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  • 8/12/2019 VSX C02 VSX Arch Deployment


  • 8/12/2019 VSX C02 VSX Arch Deployment


    V S X A R C H I T E C T U R E A N D D E P L O Y M E N T



    Key Terms VPN-1/FireWall-1 VSX

    Managed Service Provider (MSP)

    Customer Management Add-on (CMA)

    Virtual System (VS)

    VSX GUI Client

    VSX Management Server

    Multi Domain Server (MDS)

    VSX Gateway

    Context Identification

    Virtual System Matching

    VSX Inspection Module

    Network Operation Center (NOC)

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    .V S X A R C H I T E C T U R E A N D D E P L O Y M E N T

    VSX Overview


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    V S X O V E R V I E W

    VPN-1/FireWall-1 Virtual System Extension(VSX) is a security and VPN

    solution, designed to meet the demands of large-scale environments. Centrally

    managed and incorporating key network resources internally, VSX allows

    businesses to offer comprehensive firewall and VPN functions to their

    customers, while reducing production costs and improving efficiency. Through

    a virtualization of network infrastructure, VSX allows administrators to use it

    to replace a collection of standard hardware devices. The VSX Gateway is

    comprised of a virtual topology that includes virtual devices that replace

    physical ones, such as routers, traditional firewalls, and even some network


    When managed by Provider-1 NG, the unique architecture of VSX allows data

    centers orManaged Service Providers(MSPs) to separate all customer-specific

    data, such as objects and rules, not only in the Provider-1 NG environment with

    the use of Customer Management Add-ons(CMAs), but also at the

    Enforcement Module level through the use of Virtual Systems.

    A VSX Gateway recognizes the context of traffic passing through it, and acts on

    it. Although configured on the same gateway, multiple Virtual Systems(VSs)

    separately enforce each customers Security Policy only on the traffic

    associated with the context they are protecting. Each Virtual System acts as asingle standard FireWall-1 enforcement module. With VSX, MSPs can offer

    comprehensive security solutions to their customers, by protecting their

    sensitive data and consolidating resources. VSX can also be integrated into an

    existing Check Point infrastructure.

  • 8/12/2019 VSX C02 VSX Arch Deployment


    V S X A R C H I T E C T U R E A N D D E P L O Y M E N T

    VSX Overview



    VSX is based on Check Points Next Generation architecture, and is comprised

    of the following components:

    VSX GUI Client

    VSX Management Server

    VSX Gateway

    VSX Components

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    .V S X A R C H I T E C T U R E A N D D E P L O Y M E N T

    VSX Overview


    VSX GUI Cl ientThe VSX GUI Client allows Security Administrators to manage multiple VSX

    Gateways, and multiple Virtual Systems installed on those Gateways. The VSX

    GUI Client can also be used to configure Global Policies that can be applied to

    multiple VSX Gateways.

    The VSX GUI Client can be either the VSX version of the Multi Domain GUI

    or the VSX version of the SmartConsole. Even though the both types of VSX

    GUI Clients are specific to VSX, they can also be deployed with other Check

    Point products. For example, the VSX version of SmartConsole can be used to

    configure the VSX Management Server or a standard VPN-1/FireWall-1

    Management Module.

    VSX Management Server

    The VSX GUI Client connects to the VSX Management Server. The VSXManagement Server can be installed on a Provider-1 NGMulti Domain Server

    (MDS), or as a standard SmartCenter Server. It is the VSX Management Server

    that maintains Check Point databases, including objects, rules, and policies of

    VSX Gateways and Virtual Systems. Although a VSX Gateway can only be

    managed by a VSX Management Server, a VSX Management Server can also

    be used to manage standard Check Point Enforcement Modules.

    VSX GatewayThe VSX Gatewayis the Enforcement Module for all protected networks,

    including the Network Operations Center (NOC). The VSX Gateway enforces

    the Security Policies compiled by the VSX Management Server.

  • 8/12/2019 VSX C02 VSX Arch Deployment


    V S X A R C H I T E C T U R E A N D D E P L O Y M E N T

    VSX Gateway Security Enforcement



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    V S X G A T E W A Y S E C U R I T Y E N F O R C E M E N T

    VSX is installed between the Data Link and Network Layers of the IP Protocol

    Stack on the gateway. Since VSX is installed at the lowest software level and

    below the network layer, it functions within the operating-system kernel. The

    VSX Gateway performs the following tasks:

    Context Identification

    Context Inspection

    VPN-1/FireWall -1 VSX Context Identi f icat ionVPN-1/FireWall-1 VSX inspects all traffic traveling through the VSX Gateway,

    to determine its context. Context Identification is based mainly on the interface

    by which traffic enters the gateway. VSX also gathers information about each

    packets source and destination IP addresses. Using the collected information,the VSX Gateway routes the packets to the appropriate Virtual System for

    inspection. This process is also called Virtual System Matching. Which Virtual

    System receives the packets is determined by the configured Virtual System

    properties, including interface information.

    VSX Context Identification Module

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    .V S X A R C H I T E C T U R E A N D D E P L O Y M E N T

    VSX Gateway Security Enforcement


    VPN/FireWall -1 VSX InspectionEach interface is tied to a specific Virtual System. Once VSX determines the

    context of the traffic, including entry point and destination network, it routes

    the traffic to the context-related Virtual System for inspection. The Inspection

    Module of the Virtual System then applies its Security Policy to the incoming


    The VSX Inspection Modulesfunction similarly to the Inspection Module of aVPN-1/FireWall-1 Gateway. State and context data is stored in dynamic tables,

    and information from the communication and application states and, the Virtual

    Systems network configuration and Security Policy are used, to determine if

    the traffic should be allowed to pass to its destination or should be dropped.

    Like the implicit-drop rule of VPN-1/FireWall-1, any traffic not explicitly

    allowed by the Security Policy is dropped.

    Each Virtual System uses information from the internal structures of the IP

    protocol family and relevant applications built on top of them, to extract data

    from each packets application content. This information provides the system

    with context information not always provided by each application.

  • 8/12/2019 VSX C02 VSX Arch Deployment


    V S X A R C H I T E C T U R E A N D D E P L O Y M E N T

    VSX Gateway Security Enforcement



    The state and context tables for each transaction are updated dynamically, and

    are used to provide continual data for subsequent traffic inspections by the VSX

    Inspection Module.

    VSX Inspection Module

    Virtual System TechnologyThe VS, installed at the VSX Gateway, is a logical system that functions as the

    enforcement module for a given network. Although multiple VS modules can

    be deployed on a single gateway, all of the network specific data is kept in

    separate databases, including the dynamic state tables. Each VS is attached toeither a physical or a virtual interface.

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    .V S X A R C H I T E C T U R E A N D D E P L O Y M E N T

    Deployment Scenarios


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    D E P L O Y M E N T S C E N A R I O S

    VSX allows MSPs to provide cost-effective security services for point-of-

    presence-based and hosting environments. These large-scale deployment

    environments benefit from VSXs ability to virtualize most network hardware.

    Physical hardware is expensive to maintain, takes up valuable space, and

    requires a staff to support an ever-growing environment. By consolidating tasks

    onto a single machine, VSX gives MSP administrators the ability to reduce

    operating costs.

    VSX offers MSP Security Administrators the ability to construct a virtual-

    network environment to replace a more costly, less-efficient physical-network

    environment. VSX uses Virtual Systems in place of physical gateways

    functioning as separate firewalls. VSXs Virtual Router eliminates the need for

    Security Administrators to purchase a separate physical router. Even some

    network cables can be eliminated, through the use of virtual warp links between

    Virtual Systems and Virtual Routers.

    Point-of-Presence Configuration Without VSXAPoint-of-presence configuration is designed for MSPs who offer other

    services to their clients, such as Internet access, in addition to maintaining

    company firewalls. Using leased lines, a customer is able to connect securely

    with an MSP at a point-of-presence. From the point-of-presence, the customercan send and receive Internet data.

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    V S X A R C H I T E C T U R E A N D D E P L O Y M E N T

    Deployment Scenarios



    In a typical point-of-presence environment, an MSP deploys multiple physical

    devices, such as routers and gateways, to regulate network traffic and enforce

    multiple Security Policies for its different customers.

    Point-of-Presence Configuration without VSX Deployment

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    .V S X A R C H I T E C T U R E A N D D E P L O Y M E N T

    Deployment Scenarios


    Point-of-Presence Configuration with VSXBy replacing most of the physical systems in the typical point-of-presence

    environment, VSX reduces the cost of the MSP deployment. Notice in the

    example below that the physical routers and gateways, including the NOC

    gateway, have been replaced by a single VSX Gateway enforcing multiple

    policies, while still protecting the NOC.

    Point-of-Presence Configuration With VSX Deployment

  • 8/12/2019 VSX C02 VSX Arch Deployment


    V S X A R C H I T E C T U R E A N D D E P L O Y M E N T

    Deployment Scenarios



    NOC SecurityWhen operating in a standard configuration, a NOC keeps its own firewall

    separate from the Provider-1 NG setup. With VSX, the VSX Gateway functions

    as the NOC firewall. The MDS maintaining the VSX Management Server is

    connected to the VSX Gateway, by a dedicated link on the protected network. It

    is the Security Policy of the VSX Gateway that is used to protect the Provider-1

    NG system. Provider-1 is not a firewall, so it depends on a firewall to protect it.

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    .V S X A R C H I T E C T U R E A N D D E P L O Y M E N T

    Benefits of VSX 2.0.1


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    B E N E F I T S O F V S X 2 . 0 . 1

    Security and VPN Functional i tyFunctionality of VSX 2.0.1 is based on NG FP3.

    Overlapping IP Space Support

    VSX Gateways can support overlapping IP addressing for multiple customers,protected by separate Virtual Systems.

    This type of deployment scenario is not supported with

    customers whose networks share the same CMA.

    Customer-to-Customer Connectivi tyNetworks protected by one VS can now connect to networks protected by

    another VS on the same VSX Gateway, with the new inter-VS routing


    For inter VS routing to occur, traffic from both networks mustbe inspected and allowed by both Virtual Systems.

    VSX Gateway High Avai labi l i tyVSX 2.0.1 offers Security Administrators the ability to configure VSX

    Gateway clusters for load balancing and High Availability.

    Scalable ManagementVSX can now be managed with Provider-1 NG for VSX or from a standard

    SmartCenter Server. Additionally, VSX allows Security Administrators to

    configure separate management domains for one or more Virtual Systems.

    In Provider-1 NG for VSX, multiple Security Administrators can also be

    configured with granular permission control. In VSX 2.0.1, a separate

    management interface is no longer required. Security Administrators can nowmanage their VSX Gateways or clusters from the Internet, via the external-

    gateway interface.

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