact analysis is performed andmitigation strategy is developed.

17 Whether mitigation strategy developed.

18 Whether countermeasures to mitigate risksconsidered.



SrNo Checks Y N

1 Whether only required necessary privilegesto users have been provided

2 Whether Lock and expire done for defaultuser accounts

3Whether all default database user pass-words, administrative accounts passwordsare changed.

4 Whether rules and guidelines for passwordcomplexity has been set up

5Whether testing user has been disabledto gain access to the production databasethrough database links or linked servers.

6Whether only database administrators andsystem administrators has access to databaseserver, files, SYSDBA and SYSOPER roles.

7 Whether hardening of operating system (OS)and encryption of network traffic done.

8Whether unauthorized administration of theOracle Listener has been prevented to securedatabase.

9 Whether security engineers have revieweddatabase design changes.

SrNo Checks Y N

10Whether only the database components,modules or functionality that your applica-tion is intending to use are installed

11Whether a disaster recovery (DR) strategyfor every production database is set up toensure business continuity plan (BCP).


Whether the default configuration fordatabase and operating system in orderto prevent easy access to data has beenchanged.


Whether network firewalls, Intrusion Detec-tion System (IDS), antivirus and antispywareprograms are in place to protect the databaseenvironment.

14Whether a secure Virtual Private Network(VPN) has been set up for remote databaseconnection to the only intended user.

15Whether production data is not used in a de-velopment or testing environment to protectthe privacy and confidentiality of the data.


Whether different types of auditing ofdatabase activities is planned to check forany violation of security in access control,authentication, activity tracing, change man-agement.

Here, Y represents the checks in security checklist havebeenfound positive and N represents the checks in securitychecklist have been found negative.

B. Proposed Defence Mechanisms in SRS

The CIA Triad (Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability)& AAA (Authentication, Authorization and Accountability)model are the core security parameters around which everyproduct/software security controls is defined. The proposedsecurity mechanism SRS model in SDLC is to protect thesecurity triad parameters like Confidentiality, Integrity andAvailability in conjunction with AAA model. Our proposedmodel addresses the security problem by extending withscalability and non-repudiation parameters.

Fig. 3. Proposed Defence Mechanism in SRS

The secure SRS document is the result of proposed secureSRS model with the integration of proposed security checklistat security analysis phase and proposed defence mechanismat security management phase.

Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2019 WCECS 2019, October 22-24, 2019, San Francisco, USA

ISBN: 978-988-14048-7-9 ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)

WCECS 2019

Page 6: Vulnerabilities & Attacks in SRS for Object-Oriented Software … · 2019-10-31 · SRS model and Defence mechanism of SRS document. Lastly section 4 concludes the work. II. LITERATURE


The extensive literature survey on vulnerabilities andattacks in SRS for Object-Oriented Software Development ismade and security checklist is prepared to write the SecureRequirement Specification (SRS) document. The proposedsecure SRS can be used as the reference document for theanalysis phase of the statement of the problem. The defencemechanism is also proposed to secure the analysis of thesystem. A high-level approach to mitigate the risks involvedin software has been discussed. The vulnerabilities arising dueto loopholes during analysis phases of SDLC can be betteravoided by security checklists proposed to protect securitytriad in conjunction with AAA model in traditional model,OO model. Security Quality Requirements Engineering(SQUARE) and Security Requirements Engineering Process(SREP) are more comprehensive than other methods inanalysis phase of SDLC. Also security checklists for softwaresecurity specification languages like UMLsec, SecureUML,SecureTropos, UMLintr have been provided. The proposedSRS model and the defence mechanism can be consideredduring analysis phase of the application and can be embeddedinto different analysis diagram.


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Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2019 WCECS 2019, October 22-24, 2019, San Francisco, USA

ISBN: 978-988-14048-7-9 ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)

WCECS 2019