Download - Volume 3 Issue 2 Message from the RabbiRebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch. In 1816, Reb Dov Ber established a settlement of Cha-bad chasidim in Eretz Yisroel in the city of Chevron. parts of

Page 1: Volume 3 Issue 2 Message from the RabbiRebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch. In 1816, Reb Dov Ber established a settlement of Cha-bad chasidim in Eretz Yisroel in the city of Chevron. parts of

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Rabbi Yosef Y. Marlow Spiritual Leader/Director Mr. Michael Flacks President Mr. Kobi Karp Vice President Rabbi Chaim B. Brody Educational Director Mr. Rami Jeda Mr. David Jeda Building Projects Mrs. Josephine Basher Shifra & Puah Graphic Designer Mrs. Yael Gold Shul Events Mrs. Yocheved Zirkind Communications

This Monday is the ninth of Kislev, the birthday and yahrtzeit of Rabbi

Dov Ber (known as the Mittler Rebbe), the second Rebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch. In 1816, Reb Dov Ber established a settlement of Cha-bad chasidim in Eretz Yisroel in the city of Chevron. He encouraged the chasidim already living in other parts of Israel to resettle in Hebron. In addition, his own daughter and son-in-law moved with their family from Russia to Chevron. But the history of Chabad-Lubavitch support of peo-ple, institutions and settlements in the Holy Land pre-dates even 1816. For the first Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Shneur Zalman, vigorously encouraged his followers to support the Jews in the Holy Land. Each and every Rebbe of Chabad, up to and including the present Rebbe, has unequivocally supported the Holy Land and spoken out boldly concerning anything that might have the slightest impact on the security of the Jews there. Our brethren in Eretz Yisroel know first-hand about the Rebbe's concern for them and their lives. During

the Gulf War the Rebbe's emphatic message that "Eretz Yisroel is the safest place in the world for G-d is constantly watching it" was continuously played on the radio. The hundreds of Chabad Centers that dot the Israeli landscape were deluged with callers during the Gulf War asking, "What is the Rebbe saying now?" Without a doubt, and everyone can be sure of this, the Rebbe's policy has not changed one iota from that of his predecessors. Based on clear guidance from the Torah and Jewish law, the Rebbe reiterates: No action can be taken that might negatively affect the safety of the Jews of the Holy Land. In the merit of Rabbi Dov Ber, who established the first Chabad settlement in the Holy Land, may we be privileged to go together with Moshiach to the Holy Land, NOW. Warmly, Rabbi Yosef Marlow

Message from the Rabbi Kislev 5772

Volume 3 Issue 2



Bais Menachem NMB Unveils Mega-Website to feature activities & insights Surfing the net? Bais Menachem has the website you’ve been wait-ing for. Bais Menachem NMB Chabad has launched a mega-interactive website. Utilizing a variety of advanced web technolo-gies and an elegant design, “” provides a treasure trove of information for everything Jewish. The site is dedicated to keeping people informed of upcoming events, holidays, and Jewish study material. “This site will be an address for people to turn to for all their needs and interests.” says Rabbi Marlow. Updated daily throughout the year, the site offers thought provoking essays on the weekly Torah portion, as well as an online magazine and thought of the week. It provides audio and video links to Torah classes, includ-ing the acclaimed “Living Torah” weekly video magazine. “People would love to learn in the comfort of their own home or office”, says Rabbi Marlow, program director, “This is their 24-hour local source

of Jewish learning.” In addition, offers updates on the Bais Menachem NMB, including pictures of events and exciting activities. “Ingrained in the Chabad philosophy is the concept that every medium was created for a purpose. The information superhighway, too, can and must be utilized for a positive purpose.” says Rabbi Marlow. “With Chabad spon-soring a variety of social and religious programs,” he adds, “What better cause can there be than to unite and help people?”

For more information, log on to or call 305-770-4412.

Page 2: Volume 3 Issue 2 Message from the RabbiRebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch. In 1816, Reb Dov Ber established a settlement of Cha-bad chasidim in Eretz Yisroel in the city of Chevron. parts of

In The Spotlight Kislev 5772

Editor’s note: The 19th of Kislev is celebrated throughout the chassidic world as the day of the liberation of the foun-der of Chabad, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi (1745–1812). Rabbi Schneur Zalman was arrested by the czarist regime under the accusation that his teachings undermined the imperial authority, and his release allowed the vigor-ous growth of Chassidism and the uninhibited dissemination of its teachings. During the “intermediate days” of the festival of Sukkot of 1798, an armed officer arrived in Liozna to arrest Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the founder of the Chabad movement. Deciding that it would be advisable at this point to take the biblical advice, “Hide yourself for a brief moment” (Isaiah 26:20), the Rebbe slipped out a side door. The officer returned to his headquarters empty-handed. Back in the house, the Rebbe decided that if the agent were to return, he would allow himself to be arrested. Some say that he decided this only after consultation with Rabbi Shmuel Munkes, one of his close chassidim, who hap-pened to be in the Rebbe’s home at the time. Reb Shmuel reputedly said to the Rebbe: “If you are a true Rebbe, you have nothing to fear by being ar-rested. If you are not, you deserve whatever they will do to you (!), for what right did you have to deprive thousands of chassidim from enjoying the pleas-ures of this world?” When the officer reappeared on the day after Simchat Torah, which fell on Thursday that year, the Rebbe did not hide. Within a few hours he was already seated in the infamous “Black Mary,” the carriage which was reserved by the Czarist regime for rebels who were under capital sentence. Covered on all sides with heavy black metal panels, and with no windows whatsoever, it was designed to cast dread on all those who saw it. Guarded by heavily armed soldiers, the ironclad black carriage pulled out of Liozna on Thursday night and clanked its fearsome way down the highway to Petersburg, via Vitebsk and Nevel. At half past ten the next morning, some six hours before candle-lighting time, the Rebbe asked that they stop where they were until after Shabbat. The officer in charge ignored his request. A moment later the axles of the carriage broke. No sooner had they repaired them, than one of the horses collapsed and died. Fresh horses were brought, but they could not move the carriage from its place. By this time the gendarmes gathered that it would be impossible to press on with their journey against the Rebbe’s will, so they asked their prisoner if they could detour to a nearby village and spend the next day there. The Rebbe refused, but did agree that the carriage be moved off the highway to an adjacent field. The spot at which the Rebbe spent that Shabbat is about three miles from the village of Seliba-Rudnia, which is near the town of Nevel. An old Chassid who survived into the twentieth century—Reb Michael of Nevel—used to relate that he knew chassidim who were able to point out the exact spot at which the Rebbe had spent that lonely Shabbat. He himself had gone there to see it with his own eyes. All the way there he had seen old and drooping trees on both sides of the road, but that memorable spot was marked by a tall tree with luxuriant foliage. Commentary from Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, the sixth Rebbe of Chabad: The story of the Rebbe’s journey to Petersburg gives tangible testimony to the statement that whatever happens to a tzaddik—and especially to a tzaddik who is a leader of Jewry—takes place only with his consent. Indeed, not only the Rebbe, but every tzaddik likewise, rules over all material matters. What the Torah has to say about the created universe is decisive: all temporal matters are subject to the dominion of the Torah. When the Rebbe did not want to travel further, the wagon came to a halt, and it came to a halt where and when the Rebbe so desired. Had the wagon stood still at candle-lighting time, this would have been not at all remarkable. For such things we find concerning even an unwitting reaction, as it is written, “No evil shall befall the righteous” (Proverbs 12:21). But that the wagon should stand still at ten-thirty on Friday morning, and not budge—this is a palpable wonder of G‑d, like an overt miracle. From all of the above it should be abundantly clear that one whose word carried weight over material things, as was the case with the Rebbe, had the op-tion of not being imprisoned at all, and of not hiding, even for a solitary hour. If he did go nevertheless, this was for the sake of a profound purpose involving the service of G‑d. The patriarch Abraham opened the channel of self-sacrifice for the sanctification of G‑d’s Name, and the Rebbe opened the channel of self-sacrifice for chassidic service of G‑d. From all of this one can gather that the whole episode of the Rebbe’s imprisonment was only a garment worn by choice, in order to avoid making use of supernatural means. Truth to tell, this subject warrants a detailed explanation, especially since this would provide at least an inkling of an appreciation of the Rebbe’s quintes-sential inner love for Jews in general—for he wanted every individual to start living with zest in his Torah study, and in his divine service according to the teachings of Chassidism—and his love for chassidim in particular. And this love the Rebbe planted in the Rebbes who succeeded him. Such a deep-seated and quintessential love is everlasting, throughout all the generations until the coming of Moshiach, when it will be granted us, at the time of the Res-urrection of the Dead, to gaze directly upon the living and luminous countenances of the Rebbes.

THE BLACK CARRIAGE by: Yerachmiel Tilles

Page 3: Volume 3 Issue 2 Message from the RabbiRebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch. In 1816, Reb Dov Ber established a settlement of Cha-bad chasidim in Eretz Yisroel in the city of Chevron. parts of

In The Spotlight Kislev 5772

Sunday 8:30 am - Chassidus Shiur.

10:00 am - Breakfast and Gemara

with Rabbi Menachem Smith.

Between Mincha & Maariv - Ein Yaakov (or Halocha before Yomim Tovim) with Rabbi Marlow.

After Maariv - Gemara with

Rabbi Mendelsohn.

Monday Between Mincha & Maariv -

Ein Yaakov (or Halocha before Yomim Tovim) with Rabbi Marlow.

9:00 pm - Chassidus

with Rabbi Chaim Drizin.


Between Mincha & Maariv - Ein Yaakov (or Halocha before Yomim Tovim) with Rabbi Marlow.

After Maariv - Mishmar: Mini

Shiurim and Chavrusa Learning.

Wednesday Between Mincha & Maariv -

Ein Yaakov (or Halocha before Yomim Tovim) with Rabbi Marlow.

8:30 pm - Chassidus

with Simcha Gottlieb at his home.

Thursday Between Mincha & Maariv -

Ein Yaakov (or Halocha before Yomim Tovim) with Rabbi Marlow.

Friday Between Mincha & Kabolas Shabbos -

Dvar Torah on the Parsha with Rabbi Marlow.


45 minutes before Mincha - Gemorrah with Rabbi Marlow.

Between Mincha & Ma’ariv -

Seder Nigunim and a Ma’amor.

After Ma’ariv - “The Living Torah” video of the Rebbe.

under construction

Boruch Hashem, con-struction at Bais Men-achem NMB continues as we work on complet-ing the Air Condition-ing system units. We are also working to finish the South side final roof. We are planning to complete the final electrical in December IYH. As always, we thank everyone for their pa-tience and understand-ing as we daven in close quarters week after week, knowing that construction efforts are in full force and we are working towards the goal of being in our new building as soon as possible.

Page 4: Volume 3 Issue 2 Message from the RabbiRebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch. In 1816, Reb Dov Ber established a settlement of Cha-bad chasidim in Eretz Yisroel in the city of Chevron. parts of

In The Spotlight Kislev 5772

Yeshiva Torah Ohr & Bais Menachem NMB invites you to join us

Building a Home

shielded from the challenges of the Internet

with noted Educator and Mentor

Rabbi Shloime Sternberg

Motzoei Shabbos Parshas Vayishlach Yud Daled Kislev - December 10

at 8:30 pm

Magen David 17100 NE 6th Avenue North Miami Beach

For Men and Women Refreshments Served

Shall we ?

Page 5: Volume 3 Issue 2 Message from the RabbiRebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch. In 1816, Reb Dov Ber established a settlement of Cha-bad chasidim in Eretz Yisroel in the city of Chevron. parts of

In The Spotlight Kislev 5772

Mammouth Rocklimber Adrenaline Rush

Obstacle Course 18' Double Side Slide Mini All Star Basketball Batter Up

Face Painting Barbecue

2nd night of Chanukah Wednesday, 25 Kislev ~ Dec 21

4:30pm to 7:30pm Eli Kramer’s Park

937 NE 171st Street North Miami Beach

Generously Co-Sponsored by: Yacov & Esther Wilyamowsky ~ Gidon Menachem & Sheli Gratsiani ~ Yoav & Devory Handwerger


Page 6: Volume 3 Issue 2 Message from the RabbiRebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch. In 1816, Reb Dov Ber established a settlement of Cha-bad chasidim in Eretz Yisroel in the city of Chevron. parts of

In The Spotlight Kislev 5772


Bais Menachem NMB invites you to join us for a

with world renowned Lecturer and Mentor

Rabbi Manis Friedman f

Torah's Roadmap to Healthy Relationships &

Effective Parenting

Motzoei Shabbos Parshas Vayigash Hay Teves - December 31

at 8:30 pm

Magen David 17100 NE 6th Avenue North Miami Beach

For Men and Women

Page 7: Volume 3 Issue 2 Message from the RabbiRebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch. In 1816, Reb Dov Ber established a settlement of Cha-bad chasidim in Eretz Yisroel in the city of Chevron. parts of

In The Spotlight Kislev 5772

with Noted Speaker and Educator

RABBI LEVI KAPLAN Rav of "The Shul" in Crown Heights

Wednesday evening 18 Kislev—December 14

at 8:00 pm

Magen David 17100 NE 6th Avenue

North Miami Beach

Fleishig Catered Meal For Men and Women



Page 8: Volume 3 Issue 2 Message from the RabbiRebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch. In 1816, Reb Dov Ber established a settlement of Cha-bad chasidim in Eretz Yisroel in the city of Chevron. parts of

In The Spotlight Kislev 5772

Remembering an Evening of Inspiration ...

with Guest Speaker

Mrs. Sheva Givre While honesty should be the best policy, most of us hide from the truth. We pretend to be perfect, to manage the stress, to ignore the hurt and to avoid our fears. Our lives play out and we live each day through chaos, chores and special moments - we don’t take the time to celebrate. At this past N'shei, Mrs. Sheva Givre opened her heart to us. Sharing her inner-most feelings, moving us all to tears, experiencing the joys and fears Hashem has chosen to bless her with. With great inner strength and Bitochon, Sheva has gained a deeper understanding to the beauty behind pain and suffering. Seeing the blessing in everything that is good and bad, she encourages us all to value our everyday life and any challenges that might come with it. We can’t judge each other for the ways we choose to respond to what Hashem has chosen for us. But we can learn and gain inspiration from those who come out stronger. Their love and faith in Hashem has deepened and a greater aware-ness of gratitude surrounds them. We were all created to share the same world. Each one of us is unique with a different blueprint to follow. But one of the greatest gifts Hashem has given us, is the gift to learn from each other and to encourage one another to grow emo-tionally and spiritually in our daily journeys. The most powerful tool we have is to use each other to help us grow. May we always share in each other’s Simchas!

Enjoying This Roller Coaster Ride

I Call My Life

Join us on Chanukah for a Grand Menorah Lighting at Bais Menachem NMB nightly at 5:45 pm

Page 9: Volume 3 Issue 2 Message from the RabbiRebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch. In 1816, Reb Dov Ber established a settlement of Cha-bad chasidim in Eretz Yisroel in the city of Chevron. parts of

Birthdays 3 Cheshvan Brocha Katz 4 Cheshvan Sender Kagan 5 Cheshvan Dina Carroll 5 Cheshvan Miriam Marcus 5 Cheshvan Yacov Wilyamowsky 10 Cheshvan Gabby Zecharia 11 Cheshvan Nissim Botton 13 Cheshvan Dovid Olensky 13 Cheshvan Shalom Dov Ber Shor 16 Cheshvan Yehoshua Steinberg 17 Cheshvan Aharon Schweitzer 18 Cheshvan Itchik Brody 28 Cheshvan Miriam Benhamou 29 Cheshvan Yonatiy Freidman

We apologize for any errors or omissions we may have made.


Email your family's birthdays to [email protected]

or call 305-770-4412

In The Spotlight Kislev 5772

Baby Boys Mendel & Chaya Brody Dovid & Sarah Rieger

Baby Girls Isroel & Shuli Labkowski Yakov & Raizel Menaker Avrohom & Chany Stolik Immanuel & Rochel Storfer

Engagment Ari Tamari to Devorah Israel

Let’s Farbreng!

… with Rabbi Shloime Sternberg on Shabbos Parshas Vayishlach (December 10) in honor of Yud-Daled Kislev Sponsors are needed. Those who would like to sponsor please contact the secretary at [email protected] or call 305-770-4412

Hankin family

Kozlovsky family Lieberman family

Menaker family

Sacho family Vaknin family

We are delighted to welcome our New Members

1 Kislev Yerucham Kopelman 4 Kislev Levi Rudd 5 Kislev Esther Wilyamowsky 9 Kislev Tzvi Aber 11 Kislev Moshe Field 11 Kislev Avraham Skaletzky 11 Kislev Amit Ben-Hayoun 14 Kislev Abi Friedman 21 Kislev Rivkah Field 22 Kislev Shmuel Andrusier 27 Kislev Toby Marlow 28 Kislev Rochel Steinberg

Condolences to

Mrs. Slava Chitrik

Hamokoim Yenachem Eschem Besoich Sha'ar Availay Tzion ViYerusholoyim

Page 10: Volume 3 Issue 2 Message from the RabbiRebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch. In 1816, Reb Dov Ber established a settlement of Cha-bad chasidim in Eretz Yisroel in the city of Chevron. parts of

Tel: 305.770.4412 Web:

Rabbi Manis Friedman Motzoei Shabbos @ 8:30 pm Hay Teves - December 31

Yud Tes Kislev Wednesday evening 18 Kislev - December 14 @ 8:00 pm

Chanukah Wonderland Wednesday @ 4:30pm - 7:30 pm 2nd night Chanukah - December 21

Davening Davening Schedu Schedulele Shacharis: • Sunday 8:00, 9:00 am

• Mon—Fri 6:30, 7:30, 8:30 am

• Shabbos 9:30 am

• Shabbos Mevorchim

8:30 Tehillim / 10:00 am Shacharis

Mincha: • Everyday - 10 min. before Shkiyah

• Shabbos – 15 min. before Shkiyah

Ma'ariv: B'zman