Download - VOL II Requirements -Specifications V5

  • 7/23/2019 VOL II Requirements -Specifications V5



    Project Implementation Directorate

    Kathmandu Upatyaka Khanepani Limited

    Anamnagar, Kathmandu, Nepal

    Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project

    ADB Loan No 2776-NEP

    Bidding Documents forLaying of Bulk Distribution System andConstruction of Service Reservoirs


    Contract No. KUKL/BDS-SRT/01/02

    Volume II: Requirements Specifications

    International Competitive Bidding

    October 2013

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    Volume I: Bidding Procedures (Technical Bids)Section 1 Instruct ion to Bidders

    Section 2 Bid Data Sheet

    Section 3 Evaluation and Qualification Criteria

    Section 4 Technical Bidding Forms

    Section 5 Eligible Countries

    Volume I: Bidding Procedures (Price Bids)Section 4 Financial Bidding Forms and Bill of Quantiti es

    Volume II: Requirements Specifications

    Section 6A Section I Employer's Requirement

    Section II General Technical Specifications

    Section III Particu lar Technical Specifications

    Volume III: Requirements - DrawingsSection 6B Drawings

    Volume IV: Conditions of Contract and Contract FormsSection 7 General Conditions of Contract

    Section 8 Particu lar Conditions of Contract

    Section 9 Contract Forms

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    Table of Contents Page: i


    Table of Contents

    1 EMPLOYER'S REQUIREMENT .................................................................................................... 1


    Specials Services to be Provided by the Contractor.................................................................. 1

    1.1.1 Surveying Equipment ..................................................... ...................................................................... ..... 1


    Laboratory Testing and Laboratory Building ............................................................................................. 1

    1.1.3 Site surveys, Setting out and detailing ........................................................ .............................................. 2

    Description ................................................................................................................................................ 2

    Existing levels and Layouts....................................................................................................................... 3

    Bench Marks, Survey Points and Deliverables ......................................................................................... 3 Working and Shop Drawings .................................................................................................................... 3

    Approvals of working drawings and Materials, RFA for Materials and Construction ................................. 5

    As Built Drawings .................................................. ....................................................... ............................. 5

    1.1.4 Soil Investigation and Report .......................................................... .......................................................... 6

    1.1.5 Site Safety and Utilities ............................................................................................................................. 6

    Site Safety ................................................................................................................................................ 6 Traffic Management .................................................................................................................................. 7

    Contents of a Typical Traffic Management Plan ....................................................................................... 7


    Utility Services .......................................................................................................................................... 8

    Contractor to establish location of Utilities ................................................................................................ 8 Locating services in unpaved areas ..................................................... ..................................................... 8

    Locating services in paved areas ............................................... ........................................................ ....... 8

    Making allowance in Work Programme for location of utilities .................................................................. 8 Shifting of utilities ...................................................................................................................................... 8


    Other Requirements ................................................................................................................................. 9

    Additional Documents to be provided .................................................. ..................................................... 9 Co-operation ............................................................................................................................................. 9 Records procedures and reports .............................................................................................................. 9

    Personnel.................................................................................................................................................. 9 Public Authorities .................................................................................................................................... 10 Safety of Materials supplied to site ......................................................................................................... 10

    Acquaintance with Site and Work Conditions ............................................................... .......................... 10

    Store Shed Repairs Shop, Office etc ...................................................................................................... 10 Equipment Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 10


    Programme of works ....................................................... ........................................................................ 11

    1.1.9 Method Statements ............................................... ........................................................ .......................... 12

    1.1.10 Survey of sewer and water mains to be carried out immediately on the commencement of Project...... 12

    1.1.11 Temporary hoardings for protection of work area ................................................................................... 12


    Presentation on work approach .............................................................................................................. 12


    IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE ................................................................................................ 13

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    SECTION I- Employer's Requirement Page: 1



    The employers requirements given in this section shall be read in conjunction with Technical

    Specifications and Conditions of Contract.

    1.1 Specials Services to be Provided by the Contracto rThe following services are to be provided by contractor during the entire period of the Contract.

    Some of these services may not have been itemized separately in the Bill of quantities but the

    cost of providing these services are deemed to be included in the pay items of the Bill of


    1.1.1 Surveying Equipment

    a. The contractor shall provide the Survey Equipment and assistance for surveying as

    mentioned in clause 1, 2 and 3 of Technical specifications

    b. All equipment shall be supplied with their tripods, staff and such other equipment/item as the

    Engineers Representative may require for the measuring, or setting -out of the work.

    c. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the maintenance of all such instruments andequipment and shall ensure they are, at all times, in good repair and adjustment. All

    equipment other than expendable items shall revert to the Contractor upon completion of the


    d. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer, throughout the Contract period, with all necessary

    surveyors, assistants and chainmen to assist with surveying work. The assistant shall keep

    the survey equipment in good order.

    e. There is no pay item for provision of survey equipment or survey support. Payment for the

    provision of surveying instrument and support service is deemed to be included in the rates

    for other pay items of the bill of quantities

    1.1.2 Laboratory Testing and Laboratory Buildinga. Testing of materials for backfilling trenches and for items such as concrete structures shall be

    carried out by a site laboratory established and allocated exclusively for that purpose, all

    testing shall be carried out by the Contractors Senior Materials Engineer under the direction

    and supervision of the Engineers staff. All tests shall be performed in strict accordance with

    the appropriate Indian Standards or other standards as approved by the Engineer.

    b. The Laboratory shall be adequately staffed by the contractor with materials technicians and

    assistants in the numbers deemed necessary by the Engineer so that no interruption of

    unnecessary delay shall occur to construction activities due to delays in sampling or testing,

    in-site or in the laboratory, as required by the Contract. The testing equipment provided in the

    laboratory shall be sufficient to carry out the following tests;

    modified Proctor compaction tests

    Field Density tests using core cutter and sand replacement methods

    Crushing strength of 150mm size concrete cubes.

    Sieve analysis

    c. Alternatively the contractor can get the testing done in an approved laboratory as agreed to

    by the Engineer-in- Charge. If in case the tests are to be done in an approved laboratory,

    such an approval shall be obtained from the Engineer within 15 days of commencement of


    d. Any testing relating to the Works as required by the Engineer which cannot be carried out in

    the site laboratory or in the approved external laboratory shall be carried out at the

    Contractors expense, at an independent laboratory approved by the Engineer.

    e. The provision of laboratory facilities on site, as specified, shall in no way relieve Contractor of

    the responsibility for providing additional laboratory space and testing equipment as

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    SECTION I- Employer's Requirement Page: 2

    necessary in order to control materials at mixing plants and elsewhere and enable him to fulfill

    his obligations under the Contract.

    f. The Contractor shall provide, furnish, equip, keep clean and maintain to the satisfaction of the

    Engineer a laboratory building of a floor area not less than 30sq.m. The building shall be

    provided with electrical power, potable water, drainage, and shall have adequate daylight and

    artificial lighting.

    The Contractor shall, at the Commencement of the Contract, submit a detailed list of the

    equipment he is proposing to provide showing for each item its type and model, serial

    number, manufacturers name and year of manufacture for the Engineers approval.

    The testing of the works by the Engineer, in no way, absolves the Contractor from his

    responsibilities to carry out his own testing of the quality of his works and the materials used.

    The laboratory building and equipment shall be used exclusively for the purposes for which

    they are intended and shall, together with all equipment, all samples and records, be open to

    inspection by the Engineer during all working hours.

    After removal of the laboratory the Contractor shall clean and level the site removing all

    foundations, drain water pipes and other services installed for the laboratory and return the

    ground to its original condition.

    g. Contractors Senior Materials Engineer

    The Contractor shall provide a full-time senior materials Engineer to be responsible for the

    day-to-day activities of the laboratory and for site testing. He shall be directly and solely

    responsible to the Engineer or designated members of his staff. The senior materials

    Engineer shall have not less than ten years experience of the testing of earthworks and of

    concrete for structures, and shall be fully conversant with the testing of materials as per latest

    Indian Standards. The experience and qualifications of the senior materials Engineer shall be

    to the approval of the Engineer.

    h. Sample

    The Contractor shall submit samples of all materials and goods for inclusion in the works tothe Engineer and only those approved by the Engineer and to the standards specified

    elsewhere in the Contract may be ordered for supply. Samples shall be submitted promptly in

    order not to delay the works.

    All work executed shall be of equal standard in all respects to the approved samples and the

    Engineer may reject any work which, in his opinion, does not comply with the approved


    i. Payment

    There is no pay item for provision of establishment of testing laboratory or testing of materials.

    Payment for the provision of surveying instrument and support service is deemed to be

    included in the rates for other pay items of the bill of quantities

    1.1.3 Site surveys, Setting out and detailing Description

    The Contractor shall be responsible for the true and proper setting-out of the works in relation

    to the lines and levels of reference given by the Engineer or shown on the Drawings and for

    the correctness of the position, levels, dimensions and alignment of all parts of the works and

    for the provision of all necessary instruments, appliances and labour used in connection


    He shall carry out a detailed route alignment survey of the site in advance of his

    commencement of Construction work, and shall supply full details to the Engineer as specified

    in the following sub clauses.All setting out and levelling shall be based on permanent Benchmarks provided by the


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    SECTION I- Employer's Requirement Page: 3 Existing levels and Layouts

    a. Before commencing operations of any section of the works, the Contractor shall survey all

    existing detail in that section, in plan and in level and shall plot the results in such detail and

    to such scales as shall be to the satisfaction of the Engineer. These survey plots shall be

    supplied to the Engineer at least four weeks before the intended commencement of

    construction on the section. Unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer the detailed survey

    plots will be supplied in 1:200 scales both as soft and hard copy.

    b. In addition to the above mentioned requirements above, horizontal control lines shall be

    marked out by pegs at intervals of not more than 20m and the lines traversed with theodolite

    by steel band or by any other method acceptable to the Engineer. The alignments established

    shall be referenced by pegs offset at suitable distance on each side of the horizontal control

    lines. These offset pegs shall be painted in a conspicuous colour.

    c. Cross sections of the existing ground and of the ground after completion of earthworks shall

    be taken at intervals not exceeding 20m along the horizontal control lines in an approved and

    acceptable manner. Bench Marks, Survey Points and Deliverables

    a. As the work proceeds, the contractor shall establish, at suitable location, substantial

    permanent benchmarks, clear of the works, from which, all subsequent setting out and

    levelling shall be carried out. The location of the benchmarks shall be agreed with the

    Engineer before they are established.

    b. Benchmarks shall be constructed in class 20/20 concrete, with minimum dimensions of 0.3m

    x 0.3m, the upper surface being approximately 50mm above ground level. A 20mm diameter

    mild steel rod, not less than 300mm in length, shall be cast into the concrete so that it projects

    about 10mm above the centre of the surface of the concrete. The concrete surface shall be

    clearly engraved with the reference number of the benchmark. The co-ordinates and level of

    each benchmark shall be determined in meter to 3 decimal places.

    c. The Contractor shall check co-ordinates and levels of benchmarks at monthly intervals and

    immediately notify the Engineer of any discrepancies.

    d. The cost of alignment survey as explained above shall be included in the quoted items. Working and Shop Drawings

    a. General

    The Contractor is advised to note that the following requirements are part of the Contract and

    he will not have any right to claim at any time for delays or for expenditure incurred by him in

    fulfilling the same.

    b. Tender Drawings

    The drawings issued with these Tender Documents are Tender Drawings. Tender Drawings

    are prepared in such detail as are necessary to give a comprehensive idea of the works.These drawings may be, to suit the site requirements clarified subsequent to the tender,

    modified, expanded or replaced subsequent to opening of tender. The Tender Drawings if

    stands finalized at the time of executing the agreement, together with additional drawings and

    / or modified drawings, signed and made part of the contract will be called Construction

    drawings for the Contract. Any questions or alterations affecting the requirements or

    information on the Contract Drawings shall be submitted in writing to the Engineer and shall

    be reviewed by the Engineer.

    The lines indicated on the Construction Drawings denoting locations of the existing utilities or

    services are approximate locations. The Contractor is not to assume that they are exact. He

    has to confirm the exact location of the utilities in consultation with the relevant authorities and

    also by taking trial trenches which is a BoQ item.

    c. The Contractor shall note that the Drawings and Quantities in the Tender Documents, whilst

    detailed, have to be considered as preliminary, and only provide and indication of the

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    SECTION I- Employer's Requirement Page: 4

    locations, layouts and scope of works. The locations, layout and scope of works may be

    altered and in such cases the Contractor shall not be entitled to any claim whatsoever for

    such alterations over and above the measured works or measured variations at the tendered

    rates except in accordance with the provisions of relevant Clauses of the Conditions of


    d. Working drawings

    The Construction Drawings shall be supplemented by working drawings or shop drawings

    prepared by the Contractor which are required for the execution of the works. Contractor shall

    prepare alignment survey drawings as part of his working drawings soon as he commences

    work. Existing ground levels shall be taken at intervals not exceeding 10 m. Information

    related to all existing structures, obstructions and services should be located in the survey


    Plan of the alignment showing the location of the proposed water main , the width of right of

    way of roads in relation to the water main , the existing services and obstructions to

    proposed pipeline and edges of existing asphalt carriageway shall all be presented in

    Working Drawings before commencing the work. The contractor can utilize the drawings of

    existing services supplied to him as the base drawing and modify the same to includeaccurate details from the site. The drawing shall clearly indicate the location of the plot

    boundary walls wherever available. The existing services, as determined by site excavation,

    should also be marked up on these plans.

    e. The working drawings shall also be made for pipe laying details, electrical single line drawings

    to suit the contractors submission, mechanical drawings, piping drawings, reinforcement

    details such as bar-bending schedules for all structures including valve chambers, valve

    chamber schedules, setting out details, layouts, utility relocation and protection if any

    required, and any other detail the Engineer may ask during construction.

    f. The working drawings/shop drawings and documents, including diagrams and schedules shall

    show the details of proposals for the execution of the works at specific chainages and shall

    include information necessary for the following purposes: To illustrate in detail the arrangement of the various section of the works and to

    identify the various components.

    To integrate the various sections of the works

    g. All drawings shall be computerized and shall be submitted both in hard copy as well as digital


    h. The shop drawings required shall include but not be limited to the following

    General layout drawings for equipment and like items as deemed necessary by the Engineer.

    Detailed layout drawings of all pumping stations, showing the connection ofmechanical and electrical services, ducting, paper work, conduit, cable tray and

    trunking together with earthing system Detailed layout drawings showing sections such as through ceiling voids and

    vertical shafts.

    System diagrams, circuit diagrams and wiring diagrams for all installations andequipment.

    The drawings, specifications and technical information for materials andequipment of building components such as doors, windows etc.

    i. Delays to work by reason of lack of approvals of working drawings and shop drawings are

    deemed to be a risk the Contractor is taking with full knowledge and no compensation shall be

    claimed by the Contractor or none given by the Employer, on account of such delay.

    j. The costs of furnishing working drawings shall be included in the rates for various paying

    items given in the Bill of Quantities.

    k. Working drawings and documents shall be made available in sufficient time in order to

    maintain the Programme of Work on site.

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    SECTION I- Employer's Requirement Page: 5

    In this respect the Contractor shall employ his Engineers and AutoCAD Technicians

    specifically for planning and preparation of working drawings. The Contractors Staff

    mobilization schedule shall specify the Engineers and AutoCAD technicians he intends to

    mobilize. The Contractor shall also provide as part of the mobilization to site, latest model of

    Pentium Computers and software together with new color printer, for the preparation of his

    working Drawings. The Engineer shall have access to this Computer. In case the Contractor

    fails to mobilize such staff and equipment as described above to site, the Employer reservesthe right to mobilize the necessary staff and deduct the cost of such mobilization from any

    money due to the Contractor. Approvals of working drawings and Materials, RFA for Materials and Construction

    a The Contractor shall liaise with the Engineer for the period required for any approval, which

    shall be a maximum of two weeks.

    Procedure for review of drawings

    The Engineer shall mark up the drawing in yellow and red; Yellow showing acceptance and

    red showing requirement for revision; The Contractor shall revise the portions marked up in

    red and round it off in green color to show that he has complied with the correction required.

    On resubmission of the drawing, the engineer shall check the revisions made and if hisinstructions are complied with mark the revisions also in yellow and approve the drawing. The

    approved shop drawing/working drawing shall be flied for future reference.

    b. The Contractor shall ensure that all items to be ordered by him can be accommodated in the

    positions shown on the drawings and for taking all necessary dimensions on site together with

    any supporting information which may be necessary for preparing working drawings.

    c. No materials or equipment shall be ordered nor construction of the associated works be

    commenced until such approval has been obtained from the Engineer.

    d. The Contractor shall be deemed to have obtained a full and proper understanding of the

    Engineers design and design intents and to have satisfied himself with their accuracy and

    suitability. In this respect, the Engineer will meet all reasonable requests made by theContractor in furnishing design information and the like to he Contractor. No claim in respect

    of lack of knowledge will be admissible.

    e. The contractor shall submit Request for Approvals( RFA) for all materials to be incorporated in

    the Works as early as possible in the contract period, so that the Engineer gets sufficient time

    to study the request and compare the submissions with the specifications. If the Engineer so

    requests, then the Contractor shall submit samples of materials prior to approval. The Material

    Approval Request forms shall be finalized by the Contractor in consultation with the Engineer.

    The Approval Request shall, as a minimum, comprise the reference to BoQ ite, clause of

    specification, details of source and supplier/manufacturers specifications.

    In the normal course, the Engineer shall give his comments/approval within fifteen days of

    submission of the RFA.f. Request for Approval for Construction

    The contractor shall submit RFA for construction prior to commencing any construction. The

    RFA shall be for specific stretches of pipelines. The RFA shall indicate each stage of

    construction i.e. Excavation, laying pipe bedding, pipe laying, in the same application, Each

    stage of construction shall got approved by the engineer prior to and after completion of the

    particular stage. The RFA for construction shall be accompanied by a copy of the approved

    working drawing for that particular stretch or location. As Built Drawings

    The contractor shall prepare and submit as built drawing for approval immediately on

    completion of a pipeline stretch .The As built drawing shall be developed from the approvedworking drawing. As built drawing of a pipeline shall show the plan and profile of the pipeline,

    all major fittings (such as valves and other appurtenances) and also the various services that

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    SECTION I- Employer's Requirement Page: 6

    are existing close to the pipeline or have been relocated while constructing the pipeline. The

    plan of the pipeline shall show the distances to the pipeline from nearby landmarks. The Final

    (after incorporating the corrections advised by the Engineer) shall be submitted in soft and

    hard copies.

    The As built drawings shall be included in every monthly progress report and also the

    progress payment request submitted by the Contractor.

    1.1.4 Soil Investigation and Report

    A soil investigation has been undertaken during the Design phase. However in case additional

    investigations are required during the course of construction the Contractor shall be advised of

    such requirement and the Contractor shall promptly carry out such investigations as advised by

    the Engineer.

    1.1.5 Site Safety and Utilities Site Safety

    In order to improve the general vehicular traffic condition and to guarantee public safety from

    and around the work the Contractor shall provide all labour, and materials, and construct and

    maintain temporary traffic diversions throughout the construction activities, to the directive andapproval of the Engineer. It is therefore recognized that there is a particular responsibility

    placed upon the Contractor to take special precautions for public safety and to minimize the

    scale and extent of disruption to public and commercial life. Plans for traffic diversion shall

    always be submitted to the Engineer and to the traffic police for their prior approval.

    The Contractor shall ensure that the works are carried out in a safe manner, according to

    internationally accepted guidelines on safe working procedures and to the satisfaction of the


    The following requirements shall be complied with by the Contractor:

    a Excavation - The contractor should note that the pipe trenches shall be minimum 2.5m deep

    and maximum 6.3m deep. The trenches have to be taken in a single step as the width

    available will not permit stepping of trenches. The Contractor should mobilize excavationmachinery suitable for taking deep trenches, at the same time ensuring that the machinery

    provided are less than 2.4m wide and can work from the road while lowering the pipes into

    deep trenches.

    b All excavations shall be adequately supported to avoid collapses and effective safety barriers

    shall be erected with warning signs and devises around all open excavations to the

    satisfaction of the Engineer.

    Struts and walling shall not be used as ladders and for the purpose of access to the base of

    excavation the Contractor shall provide proper ladders which shall be suitably secured.

    Reflective wearing shall be worn by all workmen on or close to a highway and, where

    necessary, temporary road signs and cones shall be provided to ensure a safe working area.While excavating along the road reserve, sufficiently strong and wide timber bridges shall be

    provided for pedestrian crossings.

    As far as possible the excavations in front of entrances shall be backfilled the same day.

    Sufficient written notice shall be given to the residents who may be affected by the


    c. Protective Clothing - The Contractor shall ensure that all personnel on site are supplied with

    the necessary protective clothing such as safety helmets, goggles, face masks, ear muffs,

    gloves, boots, depending on the operations being performed.

    d. Scaffolding - Suitable and sufficient scaffolds shall be provided and properly maintained for all

    work that cannot safely be carried out from the ground or from part of the structure or from aladder.

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    SECTION I- Employer's Requirement Page: 7

    Every scaffold shall be of good construction, of suitable and sound material and of adequate

    strength for the purpose for which it is used. Unless designed as an independent structure,

    every scaffold shall be rigidly connected to a part of the structure which is of sufficient

    strength to afford safe support. Protective headgear shall always be worn.

    e. Lifting Device - Every rope, chain, pulley, bloc, hook, winch, crane or other lifting gear used

    for raising or lowering pipes of as a means of suspending them shall be of good construction,

    sound material, adequate strength and free from defects. They shall be properly maintained

    and tested at regular intervals by a competent person, who shall be to the approval of the


    f. Working in existing manholes etc.,- Checks shall be carried out before entry to ensure that the

    atmosphere is fit for respiration and no smoking naked lights or flames are to be permitted in

    any sewer, manhole or chambers or in their vicinity when these are open

    g. In addition to the listed equipments in clause 1.2.5 item of general application of the

    specification, the equipment which shall be made available shall include but not limited to


    Lifting harness with ropes

    Hand-lamps with spare batteries

    First aid kit.

    Protective head gear.

    Rubber Gloves.

    Breathing apparatus.

    h. Throughout the period of the Contract, the Contractor shall provide safety helmets and high

    reflectivity jackets to all Consultants staff and visitors. Barriers must be provided to all

    excavations for the safety of the public and flagmen must be used for all items of plant for the

    safety of the operatives, supervision staff and members of the public. Traffic Management Contents of a Typical Traffic Management Plan

    The Traffic Management Plan proposed by the contractor shall, as a minimum, include the


    In case of traffic restriction only:

    Drawing showing the extent of road stretch proposed to be worked on, with flowdirection width of carriageway

    Drawing showing proposed layout of road restriction together with trench widthand access across pipe trench.

    Drawing showing sequence of activities: excavation, pipe laying, testing and

    backfilling together with dates Drawing showing locations of traffic signs alerting traffic restrictions

    In case of traffic closure:

    Drawing showing extent of road stretch being closed

    Drawing showing the roads along which traffic would be diverted

    Drawing showing locations of traffic signs alerting traffic about diversion

    Refer Appendix E of particular Condition of Contract for detail Traffic Management plan


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    SECTION I- Employer's Requirement Page: 8

    1.1.6 Utility Services Contractor to establish location of Utilities

    Before the Contractor proceeds with the Works in any given area he is required to establish the

    precise location of all services in that area.

    Existing service plans as provided in the drawing volume, are only approximate and may not be

    taken as an accurate indication of the positions of all services. The contractor will therefore berequired, acting in strict co-operation with the Engineer, Municipal Corporation and other

    concerned authorities, to open up hand excavations, at points to be agreed, in order to establish

    the precise location of the existing services. The asphalt or concrete pavement needs to be cut

    with asphalt cutting machinery or cornet cutting machinery prior to deepen the trench.

    The contractor has to dig trial trenches in the Project Roads at designated locations in order to

    exactly locate the water pipelines. The trench needs to be as narrow as can be; however the

    depth could be as much as 1.5m or till the water pipelines are encountered. This is a payment

    item of work. The number of location of trenches shall be decided in consultation with the

    Engineer. Locating services in unpaved areas

    The contractor is to locate all existing services by cutting trenches in unpaved areas across theproposed pipe alignment at least at an interval of 100m or at the interval as per Engineer's

    decisions. The trench shall be excavated manually without the use of machinery, so as not to

    damage any service. The width of the trench shall be decided at site. Once the service is

    located, its position, location and depth together with any other significant details, shall be

    marked up on the existing utilities drawing, provided by the Engineer, and got approved by the

    Engineer. Locating services in paved areas

    Where asphalt or concrete pavements exist, the contractor shall establish the house

    connections sewers by inspecting the sewer manholes and inspection chambers. Profile of the

    existing house service sewer connections should be marked up together with the proposed

    water pipeline in a working drawing and submitted for the engineers approval. The engineer willthen decide, depending on the constructability, whether to revise the alignment of water

    pipeline. Making allowance in Work Programme for location of utilities

    After collecting the details the trench shall be backfilled with the permission of the Engineer. The

    backfilling shall follow the specification for earthwork excavation. The Contractor is required to

    make adequate allowance in his programming for this process and may be required to adapt his

    programme to accommodate the service protection and /or relocation works ordered as a result

    of these investigations. Final reinstatement of trial trenches could be using concrete if so

    desired by the Engineer. Shifting of utilities

    The utilities especially house connection sewers may have to be dismantled and reinstated to

    facilitate the construction of water pipeline. In such cases, the contractor will make

    arrangements for discontinuing temporarily the house connection sewer line and make

    alternative arrangement of collecting and disposing off of sewage from the blocked inspection

    chamber/manhole. In certain cases the house connection sewers shall have to be dismantled to

    enable the construction of water pipelines and later reinstated with a new house connection

    sewer main.

    The utilities such as power cables and telecom cables shall be protected at site during


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    SECTION I- Employer's Requirement Page: 9

    1.1.7 Other Requirements Additional Documents to be provided

    Bidders have to provide details (Name of supplier, makes, and specifications) of the following

    goods to be supplied for installation under sub-heading `Others' of Technical Proposal in

    Section: 4.

    a) Pipes

    b) Fittings

    c) Valves (control valves, Air valves, NRV and pressure relief valves)

    d) Other specials

    The details provided must be sufficient to arrive at a determination of whether the pipes, fittings

    appurtenances and other specials proposed by the bidder meet the functional requirements and

    technical specifications. The Bidder shall include all common information requested in the

    specification in particular the following for Butterfly Valves, gate Valves, Non return Valves

    (NRV) and Air Valves:

    Width of the body

    Discharge Coefficient Value (Kv) in full open position

    Standard (e.g. ISO, DIN, BS)

    PN Corrosion protection

    Quantity and size of Bolts and Nuts needed for each appurtenance

    The bidder shall provide the name of the supplier in Section 4: Technical Proposal under the

    heading Others, The above named pipes, fittings appurtenances and other specials being

    critical for the success of the functional operation of implemented system under this contract, If

    these requirements are not adequately satisfied by the bidder, the bid would be deemed to be

    non responsive. Co-operation

    The Contractor shall establish full co-ordination with the officials of KUKL and the Programme

    Consultants and extend co-operation to complete work. Records procedures and reports

    A work order book shall be maintained by the contractor at site/workshop for taking instructions

    from employer or his representative. The Contractor shall maintain records pertaining to the

    quality of installation / erection work and inspection, testing, compliance with all technical

    requirements in respect of all this works as described before. The Contractor shall submit such

    records to the Employer after the completion of any particular work before submitting the bill. All

    such records shall be as verified and approved by the Engineer. Personnel

    The contractor shall depute sufficient staff to carry out installation, the maintenance and repair

    work efficiently and satisfactorily.

    At least two key professional (one project manager and one senior material engineer) shall be

    deploy full time for project period by the contractor. In case of Joint Venture the Lead Partner

    shall deploy at least two key professional (one project manager and one senior material

    engineer) shall be deploy full time for project period by the contractor. In addition to this, the

    contractor shall deploy suitably qualified and experienced Contractors representative

    responsible to perform overall contractual obligations including but not limiting to project

    planning, management and resource mobilization on behalf of the contractor.

    The Contractor shall undertake to comply with applicable legislation and the code of labour law

    on matters of health, hygiene and safety, and shall assume responsibility for works required in

    the event of any change in applicable regulations. The contractor shall provide all necessary

    superintendence during the execution of works and during maintenance. The Contractors staff

    shall include adequate and competent persons with proven suitable, previous experience on

    similar contracts to supervise the works and sufficient skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled labour

    to ensure completion of works in time. The Contractor shall not remove any representative or

    skilled labour from the site without prior approval of the Employers Representative for the

    proper fulfilling of the contractors obligations under the contract. The contractor or a competent

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    SECTION I- Employer's Requirement Page: 10

    and authorized agent or representative approved in writing by Employer on the basis of

    qualification and experience to be furnished by the contractor, which approval may at any time

    be withdrawn, is to be constantly on the works and shall give his whole time to the

    superintendence of the work.

    Using Form PER-1 and PER-2 in Section 4 (Bidding Forms), the Bidder must demonstrate it

    shall deploy at site the Key personnel having the following qualifications:


    Position Education QualificationTotal WorkExperience


    ExperienceIn Similar

    Work [years]

    1 Project ManagerDegree in Construction Management/Civil engineering

    15 5

    2 Contractors Representative (on site)Degree in Construction Management/Civil engineering

    10 5

    3 Civil Engineer Construction Planning

    Degree in Construction Management/Civil Engineering with knowledge inPlanning software like MS project orPrimavera

    10 5

    4 Civil Engineer for pipelines Degree in Civil/Mechanical Engineering 10 5

    5 Civil/Structural Engineer for Reservoirs Degree in Civil/Structural Engineering 10 5

    6 Land surveyor Degree /Diploma in Civil Engineering 10 5

    7 Senior Material Engineer Degree in Civil Engineering 10 5

    8 Environmental ExpertDegree in EnvironmentalScience/Environmental Engineering

    10 5

    9Mechanical Engineer in charge ofPlant, equipment and Workshop

    Degree in Mechanical Engineering 10 3

    10 Stores Controller Degree in Basic Sciences or Arts 10 3

    11 Public Relations Officer Degree in Basic Sciences or Arts 5 3 Public Authorities

    The Contractor shall comply with all rules & regulations, bye laws and directives given from time

    to time by any local or public authority in connection with this work and shall himself pay fees or

    charges which are leviable on him without any extra cost. Safety of Materials supplied to site

    The Contractor will be responsible for safety of the material supplied and kept in joint custody of

    the employer and the contractor till completion of contract. The Contractor shall at his own

    expense arrange for the safety of his labour / supervisor staff employed by him directly or

    indirectly for performing the work, as per statutory requirement. The Contractor shall report any

    accident or unusual occurrence with the work at site that take place to employer immediately

    with the action, which he might have taken. Acquaintance with Site and Work Conditions

    The Bidder shall study the site and general conditions in respect of approaches, labourers,

    climate and the data included in the tender documents and get it verified with actual inspections

    of the site, before submitting the tender. In case of doubt about any item or data included in the

    tender, the same shall be got clarified in pre-bid meeting. Once the tender is accepted, it shall

    be concluded that the Contractor has verified and made himself conversant with all the details

    required for completing the work as stipulated conditions and specifications. Store Shed Repairs Shop, Office etc

    The Contractor shall make necessary arrangement at his own cost for store shed, repairs shop/

    office, meter test bench etc. Equipment Requirements

    Using Form EQU in Section 4 (Bidding Forms), the Bidder must demonstrate it has the key

    equipment listed below:

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    SECTION I- Employer's Requirement Page: 11

    No. Equipment Type and Characteristics Min. Number Required

    1 Excavator > 150 kw; suitable for taking trenches as deep as 7 m. 2

    2 Bulldozer > 150 kw 2

    3 Long Boom Truck mounted crane >40t (pipe laying for trenchdeeper than 6 m ) 2

    Crane > 20 t ( pipe storage areas) 1

    Long Boom Crane > 20t ( pipe laying areas) 1

    4 Crane > 10t (pipe storage area) 1

    Long boom Crane>10t (pipe laying areas) 1

    5 Trucks/Tipper Trucks 5t/10t (general use) 10

    6 Tandem Roller 1

    7 Compressor 250 cfm (rock excavation) 1

    8 Concrete Batching Plant 25 Cum with weigh batching 2

    9 Water Tanker 2

    10 Hydraulic Pressure Testing Equipment (Sets) 1

    11 Trench box Shoring Systems SBH Tiefbautechnik GmbH orEquivalent

    4 units at 30 to 50m length each(suitable for 2.4 to 6.2m depth trench)

    12 Reversible Vibratory Plates Bomag Type BPR or Equivalent 2 units

    13 Asphalt cutting machines 3 units

    14 Concrete Cutting machines 3 units

    1.1.8 Programme of works In respect of the programme of works required under Clause 8.3 of the General Conditions of

    Contract the following specific requirements shall apply:- The Work Programme shall be prepared using software such as MS.Project or Primavera.The programme shall state the sequencing of work, the interrelationship between elements of

    work, time taken for completion of different elements of work; it will also show the histograms

    of plant and equipment and personnel. The works shall be programmed in such a way as to minimize disruption to public traffic.

    Works shall not be carried out simultaneously over large areas of the site but shall be

    sequenced so that all operations likely to cause disruption to public traffic shall be undertaken

    and completed in discrete area before commencement of operations in other areas.

    Works which, by their nature, will create disruption and / or obstructions to vehicular or

    pedestrian traffic, such as pavement rehabilitation or trench work shall be programmed to

    be undertaken in a continuous sequence of events from the initial disruption until the

    restoration of access without and significant delay between operations. The programme submission shall be accompanied by outline traffic management plans in

    sufficient detail to indicate to the Engineer that the Contractor has considered this aspect of

    the work in his programme. Notwithstanding the above, acceptance of the Contractors

    programme will not in any way relieve of his responsibilities for traffic management under

    Clause1.1.5 of this Employers Requirement

    The Contractors Programme shall, insofar as it is practicable to do so, take into consideration

    the commercial interest of individual shopkeepers e.g. operations should not be sequenced

    so as to disrupt access to individual shops having only one access from the road. The Contractors Programme of Works, submitted in accordance with Clause 8.3 of the

    General Conditions of Contract, shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer and of

    Employer. If the Contractors programme, in the opinion of the Engineer/Employer has not

    properly achieved the objectives of the programme, then the Contractor shall be instructed to

    revise his Programme and the Contractor shall revise the programme forthwith; for this reason

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    SECTION I- Employer's Requirement Page: 12

    the Contractor is advised to liaise closely with the Engineer during the production of his

    Programme. In addition to the Works Programme required under Clause 8.3 of the General Conditions of

    Contract, the Contractor shall produce individual programmes for each element of the works

    likely to cause significant disruption to public and vehicular traffic, for the approval of the

    Engineer and prior to commencement of the element of the works, clearly showing the

    sequencing of construction operations is such a manner as to minimize the duration of the

    disruption. The Contractor shall note that different work in various parts of site by other contractors may

    be in progress or may commence during the Contract Period. It will be the Contractors

    responsibility to liaise with contractors on adjacent sites in order to ensure the detail progress.

    The Contractors Programme will be phased and will make full allowance for the need for a

    co-operative timing with adjacent contractors.

    1.1.9 Method Statements

    Immediately upon getting the Engineers approval for the work programme, the contractor

    should submit method statements for construction of his chosen work fronts.

    These method statements shall as a minimum describe the following;

    a. Length of stretch proposed to be taken up

    b. Equipments to be mobilized for excavation and pipe laying considering the depth of

    pipeline and also the narrowness of the work area

    c. The maximum depth of trench to be taken

    d. The material and diameter of pipe to be laid

    e. The special requirements for effecting the excavation,such as shoring

    f. The special requirements for carting away the excavated material

    g. The nearest location where the excavated material could be stored ready for reuse.

    h. The duration of each task excavation, laying, jointing, testing and backfilling

    i. The number of equipment and plant that will be deployed for working on the given stretch

    j. The number and details of supervisory staff and skilled staff to be deployed

    1.1.10 Survey of sewer and water mains to be carried out immediately on the commencement of


    The Contractor, immediately upon commencement of Project, shall carry out a survey of sewer

    mains and house connection sewer connections along the approximately 6.5 km long stretch

    out of the total 10.05 km long pipeline route. The location of manholes are marked up on the

    Utilities drawing included in the Tender drawings volume, The contractor has to verify these

    locations and mark up any manhole which he finds additionally at site. Further he has to identify

    the house service sewer connections irrespective whether the connection is authorized or not,

    1.1.11 Temporary hoardings for protection of work area

    The contractor shall protect the work area with temporary hoardings. These hoarding shall be

    light weight and easy to dismantle and relocate. Their purpose is to prevent public from entering

    the work area and creating work hazard.

    The hoarding shall be made of hot dipped galvanized iron corrugated sheet of 0.6mm thickness,

    fixed on self-standing M.S. frames. The sheets shall have 100mm thick zinc coating. They need

    to be painted as shown in drawing. There shall be provision for interlocking the M.S. frames in

    order to increase its stability. The hoarding shall be 2.0m high.

    1.1.12 Presentation on work approach

    In order to finish work on time with approved quality, the contractor shall present to the employer andthe engineer his approach of works before signing of contract.

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    SECTION I- Employer's Requirement Page: 13


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    Table of Contents Page: i

    SECTION II General Technical Specification

    Table of Contents


    ITEMS OF GENERAL APPLICATION .......................................................................................... 1


    General ............................................................................................................................................... 1


    Scope .................................................................................................................................................. 1

    Scope of the Contract ......................................................................................................................... 1


    Definitions ........................................................................................................................................... 2 General ............................................................................................................................................... 2 Tolerances .......................................................................................................................................... 2

    Measurement and Payment ....................................................... ......................................................... 2


    Languages .......................................................................................................................................... 2


    Interface with other Contracts ............................................................................................................. 2


    Scope of Works ...................................................... ........................................................................ ..... 3

    1.2 Facilities for the Engineer .................................................... ................................................................ 4


    Engineer's Site Office .......................................................... ................................................................ 4


    Services to the Engineer .................................................. ................................................................... 5

    1.2.3 Survey Equipment and Field Assistance ........................................................ ..................................... 5


    Vehicles for the Engineer .................................................................................................................... 6


    Safety Equipment ..................................................... ........................................................ ................... 7

    1.2.6 Support Staff ....................................................................................................................................... 7

    1.2.7 Testing of Material and Workmanship ............................................................ ..................................... 7

    1.2.8 Measurement and Payment ....................................................... ......................................................... 7

    1.3 Access to and Possession of Site ........................................................ ............................................... 7


    The Site ...................................................... ........................................................ ................................. 7


    Temporary Wayleaves and Access ....................................................... .............................................. 7


    Access to Adjoining Property .............................................................................................................. 8


    Permanent Right-of-Way ........................................................... .......................................................... 8


    Measurement and Payment ....................................................... ......................................................... 8

    1.4 Provision and Maintenance of Site Installations .................................................. ................................ 8

    1.4.1 Camp for Contractor's Staff ....................................................... .......................................................... 8


    Contractor's Offices, Stores and Services ................................................. .......................................... 8


    Preparation of the temporary Stockyard in the Site of Sub-project...................................................... 9


    Contractor's Construction Equipment ....................................................... ........................................... 9


    Water Supply....................................................................................................................................... 9

    1.4.6 Sanitation ............................................................................................................................................ 9

    1.4.7 Sewage and Waste Disposal .............................................................................................................. 9


    Energy Supply .................................................... ........................................................... ...................... 9

    1.4.9 Pollution .............................................................................................................................................. 9


    Supply of Fuel, Lubricants, etc. ..................................................... .................................................... 10


    Temporary Telephone and Internet Connections .................................................... .......................... 10

    1.4.12 First Aid ............................................................................................................................................. 10

    1.4.13 Fire Protection .................................................... ............................................................................... 10

    1.4.14 Contractor's Canteen ........................................................................................................................ 10

    1.4.15 Testing Facilities, Laboratory ............................................................................................................ 10


    Site Safety ................................................... ....................................................... ............................... 10


    Protection of Overhead and Underground Services .......................................................... ................ 11

    1.4.18 Signboards ........................................................................................................................................ 11


    Site Roads, Loading and Turning Areas ........................................................................................... 121.4.20 Site Drainage .................................................................................................................................... 12

    1.4.21 Cleaning-up of Site ....................................................... ............................................................ ......... 12

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    Table of Contents Page: ii

    1.4.22 Measurement and Payment ....................................................... ....................................................... 12

    1.5 Provision of Temporary Facilities .......................................................... ............................................ 12


    Temporary Diversions of Utilities ........................................................ ............................................... 12


    Detours and Traffic Control ............................................................................................................... 12

    1.5.3 Provision of Temporary Services ...................................................................................................... 13

    1.5.4 Protection of Adjoining Property ............................................................ ............................................ 14

    Land .................................................................................................................................................. 14 Buildings and other Structures .......................................................................................................... 14


    Reinstatement Upon Completion ......................................................... ............................................. 14


    Measurement and Payment ....................................................... ....................................................... 14

    1.6 Coordination with Other Authorities................................................................................................... 14


    Statutory Services .................................................. ........................................................ ................... 14


    Notices, Permits ........................................................... ..................................................................... 14

    1.6.3 Witnessing and Post-Construction Clearances ................................................... .............................. 14

    1.6.4 Measurement and Payment ....................................................... ....................................................... 15


    Submissions by the Contractor ......................................................................................................... 15

    1.7.1 Pre-Construction Surveys and Setting Out ....................................................................................... 15


    Detailed Design of Temporary Works ............................................................................................... 15


    Working Drawings .................................................. ....................................................... .................... 15

    1.7.4 As-Built Drawings and GIS Data Creation ...................................................... .................................. 16 As-Built Drawings .................................................. ........................................................ .................... 16 GIS Data Creation ........................................................... .................................................................. 16

    1.7.5 Construction Programme and Progress of Works ................................................... .......................... 17

    Construction Programme .................................................................................................................. 17

    Updating, Monitoring and Progress Reporting .................................................................................. 17 Detailed Fortnightly Programme ........................................................ ................................................ 17 Progress Reports .............................................................................................................................. 17

    1.7.6 Operation and Maintenance Manual ................................................................................................. 18


    Record / Progress Photographs ............................................................ ............................................ 181.7.8

    Measurement and Payment ....................................................... ....................................................... 18


    Quality Control .................................................................................................................................. 18


    Quality Control Plan and Procedures ....................................................... ......................................... 18


    Sampling and Testing ....................................................................................................................... 19

    1.8.3 Inspection and Acceptance ............................................... ................................................................ 20

    1.8.4 Materials/Plant Certificates ............................................................................................................... 20


    Site Records ..................................................................................................................................... 20


    Daily Log Book ............................................... ........................................................ ........................... 20


    Local Training for Operation and Maintenance ................................................................................. 21


    Measurement and Payment ....................................................... ....................................................... 21


    Standards, Codes and Abbreviations ...................................................... .......................................... 21

    1.9.1 Reference Standards and Codes ............................................................. ......................................... 21


    Metric Units ....................................................................................................................................... 22

    1.9.3 Abbreviations ............................................... ........................................................ ............................. 22


    Measurement and Payment ....................................................... ....................................................... 23


    Securities and Insurances .................................................... ............................................................. 24

    1.10.1 Performance Security .................................................... ........................................................... ......... 24

    1.10.2 Insurance of Works and Contractors Equipment .................................................... .......................... 24


    Insurance of Contractors Workmen And Employees ......................................................... ................ 24

    1.10.4 Third Party Insurance Policy ............................................................................................................. 24

    1.10.5 Insurance of Employers Personnel .................................................... ............................................... 24


    Measurement and Payment ....................................................... ....................................................... 24


    Other Provisional Items .......................................................... ........................................................... 24


    Items Supplied by the Employer........................................................................................................ 24

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    Table of Contents Page: iii


    CIVIL ENGINEERING WORK ..................................................................................................... 25


    Site Clearance................................................................................................................................... 25


    Scope ................................................................................................................................................ 25


    Interpretations ................................................................................................................................... 25

    Supporting Specifications .................................................... .............................................................. 25 Application ....................................................................... ................................................................. 25

    Definitions ......................................................................................................................................... 25


    Materials ........................................................................................................................................... 25

    2.1.4 Construction Equipment ................................................... ................................................................. 25


    Construction and Workmanship ........................................................ ................................................ 25

    Areas to be Cleared and Grubbed ...................................................... .............................................. 25 Cutting of Trees................................................................................................................................. 26 Clearing .................................................... ............................................................ ............................. 26 Grubbing ........................................................................................................................................... 26 Re-clearing of Vegetation .................................................... .............................................................. 26

    Dismantling ....................................................................................................................................... 26

    Measurement and Payment ....................................................... ....................................................... 27


    Earthworks ........................................................................................................................................ 28


    Scope ................................................................................................................................................ 28

    2.2.2 Interpretations ................................................................................................................................... 28 Supporting Specifications .................................................... .............................................................. 28

    Application ....................................................................... ................................................................. 28

    Definitions ......................................................................................................................................... 28


    Materials ........................................................................................................................................... 28

    Classification for Excavation Purposes ............................................................. ................................ 28 Classification for Placing Purposes ...................................................... ............................................. 29 Selection ........................................................................................................................................... 29

    Explosives and Blasting ........................................................ ............................................................ 29

    Gabions ..................................................... ........................................................... ............................. 30

    2.2.4 Construction Equipment ................................................... ................................................................. 30


    Construction and Workmanship ........................................................ ................................................ 30

    Precautions ....................................................................................................................................... 30 Methods and Procedures ..................................................... ............................................................. 31

    2.2.6 Tolerances ........................................................................................................................................ 35 Positions, dimensions, levels, etc...................................................................................................... 35 Moisture content and density ............................................................................................................ 35


    Testing and Acceptance .......................................................... .......................................................... 35


    Measurement and Payment ....................................................... ....................................................... 35

    2.3 Cement Concrete .................................................. ............................................................ ................ 37


    Scope ................................................................................................................................................ 372.3.2 Interpretations ................................................................................................................................... 37 Supporting specifications .................................................................................................................. 37

    Application ....................................................................... ................................................................. 37

    Definitions ......................................................................................................................................... 37

    Abbreviations ............................................... ........................................................ ............................. 38


    Structural Detailed Design ................................................................................................................ 38

    2.3.4 Materials ........................................................................................................................................... 38 Approval of materials ................................................... ..................................................................... 38

    Cement ............................................................................................................................................. 38

    Water ................................................................................................................................................ 39

    Aggregates ..................................................... ....................................................... ............................ 39

    Admixtures ......................................................... ............................................................................... 40 Reinforcement ....................................................... ............................................................................ 40

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    Table of Contents Page: iv Storage capacity ............................................................................................................................... 41 Deteriorated material .................................................... ............................................................ ......... 41

    Waterstops .................................................. ....................................................... ............................... 41

    Joint filler ........................................................................................................................................... 41 Joint sealant ...................................................................................................................................... 41 Waterproof Membrane ...................................................................................................................... 42

    Concrete Curing Compound ............................................................................................................. 42 Premixed Grout ........................................................... ...................................................................... 42

    Bituminous Paint ............................................................................................................................... 42

    Food Grade Epoxy Paint .................................................. ................................................................. 42

    2.3.5 Construction Equipment ................................................... ................................................................. 42

    General ............................................................................................................................................. 42

    Batching equipment .......................................................................................................................... 42 Mixing equipment ...................................................... ........................................................................ 42 Vibrators ......................................................... ........................................................... ........................ 42

    Formwork .......................................................................................................................................... 43 Scaffolding and ladders ........................................................... .......................................................... 43

    Casting beds and moulds .................................................... .............................................................. 43

    Construction Equipment for handling, lifting and stacking .............................................................. ... 43

    2.3.6 Construction and Workmanship ........................................................ ................................................ 44 Reinforcement ....................................................... ............................................................................ 44 Formwork .......................................................................................................................................... 44 Holes, chases, and fixing blocks ....................................................................................................... 45

    Pipes and conduits .................................................... ........................................................................ 45

    Concrete ........................................................................................................................................... 45

    2.3.7 Tolerances ........................................................................................................................................ 52 General ............................................................................................................................................. 52 Permissible Deviations .................................................. .................................................................... 53


    Tests and Acceptance ................................................... ........................................................... ......... 552.3.8.1

    Facilities and frequencies of sampling .............................................................................................. 55

    Testing .............................................................................................................................................. 55

    Acceptance criteria for designed mix concrete ......................................................... ......................... 55

    Individual Load Tests on Precast Units ............................................................................................. 56

    2.3.9 Measurement and Payment ....................................................... ....................................................... 56 Formwork .......................................................................................................................................... 56

    Reinforcement ....................................................... ............................................................................ 56

    Concrete ........................................................................................................................................... 56


    Brickworks .......................................................... ............................................................................... 58


    Scope ................................................................................................................................................ 58


    Interpretations ................................................................................................................................... 58 Supporting Specifications .................................................... .............................................................. 58

    Application ....................................................................... ................................................................. 58

    2.4.3 Materials ........................................................................................................................................... 58

    Bricks ................................................................................................................................................ 58

    Hollow concrete blocks ..................................................................................................................... 58 Cement for mortar ............................................................................................................................. 58 Sand for mortar ................................................................................................................................. 59

    Water for mortar ................................................................................................................................ 59 Construction Equipment ................................................... ................................................................. 59

    2.4.4 Construction and Workmanship ........................................................ ................................................ 59

    Mortar ...................................................... ........................................................... ............................... 59

    Workability of mortar ......................................................................................................................... 59

    Workability of grout ........................................................................................................................... 59

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    Table of Contents Page: v Cement mortar mixing and using period ........................................................................................... 59 Mixing of mortar ................................................................................................................................ 60

    Brick laying ........................................................... ............................................................................. 60

    Half brick thick wall and Curtain Walls .............................................................................................. 60 Exposed Brick Work ....................................................... ................................................................... 61 Brick manholes/ Inlet and other chambers ....................................................... ................................. 61

    Brick pavement ................................................................................................