Download - VOCAL SOLO COLLECTIONS VOCAL SOLO ACCOMPANIED … · 2019-04-09 · We Are One Wings of Love Yigdal Yiram Hayam ... Go Down, Moses -- spiritual True Freedom – Sephardic melody,

Page 1: VOCAL SOLO COLLECTIONS VOCAL SOLO ACCOMPANIED … · 2019-04-09 · We Are One Wings of Love Yigdal Yiram Hayam ... Go Down, Moses -- spiritual True Freedom – Sephardic melody,















The Jewish Center Songster

ed. Bernard Carp

pub. National Jewish Welfare Board, NY1949

Friday Eve

L‘cho Dodi – I & S E Goldfarb, HebT/Heb

Sh‘ma Yisroeyl – HebT/Heb

Come O Sabbath Day – A W Binder, Eng

L‘chu N‘rah‘no – HebT/Heb

Sabbath Queen – P Minkowski, text Ch N Bialik, Eng

Sholom A‘leychem – I Goldfarb, HebT/Heb

Yo Ribon – I & S E Goldfarb, HebT/Heb

Yigdal – M Leoni, HebT/Heb


Eyn Keyloheynu -- HebT

Ki Mitziyon – S Sulzer, HebT

L‘cho A‘donoy Hag‘dulo – C Ephros, HebT/Heb

Eso Eynay – C Ephros, HebT/Heb

At the Dawn I Seek Thee – I Goldfarb, text I Gabirol, Eng

A‘don Olom – HebT/Heb

Oneg Shabbat

Hevenu Shalom A‘leychen – HebT/Heb

V‘Taheyr Libeynu – HebT/Heb

Tzur Mishelo – S E Goldfarb, HebT/Heb

Hin‘ni Muchan Um‘zuman – HebT/Heb

Ha‘shiveynu Eylecho – HebT/Heb

Yom Ze M‘chubod – I Goldfarb, HebT/Heb

Hamavdil – arr. B Carp, HebT/Heb

Succot and Simhat Torah

Siman Tov – HebT/Heb

V‘somachto – HebT/Heb

Orchim L‘chog – S E Goldfarb, text L Kipnis, HebT/Heb


Mo-Oz Tzur – HebT/Heb/Eng

Mi Y‘malel – HebT/Heb

Hear the Voice of Israel‘s Elders – S E Goldfarb, Eng

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Hamishah Asar Bishvat

A‘tzey Zeytim Omdim – HebT/Heb

The Trees of Home – S E Goldfarb, Eng

Po B‘eretz – HebT/Heb

Song of the Watchman – Eng/Heb


Chag Purim – HebT/Heb

Thanksgiving and Praises – T Guinsburg, Eng

Utzu Etza – HebT/Heb

Ze Hayom Yom Purim – HebT/Heb


Adir Hu – HebT/Heb

Chad Gadyo -- HebT/Heb

Dayeynu -- HebT/Heb

Az Moshiach Vet Kummen -- HebT/Heb

Hal‘luhu -- HebT/Heb

Eyliyohu Hanovi -- HebT/Heb

Lag Ba-omer

Bar Yochai – A Davidovitz, HebT/Heb

Palestine Scout Song – arr. S E Goldfarb, Eng


Boruch E‘loheynu -- HebT/Heb

Dunday -- HebT/Heb

Yismach Moshe -- HebT/Heb

Tishah B’ab

Ovinu Malkeynu -- HebT/Heb

Yibone Hamikdosh -- HebT/Heb

Children’s Favorites

Tuki -- HebT/Heb

Ober Yidden Zeinen Mir -- YidT

Sh‘mor -- HebT/Heb

Sha! Shtill! -- YidT

Boker -- HebT/Heb

Kum Bachur Atzel -- HebT/Heb

Hob Ich Por Oksen – arr. B Carp, YidT

Rad Hayom -- HebT/Heb

Bulbe -- YidT

Boom Da-Li Da – meaningless syllables


Artza Alinu -- HebT/Heb

Hava Nagila -- HebT/Heb

Kuma Echa – S L Postolsky, text Y Scheinberg, HebT/Heb

Nigun Bialik – no words

Achshav – HebT/Heb

Sham B‘eretz Yisrael – arr. D Lapson, HebT/Heb

Rounds and Ground Bass Songs

Am Yisroeyl Chay -- HebT/Heb

Hine Ma Tov -- HebT/Heb

Shalom Cha‘verim -- HebT/Heb

Zum Gali Gali -- HebT/Heb

Ma Tovu -- HebT/Heb

Lachevra -- HebT/Heb

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Ha‘shiveynu -- HebT/Heb

Tumba – meaningless syllables

Oi der Rebbenu -- YidT

Yiddish Folk

Az der Rebbe Est -- YidT

Oif‘n Priptichik – Warshawsky, YidT

Gevald-Je Brieder -- YidT

Lomir Alle in Eynem – arr. B Carp, YidT

L‘chayim Rebbe -- YidT

Rojinkes mit Mandlen – A Goldfaden, YidT

Der Rebbe Elimelech -- YidT

Zoll Ich Zein a Rov -- YidT

Shlof Mein Kind – A Goldfaden, YidT

Yome Yome -- YidT

Meyirke Mein Zuhn -- YidT

Lomir Zich Ibberbetten -- YidT

Palestinian Songs of Love, Land, and Toil

B‘er – S Levy, HebT/Heb

Shomeyr Yisroeyl -- HebT/Heb

Teche‘zakna -- HebT/Heb

Ach Ya Chabibi -- HebT/Heb

Holem – S Postolsky, HebT/Heb

K‘ruim Anu -- HebT/Heb

Im Eyn A‘ni Li -- HebT/Heb

Kadima -- HebT/Heb

Naa‘le L‘artzenu -- HebT/Heb

Anu Banu Artza -- HebT/Heb

Ya Chay Li Li -- HebT/Heb

V‘ulay – Shertok, HebT/Heb

Lo Vayom V‘lo Valayla -- HebT/Heb

Roe V‘roa -- HebT/Heb

Songs of Resistance, Courage, and Hope

Shir Hapartizonim – A Shlowsky, text A Boskovitz, HebT/Heb

Oz Oz – D Sambursky, text A Ashman, HebT/Heb

A‘ni Maa‘min – arr. B Carp, HebT/Heb

S‘brent -- YidT

Az Du Gehst Dem Letzten Veg – Projrass, text H Glick, YidT

Hatkvah -- HebT/Heb

The Joy of Israel Songbook

ed. Sol Zim, HebT with Eng & Heb text

pub. Tara Pubs, NY NY 1980

Contents at the end of this in notebook

SAFAM Songbook

Eng/HebT with chords

pub. SAFAM in USA 1990

Al Hanissim

Amar Rabi Elazar

Anim Zemirot


B‘nai Safam

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A Brighter Day

Brother on Brother

Café Tel Aviv

Dodi Li

Falasha Nevermore

The Greater S2cheme of Things


Jome to Jerusalem



Mah Navu

The Morning Light

No Easy Way

Only for Children

Peace by Peace

Photo Album

Mah Nishtanah



Rivers of Babylon

Shalom Shalom


Soldiers of Conscience

Talmud Torah

Tribute/The Man

We Are One

Wings of Love


Yiram Hayam

Sefer Shirim U-Manginot, Vol. I

eds. M Gorali & D Samburski, eds., HebT

pub. Kiryat Sefer, Jerusalem 1956

Contents at the end of this file in notebook

Sefer Shirim U-Manginot, Vol. II

eds. M Gorali & D Samburski, eds., HebT

pub. Kiryat Sefer, Jerusalem 1959

Contents at the end of this file in notebook

Selected Jewish Songs for Members of the Armed Forces Eng/HebT/YidT

pub. National Jewish Welfare Board in cooperation with American Association for Jewish Education, NY

NY 1943

Part I - Sabbath and Festival Songs

Friday Evening

Baruch Adonai – S Sulzer

Sh‘ma Yisrael

Mi Chamoch – S Sulzer

May the Words – A Kaiser

Come, O Sabbath Day – A W Binder, text G Gottheil

Shalom Aleychem -- I Goldfarb

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L‘chu N‘ran‘na -- folktune

L‘cha Dodi -- Chassidic

Praise to the Living God–Yigdal – Leoni

Descend, O Sabbath Princess – D Nowakowsky

Sabbath Morning

Ysimach Moshe -- folksong

Ki Mitsiyon – S Sulzer

Ets Chayim Hi -- traditional

Yism‘chu -- Chassidic

Sim Shalom

En Kelohenu – J Freudenthal

Adon Olam

Oneg Shabat

Hin‘ni Muchan Um‘zuman -- Chassidic

Tsur Mishelo -- traditional

Shir Hamaalot – Z Murgovsky

V‘taher Libenu -- Chassidic

Hevenu Shalom Aleychem

Hine Ma Tov -- Chassidic

Hamavdil -- folksong

Hashivenu Elecha -- Chassidic

High Holidays

V‘al Kulam -- folksong

Avinu Malkenu -- Chassidic

New Year Song

Sukkot and Simchat Torah

Sisu V‘simchu – J Glinko, text B Kaspi

Simchat Tora – folksong, text L Kipnis

A Week within the Succah Green – H Schalit, text I R Hess


Al Hanisim -- folksong

Maoz Tsur -- traditional

Mi Y‘malel -- Palestinian

Mattathias – H Coopersmith, text E Levinger

Chamishah Assar Bish’vat

Atsey Zeytime Omdim

Hazor‘im B‘dima – M Weiner

Naale L‘artsenu

Artsa Alinu


Ze Hayom Yom Purim – A Goldfaden

Shoshanat Yaakov -- folktunes

If Our God Had Not Befriended – J Weinberg, text E Churton


Adir Hu -- Yemenite

Chad Gadya -- traditional

Eliyahu Hanavi -- folksong

Go Down, Moses -- spiritual

True Freedom – Sephardic melody, text J R Lowell


The Pilgrimage – S E Goldfarb, text S S Grossman

Heroes of the Law – H Coopersmith, text A Burstein

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Part II - English Hymns

Father to Thee We Look in All Our Sorrow -- F Mendelssohn, text F L Hosmer

Onward Brothers, March Still Onward -- L von Beethoven, text H Ellis

God Is in His Holy Temple – H W Hawkes

At the Dawn I Seek Thee – I Goldfarb, text I Gabirol

There Lives a God – O Lob

Song of Praise – A Warshowsky

Dim Mine Eyes – traditional, text I L Rypins

How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings – F Mendelssohn, text J Milton

God of Our Fathers – G W Warren, text D C Roberts

All the World Shall Come to Serve Thee – A W Binder, text I Zangwill

Happy He Who Walketh Ever – A W Binder, text J Voorsanger

God Supreme! – J Achron, text P Moise & E Calisch

Praise Ye the Lord – L M Isaacs, text P Moise

Sound the Loud Timbrel – J Weinberg, text T Moore

Part III – Hebrew and Yiddish Folk Songs

Am Yisrael Chai


Kuma Echa – Sh Postolsky, text Y Sheinberg

Baa M‘nucha – D Sambursky, text N Alterman

Gilu Hagalilim


Im Eyn Ani Li

Hava Nagila -- Chassidic

Nigun Bialik -- Chassidic

Ya Chai Li Li


Kruim Anu


Freylach Zain! -- folksong

Un Az der Rebe -- Chassidic

Oyf‘n Prip‘chok – Warshowsky

Nisim V‘niflo-os -- folksong

Der Rebe Elimelech -- folksong

Hatikva – N H Imber

Part IV – Patriotic Songs

The Star Spangled Banner – J S Smith, text F S Key

America – H Carey, text S F Smith

America the Beautiful – S A Ward, text K L Bates

God Bless America – I Berlin

Shiron: A Loose-leaf Song Book for Jewish Youth HebT/Eng texts

pub. Jewish National Fund Education Dept, London

Contents at the end of this file in notebook

Shiron Tamid: 120 Songs of Israel for All Occasions

ed. Ya‘akov Talmi, HebT/Heb with some duets

pub. Moresht Pub Co, Tel Aviv 1978

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Songs of My People

ed. Harry Coopersmith, HebT/YidT/Eng

pub. The Anshe Emet Synagogue, 1937

Contents at the end of this file in notebook


Community Songs

ed. Rudolf Beck, HebT/Eng/YidT

pub. Board of Jewish Education of Metropolitan Chicago, 1969

Lit/Sec, Vocal Solo with piano,

Contents at the end of this file in notebook

Harry Ruja Song Arrangements, Vol. I Yankele – M Gebirtig, YidT with Piano

Adama – HebT with Piano

Shtait in Feld a Baimele – YidT

Die Mezinke – M M Varshovsky, YidT

A-haim Tzu Mir – YidT with Piano

Alle Brieder – YidT with Piano

Meierke Mein Zum -- YidT with Piano

In an Orem Shtibele – M Gelbart, text M Karman, YidT

Mai Komashme Lon? – arr. N L Saslavsky, text A Raisin, YidT with Piano

Na-aleh L‘artzenu – arr. Eisenstein-Prensky, HebT with Piano

Vetaher Libenu – arr. Eisenstein-Prensky, HebT with Piano

Yom Zeh L‘yisroel – arr. Eisenstein-Prensky, HebT with Piano

Harry Ruja Song Arrangements, Vol. II Unser Rebenu – YidT with Piano

Az Der Rebe Zingt – YidT with Piano

Zog Maran – S Bugatch, text A Raisin, YidT with Piano

A Maisele – M Gelbart, text B Y Byal----- ?, YidT with Piano

Afidler – H Wolowitz, text Sh Tsmesler, YidT with Piano

Papir Iz Doch Vays – YidT with Piano

Achtsig Er Un Ziebetsig Zi – arr. Lefkowitch, M M Warshavsky, YidT with Piano

Ponar – A Tamir, text S Kaczerkinski, YidT/Eng

Makli Tsu Di Eygelach – Beygelman, YidT

Heveynu Shalom Aleyhem – HebT with Piano

Lo Yisa Goy – HebT with Piano

Lomir Ale Freylakh Zayn – YidT with Piano

Dona Dona – S Secunda, text Katzanelsen, YidT with Piano

Piramidn – folksong, text D Edelsh ----?, YidT with Piano

By Our Cottage – Eng with Piano

Vosze Vilstu? – YidT

Vayse Shtern – A Brudno, text A Sutzk---?, YidT

Der Rebe Hot Geheysn Freylakh Zayn – Piano


Haftaru Shabat Gadol – HebT?

Gott in Zayn Mishpet – Melody with chords

Dos Talise – Melody with chords

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Habet Mi Shomayim – Melody with chords

Vilna – Melody with chords

Israeli Songs

arr. Max Helfman

pub. Brandeis Institute ,1949

Lit/Sec, Vocal Solo with piano, YidT with Eng & Heb texts

Contents at the end of this file in notebook

Jewish Folk and Holiday Songs

arr. John W. Schaum

pub. Schaum Publications, 1967

Israeli Folk Songs

Artza Alinu

Hava Nagila

Hevenu Shalom Aleychem

Shalom Chaveryreem

Zum Gali Gali

Israeli National Anthem


Yiddish Songs

Eli, Eli

Mazel Tov

High Holidays

Avinu Malkeynu

Kol Nidrey


Lama Suka Zu


Rock of Ages (Mo-oz Tzur)

Chanuka Song

Chanuka Oy Chanuka


Purim Day (Chag Purim)


Chad Gadya

Eliyahu Hanavi

Go Down Moses


Boruch Eloheynu


Eyn Keyloheynu

Adon Olom

The Jewish Songster: Music for Voice & Piano

Part I Festival Songs

eds. Israel & Samuel E Goldfarb, HebT with some Eng

pub. Religious Schools of Congregation Beth Israel Anshe Emes, Brooklyn NY 1925

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Manginoth Shireynu (Hebrew Melodies, Old and New, Religious and Secular)

arr. Moshe Nathanson, HebT

pub. Hebrew Publishing, NY NY 1939

Folksongs (1-23)

1. Am Yisrael Chai

2. Nirkod Kulanu

3. Shiru Ladonai

4. Lo Nutka

5. Hinei Ma Tov

6. Hal‘luhu

7. V‘taher Libenu

8. Hashiveynu

9. Ba-olam Hazeh

10. Yarden Yarden

11. Yibaneh Hamikdash

12. Hinenu Muchan

13. Hava Nagilah

14. Eliyahu Hanavi

15. Lamidbar

16. Ashreynu

17. Dundai

18. Im Eyn Ani Li

19. Mi Yagur

20. Ovinu Malkenu

21. Sh‘mor

22. Netseyah

23. Ura Yisrael

Yearning for Zion (24-31)

24. Y‘rushulayim

25. Kiryah Y‘feifiyah

26. Ashrey Ha-ish

27. Yalel

28. Hama-apilim

29. Na-aleh L‘artsenu

30. Zamri Li

31. Tumba

Chalutsim Songs (32-56)

32. Harishonim

33. Artsa Alinu

34. Bagai Bahar

35. Gamal G‘mali

36. Lo El Sachar

37. Shir La-avoda V‘lamlacha

38. Kru-im Anu

39. Chaluts B‘ney

40. Nihyeh Kulanu Chalutsim

41. Anu Banu Artsa

42. Na-aloza V‘nism‘cha

43. Sham B‘erets Yisrael

44. Anu Kullanu

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45. Mi Yivneh

46. Shir Ha-emek

47. Adama

48. V‘af Al Pi Ken

49. Laylah Pele

50. Emek Emek

51. Mi Hem Habachurim

52. Gilu Hagalilim

53. Hoy Chaluts Tipesh

54. Olim

55. Laylah D‘mamah

56. Zum Gali Gali

Shepherd and Watchmen Songs (57-66)

57. Seh Ugdi

58. Boker Boker Bachalili

59. Shirat Hechalil

60. Sh‘tu Ha-adarim

61. Shirat Haroeh

62. Bagalil

63. Shirat Hashomer

64. Hayoreh

65. Shirat Hab‘er

66. Yafim Haleylot

Chalutsim Dance Songs 67-74)

67. Chula M‘chol Hahora

68. M‘chol Massada

69. Kuma Echa

70. Hora Ali Ali

71. Ha-emek Hu Chalom

72. Ten Katef

73. Shuru Habitu

74. Kacha N‘rakedah

Songs of the Sea (75-81)

75. Panu Derech

76. Ruchot Hayam

77. Shir Hanama

78. Alu Lareshet

79. Pakad Adonai

80. Sirot

81. Zemer Yam

Miscellaneous Songs (82-102)

82. Dunam Po

83. Tel Aviv

84. V‘ulai (Kinereth)

85. Agadah (Al S‘fat Yam)

86. Shir Eres (Engel)

87. Po Eyn Charod

88. Heydad Gina K‘tanah

89. Ma-asi‘ah

90. Chatul Miau

91. G‘mal Dabeshet

92. Aviron Aviron

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93. Ha-ikar Hakatan

94. Oto Oto

95. Tapuach Zahav

96. Elizer V‘Rifkah

97. Shirat Hakorem

98. Shir Eres (Olsvanger)

99. Shir Lasadnah

100. Yamim Cholfim

101. Techzaknah

102. Hatikvah

Excerpts from the Bible (103-113)

103. Simchu Ei Y‘rushalayim

104. Ashira Nah

105. Ivru Bash‘arim

106. Ma Navu

107. V‘hayah B‘acharit Hayamim

108. Zacharti Lach

109. Habonim Bachomah

110. Adonai Z‘charanu

111. B‘tset Yisrael

112. Essa Eynai

113. Eich Nashir

Sabbath Zemirot (114-133)

114. Shabat Hamalkah

115. Kabalat Shabat

116. L‘cha Dodi

117. Yom Hashishi Vay‘chulu

118. Kiddush L‘shabat

119. Shalom Aleychem

120. Anochi Ladonai Ashira

121. M‘nucha V‘simcha

122. Yah Ribom Olam

123. Yom Zeh M‘chubad

124. Tsur Mishelo

125. Baruch Eyl Elyon

126. Tsamah Nafshi

127. Shimru Shabtotai

128. Sim Shalom Shalom Uvracha

129. Atah Echad

130. Hamavdil

131. Shir Hama-a lot

132. Birkat Hamazon

133. Uvney Y‘rushalayim

Liturgical Songs (134-162)

134. Eyl Odon

135. Mimkomcho

136. Eyn Komocho

137. Av Harachamim

138. Ki Mitsi‘on

139. Bey Ano

140. Sh‘ma Yisroel

141. L‘cha Adonai Hagdulah

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142. V‘zos Hatoroh

143. Hodo Al Erets

144. Mizmor L‘dovid

145. Eyts Chayim

146. Na-arits‘cho

147. Mimkomo

148. Hu Eloheynu

149. Yimloch

150. Uvyom Hashabos

151. Yism‘chu

152. Kadsheynu

153. V‘chol Hachayim

154. Sim Sholom

155. Eyn Keloheynu

156. Va-anchnu Kor-im

157. Adon Olam

158. An-im Z‘mirot

159. Mi Ya-aleh

160. Hal‘lu Ely B‘kodsho

161. Hal‘lu Et Adonai

162. Hodu Ladonai

Festival Songs(163-226)

163. Birchot Chanukah

164. Hanerot Halalu

165. Ma-oz Tsur

166. Sov Sov S‘vivion

167. Chanukah Chanukah

168. Chanukah Y‘feyfiah

169. Mi Y‘malel

170. Y‘mey Hachanukah

171. Nerot Dolkim

172. Y‘ladim Banerot

173. Chag Ha-or

174. Mi Zeh Hidlik

175. L‘shanah Tove

176. Chag Ha-ilanot

177. El Hasadeh

178. Ki Tavou

179. Al Admat Yehudah

180. Atsey Zeytim

181. Eyts Zeh Alef

182. Hazor‘im B‘imah

183. Shoshanat Ya-akov

184. Ani Purim

185. Purim Chag Nachuts

186. Sod Shel Purim

187. Pur Pur Purim

188. Chag Purim

189. Lichvod Purim

190. Eyl Tsive Lismoach

191. Zeh Hayom

192. Kiddush L‘fesach

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193. Ma Nishtano

194. V‘hi Sheamdah

195. Ki Lo Naeh

196. L‘shanah Haba-sh

197. Adir Hu

198. Echad Mi Yodeyah

199. Chad Gadya

200. Shir Hag‘ulah

201. Eshalah Elohim

202. Chag Happessach

203. Eliyahu Hechaviv

204. Dayenu

205. Hayom Lag Ba-omer

206. Esh Esh

207. Ha-ya‘arah

208. Bar Yochai

209. Bikurum

210. Saleynu Al‘tefeynu

211. Shavuot Chag Nechmad

212. Omer Omer

213. Shir Ha-ittur

214. Alu Alu

215. Yismach Moshe

216. Baruch Eloheynu

217. Uru Achim

218. Hal‘luyah Kumu V‘Na-aleh

219. Yom Tov Lanu

220. Simchu Nah

221. Eyn Od Milvado

222. Eyn Adir

223. Sisu V‘simchu

224. Zot Artsenu

225. Ach Ya Chabeebee

226. Balady Ya Balady

Twenty-Five Hebrew Songs for Unison Singing

pub. Sabbath Israel Fellowship

Shir Ha‘avodah (Work Song) -- N Nardi, text N Alterman

Hineh Mah Tov (How Good) – M Jacobson-Drozi

Shur Dodi (Come My Beloved) – Yemenite melody, arr. S Levi, text Shab‘zi

Hanava Babanot (Oh Most Beautiful of Maidens) – A Neman

Halichah L‘keysariah (Wanderer‘s Prayer) – D Zahavi, text H Semesh

Karev Yom (The Day Is Coming) – folktune

Arava: Shir Habokrim (Song of the Cattlemen) -- M Olari-Nojik, text J Orland

Sisu V‘simchu (Rejoice and Be Glad) -- M Shelem

Mi Barechev (Whoever Is on Horseback) – E Amiran-Pugatchov, text R Saporta

P‘tsach Bazemer (Burst Forth in Song)

Finjan (Coffeepot) – M Wilenski, text C Chefer

Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) – folksong, text A Hameiri, with piano

Shir Hapalmach (Song of the Palmach) – D Zahavi, text Zaubavel, with piano

David Melech (David King of Israel) – M Zaira

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Am Yisrael Chi (Israel Lives) – Y Popper

Eretz Zavat Chalav (Land of Milk and Honey) -- A Gamliel

Hasivenu (Turn Us Again) – folk melody

V‘nomar L‘fanav (Sing before Him) – folk melody

Viyehudah L‘olam (Judah Shall Live) – J Jacobsen

The Great Symphonic Bim Bam -- Hassidic

Shabbat Hamalkah (The Sabbath Queen) – P Minkovsky, text C N Bialik

Yism‘chu (A Song of Rejoicing) – folk melody

Shabbat Shalom (Sabbath of Rest) – A Ellstein

Yom Zeh M‘chubad (This Day Is Honored)

Shabbat Menuchah (Sabbath of Rest)


NFTY’s Fifty Songbook ed. Merri Lovinger Arian, HebT

pub. Transcontinental Music, NY NY 1989

Songs of Prayer

1. Mah Gadlu -- Michael Isaccson

2. Mah Tovu – Chabad melody

3. Modeh Ani -- Daniel Freelander & Jeff Klepper

4. Or Zarua – Jeff Klepper

5. Yom Zeh L‘Yisrael – David Cohen

6. Yom Zeh L‘Yisrael – Lisa Sharlin

7. Barechu – Debbie Jacobson & Joel Libava

8. Ahavat Olam (All the World Sings) – Anselm Rothchild, HebT/Eng

9. Sh‘ma Yisrael – Tzvika Pik

10. V‘ahavta – Michael Isaacson

11. Mi Chamocha – Lisa Glazer Shenson

12. Ufros Aleiu

13. V‘Sham‘ru -- Steven Carr Ruben

14. Avot – William Dreskin

15. Shalom Rav -- Daniel Freelaner & Jeff Klepper

16. Sim Shalom – Rick Dinitz & Jeff Grosky

17. Yih‘yu L‘ratson

18. Oseh Shalom – Jeff Klepper

19. Eitz Chayim (Tree of Life) – Richard B Silverman, HebT/Eng

20. Adoration – Michael Isaacson

21. Bayom Hahu – Barry Kanarek

22. Adon Olam -- Loui Dobin

23. Adonai Oz – Jeff Klepper & Daniel Freelander

24. Shir Hama-alot (Birkat Hamazon-Shabbat) – Craig Taubman

25. Birchot Havdalah – Debbie Friedman

26. Shavua Tov (Havdalah) -- Jeff Klepper & Susan Nanus

27. Adonai Adonai (High Holidays) – Leon Sher

28. Ivdu et Hashem (Festivals) – Leon Sher

29. Livracha(Festivals) – Steven Schiller

30. Shehecheyanu – Tzvika Pik

Texts from Jewish Traditions

31. Dodi Li (Wedding March) -- Steven Sher

32. Erev Shel Shoshanim (Wedding March) – Joseph Hadar

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33. Heveinu – David Feingold

34. Hine Tov M‘od – Gordon Lustig

35. Let the Heavens Be Glad – Robert M Weinberg, Eng

36. Lo Alecha – Daniel Freelander & Jeff Klepper

37. V‘eyzehu – Karen Escovitz

You and I Can Change the World

38. Anatoly – Doug Mishkin, Eng

39. Ani V‘ata – Miki Gabriellov

40. The Butterfly (Holocaust) – Lisa Glazer Shenson, Eng

41. Gesher Tsar M‘od – Baruch Chait

42. Hold Fast to Dreams – Jeff Klepper

43. Make Those Waters Part – Doug Mishkin, Eng

44. Light One Candle (Chanukah) – Peter Yarrow, Eng

45. Not by Might, Not by Power (Chanukah) – Debbie Friedman, Eng


46. B‘makom – Michael Isaacson

47. Dreamer -- Eng

48. Dona Dona – Sholom Secunda, Eng

49. How Glorious – Les Bromstein, Eng

50. Shir Baboker Baboker – Sh. Artzi & G Koren


NFTY in Harmony

arr. Ramie Arian & Merri Lovinger Arian, HebT with some Eng

pub. Tara Publications, Cedarhurst NY, 1991

Ezehu Ashir

Shir Hamaalot

Hapored Sukat Shalom



Yachad Kol Haderech

Remember to Remember

Shiru Shir Amen

Hine Ma Tov


K‘var Achare Chatzot

Yad B‘yad

Shiru Ladonai


Al Tira

Lech Lech Lamidbar

B‘ruchot Haba‘ot

Yesh P‘rachim

Shalom Alechem

Zacharti Lach

Hora Mamtera

Elu D‘varim

Make Those Waters Part

Im En Ani Li

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Nine Songs In Cheder – M Milner


Shabbes Beim Shalosh Sudos – A W Binder


Tra La Lo Lo – text Shnoiuhn

Dem Zeidens Broche – Henry Lefkovitch

Der Becher -- Solomon Golub

Eili, Eili -- after the notation of Shalitt by Kurt Shindler

Kadish – I Engel, fun Berdistchever Rebb‘n Leivij Yitschok


American Jewish Tercentenary Song Book

ed. Shalom Altman, HebT/Eng

pub. Philadelphia Council on Jewish Education, Philadelphia Pa

Songs in Hebrew

Amar Rabi Akiva (Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself) – folksong, Vocal Solo

Avadim Hayinu (Once We Were Slaves) – Postolsky, arr. S Altman, Vocal Duet

Emet (Truth) – S Altman, Vocal Duet

Hiny Mah Tov (Lo! It Is Good) – folksong, arr. S Altman, Vocal Trio with piano

Lo Yisa Goy (Nation Shall Not Lift Up Sword) – folksong, Vocal Solo

L‘shalom (Fsor Peace) – Vocal Solo

Tsedek (Justice) – S Altman, Vocal Trio

Ukratem Dror (Proclaim Liberty) – S Altman, Vocal Solo

Y‘hi Shalom B‘chelech (Peace Be within Thy Walls) – I Melamed, Vocal Solo

Songs in English

America – E Bloch, Vocal Quartet

America the Beautiful – S A Ward, text K L Bates, Vocal Quartet

American Hymn – L Singer, text H Zaret, Solo Voice with piano

Columbus Said ―Si Si Signor‖ – L Singer, text H Zaret, Solo Voice

Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor – I Berlin, text E Lazarus, Solo Voice with piano

I‘m Proud to be Me – L Singer, text H Zaret, Vocal Solo

It Could Be a Wonderful World – L Singer, text H Zaret, Vocal Solo

What Makes a Good American – L Singer, text H Zaret, Vocal Solo

The Star-Spangled Banner – J S Smith, text F S Key, Vocal Quartet

Melodies of Israel: Duets & Trios for Recorders or Other Melody Instruments ed. Tzipora H Jochsberger, HebT

pub. Shengold, USA 1961

Songs of the Bible

1. Vayeshev Yehudah – M Ben-Uri, Vocal Solo

2. Atah Hitzavta – M Ben-Uri, Vocal Solo

3. Y‘hi Shalom – N Melamed, arr. T Jochsberger, Vocal Duet

4. Y‘gia Kapekha – P Ben-Haim, Vocal Duet

5. Adonai Ro‘I – P Ben-Haim, Vocal Trio

6. Mezareh Yisrael – A Neeman, arr. T Jochsberger, Vocal Trio

Shabbat Songs

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7. Shalom Aleikhem – M Ben-Uri, Vocal Solo

8. Torat Emet – Traditional, arr. H Coopersmith, Vocal Duet

9. Yom Zeh M‘khubad – Traditional, arr. T Jochsberger, Vocal Duet

Hanukah Songs

10. Mi Zeh Hidlik – folk tune

11. Ki Tavo – E Amiran, arr. T Jochsberger, Vocal Duet

12. Maoz Tzur – B Marello, arr. Y Edel, Vocal Duet

13. Maoz Tzur – Traditional, arr. T Jochsberger, Vocal Trio

14. Shir Hanukah – J Valbe, arr. T Jochsberger, Vocal Trio

Purim Songs

15. Hayom Purim – P Greenspan, Vocal Duet

16. Ani Purim – N Nardi, Vocal Duet

17. Shoshanat Ya‘akov – Y Admon, arr. S Hofman, Vocal Duet

Passover Songs

18. Ki Lo Naeh – M Ben-Uri, Vocal Solo

19. B‘tzet Yisrael – Y Admon, Vocal Duet

20. Mah Nishtanah – folk tune, arr. T Jochsberger, Vocal Trio

21. Karev Yom – folk tune, arr. T Jochsberger, Vocal Trio

22. Kadesh Ur‘hatz – Babylonian melody, arr. T Jochsberger, Vocal Trio

Israel Inependence Day Songs

23. Zemer Had‘galim – M Zeira, arr. Y Edel, Vocal Duet

24. Medinat Yisrael – M Bick, arr. T Jochsberger, Vocal Duet

Shavuot Songs

25. Salenu – Y Admon, arr. H Eisenstadt, Vocal Duet

26. Shir Hakotzrim – D Faktori, arr. T Jochsberger, Vocal Duet

27. Bisharayikah Yerushalayim – P Ben-Haim, Vocal Duet

28. V‘hag Shavuot – Y Admon, arr. T Jochsberger, Vocal Trio

Sukkot Songs

29. Ki V‘simhah – folk tune, Vocal Solo

30. Sukkah K‘sherah – K Shalmon, Vocal Duet

Songs of the Land of Israel

31. Hazorim B‘dimah – M Shelem, Vocal Duet

32. B‘er Basadeh – c E Zamir, arr. T Jochsberger, Vocal Duet

33. Agat Kineret – H Krichevsky, Vocal Duet

34. El Artzi – Y Sharet—Vocal Duet

35. Bagalil B‘tel-hai – folk tune, arr. T Jochsberger Vocal Duet

36. Sisu V‘simhu – M Shelem, arr. A W Sternberg, Vocal Duet

37. Shim‘u, Shim‘u – M Shelem, arr. T Jochsberger, Vocal Duet

38. Zemer – M Lavry, Vocal Duet

39. Hitul – A A Boscovitch, Vocal Duet

40. Kotnot-pasim – N Melamed, arr. Y Miron, Vocal Duet

41. Mi Yitneni Of – folk tune, arr. T Jochsberger, Vocal Trio

42. Yerushalayim – folk tune, arr. T Jochsberger, Vocal Trio

43. Hakad – M Zeira, arr. T Jochsberger, Vocal Trio

44. Sov‘vuni – M Zeira, arr. Y Edel, Vocal Trio

45. Shir Eres – D Zahavi, arr. T Jochsberger, Vocal Trio

46. Halikhah L‘kesariya – D Zahavi, arr. T Jochsberger, Vocal Trio

47. Im Eshkahekh – folk tune, arr. Y Edel, Vocal Trio

48. Ali B‘er – Y Yaron, arr. S Kaplan, Vocal Trio

Yiddishe Gezangen B Branshtyn et al, Yid/Heb, Yid/Heb

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pub. Fun Kvall, Winnipeg Canada, 1944

1. To You We Bring – Vocal Duet, Heb

2. Adir Hu -- Vocal Duet, Heb

3. Adir B‘mlucha -- Vocal Solo, Heb

4. Safoch Chamatcha Al Hagoyim -- Vocal Duet, Heb

5. Once There Was a Festival – Vocal Solo, Yid

6. I Forget All Loved Ones – Vocal Duet, Yid

7. Renaissance -- Vocal Quartet with piano, Yid

8. Hurry Messiah – Vocal Duet, Yid

9. The Bloom – Vocal Duet with piano, Yid

10. I Saw Yiddish Words – Vocal Solo, Yid

11. Righteousness – Vocal Solo with piano, Yid

12. From the Prophets – Vocal Solo with piano, Yid

13. Moaz Tzur (Rock of Ages) – Vocal Duet, Heb

14. Little Candles – Vocal Duet with piano, Yid

15. Judah Maccabee – Vocal Solo with piano, Yid

16. Oh Chanuka – Vocal Solo with piano, Yid

17. Your Children Come Afterwards – Vocal Quartet, Heb

18. A Melody from the Bracliver Rabbi – melody

19. A Little Dance from the Mazshitzer Rabbi – melody

20. Shalom Aleichem – Vocal Solo, Heb

21. Rose, Rose – Vocal Solo, Yid

22. Giving of the Torah – Vocal Solo, Yid


Israel Independence Service

Sh‘ma Yisroel – Vocal Quartet, HebT

Go Down Moses – Vocal Quartet, Eng

Ahavas Olom – Vocal Quartet, HebT

Sim Sholom – Vocal Quartet, HebT

This Is the Land of Milk & Honey – Vocal Quartet, Eng

Naale L‘artsenu – Vocal Solo with chords, HebT

Artza Alinu – folksong, Vocal Solo with piano, HebT


B’kol Echad (In One Voice) ed. Cantor Jeffrey Shiovitz, Heb/HebT/Eng

pub. United Synagogues of America, Deptext of Youth Activities, 1986

Shabbat Blessings

Blessing of the Candles

Shalom Aleichem

Parent‘s Blessing of Children

Eishet Chayil

Washing the Hands


Kiddush for Shabbat Evening

Kiddush for Shabbat Morning


Eliyahu Hanavi

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Shabbat Z‘mirot

Baruch El Elyon

Mah Y‘didut

M‘nucha V‘simcha

Yah Ribon

Tzur Mishelo

D‘ror Yikra

Mipi Eil

Yom Shabbaton

Yom Zeh M‘chubad

Mizmor L‘David

Y‘did Nefesh

Grace after Meals

Hini‘ini Muchan Um‘zuman

Grace after Meals (full version)

Grace after Meals (Shortened version)

B‘racha Achrona

Grace after Meals at Wedding

Sheva B‘rachot


Achat Sha-alti

Al Sh‘losha D‘varim

Am Yisrael Chai

Ani Ma-amin


Ashira Lashem

Atah Echad

Az Ich Vil Zingen

Baruch Eloheinu

Baruch Hamakom

David Melech Yisrael

Dodi Li

Eileh Chamda Libi

Eili Eili


Eretz Zavat Chalav

Esa Einai



Hava Nashira

Hinei Ma Tov

Hoshia Et Amecha

Hodu Lashem

Ivdu Eit Hashem

Ki Lo Yitosh

Ki Mitzion

Ko Amar

Kol Ha-olam Kulo

L‘chu N‘ran‘na

Lo Alecha

Lo Ira

Lo Yisa Goy

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Ma Tovu


Mi Ha-ish

Min Hameitzar

Modeh Ani

Od Yishama

Or Zarua

Oseh Shalom

Pitchu Li


Tein Shabbat V‘tein Shalom

Tov L‘hodot

Tzadik Katamar



Ura K‘vodi

Urei Vanim

Uva-u Ha-ovdim

Veineinu Tirena

V‘haer Eineinu

Vihuda L‘olam Teisheiv

V‘Kareiv P‘zureinu

V‘nomar L‘fanav

V‘taheir Libeinu

Yasis Alayich

Yibaneh Hamikdash

Yish‘chu B‘mal‘chut‘cha

Yism‘chu Hashamayim


Songs of Israel

Al Kol Eileh

Bashana Haba-a

Evev Shel Shoshanim


Lach Y‘rushalayim

Lam‘natzei-ach Shir Mizmor

Shalom Al Yisrael


Sisu Et Y‘rushalayim

Yirushalayim Shel Zahav

Songs of Safam


Leaving Mother Russia

Additional Songs

Halleluyah USY

T‘filat Haderech


Hashachar Shiron ed. Eli Rockowitz, Heb/HebT/Eng

pub. Hadassah Zionist Youth Commission, 1977

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The Land of Israel

Songs of Jerusalem


Yerushalayim Shel Zahav


Lach Yerushalayim

Shiro Sehl Aba

Songs of the North

Shir Ha‘emek

Sham Harei Golan

Chorshat Wa‘ekaliptus

Songs of the Desert


Hey Daroma

Orcha Bamidbar


Songs of Building the Land

Shir Ha‘avodah

Anu Banu Artzah

El Rosh Hahar

Artzah Aleenu

Ad Or Haboker

Hey Na‘alayim


Koom Bachur Atzel

S‘oo Tzionah Nes Vadegel

War and Peace

Songs of the Soldier’s Life

Shivchei Maoz

P‘gisha Ba‘Meluim

Malchut Ha‘chermon

Ayn Lach Ma Lidog

Songs of the Palmach


Shir Ha‘palmach



Songs of Other Wars

Mool Har Sinai

Shir Hapartizanim

Anachnu Na‘avor


Y‘vorach Kol Yisrael

The Fallen Defenders

Mi She‘chalam

Anachnu Shneinu Me‘oto Hakfar

Ma Avarch

Songs of Hope for Peace


Ha‘amini Yom Yavoh


Shir La‘shalom

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Bashanah Ha Ba‘al

Vetavo Aleichem Habracha

Ha Milchamah Ha‘achronal

Shalom Al Yisrael

Lu Y‘hee

Anee Ve‘ata

Patriotic Songs

Songs of the Homeland

Ahavat Hasdassah

Im Tirtsu


Zemer Zemer Lach

Y‘af Al Pi Chen

Rak B‘yisrael

Eretz Yisrael Yafa

Le‘chayay Ha‘am Ha‘zeh

Songs of Soviet Jewry

Erev Erev

Kachol Ve‘lavan

Anachnu Ve‘atem

Around the Campfire

Songs of Love

Erev Shel Shoshanim

Nad Eelan

Hoy Vanyati



Hanavah Babanot

Daber Eli B‘frachim


Ani Cholaim Al Naomi

Simi Yodech

Reeva Sheli

Happy Songs


Hava Netzeh Bemachol

Kol Hakavod

Shir Hatze-ada

Rad Halailah


Zamar Noded

Kovah Meekach

Hay Rechov

Ve‘shuv Itchem

Tzeinah Tzeinah

Tel Yehudah

Quiet Songs

Dugit Shata

Kol Orlogin

Kvar Acharay Chatot

Haselah Ha‘adom

M‘oom Lo Yafchideinu

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Ha‘ir Baafor

Our Roots

Biblical Songs

Eretz Zovat Chalav

Vayeeven Oozeeyahoo

Uri Tzion




David Melech Yisrael

Ve‘david Yafeh Einayeem

Mayim L‘david


Song of Songs

Kol Dodee

Dodi Dodi

Dodi Li

Nitzanim Nirun Ba‘aretz

Hayoshevet Baganim

Ana Halach Dodech

Yonatee Bechagvei Hasela

K‘shoshanah Bein Hachochim

Songs of the Poets

Zemer Nugeh


Halicha Le‘caesaria

Laila Laila

Yesh Li Chag

Sachki Sachki

Songs of Festivals

Israeli Song Festivals

Erev Bah

Etz Ha‘alon

Ba Lee La‘sheer

Shir Baboker Baboker

Children’s Song Festival

Sarah Shara Shir Sameach

Abra Kadabra

Chag Yovel

Eem Ayn Ani Lee

Chassidic Song Festival

Ivdu Et Hashem

Od Yishama


L‘shana Ha‘ba‘al

Heenai Lo Yanum

Ve‘ha‘er Eineinu

Sisu Et Yerushalayim

Al Ha‘nissim

Oseh Shalom

Y‘did Nefesh

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Funny Songs

Funny Songs

Yona Pa‘amoma

Bim Bam Bom

Mashiach Hazaken

Eifo Hein Hadachurot Hahein?

Lakovh Sheli

Rikud Ha‘syil

Haytah Tze‘eerah


Chanan Ve‘aleeza

Songs of Poogy

Po Kavur Ha‘kelev

Shir Hamakolet

Hamagafayim Shel Baruch


Natati La Chayay

Hora He‘achzoot

Songs of Shabbat

Od Me‘at Yered Ailainu

Lecha Dodi

Me‘eyn Olam Haba

Heenai Ma Tov

Tzur Mishelo

Ashira Lashem

Kol Yisrael Araivim

Tzadik Katamar




Hava Nashira

V‘nomar Lefanav

Esah Einei

Lo Eara


Dror Yikrah

Baruch Eloheinu

Adonai Ro‘ee

Ko Amar

Oorah Kevodi

V‘karev P‘zoorainu

Mizmor Shir

Eileh Chamda


Lo Yisa Goi

Ya Ribon Olam

Birkat Hamazon

United Synagogue Youth Songster HebT/YidT/Eng, pub. United Synagogue Youth, NY NY

As a Warm Up

Haivainu Shalom Alaichem

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Shalom Chaverim

Hine Ma Tov

Ma Tovu

Y‘hudah Lolam Teshev

Hayamim Cholfim

Tziporah Nechmedet

Atzey Zetim Omdim

Utzu Etza

L‘shono Habo‘o

Sabbath Songs & Z‗mirot

Sholom Alechem

As Ich Vell Zingen

Hinni Muchan Umzuman

V‘samachto B‘chagecha

Atoh Echad

Ki V‘simcha

Eliyahu Hanavi

Torat Emet

Amar Rebi Akiba

Yisrael V‘oraita Had Hu

Tzur Mishelo

Yo Ribon Olam

Bforuh Elohenu

V‘karav P‘zureynu

Israeli & Dance Tunes

Hava Nagilah

Tzena Tzena

David Melech Yisrael

Hava Netze

Ad Or Haboker

ASrtsdah Aleenu

Kol Dodi

Rad Halaila

Ki Mitzion

Kuma Echah

Mayim, Mayim


Havu Lanu Yayin

Alu, Alu


On Hill, In Vale


Ba‘a M‘nuha

Sham B‘eretz Yisrael

Hava Naytzay B‘machol

Yibane Ame-nu

Shir Hapalmach

B‘arvot Hanegev

Zemar Lach

Work Songs

Kadima Hapoel

Mi Yatzilenu

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Shir Haavodah

Kum Bachur Atsail

Hazorim B‘dima

Gam Hayom

Favorites Old & New

V‘taher Libenu


Hashivenu Eilecha

Matasi Yavo Hamashhiach

Am Yisrail Chai

Oz, Oz

Laila, Laila


Mi Y‘malel

Ovinu Malkenu

Ani Ma‘amin

Amar Rabi Elazar


Holiday Gems

Sisu V‘simhu

My Dreydl


Mo‘oz Tzur

Hag Purim

A Wicked, Wicked Man


Haya A‘ara

We Sing for Judaism

Joan Lubar, Irving Zeiger & Louise Lichtenberg, Eng/HebT, vocal solo, choir & narrator

pub. National Federation of Temple Youth, NY NY

Sim, Sim, Sim Shalom

Sh‘ma Yisrael

Hallelujah, Ivdu Avdey

Tov, Tov, Tov L‘hodot

Eyli, Eyli, Sheh-lo Y‘gamer

Teach Me to Pray

Grant Us Peace

They Shall Not Hurt nor Destroy

Bim, Bim, Shabbat Shalom

Dodee Lee

Praise to the Living God (Yidgal)

Na-aseh V‘nishma

If We Could Consider Each Other

Eretz Zavat Chalav

Hineh Ma Tov

If I Had a Hammer

Ha-yamim Cholfim


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Publishing Company Catalogs

Bloch Publishing Co.

Bloch‘s Catalog of Jewish Music, not dated

Chappell & Co.

Choral Music from the catalogues of the Chappell Group, fall 1964

Israeli Music Publications Limited

Catalogue, May 1958

Metro Music Co.

Catalog of Jewish, Hebrew, and Palestinian Music, 1948

Catalog of Jewish and Hebrew Choral Music, not dated

Jerusalem of Gold, not dated

Yiddish & English Best-Selling Standard Songs

Highlights in Music of Jewish Interest form the Catalogs of Metro Music & Hensley Music

Mills Music, Inc.

Sholom Secunda Liturgical Choral Music and Secular Vocal Music, Jan. 1959

Publication of Jewish Interest, April 1960

Lazar Weiner Music for the Synagogue, Jan. 1059

A Catalog of the World‘s Finest Jewish Music Publications for the Home, School, and Synagogue,

not dated

Transcontinental Music Publications

3 Classified Catalogues, not dated

Transcontinental Choral Library New Issues, 1947-48

44 New Transcontinental Music Publications, 1962

32 New Transcontinental Music Publications, 1963 supplement

42 New Transcontinental Music Publications, 1964

Transcontinental Music Series New Listings, 1966

Bibliographies and Articles

Maurice Goldman

Recent Choral Works, not dated

Grimm‘s Biblical Reference Index

Catalog of music for the ritual service, anthems, and solos, not dated

Jewish Education Committee Press

Music Publication, not dated

National Jewish Music Council sponsored by the National Jewish Welfare Board

Order Blank, 1969

Order Blank, 1970-1971

Bibliography of Publications compiled by Bernard Carp and Albert Weisser, 1942-1968

Bibliography of Jewish Vocal Music, 1968-69

Publications Catalogue, 1970

Publications Catalogue, 1969

Publications Catalogue, 1966

Publications Catalogue, 1971

Order Blank, 1964-1965

Publications for Judaism

Avodas Simochoh Service of Joy, 1961

Union of American Hebrew Congregations

Music for the High Holy Days, not dated

The United Synagogue of America

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Program Materials of the Conservative Movement

University of Judaism Library

Recent Acquisitions in Jewish Music, Jan. 18, 1966


Nineteenth Annual Banquet Honoring Dr. Harry Ruja

Dec. 18, 1989

Sing Out! San Diego Jewish Choirs

With review by Sandy Golden entitled Grandchild and Grandparents Agree Choir Program Was Grand

published in

April 2, 2011