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Page 1: Vof newsletter of reliefaid in nepal

Voice of Fetus, Nepal

As we know that a strong (7.8 magnitudes) earthquake hit Nepal on April 25, 2015. The earthquake was followed by many powerful aftershocks and a new earth-quake (6.8 magnitudes) hit the traumatized Nepal again on Sunday April26, 2015. The earthquakes caused extensive damages to whole villages, buildings and thousands of death and injures. Since then, thousands of earthquake survivors have been living a very panic life in makeshifts tents and the most affected and vulnerable people are pregnant women, new-born babies and lactating mothers.

Around twelve babies are being born every hour without access to basic health-care in the areas of Nepal worst hit by two powerful earthquakes, according to UNI-CEF, following massive damage to maternity facilities. The children’s organisation warns that over the next month the lives of almost 18,000 babies and mothers could be at risk, unless urgent action is taken to restore key healthcare systems.

At least 70 per cent of birthing centres across the 14 most affected districts of Nepal have been damaged or destroyed, rising to 90 per cent in some areas. With surviving

facilities overwhelmed, many pregnant women have been left without access to the healthcare they need to ensure the safe delivery of their babies. Thousands have also lost their homes, leaving moth-ers without a safe place to stay with their newborns.

As my wife was new mother and my

second son Yosef was newly born we

felt in direct that the earthquake was

affecting us very badly. We were

compelled to live in a makeshift tent where no hygienic environment, full of mos-

quitoes, no notorious food– only noodles, few clothes and diapers for baby. We

faced a genuine problems and I saw other mothers and babies around good

situation. So, we shared our baby’s diapers to them . And I used to read everyday

news where I saw the real situation of babies and mothers. So, the situation

inspired me to do a very specific relief program targeting to the pregnant women,

new born babies, new mothers and lactating mothers and their babies living in temporary tents and camps.

We too were very badly affected!

VOF Nepal’s Specific Relief Distribution Program –2015



I must share an excitement with you that the VOF’s Relief work was started with very humble and simple objectives but

slowly some of our regular partners, our Nepali friends and relatives in abroad started to join us and the relief efforts took

very huge form. Likewise, with their valuable support we could reached and blessed 235 pregnant women, 256 new-born

babies and new mothers respectively, 705 lactating mothers and under 2 years kids respectively. The relief distribution pro-

grams were happened in 7 most affected areas of Nepal. Now, please enjoyed the detail reports with photos of our relief

distribution program. Thank you: Soman Rai (Elisha)

An excitement!

Strengthening the value of Human Life

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Page 2 Volume 1, Issue 1

VOF’s First Relief Distribution Program at Tudikhel, Kathmandu Camp-1

4th May, 2015 Kathmandu: Voice of Fetus,

Nepal provided relief materials to 13 preg-

nant women, 57 new-born babies & infants,

57 new and lactating mothers in Tudikhel,

Kathmandu Camp-1. Due to the shortage of

nutritious food to pregnant women, mosquito

biting to new-born babies and infant, lack of

extra clothes to babies and other essentials

things to mothers, we found them at high

risk. So VOF provided warm blankets, baby

blankets, mosquito net, baby powder-soap, diapers, clothes, sanitary pads, maternal clothes,

horlicks, purified water, etc to them.

VOF’s Second Relief Distribution Program at Tudikhel, Kathmandu Camp –2

5th May, 2015 TUDIKHEL, Kathmandu: VOF Nepal distributed useful relief

stuffs to 13 pregnant women and 50 babies and 50 mothers who were left

behind to get reliefs on 4th May due to insufficient relief stuffs. After the

program, we even visited some of the babies and mothers in tent who had

received the reliefs on first day. We found them living very happily. They

were free from mosquito biting and had sound sleep. It was very nice talk-

ing and spending time with them. We appreciate all who indeed helped

this Relief (RAHAT) Program with their finance, voluntarily assistance and


VOF’s Third Relief Distribution Program at Narayanhiti,

Kathmandu Camp

8th May, 2015 Friday, Narayanhiti, Kathmandu: VOF Nepal again provided

needed relief materials to 3 pregnant women, 25 new-born babies and 25

mothers living in a temporary camp facilitated by Nepal Army. The relief

team grabbed an opportunity to talk and spend time with the women and

mothers in the camp, who really shared their nightmares of Earthquake

and their constant fear of it. So the team counselled and comforted them.

VOF’s Fourth Relief Distribution Program in


12 May, 2015 Sindupalchock, the 10 members of VOF relief team

had gone to Sindhupalchock for relief distribution program. As you

know that same day 6.8 magnitude of earthquake hit traumatized

Nepal again making its epicentre to border of Dolakha and Sin-

dupalchock. The team members were the eye-witness of the panic

and tragic situation of there. However, VOF relief team donated

reliefs to 30 pregnant women, 100 newborn and 100 mothers in 10

different villages of Sindupalchock and got back to Kathmandu with


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Page 3 Voice of Fetus, Nepal

Some photos of Sindupalchock

VOF’s Fifth Relief Distribution Program at Bukmati and Khokana

May16, 2015 Lalitpur, Nepal: Every life is worth to be

served, loved and saved. With this motivation VOF took

an opportunity to serve 20 pregnant women, 20 new

mothers, 20 newborn baby, 120 babies and 120 lactat-

ing ing mothers in Bukmati and Khokana the tipical

Newari zone, listed in World heritage but badly af-

fected by the massive earthquake. Although it was rain-

ing and aftershock of 5.7magnitude, the VOF Relief

Team didn't stop to distribute the relief stuffs to the

lovely people. Taking as a whole, the program re-

mained very excited and productive.

On May 27th Wednesday, 2015 VOF Relief Distribu-

tion Team of 8 members had gone to the Bhirkot

Village Development Community (VDC) of Dolakha

(the epicentre of second massive earthquake). It took

7 hours from Kathmandu to get there by Hiace Van

and 1\2 hrs walking up to the hill from motor road to

the village where 53 pregnant women, 55 new moth-

ers, 53 newly born babies and 145 infants of U2 years

and 145 lactating mothers from 9 different wards or

villages had been waiting for reliefs for long time in

extreme heat. Finally, they were benefitted by the

emergency relief materials.

VOF’s sixth Relief Distribution Program at Bhirkot Dolakha

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VOF’s Seventh Relief Distribution Program at Rasuwa–Nuwakot



The relief materials’ packages were helped to transmit up from vehicle

road to the event place by the local people. And the Relief Distribution

Program was coordinated by the Health post of VDC, local women health

volunteers and local community leaders. Moreover, the event’s news was

covered by the Image Channel of Kathmandu.

The team also had displayed the Life-giving awareness table with fetal

model, Life in the womb and abortion explained flipcharts developed by

Life International-US in the event place. Hundreds of local women visited

the table and collected information on life. Many women were shocked

by the knowledge

of fetal develop-

ment and abor-

tion. And it was first time for them to have such kind of live informa-

tion in their village, a local lady said.

In order to divert their mind from the traumatic situation created by

earthquake the awareness program was very essential. Now, at least

they have new topic of talking in their family and village instead of

talking about the same topic of terrific earthquake again and again.

We saw many women returning their villages with smiling face, some

relief and normalcy.

Let’s hope and pray for these people for the sound sleep and normal life again.

Appreciated your prayer, financial support, voluntarily assistance...

Soman Rai\VOF RDP’s news Nuwakot\Rasuwa 1St June, 2015-


Although some months have passed since the 'Gorkha' earth-

quake, locals of many areas in Rasuwa district hit by quake are

still wandering in search of temporary shelter. According to the

local administration, Langtang and Haku VDCs are the worst

quake-hit areas in the district and thousands of locals have been

displaced due to this. Some 500 families of Haku area at Satbise

and Betrawati bazaar, the border of Nuwakot and Rasuwa dis-

tricts, and Santibazaar and Dhunche in Rasuwa. General people

of Sano Haku, Thulo Haku, Hakubesi and Haku Mailung are now

in panic. They are terrorized as landslide has been taking place

across the Trishuli river and lands have developed sinkhole. Some

150 families of ward no 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the Haku VDC are

now taking shelter at Satbise and Betrawati. Dinesh Tamang of

Haku VDC, who is taking shelter at a camp in Betrawati, said that

they were compelled to leave the village as there is no situation to

stay there as dry landslide is still taking place. People are living in

extremely cramped conditions with their newborn kids, pregnant

women and lactating women sharing approximately 4x10m


On 1st June, 2015, with the coordination of Ganesh Shrestha the

Scout coordinator of Rasuwa district the VOF Relief Distribution

Team(RDT) had gone to Satbise and Betrawati bazaar, the border

of Nuwakot and Rasuwa districts, and Santibazaar in Rasuwa to

distribute the specific and basic relief materials where 54 pregnant

women, 50 newly born baby and mothers and 154 lactating

women and babies were benefitted.

Among the beneficiaries there was a young pregnant mother with

one year old baby who lost her husband, another young man with

four kids who also lost his young wife and another baby with her

aunt who lost his parents. The team visited their makeshift tent and spent some times with them and comforted them. Their situa-

tion is so miserable and panic. They even don’t have the practice of living in such a high temperature for they are the people from

high altitude... just can’t imagine and explain the circumstances in which they have been surviving. Oh God have mercy over them!

So, Please, Please, Please pray for their quick resettlement from Government.

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Sarita Tamang (named changed) is the resident of Haku VDC of Rasuwa.

She was happily living with her husband and a daughter and waiting for sec-

ond baby, because she is 6 month pregnant. She had many beautiful dreams

for her family, but her dreams became a nightmare when the massive earth-

quake hit Nepal along with Rasuwa district. She lost her husband in dry land-

slide caused by the earthquake and displaced from her village and compelled

to live in a makeshift tent.

We met her in the camp of Satbise the border of Nuwakot and Rasuwa

districts during our Relief distribution Program. We were wordless when we

came to know about her situation. However, we spoke some words of

condolence and provided relief materials. We shared her situation to other

potential organization and churches for her further support. Please pray for

her very specially.


stories! Very big lost!

The baby ‘Passang’ is one of many who lost his parents due to the dry landslide caused by earth-

quake in Haku, Rasuwa. Now, he is living with her aunty who already has two kids of her own

and she takes care of him. His aunt says that he even doesn’t know what happened to his par-

ents...he just weeps. So she feeds him her breast whenever he cries. He is really innocent.

Passang had come to receive relief materials with her aunt. That time he was slept. Her aunt

received some emergency relief materials (like Big Blanket, baby blanket, mosquito net,

horlicks, baby powder and soup, diapers) for him.

Just weeps!

Baby Kaman used to live with his parents and other three siblings in Haku the

very beautiful village in Himalaya. He always used miss her mom whenever she

used to go to the forest near by their village in search of dry wood. And when-

ever his mom used to return from the forest she used to hug and kiss him and

feed him.

As usual, on 25th

April, 2015 Saturday Baby Kaman’s mom kissed him and said

to him good bye and went to the forest. But that day, her mom didn’t return

home and she is not return yet. In actual, the baby Kaman’s mom was killed in

the dry landslide caused by the massive earthquake in Nepal.

Today, Baby Kaman lives with his father and siblings in a makeshift tent in Sat-

bise the border of Nuwakot and Rasuwa districts. His father told he is not like before...he is lost and quite...always cries. He doesn’t like

the place where they are living now...always says lets go to mom and home.

VOF Relief team met him and his father and granted some emergency relief materials. He was happy but not enough like with her

mom. Please pray for him and family.

Lets go to mom & home!

On the behalf of all those beneficiaries we the Relief

team of Voice of Fetus, Nepal would like to express

our heartfelt thanks to you all who genuinely

supported our relief efforts with your prayer and

finance. Please be sure that your valuable gift was

remained a real relief to those people in the time of

their calamity. May God bless you all!

For further information:

Voice of Fetus, Nepal GPO 8975

EPC: 2194, Katmandu, Nepal.

Email: [email protected]

Contact: +977-9841651569
