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VOCABULARY UNIT 14Introduction

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Annex(v) The two nations protested when their militant neighbor annexed the disputed territory.

(n) All back issues of magazines are kept next door on the second floor of the new library annex.

What do you think annex means?

Annex: (v.) to add to, attach; to incorporate (n.) an attachment or addition

Example: The hospital built a new annex made especially for treating children.

Synonyms: join, acquire, procure

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CleaveIt is possible to cleave a ripe coconut neatly in two with just one swing of a machete.

What do you think cleave means?

Cleave: (v) to cut or split open; to cling to

Synonyms: sever, halve, sunder, adhere, clasp

Example: (to mean sever) The artwork had a cleave in it after it was dropped.

(to mean adhere) Duct tape cleaves things together.

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CordialOur aunt’s cordial welcome made us all feel right at home in her huge, drafty, Victorian house.

What do you think cordial means?

Cordial: (adj.) in a friendly manner, hearty; cheery

Synonyms: hospitable, affable, warm, convivial

Example: It was very cordial of the hostess to offer to take our coats when we

walked in.

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CornerstoneThe cornerstone of the American judicial system is the presumption of innocence.

What do you think cornerstone means?

Cornerstone: (n) the starting point of a building; a fundamental principle or element

Synonyms: foundation, base, support

Example: The belief that every student can succeed is the cornerstone of my teaching


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DebacleAfter the debacle of their crushing loss in the World Series, the team vowed to return next year.

What do you think debacle means?

Debacle: (n) an overwhelming defeat, rout; a complete collapse or failureSynonyms: disaster, fiasco, calamity

Example: Making a C on the last essay was a total debacle and pushed me to work harder

next time.

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DevitalizeThe long, dark winter, with its cold rain and gloomy skies, devitalized her usually buoyant spirit.

What do you think devitalize means?

Devitalize: (v) to make weak or lifeless

Synonyms: enfeeble, sap, enervate

Example: The five mile run left me devitalized.

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EmbroilThe last thing I want is to embroil myself in a dispute between two of my best friends.

What do you think embroil means?

Embroil: (v) to involve in a conflict or difficulty; to throw into confusion

Synonyms: entangle, ensnarl

Example: Two customers fought noisily over the last sale-priced sweater until they finally embroiled the store manager in their dispute.

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ExonerateThe prisoner was set free after ten years, thanks to new evidence that exonerated him of all charges.

What do you think exonerate means?

Exonerate: (v.) to clear from a charge or accusation

Synonyms: absolve, acquit, vindicate

Example: The accused clerk exonerated himself by producing signed receipts for all

the questioned items.

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GlibThe salesman had such glib answers to every objection that I grew extremely skeptical of his claims.

What do you think glib means?

Glib: (adj.) ready and fluent in speech; thoughtless, insincere

Synonyms: superficial, facile

Example: When the student gave me a glib answer, I asked him to dig a

little deeper.

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HaphazardThe haphazard arrangement of facts in his presentation left his listeners completely confused.

What do you think haphazard means?

Haphazard: (adj.) by chance, not planned; lacking order

Synonyms: random, accidental, slapdash

Example: His desk was so haphazard that I wasn’t sure how he ever found anything.

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ImproviseAfter the earthquake, stunned villagers were forced to improvise shelters from the debris.

What do you think improvise means?

Improvise: (v.) to compose or perform without preparation; to construct from

available materials

Synonyms: ad-lib, play by ear, wing it

Example: Though he had never played the song before, he improvised flawlessly when it

was requested by a fan.

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InciteCompany agents were hired to incite a riot at the steelworker’s protest demonstration.

What do you think incite means?

Incite: (v) to rouse, stir up, urge on

Synonyms: spur, provoke, instigate, prompt

Example: The politician’s fiery words incited the crowd.

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InfluxAn influx of arctic air has brought unseasonably cold weather to half the country.

What do you think influx means?

Influx: (n.) a coming in, inflow

Synonyms: inpouring, inrush, invasion

Example: The gym floors shook with the influx of students for the pep rally.

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Pallor“A ghost!” the girls gasped, her pallor making her look much like a ghost herself as she ran away.

What do you think pallor means?

Pallor: (n) an extreme or unnatural paleness

Synonyms: lividness, bloodlessness

Example: Though he tried to hide his illness with his buoyant mood, his extreme pallor

gave him away.

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PedigreeDespite his impressive pedigree, the colt showed little enthusiasm for racing.

What do you think pedigree means?

Pedigree: (n.) a list of ancestors, family tree; the history or origins of something.

Synonyms: lineage, ancestry, genealogy

Example: Though the dog did not have a specific pedigree, he sure was cute!

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PrecipitousThe novice hikers were very nervous as they carefully negotiated the precipitous mountain trail.

What do you think precipitous means?

Precipitous: (adj.) very steep

Synonyms: abrupt, sharp

Example: The precipitous rapids of the upper river were extremely dangerous.

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ProfuseHow can I stay upset with someone when they are so sincere and profuse with their apologies?

What do you think profuse means?

Profuse: (adj.) very abundant, given or flowing freely

Synonyms: extravagant, lavish, plenteous

Example: That person ate a profuse amount of food.

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ReconcileAfter so many years of feuding, it will be difficult for the brothers to reconcile and begin anew.

What do you think reconcile means?

Reconcile: (v.) to restore friendship; to settle; to resign

Synonyms: unite, conciliate, mend

Example: My roommate and I quickly learned to reconcile our differences.

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Shackle(v) The guards attempted to shackle the prisoner before allowing him to board the waiting airplane.

(n) His wicked plot discovered, the prince was bound in shackles, and taken to the dank dungeon.

What do you think shackle means?

Shackle: (v.) to put into chains(n.) a chain

Synonyms: (v) manacle, enslave (n) handcuffs, bonds

Example: He shackled the prisoner and waited for help.

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ThreadbareMy brother has carefully collected a closetful of faded, threadbare jeans, sweatshirts, and sneakers.

What do you think threadbare means?

Threadbare: (adj.) shabby, old and worn

Synonyms: frayed, ragged, trite

Example: As soon as my threadbare jeans get a hole in them, my mom sews

on a patch.