Download - vodQA Pune - Innovations in Testing - Agenda

Page 1: vodQA Pune - Innovations in Testing - Agenda

9:30 - 10:00

10:00 - 10:05

10:05 - 10:35

10:35 - 10:45

10:45 - 11:00

11:00 - 11:45

Track 1

Update from vodQA Pune, Innovations in Testing:

1. See the agenda below for links to the slides and videos (where available)

2. Join the vodQA group ( on facebook for further updates from this vodQA, and also

know about the future events.



Event Kick-off / Welcome

Video (LiveStreaming) (

Keynote - Create the Future! - by Anand Bagmar

Slides (, Video (LiveStreaming)


Speaker Talks - Sales Pitch

Video (LiveStreaming) (

Coffee Break

Talks (45 minutes each, in Parallel)

Visual Regression testing using PhantomCss


Visual comparison and validation of pages (full / snippets) using phantomCss

Expected Learnings

1. An effective way for visual regression testing

2. A robust, tried and tested tool to achieve end to end testing and catching bugs which the human eye may falter

to catch


Vishnu Narang, ThoughtWorks, Pune

A full stack developer in the making, curious about every technology. A ThoughtWorker for

3 years. Football and adventure comes next in my passions.

Email: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

Twitter: (

Blog: (

LinkedIn: (

([email protected])


Page 2: vodQA Pune - Innovations in Testing - Agenda

Track 2

Track 3

Shridhar Deshmukh, ThoughtWorks, Pune.

Developer at ThoughtWorks.

Email: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

Twitter: (

Blog: (

Slides (, Video (LiveStreaming)


Search and Analyze Data in Real Time


Analysis, extraction and automation of large volumes of server logs in real time using easy to use open-source


Expected Learnings

1. Learn new way to store, analyse and retrieve logs.

2. Quick overview of different challenges and some words on how ELK Stack can perform.


Rohit Kalsarpe, Symantec, Pune

Rohit has more than 8 years of experience in Software Quality and is currently working

with Symantec. He enjoys experimenting with new technologies and loves automating

anything and everything possible.

Email: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])



Prashant Shewale, Symantec, Pune

Prashant is QA Architect at Symantec and has over 13+ years of experience in IT industry.

He is open source enthusiast and loves to explore open source tools.

Email: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

Slides (, Video (LiveStreaming)


Multiplication And Division of Calabash tests


Running mobile-based tests in parallel using open-source gem - parallel_calabash

Expected Learnings

How to do parallelization of the test automation pipeline of mobile calabash tests to get quick feedback and

parallel cross platform testing


Rajdeep Varma, ThoughtWorks, Pune

Rajdeep is a senior quality analyst at ThoughtWorks with deep passion for test automation

in agile environments. He has worked on a number of web and mobile apps across various

domains for more than 5 years. Currently, he and his team are building mobile apps for one

of the worlds leading airline company.

Email: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])



Slides (, Video

(LiveStreaming) (

Page 3: vodQA Pune - Innovations in Testing - Agenda

11:45 - 12:00

12:00 - 12:45

Track 1

Track 2

Coffee Break

Talks (45 minutes each, in Parallel)

Tasting I18N - architecture, development and testing


Get a flavor of what is I18N, how to (re)architect your product, and what should be the testing strategy and

Automation approach for such a requirement

Expected Learnings

1. Understanding i18n.

2. The ways of implementation of presentation part for it.

3. Automation for the same, to make sure that presentation layer is not breaking while development.


Abhinav Sharma, ThoughtWorks, Pune

Front End Developer. JS Programmer. ThoughtWorker. Photographer.

Email: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

Twitter: @as_abhinav (

Blog: (

Linkedin: (

Slides (, Video (LiveStreaming)


Dividing-and-conquering the testing in data analytics domain


Experience sharing from a complex Big-Data related project in the Analytics domain - the challenges faced, the

approach taken and the learnings from this

Expected Learnings

1. Understanding of a basic analytics system

2. Insights into the challenges faced in testing an analytics system thoroughly

3. Understanding of importance of domain knowledge in functional testing

4. Insights into how a simple approach can help in accomplishing effective data testing of a massive analytics



Devangana Khokhar, ThoughtWorks, Banglore

Devangana Khokhar is working as a Developer at ThoughtWorks, Bangalore. She joined

ThoughtWorks as a grad 2 years back and has since been working on a range of exciting

projects, primarily in the data science and analytics domain. So far, she has worked on Retail

Analytics, Text Analytics and Graph Analytics. Currently she's working on a very interesting

Marketing Analytics project as a Data Scientist. Devangana is also the Director of Women

Who Code's Bangalore chapter, a non-profit organization focused on bringing more women

into the field of technology. She holds a master's degree in Theoretical Computer Science

with specialization in Social Network Analysis from PSG College of Technology,


Email: [email protected]

(mailto:[email protected])

Twitter: @DevanganaK (

Linkedin: (

Kokila Rudresh, ThoughtWorks, Banglore

Kokila has been working as Quality Analyst in ThoughtWorks. During her tenure, she has

worked on numerous domains like banking, GIS mapping, travel and retail. Currently, she is

exploring the analytics domain. She brings to the table a vast experience in working with

Page 4: vodQA Pune - Innovations in Testing - Agenda

Track 3

12:45 - 13:30

13:30 - 15:45

Track 1

various tools and technologies, and believes that functional test automation is critical for

the success of software development.

Email: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

Slides (

testing), Video (LiveStreaming) (

From QA to DevQAops!


Understand, build and automate your Infrastructure Test Automation Pyramid

Expected Learnings

1. Introducing Infrastructure as Code philosophy

2. Why and what to test in your infrastructure

3. What opportunities and innovations are possible in this unexplored domain


Yahya Poonawala, ThoughtWorks, Pune

Problem-solver, DevOps enthusiast and a ThoughtWorker.

Email: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

Twitter: @meetykp (

Siddharth Kulkarni, ThoughtWorks, Pune

A recent TWer interested in DevOps.

Email: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

Twitter: @sid_thinketh (

Linkedin: (

Slides (, Video (LiveStreaming)


Lunch Break

Workshops (2 hours each, in Parallel)

Client-Side Performance Testing of a Responsive website


1. Participants are required to bring their own laptop for this workshop.

2. Also, please install phantomJS on your machine (



In this workshop, we will see the different dimensions of Performance Testing and Performance Engineering,

and focus on Client-side Performance Testing.

Before we get to doing some Client-side Performance Testing activities, we will first understand how to look at

client-side performance, and putting that in the context of the product under test. We will see, using a case

study, the impact of caching on performance, the good & the bad! We will then experiment with some tools like

WebPageTest and Page Speed to understand how to measure client-side performance.

Lastly - just understanding the performance of the product is not sufficient. We will look at how to automate the

testing for this activity - using WebPageTest (private instance setup), and experiment with yslow - as a low-cost,

programmatic alternative to WebPageTest.

Expected Learnings

1. What is Performance Testing and Performance Engineering.

2. Hand's on experience of some open-source tools to monitor, measure and automate Client-side Performance


3. Examples / code walk-through of some ways to automate Client-side Performance Testing.

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Track 2

Track 3


Anand Bagmar, ThoughtWorks, Pune

Anand Bagmar is a Test Practice Lead at ThoughtWorks. He is a hands-on and result-

oriented software quality evangelist with nineteen years in the IT field. Passionate about

shipping quality products, Anand specializes in building automated testing tools,

infrastructure, and frameworks. He writes testing-related blogs and has built open-source

tools related to software testing—WAAT (Web Analytics Automation Testing Framework),

TaaS (for automating integration testing in disparate systems), and TTA (Test Trend


Twitter: @BagmarAnand (



Blog: (

Slides (

Where do my tests belong?

Max # of participants: 40


How many times do we test the same things at multiple layers, multiple levels, adding time to the build process

and testing cycle? As a result, delaying the feedback.

In this workshop, we will demonstrate how as QAs we can identify what tests can be classified as unit tests,

integration test and functional test.

Using a case study, we will see how each component can be tested as part of unit testing; the integration of

different parts and the functioning of the automobile as a whole and how functional tests fit into this big picture.

We will then bring all these tests together to understand and build the testing pyramid.

Expected Learnings

1. Understanding where we write our tests.

2. How to have good test coverage at the right layers.

3. Significance and importance of each layer.

4. How many test's should be there in your test suite.

5. Understanding the testing pyramid.


Bhumika Srinivas, ThoughtWorks, Pune

Bhumika, a Quality Analyst in ThoughtWorks. In the 8 years that she has been in the testing

world, she has worked on various domains like travel, retail and e-commerce among others.

Currently, she is working with a team that is building a mobile app for different platforms

for one of the world's leading airlines. In her free time, she likes to sing, read and watch a lot

of movies.

Email: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])



Khushal Oza, ThoughtWorks, Pune

Khushal Oza is a QA @ ThoughtWorks for 3 years. Has worked on various technologies and

has tried different roles. When not a QA, he is a traveller, fitness freak and a photographer.

Email: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

Twitter: @khushaloza (

Slides (

Innovation games

Max # of participants: 40


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Track 4

All work and no play makes no sense :) Lets play a very interesting game and learn the different types of testing.

We will learn the things that are really important and we miss out in our QA process. We will try and bring in all

aspects of testing in this workshop.

Attendees will develop a product just as we deliver software on our daily jobs. They will gather requirements,

analyse, develop, test and sell. In all the phases we will bring in quality and the importance of testing. What's

more, we will have loads of fun!!

Expected Learnings

1. Types of testing

2. Importance of user design

3. Advantages of customer involvement from the start

4. Delivery of product on time

5. Things to keep in mind while developing that will impact the delivery later

6. Things that dont sell


Preeti Mishra, ThoughtWorks, Pune

She have been with ThoughtWorks since 3 years. In the course of her career she has

worked on various domains - banking, sales, CRM, retail etc. She has also been involved in

automating web applications with various frameworks using Java, Selenium, Ruby,

cucumber. She has done performance testing using JMeter and Gatling. Apart from finding

bugs, in her spare time she likes to read, watch movies and shop. She also enjoys travelling

and exploring new places.

Email: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

Twitter: @Preetimishra504 (





Ashwini Ingle, ThoughtWorks, Pune

Ashwini is a QA with ThoughtWorks and is part of the employee portal development team.

In the course of her career, she has worked on automating web applications with various

frameworks like Selenium, WatiN and AutoIT, automating performance testing using Watin

and HttpWatch, and has conducted workshops on testing with C#-Selenium. Apart from

always being on the lookout to learn about a new testing tool, Ashwini also enjoys trekking,

rappelling, ringing, dancing (mix of Bollwood and Belly dancing), reading poetry and

traveling to new places.

Email: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

Slides (

Assessing the quality of usability

Max # of participants: 12


In the absence of a dedicated designer on a project, teams are left with no option but to take a leap of faith where

it comes to the quality of usability of a product or feature. As a result although you may deliver great quality

code and a feature set net value to the end user and thereby your customer is in question.

The focus of this workshop is to equip non design roles with tools designers use for testing quality of designs.

The workshop will be run in two parts:


10mins (Presentation) - Presentation to the 10 Heuristics and how to use them

30mins (Workshop)- Teams try and apply Heuristics

Learning: Getting introduced to the basic principals of usability and there by make an educated estimate of the

designs usability.



15 mins (Presentation)- Introduction to usability testing and techniques

45 mins (Workshop)- Teams conduct usability tests

20 mins -Teams present findings

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15:45 - 16:00

16:00 - 17:00


Learning: The ability to observe actual user behaviour while interacting with a system, deriving a usability report

based on actual facts unlike assumptions.


Expected Learnings

The focus of this workshop is to equip non design roles with tools designers use for testing quality of designs.


Getting introduced to the basic principals of usability and there by make an educated estimate of the designs



The ability to observe actual user behaviour while interacting with a system, deriving a usability report based on

actual facts unlike assumptions.


Aditya R, ThoughtWorks, Pune

Experience designer at ThoughtWorks. Lean design enthusiast. Believes design can make

the world a better place.

Email: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

Twitter: (

LinkedIn: (

Radhika Kale, ThoughtWorks, Pune

User Experience Design Intern from Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology,


Email: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) /

[email protected] (mailto:[email protected])





Slides (

Coffee Break

Lightning Talks (12 minutes each)

From Spam to Inbox


Automating the look and feel of how emails are seen and track its status in different devices and browsers

Expected Learnings

1. Testing and tracking emails.

2. Impact of not doing point 1.

3. Usage of Litmus tool.


Anjali Wadhwa, ThoughtWorks, Pune

Anjali is Quality Analyst at ThoughtWorks.

Email: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

Twitter: @anju_4321 (



Slides (, Video (LiveStreaming)


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What's Next


Challenges in testing a wearable device - FitBit

Expected Learnings

1. A new approach to think over Bluetooth traffic and its analysis.

2. How data can be captured over Bluetooth and its analysis.

3. Why to secure data over Bluetooth as health devices contains all vital information.


Aakar Gupte - eClinical Works, Ahmedabad

Aakar Gupte, works as QA. He has excellent communication skills and is consistently active

in researching about having confident conversations. He has also received an award for the

best Team coordinator. Working in QA files from past 2 years. Played with automation and

manual. Interested to find leakage on website and working on security testing.Today he

would like to share about wearable gadgets and QA's approach for testing such gadgets.

Email: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

Blog: (



Slides (, Video (LiveStreaming)


Wearables and Testing


Wearables are the next "In" thing. This talk intends to discuss the different things to watch out for while testing

mobiles apps in conjunction with wearable devices like Android Wear & Apple Watch.

Expected Learnings

1. Understanding some of the gotchas while testing mobile apps with wearable devices

2. Overcoming these challenges

3. Testing the working of the apps in multiple versions of a platform in conjunction with the wearable devices.


Bhumika Srinivas, ThoughtWorks, Pune

Bhumika, a Quality Analyst in ThoughtWorks. In the 8 years that she has been in the testing

world, she has worked on various domains like travel, retail and e-commerce among others.

Currently, she is working with a team that is building a mobile app for different platforms

for one of the world's leading airlines. In her free time, she likes to sing, read and watch a lot

of movies.

Email: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])



Slides (, Video (LiveStreaming)


Innovation isn't for me!!


Myths, traits and approaches towards Innovations

Expected Learnings

1. A fresh perspective towards innovation.

2. Better equipped to start their individual journeys on innovating in their field of work.


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17:00 - 17:30


Sarbashrestha Panda, ThoughtWorks, Pune

Panda, is an Analyst working for ThoughtWorks. Over the last 10 years he has played

multiple roles ranging from a BA, IM/PM, process consultant and agile coach for clients in

various industries. An avid reader and a skilled facilitator, Panda has been a proponent of

design thinking and its powers for problem solving.

Email: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

Twitter: @sarbashrestha (

Linkedin: (

Slides (, Video (LiveStreaming)


Panel Discussion - Its all about Perspectives...


Interactive session for attendees to ask questions to the panel related to testing.

Closure and Networking