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Dusk Noun The time of day immediately following sunsetEx: Dusk was falling as the boy arrived with his herd

Sacristy Noun A room in a church where sacred vessels and vestments are kept or meetings are heldEx: … an enormous sycamore had grown on the spot where the sacristy had once stood.

Vestment Noun Gown (especially ceremonial garments) worn by the clergyCrook Noun A long staff with one end being hook shaped

Ex: He arose and, taking up his crook, began to awaken …Prodded Verb To push against gently

Ex: The boy prodded sheep, one by one, with his crookSheared Adj Having the hair or wool cut or clipped off as if with shears or

clippersEx: He always demanded that the sheep be sheared in his presence

Nourish Verb To sustain with food or nutriment; supply with what is necessary for life, health, and growthEx: I lead them to nourishment

Gypsy Noun A laborer who moves from place to place as demanded by employmentEx: The boy already had experience on the road with Gypsies

Recite Verb Repeat aloud from memoryEx: He recited

Cape Noun A sleeveless garment like a cloak but shorterEx: The man covered whatever it was with the cape

Emerald Noun A rare variety of beryl that is colored green by chromium and valued as a gemEx: The miner had abandoned everything to go mining for emeralds.

Ewo Yoo/Noun Female sheepWhet Verb Make keen or more acute; Sharpen by rubbing, as on a

whetstoneEx: It whets your appetite with a taste of success.

Fluttered Verb Move along rapidly and lightly; skim or dartEx: A butterfly appeared and fluttered between him and the old man

Fidget Verb Move restlesslyEx: The child is always fidgeting in his seat

Infidel Noun A person who does not acknowledge your GODEx: A practice of infidel

Wakefulness Noun A periodic state during which you are conscious and aware of the worldEx: He was shaken into wakefulness by someone

Grouch Noun A bad tempered personEx: old grouch

Rueful Adj Feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offencesEx: That’s true enough, the boy thought, ruefully

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Disembark Verb Go ashoreEx: He thought all the time about the day when he would disembark at Hyderabad as a winner.

Incessantly Adverb With unflagging resolveWithout interruptionEx: He had been working incessantly

Caravan Noun Train/van/Wagon TrainEx: Travel in caravan

Capricious Adj ChangeableEx: The desert is a capricious lady

Nocturnal Adj Belonging to or active during the nightEx: Protection against the nocturnal cold

Fringe Noun The outside boundary or surface of somethingEx: Fringes of the group

Dune Noun A ridge of sand created by the wind; found in deserts or near lakes or oceansEx: They took a walk along the dunes surrounding the encampment

Encampment Noun A site where people on holiday can pitch a tentVanity Noun Feelings of excessive pride

Ex: they gave up the vanities of the worldElixir Noun A substance believed to cure all ills

Ex: Elixir of lifeExultant Adj Joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success

Ex: But the Englishman was exultantProdded Verb To push against gently

Ex: The Englishman prodded himFalcon Noun Diurnal birds of prey having long pointed powerful wings

adapted for swift flightEx: The alchemist rode in the front, with the falcon on his shoulder

Game Noun Animal hunted for food or sportEx: The falcon flew off to find game

Marvel Verb Be amazed at; Express astonishment or surprise about somethingEx: You will see in it all the marvels of creation.

Entranced Adj Filled with wonder and delightEx: His heart beat more slowly when the boy stared entranced at the endless horizons of the desert

Heed Pay close attention to Ex: Every time he heard the alarm, he would heed its message

Whinny Noun The characteristic sounds made by a horseShove Verb Push roughly

Ex: A soldier shoved the boy and the alchemist into a tent Tether Noun Restraint consisting of a rope (or light chain) used to retrain

an animal

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Ex: tether horsesAbraded Verb Wear away; Rub hard or scrub

Ex: His hands were abraded and exhaustedRevitalization Noun Bringing again into activity and prominence

Ex: … the resulting tension can inspire a revitalization movement

Graft Noun The practice of offering something (usually money) in order to gain an illicit advantageEx: The country was still carrying out its own investigation into the Padma Bridge graft allegations.

Crowd out Verb Press, force, or thrust out of a small spaceEx: The weeds crowded out the flowers

Assimilate Verb Make similar; become similar to one’s environmentEx: This country assimilates immigrants very quickly

Wedlock Noun The state of being a married couple voluntarily joined for life (or until divorce)

Naturalization Noun The proceeding whereby a foreigner is granted citizenshipEx: Immigrants at a naturalization ceremony in USA

Emigration Noun If you move out of a country, then you are emigratedEx: Images of Irish and Italians forced by starvation to emigrate

Immigration Noun If you move into a country, then you have immigratedEx: America’s new tiger Immigrants

Upheld (uphold) Verb Keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or lastEx: Obamacare, including the insurance mandate, was upheld.

Averted Verb Prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happeningEx: What would have been a political disaster for President Obama has been averted.

Tenuous Adj Having thin consistencyEx: Increasing pressure on the country’s tenuous external position

Perennial Adj Lasting three seasons or more; Recurring again and againEx: Because of perennial trade gap

Drawdown Noun Lowering of the water level in a reservoir or lakeEx: Resulting in a drawdown of foreign-exchange reserves

Trance Noun A psychological state induced by (or as if induced by) a magical incantationEx: I was in a trance a little bit

Famine Noun A severe shortage of food (as through crop failure) resulting in violent hunger and starvation and deathEx: the prospect of famine

Flee (fled) Verb Run away quicklyEx: He threw down his gun and fled

Harrowing Adj Extremely painfulEx: Sent by their parents on harrowing odysseys

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Sordid Adj Morally degradedEx: The children are repeating one of the most sordid chapters of Sudanese history

Wandering Move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment

Dodging Noun Deliberately avoidingEx: who wandered hundreds of miles dodging militias, bombers, and lions

So-called Adj Doubtful or suspectEx: These so-called experts are no help

Trudge Verb Walk heavily and firmly, as when weary , or through mudEx: He recently trudged into the muddy, mushrooming refugee camp here in Yida

Mushrooming Grow and spread fastSqualid Morally degraded

Ex: turning a lush green jungle into a squalid sea ofSustenance A source of materials to nourish the body

Ex: their only sustenance for several daysVat Noun A large open vessel for holding or storing liquids

Ex: eagerly watching an enormous vat of beans come to a boil

Infest Verb Invade in great numbersEx: The roaches infested our kitchen

Shake off Verb Get rid ofEx: Even bullet-riddled Somalia is finally shaking off chaos

Massacre Noun The savage and excessive killing of many peopleEx: The bloodshed in Nuba is directed by some of the same officials responsible for previous massacres

Impasse Noun A situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is possibleEx: These two nations nearly gone to war in recent months, after hitting an impasse over how to share oil profits and demarcate the border

Demarcate Verb Separate clearly, as if by boundariesReeling Staggering

Ex: The economies of both countries are reelingCraven Adj Lacking even the rudiments of courage; abjectly fearful

Ex: … as a craven political figure, rather than the transformative leader he pledged he would be.

Heckled Verb Challenge aggressivelyLoquacious Adj Full of trivial conversation; talkative

Ex: People say I am very loquaciousGrievous Adj Causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm

Ex: Grievous bodily harmInferno Noun Any place of pain and turmoil; A very intense and

uncontrolled fireEx: A video posted on YouTube recorded the inferno

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Douse Verb Put out, as of a candle or a lightEx: Douse the lights

Vent Verb Expose to cool or cold air so as to cool or freshenHose Noun A flexible pipe for conveying a liquid or gasAutocratic Adj Characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule; Having

absolute sovereignty;Ex: The party that ruled Mexico for decades with an autocratic grip appears to have vaulted back into power …

Vault Verb Jump across or leap over (an obstacle); Bound vigorouslySeizure Noun A sudden occurrence (or recurrence) of a disease

Ex: He suffered an epileptic seizureEpileptic Adj Of or relating to or characteristic of epilepsyEpilepsy Noun A disorder of the central nervous system characterized by

loss of consciousness and convulsionsConvulsion Noun A sudden uncontrollable attack

Ex: Convulsions of laughter; Convulsions of the stock marketDeeds Noun Performance of moral or religious acts

Ex: Do good deedsJuggernaut Noun A massive inexorable force that seems to crush everything in

its wayEx: Under Mr. Ravi’s leadership, the London based company has grown into an exploration juggernaut with operations in

Vanguard Noun The leading units moving at the head of an armyEx: Analysts place Tullow in the vanguard of a cutting edge group of oil companies that also include …

Frontier Noun An international boundary or the area (often fortified) immediately inside the boundaryEx: … consistent track record of going into frontier basins …

Peg Verb Stabilize (the price of a commodity or an exchange rate) by legislation or market operationsEx: The company’s earnings and market valuation will very likely be tightly pegged to the price of oil

Nomadic Adj MigratoryEx: He said local people were nomadic herders

Clamoring Noun Loud and persistent outcry from many peopleEx: A properly timed delivery of a few fun facts about the famed Fibonacci sequence just might leave your friends clamoring for more

Ado U’doo / Noun A rapid active commotionEx: So, with out further ado

Dawn Noun The first light of dayEx: A new Dawn for China’s space scientists

Debilitating Adj Impairing the strength and vitalityFormidable Adj Extremely impressive in strength or excellence

Ex: You need not have a formidable intellect or a …Esurient Adj Extremely hungry; greedy

Ex: Fell into the esurient embrace of a predatory enemy

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Monastery Noun The residence of a religious communityEx: In the monastery of Sceta, Abbot Lucas gathered the brothers together for a sermon

Sermon Noun An address of a religious nature (Usually delivered during a church service)

Gallows Noun Instrument of executionMiser Noun A stingy hoarder of money and possessions (often living

miserably)Hoarder Noun A person who accumulates things and hides them away for

future use; kind of saverGrossest Adj Crudest

Ex: or may be the grossest thing every happenedMusty Adj Covered with or smelling of mould; Stale and unclean

smellingEx: a musty odour

Embellish Verb Add details to; make more beautifulGosh Interjection Used to express surprisePlateau Noun A relatively flat highland

Ex: There are only plateausAnarchy Noun A state of lawlessness or disorder (Usually resulting from

failure of government)Wariness Noun The trait of being cautious and watchfulSodomy Noun Intercourse via the anus, committed by a man with a man or

womanSteer Verb Direct the course; determine the direction of travelling

Ex: Brokers working with Wells Fargo also steered minority borrowers into costlier subprime mortgages when white …

Wrongdoing Noun Departure from what is ethically acceptableEx: He denied any wrongdoing

Comptroller Noun Someone who maintains and audits business accountsEx: By the office of the Comptroller of the Currency

Vow Verb Make a vow; promiseEx: He vowed never to drink alcohol again

Overhaul Verb Travel past; Make repairs, renovations, revisions, or adjustments toEx: After the financial crisis, regulators vowed to overhaul supervision of the nation’s largest banks.

Bolster Verb Support and strengthenEx: bolster morale

Catch-up Verb Learn belatedly; find out about something after it happenedEx: I’m trying to catch up with the latest developments in molecular biology

Dons Noun Put-onEx: We are pleased to share with you that the Transport Function dons a whole new look with better controls and easy of use

Metric System Noun The decimal measuring system based on the metre, litre, and

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gramMetricate Verb Convert to a metric systemMetropolis Noun The main city of a country or region

Adj: MetropolitanMettle Noun Spirit and strength of characterMew Verb Make a high-pitched cry

Ex: Mewing cryTrench Noun A ditch dug as a fortification having a parapet of the

excavated earthEx: The first trenches that were cut into a 500-acre site at

Ditch Noun A long narrow excavation in the earthVerb Forsake; Throw away

Ex: ditch a loverForsake Verb Leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the

lurchIn the lurch Adverb In a difficult or vulnerable position

Ex: He resigned and left me in the lurchFortification Noun Defensive structure consisting of walls or mounds built

around a stronghold to strengthen itParapet Noun A low wall along the edge of a bridge, balcony, etcMaladjusted Malu’justid/Adj Poorly adjusted to demands and stresses of daily living

Ex: a maladjusted childMal - Combing form Bad, badlyPromiscuous Adj Not selective of a single class or person; Casual and

unrestrained in sexual behavior; easy; lightEx: China’s consumers are more promiscuous than you think

Telltale Adj Disclosing unintentionallyEx: … leaving behind their telltale fluted stone tools and other remains.

Upended Adj Turned up on endEx: But in recent years, discoveries of remains that appear to pre-date the Clovis culture have upended that Clovis First Scenario.

Resonate Verb Sound with resonance; Be received or understoodEx: The findings are important in the face of today’s changing climate, Lyons says. “We hope it resonates,” he adds,

Adsorb Verb Accumulate (Liquids or gases) on the surfaceEx: A single molybdenum atom can hang around in the ocean for several hundreds of thousands of years on average before it is adsorbed.

Floe Noun A flat mass of ice (smaller than an ice field) floating at seaEx: Drifting ice floes make drilling in the Arctic Ocean tricky

Pandemic Noun An epidemic that is geographically widespread; occurring throughout a region or even throughout the worldEx: The HIV pandemic remains a great global health challenge.

Syndrome Noun A complex of concurrent things

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Ex: Every word has a syndrome of meaningsAIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome Heterosexual Noun A person sexually attracted to members of the opposite sexHomosexual Noun Sexually attracted to members of your own sexTainted Adj Touched by rot or decay

Ex: Tainted blood productsHIV Human immunodeficiency Virus; HIV causes AIDSCash-strapped Adj Lacking funds

Ex: Cash-strapped countriesShunned Verb Avoid and stay away from deliberately

Ex: The meeting organizers shunned the United States because of an immigration ban on HIV-infected people imposed by Congress in 1987

Stave off Verb Prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happeningEx: stave off disease

Prognosis Noun A prediction of the course of a diseaseEx: … treatment improvements have failed to improve prognosis significantly

Unravel Verb DisentangleEx: Can you unravel the mystery?

Antibiotics Noun A chemical substance derivable from a mold or bacterium that can kill microorganisms and cure bacterial infectionsEx: Antibiotics linked to weight gain in Mice

Gut Noun The part of the alimentary canal between the stomach and the anusEx: Bacteria living naturally within the gut provide a gateway to flab

Flab Noun Loose or flaccid body fatFlaccid Adj Out of condition not strong or robust; incapable of exertion

or enduranceEx: Flaccid cheeks

Predispose Verb Make susceptibleEx: This bacteria may explain how certain genes predispose organisms to obesity

Accomplice Noun A person who joins with another in carrying out some plan (Especially an unethical or illegal plan)Ex: Microbes also seem to be an accomplice in genetically induced pudginess, according to a study

Pudginess Noun The property of having a plump and round bodyMicrobe Noun A minute life form (especially a disease-causing bacterium);

the term is not in technical useTantalizing Adj Very pleasantly inviting

Ex: Although the papers provide tantalizing linksAdiposity Noun Having the property of containing fat

Ex: These studies suggest mechanisms by which different bacteria promote adiposity

Freighter Noun A cargo ship

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Ex: As a young man, I got a job on a tramp freighter and went off to see the world

Inadequacy Noun A lack of competenceEx: Coming from an unsuccessful background, I had developed deep feelings of inferiority and inadequacy.

Revelation Noun The speech act of making something evidentAn enlightening or astonishing disclosureEx: This was a revelation to me

Smorgasbord Noun A collection containing a variety of sorts of thingsEx: All together, these 21 ideas represent a smorgasbord of personal effectiveness techniques that you can use at any time

Plaudits Noun Enthusiastic ApprovalEx: He acknowledged the plaudits of the crowd

Ore Noun A mineral that contains metal that is valuable enough to be mined

Iron Ore Noun An ore from which iron can be extractedEx: India has further restricted trade in iron ore

Spun off Verb Produce as a consequence of something largerEx: … while its refining, midstream and chemicals segments were spun off into a new company as part of a restructuring plan aimed at improving …

Boutique Noun A shop that sells women’s clothes and jewelryEx: Boutique bollywood actor

Flail Verb Give a thrashing to; beat hardMove like a flail; Thresh aboutEx: For a long time I flailed around

Heebie-Jeebies Noun Extreme nervousnessEx: Do titles like “I Hate Luv Stories” give you the heebie-jeebies?

Barter Noun An equal exchangeEx: Ravi had taught his son how to barter Swiss watches for Japanese pearls

Covet Verb Wish, long, or crave for (something, especially the property of another person)Ex: In order to make a man covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain.

Lackadaisical Adj Lacking spirit or livelinessManeuver Verb Determine the direction of traveling; Act in order to achieve

a certain goalEx: He maneuvered to get the chairmanship

Leach Verb Permeate or penetrate graduallyEx: The fertilizer leached into the ground

Dubious Adj Fraught with uncertainty or doubtEx: I am dubious if this will work

Wary Adj Marked by keen caution and watchful prudenceEx: A solar panel maker that went bankrupt last year after

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receiving more than $527 million in a government loan, may have made the authorities wary, industry experts say

Prudence Noun Discretion in practical affairs; Knowing how to avoid embarrassment or distressEx: The servants showed great tact and prudence.

Discretion Noun Freedom to act or judge on one’s own; The trait of judging wisely and objectivelyEx: A man of discretion

Fare Verb Proceed or get along; Eat wellEx: How is she faring in her new job?

Sequester Verb Requisition forcibly, as of enemy propertyTake temporary possession of as a security, by legal authorityEx: The customers agents sequestered the illegal shipment

Off-putting Adj Causing annoyance or repugnanceEx: An expression that is appropriate for a formal letter may be utterly off-putting in an informal message.

Provost Noun A high ranking university administratorEx: He sent the letter to the provost and the dean but not to the student or his parents.

Fortitude Noun Strength of mind that enables one to endure adversity with courageEx: We will always value her contributions, admire her fortitude, and wish her the best.

Stilted Adj Artificially formalEx: A stilted letter of acknowledgment