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Page 1: Vol. S3, No. ISO Bomb Strikes Germany’s · Tlie bill as passed by Uie senate made all between ...

A n A m c ta le d Prem N e iv t^ n f^ THE TW IN FALLS NEjtVS

V ol. S3, No. ISO TWIN F A L L S . IDAHO, WEDNESDAY MORNING. SEPTK.MnER 11. J*)-}/) Price F ive C ents

Bomb Strikes Germany’s ReichstagAshurst T ra iling , VandenbergHigh In P rim ary Races

L o u i s i i i n a T u r n s O i i f F o u r H o u s e

m e m b e r s ; S l i i p s l c a d W i n s A s ,

R e p u b l i c a n i n M i i u i e s o t a

(ny The AMoclnWd PrwilT h e p lc lu rcsfju e v e te r a n S c n n to r A’s h u r s f ( D .- A r l rO

IrnlllnB . S c n n to r V a n d e n b c rg (R . - M ich.) f a r f th c a d . L o u s la n a v o te rs s y il s u p p o r t in g ti le nn tl-L onR fo rces , a n t l - n e w derll G ov. G eorge D. A lk c n (H .) v lc to r lo iu In V e rm o n t, n n d S e n a to r S h lp s tc a d . F a r m c r - L o b o rl te recen tly t u r n e d R e p u b lic a n , IcadJnB In M ln n c .to ln — su c h wa.-5 th e e a r ly m o r n ln B p ic tu re o f T ue.sday’s p r im a ry e lec tio n s .

I n L o u isian a , t h e r e tu r n s Ind ica ted t h a t f o u r m e m b ers of. th e hofise w ere a b o u t '’to betu r n e d ou t. G ov. S a m Jo n e s , w ho w4s e lcc tcd ovcF ■'the

• opposition of th e L o n g hM n',' had iirgfd Ihrlr dcfpftt.

Slilinlcari Lcaitii In MliincMln. S!ilp^<trnri, Unre

UniM cl«iccl ,bj' llie Fnrmcr-Lnbor pnrty. but who rfcm lly rtcclnrrt himself A cnndlOntP for rffltcllon m B nepnbllrnn. wn.-* n inn lnn ^-tll alipncl of bl-1 compeUtor.Mnrtln Nckori;__

Ashurjl, »ho lii'u been *tiititnr • —from Arlionn ever iiiice Arlroim bf-

cnme n sinii; In 1012. (cnind bis opponmt, Fj-iiMl W. McFnrlana, Icndlns by nboul I

In MIchlsnn boUj Scnntor Vnii- rtrnbcrK and Gov. Lnurcn D. Dlckln-

• »on who mode hcndilne.-i nol lonit »5o lui nn oiipoiienl of liquor cifid vice, were far tihfftd of Uiclr cppon- cnu - Dowcn n. Cover. Detroit MlMmnn. tind 8i«tc Attorney Oen- crftl Tliomns Read. re.ipecUvcly.

Eiulty end eivrly. 0 « . Alkcn » dtclftrcd the victor o%-er Bftlpl* £■ Kftnriefs for the slate's HepubUCM iraito rlal nomlniitlon.

leiid over aeo rst E Bftundc^s. »ecr^. Uuy of *ui«, for Uie DcmocraUa RubcmfttorUl nominftUon.

N m Bampihlro ncpubU cuu mvla a *. close r«c« between Robert O.

-Bicta.' ^ i d t J j t 'o r <i>B,vo Btiiaw •«nd-Jam es C. rtTrriior ft M lio tu l

r aranirtliK turet, for the pA rty l fub* ematorijil nomination.

W uhtnctoo Vole*In Woililnston. wllh- bu t k Uny

fracUon of the stale reported. Rep. Conmd Wallgren. led live contest-

. nntfi for the Democmtic MnatorlAl nomination and Slcplien P. Chad­wick led four RepubUcnn eompetll- cr» for the nomination to the aama Ifcat. The MAI now Is licld 'by 8cn-

■ a tor SchwcUrnbath (D. - Wiuh.) -R-ho Iian been appointed to a federal Judffe.ih(p.

Oov. ClRfcnee D, M artin, sceklnR to bccorne Ui» first Wa.ililni!ton Kovpmor to win a Uilrd term, tmlU td former D. a, aetiator Clarence C. Din for IhB De'nioeraUe nomina­tion.■ There appeared to 'bo no contest

lo r the Republican KtibenyOorlol nomination, with E w tllo 'a ^nayoi'. Arlliur B, Lnnslle. coimllng far In ndvnnce of thn comblrted to ta l of his four'opponents. ,

F L A S H E S o f

' L I F E


M c e lin o of Senate-House . Committee Efids in

DeadlockWA91IINOTON. bept, lo' (fl-) - A

lone Mi-'Han of the scnnte'hou.-.o commlllce appolnled lo write » compromise rcrslon of the conscrip­tion bid ended CoiifRht In a deadlock on Uie age limits of the men to be lUbJeelflWo Uie Onvft.

Tlie tenntc confcrecs offered ralie tb# top flRure lo 30 yenra and /lie house member* steadfastly held; oul for » . '

Tlie bill as passed by Uie senate made all between 21 and 30, Inclu- slve. liable to compulsory mimary jerrlce, while the Mouse flsurea were 21 through 44. A fter the fienaU'i

• ■ - flaUy rejected.

H e r e A i - e S o m e F a i r G r a n d C h a m p i o n s

Chainnim fflieppard (D-Tex) of the Rcnate group said It Alight be with­drawn.

DesplU the dlMiereemont . _ point, tha e o n f a ^ reported rapid

dircct*t>ni,. espe- diUI]’'ln dlspoilnff o f m inor pqtnU. Sheppard. In fact, predicted th a t the Job would b« completed a n d Uifl bill In Its final form by torsorrow’ nlghl.

Iloweytfr, the principal point of' controversy, the P ls^ amendment providing for a alxty-dny postpone­ment of the d raft while voluntaiy conscription Is Riven a flniU trial, was put over for diseussloo later. This s-as.done among accumulat­ing Indlcailons th a t when It Isreached, the ........................scrappcd.

The agreement* ' reached during the day Included th e adoption of the senate’;* lim itation of SOO.OOO men on the number of conscripts to bo in service In th e land forces simultaneously, Itutend of the house

(CeBtlnwd ea I'm * Colsn^t)

I n th e 1^060HAOERSTOWN, Md,—A horse Li

the Tea.wn Roger C, Harp hart an earache from a piece of tooth In

,hU earaclie took him to a phy­

sician. 'Tlie doctor found Uie cause wa.i the piece of tooth In Harp’s nose- Ttien Harp recalled the tooth had been brokcr> off when a horse kicked him In the (ace &0 years ago.

J t W o rk e d INDIANAPOLIS - H arry noark.

outbluffed a man who entered hLi tilling station, hand In pocket In a menacing manner, and ordered him Into a wasliroom.

“I can’t go In Uiere." Roark dc' murred. “A policeman’* In there."S

The man fled, towing away a toj pistol.

The washroom was empty.

DomonBtratod SAN JOSE. C aU f.-If Mra. Will*

Bent d o « n t leom to play jolf well ahe can’t blamo her husband. Bent, teaching her the game. 03

. a hole-ln-one on the asfl-yard i ond hole a t HlllTlew Ooif dub.

EpidotnicBCOTTSBLUFP. Neb.—D on't UU

the Tom Britton family tlia t apt pendlcIUs Isn't conUglous. They w en t believe It.

A month agp daughter Mary was operstcd’on jar acute appendlellU. Then Brllton's daughter Pauline, daughter Rcva and son. Charles^ .

K on-Sootarian PARKVILLE, Nfo.—Park coUfge

. ' officials tell this story:A • A Swedish LuUienus heard (hat

Romxh Catholic youth would have! to leave Park college, a Preabyterlan school, because he lacked funds. The Lutheran obtained money from a Jewish friend to send , to the Rev. 'William Undsey Young. P a rk coU legt president, ao the Catholic youth could stay -in school.


Republicans S ight National Victory, Democrats De'

cry C la im s .(By Tlie Ajisoclnlcd PrcM)

lUpubllci)ii» Tuesday hailed Uie Maine election results as fore.\liad- owing a Republican victory In No- *ember, while D em ocrats replied tha t Ualne no longer was a reliable political weatlier vane.

As leaders of Uie oppor.lns par­ties eschanged Tlcws.-voters of eight slates balloied In prim ary elections, selecting nominees for s ta le and fed­eral of/lces. Jj] addition Alaska held a general elecUon to choose a dele­gate to congrtM and territorlal-of. flelals. ,

The states which held primaries yesterday were Arisons, Colorado,

'Louisiana. Michigan. Minnesota, .New Hampshire. V erm ont and Washington. In three of ihesft Dnit- ed suites senator*. sought re-nom' nation — Ashurat. (D -A ris); Shig stead (n^M lnn), now running as _ RepubUcaa:'and Vandenhurg <R- Mlch). In Vermont, S enator Austin Republican, was unopposed.

............... e tephaa E arly. White

Britain B its At Berlin in Ne w Air Raid

G o v c i i i m c i i l B i i i l d i i i j r s T a i g e t s ;

' R e s i d e n c e a i K r B i i s i i i c s s

D i s l r i e l s D a i n i i j r c d

I liy -T ie A;:‘,- !:ilril Prc.'.M.nE R I.IN , S r p l . 31 ( W ediie.ulnyi — 'r iie .G ornm n re lc h s ta c

(p.’u 'llainciU i h d lk lin i: w;i;; .siriicl'. by lii rr iu lln ry b o m b s dropjifd by B b o iiib in i; plaiic.s m a ralcH iii ih e G e rm a n caiiital early tocl.ay, "

A Ih cn ii lte bo m b c rir .h r 'd ih ro u R b th e roof of 'TKh b iil ld - Inc. v,lilch wa.-i b u r n o d bv la m o u s f ire In 1033 In an I n te r ­n a tional Ine lc lcn l w h ic h ni.nrkcd th e Niizi rl.-JC to pow/er.

nonil)'; .-.m oiiklcljni,’ to r a : - m oinciit In h a l l i2 of th e | relPliMac . i l i ^ l u rc w ere llii!:nj,’;lie(l in iiiieclU itrly by |

Iln>pl|jl lloiiil>nI


QRAND CHA.MPIONS all are thes« entrleii In llveitotk eompetlUon a t the TwYiTValU eonniy'falr In Klier, which oprnra ycMrrclay. At (up Ictl appear the gnnd.thaoiplon Ilaliteln cow with V. W. Carson. Gooding, owner, an il'fh r grand cluunplon ilolttcin bull of Uir W rl<rr vnra- llonal srbcMl. with Damon Holben, stu d e n t eihlhllnr. At bottom left Is W ard nro thcn ’ lln l grand ehamplnn yearlinc lUmp^lilrr and O. F.

. Ward. Drcio. Appcarlnr at top right U th e grand cbsmplon Percheron itaiilon anil noran Huller. non of ll« ovini-r. A. H. Ilullrr, .SnU Sprlnsu; while a t bndom right li (be grand th a m p lp n Krlilan mare owned by Mra. Lutber iioward. llahL and ihown with Oran llnward. ahn of llulil. (Kewx Pfaatna and E nirarlnril-

• *

Gates Sw ing Open fo r ~ Tw in M is County F a ir

The speech wui be carried by ITOC and CBS beginning a t S:30 'p . eastern slandartJ Ume. '

I n , Mineral WclU. Tex.. EUlott Roosevelt, son of the president, de­fended spendlnC policies of the ad- mlnlstraUon.

Replying to Hal B . CoUIns. key* note speaker, of the T e ta s Demo­cratic convention. Roosevelt aald:

"The jnbncy has t>een spent to keep Vie i p u t ' o t hope a n d in the hearts of all Americana, regard*: less of their elrcumst*nce*."

CoUlni had asserted th a t “w ute- ful’ spending m ust bo stopped.

The Ualne returns.'show ing that had been elected M


Presidflnt, Make Personal Plea for

Third TermHYOR PARK. N. Y- Sept.' 10 O D -

Presldent RoosevelC will make a per- sonnl. acUi-e bid for a third term tomorrow night In Uie flrst’ since hLi nomination acceptance speech on which ihe Whit# House or DemocraUo ebokesmen have pinned a -pollticntf label..

Ha left by special train for Wash­ington Inte tonight after a 4 day stay a t Ills country horn*, and will speak there to Uie convenUon of Uie Intematlanal Teartulera union. The president aald today he was unable to rietermlne wheUier Ills address would be pollUcal or non-poHtlcal but Stephen Early, presidential sec- retarj'. told reporters Uiat the I>cm- ocratlc national committee would pay for radio lime on two networks —a sign the spccch waa considered pollllcnl - and added:

“I expect Uie president'Jn all prob­ability tomomiw nlglit will deliver Uie labor speech of the campaign."

Tbus the pre-election maneuver* Ing was off on another tangent. Heretofore, the president bad Indl* cated he would be so pressed for ttoie bechuse of the defense program and world condition* tha t he would bs able lo do litUe or n o . acU n campaigning. He .rejected chal­lenges of Republican Candidate Wendell U WUlkle to debate cam* paign issues. .

Early pointed out that In his ac* ceptance speech, the chief eaecu* Uve bad said he j^ould not have time or Inclination lo engage In “purely political debate.’'

V a rie d Exhibits( R eflect R egion’s A gricul tu ra l Wealth an d Vl^ide Range

of In te re s ts

A f t e r a " l ig h t" f irs t-d ay a t tc n f la n c e a t th e Tw in P a l l s c o u n ty ^ a lr y e ite rd a y . Increased c rov fds a re expectefl to H ow t h r o u g h ' t h c g a te s a t Flier to d a y a n d T h u rsd ay , w h ich h a v e b e e n d e s ig n a te d . T w in Falls d a y a n d B u h l day. r ^ p c c U v e iy .

'S u p p le m e n t in g ju d g in g .a c - ' t lv l t lc s I n d is t r ic t 4-H com pe­t i t i o n n n d in sheep , horses and ' en tile departnients were mch feaiureii a s the carnival, free drcus nnd balloon lucension In Uie Mier- noon a n d numerous exhibits to pro­vide fftlrgoer^ with more tlidn they ;^u ld aeo on Uie opening day.

AKracllms ManyA ttrocting particular inlerrst

inich phases of the fair a. produce nnd com m unity exhibits, proJtcM in the educational building, stock JudK- Uig. com m erdal exhibits. 4-H rili- playa. fnrro machinery and anUQuc and juven ile eectlons. Be. ldM ilia a iebm nd • carnival, the frt« three- ring clrctia In front of the grnnd- stand « u n o In Uie afternoon nnd Uie n e t of Mario and Le Sert in Uie afternoon nnd evening,

A nnounced by Manager Tom P>rks Is B fireworks display to bo oftfTCd Priday night a t.U iejm nd- atand tQ’ Uie Shel] Oil c ^pany . Inc. T h e exhlblUon, depleting •The Olory of Our Forty-Eight States,’' ha.1 been especially pretMred for tbe Twin Falla county fair and In- cludea eaRle rockeUt, star spangled ahflla. white and blue meteors, llghtnfng and muWpto report sliclli. thunderlnR batteries and national emblems parachute shells, according to R ay J . Holmes, local Shell man­ager,

SeheoU •Beews- No charrre will be mad# to view the

display, -which will be fired by ex­pert pjTotechnlc men.

A dding to the probability of greatly Increased crowds during

(CoallnBcd eii l'*r> t. C«luoii t)


Commission Okchs Cdnstruc- • tio n of Idaho Link in

Three-State Hookup

BOISE. Sept, 10 UP) — Connec- Uon of eleclrla generating facilities of th ree major uUlltlcs In tlieJiite r- m ountain comprl.slnB Idaho. Montana and Ut-ih, was approved-today by tlie Idaho Public UtlllUca commlasioa. .

Issuod the Idaho Power company covering lU aecllon of a high voltage transmission to be built from A na­conda, Mont.. to Oraee. Idaho, a t

co.-;t of Inore Uian »,OOO.DOO.Tlie plan win hook up the powet^

plants and transml.islon syskcnis of the Idolio Power company. M ontana Power c o m p ly and Uie Utah PoT\-er and Light cbmiwpy.

“T his line will complete the Uiree- sU le Integration," Comfll said. "Lines of the Idaho Power com­pany have been lnter-conn«ted with tJtfth revernl yean."

He pointed oul the connecUon <Contlnu4 n T w t. Celimi 1)


Exiled King, Woman TurnTo P ortu gal for RefugeLUOANO. Swltierland. Sep t U

(Wednesday) (/T) — PWmer King Carol 'of Rum ania and his red- haired >woman friend. Magda Lup- esca, crossed Into Italy In the dark* ness Uils morning a fte r creeping out u ie 'se rra n u ' door of Uielr hotel here to avolff^he curloua and qulet^ boftrdlng Uie deUjroned monarch's ipeclai train.

Portugal waa Uielr reported des* thiaUsn.

’Hie m a n waa hailed a t Uia lUUan frontier lU U q n o p sh la s io 40 mln* ul*j'for,.<n*t5Ei-lhspecUon. than sped on toW5N< Modane. rl» Turin.

Clrcumstaneea o f.U ie depMtura frotn Lugano .duapppm ua hotel

guesta w ho had been alert for a glance o t the couple. .I h e «s-klng was d riv en to Uie staUon fln t with- three aides. Madame Lupescu fol- towed. QUleUy.

Soon a fte r slie had boarded the train , h e r maid arrived with a large bouquet o f red carnaUons. The train pu lled out last tonight.

AlUiough Lbbbn was understood to b« 'C ard l’a ulUmate desUnstlon. ona o f hla reUnue said he might In-; (« m ip t th e tHp to rest for a whUo on th e Pren«h rl»lera.. •

T he ytfsnch govemmtnt earlier had refu sed him permission Ui Uve there.

C aro l a n d Madame LupeKu

on board the tnfln for more th a n an hour before It departed.

^ About 100 Swiss gathered on the platform essayed a .mild demon* sUnUon. ■ A few shouted "long live Uie U n g l" But Uie Swiss police mov­ed among them muttering: "Be quiet, The king U'UI."

Carol, upon whose Ufe Iva recent altunp ia had hem made wai clearly nerroua. Tlie windows of his private car sUU showed Jagged holet le ft by th e bullets o( Rumanian Iro tt O uardlata vlio had fired a t th e tra in la st Saturday as It left H u - m a n la . . - •

T he curtalna were drawn for the 'trip through blacked-out Ital}-.

Agriculture Department Re- • ports Promise of Abund­

ant Harvest

WASmN'OTON. Septu m t-n — Tlie ngrleuRure deparUneni rcpori- ed today 'th a t favorable grouinK conditions during Aucusl boo-, crop yJrJd prtwjjfcU n t Jra-'i five

cent and virtually a.’.'(irr<l atf ■'abundant" harvest.

The departmeni snld thnt dunnK Augu.M producUon pro;.|)ri'[.'. for major! crops increas«l n.% foUov.*: grain sorghums 20 p e rc e n t, roiw n 13 per cent, spring w heat 11 per cent. Mis 8 per cent, barley and flax S per cent, bean.i 3 per cent, com. potatoes and tw ecl fwtnloea 2 per cent.and beets 1 tier cent.

A few crops showed Icv- fnvpriihle pioapects Sept. I tllan ' a nioiitli enrllrr. the departniriit Mid, Indi­cated producUon wa.i down S per cent for rice, 2 per ccnl for lobaeuo nnd apples arwl 1 per cent for peacliK and pcanuti,

Yields per acre arc rxi>eclpd be about I per cent InrKcr llinn ln--.i year and 10 per cent above the 1(K year (1020.38) averore. ' '

Tlie depuftmeril placed com pro­ducUon projpect.1 a t 2,237,lisil.f* bujihels, sn increaic of about 40,000,000 bushels over Uie Augii.^v 1 forecast. Such a crop would he coii- fllderably below losl yeiir'a hiirvcst of 3.010,177,000 biuhcl.i. but would about equal the 10-year aver.ige of3.209.343.000 bushels.

Supplementing com production!(fT livestock feeding seeds would be

record nirplus of more than (550,- . >OJ)OO.baO)cls of old coni and pros-

f iecu for a record crop of hay and fomge crops, the departm ent aald.

W heat producUon was placed a t 7B3.580,000 bushels, an increase of33.037.000 busliels above Uie Augu.^1 forecnsl. Tills t^Umatc compared w ith ‘J54J)71.000 l)uslicL-i har\'ested last year anS wlUi 7J4,0a5.000 biulicU for the ten-year avcn\se.

The department said fru it produe- Uon was expccled to be below Inst year’s lartc crop. Comm<«lal vege­table producUon. which has been Increasing rapldl}'. will be lars* although It may tjot. be m ucli.aboie

P o l i c e L o o k f o r

l O s s u i g R o b b e rLOS 'AKQELES, Sept. 10 I'P)—

Police In suburban .HunUngton Park searched tonight for a klss-and-run robber, who also takes %omen'< pockeUsooks.

Alice E^ans told officers ahe waa en -rm te home from a movie when a m an stopped her and inquired: "Wliere are >-ou going?"

When she Ignored him, iC ss Svaa* aald the man:grabbed her, around th e .waist, implanted a kiss squarely .upon her. unwilling lips, snatohed her pockeU>$61t eoatalning: 13, and fled.. V

M n. Ester BlUsgton told police ahe also loft )10 to .a purao-snatcher —but got BO kiss. . . . .

r.xpl.Kinl(la) jiiii! liu.iiir'-, (if Ucrlln.

Titi- oMlrl.-il iiniiminreiiirnl said bomlr. ;i!‘T hll llir lamed UnMulrn- bim; n:ilc nnd Bcrlln'r. famous iivcniip, Uiilc-r Dell Lliulen,

I'orcisn cnrrr.'iKjndnit.', v__ ___I.-itr i on a Iolir''of dniiiiiKrdnrcn.-.'* vcrp told thiii ti»r BritfiH :.ittlns nppiirrntly u.Tre tryliiK to hit Koveniiiifiit <]iinrterr..

Krlallatlnn llln lrd TliLi fonimciil Immrdliilrly

cil «i>cculiitlon whptlirr th e Qennan nlrforcc mlj;ht rrU IInte. m.iklng Do-.vnlns strict ,lii London and Uie ll[lUJc. of pjTllnmcnl Uiclr tafRcis.

Small Incei^liiry Bombs peppered a large area around, the embaviy.

One'fell on Uir roof of th e academy cff arts, next door. .

Tlie bOmb which h it th e Drnnden burg gale nmuihrd directly Uirough the hrndMme fix column Unler den Linden, nlmont dlrpctly In front of Uie United Stales

Oilier explosives rlppetl up parta of Uie avenud of splendor, hund- some street Uiroii|;h Uie Tlergnrten apd knoTin as nn Imiwrtnnt wrst axis whlrh war. Adolf Hitler's pride. IIolM 12 feet deep/In the pavrmrtit,

On WIlhrm’i^ M )Etill anoUier cxplnrwe bomb fell

naar the mlnl.ntrj- of I lie Interior. blowliiR Kiwnd floor windows out 6f the building occuplftd hy the Ber­lin bureau of the International Nett-s scnice. an American n e ^ agency.

official Qcmiiin announcement declared Uut Uie raiders, aided by clear. «oon11glit nicht, were trying to 8901 bit? ' on Uie soverament bullrilngj of the Wllhemstra^ie— hitting back despcrntely nft«r hav-

thetr own capital bombed four siicce.iilve niKhls.

Moit esrlier BrltWi rald.i have •en beaten back a t Uie out-'.klrts

of Berlin. But this Ume Uie raid­er? rtwrtd dlrecily over the heart of tli> city.

Alllllaiy experts anld on a moon- ^ b t nlglil nnd in Uie ilRht of dorens of flares dropped bj' iho bombers, Uiere was no poMlimity of mlJlakInK the govtm m ent dlsh-lct.

Tlie relclijtag building n t prtaent not a^ed and Is t>eli>c recon.Mnici-

ed slowlj' after Uie 1033 fire, which Communl*ls wece accu-'cd of stnrt- ing-

Carrespandenls ViewTlie raiders also h ll tw o ho.^pItali. bome.for aged Jews, one apart­

ment lioaw, a gytiuxulum and M th blaita in Uie slrecU brake.,tutodrfrds of alndows.-T lie moat exlenslv; damage was

lCoelleu*4 m r«c« t Colaaa SI

l u t e r n a t i o n a l

A t a G l a n c e

'BATTLE OF CAPITALSHardest BriUsh raid o f Uie w

rocks center ot Berlin;, relclistag building damaged by Incendiary bomb: famous-edifices-In Dntcr

.■Dtn_Linilm-.mpnnM<l;._aei7naM_ say bombers aimed a t government buildings on ihoonllt n ig h t; Lon­don battered anew by th ird Icng* est nUd of war In fou rth fuo> eesslve night of a ir bombardment: fire air raid a lonni tend London­ers to shelter between lunch u id dinner hour~but no bombs dnjp.' petl unUl m m '» lann . w hich begift fourUi eoisecuUve n ight o f horror for BrIUsh • a ip lta l: . O eraao* claim big edge on ba ttle o t two capiuils-London and Berlin—Uiua far: BriOihJeport heftTy raids o a ’ Berlin and .Oennan p o : ^


d S S____ of using flatteiT to jpiln po*-tltloni from fonner BUng O w ci dropped b j new dictator la d r t r e to rid naUon of Oaro)^ tn fh ia c e i ' exiled king ttm u tow ard Portugat for refuge.

Apartment House Shattered > jMst Before Ejid of

Long Raid .LONDON, &"pt- 11 (Wednesday)

i-l’—All ap;&uiient bou.« oil oae of London's square.^ wa.i sliattered by a IiIkIi explosive bomb early today Ju.'.t be foc^ the all'Clear algnala cbniored,Uie end of an S-hoin* and 2n-inliiute Qerrnan air raid, third lonKc. l ol Uie war and fcwrth eon- .-.ecutlve all-night onslaught.

Tliete was no Immediate eatlmatfl of cnsunlUes or damage. (The Britlah cc».'«rr.hlp apparently was becoalng ' more strUigent oti d e t ^ o( tho .. nightly.aeftulU.) . . . . • f r r T - -

The clearilgnaJ ca»« a t 4 :4 0 'u a . DnUl early Uds momlog, the a t-

u e k wB%.mQeh'Iea feroelooi th a a Uie previous U irer ,. T hen the pace stepped up tmtU four separate squadrons were wheel* Ing a b ^ t UiB capital a t the ' tamo Ume a t opixiBlie polnU ot the com­pass. •

Heavier bursLi of.Brlllah anti­a ircraft fire followed their repeated course up Uie Tliames estuary wid

.•er and around the city.HeavT explosions shook the e«n- ■al area afresh.The streeta of 'central Londoa,

were, nearly ■deserted, •Police and-B lf'l’4ia'Wafdena cau*

Uoned any person seeklnr (o 'lear* a aheltcr Uiat "our guni are going* and th a t there was danger of faU- lag fragmniUi.

(ConUD<K4 « ran I. Coluaa t)

RITISHSmFliers Drop. M i l l io n ’s o ( '

Self-Ign iting Devices'. . Over Germany

BERLIN. Sept. JO VP) - B rltab^ filers have dropped miUloni o f aelf- Ignitlng “calling cards" over 0 « t- '' many in Uie last monUis. apptrent^ ly to fire crops and forests, u i th o r - ' Ued Oerman spokeamen eharsed to­day.

Many persons. Including chndren. ..ave been burned by handling th e UlUe liutrtunenta of war without knowing the ir danger, and. U m s. farmltouaes. grain stacks, grain- fleldJi and small tracU of f o itit have been destroyed. 11 ,w u d ^ dared. ' .

Nasis Colleet Cards Only the fact U u t Tarlou* N ad

parly groups have been.-asstduwaly . collecUng the UtUe cards and tha furUicr fact th a t bad weather pre- - vented Uiem from diylng oa t »0 ' th a t they were ready to Ignlto saved ; the coimtty from many mor« casual- Ues and damagea, U d i.n u rce 'd a - clawd; •_ i ' -

Thd'cards. which e u t o w roueoualy described to correipood» ' enU aa about a foot square, a re u - ? tually about two Inches tquart. A single plane can carrj MOflOO- Ap- .. parenUy_ im all bundlea h iw heca . . »catte red~pTw ~OninaBy *hy • TTiiMy planea. porUcularly In W dtpbaUa. Hanover. Uie B a it mountalng~«Bd southern middle Oeimanjr,

T hew ...................authorities- said. tnnqn rtad ;.'^ i n 'a m oist lU te and, eonsifl imaU <n«»aiT of pho«il»rtb» ..‘M ,5 the mlddlo eorertd Iv gun

W hen the card r e u h i i 't h t | i « to 4 ^I t drie* out. u id ,Um « ............U ie'acUon of .the nllea iU-A n a m t a' high flarec up. . ^

i -

Page 2: Vol. S3, No. ISO Bomb Strikes Germany’s · Tlie bill as passed by Uie senate made all between ...

. TW IN F A U ^ KEWS. TW fN FA LLS. ID A nO , U E D I^S D A Y M ORNING. SE PT EJrB ER 11. 1940


D e fc j id a n ts in Criminal Cases Enter Pleas of

InnocenceDeffndiitH.-. in U:rcr rrliiunnlcn

ealertd pln ii of Innocnicf In dlit; court In Twill yMterUaj'. i »cre lifld lor trials Jor v.lilcli dnics Iiuve nol ) f i boen « i

u n o y Wllklnj, JO-jMr-o

felony <

Ttiroiii;!) lib PBuLwn, also u .•WUIclns dtimi lorn informiii

u cd li

iillomf). Ccorse M liolnl«d by lilt coi.r cd 10 Uie pnurci n nccu.«tnii him e of KUliiR lire

Uie Dlfftii J#mt» W. Poru r look nilinr demurrer under «tlvbftiu-ni

h’ra:ilc UnrUry. ticcliircl c htry nt n ;,uljuri>;in T«lii Kii: CO'. Iilpiidcd not niillty.

Acciirxri of fallur.- to piov lU* KcmifUi Duncun » Itrrd ■ not Biilliy pica.

•Mrs. Irn ie Bla'rr. ;iccu:i;c) cer>' of cndor:<ment ciii ( rcllrf cJieck, l.i lo br relir by E. L. Unvborn. ■IVin toniey mIio n iu apjifiliiled court n l i r r W. L. Dunn wi u tlefen.M- niioriipj In ihU

EASING 1Some trnlru Icavli

Ing Tuei.dny wfct famines i;olni; out i

.thtfre was nothing t Indlcin In proBre.v, ireu pOAlUon fv.} Chronicle’*

«nyThe DritlaJi

typified by the tertlon:

■•Bodies are wearj- and iier^ri nr# ■trained bu t London'i iplrK ii un> broken.” . ...

Bomb* Soubif Wanilnf ThB Intenaily of the raid ebbed

tn d flowed ihU mominj. Alter ft quiet period, new distant exploiloru warned rcsldenli tha t mote rolden

. hftd arrived on the clty'i outtUrti.. In addition, the Oermniu bombed

» northweitem town and a Webh town for Mveral hour* each.

A lUck of ilx bombt (ctl 1q one •orta of the city; In another two heaty bomb* Jarfeij the earth. Hours :oter. utvM w trs falllnK a t intcr- r«Ui but they appeared to be drop* pins In tha oiiLsklrts.

- Jusi after midnight, Che tempo of •n tl'd lrcrafl fire was itepped up n a ln j l these outlying Invaders.

0 <rman. plane* also w ere'over rwsrUiwest Englftnd and Wnlej. and cJKht bombs were reported dropped #quarel7 In the center of on* to»-n In the southwest. ' - ^ ,

In four di\yilght appearancc.t yei* tcrday the Oemians had dropped no .oiploslvea—conflnlng tliemselvej, to recoiinftl&saiice for wljal w«* to come later and survey of tlie pre-

. vlous damage they wrought.While the Orttlih olr force went

on v lti r th e defense a* best it could, the oulhorltAtlve Brtil.ili press as.'0* elation reported ''mnny bodies” a!> ready hnd been recovered from an, ra.1t London «hool wrecked Mon' jilKht by a dlreet hit. The sm

Hundreds Trapped Tlip Dully Mall u ld Uicrt o

hundreds of men, women and cl tlren trapped In the ' school, i th a t o f.tlie first 00 cxtricaied o one wa» allvc.'vAll Uie victims had'

■ "been evaciited from anothrrdbtrlci,, I t was an ncrl.M torpcili

• reported. tli*t reduced ih r building to n rubble.

■ -I 'w a s in the Nuplrr cur ■In New Zealand, and I ’ve raids in almn.n evrr>- oil end arcii," said a cIcrKVmi rve never seen anjlli Ung ns tills."

Among those foutid In the « see w ere'tw o babies - one monUu old. the.oU ier sU/m bid. ArrnnRement-i had been (o take them, niul the oUiers were In the building when tlie itruck. to the founlrj todny.Of them had been hlajled c th e ir home;i.. Last night the mctropollinn ' ....

'•"bohrd tirgfa cliiMtu'tO “urc Uie'^t'

Sale O ffers Ju n io r Stock

m ail nffrrrd in thl> shnrtliom >Urr. exhibited by Naoma OlUcy, Elba, cimmpliiii In t1>r l - l l f lttln t and >ho<rlnfC contest of the Twin Falls rnunty fair. AI«o offrred for » le »1II be Iambi and h e n . with Colonel K, O. Walter, right, a t anrlliytffr, (Ne»i r)ioto and EngnTlogl.


Trip - n r. and Mr\. cAtec htive returned from trip in Olftclcr n^llnnal

McAiee wiw formerly

E nters C nl'rr» lly -? .lli i June Trl- Dril. a grndiiiite nf Twin t'nll.i high :hool wIUj the cla%j;)f !B«0. has en- allcU a t I)iLirnes.i university

Visitor. — Incluileil nmont Twin Kalis vhltors In Dol;,e the Ural

;l>e-Wec»' v -jy J- K. noberl.i -~e R. DiillQ'-

.......... C. D. MIClmes

.Marriage L for I'o mnrriai:e llceincs LmucU a t Twin

recorder’s office ye.i-................ aiartew L. Herrlcl:, 2J.ind DoroUiy Schaefer. IB. both of T j^ laJ 'o lls ; Oienn C. Duvis, 7i. wt/1 Clarice K. Handy, 2J, both of T»l Falls.

Ii Announcfd—Friends here received word of the bIrUi of iKhter ijppt. i a t Pocatello lo iirt Mrs. M. C. Dallenger. Tliey .rmer realdenU of Twin r»lli.


Panel Discussion, Adoption of Resolutions End

MeetingAbout ISO n inbei* of th r Idaho

FalLs <

Knlcr Ilotpltal — .Baby Hoosle Kirkmiiii of Filer. Mrs. Frank Ji Pit ot Huhl and Theron Lnrsbn Tuiin tVlls were admitted lo the Twin FiilU county general hojpiul

Announce n irtli-W ord hax b«ei •crlvrd ot the birth of a son, Rober fnyne McCoy, to Mr. and Mrs. 'ayne A. McCoy of Berkeley, Calif. UKUM 18. Before her marriage ;r.’. McCoy was Marjorie hrockmorton.

To Kan»«.i-Dletrlch Oefber left rsierriay for Lawrence, Kan., wherr t s^ll enrnlV as a fre.ihman In Um iemlcrel engineering courie nt thi

father.1 by William Oerber,

OF 39 REIEClrestrlclloii of I.OOO.MO lor both the irroy and navy. The nn^T. It w"-i uMd. p referred the rennle provision.

D rfealrd In Senate H ie Fwh amendmeni, providing

;hat tlie volunlnry enlw m ent r.ys- Lem be given a CD>day trial before :on.\crlptlon bcuitis. win adopled Uie hoiIW, J07 to 200. In the . rn It was beaten originally 43 lo

Ta t'n lversltr - Vernon Havens, croli. Twin Fnllj Jtudent who U pur> clin.rliiR, ancnt fof cooperative halls Ri the University of Idi^io. left yea. leriftiy fnr Moscow. He u ill make nd^ vnnrp arrftngemenU for kitchen and focvl son’lce for U iV Itlah^ Vo ' " font&SIl «jutid. whlch__JtAo r

I 'ne tlces llole — Stnliton String- fellow. Bolsfl baritone, hnn a part Ir the new opera. "Enchanted Well.’ now In rehearsal In snnTrKrtebco, according to word received here l)y friend.i. He Is the son of Mrs. R S. StrliiKfillnvv of U(il.-.e. He flr.M re cplved an ensarement lo j Iiik In Ihi chorus, nnrt wn:vjater ivvitgned lo i minor role by the directors. •

At Cm

1 oplul

0 appal-


•r sup.

to shorten

the wply U "restori'd to Its full qi

' ih u i Illustrating Uie damngr • (lone to vital mains.

Tea Katloned tJtlllllc-1 service was reslrlc

oeveral London areas, Tlie i contrived to p s on muking they sometimes rationed it;

- t o a customer.Tlie dislocated iranslt ser

heavily Inxeil. _ to detour. In somi the ir routes. L^ng quci Ing for tl»em nt ever>--».u,..

Tl>ere w m a mclnncholy famtliar. -«-Jty ln th» Nasl-tactlc»;-3:jt»lral£o-

lued since the first night-long raid of Saturday. T hjlr apparent Ivope wo* to s ta r t- f l r ^ while there slUl w ai . daylight and to use the ( llagratlons thus ^et as beneoni eonUnue the ir bombing until

' dawn.• The picture last night was oiii ..

•cattered desolation. Vast buiineis buildings already had been destroy­ed; wRrehou.«s near St. Paul'* Cath­edral had been ini'ept by fire: debris Jay no t only In Uie east end slflpping and Industrial seeUons. buj In the

■ verj- center of the financial dlairlci. In one of Ita dally onnouncemenu

or such thrusts, the a ir minUtry »aid th a t British plane* Monday night had bombed Berlin. Bremen and the Hamburg shipyards; factories a t Es»en and B anu to rl: ohlpplng and barge eoncenlraU/jns In the Kail- hcld ehanherporU : freight yards a t Krefeld and BrtmeU. and several Q ennan airdrome*.

•venly divided as T lie m llltnry con.icripiion i-

brouRlU an exchange of cniiimf today by nepubllcnn.i and Da

W endell' l#lllklc exjirev.etl hope a t lvl» Rushvllle. Ind., ci pnign headquarters would eliminate tin I-lPh .

lUiybuias, the Democratic lenil Wiv.-.hliiRtoii in reply th su te m e n t •'.••how* the kliid of m o n y tl ia t e.'<l l. b publican conclldale gre.vnonal leadcrr.."

nrpre;.piitiitive Fl’h au.‘ • .mcmlmcnl s.ild In I>..

i t

Molspeech, tha

c he WUlkle

1 gone

S a fe R e c o v e re d , B li t C ysli T a k e n

*been rcporte<l by T»i

th ich the safe•llvey stild, 1215

liaU been ta where It wa Ihivr • bnrl;liij Him early Mo

W P A W o r k e r a tB u r l e y I n j i i r c d

—BUrtbBVr Bootl\, aboul Jured In an

.0 — Harrison ■r. Vriously in- nobllc collision

iurley and is In the Cotinge hos- iltal sufferlns from Internal In- uries. Sheriff P. D, Pace, who In. •esllgated Uie aoeldenl. (tnid. to.

Mr. Booili

Thompson,Third mnn In the ear was Dan Bailey; co-worker of Uie other two.

Booth wt* the’only one Injured, river ot the other automobile

Involved in the acfldent wax Leo Peekhardt. about IB. who received head and arm e vu . lie wa.t drirtng

plclcup tnlck. .Hospital attendant* tonight mid

I th a t Mr. Booth wa» resting comfort­ably « n d tha t h e may recover.

If civil enclneerlnB ver.nity In nii.ica. .S pnrly of M er^lnen Cornell on Cnyuia In

to rneJ l-P . W. I.elK Harel Lrlirhloti ot Twin va slud 'ni in the .srhobl

Cornell unl-

'■ .III k.i' I JIcK nnd l^ H tL rre

h>rrtce» CnntlInc nightly a t thi 1(1 tnbemtirle, 380 lve^•.. ficvera! rep. r Hiilil. Han:,en anC

nibjert of'K ... .tIdre.M. TflnlRht experlenrr,K ti«ck‘i'ivirt» of


1 1D.1S ntid 1D38.

determined to clen Ington."

M artin suld In led In Wn.ihlnKlo

■fcNary. and n Republican majority

Maiing tha

■Uvaya been •111 •Martin contended tha'

of the Itopiibllea ;red. He .ndtled e UroubllrAna in

owed tha t the Republic,ulate for t ent of t

ivrd t i per

ilrick H.Representatlv *’ry. 6f Virginia, chairman of DemocraUc eongre.v!lonal cam- n commlHrr, placed an oppo­

site interpretation upon the retugis."If they mean anything." he said,

••they merely Indicate tha t Maine ■having According to form and It 1* not )-ct In touch with na­

tional thought.- He added In a for- lal statem ent that “probably no late Is ft more Inaccurate Index of atlonal political trends."

Oregon was the first stale In the men to tax ga.^oline. T he.flr it ti* as levied In 1818.

>ughout itlowlnj

coinpleilGii during the morning o . . . . - . . I first annual meet.

ln< Ui T »in Falh.Ilie concluding eeulon at thi

American Legion hall consisted of adoption of resolutiotu and oUi association business, followed by panel discussion upon "W hat Servlci Doej tlie Average Cltiten Expeci from a llealUi OepartmenlT"

s Included nam iJecUvc* of the i iduct educational work

a fsm lllartu the public with tlie nlue and need of healU i. lo the ndlvldual and Uie publle.,to furUier •eduoUon and control of provent- ible d i s e a s e d and to develop ^ e maternal and child health pro­gram.

Appreciation wa« expre».<ed to Uie American legion. Tw in Falls News- pni>eri aiid UiOM providing cxhlblU

contributing to success o( the :Ung. Although S. E. Drady ex-

.. ded an Invitation on behalf of the Pocatello Chamber of Commerce ;hat UiB 1D41 meeting l« held Uiere. tcilon nwaiu the nex t meeUng of Uie board of directors. , -

ipre.ued by Uie panel, public lieslUi needs Include: (1) servlce.i tor children in unorKiuilied as well u organlied localities; (3) need for education In health procUees, which would bring improved Individual and general health ; (3) deflnlto work In’prevenuon of environmen­tal health haiard*; (4) all programs should be planned' to provide Uie greatest.good to the ' largest number of people: (5) uniform pracUee .In Uie control of communicable dls- easea; (0) Uirough state-wide or- ganltaUons It should be poosible to Inform Uie people In unorganized areas what Uie services of a full­time health unit would mean to Uie community (7) thU educaUon must precede Uic eajabll.ihment of ihe.-tc serv ices and no heitlth service super-


Emma Clouchek. Dr. John ;ough'


“ I lione^lly didn't knew ray eyi was >Uek tUI Mamma (old me

'W hen my eoniclenee U hu riln ' 1 don't look nyiclf In the «y< even when I’m eembln' mj^halr.**


‘F i r r t^ i iu h te r ' A t t r a c t s Crowd of 3,000 at


Plunelng tieers. bucking broi Uie art of triek roping artlsta and spectacular specialty numbers wei >1ewe<l by an esUmated 3,000 pe: ton.\ during last night's initial pr& pntJitJon of Uit rtXIto al IJie T»-l r»lU county falrgrounfls.ln Fll^r.

Only one minor ln)un' w<»h^« :orded during Uie evenlngr an stock, fresh from the range, offered I conUnuous flow of Uirllls ft.:rowd which gaUiered for Uie Leo J. Creraer-dlrecled even-

pay Tr1bt;le ip;eulve tribute was

memory of Rusiel O. \Kimberly resldent.-u'ho

former fair board member as R Democratic party leac

WiUi a riderless horse standing rens. the ludlfnee stood to s

"Emply Saddles."Opening tlie show was Uie qui

llle. In whlch'Six eawboya and eQwgirls appeared on horseback 'a this w « followed by Uie "mad acmmble" feature. Tlte grand


Scries of Auto Accidcnts Causes Only Property


W e a t h e r

m .\I!0 : M»»Uy fair WKlptwJay ipd Thortday bn t ocattered Uiundtr- .torms over • a i (e r n ’ iDtunlaIn m a n ; lltUe change In Urapera

.. ;h U m perature here Tue*dsy, 50 dfjreea; low 57; southeast winds, clear' barometer. 30.M a t t p. m.: Immldlty. 18 to 73 per cent of u tur-

vhlch o


mid to tl ilsbn. In vas active

Twin Falls; B- F. Mahoney.L. J. Peterson and Clide Bridger both of; C. M. Bverl4. Port, land. Ore,; Dr. W; P. Shepard. San Francl.wo; G ertrude Detweller. HttZ- elum. and Dr.'Chnrlc-l Blankenship. 6nn l-'niTTetsco. ■■


liileil n , the Oer

ause people Ind been pic IP la s souvenirs, only lo :

bun t into flame In a p< buresu drawer.

They are poL^onoun, to thi* O erm a n \ •

rltlsh t ln.1t charge, inying. •if handled, they v uiuse bums."

(Dne Hem which » ly to provoke Gcfi

-• fact Uint tl snftlm es, di


F o r d P a r t y L e a v e s

'S 1 6 - f o r W a i t r e s sDFmiOIT. s j i ip l . 10 r,l>._KlJifl

Inlf, IB-yeiir-ora Ft, Wiiyne. Intl.. hotel w.altre.u. neeiln't worr^- abput the M8 left on l5ie table from whlcij Henry Ford and his p»ny ate a our-dollar luncheon. I t wi* u,e hange from a S50 hill which p a l^ or the luncheon, and it's all hers. -MLw Oivff wai reported in doubt J to whether Uie money was' a tip r wheUier the niitomohlle fnsmi-

faeturer had forRotten it in his hurr>' to-resume his motor trio after lunching

•I paid the e money

: lady,'

n Ft. Wayne, leek. nnd 1 IrfuUie

n tip .fo r the arry Dennetir per- ot Uie Ford Motorrl direct!

Co.. said today. -She did' i :ood Job In taking cnre of u Dsrtlcularly In keeping ei ■•eekers away from Mr. Ford.

T h e D a y i l l

W a s h i n g t o n

oi)' Tlie Ar.'.ocIated Prer.^le-hous infer

'ed the final dralt ot . mllltarj’ conr.crlpUon bill with

Indications. tha l_ llie .F l :h aniead- po.ili»nlng the draft for ao

would be dropjied.

house approved- a prosram to provide liou^hiK n t cen­ters of defense industries and mlll- t^irj' posts.

Die senate,- eeiisldcrhiK teglsla- n to Increase-the export.Import ^k's lending authority by »»0,-

vw,000 for loans to Latin American countries, heard f ro ^ flenntor Wag­ner tD-N.Y.) Uilit economic chao* might force them "Into the Natl arms" unless this counto’ aided Uiem.

. . . . jenale appro\ed by volce vote legUlatlon pemiitUng Jeu e Jones ‘ > continue as federal loan admin-

trator when h« become* secretary t commerce.



Most speelMuUr event of the two-hour sho^r w as 't lrlc\: ropjng act of Ray wjio are new sddltlons to Uie cofleo field.

A frn«d thriller 'was the per- forninnce of llootchle Koolclile.

iirh toued Dale AndcruckUu hor...

bulldORi, ..6 ntiil 2/10 seconds recom turn-

In by Cowboy Cniee.Set Iterordi

II the calf roping, Henry H art ig up a IG and a/10 «coiu1» re-

cord, and highlight of Uie bull ru l­ing was Kid netcher's ride on ihe Hat. hefi'y Brnhma bull.

Only "cn^unl[y" cl the night, wii.i Shorty lilck.'.. v.lin was icmixivarilv knocked uncenwioui when toe.sed from Freckles, snother bull.

......... Jimmy,Nesbitt did liiin the hudanfrero

ertnliiii■m\ I


•Idcrs aiipeared bearing Uie emblem.

Three more nlshtly perft re acheduied.


,(C«lIru.J Icon. r .» . On.)one to in.apsrinicnt house where iree persons w«rc injured. CorrfjpondcnU inspecUnf the

amage readied a Jewish home for' le aged In August street Just aa tlm was being restored amoiiff Its

residents. Adjoining the liome Is a 1io.«pli«!. Incendiary bomb# the hMjiltsl foot. None of

Uie-300 re.ildenu In the home and ho.ipltnl wns'injured. /

In Unmbucao wreet In- indlnry bombJ fell*on Berlin’s

id largest hoipltal — flainlUilch t I. .700

Patients were moved from the [iper floors and all but the crlUcally 1 were taken to-alr raid shelter*.A Catholic 'jLiter said she. found bomb f/aBment on which wa« the

marking:In Invalldni street exploslve.t

ripped lip Uie «tcl(R-alk and tore ou t > fronts. Injuring three personl door.vay.

TOfj the street an apartm ent house and g}'miia.(ium w’ere ip tln ier- fd bu t no one was injured. Occup-

hnd fled lo shelters. '

B a n k h e a d S t i f f e r s

S c i a t i c a A t t a c kBALTlMOnr. Sept. 10 C/TV-Slxty- x-year-old William B Bankhead,

f.peak'cr of the ot repre.ten- tatlvej. fainted In iibi hoUl room \ v i ^ tonight irom an "excnielixt- Ingly painful" attack - o! sdaLlca, suffered a f.hnrt time before he wwi to make an addreu openlne 0 )a Democratic c.impalgn In Maryland,

r . George W, Calver.,navy phy - in and aiiemllng pliyslelan a t

coplUl tn Wa.ihln*9n. found . ikheid on the noor'unconKloua 3S rtlnules before.hls address, over . national radio hookup, was ached ' lied. .

“HU condition at present la quito satisfactory," Dr. Calrer said, " b u t I am keeping him Jn bed here u t Uio hotel a t least sll dayTomorrow and possibly for several day*.. Atr». Bankhead U here and a nuree can be obUlned if'necessary


Oklahoma'.t Thanir.iglrlng wllj be the last Thursdttj- In November, Dover* lor-aillllpa said today. .

lutouioblle ac ipanUi esc.-ijvd

jury. Blit whleh eauset property dnmagc. have b eaU^d by Twin Falls coui officials.

T he mWiBpj, wlilcli < rapid succession early S u i.-.. . ..Ing. started at 3 a. m. when a irbck ' -Iven by Harold Trimble. 21. Kim.

berly. sheared off a telephone pole dama«lng the truck to the extrni of about IIW. The accident occur, red when Uie truck went out of enn. trol and twerved Into Uie borrow pit on Uie tugar factory- road.

Next accident came a t 3 a. m. ot .he “old- »<eior of “U r'S . 30, aiif illhough a truck was nearly demnl' ished. <ls cargo of apples streuT over the.road and a portion of tlif ralllnC'tiTnrawiiy, only bnil.'e.i wert lustalned by the Uiree occupoiiu rhB crash occurred west of Mur- tAUeh and Involved a truck driven b)Dale 'Weaver, who was riding will; .........Mr. and Mr». Le.iter siaplel^-irrsir TTcttlT. of Rupert. All but six bushels of ••450 bUAhels ot apples were Ii they rolled Into the cnnnl.

At 6 a 1. the. larrowly escaped rtenth oi

serloua Injury when a large electri­cal transformer dropped through tlit top of their car Xrom a power pole which .they struck. Rex Noble. :i driver, was taken to the Twin FalLi county general haipltal for neck siid head fn/ury treatment, nnrf the ntlier occupant, 6ld Roblnwn, 3i. xustaln- ed minor bruises. The accident oc­curred three miles west of T»ln F(ill<i on V. S. 30 and apparently reaulted from .the driver doting brierty a t the wheel, according t fIclftU.


(CnUnord r . , . Oi.»l Tw in Falls day. Is a half-iUy vai :ion for pupils ot city nchool.i h Lhls afternoon. According to Si rrlntendent Bomer M. Davis, scho Will close at I::o p. m.,' with i morning seijlon ending at II: ClBMe.i will resume a t 12:30, follo» by 50 minute.^ of uchool. with d

• al at l;JO p. m. TJ."l ests eoopeitttlnn (jfparcnt*

having children ' ' ' enert ae.islon.

Tlie t

attend the

and local liu. |: I »1I1 be clo.vrt (turiiig 0011 nivi. SUnllar ohnervf ined Thursday by Buhl «l 0011 closlng ls Klioduled. IS been desicnated r>s en.M inty clilldrcn’fldry. mg fair events of Ititeres'

■ and buyer? t

day evening wiUi a trough extending Inlo souUiern CoUfomla and west- eni Arizona.

.Mild thunderstorm s odcurred m norUiem A rijcna and souUicm Utah and aciJiered lhuii.defilonn>

Uie mountainsbut

11 of .ra in fa ll were Inslgnlf-


Temperatures 1 Wyoming and ver Uis .

mountain r tjlo n . Rlatlgn: M at li»,l.e Ilurlry

slightly lower -nllKhlly higher of Uie Inier-

. . . . In. Pr. IVeslK 03' 53* .00 Clear .87 56 . .00 PL cry

_______76 tS • .00 PL Cl'7_____ 5S « .00 Cloudy

.........._ M 61 .17 DritileC lty.- tW .SJ .00 Clear

l.«i Angele*___ 87 SO .00 Clear.M'plt - St. P.... 50 i i .00 Pi. Cl'y

york........ 15 CI .01 PL Cl'y.00 Clear

....84 50 .00 CloudyPortlanil. Ore. .71 » .00 fimok.

LfluU ...........M S3 J » ClearKail Lake ClIy .SB fiS M PL Cl'y

Fr*ncUee..7fi 5« .00 fl. Cl'rSealtle ............73 56 .00 Smeke

okana ..... 89* SO .00 O u rtin Fall*____ M 57 .00 Clear .

tVaslilngton .... SO CC T PL Cl'yVuma ............. 109 75 . .00 Cleir.


Four S ta te s Association Ur­ges Completion of Ida- —

ho SectorSALMON. Idaho. Sept. 10 WV-A

campulcn to bring aboul completion of U. S . hlRhway 83 from Kelchum northw ard to the Montana line wlji be dlscusscd lit UiB eonventloQ here 6epL IS 'lB of the four (tales high­way aaM clatlon. .

Idaho. M ontana, Nevada and Call- fonila will be represented a t the meeUns, a n d a Mexican delegallorf- • also U to attend.

Cltlea to b« represented Include Kall^pcll, S t. IgnaUus nnd MlssouU..Mont., Ely and Las Vegas. Nev.,Twin Falls nnd ChallH.

ffi APifiO?EDrould provide additional cspaclty

Irom exlatUig Konernting fat le area affected due u lilies of londa on the , ns. and would make ndduioiial

power available ihrouKlioiii itermounlaln northwest (or

i Mile ot Lln<


and steers.; evening by Colonel K. •ho will

go acrOM Uie block. Fridayit D:30

f Futuof the tnlrg

• Farn■indv

otfeiril. of dlAtric

ilcli opened

I. Jirrrae: rimlrn fy > .O-odlnti Norm •r; r»cc> HUBh«nwB.

m:rMSri'M'Lll.‘“. 'lU .» n«rV “ i;

■ In Kmlli; M.lh« TufltV lloiit. n«TW; iDI.Blf»« 5i-ph«ivl. Puilcrrloi Marlin Vouf, Jtr

(Al, Vl.itn T.W . i»'- .f. Iluhl; rpi, rr.<I» »!t«.'hlrlfr Knifnnr. Mtn:


nOTi^i;, Sept, 10 (yT>-c. O. Robin- in of Coeiir d'Alene has Intermed ■ovenior Botiolfsen of hU reslgna-

i»e of poor health. H Koot- ily second dlsU-let ■

a po.<lUon ho had held . Tlie governor will I '

-ttcn. been


FIL E R FAIR GROUNDSLIVESTOCK FOR .SALE AT FATit TWO a yr. old Molly mule.i. two 3

>T. Old Jftek mules for aalo, R. D. Nryman. Duhl. Rt. 3.

C.*3 Strike. Idolio Power Compsny Dresldent.. said his i ronitruct B5'i mllea o from Uie Idaho-Moiii

point near Shelley.Tiie Orace-ahelley

built by Utah Power and u jn t. ni added, and the .<iegment from tin Idaho boundarj- to Anaconda by thi Montana Power compnny.

"Tliese Uiree ' utility compsnles re InvesUng the ir caplUl st ihli me In furUiernnce of their policy

of providing for everj' elecuical leed of the terrlto rie j they »er<'e. itrlke.commented, ''fi le Iniereon lecUon will provide Uie Inter

mountain northw est w.lth one ot Uii most completely integrate!! electricsystems In the countrj’........

•Tlie combined aystem* wll! pro­vide a broader m arket for elecirical energy to ,be developed in conjunc­tion with Irrigation and suppl" mentsl water projects, and tliereb;

;heaper. waler orl»nd.“ . ^ rnnnictltm 'of'tlie n Immediately, with the added Itlei to be In operation shortly r the first of the year.

. I l e l h p d i s t M e n

N a m e N e w S t a f f'\V. S, E1-^woah was elected pree-

Ideat of the M tn'a club of Uie .Meth- l&i church' a t lt» first meeting' ’ the season last evening at the :nirch p<irlora. Boy Scouts were >-i-isl guf-.t-rHarold Molciikmnp wa* named

In-pres1dent; Fred Beer was re- elccltd' Accretno'-tjeajurcr; Kent Jiilloek Is Scout:na»ler nnd mem­bers of the Scout committee were

cr. H. O. McCaJllster. Frank cixIjVoont,-;. Ocorge Clapper. Hugh I'l'on and Fred Deer.Tlie meeting opened with p n jtr .

led by Rev, McCalUster and group • ring with Charles Calvert at the

;io, nrfrcilunonUs were served by

:ast to the British Empi?e" en bolh red and blue networks i t noon (ESTi Wrdne.^day. The lengUi and :onient of the'<i>««:h waa not dU- :losed. . f i

Now You’ll See “The Big: L ittle Farm ”

Prom low a-A t Twin Fal^C eanly Fair Over 110 M orlnr Dbjecta ta Conllnaeus Motion

I I real J . I. C u e threihlnt machine taking In bundle* of wheat ind throliin* them as you would m your ow n' farm . AUo hone*. 0W9, p ip , ehlclcena. geeie. pigeons, iw! human figures. In a ll Uielr far*

orite punulU u U a ll» . . . . .Ereiy phate of lan h lng is carried1 by morlnB figvres. ITie r«-

. .ills are the . sam e u If done by human beinsi.

See UiB niother nourUhlng her -rttod of plfis, th e rootier fight, ih* tanner pitching h*y to Ui# bam loft. hor*ei and cow* drinking from wa­ler fountalru. th e aouthem planta* Uon Negro drincc .and .Uie waUr- melon feast, os well as dotens of oUier marvelou* feature* as are daily carried on in f a m work.

In these minute deUlls the keen- esfof.Mr, Q lfford’j obarrratlon and skill ot hU finger# are mafrelously worked out In th e L ittle F inn.

See UiU unique mechanical Sum. i r everj-Uilac repre*«ole^ abore, u well t* tjumerous o ther fcaturei U not carried ou t a s represented, your admUslon win b* lo tum ed upon re- quest as you p*A* out.—Paid AdT.


Republican N o m in cc^g cs Defeat o f 60-Day Post­

ponementRU SHV IU -E. Ind.. Sept. 10 MV-

Amld th e buitle of final prepar- lions for til* 18 - state westerif

slumping to u r . Wendell L. Wlllkle urged lodoy tise defeat of the house- approved am endm ent to delay mill- u ry conscription 60 day* In favor of volunlnry enlistment.

The R epublican pre.Udentlal nom­inee e a ld - ln a lU lem ent to news­papermen:

"I hope J in t as a result of the ^ een(*ret»c«'tietwetn the house and

*• conferee.'i on Uie selccuve ~ service bUl Uie FUh amendment U . ellmlniiied."

Tlili nmeiidmenl, spdtnared by R ep resenu tive Flah (R-N.Y.) and supported by many more house Re- publlcan.i. pnA.'.ed.the house and now Is before a conference committee ^eeklns to ndjiist dlfferejiees b«- iw eeirtienate and house conscription measures. _

.Wlllklo’s 'aU te m en t. also n1d-h» •• ,04 !!«nonnouB!y graUfled" by tlie

Republican victor?' In Maine.'Wlllkle aaid he had telegraplifd

hi* concratulAtlon* lo Sji mner Sc- wall, th e governor elect, and Rep. • R(ilph O. S rew jter. who was elected •1 the s e n a te .’

While th e cnmltdfte ipent a qulti ly. add ltlonn l member* ot his rtalf ere a rrlv ln e for Uie '15-day trip

Uirough Uio middle and far west.Tlie Journey will be made on a 15- car special tra in , Ic .leave Rushvllle shorUy before midnight Tliurwlsy;'

F U N E R A L S '

Rounde of E den win be held a t 3 o'clock T hum dny afiemoop al the Twin Falls moriuab'- ehapel wllli | ribliop Carl Oforge ot Eden official; i

B urial will be In Sunttl ' memorial cemetery In Twin Falls.

AI.KXANDEK W. MURRAY Final rile s for Alexander W.

Murrpy. 92. formej Twin Falls lUimbliiK Inapeclor and natlonallT prominent flmire In the Industry,, rill be hpld a t 3-p. m. todiy a t Uie

Reyn^fVa funera l chapel. Rev, H. O, McCallLiter o f the MeUiodlst church . otflclntlng. In tem ien t will be In Uie Twin Falla cemetery.

REDS BUY BHORTSTOP :IN CIN N A TI. Sept, 10 OT) - The acinnatl Keda today acquired

Woodrow Wilson Wlllinnn, shori- ilop. fo r th n LouUville American assoclaUon elub, for the waiver price from th e Brooltlj-n Dodgers,

The Union Blelor Ce.. has Ihe Bted c a n . they sell with written money ba<k-«uanknte« and you can now buy a l IMI priees. Il's SepUmber lued ear eleannce.

•30 M ercury. Town Sedan ....J750 ■37 a tu d e . Comm. Cotipe ...MB.I■J7, V-8 PeL uxe C oupe------J3B5•J8 .V-fi DcLuxe T u d o r___tiSS37 V-S DeLu*e TudorSedan ---- ---- ---------------MU•J7 V-8 DeLuxe Fordor ___M4317 C hevro let Fordor Sedan M4S ■JJ ChevTolet Fordor Sedan I3M IS Naah Sedan, new rubber »7 t•38 V -6 DeLuxe F o rd o r___M15■35 V-8 DeLuxe Fordor _ _ » a s '34 V-8 T udor Sedan ■36 Dodge Pickup


■38 V-8 Pickup, 4 Speed___ItU'« Ford V -8 PS Truck. IS! W B, Duals, Com m . Lictnte. low mile-

__________________ JJ50Many other*, an nakt*. aU model*. Se« your Ford Dealer first a o d MT« UO or mere.

UNION PTOREOB sn E T .-z . : > * m a 2 z e

Page 3: Vol. S3, No. ISO Bomb Strikes Germany’s · Tlie bill as passed by Uie senate made all between ...


Europe’s W ar Counted Stirri' ulant fo r Sume Agricul* ^

tural ProductsMOaCOW; Idaho, aep t. 10 W>-

‘>Exccpt for wheat and oUier eom- modlUu blockndcd (rom Europcaa Uftrkcla, Id&lio sliould Ah&ro In Uis eeneraJ builnfis Itnprovemenl «Um> uliiltd by the arm nm cnt progTam. wy» Dr. W. E- Foli. aaslsUnt pro­fessor of sUiiallcs, In Uie lecond iMue of Uie “Idaho econonjlc bulle* Un.'‘ publWied monUiIy by C/is Untvcrelty of Idnlio k IiooI o( biul> ness BdmlnlstmUon.

8ome'W-4jta obscrvoUona;“D ie wiirMn Europe h u not

proved to be (C^lmulnUnit force to Improve mirlcullurnl condlllon i....

k for certain ' BKTlcuUuml produci4 whldi do no t enter Inter, national,marlceu; Uiere mny b« Un­proved conditions. Dairy producu.

.marketed iMScly in Cnllfornla and PncifJc coast ciUc.i, may fmd en­larged mnrkcU In ih iii area due to the mpld expansion of annamcnl tnmiufnclurea In Uinl region.

"Llvestoclt of nil types may llke- wlne find Unproved inarlccls. Cer- tnln llVMiock producta like leaUicr find wool nliould also have a firmer market ns a direct rc.nult of army orders.

y •■Mlnlnit of all types should fli«l ^ better markets a t higher prices. T5i8

seorrh ta t stratcsJc mlncraJi.aholjlJ eticourane rapid expnnnlon of “ production of r.uch minerals antimony and bbm uth, of u'hlch Innte supplies arc known to exist in the lUte.

"Am' increiwe fn bu jlnen acyi’Jiy .should also reflect Itself In Increased activity In the constnicUon Indus­try . "hils would prove to be a further UJmulai to lumber production. If p ast experience In an Indicator,

W m any lines ol production aJJl bene­fit in Idaho.

TlJB laek'of largo scale manufac- tu r ln i snd the srea t dependence of Idaho's Incomc upon BKrleulturo would seem to Indicate., hoi 'evet',

•Ujal the level of pro.^pediy to be attained here would be lower t]un in areas where manufacturing Is more hiRhly eoncentrated.'

H ad Two Ships S unk U nder Them


Successful 4 -H Members in County Event

' /Innounced'SUOSHON^ Sept. 10 - l-our-H

club winners In U»e rccent Lincoln county fair held In Shoslione have been announced here.

ncjults In tills division a^e: boys’ exhibit—A ratlnKS. John Oamer. Marie Ineas, Eltlon Hobertaon, Leo­nora Scotl. Jack MllLi. Jeanella

• ^ Mills, Floyd Hall. iL , Oene McNee. W floyd Case. Lloyd Carpenter. Salem

LnVerne Cnrpm ler nnd Billy Tliom'

Boyi' Division Boys’—winning JudKlnK

team. Leonard Scott, Donna Scott, Eldon Robertson.

IllKh .Individual — Ue between Leonard Scott-and Lnvem ClegK.

Boys'. (iliowInK nnd flttlnR dalo' I —John Oamer: dairy 2. Eldon Jack­son: dairy 3. Leonard Scoli: itwlnf. Jack Mills; beef 1. Dobble Dpllard; beef. Flo}'d Onsc; sheep, Llojd Car­penter: rabbit, n illy Tliomn.i,

Weed project, Leonard Scott; In­dividual compellUon. all <-It cIium. Bobbla Ballard, f irst; Leonard Scott,

■ second: Eltlon Uilrd.Open claM. Forrest. Whltteklend.

first; Qmnt NeLwn. second; Olln Jlowltt, Uilrd; grand champlgn, Bobbie Ballard.

GIrU’ Division Qlrls' exhlblU—A ratine. cloUil iB

1. Dorolhy Infos; cloUilnR 2. Pat • Hafncr; ebthlni: 3, Lille Incas;

c lolhlns 4. Dorothy Tliomaion. Minnla Q'odgy; clolhlnn 5. VlrBlnla Thorpe. Cannlns 1. Lomln# lU fneri

^ a n n l n s 3. Alice Schelhlnn.'' ^ Style show winners — Virginia

Thorpe, Loralne Hafncr. Lillie Ineaa, Kona Godby', Alice «clielhbB . Dor­othy Thomttson. Mlnale Oodby.

County champion' — V lr K ln la Thorpe. Olrli' Judging contest wln- neni. Loreen Myersf UUIo Ineas. Ruth Hall. High Individual. Berliia CIcHB.

Girls' demonstration contest — winning team. Lllllo Ineas. DoroUiy Ineas.

U n i v e r s i t y L i s t s U s u a l E n r o l l m e n t

MOSCOW. Idalio, Sept. ID VP)— PlAju /o r nfltfonaJ roJlltajy conscrlp- Uon have had no discernible effect *0 far on jirospectlvo fall enroll­m ent a t the University Of Idaho, nealstrw Ella Olesen, said today.

Permit* to rcKbter Issued new - students up to Sept. 1 vero ap­

proximately the Biune as tl^e total A on' the corresponding dat« a month ^ btfore the'O pening of tho unlveP

Blty last year.Room resem tlo n s In university

residence halls also were a t ap- proxlmalely the sam e level on SepL 1 u th e ; were a >'Dor ago. Reserra- Uon* had been miuSe on tha t date

. by IJM ttuden tn .............Freshmail slai'B th is fall win be

Bopt. 3«-a7. Old a n d new studenU vlU reglsur Sept. 37-38 wid .classes

' v tll begin Sept. 30.

THESE two iallorf. palnfally bamed. were am oni eljlit lurrlMn ol (In tl'ftfuhlp P enunff. «rerB landed «( M tlm sn - 6 r «

__tfflcl’l " ‘Jone wllh 23 other sramen rricnefl from Ihf Brlll^h frrliliin^ a l m o r r . The .naval men wrre resrued from Uielr linklnc thir I’T H<'

nuim nrt trhlch a few m lnutri ta ler waa Itwlf a vlcilm of Bn'rnrniy torpedo. J


Governor Argues Government Should Pay Expense of

MobilizationBOISE, Sept. 10, (.IV-To relieve

Idilho and oliicr Mate Kovcrnmrnl.i o! Ihc prcblcn] o! iinmicUiK luiM-. l>pcled mllllnry depnruneii^'orAi. in­cident to I’ri-r.ldcijt RooicvctL'k order moblllilnB Uie national KUnrd, Gov-

Bottolf.nen today recommcnd-, mcdlnte induction of nnlloniii i

KUard :il»t» i>tuffA Into the fvdi-ral govcranient iicrvicc.

In n trlcKr.ini to Scniitor Tlionm.i (n-IlIiiho>. lelrphoncd'Iroin Uliick- loot to the Rovomor's ofdcc hero nnd tlicn rclnyi'd to Wa-ihlnKinn, Uie IdjjJjo clllrf cxrci;tlvc i.ild;

"Induction of r.t;itc of :UonivI C'lard orKunlrjitlon:, inio ti

■ervlee a t liYu ilnic wotilil my opinion hi-h* lmnte:v:.urnbly in eiiirclltlnE l1)c n.iUnnnl defcni.c pr6^ Rrnm and In ndillUon would ttnle Kovcnimcnl.i of the prol tlnnnclns Rrcally lncrca;.crt burden of ■ mlllliirj- dfpanmriiU. ' wlilcli Uirenleni lo become cmbiirra.vsljif:.

"Induction of st:\lf3 would lace tlil.i burclai ui>on Uie fcdernl

Rovcrnment wlierc It rlKhHulIj- bo- lonun, V

B o o s t e r N ig h t

S e t h y ( i r a i i « ; <

RUPEIIT, Sept. Ift-Tlir Orann met t'rldny evniiiis nt the Clu l.Miu; cliurch. A rexular biuiner.s sevMon was held wiih I,, 7. Condm ter, presldmK.

Tlie prouram n. follows wm iicij durlnB Uie lecture hour:

y«t-Loi.’i Mc.Mlllan k.ivc two rr.irtinKs followe<I by a ciitecli "Power ?'nrm- Ing" by L inn CMiwnter. .\lr. Cnr- pcnler sliowe<r tv.o reel! on ihr

actor atiUlMl by his wn, BIU, Pliin* for tlinr annual limir.trr Rlit pro^Tftm, n imlloii-wltlr |iro-

Kmin which wHI held Scpl. 30 a t the Ctirlstlan oliiiich annex were made. All are wrlrome to u l le i^ -

RelrrnhmenL^ ucre served by Mr. ind Mrs. Frank Ciillcy, Mr. and

Mrs. Rlclinrd Ciillry nnd Mr. and Mfi. Walter UiiiiUu), •

S n o w a n d F i r e s I n H i g h e r H iJ I s

BOISE. Sept. 10 W ^ P o ru t offl. d u b reported mow and fires W t In tiie higher hUls by tho electrical

. |K small ItRhtnlng blazes. wcirs stAfted. bu t ^ 1 wers extin­

guished. ■ '

An Indlrldua] U not ,tnt«slealetl by blcohol tintll I t courses through hU blood ttr tam u )d reachet Ui«.

'brain. ' ' . •

C o l l e g i a n s W i u

A v i a t o r ’s W i i i g sCALDWIXU Sept, 10 -

fully pa-v.InR n prrMrHieil fllRht le.'t, tlirce ot Uie College ol Iiia!>o summer civlllnti pilot tranilnK riti den£^rcflJlj’ "earned tlirlr vlim: Sundw nnd became 4iilly-prlvlleK«!l private plIol.i. Tlie new- pllot.i an Ralph Dennett ot I’armn. Carl Dun' away of Cnldwcl! and Arthur Ilnrr.h' barRcr ot Filer.

Fimiit Examiner E. A. tSIlm) Phil.pi Rave them their fllRht 'te.'.t.

Bennett flew tlie 60 h. p. Taylor- cmft trainer; punawny nnd Hiirsh- barRcr piloted Om S5 h. p. I’lpcr "Cub" plane, Both arc owned by ,M, 8. JoJiWlcn, jnanaffrr of Uie Jocnl airport,

TJirce other men of Uie elaos of 14 received their licenses last week;

Coulter of Payetto and Everett Pe<fry of Welscr were Uio first of the summer C. P,' T.'s In southern Idaho lo receive Ihelr llcenr.e.i. K ir- mlt Fondlck of Payette, received ■ tf lIcNwe later In Uie week.

Seven men and one Rlrl. comprls*' Ins the rest of U\# College of Idaho C, P. T. group,'W’lll go up for Uielr licenses this week. They (lr*^nU j- erlne Tuller and Kirk Anderson of Dolse. Garrett Miller, Earl Cox, Maurice Bartlett and Mcrlo Arm­strong of Caldwell, Gerald Sebree and Bob Hanson of Nampa.

Tlie stiff flight examination In clude.i nuch maneuvers as simulated foreed landings, steep and shallow "flBure elfiht.i.'’ power lurw . tall- spins and stalLi, and p'recblon land­ings In which th» plane must glide In with power off and make a land­ing In a 300 fool strip of runway. PlIoU mu.1t ftbio pacj a written ex­amination over civil a ir reRiilallonj, meieorolory and aerial navlgnUon.

When UiOy receive their private tickets, Uie new private pilot* will be enUtled to fly anywhere In the United States and lo fly possengeni but not for hire.


T e r m S t a r t s f o r S l i o B l i o n e S c h o o ls?H06H0NE. flepU 'lO -W llh 'Ol

students enrolled. Shoshone schools are now underway for tJi# 1040-41 term.

"nire# now faces appear on Iht faculty. Mlsi. E\-elyn Williams. Be!. le\-ue, U commercial Instructor Ir. Uie hiRh scliooJ, ML« Marian Brown^ Wflpato. Wfl-th.. Is tcrenUt grado teacher; and Mliw.Helcn Cogswell. Jerome, Is teaching la U>e flfUi grade.

SCHOOL sm)Es ■Need attenUon now! We do th« BEST Job of repalHng and Eire you your money*! worthl

KCn EBA BQOB BSPAIS OppoaffA K ltbo Hie»C«r I

Bar Association Committee Rejects Rap at Roose­

velt Aspirations ■?im.ADKLPlllA. Sc'pt, 10 (,1V-

n ie rc:.oliiilon» comnilltre of Uie Amprlcnn Bar n'.Miclnilon rejected nn anll-Ujlrd lemi ;):opoinl'today. HKrtrlnR ln^le:uI to report one which mdoricd a lnKIc ,'lx-ycnr'tcrm for future prc.sldcnts of the UrtUcd States.

lIo'AcviT, It wn.i announced Hint the ciitiro convciillou of O.OW) dele-

ulil rtcclve both rcsolutlonn —the orfKlnivI one wlifrh ■•untiunll- fledly" conilcmned Prrnldent noose- vclt'.-i third term a-iiilrniloiti and the commliite verrlon — for dLiausslon

ilcr 111 Uip week.Tlie orlRtnnl rnolutlnn. »pon;iored

by Kdwar<l C. Bnlley of New York and H, Gmhnm MorrL-.on of Drl.itol. Teiin.. nl.-o eiidorrecfa coiuUlutlon- a l amendment wlilch would provide

slnRle .ilx-year pretldentlal X)n the third term Lwue. It •V ic American .B ar-B iw la-

. . unqualifiedly condemiw tlie seefclng ot a third term by Franklin Delano RooaevalC and hU frier

contrary to the teachings and i ample of the founding faUiers „ tliLi republic, and subversive of the prInclplM ui>on which It was eitab' llshc<l."

Bailey told Uie cfcmmlltee the third term Issue, "ierlously affects Uie fundnmental philosophy pi form ^ of Kovcrnnifnt.. I t nutiJd apiwar that a considerable majority of Uie lawyep pow auembled here, wlUiout regard lo jmrty offlllatlons. or Uio re.ipe'cUve. sections of the country from which Ihey come, opposed lo a third term."

Nearly SO recommendaUons for chanse.i In traffic laws and courts were made by the national com­mittee on traffic law enforcements In n report to the criminal law and j;mior bar conferenee secUons of the a.Moclftilon. Among Uie recommen­dations weref

Separate treatment In court* of trnftlc cases.

Ileplaccmcnl of the •'outmoded” JiisUce of Uie peac^s>’«lem with a f,utewlde system o r regular coutu with tmlned personnel.

fOOOSIAiSFOR'M IM ISE DRelief Director Announces

Expansion of Program in Idaho

•' BOISE. Sept..10 MV—L.itah county will l>e added lo Uie food sUiinr plan protjram within tlie next fev. days. Bill Child, Idaho jiuUlc arjibt- ance director, lald toOsy.

"On'May 15 wlien the food stamj; plan was started In Idaho on an experimental basl- Uie jiroKram in­cluded only the five iiojUiern coun­ties. Lntoii county, i.outh of this area, was not Inclurtrd orlRlnally due lo the quf^llDn ot whether the revolvlnK fund was IwRe cnouRti to ac&ommodate another touniy and to Uie InadvliabflUy of alleniptlni: to Install the lystcin hi too larKc area w ithout fir.nt actjuIrlnR i pcrlence In lUt oi>ehiiion," Child said.• James C. Holwrt of S;ui FrancLscc sunilus murkeilni: uiimlnUtrutloi reprc.sentallve and public welfiin officials met In Mo.',t:aw today wiu LntaJi county food dealers lo Inter' pret provisions of the plan to nirr' chantA so Ihcy will ncceiit th< swmp.i only In. IruiTlnmte traii.-oic lions. Tlie plan will ko into effect

j i t soon B.1 files and rr-rords ca: established.

Tlie five countln Jirit Included In le plan were Kootenai, Bonners, enewah. Bountlarj' and Shoshone.

04iiALERfImportance Stressed of Na­

tiona l Association Meet at Great Fails

BOISE. .Bfpt. 10 (,v,-Govenior Bollolfscn and Heclainailon Coni- niLviloncr James Siwfford will liend Uie Idaho deleKailon>lo tJie annual meeting of Ihe Snllonal Heclnma- tlon aar.oclftllon at Great Falls.

Innt., Sept.Wllllnm E Wdsh of Bolue, sec­

retary of th e -l(^ o fleciamnllofi «s- .loclatlon. said nn Idaho caucus

_ ..;j be held Sept. 24 lo select com­mittee chairmen and orsanlic an •I fo r i to brine the next national necllnk* to Idaho,

"Idaho U one of Uie few states lia l has already paid Its quotii $1,000) 111 full to Ihc national iir-io- •lallon." WfhU adilwl. •

"DiirinB rc<fnt jearn several bor- ler or Bcml-nrld st.ites- have been

ndmltced Co nicnibrr:lilii," Itc com- . mented, exprer.'.liiK fear o in tro l.o f the a.-«oclailon m!t;ht be taken away from Uio ncirtliivesi stnin.

"Wltli our problems of supplemen- 1 water still tm.wlved, we have n

Kreat dena a t iiake," Welsh added.

S t a m p P r o p o s e d

F o r Y e l l o w s t o n e• ST. ANTHONY. Ida,. SepK 10 (-71

-T h e fa.ileni Idaho Clmmbr Conimeroe today forwarded to

S'.tnin.Mer Rrneral’s oljice a >r a Yellow.none park stamp Ir.'.ur, lid nialIe(tto state olflrlaLi a t IJoi'.e request for a leglslaUve appropria­

tion In 1011 for tourist advertlilnB.Tlie action was decided upon a t

I niretlng last night In the illver- dde hotel here. Approxlmnlrly 30 representatives of cities nntl rom- nunltles in eastern Idaho ailen'ded.

B i t t e n 3 0 ( ^ T i m e s ;

S t i l l W a n t . s J o ! )YONKKtlS.

Edward A. Sniith has Ivrn tiUlcn 300 tlmen, infected with blood 'i>ol'.nnlnR onfc yeiir.s ns clo - calchc wniitT lili Jdli.

aid r

jnre and R Ids 10


latlnn."!aller Ilie c ,

vllli Ihf S, P. r hu duUtj. itnicil mcmtier snid Smith sould be Ion, Smith .'aid lie ;nun:irfd hr would Irrr-. an-. to keep R ivith thedoRs.

F u n e ra l 'services F o r Jerom e Child

JKKOMK, l» -» rrt)c ft Briic^ nupcrt.Three-inolilhi old Mii of Mr, a ,1(1 .Mr I. C. Vinion Itujien, who dlr<l-nt the Twin Falh county hos-

%/Neoma I g n r l Law,

iiiirral rliap' le llev. Karl

■ n rs t

"Your Swf Lelt You," 1

Hr Rc-.e Bud Has llial Sweet Stoo’

by Mrs, OeorRc ■.jwiilrd _J^ Ml.--"

Legal AdvertisementsProcccdinjjs of the Board o f County.

Commissioners, Twin F a ils G ounty^daho

hich should 1

IIK IT R1-: delliiqur piece, or puicel' July 2, liHO s,i|. 0 of Commtv.inii 412 be. and the s elh-d.

I liind .-old ll. shiiwn In Hook s' Journal at Pn ne are lierfby cai

'KoUiK !ir:.olutlnn was o feied liy Comnil .'loner Lindsey, wl

ned lU ndopiion. ’llifl motion V •oiideil by Ccmmllv'.loiicr PolU (I ii|>ofi mHir.iJI V.Z-. carrlcd

ollQ v. :■Comml;.j,loner Llnd:.ey Yes Comml.v,loiuT Poller Yes Cnmmlv.loner H art YcJ

Order I'or T. II. Iltnpilallullon WilEHEAS. lioNe Lundy cf 'IVln Ills county. Idaho, hii.i lllcd a pctl. on In the District Court of the leventh Dl'.trlcl In and for Ih

County of 'i-win Falli, under. Ih ,irovl.sions of Chnptrr :05 of the 1031 Sc.v.loi; Lwa-.i nl Siliilt

Chapter inn nl Ihr 1033 SeMlon A's. npplylnc lor ho;.|ilt.illiallon

active pulinonarj' UilwrculoUs;and

WHEREAS, in i.upjwrl of wld elltlon a ccrllllciilr of,pllv^lca^lUld llnlcal fliKllni;.-. hu;. brrn filed I: lUl ca'.e .MaltnK thiit .';>ld Ro-.i undy U MiHnhn: fmni active plll- lonnry anil should re. •tve ho.'iillallr-illnn for same; am: \VJJKHJ-:ab. I t iRijiears Irom said

pi'tltlon that the applicant If Unableto pay iich c

liU IT Tm-.RICKORK Rt-SOLVED. Ro;.r Lnndy br and lir or she

is hereby granted Uawpoftatlort at



F o r e s t F i r e i n

C l e a r w a t e r A r e aMISSOULA. Mont., Bept. 10 (/Tr-

A fore.1t fire broke out on Gover­nor creek In the Clearwater national forest of Idaho and roared out of control. coverhiK between 300 and 400 ftcrc.s, Uie forest rervice tjuarlers said here today. A 'crew of »0 men Is on Ui6 fire line.

Private banker*‘fin i were heard ni In Babylon duflng the' time of Nebuchadneaar. In 600 D. C. '

< Sinus li^ection [

Hay Fever

Treated succes.ifully ana pleoi- ontly with m; Electrical lechnlo.

R n d io cla sl D Iafm osis A selenUfla meUiod of deter­mining your physical condition and treatment needed.

Short Wave Tlierapr Cleclre Tber»py

01tr» VIold lU j Ther»py

DR. H. W. HILLChlrepraetla rhnlelon

135 Main West rhose 12U Twin r«lli. HahB '

T H E S P /R r r O F

Int; bscV to ihe Roia Q ty from Sin Fnn- cisco. In 1)16 .^Jr iho had i Per­sian c*t- Sho itopped In Silem at a Union Oil ttaiTon lo gel gt>.

WWIt lh«y «r*r« o*ttlnfl •aid gsl. Ih . Ptrtlon kitty dll* asBiarad. "Iiilv to a vaunniUn

'IlyrMii, 'i.ur' Byrd, luin.r,

AJjirk CJu?, $30 Of

, 117 50. ; Bl.iltf-

Jlctly ; llarel

$110.01; Ruth Jncqurllne

■, 150 00; Ruth

;.'i 00;

Pniilliip Dana, nur^e, JfiOOOl Dt- •1- DoWiiU.-uuw^rtTWdMM Drli- ■II, nniid. Vh::-o.Kciiiietli ICI.-hniiiiin, yard boy

$in,33; Fl-Mpli Klllott, niRlnfer$1001»75.00.

I Vr

: " C ;


ur.’.e, $73.1)0: Ad;u inrrr, jr.ii.e.'i.H. C. Jppjic.

•• $7500;

:nyp-.ira Hasklni F:iiiI1.v HHde, hiK

.. iv 13. lirtidrfM;-

hrrn Mai;ol(l:i,;iiiilcl, iS2

Mm- Kdmr iilfr. i

^ere d«w n 1/3 p ty m ta t ot~~.•amr ns followi:

Mr>. .Marie Arnold, »37JiO; Viola Aii-)iiic, u a 'o , Mrs. Leon Brown.

Mr.. Cha'.. Cline, *7.05; Mrs. OiMllr Creed, $7.»; Mrs. Ruby K, I>;iii, $10C5; Mrs. J l . A. DeNeal, 53l).7i; Mti> C. E, Grieve, I5.B5: Mrs, Ihiinlti iiofArr. B etty Hall.$«»:n.

$r.(I,70; Mrs. E. Hi'lfii FLWln- 0* .SJcOreffor M eyrr. $3i3;

.'■If lie mil r rifirliin. *4080; Mayme V. a . Stuart, J(li.36; Mertle .111;..: S. Wislit.M)II, Slfl.oo,

CO. 15<0. publlL-iitlon of

il e»tateiilinl n pfic.

r-.crlptlons •»; \'j. Blur

18 to 21 ■. Addition iicl. Block '■•pM. niin

: pAUi-11. o o i t n o s .

Clly J'JT.! A- >ur

;hr niM mrrinn: of llir llciint'. lor iclirl v.-rir hr.Ihe hour of .VOO o’clrx:); P. a ;rfe'A u„s inkm m u ll in.OO < A. M Srpienibrr 3. IfHO,

BKN i;. p o r n i i t ,CImlrman.


, T'On l-all-„ Idaho .‘irplrniijcr 3. 19-10 10:DO o'clirk A. M.

nl of KejUtrars :lrctlnn llrKtfctran; wit.' r Hoard, anil wiirrant-'.

Browning's Used Car Special

IM S H u ic k 41 S e d a niUidio, hi'iiiiT, m olnr rci:on- ciitii)iu‘il; fiiiolt tiro s , boau- lifiil color. A c a r .that vvill ;riv(‘ you a lot o f Rooci

V S p e d iil $ 4 7 3 {;.Sl A C Tt-rm-s



We Will M eet You ' At The Fair

W e BUffffcat ^ou visit Twin F alls’ g rea t fn ir today — nnil plnn p .return visit, too l Especially bcc the nifrht rodeo pcrformancca — I I ’r jfrca tc r than ever. V isit ALL th e exhibits — and of course, wc urfte you to see ours!

B ols* - ' T W IN F A L L S ' C aldw ellkl< IhiMiioM Bt. E u ( - PhoM » M ^


*Th» two met! »t your Union' Station, iho continued, 'were •o Mlldtous and tlreleit lo iheir elFortt lo help ui Qnd. the cat.

_ They leawhed the entire neiRh- terhood, retiimina when a cm- fomer camo for irrvlce. but eontJmiing tlio search for nuny minulei.,

«lticl** ihh •w*ll iBriy’ i

••wh*r.I found lh« cat curM up und»r rh» frsRi «el «l mrcar. btin lh*r«etlth* llm.N l ' „ tfrivfn for aS r*Bn, •nd ha*« navar b««a i» Im- praiud «rlth tuch nurtair, ead l(«ltl«h.uld fell reoebwlll."

' • •Well, that bear* out whit rve*>

■ fo»ni u 1 travel around boVini; • t llfo —pronlo wbo help other- peod# are tho peopU who ir# tb o W . Aad r ^ W a that u you patrpnlM Uoloo OH itillon*

fo r u'ling 76 eaielln* and Triton KoNr OIL Yw RIM*

u n i o n o n e O H P A N tJO H N A . t A l i e U J t .

D tnillUTOI

It’s time to gird for the fight again! And in your

promotional publicity, your picture will help tell

the story of youis^ndidacy better. Coupled with

the fine circulations of your daily newspapers,

our facilities of photography and engraving will

help make a completely rounded campaign. Rates,

prices. and further information is avaiJable

through any representative of, your own daily

newspapers. . ' , .



Page 4: Vol. S3, No. ISO Bomb Strikes Germany’s · Tlie bill as passed by Uie senate made all between ...


A via tio n E x p e i’ts Say B r ita ii lCan Be D e fe a te d by A ir P o w e r ^


. I i i l cncinli-; b fiit l t ,c o n tro ls tlip cci In ilu ' a ir, to sccn is mort! a n d i n :id lU a ir dcrci];

r lc l i , ili lck ly pupirluti'il co tiii- iiioM w liolly to in^uiiitacU ii'f i|(“ tO 'c a r ry on aKaliihl pow er-

on Its tJc iln ic tlo ii, bcc!iu.-.L- a , IL I.-! s^rlnii.sly th rc a tp n - be .sure. B u t I'vcn tinT o It

n o rp to be lioldliiR Its ow n. f rc.sUi la rgely o:i lin i io r ta -

t lo n s m ade po.:ijlb]u by .sea pow er. T h u s a , p rin c ip le ol n a t io n a l .-ieciirlly p rcvalllnB ror ■ thoiis.ijid.s of year.s s t i l l opera lc.v 7

Anicrlcun.i do n o t ove rlook th is f a c t In tlic lr ow n O ur la u d p o w er Is ( jrea t b u t o u r .•safety rroin h a ra s .s in e n t a n d invasion de p en d s o n our navy, A nd to d a y , In split; of th e occw is •scparntliiK us f ro m p o te n t ia l foc.s u n d w est, wc a rc hnv ln rr to s p re a d th a t e x c e lle n t n n v y p re tty th in . W e .shall n o t fee l secu re u n t i l It l.s doubled .

. \ s i i i r * AND A PO :. iO f the two fainou .s o ld frluale.^, tlip C on-

s lU u tlon a n d th e C o n s te lla tio n , rec illiliy r e ­cond itioned a n d rc.storcci to n luscfiil po sitio n In th e U, S, N avy,' th e fo rm e r Is th e b e t te r know n. ItoouL sallcd e v e ry .slilp It ever e n - c o u n tc r fa and fo u R h t 40 b a ttle s w ith o u t one d e fcn t. I t w as o r d e r e d d ian tled In 1830, b u t w a s saved from t h a t f a te by a n In d lR n a n t p o e m w ritte n by O liv e r W endell H blmc.v J t U tim e to c h n n t I lls "O ld Iro n sid es" a p aln .

Ay, te a r he r t n t t e r e d en sig n dow n!LonR ha.1 It w av ed on hlRli,

And m a n y a n eye h a s danced to •■icn T h a t b a n n e r In th e .sky.

B cnea tli It r u n p th e b a ttle .shout And b u rs t t h e c a n n o n 's ro a r;

. The m eteor o f th e oct-an itlrS liall .sweep th e clouds no m oie l

H er deck, o n c e red w ith heroes' blood, Whcffi k n e l t th e vaiiQul.ihfcJ fo r.

W hen wind.s w ere h i i r r y ln s o 'e r th e flood And wnvc.s w ere w h i t e ‘below.

No m ore sh a ll fee l tin - vt.iiior's tr r a r t .O r ki^ow th e c o n iitirn 'd knn-;

. T he harpfe.s o f llir> .shore .■ hall phick The e a R le o f l l i f .sea.

O b e tte r th a t h e r .sli.ulK'red h u lk ‘Should s in k ^ n e a 't l i th e wave!

H er th u n d e rs hfibok th i' m lR hty deep,And th e re .should be h e r g rave .

Nall to th e m a .sC lie r ho ly flag,Set every th r e a d b a r e

Arid R l v f - h e r to th e R oti'of stnnii.-:,The llKlitnlHR a n d th e Riili'f,', :.;'

NTW YORK W IllR U aiO t r nichtrd WftUn Md

o»bri»i VoillctuOBJKCT. New York mlllUry

dr»w «titnUon to lh« dlffer«ne« . . tw ctn the Brltliti *nd a t rm m h lsh command eommunlquta. Aj f u ’ u Q erm tn bomblnj aiiuk* •g t ir u t Ujo OrKlit) Itie* <r< canctmeU, the numiwr of pluiei p*rtlclp«Un* U #1- wayi mcnUoned, «t le u l tpproxl* matelyi “W«vei of hundrwli of bomben ind puriuli pUn«i" h t i l>a- com» ,» f im llic pnrue." O n Uit other hand, Drlilih Mr r«uUmilon ■Bdlmt Otmtu) buei U uiuslly r t - ferred to ln .T «ui ttnn*, “BA.P. pound* MmJ • itron»hoIdi on the Conllnenf li «bout til w# hear. Well Informed prtvite »aurcej re­t o r t th»l n j> r. rlikt only • few plane* for lt« nlgliU; token r*ldi of iho eoniltvetvt und t\otU\«n> Itnly. They •Itnpljf have not got "w ivei o: hundredi of .bombecMrand pursuit ililpi."

Tli» p*rceiit*gi of dcjtrucllon over the wide Oermin-held weft of Europe and the concentrated tpace of the SritUh talfi U txIlDved to be Ifi about the lune proportion an Uie number of ilr tr il t employed on e»ch ilde. in Ihli waneetlon avia­tion experu «mpli»Uc»lly dUagree - lU i mo»t cpmmcnltlof*. TJiey »ny

iist'B ritaln can be defeated by lUr nd by air alone. Although the can

draw on alt the reiourcn of her va^t empire and In iplte of tlio Nncl blockade can get a certain am ount if aupplle* by water due to her ex- ended coaat lint and strong na\-y

—neverthelfM alrpo»'er enn cle/itroy lorta aiid Inadlng /aclllti n extent a.i to tie Jhlppln

leuly.Wlietlicr the Gormi

were not ended. a» rrporlcd. ,b>- the leuoni of defeat, l l i e rank and file of the French public »ense» these thing#, and l» diipltltcd. ryiiical nnd df/lnliely not hopeful mat ?etnm CAn continue to head an Ir.rippcn- dcnt sovemment,

ARENA Diplomatic and flnan- tlftj ptptltai* waJtt O n tc e ih*Norn’oy. Main Jlnea of the Italo- British naval chcu are headlne around the Aegean » tth Oreck te r­ritory due for violaUon. probsbly within tiro weeki.

The diplomatic report li Uiat Italy hM already lubmltted an ultimatum asking the Oreck poaltJon on Italian occupjiUon of Galonlkft and other niu’al bates, Tlie mo>’e h u (wo . purpo:>e]. Should Atheru Invite or permit English forces t« make ft pre­ventive occupation, Reme’a general BlatJ fiRutt» Ml expeflltton can carr>’ _ the flEht ovrrland with mechanized troo;» nnd force Drlinln to a type of war for which she ti not.•prepared, Orerk roljtanco would be negligible. tJius permtttlng the Italian move on Urltl-Mi off.'hOfB Greek baaes U> be'

chrrt from the malnlnnd, Stjoulrl fe accede to Mus.iollnl’a rip-

.•oiild 1:lie Nortt'eslnn cnse, wIUi

le rilffrrfnco that hostlllileo would ' coiiflnrd,to cnn.itAl arran.Rome hflii taken Hie dlplomatle ,rk iliiit Orerce cannot claim fUlrnllty, and any Mich answer will : nonarci'jiUble. In the natlfiea- jn Benllo H reported to have ueed icje uordi. "Ttie avnllablUty to

British vewfls of Orcek porta U already a ncKiif Greek unwllllno

i;cftd In thli a inoLhei

nlli' * notorious fence, hlfitorliin.i agree tiial Slicppnrd

. . . . ilmonbhed the landlord to-hold It till rnllr<l for Ijy Jonnthnn Wild."

;ild (11(1 i>n.v. on UU « iiy to T>t)uni, when ht» turn ie. What ol Adolf H ttirr? His bombn came cra.nh- [inwii «licr(' ihe romlpmiied hlKliMftvman exacted

nioinrnt of prnjilirtic m irth . D it F\iehrer. loo. may for ilie bowl of flt, Giles, nemember Mr, Nr.

•on- late of Purls, roiinfttirblniu nnd St, Hclena?- Diilla.t Ne'v.i,

N a tio n a l W h irlig ig News Ilchtnd T he News

lion, aimullajieoujly nrltnln 'i great harbors, bomblnK rnldE on IndaitrUl planW and nlr dromes are de'ifiined to reduce th'

.rtklng power of the R.A.F. to tin anljililjii; point. Once tlila trlpli DJect has been achieved Invasion Is

hcllcvrd mire to lollow n lin i 'Ren thcr condltlDni are deemed aultAbli

CYNICAL. Profes.<lonal atnudcnU of Europe's polltlci have

r York after extensive la o Frencli Cfluiitrle* crntcr(><l iround Vichy and Paris. U la a

itory of political and tnotRl dla- ;ourni!cmenl, l l l t l t^ i te r Umn thi sovcmmental rot existing befor<i. th'

Bckup.Mnr^hall Petaln. nlio h the closest ling to a leader. Is

whli • the n who a

• T h a t - I s n 't ( R rc a t poem li school ch lld rt

1 U 'bv helet

liiK to h ;ip |i i 'r a K roa t r au v '' w h o d o n 't ki

m il

HKKO HVSTICIM.VN o t all th e hy.<lcrU in thi.'- rtu in lr;

o n w ar. 'H ie o th e r rCiy th e norm ally h a b ltan t.s o l .a populou.s IndiLstrlal t

' e.fll.';eii:, tlo n u l e lceilou. '

a n d th e npenliiicball p t

o f |) iih llr, .srl


R ooney , Pe rh H ard y ." fo r It i

■ fill .star-ha.': I • th e n a tio n 's boy"!; of the scr er.s. a-s alw ays .seem to n u m b e r n illlltin s th o u sa n d s . And th e y lnclu<l< a n d father.s a n d n io lh c rs , R randparenL s.

A nyhow , M ickey 's p lb tu r t.. Kome nnd c h ee rfn l f'pTcrl;(’lii

of M ickey ly "A ndy

rt b e ,ii.- T he r.lam or : th e ir devoted a d n ilr - :uly i la r d y s lulinlrer.s

lentp o p u la ri ty m p ro v t .tB ouI the w holo.sonie c h a r a t l e r of t ape A m erican . T h e hy .stcrla m o b s .th a t follow a t .M ickey's heel,'; i n n d .shove to Ret ne.-xr rrio u cli In u a n d to ask fo r autO Rraph-s. T h is phe Is n 6 t confined to t h e RoDiiny t I t w ill be an Im p ro v c m e iu In puiillc oRy >vhcu th e re \a les? of th a t so n th lnp ,

em p loyes c r ^ l c d a to ta l o l fifi0.5i.ti, rcR lstcr.ed lUp.h In

W H A T PA Y H O I.I F iv e years ai^o U n c le 3;

c a i/lc i

a g r e a t deal of c o m m c tit , b u t It wa.s explali by so m e o f those rc rp o n ^ lb lc '- th a l th e llm U h a d been ■ rea ch e d , t h a t th e r e a l t f r th e re w o u ld b e 'a d o w n w n td t r e n d . A;: It tu rn s ou t, th e pay ro ll boom h a d ’ J u s t ^itarted. T h e Civil S e rv lcc C om m ission n o w r e p o r ts th e n u m b e r h a s -g o n e beyond th e m il lio n m ark for th e f i r s t tim e In th e c o u n t r y 's H istory.

m e flgu re-fo r th e l a t t e r h a lf of Ju n e wu^ 1.011,006. co m p ared w i th t h e W orld w'ar lilRh m a r t otJin.QOO. T h e t o t a l w lil c o n tin u e to r ise ax th e defense p ro R ta m e?cpand.s. B u t thouR h 80 p e r cen t o f - th s 85,808 In c re a se In th e la s t


) lini

- J o Chambirlaln In Null


WAK O lt I’KACIv,r"l;ilrV'"&-'Ani(-rlciio p. i'ii ft imiteri*.';. milM (IrVKti tor v,.ir or for tlic prr-.-rv; '0 coUllTf. Qf-^\clloi> ;irc II icirnjf polTcy I-' I"'! II''- 1C latter call.: for CDiiinlrir K orallre 'nurcfJi. Tlie fcrr ainnno' »lep;» nrcr.v.:irv rcatcnrd ngifrc.'..sio;i. •.

0 Ihe Ernvliy of rm.-. .1;1'. ryn^jir. ft-rttrwlie

Mimn or money: it

I tlwt it hM fntlcd n

pf (J<^

B r e a k f a s t F o o d

rrtOFESStONAL TRfnK—Doctor, are you sure this H pnniinnnla?

doctor;, iirf-.,crll>fi for iiiiriinionb and the :llr of so!fletlimK d^e.'>i.dlsnlty)—W hen I prescribe /or pneu- m die of pncumonlo,

r o o i x p i i n ir Imd lo^l h i. bnll luul, not umiatiirnlly. wm a be nnnoyed w ith hta cnridle. "Wtiy didn't 1 Where It went?" he nnked anRrlly, sir." said the boy, "It don 't luualjy go any- d 10 It took ma unexpected Ukt.'

The noni»llilcal Ident Roo^evelt'i

lnii>ectlon trips' >cd by Uie news : unprejudiced ol- ntioinpiinled hlii

ties. hViinkly, In thcli pre.'.ldent'.i pllKrtmnKc; olhlnj:. to Uic liiitlon': or wir, und tlii-y nppcni

KnRcd In biillcling nnval vc slniDly rides aix)Un(P t of the ship. He doc. ii

New Vf>ik nre:i < anny-niiilnnni i;n: tually ctKniiiied i tlons. -nir Iroopr, shlllUlK KUIi: .'IU) tha t they would nliowlnK when tl

mWr■bit--; prp up lK>Ili <1 ,t tlvi'.'ji nfinrmnJ < lilt If he icfllly ,imv iirourer, they lie direction ol iii ili alde.f brltcie^lt :ffcct£vc. to, a.n.-.lmi

md tiitttoiis ^ke lu ll -d rr •oimiHLI,'

tiM- 5>reMslvn'



President IKxwevclt re< 3 frfenclB Uint lie ii \ffftlriJ of the three departm ents ot the

L the preaeni niomrii •s to 3ub3t.mtl[ii

- Ill • Re.

ihRntes Uiat oine a v irtual dIcUtof. thoiisli per- np' II patriotic nnd benevolent one F. D. hoa told recent visitor int h« Li hnlidllnK all'(iiiesllon' rdliinrlly of by Uie fcrrc iry of s ta ir, tlie neorctary of wai lid the .seOictury of navy. Ills ad- iisilon WAS ;ilmo%t iinncce.vary. If

. 3U 4\V. Mv;.>,vs, UuSh Stl!iVAs\ avwS Knox, Dny n llc r day Uiey have been :»UKl to ih r White Houie to be In formed -that trniu>uciJoas.!3ute£tlni tJwm ajid tn c i r drpai


the Whl xainplfl

1 l.'t nalnlnu ground tliat, s criuntr)' In ready, Uiey ,g in take on Mr. HUIer. llen-^^1r•«ofueve^l■ admln-

Tlie welcome v

^■iiber tdblr -to pftich lilt for Joe. ♦ ¥ ♦

FAIR SIGHTS ANn .SC ome county'a Eugei

, with pipe in moul A w n ov« eyes, mnvv down loni: table.-, of fnil

.inbjci.a^i he JudEen , KctilnK re.'ouiidliiK icfCMlble spot fr- •r.iches 0^ \'a4C iroduce hulldlns .

Mnyor Koefiler

..s-io-be-extef^-t the. filnte ptiblli

CotmcllniKn Pnu

full ( Ilowi

plhy 1:

Commiker r,iftn(liii« w ith,head on ee If .le f .rn n s above du-i- n alrnlslii . . . Concrralon loudly ndverli.MiiK -.‘innke

River Ice .Cream." . , . Wonivn ex- elalmlng nnd men trjlnK to appear unlmpretsed aa—balloon ascension

le M cend i. . . and'htUe »-h)te dwts act of free three-acf cirnia (ret-

ig blRgeM hand of nflernoon as

It's Intern .A S T ic ,P L '//i . i ;

While fair-iiiliuir InB to ponder till.', b it of verse li: eluded In th r chnnurBlc exhibit < the CuW GvnuKv o t ViMtW \. I Chcmuri;yi .‘3tiin;,i-Il Is lii^liarse:

-Wo e ph.- of cotton, u t of milk.

Wo make them out of wood-piilp- Wo mnke them out of silk,

Tlie mllR (mr.% look like woolen.m e wood-pulp ones hke

The pliuiUo-Kl[»^ llk«-eo tlon ,- ' .TJie *IIk(,aa paper pajs.

« Some coal, und add some air. And soon we have a tooUibnisli

Or silk stockincs for Uie fair.A surface nliicli looks like melal

From photocraphte dim Is made. A coal which looks Ilka rabbit,

From cnmfitnlk pu trris sprayed.- rrom Boldenrod comes Tubber'

i-\ir a While 5

-roa t 0■s from nibber plas-

, . MC Wl.'.e tfplh we cun.*cqulre.

1/ you tlihik vou know wliat'i m It Be lt fiirnliure, clothes or p.’vint.

Just let us lell you sufely Tlmt whnl It .-.rcms. It ain’t.".

¥ *MF-ANKST.MAN..~In' "rJcli'er- l i i '.*i ight Editor Mr*. TT H. Brnekeiibiiry. Jerome, likens whoever .Mole, c e ru in property from

luuollnl and smi- ells how the John ite 2. Twin Palls,

menacti. Hitler In,"-Tlic writer Dean family, rtwhich had >rsp(.......... .. .......lU share of nccldenu and general ml»fortune, had purchased a supply of fall cInUilnB, only to have It, atolen from ttieir car. Anyone '

rould do ihls. Mrs. BrackepburTIt the lowest form


P O U T K N T .S . National jiolltlf prosno,stlcator3 mscern no fitns a laiO polltK-nl revollitlotl a- t result of a .itudy of the prmi:i


.s'us.'vollnl. stcerlnfc nm u of


itntcsnst apprt

Only four of the sltllili; i 3f i!ir houi.e have been di'l' ;heir oiiponeiita, and only nimbrnt aemitors have bn

irj' opponerIf thr 1 who ha\

Re|nibllc,nlir. — men hke of Utah, Holt -of West Viri Durke of Nebraskft. t'tar.lec oT .*“ ■ ita. Mo.U of .me dcf

bha have been violently Jlooaevelt, • and tlieir - cnnqu

•£ren'\'fJinV Housp support cording to Democrutic leaderaof

biulni ,• — the JtH9 prl- .• lowrretnler

n conirir.v.lonnl fatalltlca. Theref( ;hey brllrvp Uiat aji of Uie prcst Jate Ihe pre.nldriit u-lll b r an en xtnner over Wendell Wlllkle. T

loars, are not BcUlnB intlDJial


CHOICE. W e n d c t I

eporla of dira t nil V

bctw« 1 hlnws-bncVed Icadi

ld-fn.^llloIlcd Republican orKaii m. In f.ict. certain smart politl iu.M£L.iJMit.r.the Wlllkle peopli srrfiilly rultlva tlnc theJmpres Hint he apurns the Pews, tin l!('ii. and llie Ooodspeeds.. Wlllltle hn.i aufflf-Ient pollU use to reu llioT hat he canno ir pi o id p ic y ^ 'iih Hepubllcai "lone. II(J knows th a t he mua - the or ta.ooaooo : nf IndependPtila whi .filp.t w lihout resard to iriv alleKlance. He also lenses !iry are fairly well dlSRUtted Ihr lendernhlp which Uie O. lm^ provided in Uie last dec- : was the burden of the Waf- :he Mo.'.c.-.ea and the Ha.stlnKs downed Herbert Hoover ai ' ndoii In 1932 and 1038. Tlicr Ir Wlllkle ha.i enlisted youi inliitored npprcntlcc.s on 1

d.nepubllc.tety, andtely, Bui

h srumhle by the profe.ulonals iiiM mnke votes among Uie.lnde- iilenl.s for Mr, Wlllkle. And when :tlnn ,rtftv arrives; the onranltt- 1 nii-n Mil hSvn to line up for the ty nnniiiiee uiilevs they want to ' ffir r . D. R.. Norman Tliom u Fnrl nrowrirr.

Mini; politics id twisted by tras- •ani, nnd Senator In the recent alr- -adds to the toll.

ha-i ever iire^cnt > drama, , ' >the likeable ai

n po‘

Floyil'c ached Iof Mlnne

na;i blockaded, he blind but popular

- ... Schall. Tlien Senator Echjiit-x-as klllpd in an automobile atTidfiii nt. WashUiRton. and the

■mrfl open for Floyd. He ai>- n frirnd. Arthiir Uenaon. Interim, expectinu to nin

wht-n nrnr.o'n's term expired,, n Floyd died. How Senator I has piiL-ied nway M the rc ; vlolrm accident. I t prer.cnta

* problem to younf: Oover- mld Stassen, e.spcclally ns “ •• Sl'SP' .................Sennt

ed from the Fanner-Laborlte to the. Q. O. P. folrt.

E»«nep: M artin Nebon plans .to O. O, P. primary aualnst and h« may upset theShlpiteart,

pullinc at cfCV ■■■ .ndln cll()uc l.s^linllely t

the Laval jrout, pro-R :ween Uiem itity are ince . ilraliiht into the :'lln under total occupatl(

r e ta in there are only two obJeetlvM the loieljn policy couUi pre- -ve someUilnB of lYance—(1) Tc stpone all slick aiteinpt.t lo slldf

... to. one d l^ lo r In preference to Uie other;.btltfly. she Oemiany

occupy the rest of (3) to sell Uie Vichy

Blmcjpport spread.

U, S. «


;heth t

;n as ha lt-

■ the U, S,

ment polUlcs, irr.u and public th a t dmply as a Pa.'.clrt

ivnjit limt Pctaln Is atlll ,t the Dluni typo of polltl- e blgEf'l fw t In political that old hsblU of division

o r Inability to he enemy for- ind for t«clp- •

The dfcfld- let wlUiln tiie

SCUIW, Oeneroso Poper political, | heavywelrht who piibllshea II P ro - ’ ;;rc.'c.o llalo-Ami-rlcano la se ttin g .a roiijh ride'from Jockeys Mussolini. Roosovelt. and Indirectly. Wlllkle, Pope was the tlreles* drillmaster who In 1539 delivered most of tlie Italian vote of greater New York to Mr. Roosevrtt Dut Beirtto's Im­perial performance )n four subsA- quL'nt yean compllcAtes tha W aah- Innton order to e|o a repent.

PollUcnlIy..Mr,' Popc'a procreasoblown hot 0 n Uie Re­

publican • Democratic - noninterven­tion mUup so consistently as to earn him the double label.of fifth col- umnliis for r . D, and Denlto a t Uia

reportlnir has failed to trace Oeiier- W s iwllllcar roOU‘to Uielr amo*- binly w*da s[iread.

To count In partly affnli:^—O en -0 If’verjv a rr j j^ u a —ho

ji^ rR f tn lm t lo n and wnrkwl a close f l la n c e with T am - maiiy. Hut to ikusSy n UtmtniSwia pro-Itallan »ii)j3crlber and adver­tiser clientele. Pope had to ba a Mua- soliril dieer-leader and 'violent ad-

xa te of nonintervention. The oil lid water combination Inspired Uie iporta that veteran of-M r. Itooec- ilt's 103< campalsn doesn't love

Pronklln leas hut love* elreuln*^Uon Uie more, and ha* therefore gone Wlllkle. TIio dope Is otherwlae. W -

Republican operator* r a c a n t J y ^ ice<llpd him for a flat “yei or no" nd a demand for.Uie editorial Jol-

iDwtliroiigh Hi#v goes w uh either Pope confessed th* altua< difficult, but th a t T am -

.)urj were •horpest. The ProgrcMO will not rasp lt.5 reader* with an endorsement of Mr. Roose­velt and Lord Lothian. B ut I t de­finitely won't cross Tammany by plugging for •Wlllkle, —

hod I


"\Clii'tis It, Kntyr"•'O. I was jw t Wonderlnj." ■Wondwlni!? What w,a.i.,tt_Ujat


a thiilont? You haW i

for forty minutes bi i£_lnto emptlne-ss, wniat'*

. vour wotUV 'I 'm Jiijt wondering. 1 like boyi miicitrCvery new one Uiat comei 'np Im Interested >ndrM-vei. until 1 -. .Anrt I don't

He's thi

Is do.

>hr |iwlUi T

for dating. And I get out mother whei

II. Why I di

e w 5 .S i.In't have lo go to church :ay, I'm not as good at be by a long, long way,

Do ymi think I'm going to the bad lUtiueiher? Or Is ll« rt lor me : & ^ \ r niy»elf yet!"

"Voirre fifteen?"“ Im o it sixteen.”

je n a to r : he has be«n a regular Ra- Plibllcan In the years *lien "Slilp'

B maverick. Oor. Btaiaen could r thn way for Mr. shlpitead by ling Mr.'Nelson to Lundeen'a va- ;y. also helping Wlllkle to carry atote. Ifut Man Mountain Nelson.

.. ri extremely abls clUtcn. and he tnfty make &u5l a TKOfd In U\e te n -

'.hilt Uip governor—Mr. 8 ta« en Kht not be able to remove or

defeat him when his honor eeck* •natorlal honor* a fe* year* hence.

p£lUIAi‘a; John Nane# d a rn e r 1.S informed friends tha t he will

..•tu rn to the capital and pound Ui6 gavfti a t Uie closing bf the upper chamber of congreas. Complalnta Bgalnst his prolonged absence ap- peiu- to be getting under his akin. B ut h is friends, who know how mad and disappointed he Is over hla po­litical pllghU will believe him only when they see him mount the senate l^.itrum,. NOTES, There's no evidence of NarJ backing for Uie Almar,:in fnc- • I which UircsUtis revolution In

clco; but If Cie revoluUon de- pps Uierell be plenty of oppor­

tunity for the Sads to capitalize sn U. . . About 13,000 reserve of­ficer* are on duty with Uie reRiilar arm y now: ,by next spring 30X100 more will be brought Into acUve

•vice. . . NUllUrr observer* fear : use of poison g u Is soon to begin' the baflle of Bdtaln. - .

•'I think you have tlm* to *avs yourielf yet. You're not so bad. I t Is all rlftht f o t v s l r l lo Ilka boys. lotJ? of boys. Es'crybody gets Ured o f being good and wishes he could break loose every so often. Every­body gelfl cross and Impatient ones In a whlle.^Uut sensible people don’t

^ake tlmo out to yonder abou t-tliem -^ selves. Tliey get about Ih-lnfil^ T liat'a what you’d belter do.

"Tlie surest way to get Into trouble 1.1 to all down and Uilnk About one? self. The more of Uiat you do the more you will do until soon you won’t be able to see anybody else or . be Interested In anybody eUe. Your • work will be poor, j-ntir health will fall, nobody win want to know you.’* ,

"But shouldn’t I try to aee whal'a wrmig wlUi me and try to make It rlKht?"

•'.You won't have lo sit Uilnking Bbout R tot Ivour* a t a time. You do what'.s wmnK and yon know It th a t minute and, Uiat 1* Uio Ume to set about correcting It. Thlnklnc about It doesn't help. You have to do something about it."

-W hat can I do about anyUiIng?” •Thero, Tlial’* what cornea of thla

looktng a t yourself, for houra. You can 't see straight aoiy more. You can go now and prepare the vege­table* . for dinner and g lv » o ^ u r mother ■ break. And you can set the table and touch up the 4lvlng A room lo make stafly ter youi- la iher'*”^ coming. You can keep occupied use­fully for Uie next two hours and make Uie people about you glad you're.around. Oct busy." .

"You d'on't'Hiliik I have a n - lo - forlorlty -fomplex, or. Uiat I am ovcr-lnhlDlled. pr tinyUilng like th a t, do you? I'm so nfraid—”

"You wouldn't knotv an Inferiority complcx If 11 fell inw your soup. Stop looklpK nt yoiiri.df. You’ve no Umo ^ for It, . Look a t Uie people about you nnd like them. Do somcUilng to

e them like you. Forget yourself— youll trfow. up In* heallTil'

Keep up ihli wondering nbout your-;;lf and you'll have a miBht poor.Mf to wonder about. Oo get busy.” CenifVlnK alientlon on-o growlnjr

nnd-and botly Is bad business no Hitter Who does It, . •If your youncJtr "simply won’t do

rhat he’s Iflld.” yon probably Uklng the wrenr.wa, with him. gullied by Arigele Patrl’a boeklet, •’Obedience.’' fiend for It, enclsa- Ing len cenli In eoliu AdAma Aa- felo Patrl, care of Twin Falta Newfc P. 0 . IVix 75, SljiJttn O, New Yark,N. Y. y __

Page 5: Vol. S3, No. ISO Bomb Strikes Germany’s · Tlie bill as passed by Uie senate made all between ...


B o y h o o d " o f H i t l e r , M u s s o l in i a n d

A m e r i c a n Y o u t h C o n t r a s t e d f o r O E S

N e'6 raska Visitor Views F a ir Flowers

B.P.W. y ftic rar

In h is a d d rc is ,* " A T h o u B h t F o r A m erica," la s t ev en in g fo llo w in g U io a n n u a l p o t - lu c k d in n e r n n d In itia l m ccllnf? of T w in F a lla c h a p tc i ', O rd e r o f t h g E as te rn S tn r, a t th e M ason ic te m p le , O e rn ld W alla ce , v ic e p r in c ip a l of T w in F a lls h ig h sc h o o l, g a v e a b r ie f re v ie w o f — th e b o y h o o d a n d life o f A do'lf H it le r a n d B e n ito M ussoM nl nnd compAred lti» bo>lit»d of American youUi wlUi lliat of Uieae two men.

Durlnff hill nddrm , Mr. Wallnce pointed ou t Uiat lUller and Mumo- Jlnl were taugtp to be bruteo and Uint Uie American waV of life was much better: but, th a t Uicrc aliould be more prlnclplej Just like Uiem.

Dinner al Temple *"Approxlmnlely one hundred ocd

tweniy-rive peraoni were present for the 0:30 o'clock dinner »erved la Uie dlnlni; liall a t the temple.

Dfcomtlons were unJer Uie d irec­tion of Mrs. Ilarr^- Enjon, who, arrangNl a striking nrrAnfiemcnt of red and white blcosom.i a t the center tnble, entirely oraiiEe ' blOKOma *ot

• anoUier tabic find amvnKetnenta of pink and blue a t Uie remalnTne

-tables,Group iliiKlnc -of "God Dle-iS;

America." and "Idnho," led by i l r a Friuik Fondn, opened llie proBram.

Between courstj, John W aters nans 'T lie Du.Hy noud," accompan'Jed by Mrs. Nellie Ostrom; Rlcharc Smilli, air.lstanL orclicslra director a t the high Achool. played "Humor- Mijup.” flccompnnjetj by Mh - SteJJa Loff Wood.

Mli4 M arsarct Potter of Klmbei ly, accompanied by Mrs. Fondn. dnng "In 1823". by D. Unrdelot and ••Over Uie Land ts April" by Charles a fte r tiie dinner.'

O utlneti Sruicin ro«o«lJ\B Mv. W allncfs t«JdTC.%5.

O. E.S. members adjourned to t temple rooms for Uie tlrr.t biislm

.eewlon of Uie seiwon. conducted'by Mrs. Henry Clmmplln. Routine bu-ilncM was conducted.

M n. Winona Merritt, wm cliatr- tnnn of Uie dinner commlltee, ax* nlxted by Mnt. C, O. Jelllaon, Mrs.C. M. Roberta. Mr*. Carl Boyd, Mf«.F . N. Adams. Mrs. Lester (^nwell.

,Mfs. W. B. Broolu, Mrn. R. R. Spa f- ' fo rd and Mrs. Harry Eaton.

Prosrf.... armnRcmenti were under the dlrecUon of Mrs. A. L. Bchure- a ian and Mrs. Roy Painter.


Rejumption of acUvUles for members of Qamma T heta chapter of the Delphian society tjccurrcd Monday evenUiK' when the group m et a t Uie home of Mlxs MUdrccJ Elrod. Mr/I. CnUierlne Potter con- ducted the bu,'.lne,vi nr.vilnn.

The prosram on "Capltah!.Ue Development of Du-ilntM and Fnrm -

R n ss M. IZETTA MeCOY of Twin Fall., lU te prtjldenl of llie »u«l. nr»* and Prtfenlonal Women's eluln. who «III leave loilay U Caldwell lo moke her f in l offlcIi xUlt e t the tfu o n to the d ld w fl l n.r.^V. elub, bj iprcUl Invlla En route le Caldwell, she will confer wlUi n.l'.W. member* In noiM.

L D S P r i m a r y a t

A n n u a l F e s t i v a l

Annual " feaUv.-vl" It hundrca and thirty five mcmbern of

First w;ird L. D, S. primary department was held yc:.l<T(lny ternoon to open the social sei for the group,

f^ilch chlltl bmiiKht n Jar of ctinncd joda or Jelly for m church wcl- ire proK’ram.A program '

or tlv church

-1 g lve i^y men

Jrl,i WriKht: ! her by Je;in. ■’arker. •

A rriHllDK ' ,)enc» ^ lllIIl^-^

InR In DiKland Diirlnc the Iflth Ccn^ ‘Any 'CiitJTfrfrlc<r by Ml.v; .Miuirlne

Luke.BcportA on AMUned toplc.i were

Klven by Mrs, J, O. 3!iiydeii. Mrs. M etta Dalicli. Mre. Potter, Mi,v. Mnbel PortcrdeW, Ml:.j n jod und Mlr.i Merle Newlon, A round table dlMU.oilon (in public |) .^klnK com­pleted Uis evening's study.


Y O U N G M IN IS T E R F K T E ^ A T R E U N IO N f V fW r

Hcv. William J. Hol^Tt.-,.Mr. and Mrs. L C. Uolx- Ju.1t conclUdc<l Falb with frieiha.1 returiieil to liii home iji Los AnRcle.''.

He was Knulicitr.l Iroin IVUi Falls hiKh w.'hwil la 1027 arul lalcr attende<l Soiiilirn i Oililoriiiu mole college In Pn.imlnui. At pnv.cni he is pastor of the 'C nhiiry cimrch In InKlewood. Ciillf.

A family rcunlnn wifr, IrM Sun­day with tw riity .rU Ify'.nl i.-lalives and Mr. and Mt:, I,, !••, Moward and son. PHIy. <>I HoLm', iii'.mdinn.

A c i r e m a C l u b

F e t e s M e m b e r

A t L u n c h e o n

pre.'.cnted ht-r wllh ii liivrly I cake and bur.krt of* m;t:. 1 mceUnK yc»trrd;iy aiu-rnuoi; home of. Mrs. Frnnfc Coiv.v Uncoln. Occa.'.lcn fnr th r cv her birthday aiiiil;err.:>ry,

Ouc.%t.l were mmIciI iit ii lonR tabic- bi-autiliilly aiiixnii' Cluny lacf dollies and can arrnnK enicr’ ' ' ....the dc.'j,ert liin


t nf pink

uitcd, t

> You,"

c pliilMr%, H:i py lilrtht

Olft.s were prcM'nii'd in Mr;.. n iUtr pceccdlUK the t.Uaci. Imr.lui;.:. w conductc'd by Mr;., C,'lvr>n Pr

DurhiK thi- |)ri>;:r;im hfiiir, Baker told of.l|_er ri-coni irl

idcd Ihc pros PromoUnii exi.-fi.-i

uctcd and children

Offlccni < ed by Mr:., charse of n

V a lu a b le C o u n t y F a i r A n t i q u e s T e l l

C o l o r f u l H is to r ie s o f M a n y S ta te s1 1 furniture and dlsheA could only

talk, w hat stories-could bo heard a t Ui# lalrsrounds a t Mlrr UiLs yeai in the antique department where Uiere aro Items over two hundred years In a«e . . . and. In one corner, liidlan arrowheads and rellui, nome of Uiem Uiousahds of years oldl

A« last year, bedroom, living room, dinning room and kitchen have been arnineed with Items brousht fo r display; but this year addlUona have been formed (or the display of

' BuUque dUhea and Rlasaware, qullta and blojikets and cloUies.

There I* even a newspaper printed In leoo In which details of Oeorso WoAhlngton’s 'dcatli aro carried. Glassed on boUi sides and bound by

• c h e n r limbs with two small Ameri­can flags crossed above It, It quickly eatche.i Uio eye of the hundreds who dally pa.u Uirough Uie building on tour« of JnspecUon.

Itedroom Com plete-.’On your left, os you enter the

bulldlnc,' Is Uio old-Ume bedroom, complete to H10 little "WJiat Not“ under the bed. part of a set. Includ­ing a water plteher, wash bowl, ho t water pitcher and unallcr bowl, all) o( heavy white china, arransed atop Uie stone-topped w ash 'sund which matches tAe stone-topped dreuer.

,The bedroom ,4Ulte, of black^vriU- n u t. U over lU years old asid Is on-n- ed by Mrs. Julia W. Skinner,

. Covered with a hand-crodiet«t wlilto spread wlUi matcljlnR covcrs for Uio plUow. the bed might well have come 'o u t of Uio pag u of h is­tory," pre.sented os It was when Uio woman who made Uie spread ojid Uie one who first owned Ui# bed had made It for the day.

In one comer of Uic room is "great srandm oUier'i s t r a lg h C - b a c k e d choir," worn only sllgliUy In places to make one ;taUM l^ a t tome g reat grandmoUier had sat In U many Ume*. Tho chair IflSO year* old and probably has been u.ied by mor( Uian one g rea t srandmoUier.

f t Ared Satnpltr^ Included ftmong tije aaclcnt pic.

tu rc i and samplei* ts ,'one whlcli was made In 1807 by a twelve-year .old Bin wlUi workmanship fine enough-to do credit to the i experienced seamstress of today.

Also hanging Uiera In the L „ room lsabeaulU ully-tept brown alU: dress maae with exquisite hand sUtchlng th a t U already over JOO years of age .. One has to examine 11 closely to appreciate Its workman- ihlp.

Walk slowly past the bedroom aad you will come to a diannlng dining room arrsnccment, centered around a 'lovely bhick 'w alnu t leal tabic, which attendanU a t Uie exhibit will tell you Is over 2S0 yeart old and came to Idaho from Virginia.

'T-K« afnr1«*«

, so IllUe do Ulcy slio' Uii-l

nuleh Clilnewsre A Courlan picture 011 Uie wi,ill.

and a. of valuable china. brouRht to America from llollnild by mem­bers of Uie iloyer fainlb’, are but two of Uie many arUcIes which blend to add Uie air of long ago to Uie room.

ReflecUng the quiet charm of Uie table and sldeboy in Uie dining room

on old h'old-eovercd setiec and matching chair In the living room, trimmed wlUi deep wine hllk. Tlicy arc U»e property of Mrs. ' " TroItliiKer.

Scatter rugs from long ngo and pictures which have seen many

pais by do thclr port toward

novel. If It could only talk.' Mfttclilng the table Is a walnut oldeboy. which alto came here from- Virginia some hundred year* later. They might well have been made « t the same Unje by the »«ini per-

........................ N the rPass on Into Uie-kltchen,.and bo

thankful fof Uia modem convcn' lences of todayl

Antique Kltchcn Imagine grinding- your coffee -ty

hand, heotlng the old black fla t­irons on Uie stove before Ironing your husband's best white shirt; pounding Uio cream into butter with the old barrel chum and plunger; scouring Uio coppcr kettles and. skil­let* which were uied over Uie open fireplace; manlpuUUng Uie spinning Wheol''ln yoor spare momenta foshlon 'yam for weaving every . . Ucla of clothing which ybu would wear; usln^ a rolling pin whlcli waj Jashloned from a smooUi' tree limb; doing your sewing a t night by a handmado coal oil 'lamp; washing your' clothj on a crude board and wringing them Uirough on awkward ro l le r . . . or by hand.

All UicH things and many are brought (inhe mind as you tUtnd there-, and examine the arU clu which have been arranged In the kitchen -arountj a eomar fireplace.

See Uie gl«unlng cltUiaware In th e comer cupboard opposite the fire place and the Old Dutch chair, near the spinning wtieel and visual­ize Uio woman who used to rule such

■tL kitchen. I f i easy to see her busy a t her tasks.-happy In Uio know­ledge tha t her busband-has,.pro- vlded her wltii a warm homo and arUcles which are sturdy and do the Job well.

Chair' Strange " T h a t-O ld Dutch chair you will see there looks odd to us, for the seat ts wide but very narrow. If one of us were to ,tll in U. we'd feel aa If we were. Juit alttlng on Uio edge of It—if It wasn't for Uie fact U iat our backs would be touching th e tU ^ g h l back wlthc-wtilclv H la completed. 'Die chair came from.' Pennfiylvbnlh and Is over ISO years ' f age. ' .

Follow Uie railing to your right and hold your breaUt . . especially If you kno v chlnawnre and any of Ita history. - The coUecUon ar-1 ranged on a long table and in cup­board* behind J t 00 Uie wuU will am nte you.

I t will also make you reallie why m other la i^grandm other was

tlnl^%t lilt c;irrli':.n while nroun them, Ttii'y' liml U) be c;irrful wll ihcm. cl:..! liiOic l'U:civ. uliich ni 100 iiiul IM yt'iir!, i)M uoiililii't 1:

'ihw-^BhMvrriit Uic fair grounds for you lo icc'inni nilmlfc

•♦jullt Cnllfftlon •' I:i Uic next coini-r you ivlll {Ind. n varli-tl rollccUun of.qullL-i. done wllh fine i.uicliliir th a t would pmtch a sewlnK mncliuie toclny.

One bfown woolen covrrlrt. • woven in ia40 by Mrs. Miiry M, W a l l s ' Krnndmoihcr mul u;.( UirouKhoui th e Civil wnr by hi son. CapUilii ni'om a.1 A. Brnii:.oii (. the ^5Ui ,rrBl:nent Dl Uio NorUi Oarollna troop.i, untl! lie iv<« killed In Uio b n ltle ''o f PetcrsburR, Othen; haver almllarlj liiWrc: hlstorlrs,. Somcttliere among Uio eollcctlon

of varied antique arUcle.i y ^ l i .lei wlmi looks Ilka a small wooden iMat- U / covered w ith dirty white cloU Uiat has berti stiffened.

ExamlnaUOn Rhowcd It to b o 't deed, r.lKncd In AiiKiist.. 18US. oi slieeii.'Onn, by O . W. Oraliam. com' ntander of Uie grand Rcntml'o land office In Howard county. Mo,, giving rlght-s to certnln land to EUieldrcad Haye,'i. The article Is a valued pos- session o f K. J . Ilaycj.

V aried'A rllrlni CTialrs. t a b l e . s . daRguerotyper.

dresses, heavily ornate umbrellas, gaily plumed faa i,, aged booka— Bibles antf rcclpc books of long ago —single dkhes and pltcliers; rugs— all are found In the exhibit of varied anUque arUcIea In Uie lu ll ncro.%1 from the completely furnished rooms of Ions ago.

And In Uie corner of Uie r before you leave. Is a colorful hlblt of Indian relics and exlilblLi; wlUi a Small Ind ian tepee cUUi .k ' In the comer giving color to Uio whole exhibit.

On the n-nlt.1, backgrounded by Indian blankets, are mounUxl dis­plays of Indian arrowheads, found In regions of th e weal and o t dif­ferent locntiona on Uie Tw-ln Falls tract. • . - s

Goat hides as .well as oUier anim al coverings cover the floor . . . tmd In a large gloM cabinet a t Uie front of the exhibit 1a 'a colle<;tlon of V * rowheads belonging ' to Don B.- Crabtreo w hich have come from all over the world . , . .Jncludlpg Guam , Palestine, Sweden, polnta m 86iilh America and ^rom all secUona of America,

Skulb G uard Relics Skulls of two persons sit in each

eom er. of, the exhibit. slBhtle-vili' wilcfilng Uic c.'.lecUon of airow heads, fishing hooks, ceremonial knives and hunting klilvca.

Intermingled W th tho furs on the floor are stone dishes and mortArs and pUtels w hich were used to grind grain.

And then. If you have lota of time . . . you’ll probably Uim around and go bock to look again and come out marvelling th a t Che second time you had seen *o much which you

THIS LllTl.K MISS from Nebntiha appearfd lo I T«ln Fallt county l i i f a t Fllrr yr-.trrday all . 1) he li.vlird lire to po« with the blnvv.niH, Tl. Vislllnc «llb lirr parrnts. .’(Ir. and Mrs, Ilusrnr Tlir Ilo«rri wrrr blu* ribbon » ln«rr» rnlrrrd

very In trrrstrd In Urn I.MUlUuI Mural c m m Mhrii the News p!in(n;raplirr ap[>r3r(ynimf wnrnv* I* •''H" '1‘lilrv Jr.m SjU' liarrk. of Nrbra-k.-i, at llip himir nf rrl

llir Iluhl Floral rnn.p-mj. I'lioln.

D efeat Boys’ Teani.s [ p h y s i c i a n s a n d

W i v e s A t t e n d

S t a t e M e e t i n g

TIIKSK TWO nitlL S , enmprlliic against »evrnil <-II bp^ ’ dpnmti tiiin le.iriK yr^trrUay durln; ill ilrtrt 4-11 cunlr';ls. won'‘distrlr( hi t..r llir bo)V Ulvijliin wllh th rlr dfniot.Klfalluii on tlip pl.iiit |TJiry a rr Inurth-yr.-ir club iiipmbrrii liul Hrril yr;ir nirnibrri nl •'llaiiiiv'lluillprs" forr«try rlub of H ersrr. nf wlilrh Mrs. J. M. 1' li Iracicr. Tliry. with th r ^pvpn o lli rr nifmhrrri of (be cltib, .-«1 crli-nl. rallii£j nC A nti llipir nrnlf r t work, iiomp nf wlilrh It pleturpil In (IIP l].irketound. MIm llr f lv I'Jora, |prtr-n-Trat<lilnc a-i-Ml>i r.itty

int Iravps'aSS^planl.'. a flrr prr

vlth Dr, F.. M. Mai he mptllcnl !-rtinnl n )f luwa. fiN

. Dr, J, N, D;iv

iclr >I;uii;h'

Iliri s I*hotn-i;iijravl;

S t - a n d i n g C o m m i t t e e m e n ' N a m e d

A t L i n c o l n P T A E x e c u t i v e M e e t .

At th e m ectln f? o f ll\i? c .v fc iitlvo boarc? of th e L lh c o ln P .ire iit -T c ac h cr n;;,soclalloii y t .s tc rd n y a f tp rn o o n a t th e ho n ic of Mr.s, W alle r J . D lx. p re .s ld cn i.. C om piltlccs w e re ^ n a tn c d to -serve. du rlngfV the coralnR yc,'tc...tin 'd ' )?l!m!;-;f0r lO'fO-*!! acllvllle ,s of th e g ro u p w en cllsciisscd.

Com m itlcc.s a n n o u n c e d iiv dude .Mrn. Oliver AJidcrson, niniibc-r.^lllp; Mr.i, Halpli SnilUi. pT-i>;;r:iin .Mi.v Clyde IlO'.a. piibllrllv; Mm r n -n I-U;i'p. record book; Mr,-.. J. L Drrrj. lin.'.jilUillty: Mr;;. N. O. John-

i;i, Iman'ce and biulirct.Cnmniittees

Mi7, peulnh Way. welfare; Mrs oaaul Fhher, hoi lunch; Mr>., O.

W, Cnx, eourlr^y; Mrs, Alplilp I> - Ailcy. music; Mrs. Bert Ilarri.i.

m l-up; Mrs. M .'P . OclilPtrrc. ip fire: Clyde Ro,-.a. ctib f.coui;., llnrold Schutt, rrcrrntlon and lih and Mrs, Q. E. KunKlc, rc-

frp.\limfnL%- Mr;;, Di'it Harris presented

port Cl p hraltliproject and ai.kcd Uiat all parei Imvlni! complelfl recorU.1 from Uie <loclors examination of llielr chil- Iren rclurn the record to Uie school. -j.trE, II, R. nshec repOrtM on ih r respoh;.? rri'ihe request of thf' fil- 'itrr-" liAiloti Icr dnnp.llons of surjilitn fnilt and vrKCt.ibles (or canning niid said Uiat more will be needed to tiucce:J- fully carry out a h o t lunch pro- gmni, , ■ » •

Leaden Needed Cnmp n ro chairman . Mrs,

Oclileireo , announced that more leaders will be needed‘ for Camp Fire and Blue Bird groups.

Mr. Ra'-i requested, Uiat nil molhers inlpre^led In becoming den ■ftioUiers Ret In touch with lilm lmW<ll.ilcly. • ' '

A'dLicuv.lnn on Uie's pro­gram and year book was conducted by Mrs, Ralph SmlUi.

P r o m o t i o n f o r

P r i m a r y G r o u p

Promotion eMrclsos were con­ducted for approXlfnately eighty children of the Second ward primary department of the L. D. S. church a t their initial social meeting yes­terday afternoon a t the chureii.

Plans for Uie annual ’'harvest fea- Uval" to be held In October were made.

Afier children bad been Advanced

M a v y M a r t h a .

C l a s s - V o t e s

A i d t j ) G r o u p

Voling to. nv.l-t the Ml.v.lonary .w le ly Wllh Uiclr White Cro.--'i work, fjiembcrs of the Mary NJarllla cla-'-i o t the BupiLit Sunday.-school mrt

rrday afternoon a t the home of Mrs, Lucy Carder, S61 Fourth

rs. L. L, Halloaay, prp,'.ldrnt. conductcd Uie bii;.ini-.i ;.c;.’.lnn. «lur-

A'hlch the grouji al;,o made plans a bn.’.jiar tnd cooked food i.ale 3 held Justlbefore niank;.KlvhiK.

Idaho S'ii.Vct and Mrs, Myrtlp Jnhn.ion are to 'te in charge of Uie event. \

Prostnm Icader^was Men. L. O. T j'Icr. ttho eonduclelt, the ciTcmfiny of revealing •'r.ecret 'j,btcr,'" and choo,'.lnR new one.v

T liirty-ono members wrre present i d were served refrc.-.hmcnUi by

.Mrs. Carder. Mra. L. Q. Link. Mr:i: W. S. Harrlion, Mrs. Walter T iirn-

• and Mrs. C. O. OIron,Full flowers-in .iirlklng arrnnpe-

mrnt-s decorated the Carder liflme for'-the occo-ilBn. Next meeting will be held October 8.

Uie next class, t:ify w-cnt In .Uieir rooms to a m their new teacher and enjoy a brief social in ilint room, Refre.iliments w eh sen ’ed separately.-

Announcement was made Jh a i prim ary classe.-, would meet on'W ed- nKvday Instead of Tuesday ihl.i year.

Mrs. EdlUi Klrkman U chairman of the-departfflcnt.

, B A C K -T O -S C H O O I,ipelectlon of pen and pencil seta

from t l J » up

K u o l e r 's

nd Mr:, who

W. ,

i;ac.:.U_Or7CUit-ti one of tlu', cll<irr-fu--lliO'W»;a.«t.-^Oclnl1iiii (OT UU ,M l. tp r d IIV.

Ur. find Mrs. H. E. I.amb anil ilaiighliTS, Mlr.i Vora .Mar l.;unh Ml/-'; Idri lye Lamh; Or. and Jnrrph W, Mnr.-.liall and .Mr:.. ! .■.Ii.lll'.s .a-.trr. Mrs, Up;.i Wravpr,Dr, nml Mrs, L. n , Hedner Mi: lend Uie four-dai- re,'K lnns. li-n

Pr'.'nnd Mrs. CharlW B. Up? ImvR tpritallvcly i>1ann<(l lo at Ihe stMr mecIlnKr.-Wrrinr-Klr/' Tliur.^day; Dr. and Mrs. Join CoiiRliIln wni be pr<-.- ('iVt"fnr “ nnd Dr. anti Mr;


. not determined Uie days they will be a t Sun Valley.

Dr. and Mrs. Dean H- Afflerk will probably be pre.'.pnt Friday and Sal' urday: Dr, H. L. Stowe plans. U attend this evenlnK and Frldny slotis; and Dr. A, D, Glll(-,\pl(' aL'.o cantcmpbtcs iiltendlni; .'.ome of the .pr.nions.

Dr. and M n. A. A. Boston iltcnd today; Dr, M, J . Fuendcllng >nd Mrs, Valin B, Fucndeling will itlend today's f.e,v.loits nnd may re- naln for Uie entire week. Dr. O, C,

Hailey has not determlnrd when he will attend, i n d Dr. and Mrs. J , E, L,mgfnwalter have po t decided which Mays they will b* a t the ;onvenUon.


.MomaRe of Ronald Tlirockmor- )n, son of Mrs. Jam es R. T liiw k-

morlon, lo Wlnnlfre<l schum aker of San Demardlno, Calif., has been leJimed by frlendn In Twin Falls, Mr. Tlirockmorton Ls a former T » lnFalls resident ........

Tlift couple mah-lcd In San Der- nanlino June 10. Tliey are a t home a t 47D 34th street In San Bemardlno,

Mr. Tlirockmorton attended Twin Falls high school several years ago.

S t a t e a n d N a t i o n a l P T A P a i r

■ T o S p e a k a t S e p t e m b e r M e e t

P r e l im in a r y plaii.-! for .'i;m .'ctlnn F r id a y pvenlnR. S e p te m b er H. L .'U r.ilnarcl o t W a r n e r , p rw ld e n t o f th o

Id a h o C()ni;ri';-.H oI I 'a rrn l;Coe (If Chlcai;»). I ld d scfn

conKi-c,'i,'i, w ill bp KUMi .'ijKMl;- w crc in:icii' ;it the lntll:il

■llni: 01 tin : TttTTl I'lUl:.

I-. J-: C(l liy

B e t a G a m i n a . J , . .

S e t s ■ P J c m - ' ' f 6 i - '

J - J a n v e s t D a n c e

■ S T

y ^c■hool h:iil hvpii rlr.inrcl a

reported lliii/'nll IM

nr •veiji'Ublcv; lo lal;r llu MnnUic kllclien,

.Mr:., DurKc;.'. reimrlPd roninilltrc whlrli had Ik- In piirchiu.c hook:, lor t

iplf 111 the publl( id tha t itboul -rlvr wlllilii the

r the P.T.A ty hiid ncted book.-, would

N.‘xl iiiPfllnc (:Iil a t the lioi i-an Oct. 7.

i ti : i .u :r .k o c ik t yf l ward Itrlicf .■ofjplv of Uii

L D.S. church will mrri iit I o'clock .'.diiy aftrm oon tn tlin Hellef

,-.nclcty room of thr, Flr:.t ward for vorj5.a tid husliip.-.' follnw.

n l by a profrfiini a t 2 o'clock, Tlir rug-niaklnK project will be sl.sried at tills time. Tlie r.oclal. meellng In Kimberly, planned for Sepi. 12. has bern pa-.ijionwl until Seplember ID.

r word "fan” Is derived from llie Latin ‘'vnnii.i." n Roman Imple-

it for winnowing-grain by the a ir-current method.

TODAY 4 ^ ^ ALL ' •ADULTS ' A 3 C BAYl

KIddlet l O e AnytlaieI from 1:1$ p. m.

-V S 'C L E JOE-K'S-Noree Air CcndlUoned

m m r rTODAY Btlil TOMORROW!

\ HottUndPcnbat ellOVt... Bid HATH


M th laU tv

^ i t v o t t i e a s e t t e

f r o m f a r a w a y

WliercTcr fioest raoAl* bexns grow, there the Schitliog. quest for quality Dcvaeadil lli it 'sw b y Schilling^irrr Vsallli hsj (hi( esqoisne, dcliace Qxvty^whlch won'c hakeorfretxeoot.

t r I P I C l l - l t tXTRACTI .

S c h il l in g

Ml-.:. .',!;ir;;?\-: J.

Horeiico in; Mrs. r and Mrs.

■ l-.iieil Miss PeKl-plKlillier.

jl, .Mlvi Evelyn Elipr. aiiick. Re- f nienibprs are mez. Ml.« Mar- Mr , Catlipflne niKl Mrs. Wllda

lev Mi'j Emes-Vllr:; AlOS-

am criniiiiiiirp members; d .Sliiri:. MIt.s Shirley % AriilK-lle Brown. M ia I'll.v, Mr , I.1U1.1H AnnH, lla-.:;lns and Mls.s Irene

n r evciils planned waa l)p liclil next 'seek for rradiialrd from high ' lirinK nntl fnr, •nt--. with .Sti-j E-.ther

.1 .'Ml-fri.npps and Ml-' iinlnltti

wet#10 a.-,r.lM MUs meeUnc Sun-

II lor llR-fall ClIII ceremony will be held rst October nieeUng with ■ ehalnnen including Mlf4; 'Mi\'i Pritchard, ir.; Ml;;s Hurt, refreali- ' Ivs 5ian,-,cii. proRram.'and mul M l'i r.roves, to select ' r the lueeUns,iirley Dunlap. MKs Lopei I Oue^t were named to ' con.Mltullon up lo date, diiipnt was approved pro- il a nonilnatUiR committee . I Mule of officers before

rovrs wa< elected tw re- '(I public iifliilrs ehalnnait "

.Maruari-l Ell.iworUi I t-

FolioWiiik' thi—lffi*iiwa.'se.'.^l9n. MLm Hnn^pn Inl i>iHi«l'’.<lOB.Bttlie con.'.crlplloii net, lielre.-.hmentn were " i.ened by Uir hosleves.

nil ML-.rln>vlli

«t;.SSELL L.\NE CMIK nu.<'.el! Lane Harmony elub will

not m eet Sepl. 11 as originally plan- n« i. b u t Seplember 18 u will meet

Uio home of Mr.s. Charles Teater.

ItO DA Y & A AI.I|t ii i ir s d a y A 3 C

U lllU '* ’V ‘'


M r u i m. r K o a u w ro B i 'O T D ie ',

sm unflN iM -fU H W V M



P L P 8 • K O m i T a WtWg^^

Page 6: Vol. S3, No. ISO Bomb Strikes Germany’s · Tlie bill as passed by Uie senate made all between ...


Gasual Slaugki By

i K l b - HANSON

YESTERDAY: .Mlml Biel Celo- - D(l rcnn tn t and Jullk u > u ir t fltfk In New York. When ihf iMt h«r job the -Cotonrl ukcd hfT U ^m *nj him. Shf /rei* hfr Inlrnte lore fo> him Is not rrclp- roctUd u id U In ian rlr >e«louL

Chnpter^JS . Bundle «f Cenlradlf (loni

“Jtff grew attfurhfd to bothD»n »nd me." Mtmi a rn t Idolljcd Dan. His Oivn fiillirr tuni- fd ag iliut him toward the luf—I blame /or Hint, too—anrtJefr Iiid Id tr.iru ffr o..And because t wa.% iTiiti'i wife, I cimo In lor my .ilinrc. He watn love wlih m p - th a t’a Just' allly.I'd trten ihoufihl of such iv lliltiK r<l never liava let Him wKc when Julia was away a t ftchool. But I can see now « l)a t coiutructton Sandra'* evil llille mind probably put on It a t ontc. S lir wm like th»i, Kay. I wa* # lonK time llnd* InK It out: but I'm telling you now "fts! I knw .W l» Ihe Irul)!.

" late IMnt sliinmrr. about -Uie l#»t Wftk ot her vhii. t h m wM-a

.hep, • JeltK O t n elate lo r 6»ndr», and ho wa* la^lnu Julia. But i t

•ih* l4»l. minute Julia wei with a headache. Jeff pcrsuarted m t to go in her placi

"We Hfnt »n oar cut. {he lour^)I u«, but ciftpr the hop Samira and her Knyclrl decldrd to wiilk 'I HinuRhl they wanted to <10 a lllUe necking, 60 JefI and 1 Orove home alone, and m it wn.i only n «liort walk back to the hnrrack;., niid'he had plenty of time. I nucKe-i'ed that lie come In nnd >al( iincti tJiey

. rived »o he could walk back with hl9 (rlend,

•'Dnii hull not waited uii. tact thAt' tie hadn 't made pretty low In iny mind, alwiyi cxt«clliiB him to

lar night 1 wwi feeling depr;««d anyway, -I didn't really have .much tun at Ihoee kid parties, and I woiild far rsth rr have ;.i.-iyet1 a t home with Oan. U ho hadn 't urged m e to so.

-Jeff wa,? alwsya #0 »we«l end un^ dertiandlng. and suddenly, wltliout Intending to, I was t«tllnB him my troublej, Jiut aa If he were my kid broiher. He put hla arm wound me

. and told me he waa sure Dan was craty about me—th a t sort of thins, trying to comfort me.

*l w#» cry ing on I1I3 ahouldtr when Sandra came In, She waa alwayi * BU5*yfoet. I didn’t hear a lound, Jiut looked up and »aw her aland-

J n g In Uic archway from tlie hall looking a t u t- .—"

Mlml got up nnd began to walk around ^ie room again. Her hand/

• wero clenched and her face wa: coM and a n m . I walled, and after a moment sire went on.

"Stie didn't say much, but It wa: perfRtl; plain w hat ithe was ihlnk' Ing, The nastleai oxprcsalon cami Into her-eye.i. »n exprru.loii ot uit'

.lifacUon. like a c a t th a t I1M I11.U llnhhKl »■ mouse, I don 't suppose Jeff got It. bu t J did. She was

I- pleased. Kay, She hnd lomething on (li, I renllied.- wltli an aaful Kinking seruatlon. th a t she wouldn't hesitate to use'lt.

"Her Knydtt had left her M ihe door nnd gorie back to bnmclis. Jeff followed ni; quickly as.he could. I slarlfd U> Mplnljj to SaiJtlm, know­ing It was useUfj, nnd Uie liilfr- niptcd Die.

' -So U rrlghi' _•"You don’t need lo Uiink u|i a

story for me.' .\hr. ''aid w ith a misiy little smile, ’1 probably v-on'l lell Dan " And then. hiimmliiK Insolrm- ))• 1<5 lierr.ell. .ihe n rn t up In h n

K, tfia t he rfa ljy did love 8an> dra, loo. y

irre b.ick nji.ilii lo Jeff, who hndn't loVcd Samira. 1 kiii-w thiit

, after seeJnc him for that deftnMlcu nioinciii with Julia In the prison ward. And a ll thaC 1 learned only sfrvrd far worr.e to incrlmlniiie him. He’d h'ud reason lo hale San­dra, too, •

I sald what 1 could to Mlml. and w u little enough. I did not re-

.;u n i t^e Ci.'f .1 had marfe -OUJ agalnit Jeff, (or I eoiild aae- that

had enounn on he r mind wiih- Uiai. And preeenily. looking

r>’ bu t* lltUe more a t peace with hfr.'.fll, she went to her room U dreu lor dinner.

Coldly Aloot QersM n tsu lo n w«j w)tii fh« coJc

nel wlien t went down.’Ynu're stayins here tonight?" he

asked me crt^pb" "T h ai’s pood.He Krlnnett suddenly, w ith a return to his former m anner.' "I promL-. Adnm lo look aft«r you. bu t I ca«rt- siy I've been a howling 1 11 be slsd fo delegate the rc*ponilblJ*

’You’re very fliUtertnK,"'■Tllnt'. me," h< t.ilrt cheerfully.

-FTliigy Ihf ffarlcj% flatterer they call me— "

I caught my breath, but he did M srfm 10 kiinw uhiit he hnd said.I- luiiiPtl bnck toward Cofoiiel

reiiuiuil..'s very kind ol you and Mrs. i.’iiil to'n.'ik me to stay in din-

, but you sre how U 1'. -::lr' I II be Bl your offlc'' the f in _ thing In the morning——" '

I Iftt him taking h li deiiartiire and went cn Intfi the IlviiiR room. IVIncyl .Then he wa.'. an Imposter, lie hnd known thiit m an at Ihe Inn.1 would nsk^Jiilln a t dinner If shr didn't remember Ihe man calling him that.

But Jiilla sent svord by Mlml 1 she'had ii headactie anil would eome down. '

Tlifrc was no opportunity, for ) bring up Ihe subject of G e r r^ ^ '

during Ihe meal, for Colonel Pen- took Ihe ctMiversatlonal retin

mio his own hands nn tf conducteii lour. Murder and kindred rub-

Jects were, I quickly saw, as taboo

as uiuslity sion'r.-. » t a mlMionarylnrr;li;s.

I divided my attention between the dinner, for which 1 had no petite, and the conversational 1 play In which I could summon ... iniefe:t. But my thoughts dwelt unluppily on Julia and the man' ner in which I had betrayed her.

As lOon as dinner wtu over 1 ask' ed Mlml to find out If Julia would see me. I followed her upsuira srfl ujilied In Uie ^lalJ-until Mlml came o'.il. looking de'prciied and

"She doesn't feel well enough to talk," fhe isio apologetically, "But I Uimk ihe'll be all right In the mo.-nlng. Kay,. It's probably belter Jw t to leave her alone, don’t yoi thwk to /" L

1 wenrto my roorfi and looked hv decisively at my overnight pncked'^nd-rridy to travel, i f I mriiiloned going back to the club now there would be no end of

I thought of Gerald, again and «rtN out of my roam and down liif stairs.

Colonel Pennant was In the 11. brury. He rose a.i I entered. Per. hapi It was •)(' trick of the »Kht irnin the green-ihnded desk Inmp: perhaps Mlml's story had colored mj view of him; perhaps he was only (Irrd. Kliatever the cmise. he

Jeis human, grimmer, cold-

•orry Julia 1,'. r-o rude," he lid. '.Shrs behavmg like a s|)6lled 111(1. I'^e told her there's no .>11 Inr her lo resent yniir teUing lial jou knew and 'no occn'.lon for i.r lo rush to Jeff s defense, ff lie

nrriultlrd \ shnl! br Uie. Ilr;

1 IfU chilled. "Yo'.i’r'f golii'R't nrsc him wltii murder, then?" '•.ViiHinilly. The evidence a

ixiliit.', lo him.’*whnl motive?" 1 fl.-.ked do.-,

pi-i.ilely."Tlie most sordid motive In th Crlil, I'm afrnld. Otted. S.iinlra aj ;iloiic in the world. He will— r v,o:il;l—Inherit eveo’thlpg."Tllrfo were rold anger nnd con-

temp! In the word.-.. My heart sank. To be eoiitlnued.

,. ".What did .you do?"'W hat could I do? I've whlitd a

thou:an(V timeit th a t I hnd rone straight to Dan with It, I3ut. Kay. I'm and nwuful coward wtirie he's concenied. Suppose he hadn 't'be­lieved Hie? fiujjpa’itf he hitci Ivitenril lo Snndra Instead? I tell yotr-he would never a word againn that girl. She could be w plausible;

' nnd she could wind men arouiid her flnfrr like—like wormsl"

"I ptlO W thitt"flie mlRht h^ie ■ T— fiffiiriat-'fcloMr fitetiy nigly. II^ __B'MKed 10. ^

' ’ iglyl If Dnn wrre even W p e tt- « t of, Mich a ih ln irM ( pellsve 1 could bear it. H»'s ^o upright, 50 honorable; O:

, know I dnn’t alw-ny. net aa thi. .1 UiouBhl .so. bu t 111 my heart I know,' Don't yo\i sre. th a t’s why

T h e L i t e r a r y G i iT d e p o s t “ s j i J " ' '

f would lie jeajous of wouldn't tolemte my Je.ilous

'.s really psyiiiK n•I realized'It^when 1 began thlnkthg It over. afier'IWi; came uii----- '

I sat there r.tudyliig her, tnliflt totliiderjlJind this bundle of conlni' dictions, lljl{ woman tortured by (

_ lens'- ot Iniidefiuncy. relyiiing occas- lonnlly ncnln»t her own cnncriiiinn of her hu.-.tiaii'l ar, a soi ’ Incorntpllblp. Imper'loii'- 10 human

- ffalliles, a Ood who filled her life 'vini kTndne.s.i but no wurnitli. Mid I began to feel n faini Mlrrlng of

I resentment toward tha t uprlsht, tionomble man.

Her sloij' p e w le,-.j coherent as she went along. She had llveil al­ways, It aremd. with her feir of

' Bantlra. And Sandra had hekl her advantage covertly m a Utreal over Mlml's hend. By mentu of It she had succeeded In being asked and again to W est Point during Julla'a absence. And she had work­ed 00 Jeff.

"I don't doubt alie nfhds-Jftf think I was in love with him," she raid Indignantly. "And Uiere wns nothing I could do abemt 11. He avoIdM me aa U I had nmsllpox. He, never came to oiir any mopt except to see .Sandm.. and as

• she got In her worfc ho v and more to New York. Yousee hotr he would feel, He cculdii't go on arxl m any Julia, "be brought Into eloeer contact thitn before with

• nie, Uje.iFire oS his friend and Ju- perior officer. He .would havejieen ecarwj to death of the w hole iltua- tlon.”

■Then you don 't think she openly blackmailed h im 'Into m arrj'ln i her? I meao. by th reatening to so to Colo­nel Pennant?"'

“lYe no xny o t knowing; .but I thlnk-riie waa clover enough to play en Jeffii conaclenefl. jvnd to mske him think the v a a sAvlng him from something pretfr aieftil. • He chang- ed-you-re no Idea how be chani«d.,

• Kay. And iTe thought, o r tiled ta

TiUrlm’s Way." by John llurhan iLcird T>terd«nulr1: (lloughlon Mifflin^ $31.John "'Buchan's iiuioblography

eem» pifPuliarly a pro<luct of nn England tlinl ha.i gone forever, no matter whether HliJer win* or Icwes.

as written out of a habit of thought which hnd Jtvi bMls in se­curity.

Burhsn's hublt af thought root- ed In hU Scoul.^h boyhood.- He

a child ot Ihe m an-e. and a l­though hiilei'cndcnce of thought

manner are a. niiieh a. pnri S-ot as his unintelligible-dia­

lect, Bufhan'.s own life show-:. Hint Indrpendenee can be found In Tory ns a-ell a.i In niorr llheral camps. 11 .shows, too.- iluit n 7 'or}-

It npc-e.-.sarlly th e horrendous asalivl w-hlrh Slnichn-

oiJjen iiJi — BurJinfj’fl ns retidy a n d .sln rrre , mid II ■lulol to every' .-.ort of man Duehnn's frlencisnlp with Ci l.s a nice llluMr.itlnii of his char-

:ler. He llketl Ocorge for.llu llrltWi rfiu-.oit, of Bui* he Iked him chlcfly Uic king

fcliKl. Bucimn wrote thiic J-.e dny George V illt-d a nii-r.-. from him arrived; J,Ils Mnjui.lj' 'Wanted to rrm lnd Ducliiiu lluii ski-

. -as not a safe imr.siilt for 1 mlddle-sged mnnl

4 good many of n iiclian’s Judg. eiii.v or ifi'tn are founded on ihai

ort of feelhig, und .somt- otyhi.i iroadrr e-lhnatrs a:, w-i-11 Anieil- -.sns wiil be dt-llshicd to know ihf Incerlty and the d e p th '6 f ht-s nd-

iTilrallon for this L-ountry, even hniijh some, of h h reiynas for it

make than .tm lic .^ 51ie s/<me ;ru* ot his O.xforil rl>-I1tl. hll)-.,

of, ihr comment nn South Alrira. "here Buchan lived through Uie Briihli campalgas early In ihn ecu- lury and even of hi.' experience m

Uie 'isr of lOH-18, In which hi.-. i>o- ^l!ln:l a.s an 'nttaehe lo Cenrml IlMtlqiwrters In FrHiK-e nnd ngaln ns'dlifctor of hilejllgence and fornullnii for the war e.iblnct t him oiHwrtunliy to kno-i- a g desl mnie Ulan men about

Uurlinn c.illcd hLs book "rilgrlm 'i Way," ,111(1 cniiiplrl JuM a -ici-k l)i-t(ire hU d talh | lie hnd lived 11 1 . he (lowers of llrlil.'-h Kmplre,

had been reivarderi Hr the usuiil Way a title. He ha<] been gover*

;cni-raU-oI Caimda ^ln'ce 1B3S, and hnd worked hardi-r nt Uie Jol^ Ihnii iiuvvl. He u,us liked tin both ,'ldrs of-the border, and liking rip- er,«l iiilo love very olien. Bui ho A-11-. Mill the Tory n l he.irt, ns any- Mie »lir> has renij ;nn;iy of his mo'n hnn three dozen book-s v,-oultI know

Services Heldj^for A ccident * Victim

nurUJ-:Y, Hept. lO-FMneral serv­ice.-. .for Freeman Robinson, vlcttm

automobile accident last week, were held Saturday at the chapel of ihB Pnyiie mortuarj- with Bishop Blftney Uir.-.on olfletnilng.

Mr. und Mri. Joseph P. Payne sang “Jesu* My Savior" and prayer was offeredi>V Oeorge Obon. Bishop ia rs o n and Mr, Payne were ipeak- ers and clcning Mr. and Ur*. Payne sang -Sun of My Soul." Intefment was In The Durley cemetery with Oeo.-ge Olson dedicating the grave.

Pallbearers were brothers-in-law and an uncle of the deceasc<l.

T h e re ’l l B e N o C rem atio n o f Sani M cG ec From Tennessee

BCISEKtn. Alta.. Sepl. 10 HI', - Sam McOee. «-hoce name becunie re-

ned throush a soiiidn\iKh I by Robert W. Senjce. U dead.

The' "Sam McOee from Teni^s*-' le,” who actually waa a native of

Lindsay. Ont.. died In this imi# wjuthem Alberta towji last Tliurs-

Sam McOe*."The poem told how McOee from

Tennessee «aa always "cold but Uie Und of gold teemed to hold him llkn a ipell" and he finally got w-ann when his froten body w-as crema­ted, ^

McGee. 73 years old at death, wiisn't .'.pellbound by Uic-»eaKh for gold, ns Ills chief occupations in the Yukon were cop[»er mining and roadbulldlng. And he will not- ' cremated. He will be burled Rn.'.ebiid church cemet^r)', a : miles from Beleker.

In Vancouver. Service expicJiM sorrow on learning l«day of deatli of McOee.

In lc:o the flr.M au to iranvor.' nenial matl wa» carried, which » the fln.t and only mail ever _to I carried acro?s th e continent by m'

W o m a n H o n o r e d A t L a s t R i t e s

BUnt-EY. ScpC. 10 — TTie body a t Mrs. U ora A dam a najijom, wife

D. E nfin .iom o f Idaho Palls, ...j brought to B u rley to the Payne mortusry from Godts Springs whrre

e riled S a turday morning. Sept. T. the Caribou hosp ital following

, operation.5he ws.< (hn diiUfrht<T of WflHam

. Adnms of Portftrfleld , Utah, and Ann Horn Aclnmn of Sublett. Ida., and beside* h e r huaband Is nun-lved by five small d a ueh tc rs . the eldest under II years o f tige.

Funerakser^-lcea v.ere held .Mnlta L. tnl>cmacle Tuesdnyat J p. m. and burln? «ti. fn the Bcih-

eeinetery. T he body Isy In slate .. hour before t h t nerrlcei Tuc.s-

Mrs. Olsdy.s Je n sen ,

Rupert O.E.S. M atroa Has A nnual D inner

■RUPKRT. Sept. 10 - Mrs. Ada ZJndauer. n-ortljy malrois of O. E. S. entertained at -the annual din­

er for her officers Friday evening t seven o'clock.Tlie evening was enjoyed by play­

ing Chliitie checken. A in. Gladys Jen.scn received first prlie and Mrs. M. E. Wlllla second prize.

Guesta present were Mr. and Mm. price Sears. Mr. nnd Mrs. M. E. WIIII5. Mrs. Anna Ponnan. Miss Mil­dred Williams, special guest; Mrs. Edith Morgan. Mrs. EUabeth Cboiu, Mrs,* Stella Leger. Mrs. Blanche Bell, Mi^j Marr'M ontgom- eo'. .Mrs- Marlon Dnlch. Mn, Nina Ornce, .Mrs, JiUfa Coot. Mrr- Anna Hite, Mrs. Knthertne^ Woolford. Mr*. Dea Britt, Mrs. U la Benedict and day at the church In Malta.

I J.K. >J1. a

1 o?te-of

A n n is ln n ijr J{jies H eld at. B u r le y

BURLrn". S'-p;, 10—l-'iinernl i.erv- fce.n for Erni-.-.l Arinritrcng, who died of Injuries n-crlvrd In Uic r-niiie nc- cldent In wlUcIi Precmiln Robin;.on w .s InstantLv klllrd. wrre held Sun­day nt 3'p. in. nt Ihr Pn>ne mortu­ary chnpel «11h Itrv. Alvin Klein- feldl, pji-slnr of tho Christian church, oftlclailni:.

Ffrst ;,o:iR. u|,. -Old RuRged Croy" by the Itiilkelev <ninrlet nnd prayer was offered bv Rev. Mr, KlelnleliH,

Jo,Neph P.- Pnyne sing "My 0;^-n United Slates" mul the sermon by

Kiclnfpkll fiillQwe(f alter which...... A! K. CHIchrr.r":anK n foln;

‘■Abide With ' InlermnitO'.n.s'In the Burley crmeirr;.-, ihr Vpicronri of " ' epanWr-Amerlcan w.-ir

)Ji«(r Vetenns' • nrganlra.___cohdifctlng Ihe liiinl graver,Ide rlte.s. w-lth flilfl-bearers and firing squad participating nnij lap* sounded by ‘sel Bowen,

nower bParrrj were memh'rs of ie three auxlllnrlet of tl-.e Veirr- M of fipfinlsh-Amertt-nn, World ar and Disabled Veterans.'Omni Armstrong nnd his Son nf

C r o s s w o r d P u z z l e

i; v l*l■. tvnh»ri»j

I. V .tlllti .. t)l.^onc«n I. tljd lj

Solution gf Ye*terday‘e Puzzle


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. ME WHSM 1 CALL-jPfaglHgR ■



IF YOU LCT US BO WE y/lNJUN / PROMISE NBVER DON'TEfJ30P AtMUNO ' ----------------WUR FlACe 'A3.»fW f





Page 7: Vol. S3, No. ISO Bomb Strikes Germany’s · Tlie bill as passed by Uie senate made all between ...


O l d L e f t y G r o v e T r i p s - T i g e r s i n 1 3 - i n n i n g B a t t l eCr . * ■£: -:r , -.i ☆ Vr •./ * -f: i : 'V '☆ v V.- '.V

Dick Chaptfiait Takes Medal Honors in National Amateur Golf TourneyBoston Red Sox O g d e n , B oise W in P la yd ff O p e n e rs F o u r-U n d e r-P a r

Shooting" M a rk sDown Detroiters By 6 to 5 M arg in

Ncwfiom T a k en O ut for Pinch H itte r

in 12th Fyam e

AMERICAN'LEAGUE D»lre!t S, n««lon 5 (J3 Inn inn «'»>hlnilon 5. C hlf»t» - rhilidcltilila e, St. Louis i (nl{hl

rxme)Nrv York »l ClerrUnd potlpaoni,

nln.DETROIT. Sfpl. 10 (/T)—nobcrl

Mojm Orovf, Uic ajliiB b u t »llll po- trill TlEtr-lainrr, wwit Ihn route lor IhB Bosion Red Sox In a 13*1»- n lrs biicball Uirlller Uxlay U> drop Uie Dclroli TlRfni Inio uccond pli\ce In ihB wrrld Amcrlcnn IcnKUC race

Tom Ciifty'.i «l!iKlo off relief pilch' rr Alton Benton scored Jo« Cronm

— from nccoiid base wiDt lt]e A'tnnlnK

i to glv« DOl' , n 0 t o 5 (lecb-

’vlon and Orove hbi MveiiUi victory of

,'i Uie teaaon.I D etroit’* dcfeot

■ rcfllorod the Idle '! Cleveland Indiana■ —rafned • out ot R th t lr . same

J j 1118' ■ Npxf Yorky f Y a n k e t i—to Ui* i{! Icnirue leitdcrihip.

\ b'JUj a .571* 10 * mamln over

the TlRtrj, The Yankees are only two points back 6f Detroit, At JCa.-

,01(1 Mose'A prorpecl.'s didn’t look rosy In the first InnlnK oji Uie Tin- er* pounced on tlio veteran w uth- n&w for tlirto lilU and Hs many

I. Ilanlt OreenbMB. parked


nini. jian^ ureenoerR. pa riea oiic ,j (17. 12) of Lt(ty'» pltchM In tlie upper le ll wv»tt )H- field pavlllBn with Druee Campbell

•^anrt Clmrlpy GchrtiiKer on ba.ic. It «'iu Greenberg’* thirtieth home run of Uie year.

Grove, wlio admits to nn aro of <0 jrnr* /n tii# record booto, Kllird don i 10 blank the Tliirrx for five Inning* »hlle hLj mnteii peeked away

the Deltoll lend nnd finally over-

2>‘eir>om Hurli IS Innlni>Bis Loiilo (Biich) Neujiom *larted

for Detroit, leeVlMR his lOth victory f>l ilie f.e.wn. nnd pitched for twclro Inntnjn, Itnally rrUrlng for a pinch*, hlitcr. Benton «-a« chareecl with the

In Uie end it wui Grove'* mastery '■pr. .Hudii York, chunky' Detroit

first brtieman. lliot decldcd the ‘Rame, York, whw« homo rxflis have broiccn up ti«t Rtime.t Jri th e Tlecr*’ favor In the post week.’ w ent to Uio ptiite seven times t<xlay nnd con- neclPd infely but once,

’Die defeat snapped a Detroit win'■ nliiff t flvo'Kftnie

>h r h]t>«lmlt » 0 “

tP S 'ir® ® ! 4 L

NEW YORK. Sept. 10 WV-Prob- ible pltcher»«ln the major leajues Wednesday (won-loit records Jn" psrenthcses);

AmerlearfM^acoe Ne» York a l Cleveland C )-B nn .

him (i-2) and fluffing (13-10) vs ■Teller «4-8 and Smith 'U -D .

DaMoti a t Detroit-/-..\Vlli9n (10-5) I. Hutchinson i3-5r.Philadelphia a l St. Louis - C«i- •r (5-10) v«, Aukw (11- 10). Washington at ChlcaBo — Leonard

(15-18) vs. Rlgney. (13.161.National Lcacue

Cincinnati a t Boston (2) ■*' Wal- •rs <1B.0) and Vander Mcer (1-0) I. ."ialvo (S-7> and Strlnccvlch H-B) ChlcaRo Bt Brooklyn (I) — Pius

•and French (13-12.. . 15) ant! Orluiom (1-31

61, Louis at New York (2) — Mc' Oec'(13-9)'niirt Slioun (1I-I0> \:. Mrlton (lO -Sland CMi)rnlfr i0-0»

Pltt*bursM a r^ h lla rie lp li la - Butcher (7-B) v*. rtek-.i4.S),

Ptlroil ______SOS oco lot Mlr^rer.! T I.WlU.-CronlB S. Gi

Ccrr.^Txo fc»^hlIi--C.mrUll.

illkii—1)1 lUrulI. lllielrn,h»tk, r..hilctef. Doiiblt pUri-fiillxtt. Ite«rf mil flMMT; <;«lit(nr.r, nitl«U •mT Votki n«rlil|, Votk »nt1 T ttU ltjiN «w

- Uxini slUh-

Triple Play Marks Senators’ Triumph

CHICAGO, BtpU 10 (/’Pi - TllO Wn*lilm;tou liieniiiors combined « triple play, an extra base h ll attack nnd Ken Clinic's sIx-Wt pitching for a 5. to 2 victory over the W5\l(e 6ox today In tJie first of a two-gamo *(rle.r

Tlie triple play. Rccoiid In the American league thU seaxon, < a fk r Taft W rlfht walksd and Mike Tresh singled. Bob Kennedy lined u> Jim Dloctlworlii »'}io tossed to Hhen>’ RoberLMti- to catch Wright. Robertion then threw to Jack San­ford, catcJiinic TK*U, off f tn t.

S S . - 1,Anpllnf. M

a ; ! !

TVo’Cix. GtnTord, ChU'. ■- l.fwli. linfM nin—r.4rl7. W»ll.T. Ttlpu pl«r-lll*»

»U K»{,rd. Dogt.l« pl I!>nrit4: W.Vb, AprllBf • IB. plulct-KiMll.

As Beat Browns « With Two Homers

LOins. Sept. JO m ~ K o m a runs by frank Hftyei a n d 'B o b Johnson, eacli * ilh two men on b.ise, gave the Philadelphia Aih*

, letlci a 6 to 4 victory over the BL

Pffates Sweep Double-Header

Pittsburgh Wins by 11-3 and I M ; Philadclpliia

CalcherjnjurcdWTION.^j; J.KAfJIJJ urgh 11-11. riilla

All other gamfj poilponed, rain.

PHILADEXPHIA, Sept. 10 N?) - ■nio Cpllar-Jiilrril Phillies lo:.t two Dali lanif!; by lopolded'scores and tliclr-first slrhiK catcher, probably for tiie rtmalnder of Uie season to­day. The damage resulted from an encounter wlUi Frankie Frisch’* Plttibunth Pirates.

Ttis Bucs belled (he offering* of Doc Prothro's hurleri for 22 nin.*. winning Uie first game 11 to 3 and

seeond 11 fo J.Ben Warren of the Phil.', wa.-

knocked unconsdous by ’Truelt Sew­ell’s fast ball vlills batUng In the fourUi Inning of the afterpiece. He vas taken to a ho*plt4l for treal- mrnt of a severe conciutilon.

’Tlie Pirates got to Htighle Mul- cahy for five rtins In the flrft twc Innings of the f lr :t game and balled ammd In Uie third as Maurlcc Van Robnys le<! Uie atwck with a home, run with two men on biue, Miilcnhy retired In Uie tame Inning clinrged u tlh tlie defeat.

Til* nightcap started o , plicliers' bill Uie Piralft turned l imo A ninaway In the fourth rim

Rodeo A c t io n T h i-ills C i om <1

, ^ ’c n O \ n ) OF 3,000 roond Ihrllb aplenty Iasi night a t Twin Falls conn(y'falrrround< whrre Lro Cremer’s rodro pu l on Ihe fint of four big pcrform aiicri. The News■ eamenman snapped llir al>ovr arlliin during the spectaeular bullilogging events. (News Plinlo and EniraTlnn.

G r o v e 's P it jo J iin g M a g i c

K e e p s R e d S o x in R a c e

anvhody’T^'in the hltlrrlv conlr:.;<

OI<l U fty OioiC tcrdfty i’nif.-,d:iyi ’ni:er;.. forclliK lli'-i

Ilnln proc-mrcl nnd New Yorl; Yr benefited from llip

the ’n ;:rr- of loit, Vkhllr tlir Y:i: foiir bark.

ah.o•:i. \Vh.1t wns iiior

iDy Tlie A-v.Otlnled Prc:..')i Sox wrr,-d the

:1 An;rr:c,\h lc:iKUC priina ilt, nnollirr ciif:--, l.i pirtormrcl his pllclilni: minclr for 13 liiiiii rd Bro'.icht Bo-,ion a fi-5 vlrinry o;e;- the I out,of fl^^l pliirc. ht- hemldcd i.rrlM betw rni llir Cli iVifr.i from ceitliii: initicrwuy, lim i: r.cil Sor.’ triumph, gi'itliiK n jieiccti ; i t

ik.i croiiclied

'\cliind Indltxns lir- idfo. Indian: itar.c adviininKt

inlf I

ODlroll . New York , nonlon

CluhCinclni'.iia . Bri^oklyn .

(•) One K

Cli-.rlimuU wiirf nnx)J;!.vn, linporisnl nnr of llic Re

■ 111-- .■ ■I'.fd'ile in Ihe r.cnr.


N.mONAf. I.LACil'i:

wllh Ihr B0*I0I1 cnncJllntlon, 'IHe

:irt a (loilbteheader

Bfhlnrl Tn PUy

BrhiiKl To I’lii

Mllh iliiMon'-lled.

ri*««l>»T. U«llit jillthtt—FfTi.

Louis Brovils tonight.Held lo iwo hit* for five and . ..-

third limingi and trailing 4-0, me AUUtUca landed on J}ob Harris in IfiB sfxllt tot U;re« runs.' Johnson idngled wlUi one out. Dick Slebert followed with’ a double and Kayes camo up with his fifteenth homer of Uii year.

Tliree more run* crossed the plate for.Uie Mackmen In the K «nU i. Joe Gantenbeln alngled and Wolly Krosts w»ik{d baforo HarrU wm re ­placed by a n Trotter who fanned Stm Chapman, then pltclied a home' - jn ball to Jelmson.

Nelson Potter went Ui# route scat- Urlng the Brown’s IS h lu which included. Uiree by Rip R&dclirr. the eaguel leading l;atUr; i l H E

PhlladelphU -.000 003 900-6 0 1 Bt, LOUla_____003 n o 000-4 13 1

Little Girls Of ColfdonrTriumph

Tiny Portland, Long Beach Players Provide T lirills • in Women's Tourney ,.

« r GAIL FOiVLErtS!:'.,Vrn,E, Sept- 10 (-IVJThe little

Rlrln or golfdom provided the thrlll.’> In round play of the 'women's western amnleur golf tournament a t the Kcnie Seattle golf club today.

T iny little Mrs. Mary Mozcl Wtxg- ner, :n-ycnr-old Portland. Ore.. homewife whose broUier Joe Is a Kolf pro^^.^loIllll, won Uie match of ilio (Iny-n nnr-iip victory over the hufky Dorothy, ’rrnimg of 6aii Franclico. 1D3S weiteni Ojaoiploi).

Another mile. 113-poimd. 10-year- olcl Elltabetli Hicks of Long Dcach. Calif., gave par and Miss Margaret Barry of St, Piiul, Minn., a baturlng to .w in 0 and 7 Jn Uie rout o f 'th e day.

’T lir louni<"\’ co-medalLil;; and co- favoriiM cam'e Ihrotigh as espeetod. ■ J«rloii Milcy of Lexington. Ky„ was pre-vifd lo defeat Betti' Frank of Seattle. 3 and I. while Deity Jam e­son, the naUonal champion from San Antonio, Tex., sliol tub-par golf to defeat Mrs. Carl Jonps of Sentlle. « and i.

Among tomorrow's feature match­es should be one between Mrs. Helen H. BrrUgnole of Salt U ke City, who defeated Mrs. G.' B. Butter- worth of Seattle, 7 and S. and Miss Hleks.

I ’ l i e r U i s n i p i s S h o o t i n g M a t c h

CAMP p rnR Y , o „ sc jit. 10 i.Vi -- Hciivev Wlllefii., of Detroit, di.'.nipiea Uie Wimbledon ciip 1,000-yard rllle match lodiiy when he mad? n forcptl landing wlUl his lno-plno commerclnl airplane nboiil 100 jardi hi frnnl of Ihe targets.

Willcns ,« as enrolite lo Clfveliiid when Ills moior. failed over Lnko Erie, He siviing In over (he 1,000- varil rnnKe. Ibted b» an ememnicy airiioil'SO week.i of Uie year, maxio a dead-slick landing.

’n ie ecnse firing order wa.'i i oheii He wa;. about 100 feel and he came in without a bullet hitting Uie ship.

S t a r I d a h o B o x e r , I< ) in 8 G u - i t f d U n i t

MOSCOW. Idaho. Sept. 10 (.r»- Frnnk K ara, star Unlvprsliy of Ida­ho boxer, will be among t!ie athlete: lo.1t to the •university because c national guard moblllsaUon nex Monday, Coach Loula August report­ed today.

ICiini. uiwii whom wn.r de pendlns-for-a kejMifijn In hLi box Ing tenin, will report Monday »liri Uie HSlh Held nrUlIery unit Li mo- blllred here for service a t Fort Lewis. •

. COACH’S PAY INCRtASEI)POR’TLAND, Me.. Sept. 10 t! ? -

Oerald (Tex) Oliver. Dniverilly of Oregon, football coach, was voted a $(KI0 a »’ear pay Increase by Uie state board of higher educatlSn today. The increase, effective Oct. 1. booila

Is salary to M.900.Oliver also «-as voted a contracl

extension to March, 1043.

S tagg D oesn’t W a n t to T a k e A d va n tag e o f L a y d e n ’s Team

. S toC K T O N . Calif. Sept. 10 OTV- Mr. and MVs. Amos Alonio Stagg, most famous husband and wife team In fix)tball, « lebrated ihelr forty alzUi wedding annlverurj- today by preparing for his fifty-flat ye*r of coaching.

They first met on lh« eampta of Uio University of ClUcngo, .where "A. A." WM coaching in 1693, the year the «ehoot optned. Mrs. etagg, the Tormer SlcUa Robinson was a s tuden t Uiere.

In thfl y i u t alnc» their m trrlam U rt . s ta g s has bett\ her iiusband’a acUve M slsunk, attending prtctlco acwlonj. Icetplng stAtliUcaJ, reairds and handling hU correspondence.

Gridiron practice was supposed to have su rle d yesltrday a t the Col­lege of the Pacinc hul Coach Stagg postponed It'unUl today because, he said "we don't want to take advan- Uge of N otn Dame.** He amllingly explained, "nm er L*yden told me he waa atartlng practice pn Sept. 10 and although .we planned .to get going on the 9th , l doiv't want '■ Jump th e p m on him."

rac lfle and Notre Dame open th? lr KtionM agijnst each other >t South Bend. Oct. B. U a t year. Pa­cific pulled one of Uie big o p« li of the Mason by defeating Univer- alty of CallfomU. 9-0.

Iowa To Field Balanced Outfit

•Wc’ ll Make a Good Account of.Ourselves.’ Promises

Dr. Eddie Anderson■ ■ Ilv 1. HKKI.1.KT

IOWA CITV: lowM, i!r|)t. 10 ',1 H c : r > . D r , Mtilr Andei: ihitik-. -it im 10« InuA fooibnll

rdiiy afternnoi iiio io|) .and

lie l>otiom.

;-i;i ijftinncNl. .A lot ho-.\cii-i-, (ic|ii-iid.-p uixjii hoiv Soiilio- morr;i iirrlunn n l tl;<- nid ami ii lilt- Icli hnllbncl: pn.',liloii."‘'' Tlial left Imlfbiick, p<v.liu>n ivu; rillcil la-.t fall by Nile KinnlsU, u |k thiUhril th r •M-a.-von with n iifni moiioiioly on nll-Aiiurkft hallbnrk



i I0V.H iramurn the co»ch of Uic (or 11139, Miys, -tlmt

pt)i,lllon 111 our :.y Kood proniiMI.i InH

iw whnl Ihcy ll do 1Ilri-

So|)liomorei. k:id the coiii- ppllllon for the left hnKbiirk p<v.i, ’Ilicy arc Dill Stiiu;.'.. Toiil Fanner, Hob Brndcr nnd Jim Youel. Each

11 hh mechnnlcal talents bill ich hai yet to become the hispir;\. 5iml lender of ihe Klniilck type,

shorlngethe fott-i

If;, doubtful Uiftt the 1940 tenm will be duhhed Uie "Ironmeii.” Ill; the small iqundron of 1030 star that often wcni a full game wllhoii relief. '

inclenon will have 17 Iclttriiipi Uie ro-,ler. and the bcnrh will () ivdfd with capable reserve.i,,bt)th nran.i,nnd sophomores, t ’s n terrific schedule, however. It the. Hnwka fare, Furthermore.

{^dle'K Inds will rale hlsh on ■ fill of "must'’ Kaints for Wu- i»ln, Purdue, Jiullann. Mlnne.-.otn,

....;1 Noire Dame - foe* that haven’t forgotten 1030 dffeals by Uie surprising lownns.,

McNeillMayPlay' In South America

Tennis •Champion's Journey Depends on Financial

AgreementNKW YORK. Sept. 10 (SI - Don

McNeill, newly crowned jintlonal ;hgles lennU cliamplon. wlU head .in Invasion of South America next month If a financial agreement Is rtaehed w ith the •iygentlne Lawn TcnnLi aisoclaUon.-'", Ed Moa*. secretary of Ui# U. 8. U T-- A. said today th a t Dwood Cooke if Portland. Ore.. Frank Guernsey

jf Orlando. Fla., and Sarah ?al' frey Fabyari of Dostoa wtiraceom- pany 'T>lcNellL'

Plans cftU for the quartet to salt around Uie middle of October fbr

os Aires. The Argentine a.uo- m alao t i trying to arrange

matches in Uruguay and Dratll, cording Ui Moas.

D o d g e r s O b t a i n A l e j t K a i n p o u r i s

BROOKLYN, ^ p t . 10 — The Dodgeri anntfUnced today thfy had purchttMd Alex Kampourls, home mn slugger of Uie Newark 8«an-of Uie Intem aUonal league, for an un­disclosed su(7> of «Ls}> and a playtr •1 be naine<l U ter.

Tlio money Involved was believed to have been between 118,000 and »a,000. .

Reds Score 10-5 Victory Over Bees

Jansen and Piscovich Driven to Showers i i r First

Game o(. Scries

froiji h-1 plotl Sail Uu' flr-.l

| 3 u a l i f y i ^ p g P . o u n d :Cards Buy Six

Minor Leaguers „McCullouvfh and Dc-

Fendin^^ Ch;inip Tic - _for Sci'ond Spot

IV. IIILI. HOM M.A.M,\HO.Vf:CK^.V, r , , £<-pt.

10 (.■(') • r-'nitnlci' In p r iv iu e p ;il(i o ff U)(la;,'t:»;i Dlci; C liap - in iiii. w ho liiiil'- viirlou'.ly from

j N i - f f Y l ) r^ ; . I’lil liid '-ip i^ i. i C rccsi'A ’lrl) Cdiin.. ;u u l lITc

in till-B icd a l li; tliv ;in.hi)li (Hiiillly-


M orion and Walker Cooper May Oo Brolticr Act in

SI. Louis Battery

•ATll^i-vd.i T:ir iir;»,_;ji

■an rri IV,.. CT'miiiir'xl ■' Oti.liii-.5A

r:irmarl:;. ol a n.-rh :i; Kir ils lil down !o ilii

iWdl Uie•S i.tniK- rinl:. 'nn

T hat ■■ '.iti:!! 1•| n ir il, iid.T 1, .•.ro;--: <|fii uiil:mlir:c-i! It.. ,

■f Ilia

xth. Oi;-

:r In tiir

• It «ii

,-H u, n M'li-rfollow'-d

Late Clt>\ »-liiTr llic,-h.i

iKl Ki'mir

till- li;iii<ltr:ii)

will'll-- playrrt loiiinrr*>T series \V. H

* ■*'’ ; :or Uu- l'hlh<

Pilots Blast Way To 4 3 -5 Victory

IDAHO PALLS, S-'llt. 10 (,T. - Dol.ies PUoUi llfled Ihelr baLi on of (he laie .irnton mothballs tnniKli iiid hurried four Tdilio FalU pi:cli rs tor 20 h iu anil a 13-S vicinry," T lir game wa.i the first of a tir-I

ounrt Pioneer lenKue playoff snic iialchlnR the loop’s si:cond an

UilnJ p!/ice cliibi Anri i?i/t llir ttui petition of needing only

decision to re.ich the all.

Lorciir^n, hu'ky cal<- led the PllOl ftttack. whirh renc wInnhiR pioporUons as early-as third Inning.

*. v'lui In th a t frame that Lo: pokod a two-run homer over

Hlshlaftd park fence and liirrea.'.ed Botin'a to u l lo six nin.i, o '

Ml needed. • »Five mare Pilot counter.i t

before tSe host Rus^eU evrr Uie plate. D aaell Fleltl\ xrlio iil/ie h lu over tlK-xtretcIi, WanXlns tliB enemy In all but Uiree sessions.

In.addlU on lo his four-bagRcr, Lorenccn‘fulUonod a triple and a double and drove In four run::. Bob­by Price. Dolso IcfUleider, sol four hit^. all singles, A feat more than

itfhed by Mel Duerjlwu of ld:iho Falls n1i(x>e quartet of blowi. includ'

1. a Ihree-bagger.'A izm m ertion indR oyT lU rj-w .i HI bflfore the Boise attack, tin

fonnw being tagged with the de feat. Ed SmlUi gave way to a pinch h llter In the elghUi and Frrd Brad­ley completed the evening's pitching ■ ■- /o r . Uie lasert.

Jack Mrnta

game, to be played a t the Idaho cap­ital, while Johnny Zar or £d Bahr wui fling for Idalio Falls. noii« t b '

If «r rl (^ 'jV “ s

« Pofnt. M ijOtnon, r/'- l^iom'fv. r'ISv.%MW 1

..-D1IU4 l«r 6allb I

Urreri OMtnbtrr. R>n ./llllimMn. rrla* i. U«r* X. <. ArlMl. Uc<8*(tUIc* hlU->WlllUauan. TrlM. Di ee rWM> S. KmntrtMr 1, TUT I. Salih t. 6«nuk «KH-br n.l<li Fj*m»n»nti S. Sotllh 4. H«m«

Thr*« bo* hli»— Prlt«. Dumbon. Two b«M hit— Doubli iUt*—ItalM to Forql ts Ottai OvmlMO

rArIMt ta BtlM. t«lB i rlulMr—En-

Durlnc June, gasoline tiaes In the state of OallfomlA n ic h rd ». btgh of ISJ60.0034S. ' -

i-i iii 3 .3:. cii.i; fi,;i l;(ii,.i:.

■i Illflfl <Li pha

r Colu:iil.;is farm the jiiiitirti Outficldrr Itar- I rxrimnsc ror Pitchers rrit niirt ’I'om Suiikel •5 Bob Rcpasx and Bert

for Pllchtr Gene Lll- , lard and rush. S! Louts will get. Pitclirrs Henr>' Gomlckl, John i^rKlr:'c-Ki and H^r^cllfl Lyoti» and (n tirld rr f'r:iiik Cr^^pl irom Roch- ".!<T • another farm tesm. . -----

(I. 71-7i. and llnro

;• public lliit-i Char

r Wii!',:rr cn

I Height.','1(1.

I llirUKliipion-, Clfor^e

Johnny Ownlmnii of Omaha. 1; Evims of and Francis c l of Bo.'.ton. 17ie only other

I,', public•lllrhnl

•rooiirr. workliiR irrt.round 03, mn •oniliiK home lii : ju t by Uien he'd

) f St.

Baugh s Passes ^ Swamp All-StarsVifashinijlon Redskins Score

35-12 Victory Ovor Coilejc Gridmcn

nOSTON. Sfpl. 10 t,r,-W ilh Uielr fniiied sltngln' Snmmy IlaiiKh tfn.-*- lug Ihrre touclidown, Uie Wft.ihlnKlon Rediklns of Jhe Na- lloiml profev.lfinnl football lengiie ov('t-whelmed the Boston array of eastern all-.sUr cnllritians 35-12, to- iilah l a l Ftnway park.

DftUgli pill Uie Eame on Ice In Uie first .i>er)od wlirn he contacted Charlie Malone and Ilnywiird S an­ford In the colI«lan»’>'rnd rone wlUi of seien and 50 yards renpectlvely. Late’.ln Uie game, lie Set'Up the Redskins' fifth and final touchdov,-n by asahi'feedlnR Malone ft perfect lO-yard pa.M.

T he other Washlnstnt?^ touch- doivna.H'crc goUied bj’-D l±Todd and noy zimmennan.

Holy’ Ronnie Cahill u t up tlie collegians’ first countcr by launclilng Uie most beauUtul aerial of th e game, a S»>yarder tha t Lloyd Icke.s. former Penn Slate star, caught and carried over the licdiktna' goal line. In the second period,

During the finale, after Rutger*' ■^lll Tranavlcli, easily Uie'-game’s outaiandlng defensive pon'tr. Inter­cepted one of Zimmerman’s paascs nnd rnced to. the Redskin’s 10. C a­hill broke Uirough hU tight tackle for a touchdown.

New York . Boston Chicago ....

F b tU d e lp b la ____ - i » 7 | 091


CInclnnaU . Brooklyn - n tU b srg b .

Chicago_ S J

1 # 47»‘

152 E n t e r B u l i l< / o I f T o u r n a n i c n t

llUriL. S<iit. 10-A field of 32. iiolfers t>oite(1 qunllfyliii! scores for tlir- Iluhl flub loiiriia.ment now tn l>r»srei.\ at the Clear Lakes roune.

Pinv mil eondmie through the m onth with fhiah sclietluled Oct. 6. n<.-.',till-i of Initial comiielttlon, the club rci»ried, included: J . D, Mwji defr^itert Kvercit Kujtead, Harold

a-n;i o rn Kmll Bo.'dealck, CH-o Clinton deraulled to .Olln L. S in iih and W, Ler llnnard defeated • J. II «hli-U!s. Frank equlrei lost to U. C. Fait: Hermsn Voi* de­feated Frwl HarUiig. Harry Barry won over Rollle Dulklty. Leonard Almqubl (Icfuulted to Homer Buch- - aniut nnd Jonie.' D. Pence won over Wiilt Lyon.

Web Cox of Huhl, who held the :.iiitc champton.ihlp- for Icfl handed Loir during 193B and 1839. was vic­to rious In defending hli UUe a t the r.late nouthpaw toumainent held a t Burley . Sunday., J

fCr;i Clirlli, anti Je:j O. Zailinait of Huhl also enterrd the touma-. m rn l. Ken Curtis plsred fourth.




H ere Are Some E.\amplc5

1039 Ford Coupe, excellentcondlilan .................. S S 3 51337 Gicvrolet Coupe.-motor reconditioned, new

. >lnl;,h .... ................. S4501937 Chevrolet DeLuxe Totvn Sedan, good .....................- .....$ 4 7 51030 PlymbuUi DeLuxe Coupe,motor, flnlsli. bodyKood ....... ................... 5 3 5 01030 a ievrolet TOwn Sedaji, m otor reconditioned, new finish, h(»tcr _ .- .......S 3 7 5loan Lafayette 4-Door Sedan, n i ^ r . body, uphoUlery finLih. heater......S 3 4 5

~19JS-Cherrol«-4-Docr StflAH:' m otor rtcondlUoiied .- .$ 2 7 5 1934 Qievrolet DeLuze Sport Coupe, motor rtcondlUoneil. new two-t«iB ptlflUheater ____________1B34 CHlSsmeblti i-Dooe Se> dan .......... ...... .............S 2 0 0in-i-i i.ruvo

- « » 0 ,1033 Ford PordorSedan ____ ; ..... .. , $ 1 B 01031 Chevrolet 4-Door

---------- * 1 1 0

192S Chevrolet Colch

. T R U C K S103S Chevrolet IH Too 'Ituelc, long W JJ, duals — - S S B O m i ChevroleC IH Ton Ttuok.Long W 3 , d u tU ----- .S 4 7 B1934 ChevToW m Tva iWiek. Ions W 3 . stake body - S | 8 8 1971 Ford Tea . Plekuft'ttafcc body ________.^ 1 3 2 1 ';1938 Chevrolet H * n l>Watp.

' i-epeed tran tm U m . . ( 3 8 0 . .

Page 8: Vol. S3, No. ISO Bomb Strikes Germany’s · Tlie bill as passed by Uie senate made all between ...


Page 9: Vol. S3, No. ISO Bomb Strikes Germany’s · Tlie bill as passed by Uie senate made all between ...


3 legged pig^ cows, sheep, horseC ‘‘See Livestock at the F a ir” columnW A N T A D H A T E S

r o r PubUnUoa tn BoUi TIMES UJd NEWS:

RATES PEB LI>X PEB OAT:' Eix P " I'M P " '••3'.-

33 1 /3 Discount F or Cash

C ish dlacounU «Uowed If ftdvertlse- m eni Is paid for »1lMa u r m dnyi of : i n t ImerUoa.No ftd tAktn (or I tu t h u600 tncludins discount.L ine or clmlfiwS adverUslng com­puted on bjuls of flv* medium- Ifntrth «-onl4 per line.



Leave At« * t K W Hoot Beer IN RUPERT

Leive Adj a t Residence of • Mri. Ida Wheeler. 715 B BL

IN BUHL Leave Ad» a t Jojiln’s '

Shell Surer Eenlco 6UUon.200 Orotdvs)’ South

T lili paper »ubKrlbej to tJie code ot ' «ihlc« of Uie AHOclallon of Ncwf

paper ClosilflM AdVortlalnB U»n- agers and rMerrea th# right to. edit or reject any clauKled advertiiini “Dllnfla Ad»" canylng a New«-Timei Box niunber are jtrlcUy eonfldenUai and no Information can be glren In

• r e ta rd to the adrcrthcr.Error* *hould b« reported Immedi­ately. No allotrwce will bs mado for more ihan^one Incorrect injor- Uon.

SPEC IA L NOTICESBED bug fumlKHtlon. T . T. Floral

REFIHQERATOIl wrvlce. Ph. 771,

1st class altemllont, drrmniaklng. M nS. NELLIE VAN ADSDELN

T30 Main 8. ' Ph. 1031

AniS. LETOE FORTUNE a t UiB VoBue. First cl«M altm tlon i,

Independent operator., Ph. 007.

BKT. o«r »li*mln exlilblt. Merchant*' SIdB. Have your blood preuuro tnken. Dr. Ilftm. clilropmctor, nt

I f lc ^ m b o (34 oz) Mailed Mllk* uhero the hi tchool Kang hiins> out. Lurge danca floor. Tha Peter Pan—«croM from Scott's.


GOOD THINGS TO EATOnA PES. BrlrB cont. 151 Sidney.

TOMATOF3 60c. T. F. .Floral. C«,

CRAPES. 355 Duchannn. Ph, CSaW.

R IP E Enimctt Concord Brnpcs nnd prunes. PiibllB Mtt. 480 B^Lk.^. N,

HALE peachy and pears. Yeil We mill have some. Reasonable. North Main P n ill Mkt.. 7M block, ,

PRUNES, SOc bu. Fresh picked every morning. Bring containers. Boat load melons, 8c, lOc. MS 8ho.

PR 0N E8. gmpes. Jplly crabs. .. matoes. red potatoes, all cheap. North Main Fruit Mkt.. 700 block.

PRUNES, peachci. grapes, tomatoes. Bring conUlners. Market B uktt, 8 P o ln ti E. Earl O. Ralnt^1■ ’

50 Bushels Queen ElberU p

McINTOBIt apples are now ready. O ther varieties and prunra later. By bushel or truck load. At D, L. W onacotl’s, 3 ml. JC. on U .'S . 30. >i ml. 8. Ph. 04S2-J3.

rEACHEfl 'a t the nrown orchnrtl I lu rrj' If you want some of tlioic Champions. ElbcrtM «nd Hales, Sep t 2. BrlnR your own conUilners. Truckcra soUcltfd, No fruit sold on Sunday. Floyd Brown, owner.


A t i m e l y c l a s s i f i c a i i o n

M V K S T O C K O N E X H I B l ' n O i V

& : r O R S A L E A T T H E F A I R —

t U nder this HcaBonnr'dassificalirin look fo r apccial buys iit livestock now bein g displayed at the Fair. In mamj in.'itanccs .blue libbon prize winncrit n>r. o ffercd fo r m le . . . localc the best buys through Ihe Hews and Time.'; rlasi;ified ad!>. A t the fa ir, v'atch fv r - the ■• ign:


ns a d v er tised <>i th e

c la s i i f ie d c a lu m n i o f th e .

N E W S a i u l T I M E S


Fpennanents I l iO up. Ph. IW

PKRM, « . 15, 18. *4 prlcc. HIS Kimberly Rd. Ph. J747. Mrs. Bea- mer and Grace WelJa.

SPEOIAL-M wave tor.U.SO: t« and U wavM M brlc«. Idaho Baroer i t Beauty Shop PH. 424


EXP. store clerk, aon’lco station and truck driver wanLi work. Ref*, fum. Box S3. Newa-Tlmcs.

YOUNO nfiirrled-Jnan wunts dalo' work. Mnchlnery and Irrigation exp. Box 43, No'R'B-nmes. _

MIDDLE ased lady ' work, 2 ml. E.. 3 £ Cft.%e.

HELP W A N TED — WPMEN■QIRL for RTn. hscwk. 5)0 Lincoln,

OIRL lor Bcn. hswk. Ph. J873-J.

LADY,for gen, hou/«ework. cnri* o( 2 children. Go Jiome nlsht-v Cull OVM. «-7;30, 203 OUl E Ph. ISOS.

IXPER. sMni-iirer.'* wnii;^:(l. nave a-orkcd in ta ilo r ilibp before. Babbel's CloUilng Clinic.

BEAUTY operator wlUi cood fojlow. *_lng In Twill FnlU and vicinity ■ OlT# exper. and rer». Box 62


FURNISHED' ROO.MSMOD. rm.. outside entr. Ph. 33S.

RM. garage. Reas. Sth Ave. N.

PLEASANT, convenlent n

60o UP. Avant Hotel. 161 2d Ave. E.

I., cloie In. Ph. 1637.

LAROE double rro. for 3. PrlvMe bath. Jicnii-O. Separate enlran(;Cj, Ultra-niodcrii.-Pji. 2011.

UNFURNISHED HOUSESJ R.MS.. bath, clo.-.e In. Ph. 328 nr 07.

•3 RMS., 3 miles o

•Ril. duplex. 150 Blue U kes B.' N.

4 RM. howe. Clow In. 528 2nd A



.SMALL Imp. ncrjuEV. Ph. OIDOR3.

0 lo 130 A. Imp. farm, .crop rriit. Have nvn <^ilp„ cnn finance self, Rudolf Martens. Eden. Ph. 4R1.

3 EXP. waltrr.we.i. 20-30. »3i5 per day and board. Blue Jay Cnfe. Eh ko, Nev. Apply between tli-12 n. m. Wed., Thur. a l News-Tlmes of-

BUS[NESS O PPO R TU N ITIESWELL locatcd beer -parlor and cari

room, doing very nice business Jerome, Ida. Box 1174.


VACANCy. R c ^ A p U . 'Phr-1217.

BUSINESS training prepi Enrol now for type., short, bkkpg. T. F BusLne.u Univ. Graduates pli

— AIRCRAFTSMEN —T il" best tn aircraft training will be

offered to guallljln;;. healthy American clUtens. We malnCMn «{f« tlve free placement for well paying Job* In the Industry in California. Ages 18-34. W« can help finance you. Write or see Mr

...... Hf&ottte;-Rep,, pacific AircraftT raining School. Rogcrson. Hot«l, Twin Faiu . 9 a. ra. to B p. m.


W ILt, trada IS coupe for equity I • late mode] coupe. Box <7, Ne«-:

T im e*.' \

'SVANT .to borrow MOO for 13 m6,v lo r . int. Will give d inttel mort- gnRO cn 35 head dairy cowi hclfert. Box 40. Njwi-Tlmei.



O il Permanenta ()J» up Junior tta> den t work free 135 Uolo WeeL, '

F U R I^ IS H E D . A P A R T M E N T S

3 AND i rm. giB Pierce.

APT. 141J Klmb*rly-Bd. Ph. 1747.

VACANCY. Rccd Apt*. Ph. 1317.

REDECORATED. 310 flth Are. Bast.

JUSTAME«IE Inn. P h . 486, OasU 971

APT8. TTie OxfortL «38 Umta North.


BD. and rm. SO 'Snd Avc. E.

RM. and Bd. 120 6 lh Are. N.

10 TO ao acres, mostly panturf and 4lf«lfa. vicinity Tv,’ln Falls HuIiI. srinpwhle for dalo'lne. . rm. hou^e. or larger. Can fumLih good rrCs. Would like po.ues.nlon about March 1. Write P. O. Box B31, Buhl.


Fred P. Bates—Northen U fs In Cc, Pearey-Tabef Bldg. Ph. 13:


ncJt rates and termsl

b all U nd Bank • borrower! are currently paying. Why pay more? 8cc NutJonal Farm toaa 113 3t1 Avb. S .J n J


/ modem 5 room bouse wipigangs Phoae 441

NEW S-rm. modem borne, full bota* ment. garage, big tan-n. flower*. Shrubs. Small down paymmt. Call a fte r«. 318 n ita o re .

SACTUnOE In Ineom* Propcrtyt )-rm. dwelling, stoker, ’ alr-eondl-

tlonrd. Must lell a l oncel Pb. 2041.

R.M. concrete house, well Innilat- ed. Olassed-ln back p o ^ Udwd, floon. cement ba.«menl. Elec'. hot waUr healer. Oarage. 72J 3nd Ave, W.


50xl» CORNEB lot. KSjolce loc t- Uon. Inq, 811m'* B uber 8bop.Dk^U,^. tit


F U R N IS H E D R O O M S '8, JW 2nd AV9.-N.

IUI& SLDd gar. 23Q Slh /

LO. rm . steam h t. 450 3d Ave. M.

TO 8 RMfl., full buem enl, rtlter. Olre deuils. Box fll. N»in«Tlme».


WELL Improved BO A. 1 ml. from Rlchficld. 0. W. Adams. Ameri­can FalU.

o n LEASE, any she acrrage from 40 to *00 acres. Renter mual fu r­nish Kiulpment. Prrmanent water rlRhW. Good bulldlnji, well Icnc- rd. U nd In hiph itivle of eulU-' ration. H. F. Dcardorff, Malm. Ida. .

WELL-I.MPROVED SO-acro farm, 4 li ml. 8. Df Buhl: paved high-

• way: 71 acres cultlyuble. 3 iws- tures. Ssle price 110,600: int. 4‘:r, 10r«.riown, 1032 payi annual prln. and. Int. Write S. M. Chadburu, Jerome. Id*. Ph. 337-M. Jerome.


TO LKA6K; 80 acre?, well Improved 15 acres ot thh-Iard Is dry. re­quiring liutallatloa of water wheel. Tenant mwi be lamlllar wlUi op­eration and con.^tructlon of wa- ler wheel, A Rnwl fnrm for Uie riKht tenant.* I'EAVEY-TADb-u CO.


F0R D 30N tractor, rfcondltloiied motor. For quick sile. »75. BuliL Phono 68.


CUSTOM GRINDINGGrind It where it growsl

MORELAND MILLING SERVICE, Ph. 318, Filer, Ph, calls oJI grinding.

CUSTOM GRINDINGIT-OYD MILLER, RL I, Filer. Idaho. Phone 72JJ—we pay phone calU.

G raln storage and leed cleaning ■dag»—Burlap* and aeomless



Order now for fall planungl GLOBE SEED i: FEED C O .




F. A. and 4-H clubs. 43 fat utivlt. steer*, hen,

Inmhi Friday, 9:3tl a, m, Judging arena, fslr Kroiinrtj. Auctioneer: Col. waiter. .

PKRCHFrnOH stnlHon.i and mares fhr .-ale at all tlme.i. phamplon Ahnw stofk. .Spring Cove Ranch. Arthur Diillfr’ A Sons,, 5 miles west of DliM. 1 mile north of U, S. 30.

BEGIANa, fl yr. old mare and .. colt. 1 jT.. 2 yr, and 8 yr. old stnlllont. 3 siallinn eolts. Mrs. Lu- Uier Jfowartf, Buhl.

Kd hog for Sc. Near poul'

IlAMP.-jinRE ptiffdi. F. L. Stephan.


10 PUREnnED llampihlre buck lambs. Mlkny, E . ‘i 6., Sugar Factory,

GUERNSEY fow^. heifers, 2-r7r house, rofftr, dinetie table. oc(chulM. iillijiT .'CS-. mch, 0480'R:

ALL or oiir-hnlf my herd of 20 wracle Jn.-.ry null: rows. Good .^lufl! O. M. EvnM-n, Buhl. Ph. 313-JI.

GOOD moMth ear. PricM to' sell Oo J^rlitilcr roijrl of n<)jer- .v)ii, Jiio.'D. Pnife, Ph, 1833. 141 AddUon, ,, .

.400 LARGE wtm» face yesrIhiK rwei, near liollLiter.' Using Suf'

• lolk-IIninpihire buclu for Feb. 2( lamblni Joe Yr»:ul. Ph. 0493-Ji: or Roy Palnicr.

Busincss an d Professional

D IR E C T O R YBaihs and Massages

5U-well. S3S Main W. Phone 155.

Mallorj-. 114 Main Noiith. Pli. IIC-R.

Bieucle Sales & ScrviceBLAHIUS CYCLERY

Bicyclca for Rent'GLOVSTEIH'S-PRONE S09-R


Coal and )VoridPHONE 3

ir Aberdten coal, moving and tr.ins- fer McCoy CosI i i Transfer.

Curtain 'Shop

Dry CleaningParisian Dry CIcnners. Pho 850,

nousehold Need*


M. E Helmbolt Sp Ag. Ph IS2(,

Peavey-’taber Co„ Inc., Phone 201»,.ln *Fire and nuto Uuunsce.

J . Z, ROBERTS, rep, largest exclu­sive health, accident Co. In world. 333 Main Ave. N. Ph. (83.


Key Shop

M oney to Loan

e*a J , X WUte n n t for loan* od borne* or builne** p r o p t^ . Low Rjitei. gulclt MTTlee.' U9 M « la '£

Don’t Em barrass Y our Friends.Use our calary-loaxti.

Prleodly.-coafldenUiL 30 m Jnut« ' •eerrlce

. cAfiii o n t o r r c o m pa n y Am*. I.g Burkholder Bld«. Ph. Tie

Money to Loan

$ 2 5 , t o $ 1 0 0 0

UP TO IS MONTH.S TO RrPAY Coiiimcts, rednancfti—private (Ales llninccd—cosh advanced.

Consumers Credit Compaii.v

$ 1 5 A N D U Pon your car or Junilture. Puy- m enti to suit .your Income.


Next to Fidelity Bank

Oeieopathlc PhysicianMUler CUnlo, 413 li i ln N Pb. 1977.Dr. O. W Rose. IK U tlo N. Ph 037

P ainting and DecoraVmgG;>nty painting, kalsomlnlng. 30S6-W

Planing MillWe m*ki sash, doors, scrctns, cabi­

nets coimters—anything of wood TWIN FALLS LUMBER CO.

Phone S43

Plumbing and Heating

Radio Re^^iringPowell Radio, 183 3&d Ave. N.'


Ent n good meal *c Caledonia Hotel Coffee shop, 2Sc Open all nighl. Rooms. II up. 301 Bhoihoo* SouUi.

Shoe Dyeing-RepairinglOABO Shoe 6blD4. AU colon.

TraUeraT n l lK Botuet. Qcm TtkUct Oo.

TypeiffriiersSalw , renlali tn d lerrloe. PhonsBO.


Vacuum CleanerBVACUUM repair. New Royals, re-

buUt*. V. U MUes. &30 B l Lk&Ph, n i l .

L ife’s Like That By N ehr

"One more word outft p itn l!!!!’’

i;o hnck to the hos-


Ph, Leo J. Hanlon.

HIGHEST prices psid for your fst chickens and tuikcys. Independ en t Meat Comoiuiy


FRYERS, milk fattened. Ph. 0285JJ,

100 AUSTRIA White pullets, start ing lo Uy; also R. I. Red.', Barred Rocks, W ilte Rocks and Buff Or- plnglons. Extra nice I lUyei Hatch-


RABBIT hutches. Ph. 038T-R13..


3 OIL burner stove.s lultable lor cabin. AUo water heater and tank. Inq. Wegener's Auto Court.

GOULD'S pump.s and wa^'r pj’ tems a t reduced prlecj. M, T. Sjates

■Implement Co. ’ “

1830 Harley Davidson H hiotorcy- cle. Good condition. Prlcrrt to sell! Philip Bailey. Wendell. R . :.

Good Used Tj'pewrller Late style—Good shipc,

318 Main NorthGALVANIZED metal rooflnj. Both

eorrugated and 'U."'0.' Stormsfsl Channeldraln, Low carload iirlt

KRENGEL-S HARDWAREw t have the complete line of gen­

uine ESTATE HEATR0LA5 anc coal range* on ditplav.


grocery flxtore.s. nearlj' new, wen- flee lor J3^00, Escellcnl terms, John Bolton, Mint Cigar Store.


BANQ. coal rang* 145. Ph. 1S33-W,

SPARK oil burner, like new; ihG point elec, stove, Rw>d cnnd. s3 and Ave. E. Ph. 1050-W.

1 USED ESTATE Oil circulator, llks new. JOO.

H A RRY MUSGRAVE10 OOOD uaed clrtulntlng hc.iters,

*30 CO $30. Genulna Estate circu­lating heatrola. lirand new. tSDiO.


ELECTRICAL supplies for home and commercial wiring. Modern liglit- inc (Ixture/i, Fluorescent Initalli- tion.


S E E OUR DISPLAY!In the M erchants' Dlsplsjr building

Twin FnlU County Fair, Filer fsir ground*. Sept, 10Ui-13ili. Meet m't and my eijtertalfier* and corns to th e -a ir l



WE have a few good reconditioned band Instruments. All In good cj^i- ditlon.

Dumaa-Wamer Music Co. Elk*’ Bldg. Ph. Ml. EsUb 13 Yrs.

P I A N O B A R G A IN S !Pay like renU W fhava * few piano*

sUglitly damaged In ablpplng. at bargain price*.'

C L A U D E BR OW N Music ^ Pum lure Co.

GOOD Tlolln. Raas. Phj 1233-J.

RACK). Don’t buy Mijr used rwUo until rou *M « cpeolAl new mod* el RCA Vlctcr *eUU)g for cnly in j)5 . Term* I t per week.

CLAUDE BROJVNMtuic u td r tim itu n Oo,

- • V.’ "

!■ -

ALTOS FOR SALEOR TRADE-1B30 Ford cmipt. Good

Miiipe. .Matt McCoy.' Pn. 73-.17. Filer.

•31 CHEV. dfl. itrtn-, new tires, »l-.'' '31 Ford pkup. its . Chry. ch. S2;i O'Connor, opp. Pork Hotel.


fiUM.MOSB1 the ProUstr Co'jri cf T-iin Palls County, St^ito oI JUiiho

S C. WYAl-J', ■ PUtnuIf.


You aro hereby lunmioned to ep*' penr in the abo\e entitled Court to ba hi'ld a t the County Court House In said County, in the above entitled cause, within five (Si day* Irom tlie dstft of Sonicr of tills Summons upon you, 1/ served wiUiln this County, or If scned elsewhere, ihen within twenty i:oi doj-» from Uie date 6r Service of Uils Summons upon you, and plead to plaintiff's coniplniiit on file in said Court, or bJiJil/f Hill wkc jHriiTOcnt asaiiu t ou as pra}cd In said complaint. 'Hiis action Is'brought to recover

from defendant Uie sum of 174.00 <lur {rum delendant lo plaintiff for unp.iul olflce rent.

WITNESS .\!y hand and official seal this 26th d*x Of Augtist, 1040.

C.-A. BAILEY. Piob:ite JuctRc nnd lU-OIllclo

Ckik or Probate Court. I6EAL1

rub. Ne-.v.s-Aug, 28, Sep. 4, II. 18, 3$. 1040,


EXCEPTIONALLY good rt-w heel trailer with comblnaUon h»y rack and stock bed. 635 Main WesL

Truck and Pickup ipeclali................ .......................... «S;H50

1— 35 Chev. long w. b.. beet b#H|_ 8 -plckups lO to •37, Excellent**

baj-s; many-makes, modeLv ~^Balsch-;Moto^ 385 Shoshons Bo- '39 CHEV. trflw recondllloned. Good—m b b c r^ a k e c o m , h tc iue.^o :!,•37 Chev. plcktip. Extra.good "uO

rubber overload, 4 *pced trans. .Motor recond. Low mllesge. *350,

8x18 trailer house ....................$135We have now a bunch of model

A's from lao to *135,WOODY SEAL MOTOR CO,

120 3rd Avc. Phons B58-R

A i i i i l N e l l i e , _

P l a n s ’ C h u t e J u m pPARKTON. Md,. Sept. 10 tS^ —•"niojc worrying hoopers" — Aunt

N elllcjallcd ’em that herself—wjre not exactly sure today what to ex­pect from MIm Ella Hooper. 85.

An alrpliine rldo in Baltimore, bw first, on her hirUidaj- yesterday, gave Aunt Nellie plenty of Idea*. It broutht forth ' tlie- boast tha t she'd taka a p.irachute Jump next year -to cclcbrate her. 8fiUi birthday, and mcAmvhllc she'd like a dive In a lubmarln* If Uncle Safe can srmnge

Vigorous despite her age. ihs did­n 't pu l her relatives at rest elUtcr with the a.-.-.crtlon she was going to apply again for a to drive her nncicnt automobile, a practice she rnVB up five years ago a t behest of "tliose m-orrjlng Hoopcr.-t." Until rerrntly she rode a bicycle regularly from her farm Into P.ukton,

M c t l i o d T o l d

F o r R e s u e c i l a t i o nWASHINGTON, Sept. 10 (/t>-A

ew method of revU-InK perrons par­tially drowned or cvercome by gn* r a i reiwrted today tn tlie Journal of Modem Medicine.

laitead of laying Uie victim face- downward. Dr. Palm P^le^t ot c:op. enhftgen advLses placing the vlcUm on his right side arid allemntely preiislng on tlie ribs and puUIng the right — ■ ■

................................... -the'-oW••prone pressure" metliod of resusclt- allon. Dr. Praest s*Id,

FA IRFIELD ,Teacher* Meet — Cam u county

teacher* tirtt o t tJie eourUiouso F ri­day. Sept. 0. School supplies fur- nWied by the county office w ert given out and general school plan*

t r e discussed.Trnsjee* Reeleeled ~ M n. Bany

U m son and W. J. Packliaro wer» reelected ti\isi«*s lor three-yew term* cn the Oamas county rur»a high school dlsfrlet board sit the an ­nual eleeUon Iw t Tuesday. UlUa Interest wji* ahoim In the elecUon, less than 50 Totei being e o n In lh« entlh: cotuily. There waj ao compe- UUon.

Enrollment Inem ae* — BiroU- ment in the ftlrfleld «r»de tcliDet show* an lncr«M* bt appirptfmttt);

to P rtndpa l U o y d ----------- ---------totiO of 98. There w e 13 flr*t srmd- em IncJudln* nine boy* tnd.U ire* llrU.


Fjtxte of HELEN LOUISE RAGAN. decra.sed, 'NoUcc Is hereby given by the

unclrriiKned -adm lnbiraior of the c of Helm Louise Riigan. de- ■a. to the creditors of and all

persons having claims against the 'tslci deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouclien, within ( It mantlis after the t in t publication of this notice, to the s.ild adm lnlstntor , at Uie office ol John W. Graham. T»m Falls Bank & Building. T«ln Falla. County of Twin Falls. State of Idaho. Uiis being the first I>lace fixed Jdr the transaction of tlie busini^tj of said e^tnte.

Dated .'ieplfinber 7, 1040,JOHN W, GRAHAM,

.\clmini',iraior of the estAte of llr lrn Ixjui-.c R.ig^i. deceas'-d-

Pub News. Sept. U .18-:J: <5ct. 3.

NOTICE OF PROOF i-ni.icA TioN OF w . m n

TO nENEFiCIAL t'HF.•.ice Is hereby given that a t 10

A. ,M.' on ihfl 2Cth day of September. I9«0, Rt Twin FnlLs, County of Twin !• llL•.. s ta te of Idaho, belore J. R. Keenan, Notary Public, proof will be i.ubmilied o t the appllcatloti to be.-iellctnl use of 8.4 cubic feet per second .of the waters of Rock Creek In accordance with the term* aiid. conditions of Permit No, 17179 here- tofore Issued by the Department of Reclamation ot the State of Idaho.

Tlie name and postolflee address of the i>err.on or corporation holding said permit are Clyde E. E dm lnstffj^ Hansen. Idaho.

e use to, which said water ha* been applied Is lnlg»tlon and domes*

Tlip anioiint applied to bencIlcUl- use Is 6.4 cutilc feet per second.^

Tlie place where said water Isiised (If lor Irrlsntlon, give full and *c- •

.curate desCTlptlon of the'U nda Irri­gated) N E ^ ,N \'iii. W '.i.S W li.ErjT SEIi. of Section 29. EH. N Eti. and E‘>, S E '. , o( Section 30. all In Town­ship 11 South. Range . IS -E a it , Boise Meridian.

e name of the canal or ditch or other works by which aald water I* . conducted to sucli ploci of tue i* private ditch.

The right to take water frtrni *ueh «orJ[» Is ba.sed upon Permit No.I'm#.- ^_ jr iio souite of suppl)' from whlcb such water Is diverted U Rock CrMk.

Th" d*t« of prlertty wlilch aald 'e r Is prepftred to estnbll&h Is 8ep-

tember 33.1939.JAMES BPOFFORP.

CommUsloner of Reclamation.Pub, News-Aug, 21. Sep. 4. 11. 18.





In Ute M atter -of th i E iU te of THOMAS WALTER AUSTIN.

DeoeMCd.Notice 1* hireby given tha t T . C.

Sheneberger. admlnLstrator. with will annoKsd o t theM U U of Thoma* Walter Austin, dee«'a*ed, will *«U » t private sale. In one parcel, to th r highest bidder, upon tba term* u id condition* berelnatter ,mennoned. and subject to confirmation by u ld Probate Court, on- or after S«p- Umber 37..1940. a lL ^ a right, title, mteresc and Mtate of lh» i t i d " Thomtis W alter AusUn, deceaaed. a t the time o( ht* death which w u 'a ' fee simple Interest tn and to the ' real property hereinafter dcscrltwd. and all Uic right, title Im d Interest that Uie estate h&s. by operation ot litw, or dthirwtse, tcquirtd. other Hun or la addition to th a t o( i»Jd deceased, a t the time of hi* death.

' In and io t h i t oertaln lot, piece . parcel of land 'sltuate ly in t and being In th» Coucti of 'Ta-ln M l* . State of Idaho, ta d more p*rtieu- larly as to say. •- •i.-n i* W est«lOH of t o t TWO In .Jl^eki.On*, and the N orth ..O nr , * w * 'o f the W « t Half of LoT— ?. thirty-one tn Bloclc-One of H lch -. land View T rac t to stther wlUl three and one-half share* of etpl« , tal itaok In Twin V*]l» Oonol Company. . ' •Termi tn d condition*- e f~ .u ls : _

cash, lawful money of the Unlt«|l State*; ten per eent of the pu r- ' chase money to be pa id 'a t the time of aale: balano* on oooUnnatleB

A il.bltU or Qffa^'^'^iiiuk vrlU ai UKl m«3r b« U n « t iu otOM.-: ot W ilm and B batib«f«r. la n d i i i t r NMiottoi .B tsk .-BnDdti ' '* Twin PoU*. Id tM , tor BUT .b«’.«

tn t« r in M ld.oetustr «r o r ^ 'b « f U » d l n ) i s a e :XJiert of mi* Oonrtj «t i f u r the U rtt puW iflrtJ-- - - ootice tnd bKora tiu anUns er.1l tale.

Dated u u t io tb ( U r ,e ra iM a

p .« .aj>«ttdeT «W iU tf'A snas,

Pub. K m r S tp t , 1!

Page 10: Vol. S3, No. ISO Bomb Strikes Germany’s · Tlie bill as passed by Uie senate made all between ...


EXHIBIT SHOWSmmmmInlcrcsting D isp lay Jne of

Many at T w in Fails - CoLinty F a ir

• Amor.t BiKiilllcnnt exhlbiti ni the T*!!i FAlla county fa ir , wlilcli open­ed jeilffilay a t il i r falrKroiiniU Flirr, li t chm iirK lc cx1j11;11 spc w rtd by Uic Buhl G rnnK c Mid chftrge of I, E. Staiisell. wlioie niune ha« long bfcn linked w ith the aerl* cultural fhrnil.itry oiovemeiit,

The Mhlblt In Uin produce build­ing b provlcird through tlie clietnui^ sic council and by lli r D uP on l« pany, and li provides nil Insight the role tfhidi aKrlcullunil [iroduciapliU- In ttip mtIustrJal_wor|fl.,._^___

, T^’pleil or Uic exh ib it are juch articles ai phmicn. enamel, ipoiiRea. »ynllitUc cnmphor, pos '.ders, ynms. /abrlcj, iilialotrapJUc mnterlaLi. plUnlvci, LulUllnR materials, parts and almost anything nnd ever>'ttilii8. All a re mncle from nKrl* cultural productji, indlcnuiig Uie lin- porlance of chtmurBy to iiuch nRrl- cultural lecllons as T w in FVill coun- ly and the Mnglc Vixlley.

Polnled out In tlie dl.iplay l.n th a t llie<Untlfd Stftles Im jxjrti mllllon.i

. of pounli of tunK oil each yciir. nltJioucti In Uie o rcha rds of Klorldn and Loul.Matia Is found n nut which

. provldti necrvnr^' oil fo r Ihla pur-

•An attmctlve'iiltiR appcarlnK In the exhibit h(v.' a bowl made of co t­ton, a siem from coal, air and

' , r«Mr; rnsiiiir o r coverl/iR* Car ■ lauw jcj n rr tlLfplnyed u bclns

made from cellulose.


, 20-30 Club Event Set fo r Oct. 5 ; Varied Topics

Bofqre M eetingTft-in fa lli 30-30 clu'^ rarmbera

enjoyed an, en tertn lnm en t pmcmin and conducted orcnnltAilon neas during liuit cvcnlnR'* mcetliiK a t tlie Roccraon hotel.

October s was dciln ltc ly seJrek-d charter nlKht, cli no

halls art available before Uiat time. I t vas aUo announced Uiat - dLi- irlci gmcmor. Bob Rodman, hus «et Oct. 8 m (lie d a te for Uie sub- dljtrlct coavcnUon to enable bew of other 20-30 clubs In UtI.n section to attend tlie charter nlRht

Accordloa numbers were iirovldrd by Rtlaa DeVries, nntl a tentative new member, anil Ed Lloyd fvcnlnB'i fnu.ilenl fjuli contest by gucislni »electlon offered by the ^ccordlonlJt, '

It was voted th a t th e otilcc of a!Ulslai\l icrK cant-at-arm .v will be

-Ji'tld by Uie lost new paid member of tJit elub. who will remnlii PMlUon untn the nex t new be: Is admitted.

Tlirce new ten ta tive nirinbrrs> present m miesto. Tli

Mr. DeVries. Fred N, ‘ ' Bob 8cliumBclcer,

Edward B. Corthell. 73,-^ ies at Farm Home of Hctirl

A ttac l<nUIlL, Hept. I0 - —F-(lw

Corthrll. 73, Huh! dl.-.lrlct «iner 1001, dim n t 5 o'rlnci: morning at h li fan n home vnith- «-tJt o( null!. D rnlh wiis nil *a a hrsrt nll.irk. ife hifd 1 for Uirfe year,.

ArraiiRfmriu.', for annlt sntd from body tfMi at tlir Ail)Jiome,

Afr. CorlhfU . JB53. at Kriiiikllnvlllr. N, y. I t

JBOiyif wasjiiiirrlcul at. l/i .\ Ari;r!»' to hb r'< .Rlio I

. live I .. W«niCorthell, Cirralil Cnrllirll. ’ i liu c Corlhrll nnrt. riovil r c r th d l . niu one daiiclilrr, Mrs. Iii<-r lliiikharl all ol niilil. Up lfavf.\ ,i|'o imr lu ritlii r. Kmr,.!

Corlhrll, aiH] two M’tr ;s . Ml . gsrrt nincfrt Iiml Ml^. I-llln. It;illi- •r/oril, all of iluhl.

I? r o u u > l< 'r s I ’ a c c ■ T i i a l f o r F r a u d

nOlSE. n-i,t. 10 f-T.-Pro-.milinn of two oil cninpiiny prom nlri!, rlm rr- ed Rlth vlnlatlnn rf th<‘ frikral curltlpj acl ronllniird In (crtrtul district court !odny \\l ih prt''i)»'Ci.'' tiie Rovemment may rc.'.t it.n es-r in-

morrow. %Blanillnc trial before a Jiirj' li'

Fedeml Jiidse C. C. CavanahVi r


Brother," of Czech President B r iiT g s^cssa g c to . Bulil Audicncc ‘

IO -"W r Viio*' lh;i hope Ilf llic wlioli

worlil. lint 10 KO to Eurrlx- njaln <1 lij'til, but lo Miie h r « rary. Uy ftavliiK he r own ilcmo- itic IKc- and In.-.llliiUoii.i Mie wllf ,p ilrrrnicrucy for thf* uotid," Dr.

brotli'T of l/tiinrd ju rtld rn l of Czeclii lariji- audlnico a t the liljh

^clu*lI Hiiilltorlum in;.t nlttlit.Dr. Ijrnp.n, ttlui hiLi b m i lu Urn

Uliltnf .Sliiiri for 17 moiillw with hL -hiu a ri-markable coin- iniiiid of ih r KiiKll.-.h Iiihkuhkp nnil only' orcn-.ioniilly hud lo .'rrl; nUl to t: ;iii-lale an Uli-ii., Ailloiii- Sllclla.' of niilil alilrd him l:i IMs rc.TKVl.

!!'• I\ miiKlnK II t/>ur of the Uiiltrd .Slati'. (Mill wai broiiicht. here un- (Irr Ihc ;iiion.-.(ir::hl|) of tli? T ilii F;il!\ rininly I’onioiia Oraiiiir. Krlr Jo:n ., I’ornoiia ma.Mfr, Inlrcxlucwl

(• (iwlor, v,hci piiMilrat of illoii ln C:ech<v,Ii>vakla ii> It ii.-.'n rcoreanlr.-,! in Knulanil, cl :lir hlr.tnry of hi', country l!ir flfU-rnlil rriitu ry until llir i:l ilay. rrvlc'VlHK In drtall Uir

liW cnuntr.v.mi-ii liiive nuKti-!;r rlglit lo bi' an litdeiKndiiii

hii Jolii''l'raiirp Jiat niuiiy C.urli mrn

lK)>?i joliiixP till' Frciu li nniiy ; Jjli coiJflW I'-i! and ImkM I- tlieni until the liiM hour, ; f-vcn Uien, many of th.-m v

iixl by the •British niivv ;inil ••V lii^Jitlng br.nide tin- Ilrlloiiv In 103(1 we were prepared m ficht

lntlc|>rndciicr. Ov

chooi 11 wo« intended—tin t Hitler Tould get It.

lie MUd th a t all higher achooU of education nnd the three uiiiversltle.i In Czechoslovnkla hid been c:n-,rcl and Unit O erm fti i,-a* the oiilv laiiKUage behiK Itiuslit In thi-Knicle Whools. A *ordltlK to him. all larce JpwLih catnteA liave been eoaflscat-eil ntxl d ivided Into ^roall larnis for Oeminn people.

Thouaandi .Martyred)ur thour.nnd of our inml r<l'

uratrd a n d hrllllnnt projilr ‘atc martyretl nnd 70XKW KlcntL l.N nml nrll-edlicated people hnvc b'-rn rak- eii' to concentration canijn tthere many hnvr? b r rn munlerrd or luive committed aulclde," lie rcvral'^l.

Dr. Bcnv!. nnd his «lfc leftCiecIi- oilovakla In Jtm o. 1035, atHT,frtPnds had waniPd him Uiat lir*-,v!u m«)ii

be t.nki’j) lo a conceiil.-ivlioHrainp.: luild th a t Ulry r,ca |xd lliYoiiih

J’cOji;id. Diwi /rlr;«IJy, and to the United S la te s Uiroii;;li KiiKlnnd

Conclusion to the evt-nhu'^ pro- ram wo-s Utc,Informal jmtuvI 'Ahcn

Dr. Benra answered (lur-.llrim ■ • crrnlnK hla_ countrj-. Im pn-i'n Kanlz.'tildn In EnKlnnd and lu emmcnt.


drfi'nd (1 y analn -

■•.111 .St'ptembrr. lOai).)i(l (111 IhL'i j.oll. n rc lv itl a that Ills coiuilry had lali!

lid nubJiiKaird Iu'im

Hr ;nld h l\ audlPiic<- lu-:r i(,;ii:;hL li:i mnny p«'oplr n.-,ki-<l him :iliy '.•i---;;()'Iiivakla had :.urrrjid<'ml :mil !l ^^roulil tell U vni war. Ui U .ill ;);iT iialltin.s, hicludlin: .Vnnlra. iKl ;iiH1m'(1 analnst flKhttiii;. '

Aflcp aiUMich Munich" nnd " iili 'j .Mini-

li" wiTc phm.'.r.i aroiiiiil -.vlilch lurii o: his n.ldrcv, lo;ili;lu a'.uiir,t • V.• W!an Munich ciinir. v.r .n,; itie

rr;i!rs; ijiirt of Critlio'.lov.ikin.N'v million dolIai-!i woriJi or i>io|)- rtv and 1’; million ix'oplr."Wli,'n Dr. Bcnc.s' rctiiriuxl to ,''iti(i>Iovaklo in Xlcornihrr. I33n, r j.iKI tliat It WILT. ltji|Hi.'.-.ll;li' 10.... . Ihc opi>rrr.'.lon nf lih iiro-li'. ilu- cnirlly. robbery aii<l humll- .iii':i, tt'lilch they were imiliiiining,

- Now a l*rl«Dn "C-i-clia.lovakla l.i new a prl-,ou

.» r Ii-n uilUlon i>oop:e. O rnnany ha.', [t.nkrn ihe 'c ra lii h u o ’.';;' -'’ tlirer

Our rlilliln 'n"-tfe rryinn for iirad' and we ifte nlriilil

of whiit Uie nrw w inter wlU'brinK,” h r ;;alil. .

Aflcr hU aildrrr-1, durliu: the Umi- lie fttviwrrwl quc-'tlon.'. of Llie ntidl- rncc, he . ali! tha t In; <lld no t think any food sent to r.Iarvliis Euro])'', ns HcrlKTWIoovrr advocato.i. v,ould jcjicJj l!ie c.'illdreii and pcftple for

H o l d Y o u r O r d e r s !

P ra tt's

WiLCOME‘^ t o t h e

T w i n F a l l s ^


C o m i n g E v e n t s

P,\.ST NOnLE GHAND.Sra-il-Nolile Grand.', clubs will men the home of.Mr.i. F reda Swe.i;.

. Ingrn in Kimberly eve­ning, September 13. Tlior.r ileMriiii: trannpo.'lallnn are a.skcd to call 074.

.DKUM A.ND niir.L K COHPSTVln Falls American LeRlnn ainl

Auxiliary rinim nnd btiRle rorp- member.' will meet a t 4 o'clofi; TJiursday afternoon n t th e Amerl- tau Legion hall for p ractice,

CinCLE NO. ID Circle No. 10 of trte W omans

Society of ClirlsUiin Scrvlcfi, Metho- chu«Jj. wjjJ me*i a t tUc homo

s[ Mrs. K, D. Shook. 002 Serontl »ve(iue tail. Tltur.^ny riftrm oon nt I ;30 o'clock fcr'luncheon.

'UN IJKKRK ,^ A C - )!;!• 1-A R M ' MA-n r;!:i:v ntui M V iins -tl POMONA rUM !’.=; c >;liitji!ion.

Srr (Ills r\lill.ll l.y t lllllr^l Iniiileiiirnl a Iiardii.iir roinpan.T the Irarl. h;i.Prvrd 'jnii 3t yea

r Q N S O L I D A T E D^ W . \ C ; 0 M & M A C H I N E C O . ^

il .. J

11 In Inn in > i:a.',i'lliir I.r l

nlremly. nnd m' huiidr'^1. nnd w :rllliiK lor $17 ''iC



n . 'h -111 I 1ft you knox W r Jii.H ean’t ’c vr unloaded tun traiv.porW th is week wliltr which wr<r «-UinK for ttOJtJ ft ' liKhl .standar<l broiirr th a t we v,'cn*

Barristers Told of Three Snags in Path of Pricc

'F ix in g ProgramPHIVADELPHIA. 6eiit. 10 i,V

Tlic Giiffcy a c t flxlni; pric'v. in Wtunilnous coni liidii.',lrj must hurdle th ree chief oUMni'le.s In onler to be jiuccc.%5ful. Tliomas j . Miehlr, Jr. of PUL-iburKh. told the Aiiierl- cnn Bar n.vioclntlon today.

Mlchle. he ad of tlie tei:al (italf Of the K opiicrs company ot Pitts­burgh, o pe ra to r of several tonl .mi1>- sldlarlc.'i. ll.M«'d Ihese'problems fac­ing tidm lnlatralors of the iiif,isure:

1, Lo:.a of bilslne.^r to coniiii-tlllve futb. occar;loncd by an especletl rke In pricea next Ajijll wlirn )t>o

wiigr scnlc Is negoLlalcil.A c o u rt dccl.nioii hnldliiK that

the rec rrta ry of the Interior cannot dclesatc ■ Ujp jwwer nf e.'itablbhing prlcrs to U ir t lh e tlo r of Uir bitumln-

is coa^-dlvl^lon..3, G enera l dl.viatbliicllon ivith le act t>rcnu.'-e of thr rlKidliy of

pnre M.-hrdilles ancJ Innbllllv ol tho ny.Mcm to m e et problems of minor, variations In value, unbalanred d r-| innd for !ilr,c-s and vnrlalloiis In I le iHfferenUul values of coal.i. I


Modtcal Associatrdn Head Speaks a t^ u n ch e o n '

for w orke rs-Dr. A. M. Newton. pre.Mdent of

Ilie Idaho State Medical ar.socla- prabed the work of the *tale

Anil-'nBjereulasb iLv.oclnllon when he spoke a t the luncheon meeitng of ihe AiiU-Tubcrculoab group yes- ;rrday a t thb Park hotel.

Df. Cha mnclsco,'States public hciUth ncn'lcc, . principal upeaker, the function of volunteer public heaUh B-vociatloni In stlmulatlni; lntere;,t In public healUi, Workers from eight cnuntlca were present.'

He said Umt luberculosLs could be wiped out In one grnprallon by bo, latlng Infectious cases nnd through vDlimleer organliatloas creiite public iwnllment to carry out the project, , Mbs -XJargaret Tliomns. flrlii

for, thn

T o w n H a l l C lu b l u l r r e s l G r o w s

WlUi Ihe formal drive for mem­berships yrt lo st.irt, 30 rrnewali n n d ' new membcr.Uili« in the Twin FoILb Town Hall chib have already been received, ftccordlni lo officials of the organization.

In 'Charge of tiie csinp.tlKn are Mm. R. A, Sutcllff and Knimett Hood, co-chairmen of tlie drive. No more than HOO membrra w ll b" accrpte<t“ because of llnilted s|iaca nvnllnble for meetings.

e i iHI mi

IfiiU orjoclntlni),. Dr, H. T h'jnnlne ot Hobe luitJ’ Hoiner Dnvls. suixTln- tcndent df Twin Palls schools wereIntroduced.

Plans for the 1940 Chnslm as ntal -s.ile. Including publicity methods, wen: outlined at Uie morning res- slon and continued In the afternoon under the' dlrrttlon of Mra, n , S. ftrlngfellow of Uobc.' publicity di­rector for the eeal camnalgn th b year, Mtentling Uir r.ewlnn were ghen n preview of Ihe 1010 seal. df-t)gnrri by FrIJ* MnrlJnJ, Los A r- gelcj nrtbt, Mrs. Strlngfellow also announced Uiat Leo Ilcrshflcid or the art staff of P. M, had drawn the ClirbUnaj seal dally reminders for Uib year* canipalgn.

Mre. Catherine l i ^ t h e y of Bobe. exeeutlv: jecretnry. yesterday morn­ing Ibtcd the turfl to which seal

fundi are pul.CounUei represented n t the meet

Inj were Ada, Bannock, C aul . Ocxxllng, Madlr-on, Jefferaon. Can­yon and Twin Falls.

Sesslon.1 In th e / afternoon eluded Uie meeUflt.


noiSB, Sept, 10 (-n -S ta tP Demo- •atlc lieadQimncrs.were opened In le slrtamllne room 'of. the holel

Boise today by Ilnbcrl Coulter of Cascade, newly-elected sta te chair­man.

Personnel of ihe headquarters staff lias not yet been nnjiounced. ,

Henry Palmer, West End Residcnt^for 11 years,

Succumbs . 1

. BUHL, fifpt. 1 0 '- Henry Palmer, retired farmer and Uuhl resident for J1 yenr.r dird ye.'terilay a t ias home here following tliree years lllncM.

•n if b.Kly rests at Uie At- berL'.on funeral home while arraiiKe- nients lor funemi srrvleea awivit word from relatives.

Dorn In Lynn county. Kan., Marrh 19, 108II, Mr, Palmer came with his family to Idaho from that state.

He Is survived by h li wife. Mr*. FJla Palmer, whom hr niatrled In Colornclo In J888. and by four son* and five dnuKhltra. Tliry arc Glint Palmer, Otto P»lmpy, Honald Pal­mer nnd Clenient Palmer, nil of Buhl; Mrs. Grace Saunders o f,Par- krr. Kans.; . f . s Xfnrj- Painter a l Buhl, Mrs. Carl Mimdell of Call- fornln. Mrs. Zeffle SpaHtfcJiL^kla* homa nnd' Mrs. Lena m e rs of Call- fomlft,.

r ~ 1941 1



L O O K !

M i l l i o n s W e a r O N L Y W O L V E R I N E S

H e r e A r e t F i e

R e a s o n s w h y

S a .ik in c A f l c r R onkinc,

A lkali \V a lc r . I k r n :

• fre t Eel tired, ynuWhen yiget tired a ll over . . . faiiKup -ro in you ot mental onri physic.-il nlert- n m th a t f^ n r tb you ngnliKt nccaleniji. Keep your feet. rr-,ird all day .long In Wolver-

'inc .Shell H orschldes. . . Wol-. iriine.i •■;Iay .^nrt, pliable and fft:ii[oriable. And sosklng nf- k r .•.naklng, In 'bnm yard acid* or nlkiilt w n lrr. Wolverines rtry out soft. EnJo>- Ui# fea th­er lied coihfort of Wolverine Olr.',e fitilnc Shell llprr.ehlrt*

AN I-:XTR.\ T R A N SPO R T’S (m '.T H E ROAi)

•leplionrd ijie irljiirry and tliey nrr ;om to p u t ^ n e*ir.i l.^port tl) try nnil keep us rotrrT lnranted to i;ri word lo you be- e r.nnie nf.yoa cnine from n long dbUinre. It tton'L be delayed

long—n-Htch for thr News and Times, and wr ll ip|| you when to bring your druni^ in for Ihe-white nnd the |li;hl .itandard bronre Icndetl. We have Uie M'vcniy-Iour plus regular nnd Ihe ethyl.

We thank all you lolk.ibUSlneM ankle deep, hraiof Arl;an.-4\.'i motor oil, carload Cl.

r're hito thB gasoline iiriler anoUier c.irload

werk. T lin t’ll make

Pratt Glass <S Gas Lumber, Oil & Coal Co.

On \h e Road lo. Ihe llofplml

FACTSA b o u t W o l v e r i n e S h o e s



Vou’ll f ind n c o m p le te n tiifrc o f

size.l, nnd w id tiis in .nil p o p u la r

s ty les iilw-ftyn, At . . .

V a n E n g e l e n sSee fhe Free Circu^j n( th e TwJn FflJh County Fair and

Rodeo. Sept. 11-12.13.