Download - Vol.18 No. 3 March - 2017 KANNADA ICON HONOURED BY …€¦ · KANNADA ICON HONOURED BY BHAVAN ... astrology. Having been in the cultural field for nearly five decades, the ... programme



Vol.18 No. 3 March - 2017

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He is a sprightly 103 years

young now. Age has not bluntedhis sharp intellect. He is as mucha conscientious citizen as he wasdecades ago, sound value


systems continuing to definethe substance of his life.

The Padmashree awardedto him recently was just the excuseneeded by the Bengaluru

Padmashree awardee Nadoja Prof. G. Venkatasubbaiahbeing felicitated by dignitaries


Kendra to invite NadojaProf. G. Venkatasubbaiahfor a felicitation. For, given hisachievements and selfless serviceto the cause of Kannada, thereare no better credentials for hislife time work than the publicadulation he has received.

When Prof. Venkatasubbaiahwas felicitated by the Bhavan onFeb. 19, it was a celebration ofKannada language and probityin public life, both of which havebeen exemplified by the notedlexicographer, captured inessence by Dr. Chiranjeev Singh,former ambassador to UNESCO,who called him a “selfless personwith a large heart, committed topublic good”. In him isencapsulated the culture of oldMysuru, Dr. Singh reflected.

Delivering the felicitationaddress, Dr. Singh saidProf. Venkatasubbaiah repeatedlywent to the corridors of powerfor the growth of the KannadaSahitya Parishath, but never forpersonal gains. “There are manybig people in the literary world,but many are small-minded.GV is a great scholar with awide world view”, he said.

Perhaps no otherlexicographer, in any Indianlanguage, has contributed asmuch for the cause of a languageas Prof. Venkatasubbaiahhas, to Kannada. His NighantuShastra Parichaya on Kannadadictionary science is a pioneeringwork that encompasses the pastof the ancient language to itspresent growth and usage.

Justice Dr. M. Rama Jois

Dr. Chiranjeev Singh


Justice Dr. M. Rama Jois,who was Chief Guest, saidProf. Venkatasubbiah’s namewould live on through his manyinvaluable works, the fields oflexicography, teaching, research,translation, editing and writingbeing just a few of his areas ofcontribution.

His life— disciplined,honest, simple, friendly andunwavering in its clarity andpursuance of goals— was aninspiration to all, he said.

Responding to the felicitation,Prof. Venkatasubbaiah said therewas much more that he needed todo to society. “A fall out of theaward is the affection that hascome my way much more,which I value the most”.

Smt. BV. Padma,Station Director, AIR,Bengaluru, recounted theimmense contribution ofProf. Venkatasubbaiah in thefield of Kannada. His influenceeven at the individual levelwas a worthy of emulation.

Prof. Malati Pattanshetty,Chairperson, Karnataka SahityaAcademy, pointed out thatProf. Venkatasubbaiah wasresponsible for the resurgenceof the Kananda Sahitya Parishat,which had helped the premierinstitution branch out to othercrucial areas of activity inpromoting Kannada languageand culture.

-Jyothi RaghuramSmt. B.V. Padma

Prof. Malati Pattanashetty



AIR MUSIC COMPETITION 2016Prize Distribution Ceremony

followed byPerformance of the Prize Winners

Chief GuestVidwan S. Shankar, Eminent Vocalist

Musical Performances

Prize Winners Station Category Prize

S. Manjunath Chennai Nagaswaram I

K. Mugundhan Chennai Tavil I

R. Saivignesh Chennai Classical Vocal I

N.M. Brahmadathan Kozhikode Violin II

Gargi N. Shabaraya Mangaluru Dev. Vocal I

B. Surabhi Mysuru Folk Music I

Aishwarya Manikarnike Bengaluru Veena II

Athira Murali Thiruvananthapuram Folk II

Madhushree Narayan Thiruvananthapuram Lt. Vocal II

S. Hargun Kaur Mumbai Western Vocal II

Selvyn Joao Carmino Panaji Western Violin I

Braganca P. Chinmaye Bengaluru Flute II

Sooraj S. Thrissur Mridangam II

on 3rd March 2017, Friday, at 4.00 p.m.

Venue : Khincha Auditorium, Bharatiya VidyaBhavan, Race Course Road, Bengaluru - 560 001

All are welcome


BVB-BBMP Public School,

Bengaluru, with its clean environs,airy classrooms, and professional,child-friendly teachers, is acompetitor to even privateschools in both academics andextra-curricular activities. Run ona well-established system, theschool does not have to prepareits wards or clean up its precinctsto receive even unexpectedvisitors.

The surprise visit ofDr. Venkat Rao, Director,Chem-Bio Programs, Parsons,Washington DC, to the school inJanuary, evoked curiosity amongthe wards of grade 6—thesenior-most class of the school,reciprocated by Dr. Rao’s


appreciation of the well-behaved,neatly turned-out students.

The visit, and response, ofDr. Rao was special because ofhis academic and professionalbackground. A gold medallist andan alumni of the Indian Instituteof Science, Bengaluru, Dr. Raoand his family are involved inphilanthropy in the field ofeducation, especially in Mysuru.

He interacted with theenthusiastic children, starting withLKG, answering their questionspatiently, and spending quite awhile taking a round of the school.Such visits, especially impromptuones, are welcomed by Bhavan,as it helps to establish first hand,how the school is run on any givenday, and its achievements.

Dr. Raointeractingwith kids


Vocational ExcellenceAward in the field ofadministration of a culturalinstitution to uphold andpromote traditional art forms.

For Bengaluru KendraDirector H.N.Suresh, painting hasbeen his life breath, even takingon the contours of an unparalleledbody of research on cosmology.His series on nakshatras,grahas, rashis andashtadikpalakas have not justwon laurels the world over, theyhave made for a detailed visualstudy of celestial bodies from theangles of astronomy andastrology.

Having been in the culturalfield for nearly five decades, thevast experience he has garneredas an art critic, impresario,

organizer, writer and artist havebenefitted the Bhavan in its sphereof activities and in its reach.

Official recognition came tohim years ago. Private awardsand honours from respectableorganizations have been his.

The latest recognition fromRotary Bangalore West sums upMr. Suresh’s efforts in elevatingthe status of the Bhavan as apro-active Indian cultural centre.

The award was presented toSri. Suresh on Jan. 22, especiallyfor “harvesting the resources ofthe community to promote culturaland traditional values and theethos of the country through theinstitution”.

A proud moment indeed forBhavan.


Sri H.N. Suresh receiving the Rotary award


Thyagaraja aradhana wascelebrated at the Trichy Kendrawith enthusiasm, the participationof 36 artistes includingyoung musicians being itsmost encouraging aspect.The programme was held underthe Bhavan-Infosys FoundationCultural Outreach Programme,where the gurus shared the daiswith their wards.

Chief Guest Sri R. A.Krishnakumar, Executive Director,Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Ltd.,traced the history of Thyagarajaaradhana at Thiruvaiyaru, and howBangalore Nagarathnamma hadbeen singularly responsible inmaking it a Carnatic musicpilgrimage by paying a musicaltribute to the most revered saint-composer.

He pointed out that throughthe aradhana, the Trichy Kendra

had provided an opportunity tobudding musicians to pay homageto Thyagaraja along with theirgurus. He appreciated the supportof Infosys Foundation in suchcultural activities. Sri N. G.Ramesh, Assistant GeneralManager, State Bank of India(SBI), praised the efforts ofBhavan in the journey of spreadingIndian culture among youth.

Encouraged by the responseto the programme, the Kendraplans more such cultural eventsin the future. A booklet onPancharatna kritis wasdistributed by SBI on the occasion.

Committee membersSri.M. Somasundaram andSri.K. G. Muralidharan werepresent. Sri. T. V. Murali, Hon.Secretary, welcomed the gathering.Sri. J. T. Chari, Director –Projects,delivered the Vote of Thanks.



aradhana -

at Trichy



A total 211 programmesfeaturing 1366 artistes,attracting an approximate44000 audience have beenheld since the launch ofBharatiya Vidya Bhavan –Infosys Foundation CulturalOutreach Programme inFebruary 2015.

Notable programmes like“Vaarasa-LokkalaParamparecha” & “Rang Bahar”–were held at MaharashtraKendra. “Udra Sangeeta” &“Ritual Dance of Odisha” –(Tiger Dance, Ghatapatua Dance,Sahi Jata) in Odisha;“Panchavadyam” &“Human Puppet Show” in

West Bengal; “Bhavai Dance”at the Rajasthan.


02/01/2017 – UdraSangeeta was presented byPandit Dr. Damodar Hota andstudents. Pandit Hota is a versatilegenius of Indian classical music.He has been performing bothHindustani and Urda sangeet allover the country and has receivedaccolades and honours from anumber of social and culturalorganizations. He has beenworking for revival andpreservation of traditionalOdishi music. He has beenreviving and researching on

‘Udra Sangeeta’ by Pandit Dr. Damodara Hota and students Jan 2, at Bhubaneshwar


Ritual danceof Odisha

‘Bagha Nata’(Tiger Dance)‘Ghant Patuia

Nata’ and‘Sahi Jata’held on Jan

16, atBhubaneshwar

diminishing artforms like“TraditionalVocal Music”of Jagannathtemple.

16/01/2017 – Ritual danceof Odisha – Tiger dance,Ghatapatua Dance, Sahi Jata byTaruna Kalakara Sangha, MaaSarala Ghatapatua Sangha andRangasala.

Tiger Dance :Tiger Dance isperformed in ThakuraniJatra and all otherritualistic festivals ofSouth Odisha.

Ghata-Patua :One of the mostpopular dances of

famous Sakti temple “Sarala” ofJagatsinghpur Dist.

Sahi-Jata: One of the mostpopular folk dances performed infront of Lord Jaganath, Puri duringthe Chaitra festival.




01/01/2017 -Panchavadyam was presentedby Pallassana Sri Nandakumar

and Party organized in associationwith Saastha Samooham.

16/01/2017 - HumanPuppet Show was presented byBirbhum Sanskriti Bahini.

‘Panchavadyam’ by Nandakumar and party held on Jan 1, in West Bengal

‘Human Puppet Show’ held on Jan 15, in West Bengal




30/01/2017 - BhavaiDance was presented by SriUgam Nath & Sri Chandalal.

The spectators of theprogramme had a rare

opportunity to witness oneof the most colourful dancesof Rajasthan, Bhavai, which is adying art form. It is assumed thatthis genre of Bhavai dance wasevolved from the exceptionalbalancing skills of the

Bhavai Dance by Ugam Nath & Chandalal held on Jan 27, at Jaipur

Rang Bahar by Suresh Sakhavalkar, Anuradha Rajhans & troupeheld on Jan 6th, at Pune



‘Vaarasa-Lokkala Paramparecha’ by Haridas shinde & troupeheld on Jan 20th, at Pune

womenfolk of Jat, Bhil, Raigar,Meena, Kumhar, and Kalbeliacommunities of Rajasthan whocarry a number of pots of wateron their heads over a longdistance in the desert to fetchwater. This dance is especiallycolourful due to the bright andvivid hues of the performer’scostumes.


06/01/2017 - Rang Baharwas presented by Sri.SureshSakhavalkar, Smt. AnuradhaRajhans and troupe. It is amusical treat based on thepopular age-old musical drama,

‘Suvarna Tula’ and ‘Kanhopatra’.Various short episodes withnatya geets were presented.The programme was mesmerizingand took the audience to the ageof Balgandharva Sangeet period.

20/01/2017 – Vaarasa-Lokkala Paramparechawas presented by Sri. HaridasShinde and troupe. It was a livemusic programme comprisingtraditional folk music andfolk arts, Gan Gaulan, ShahiriPowada, Bharud, JagaranGondal, Daaf Gaan, NirankariBhajan and traditional KabirPanthi Bhajan by using instrumentslike sambal, dimdi, daaf dholkietc.



& Nupurapresents

BhavanBharatiya Vidya



Contact :Contact :Contact :Contact :Contact :Pusthaka BharathiPusthaka BharathiPusthaka BharathiPusthaka BharathiPusthaka Bharathi

Bharatiya Vidya BhavanBharatiya Vidya BhavanBharatiya Vidya BhavanBharatiya Vidya BhavanBharatiya Vidya BhavanNo. 43, Race Course Road, Bengaluru - 560 001No. 43, Race Course Road, Bengaluru - 560 001No. 43, Race Course Road, Bengaluru - 560 001No. 43, Race Course Road, Bengaluru - 560 001No. 43, Race Course Road, Bengaluru - 560 001

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Fri 4.00 p.m. - Khincha Hall03 AIR Prize Distributionaward ceremony for the musiccompetition held during 2016followed by a music programmeby the award winners

Fri 6.30 p.m. - KRG Hall03. ICCR –Every FridayEvening culturalprogramme –BharatanatyarecitalbyMs. PoojithaaCadambiPadmanaban

Sun 11.00 a.m. - KRG Hall05. Sri. R.Krishnamurthy WorldMusic Endowment :Hindustani classical music byDr. Neeta Mathur

Sun 6.00 p.m. - Khincha Hall05. BVB-Karnataka Nritya KalaParishath presents ‘Natarajotsva’Dance programme

Fri 6.30 p.m. - Khincha Hall10. ICCR – Every FridayCultural Evening Programme –Bharatanatya recital byMrs. Samhtha S

Sat 6.30 p.m. - Khincha Hall11. Horizon series -

programme by empanelled artists(in association with IndianCouncil for Cultural Relations)

Sun 10.00 a.m. -12. Karnataka State Federationof Astrologers Institutions (R)Bengaluru.Women’s Conference on AstrologyChief Guest : Prof. Smt. PadmaShekar, Vice - Chancellor,Karnataka Sanskrit University

Sun 6.00 p.m. -12. BVB -Infosys FoundationOutreach programme :Carnatic veena recital byVidushi Y G SrilathaSri Rama Kala Kendra J.P.Nagar

Fri 6.30 p.m. - Khincha Hall17. ICCR – Every FridayCultural Evening ProgrammeBharatanatya recital byMs. Archana M.C

Fri 6.30 p.m. - Khincha Hall24. ICCR – Every FridayCultural Evening ProgrammeLight Music byMr. Rajashekar Nuli

Sat - Sun 6.00 p.m. - Khincha Hall25 - 26 BVB-Bangalore LittleTheatre Foundation presents aplay titled ‘The Prophet and thePoet’ based on a compilation ofletters and articles exchangebetween Mahatma Gandhi andRabindranath Tagore

Fri 6.30 p.m. - Khincha Hall31. ICCR – Every FridayCultural Evening ProgrammeBharatanatya recital byMs. H Y Tejaswini


March - 2017