Download - Vote JT for Engagement Officer - Manifesto

Page 1: Vote JT for Engagement Officer - Manifesto

hi, my name is: JT (jamie taylor)

and I am running for: engagement officer

the engagement officers job is: to make sure that whoever you are, whatever course you do, wherever you study, you will have your voice heard, you’ll know what’s going on in your union, and you will always know how your union can help you

I currently study: education (pgce), after studying chemistry

and I am in my: 5th year at leicester

you should vote for me because:

+ I am excellent at listening to you, understanding your problems and representing those problems to the right people, so that we can come up with real solutions.+ I have been engaged as both an undergraduate and a postgraduate, and I know how tough it is to get involved when you basically work a full-time job for your course.+ I am the most experienced candidate, with over 4 and a half years of involvement in the union, representation on union parliament and leadership in student groups.+ I am great at reaching out and communicating a message across in a simple, effective way.+ I have strong, student-centered policies that will work to make your union more engaging to you, and each of your fellow 22,087 students.

simple. honest. engaging.

Page 2: Vote JT for Engagement Officer - Manifesto

my policies all revolve around: making sure that you will be able to get involved and have your voice heard on the issues and union services that you personally care about, so that you can get the most out of your education here at the university of Leicester.

if you elect me as your engagement officer, I will make sure that you have:

a union that listens to you:

so that you have: a voice to be heard

an idea of what is going on:

so that you have: a reason to care

a new approach to getting involved:

so that you have: an opportunity to dosomething special

•+ Continue with professional research that gathers opinions and figures from as wide a range of you as possible to really get a handle on what you want from your union.•+ An opportunity to anonymously tell us what you think, 24/7, wherever you are, through our website - for complaints, compliments, or just a bit of help.•+ More ways to talk to us outside of 9-5 hours and away from the Percy Gee, so that we can understand and represent the views of everyone, not just those who can come to us.

•+ More marketing of support services, especially to new postgraduates, research students and distance learners, so that all students know where to go to get the help that they need.•+ Introduce a dedicated “engagement team” that reaches out to existing student-run online communities to keep them in the loop.+ A larger amount of physical space in the Percy Gee purely for students, groups and teams to showcase themselves and what they do.•+ Develop a presence in as many university buildings as possible with clear, effective signage that explains what the union is doing to help you, and where you can go for support.

+ More direct input from students in simple, easy ways - are we thinking of changing a service that you use? We’ will get your opinion on how we change it when you use it. And it won’t take more than 15 seconds of your time.•+ More opportunities outside 9-5 on a weekday to get involved - making sure those in intense degrees, postgraduate research or vocational courses still have a chance to be represented.•+ A thorough review of union parliament to see how well it really represents all students and their interests.

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