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  • 7/29/2019 VTF Flyer


    Critical Thinkers Wanted!As you enter the auditorium to listen to the Vision

    Task Force Report a handful of selected people

    have developed for Wilbraham, please consider and

    do not lose sight of the following:

    The headline for the project as posted on the townswebsite is:


    Our Vision | Our Future

    This clearly indicates that there are changesplanned

    for our town. If you like Wilbraham for being a cozy

    single family bedroom community, a quiet place to

    raise a family and send your kids to school, and a

    place where your neighbor lives far enough away so

    you dont have to like his kind of music or cooking,

    make sure you understand the changes which arebeing introduced here as being part of what the

    people want. The ultimate goals are for the most

    part not being openly discussed and they will

    fundamentally change the character of our town.

    While the members of the Vision Task Force will tout

    the great participation of towns people in this

    process, please know that they have been unwilling to

    share any of the actual information gathered through

    their process. To date nobody has been allowed to

    review questionnaires that have been complete, they

    will be released after these meetings. The information

    as presented was prepared under the leadership of a

    chairman who was handpicked and appointed as chair

    by the Planning Board. The same person serves as

    chair for the Open Space Committee, another

    component of the new Master Plan for Wilbraham.

    While this will not be presented as a Master Plan, the

    process is clearly laid out on the Towns website:

    Visioning Process is Phase 1 and the Master Plan is

    Phase 2 of the process. In Phase 2 the Planning

    Board will formulate a Comprehensive Plan based onthe values and goals of the community vision. The

    Comprehensive Plan will contain an action plan with

    specific goals, delegated responsibilities, and

    timetables and benchmarks to measure progress.

    You will hear talk about an Action Plan, and

    promises to implement what has been defined as

    indispensable goals for Wilbraham. This will be

    presented with great urgency, there is no time to


    It is easier to fool somebody than to convince him that

    he has been fooled Mark Twain

    Inform yourself!Google these terms and find out what some

    Wilbraham "do-gooders" are buying into. They m

    be clueless or they may be dishonest about the

    ultimate motives, but the outcome will be the sam

    Have you ever heard of:

    SustainableDevelopment?- designed to sound like something everyone wants, itnever mentioned who decides what development is anisn't sustainable or based on what data. . Valley Vision 4?- the Pioneer Valley Planning Commissions plan onimplementing progressive principles aligning thecommissions member communities toAgenda 21.

    Mass House Bill 3216?- the legislatures attempt to regulate Smart Growth anSustainable Development by giving legal authority tolocal Master legal authority to local masterplans.


    We can have bike paths, open space, and small shops, an

    still preserve the character of our town while preserving

    the opportunity of the American Dream of owning your ow

    home to our children and grandchildren. Lets preserve

    and use our much praised and envied Open Town Meeting

    form of local government and shape the future of our tow

    as we have for the past 250 years!

  • 7/29/2019 VTF Flyer



    YOUWilbraham Master PlanPVPC Valley Vision 4HUD/DOT/EPA

    The Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC), in partnership with the Capitol Regional Council ofGovernments of Hartford, was awarded a $4.2 million Regional Sustainable Communities Grant from the U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development. This award is being used to implement a bi-state Knowledge

    Corr idor Regional Plan f or Sustainable Developmentin the Springfield and Hartford regions. It is a majorimplementation strategy for Agenda 21 on a regional basis, bypassing local and even state governments, andempowering unelected bureaucrats to decide on factors which affect every aspect of our lives.

    Richard L. Butler of Wilbraham is the current Chairman of the PVPC and has been a Commissioner for about 30years. During the same time frame he has been a member of the Town of Wilbraham Planning Board, about halfthe time as Chairman. Is it possible for a human being to serve two masters for half a lifetime and not lose sightof whose interests are truly represented when the action of one may disagree with the action of the other? As anelected official of Wilbraham he is charged with the representation of property rights and interests of Wilbrahamtaxpayers. Yet, there is no Open Forum for residents to address the Planning Board at their public meetings. Asthe Chairman of the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission he is beholden to federal and state bureaucracies who

    offer grant money and in return expect the full alignment of the Commissions work with the expectations ofpeople who do not live here and are not concerned with our wellbeing. There is a direct conflict of interest forMr. Butler any time the interests of Wilbraham do not align with the interests of the PVPC. When the PlanningBoard gave special permit to Kent Pecoy to add three 3-story buildings housing 30 families each at Cedar Ridge,do you think Mr. Butler represented the best interest of the residents of Wilbraham or do you think he worked toimplement the larger plan of the PVPC, as dictated by federal dollars? (Cedar Ridge received a Smart Growthaward from the PVPC!).

    Sustainable DevelopmentDesigned to sound like something everyone wants, never

    mentioned is who decides what development is and isn't

    sustainable. The purposes of the "sustainable development"

    agenda are to limit people's ability to use their own land asthey see fit, to severely curtail people's energy consumption,

    and to cram people into metropolitan centers (stack 'em and

    pack 'em) while prohibiting development outside of

    "approved" land areas, what these "smart growth" planners

    call "suburban sprawl," as if land development is a bad thing.

    The agenda aims to corral people into such close quarters

    that they will be encouraged to walk or use a bicycle

    everywhere they go instead of drive those evil cars.

    Whatever your agenda, sustainable development to the



    For decades urban planners have adhered to the mantra

    that urban sprawl increases pollution and housing costs,more driving time to work and shopping, stress, and theescalating consumption of scarce farmland and openspace. Urban planning to implement what Al Gore callssmart growth supposedly corrects these problems andcreates more livable, inexpensive homes for all. Irrefutableevidence, however, shows that urban planning creates the

    very nightmares it is supposed to eliminate. In the process,it strips urbanites of one of their most fundamental civilliberties property rights. ( Michael S. Coffman, Ph.D., July 15,2003,