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Bienvenido! - Welcome!

Vocabulario y frases

Welcome! Welcome to!

Bienvenido! Bienvenido a!



Good morning! Good morning, how are you today?

Buenos das! Buenos das, qu tal ests hoy?

Good night! Good night and sleep well!

Buenas noches! Buenas noches y duerme bien!

How are you?

Cmo ests?

How's it going?

Qu tal?

Fine, thanks.

Bien, gracias.

What's your name?

Cmo te llamas?

My name is Julia.

Me llamo Julia.

How old are you?

Cuntos aos tienes? - All rights reserved


Bienvenido! - Welcome!

I am twenty-five (25) years old.

Tengo veinticinco (25) aos.

Where are you from?

De dnde eres?

I am from Spain.

Soy de Espaa.

to know Do we know each other?

conocer Nos conocemos?

to introduce I would like to introduce you to my friend Paul.

presentar Me gustara presentarte a mi amigo Pablo.

a pleasure It is a pleasure to meet you!

un placer Es un placer conocerte!

Please Please believe me!

Por favor Creme por favor!

Thanks Thanks for the gift.

Gracias Gracias por el regalo.

Excuse me Excuse me, do I know you?

Disculpa Disculpa, te conozco?

You are welcome!

De nada

Goodbye! Goodbye and see you soon.

Adis! Adis, y nos vemos pronto! - All rights reserved


Bienvenido! - Welcome!


Two new students meet at the university. Peter: Hello, my name's Peter. Julia: Hello Peter. Nice to meet you. My name's Julia. Peter: Sorry? Gulia? Julia: No, Julia. J U L - I A Peter: Oh, Julia. Nice to meet you. Julia: Nice to meet you too. Two days later, they meet in the university caf. Peter: Good morning Julia, how are you? Julia: Fine, and you? Peter: Very well, thanks. Julia, this is my friend Paul; Paul, this is my friend Julia. Julia: Hello. Nice to meet you. Julia: Pleased to meet you. Julia: How old are you? Julia: I'm 23, and you? Julia: Peter is 24 and I'm 23.

Dos nuevos estudiantes se encuentran en la Universidad. Pedro: Hola!, mi nombre es Pedro. Julia: Hola, Pedro! Encantada de conocerte. Yo me llamo Julia. Pedro: Cmo?, Gulia? Julia: No, Julia. J-U-L-I-A Pedro: Ah! Julia, encantado de conocerte. Julia: Encantada. Dos das despus, se encuentran en la cafetera de la Universidad. Pedro: Buenos das Julia!, cmo ests? Julia: Bien, y t? Pedro: Muy bien, gracias. Julia, ste es mi amigo Pablo; Pablo, sta es Julia. Julia: Hola! Encantado de conocerte. Julia: Es un placer conocerte. Julia: Cuntos aos tienes? Julia: Tengo 23 aos, y vosotros? Julia: Pedro tiene 24 aos y yo tengo 23 aos. - All rights reserved


Bienvenido! - Welcome!

Elige la respuesta correcta

1. What's the name of Peter's friend? a. Paul b. Thomas c. Marc 2. How old is Peter? a. 24 b. almost 23 c. 23 3. How old is Julia? a. 24 b. 23 c. 22 - All rights reserved


Respuestas: 1(a): 2(a): 3(b)

Ser o no ser - To be or not to be

Vocabulario y frases

the man The man's name is Paul.

el hombre El hombre se llama Pablo.

the woman The woman is 38 years old.

la mujer La mujer tiene 38 aos.

mister Good morning Mr. Johnson!

el seor Buenos das Seor Johnson!

the lady The lady has a very nice dress.

la seora La seora lleva un vestido muy bonito.

the boy The boy is 19 years old.

el chico El chico tiene 19 aos.

the girl The girl's name is Julia.

la chica La chica se llama Julia.

I am a young girl.

Yo soy una chica joven.

You are a beautiful woman.

T eres una mujer guapa.

You are a tall man.

T eres un hombre alto.

He is a short man.

l es un hombre bajo. - All rights reserved


Ser o no ser - To be or not to be

She is a tall woman.

Ella es una mujer alta.

We are not friends.

Nosotros no somos amigos.

You are friends.

Vosotras sois amigas.

They are young.

Ellos son jvenes.

They are slim.

Ellas son delgadas.

The boy and the girl are friends.

El chico y la chica son amigos.

Most people are nice.

La mayora de la gente es simptica.

My brother is young.

Mi hermano es joven.

My sisters are short.

Mis hermanas son bajas.

Your brother is very tall.

Tu hermano es muy alto.

His eyes are green.

Sus ojos son verdes. - All rights reserved


Ser o no ser - To be or not to be

That lady is very old.

Esa seora es muy vieja.

Your shoes are very big.

Vuestros zapatos son muy grandes.

Her house is very small.

Su casa es muy pequea. - All rights reserved


Ser o no ser - To be or not to be


First day at school after summer holidays... Paul: Who is that girl? Anna: That is Julia. She is very tall, isn't she? Paul: Sure and very beautiful. Anna: And that man is her husband Robert. Paul: Is she married? Anna: Yes, and she is our new maths teacher.

Primer da de clase en el instituto despus de las vacaciones... Pablo: Quin es esa chica? Ana: Ella es Julia y es muy alta, verdad? Pablo: S... es muy guapa... Ana: Y ese hombre es su marido Roberto. Pablo: Est casada? Ana: S, y adems es nuestra nueva profesora de Matemticas. - All rights reserved


Ser o no ser - To be or not to be

Elige la respuesta correcta

1. What does Julia look like? a. Julia is small. b. Julia is pleasant. c. Julia is pretty. 2. Does Paul like Julia? a. Paul likes Robert. b. Yes c. No 3. Who is Robert? a. Robert is Julia's husband. b. Robert is Paul's friend. c. Robert is the new maths teacher. - All rights reserved


Respuestas: 1(c): 2(b): 3(a)

Europa - Europe

Vocabulario y frases

Europe I live in Europe.

Europa Yo vivo en Europa.

Where are you from?

De dnde eres?

the nationality Do you have Italian nationality?

la nacionalidad Tienes la nacionalidad italiana?

foreigner I'm not from here, I'm a foreigner.

extranjero / extranjera No soy de aqu, soy extranjera.

Portugal I'm from Portugal.

Portugal Soy de Portugal.

Portuguese I'm Portuguese.

portugus / portuguesa Soy portuguesa.

Spain Are you from Spain?

Espaa Eres de Espaa?

Spanish You're Spanish.

espaol / espaola Eres espaol.

France Robert is from France.

Francia Robert es de Francia.

French He is French.

francs / francesa l es francs. - All rights reserved


Europa - Europe

Belgium We're from Belgium.

Blgica Somos de Blgica.

Belgian We're Belgian.

belga Somos belgas.

Holland You're from Holland, aren't you?

Holanda Sois de Holanda, verdad?

Dutch You're Dutch.

holands / holandesa Sois holandeses.

United Kingdom My friends are from the United Kingdom.

Reino Unido Mis amigos son de Reino Unido.

British They're British.

britnico / britnica Ellos son britnicos.

Germany In Germany they speak German.

Alemania En Alemania se habla alemn.

German I'm German.

alemn / alemana Soy alemn.

Switzerland In Switzerland they speak German, French and Italian.

Suiza En Suiza se habla alemn, francs e italiano.

Swiss I'm Swiss.

suizo / suiza Soy suiza.

Italy In Italy they speak Italian.

Italia En Italia se habla italiano. - All rights reserved


Europa - Europe

Italian He's Italian.

italiano / italiana l es italiano.

Austria In Austria they speak German.

Austria En Austria se habla alemn.

Austrian We're Austrian.

austraco / austraca Nosotros somos austracos.

Denmark In Denmark they speak Danish.

Dinamarca En Dinamarca se habla dans.

Danish Are you Danish?

dans / danesa Sois daneses?

Sweden In Sweden they speak Swedish.

Suecia En Suecia se habla sueco.

Swedish They're not Swedish.

sueco / sueca Ellos no son suecos.

Russia In Russia they speak Russian.

Rusia En Rusia se habla ruso.

Russian I'm not Russian, but I live in Russia.

ruso / rusa No soy ruso, pero vivo en Rusia. - All rights reserved


Europa - Europe


Two foreigners in Vienna are learning German with Maria: Hello! Do you speak German? Marc: No, that's why I'm a user of Maria: Where are you from? Marc: I'm from Paris, in France, but I live in Vienna. Where are you from? Maria: I'm from Portugal, from Lisbon. Marc: Are you learning German with too? Maria: Yes, of course, it's the most fun and the cheapest way to learn.

Dos extranjeros en Viena aprenden alemn con Mara: Hola!, hablas alemn? Marc: No, por eso soy usuario de Mara: De dnde eres? Marc: Yo soy de Pars, de Francia, pero vivo en Viena. De dnde eres t? Mara: Yo soy de Portugal, de Lisboa. Marc: T tambin ests aprendiendo alemn con Mara: S, claro, es la manera ms divertida y barata de aprender. - All rights reserved


Europa - Europe

Elige la respuesta correcta

1. Where does Marc live? a. Marc lives in Vienna. b. Marc lives in Lisbon. c. Marc lives in Paris. 2. Where is Maria from? a. Maria is from France. b. Maria is from Germany. c. Maria is from Portugal. 3. Which language is Maria learning? a. Maria is learning English. b. Maria is learning French. c. Maria is learning German. - All rights reserved


Respuestas: 1(a): 2(c): 3(c)

Cmo eres? - What do you look like?

Vocabulario y frases

to be tall My mother is tall.

ser alto / alta Mi madre es alta.

to be short I'm short.

ser bajo / baja Yo soy baja.

fat My father is fat.

gordo / gorda Mi padre es gordo.

thin I want to be thin.

delgado / delgada Quiero ser delgada.

to lose weight Everybody wants to lose weight.

perder peso Todas las personas quieren perder peso.

good-looking My sister is very good-looking.

guapo / guapa Mi hermana es muy guapa.

ugly That dog is very ugly.

feo / fea Ese perro es muy feo.

blond My brother is blond.

rubio / rubia Mi hermano es rubio.

dark-haired I'm dark-haired.

moreno / morena Yo soy morena.

to have white hair My grandmother has white hair.

tener el pelo blanco Mi abuela tiene el pelo blanco. - All rights reserved


Cmo eres? - What do you look like?

to have light-coloured eyes Peter has light-coloured eyes.

tener los ojos claros Pedro tiene los ojos claros.

to have dark-coloured eyes Christine has dark-coloured eyes.

tener los ojos oscuros Cristina tiene los ojos oscuros.

What colour are your eyes?

De qu color son tus ojos?

bald My father is bald.

calvo / calva Mi padre est calvo.

straight hair Julia has straight hair.

pelo liso Julia tiene el pelo liso.

curly hair I have curly hair.

pelo rizado Tengo el pelo rizado.

long hair I like having long hair.

pelo largo Me gusta tener el pelo largo.

short hair Paul has short hair.

pelo corto Paul tiene el pelo corto.

the moustache I don't like men with moustaches.

el bigote No me gustan los hombres con bigote.

the beard I like men with beards.

la barba Me gustan los hombres con barba.

the hat I like wearing a hat.

el sombrero Me gusta llevar sombrero. - All rights reserved


Cmo eres? - What do you look like?

the glasses I always wear sunglasses.

las gafas Siempre llevo gafas de sol. - All rights reserved


Cmo eres? - What do you look like?


Two class-mates talk about men. Cristina: What does your boyfriend look like? Maria: My boyfriend has got dark hair, he has got blue eyes and short hair. Cristina: Is he tall or short? Maria: He's taller than me and very thin. Cristina: I like boys with green eyes and a beard. Maria: My boyfriend doesnt have a beard, but I like him a lot.

Dos compaeras de clase hablan de los hombres. Cristina: Cmo es tu novio? Mara: Mi novio es moreno, tiene los ojos azules y el pelo corto. Cristina: Es alto o bajo? Mara: Es ms alto que yo y muy delgado. Cristina: A m me gustan los chicos con ojos verdes y con barba. Mara: Mi novio no lleva barba, pero a m me gusta mucho. - All rights reserved


Cmo eres? - What do you look like?

Elige la respuesta correcta

1. Maria's boyfriend is a. bald b. blond. c. dark-haired 2. Christina likes boys with a. brown eyes. b. dark eyes. c. green eyes. 3. Does Maria like her boyfriend? a. Yes b. No c. A little. - All rights reserved


Respuestas: 1(c): 2(c): 3(a)

Amrica - America

Vocabulario y frases

America America is one of the five continents.

Amrica Amrica es uno de los cinco continentes.

Canada I live in Canada.

Canad Vivo en Canad.

Canadian I'm Canadian.

canadiense / canadiense Soy canadiense.

United States Do you live in the United States?

Estados Unidos Vives en Estados Unidos?

American I live in New York, but I'm not American.

estadounidense / estadounidense Vivo en Nueva York, pero no soy estadounidense.

Mexico Ana lives in Mexico.

Mxico Ana vive en Mxico.

Mexican Ana is Mexican.

mexicano / mexicana Ana es mexicana.

Cuba We live in Cuba.

Cuba Vivimos en Cuba.

Cuban We're not Cuban.

cubano / cubana No somos cubanos.

Dominican Republic Repblica Dominicana Do you live in the Dominican Republic? Vivs en Repblica Dominicana? - All rights reserved


Amrica - America

Dominican We live in Santo Domingo, but we're not Dominican.

dominicano / dominicana Vivimos en Santo Domingo, pero no somos dominicanos.

Venezuela They live in Venezuela.

Venezuela Ellos viven en Venezuela.

Venezuelan They're not Venezuelans.

venezolano / venezolana No son venezolanos.

Colombia I'm from Colombia.

Colombia Yo soy de Colombia.

Colombian I'm Colombian.

colombiano / colombiana Soy colombiana.

Peru Are you from Peru?

Per Eres de Per?

Peruvian Are you Peruvian?

peruano / peruana Eres peruana?

Brazil Maria is from Brazil.

Brasil Mara es de Brasil.

Brazilian She's Brazilian.

brasileo / brasilea Ella es brasilea.

Bolivia We're from Bolivia.

Bolivia Nosotros somos de Bolivia.

Bolivian We're Bolivian.

boliviano / boliviana Somos bolivianos. - All rights reserved


Amrica - America

Argentina Are you from Argentina?

Argentina Sois de Argentina?

Argentinian We live in Buenos Aires, but we're not Argentinian.

argentino / argentina Vivimos en Buenos Aires, pero no somos argentinos.

Chile Where's Chile?

Chile Dnde est Chile?

Chilean I'm Chilean.

chileno / chilena Soy chileno.

Paraguay What language is spoken in Paraguay?

Paraguay Qu idioma se habla en Paraguay?

Paraguayan My friend Miguel is Paraguayan.

paraguayo / paraguaya Mi amigo Miguel es paraguayo.

Uruguay In Uruguay they speak Spanish.

Uruguay En Uruguay se habla espaol.

Uruguayan Are you Uruguayan?

uruguayo / uruguaya Eres uruguaya? - All rights reserved


Amrica - America


A Chilean man and an Argentinian woman meet in a bank in Canada. Christina: Excuse me! Do you speak French? Thomas: Yes. Christina: I don't understand what it says here, can you help me? Thomas: Of course! Where are you from? Christina: I'm from Argentina, and you? Thomas: I'm Chilean, but I can speak French. Christina: Thanks very much for your help. Thomas: You're welcome. If you want, I can give you French classes.

Un chileno y una argentina se encuentran en un banco en Canad. Cristina: Disculpa!, hablas francs? Toms: S. Cristina: No entiendo qu dice aqu, puedes ayudarme? Toms: Claro!, de dnde eres? Cristina: Soy de Argentina, y t? Toms: Soy chileno, pero s hablar francs. Cristina: Muchsimas gracias por tu ayuda. Toms: De nada. Si quieres puedo darte clases de francs. - All rights reserved


Amrica - America

Elige la respuesta correcta

1. Where is Christina from? a. Christina is from Chile. b. Christina is from Argentina. c. Christina is from Peru. 2. Can Christina speak French? a. Christina can speak French. b. Christina can't speak French. c. French is Christina's mother tongue. 3. How do Christina and Thomas get to know each other? a. Christina asks Thomas for help. b. Thomas comes up to Christina, because she is very beautiful. c. Christina and Thomas take French classes together. - All rights reserved


Respuestas: 1(b): 2(b): 3(a)

Cmo ests? - How are you?

Vocabulario y frases

How are you?

Cmo ests?

How are you doing?

Qu tal ests?

Fine, thanks.

Bien, gracias.


Ms o menos

and you?

y t?

tired I'm tired.

cansado / cansada Estoy cansado.

sad Are you sad?

triste Ests triste?

nervous Anna is nervous.

nervioso / nerviosa Ana est nerviosa.

worried We're worried about you.

preocupado / preocupada Nosotros estamos preocupados por ti.

bored Why are you so bored?

aburrido / aburrida Por qu estis tan aburridos? - All rights reserved


Cmo ests? - How are you?

fed up They're fed up with working.

harto / harta Estn hartos de trabajar.

proud They're very proud of their son.

orgulloso / orgullosa Ellos estn muy orgullosos de su hijo.

angry I'm angry with you!

enfadado / enfadada Estoy enfadado contigo!

disappointed You seem to be disappointed.

decepcionado / decepcionada Pareces estar decepcionado.

jealous Marcos is jealous of his girlfriend's workmate.

celoso / celosa Marcos est celoso del compaero de trabajo de su novia.

ashamed We're very ashamed.

avergonzado / avergonzada Estamos muy avergonzados.

guilty Are you guilty of the robbery?

culpable Sois culpables del robo?

terrified They're very afraid, they're terrified.

aterrorizado / aterrorizada Ellos tienen mucho miedo, estn aterrorizados.

happy I'm happy!

feliz Soy feliz!

pleased Why are you so pleased?

contento / contenta Por qu ests tan contenta?

surprised Maria was very surprised by the news.

sorprendido / sorprendida Mara se qued muy sorprendida con la noticia. - All rights reserved


Cmo ests? - How are you?

excited We're very excited about your wedding.

emocionado / emocionada Estamos muy emocionados por tu boda.

hungry Are you hungry?

hambriento / hambrienta Estis hambrientos?

thirsty They want a glass of water, they're very thirsty.

sediento / sedienta Quieren un vaso de agua, estn muy sedientos.

full I can't eat any more! I'm full.

lleno / llena No puedo comer ms!, estoy llena. - All rights reserved


Cmo ests? - How are you?


Two friends meet for a drink and talk about things. Mary: Hello, Julia! Julia: Hello, Mary! You seem very pleased. Mary: Yes, I'm very happy. Tonight I'm going out with Marcos. Julia: That's great! Mary: I thought he liked Anna. Julia: But Anna has a boyfriend, doesn't she? Mary: Yes, Marcos and Anna are just friends. Julia: The thing is, you're very jealous

Dos amigas quedan para tomar algo y hablar de sus cosas. Mara: Hola, Julia! Julia: Hola, Mara!, pareces muy contenta. Mara: S, estoy muy feliz. Esta noche voy a salir con Marcos. Julia: Qu bien! Mara: Yo pensaba que a l le gustaba Ana. Julia: Pero Ana tiene novio, no? Mara: S, Marcos y Ana son slo amigos. Julia: Es que eres muy celosa - All rights reserved


Cmo ests? - How are you?

Elige la respuesta correcta

1. Why is Maria pleased? a. Because Marcos likes Anna. b. Because she is going out with Marcos. c. Because Marcos and Anna are a couple. 2. Are Anna and Marcos a couple? a. Yes b. No, Anna and Marcos are married. c. No 3. Julia thinks that Maria a. is angry. b. is sad. c. is jealous. - All rights reserved


Respuestas: 1(b): 2(c): 3(c)

Mi familia - My family

Vocabulario y frases

the father My father's name is Paul.

el padre Mi padre se llama Pablo.

the mother Your mother is 40 years old.

la madre Tu madre tiene 40 aos.

the son My son has short hair.

el hijo Mi hijo tiene el pelo corto.

the daughter My daughter can read already.

la hija Mi hija ya sabe leer.

the boy That boy is angry.

el nio Ese nio est enfadado.

the girl That girl is very tall.

la nia Esa nia es muy alta.

the brother My brother studies at the university.

el hermano Mi hermano estudia en la Universidad.

the sister I dont have any sisters.

la hermana No tengo hermanas.

How many brothers and sisters do you have?

Cuntos hermanos y hermanas tienes?

the uncle My uncle's name is Robert.

el to Mi to se llama Roberto. - All rights reserved


Mi familia - My family

the aunt My aunt loves football

la ta A mi ta le encanta el ftbol.

the grandfather My grandfather died last year.

el abuelo Mi abuelo muri el ao pasado.

the grandmother My grandmother lives alone.

la abuela Mi abuela vive sola.

the nephew His nephew is 18.

el sobrino Su sobrino tiene 18 aos.

the niece My niece is very good-looking.

la sobrina Mi sobrina es muy guapa.

the cousin I have three cousins.

el primo Tengo tres primos.

the cousin My cousin has a daughter.

la prima Mi prima tiene una hija.

to be an only child My cousin is an only child.

ser hijo nico Mi primo es hijo nico.

my husband My husband lives in Barcelona.

mi marido Mi marido vive en Barcelona.

my wife My wife is very good-looking.

mi mujer Mi mujer es muy guapa.

the boyfriend Her boyfriend's name is Marc.

el novio Su novio se llama Marc. - All rights reserved


Mi familia - My family

the girlfriend My girlfriend is 25.

la novia Mi novia tiene 25 aos.

to be married Are you married?

estar casado / estar casada Ests casado?

to be single Are you single?

estar soltero / estar soltera ests soltero? - All rights reserved


Mi familia - My family


Thomas is going to meet his girlfriend Maria's family. Maria: Thomas, this is my father, Paul. Dad, this is Thomas. Thomas: Nice to meet you. Thomas: Nice to meet you too. Maria: Where's mum? Thomas: Your mother's in the bathroom and your brothers are at school. Maria: Are uncle Marc and aunt Christina coming? Thomas: Yes, but your grandmother can't come. Thomas, how's your family? Thomas: Very well, thanks.

Toms va a conocer a toda la familia de su novia Mara Mara: Toms, ste es mi padre, Pablo. Pap, ste es Toms. Toms: Encantado de conocerle. Toms: Encantado. Mara: Dnde est mam? Toms: Tu madre est en el bao y tus hermanos estn en la escuela. Mara: Van a venir el to Marc y la ta Cristina? Toms: S, pero la abuela no puede venir. Toms, qu tal est tu familia? Toms: Muy bien, gracias. - All rights reserved


Mi familia - My family

Elige la respuesta correcta

1. Who is Paul? a. Paul is Maria's father. b. Paul is Maria's uncle. c. Paul is Maria's boyfriend. 2. Is Maria an only child? a. No b. No, she has only one brother. c. Yes 3. Who is Marc? a. Marc is Maria's father. b. Marc is Maria's brother. c. Marc is Maria's uncle. - All rights reserved


Respuestas: 1(a): 2(a): 3(c)

Mi vida en un papel - My life in a form

Vocabulario y frases

the form Fill in the following form.

el formulario Rellena el siguiente formulario.

the field Fill in the mandatory fields.

el campo Rellena los campos obligatorios.

the personal details Enter your personal details.

los datos personales Introduce tus datos personales.

the name My name is Maria.

el nombre Mi nombre es Mara.

the surname My surname is Smith.

el apellido Mi apellido es Smith.

the passport My passport number is X98785932.

el pasaporte Mi nmero de pasaporte es el X98765932.

the identity card My identity card number is 46783290B.

el carn de identidad Mi nmero de carn de identidad es el 46783290B.

the driving licence I don't have a driving licence.

el carn de conducir No tengo carn de conducir.

the nationality I have German nationality.

la nacionalidad Tengo nacionalidad alemana.

the place of birth My place of birth is London.

el lugar de nacimiento Mi lugar de nacimiento es Londres. - All rights reserved


Mi vida en un papel - My life in a form

the date of birth My date of birth is 07/09/1982.

la fecha de nacimiento Mi fecha de nacimiento es 07/09/1982.

the age What's your age?

la edad Qu edad tienes?

the sex They already know the baby's sex, it's going to be a boy.

el sexo Ya saben el sexo del beb, va a ser un nio.

the marital status My marital status is single.

el estado civil Mi estado civil es soltero.

single I'm single.

soltero / soltera Estoy soltero.

married I'm married.

casado / casada Estoy casada.

the address What's your address?

la direccin Cul es tu direccin?

the street (St.) I live on Main Street.

la calle (C/) Vivo en la Calle Mayor.

the avenue I live on Mexico Avenue.

la avenida (Avda.) Vivo en la Avenida de Mxico.

the number I live in number 28 Azul Street.

el nmero (nm.) Vivo en Calle Azul nmero 28.

the floor I live on the 6th floor.

el piso Vivo en el 6 piso. - All rights reserved


Mi vida en un papel - My life in a form

the postcode The postcode is 03570.

el cdigo postal El cdigo postal es 03570.

the country My country of residence is Italy.

el pas Mi pas de residencia es Italia.

the email address My email address is [email protected].

la direccin de correo electrnico Mi direccin de correo electrnico es [email protected].

the telephone number My telephone number is +852 967845605.

el nmero de telfono Mi nmero de telfono es el +852 967845605.

the mobile My mobile telephone number is +30 648787156.

el mvil Mi nmero de telfono mvil es +30 648787156.

the prefix The prefix for Spain is +34.

el prefijo El prefijo de Espaa es +34. - All rights reserved


Mi vida en un papel - My life in a form


An Erasmus student is enrolling at the new university in Madrid. Marcos: Good morning! I want to enroll for the next course. Secretary: What's your name? Marcos: Marcos Giovanni. Secretary: Nationality? Marcos: Italian. Secretary: Marital status? Marcos: What does "marital status" mean? Secretary: Are you married or single?

Un estudiante Erasmus est matriculndose en la nueva universidad. Marcos: Buenos das!, quiero matricularme para el prximo curso. Secretaria: Cul es su nombre? Marcos: Marcos Giovanni. Secretaria: Nacionalidad? Marcos: Italiana. Secretaria: Estado civil? Marcos: Qu significa estado civil? Secretaria: Est casado o soltero? - All rights reserved


Mi vida en un papel - My life in a form

Elige la respuesta correcta

1. What is the student's name? a. The student's name is Complutense. b. The student's name is Erasmus. c. The student's name is Marcos. 2. Where is the student from? a. He is from Germany. b. He is from Spain. c. He is from Italy. 3. What is he doing in Madrid? a. He is from Madrid. b. He is professor at the Complutense University of Madrid. c. He is studying in Madrid. - All rights reserved


Respuestas: 1(c): 2(c): 3(c)

A qu te dedicas? - What is your job?

Vocabulario y frases

What work do you do?

En qu trabajas?

What's your job?

A qu te dedicas?

the director The director works in his office.

el director El director trabaja en su despacho.

the entrepreneur The entrepreneur has a business.

el empresario El empresario tiene un negocio.

the secretary The secretary works in the office.

la secretaria La secretaria trabaja en la oficina.

the shop assistant The shop assistant works in the shop.

el dependiente El dependiente trabaja en la tienda.

the civil servant The civil servant works for the State.

el funcionario El funcionario trabaja para el Estado.

the teacher The teacher works in the school.

el profesor El profesor trabaja en la escuela.

the nurse The nurse works in a clinic.

la enfermera La enfermera trabaja en una clnica.

the doctor The doctor works in the hospital.

el mdico El mdico trabaja en el hospital. - All rights reserved


A qu te dedicas? - What is your job?

the lawyer The lawyer works in her office.

el abogado La abogada trabaja en su despacho.

the judge The judge works in the court.

el juez El juez trabaja en el juzgado.

the architect The architect has his own business.

el arquitecto El arquitecto tiene su propio negocio.

the journalist The journalist works in the newsroom of the newspaper.

el periodista El periodista trabaja en la redaccin del peridico.

the police officer The police officer works in the police station.

el polica El polica trabaja en la comisara.

the firefighter The firefighter puts out fires.

el bombero El bombero se dedica a apagar incendios.

the driver The driver drives his lorry.

el conductor El conductor conduce su camin.

the taxi driver The taxi driver drives his taxi.

el taxista El taxista conduce su taxi.

the pilot The pilot pilots a plane.

el piloto El piloto pilota un avin.

the flight attendant The flight attendant works in the airport.

la azafata La azafata trabaja en el aeropuerto.

the mechanic The mechanic works in the garage.

el mecnico El mecnico trabaja en el taller. - All rights reserved


A qu te dedicas? - What is your job?

the bricklayer el albail The bricklayer works on a building site. El albail trabaja en la obra.

the fisherman The fisherman fishes in the sea.

el pescador El pescador pesca en el mar.

the farmer The farmer works in the field.

el agricultor El agricultor trabaja en el campo.

The housewife The housewife works at home.

el ama de casa El ama de casa trabaja en casa. - All rights reserved


A qu te dedicas? - What is your job?


Two secondary school students talk about their future. Anna: Do you know what you want to study yet? Marc: I don't know, I want to be a doctor, but the degree is too difficult. Anna: You could also be a nurse. Marc: Yes, I think I'm going to study nursing. And you? Anna: I want to be a teacher. Marc: My sister is a teacher and she loves her job. Anna: I want to be a teacher to have the holidays.

Dos estudiantes de instituto hablan sobre su futuro. Ana: Ya sabes qu vas a estudiar? Marc: No lo s, quiero ser mdico, pero la carrera es demasiado difcil. Ana: Tambin puedes ser enfermero. Marc: S, creo que voy a estudiar enfermera. Y t? Ana: Yo quiero ser profesora. Marc: Mi hermana es profesora y le encanta su trabajo. Ana: Yo quiero ser profesora para tener vacaciones. - All rights reserved


A qu te dedicas? - What is your job?

Elige la respuesta correcta

1. What would Marc like to be when he is older? a. Doctor b. Nurse c. Policemen 2. What would Anna like to be when she is older? a. Doctor b. Teacher c. Nurse 3. What does Anna like about that job? a. To have an interesting job b. To have a good salary c. To have a lot of holidays - All rights reserved


Respuestas: 1(a): 2(b): 3(c)

Asia - Asia

Vocabulario y frases

Asia Asia is one of the five continents.

Asia Asia es uno de los cinco continentes.

China I live in China.

China Yo vivo en China.

Chinese I am Chinese.

chino / china Yo soy china.

Taiwan You live in Taiwan.

Taiwn T vives en Taiwn.

Taiwanese You are Taiwanese.

taiwans / taiwanesa T eres taiwans.

Japan She lives in Japan.

Japn Ella vive en Japn.

Japanese She is Japanese.

japons / japonesa Ella es japonesa.

South Korea We live in South Korea.

Corea del Sur Nosotros vivimos en Corea del Sur.

Korean We are Korean.

coreano / coreana Nosotros somos coreanos.

Thailand You live in Thailand.

Tailandia Vosotros vivs en Tailandia. - All rights reserved


Asia - Asia

Thai You are Thai.

tailands / tailandesa Vosotros sois tailandeses.

Indonesia They live in Indonesia.

Indonesia Ellas viven en Indonesia.

Indonesian They are Indonesian.

indonesio / indonesia Ellas son indonesias.

The Philippines I am from the Philippines.

Filipinas Yo soy de Filipinas.

Filipino I am Filipino.

filipino / filipina Yo soy filipino.

Turkey You are from Turkey.

Turqua T eres de Turqua.

Turkish You are Turkish.

turco / turca T eres turca.

Afghanistan He lives in Afghanistan.

Afganistn l vive en Afganistn.

Afghan He is Afghan.

afgano / afgana l es afgano.

India We are from India.

India Nosotras somos de India.

Indian We are Indians.

indio Nosotras somos indias. - All rights reserved


Asia - Asia

Iran You are from Iran.

Irn Vosotros sois de Irn.

Iranian You are Iranians

iran Vosotros sois iranes.

Iraq They are from Iraq.

Iraq Ellas son de Iraq.

Iraqi They are Iraqis.

iraqu Ellas son iraques.

Israel I live in Israel.

Israel Yo vivo en Israel.

Israeli I am not Israeli.

israel No soy israel.

Palestine You live in Palestine.

Palestina T vives en Palestina.

Palestinian You are not Palestinian.

palestino / palestina T no eres palestino. - All rights reserved


Asia - Asia


Cristine and Thomas are planning their honeymoon. Christine: Where would you like to go for our honeymoon, darling? Thomas: I've always wanted to go to Thailand. Christine: But the beaches there are always full of people. Thomas: But it must be very nice Christine: I don't want to go to Thailand for our honeymoon. Thomas: We could go to India, in fact a friend of mine lives there and we could go and visit her. Christine: I don't want to go and visit a friend of yours on our honeymoon. Thomas: She isn't just a friend, she's my ex-fiance.

Cristina y Toms planean su luna de miel. Cristina: Cario, dnde quieres ir de luna de miel? Toms: Siempre he querido ir a Tailandia. Cristina: Pero las playas all siempre estn llenas de gente. Toms: Pero debe de ser muy bonito Cristina: Yo no quiero ir a Tailandia de luna de miel. Toms: Podemos ir a India, adems una amiga ma vive all y podemos ir a visitarla. Cristina: Yo no quiero ir a visitar a una amiga tuya en nuestra luna de miel. Toms: Realmente no es una simple amiga, sino que es mi ex novia. - All rights reserved


Asia - Asia

Elige la respuesta correcta

1. Why doesn't Christine want to go to Thailand on her honeymoon? a. Because the beaches are full of people. b. Because Thomas's ex-fiance lives there. c. Because Christine wants to go to India. 2. Why doesn't Christine want to go to India on her honeymoon? a. Because Christine wants to go to the beach. b. Because Christine wants to go to Thailand. c. Because she doesn't want to visit a friend of Thomas on her honeymoon. 3. Where does Thomas's ex-fiance live? a. She lives in India. b. She lives in Germany. c. She lives in Thailand. - All rights reserved


Respuestas: 1(a): 2(c): 3(a)

Horscopos - Horoscopes

Vocabulario y frases

the horoscope They say that the horoscope is often correct.

el horscopo Dicen que a menudo el horscopo acierta.

the signs of the zodiac They say that the 12 signs of the Zodiac represent specific energy patterns. the astrology They say that astrology tries to interpret the influence of the planets on people. the star sign elements They say that star signs can be earth, wind, water or fire signs.

los signos del zodiaco Dicen que los 12 signos del zodiaco representan determinadas pautas de energa. la astrologa Dicen que la astrologa intenta interpretar la influencia de los planetas sobre las personas. los elementos de los signos Dicen que los signos pueden ser de la tierra, el aire, el agua o el fuego.

the planets They say that the planets influence your future.

los planetas Dicen que los planetas influyen sobre tu futuro.

the birth chart la carta natal They say that the birth chart shows the Dicen que la carta natal muestra la positions of the stars at the time of posicin de las estrellas en el momento your birth. de tu nacimiento. the characteristics They say that each star sign has its own characteristics. las caractersticas Dicen que cada signo del zodiaco tiene sus propias caractersticas.

Aries Aries They say that people whose star sign is Dicen que las personas cuyo signo del Aries are aggressive. zodiaco es Aries son agresivas.

Taurus Tauro They say that people whose star sign is Dicen que las personas cuyo signo del Taurus are stubborn. zodiaco es Tauro son testarudas.

Gemini Gminis They say that people whose star sign is Dicen que las personas cuyo signo del Gemini are talkative. zodiaco es Gminis son habladoras. - All rights reserved


Horscopos - Horoscopes

Cancer Cncer They say that people whose star sign is Dicen que las personas cuyo signo del Cancer are sensitive. zodiaco es Cncer son sensibles.

Leo Leo They say that people whose star sign is Dicen que las personas cuyo signo del Leo are proud. zodiaco es Leo son orgullosas.

Virgo Virgo They say that people whose star sign is Dicen que las personas cuyo signo del Virgo are methodical. zodiaco es Virgo son metdicas.

Libra Libra They say that people whose star sign is Dicen que las personas cuyo signo del Libra are diplomatic. zodiaco es Libra son diplomticas.

Scorpio Escorpio They say that people whose star sign is Dicen que las personas cuyo signo del Scorpio are passionate. zodiaco es Escorpio son apasionadas.

Sagittarius Sagitario They say that people whose star sign is Dicen que las personas cuyo signo del Sagittarius are direct. zodiaco es Sagitario son directas.

Capricorn Capricornio They say that people whose star sign is Dicen que las personas cuyo signo del Capricorn are practical. zodiaco es Capricornio son prcticas.

Aquarius Acuario They say that people whose star sign is Dicen que las personas cuyo signo del Aquarius are inquisitive. zodiaco es Acuario son muy curiosas.

Pisces Piscis They say that people whose star sign is Dicen que las personas cuyo signo del Pisces are dreamy. zodiaco es Piscis son soadoras.

compatible They say that some Taureans and Pisces are compatible.

compatibles Dicen que algunos Tauro y Piscis son compatibles.

the rising sign They say that your rising sign is different to your star sign.

el signo ascendente Dicen que tu signo ascendente es diferente a tu signo del zodiaco. - All rights reserved


Horscopos - Horoscopes

the position of the sun, moon and stars They say the position of the sun, moon and stars when you are born gives you your star sign. to tell the future They say that your star sign can tell your future.

la posicin del sol, de la luna y de las estrellas Dicen que, cuando naces, la posicin del sol, de la luna y de las estrellas determina tu signo del zodiaco. leer el futuro Dicen que se puede leer el futuro a travs de tu signo del zodiaco.

to predict They say that your horoscope can predict your future.

predecir Dicen que tu horscopo puede predecir tu futuro. - All rights reserved


Horscopos - Horoscopes


Christina and Claudia are talking about their horoscope. Christina: It says here that I am going to have a bad day. Claudia: Oh no. Really? Christina: Yes. And that I am going to lose my job! Claudia: Oh no. What are you going to do? Christina: Don't worry. Give me the other newspaper Ah yes. That is better. It predicts that I will meet a handsome stranger today! Claudia: Oh lucky you!

Cristina y Claudia hablan sobre sus horscopos. Cristina: Aqu dice que voy a tener un mal da. Claudia: Oh, no. De verdad? Cristina: S. Tambin dice que voy a perder el trabajo! Claudia: Oh, no. Y qu vas a hacer? Cristina: No te preocupes. Dame otro peridico Ah, s, esto est mejor. Predice que conocer un hombre muy atractivo hoy! Claudia: Qu suerte tienes! - All rights reserved


Horscopos - Horoscopes

Elige la respuesta correcta

1. What does the first horoscope predict? a. Christina will become ill. b. Christina will have a good day. c. Christina will have a bad day. 2. Where does she read her horoscope? a. In a magazine. b. On the Internet. c. In the newspaper. 3. What does the second horoscope say? a. She will have pizza for dinner. b. She will fall in love. c. She will meet a handsome stranger. - All rights reserved


Respuestas: 1(c): 2(c): 3(c)

La familia crece - The family grows

Vocabulario y frases

the close relative My brother is a close relative.

el familiar cercano Mi hermano es un familiar cercano.

the distant relative My grandfather's cousin is a distant relative.

el pariente lejano El primo de mi abuelo es un pariente lejano.

the in-laws Your wife's parents, brothers and sisters are your in-laws.

la familia poltica Los padres y los hermanos de tu esposa son tu familia poltica.

the brother-in-law My sister's husband is my brother-in-law.

el cuado El marido de mi hermana es mi cuado.

the sister-in-law My brother's wife is my sister-in-law.

la cuada La mujer de mi hermano es mi cuada.

the father-in-law Your wife's father is your father-in-law.

el suegro El padre de tu esposa es tu suegro.

the mother-in-law Her husband's mother is her mother-in-law.

la suegra La madre de su marido es su suegra.

the son-in-law My daughter's husband is my son-in-law.

el yerno El marido de mi hija es mi yerno.

the daughter-in-law la nuera Your son's wife is your daughter-in-law. La mujer de tu hijo es tu nuera.

the great-grandfather My mother's grandfather is my great-grandfather.

el bisabuelo El abuelo de mi madre es mi bisabuelo. - All rights reserved


La familia crece - The family grows

the great-grandmother My father's grandmother is my great-grandmother.

la bisabuela La abuela de mi padre es mi bisabuela.

the great-great-grandfather His grandfather's grandfather is his great-great-grandfather.

el tatarabuelo El abuelo de su abuelo es su tatarabuelo.

the great-great-grandmother Your grandfather's grandmother is your great-great-grandmother.

la tatarabuela La abuela de vuestro abuelo es vuestra tatarabuela.

the twins Maria is going to have twins.

los mellizos Mara va a tener mellizos.

the triplets Robert and Julia are going to have triplets.

los trillizos Roberto y Julia van a tener trillizos.

the marriage There are fewer and fewer marriages.

el matrimonio Cada vez hay menos matrimonios.

the homosexual married couple The homosexual married couple is going to adopt a child.

el matrimonio homosexual El matrimonio homosexual va a adoptar un nio.

the common-law couple la pareja de hecho There are more and more common-law Cada vez hay ms parejas de hecho. couples.

maternity My friend is on maternity leave.

la maternidad Mi amiga est de baja por maternidad.

paternity Fathers enjoy their paternity.

la paternidad Los padres disfrutan de su paternidad.

the large family Large families receive financial help.

la familia numerosa Las familias numerosas reciben ayudas econmicas. - All rights reserved


La familia crece - The family grows

the single mother Single mothers raise their children without the help of their partner.

la madre soltera Las madres solteras educan a sus hijos sin ayuda de su pareja.

the orphan child They are going to adopt an orphan child.

el nio hurfano Ellos van a adoptar un nio hurfano.

to adopt a child Marc and Ana want to adopt a child.

adoptar un nio Marc y Ana quieren adoptar un nio.

to raise a child educar a un hijo Parents try to raise their children in the Los padres quieren educar a sus hijos de best possible way. la mejor manera posible. - All rights reserved


La familia crece - The family grows


The daughter informs her mother of her engagement to be married. Daughter: Mum, Alex and I are getting married Mother: Really! about time! Daughter: We're also going to adopt an orphan child to love it and raise it.. Mother: What? Daughter: Just what you heard, my parents in-law and my sisters in-law are so excited by the news. Mother: I'm very happy too dear, but, are you sure? Daughter: Completely, Alex and I want to have a large family

La hija le anuncia a su madre su prximo compromiso matrimonial. Hija: Mam, Alex y yo nos casamos... Madre: No me digas!, ya era hora! Hija: Adems vamos a adoptar un nio hurfano para quererlo y educarlo.. Madre: Qu? Hija: Lo que oyes, mis suegros y mis cuadas estn como locas por la noticia. Madre: Yo tambin estoy muy contenta cario, pero estis seguros? Hija: Segursimos, Alex y yo queremos tener una familia numerosa... - All rights reserved


La familia crece - The family grows

Elige la respuesta correcta

1. Are Alex's parents happy that the couple are getting married? a. Yes b. They are not sure c. No 2. Is the mother happy about the news of the adoption? a. She thinks it is a very bad idea. b. No, she is not happy at all. c. Yes, but she is a bit uncertain. 3. How many children do Alex and his girlfriend want to have? a. More than one b. One c. None - All rights reserved


Respuestas: 1(a): 2(c): 3(a)

Como no quiero ser

- What I don`t want to be like

Vocabulario y frases

pessimistic In the past I was very pessimistic.

pesimista Antes yo era muy pesimista.

insecure I'm no longer pessimistic, but I'm very insecure.

inseguro / insegura Ahora ya no soy pesimista, pero soy muy inseguro.

introverted In the past you were very introverted.

introvertido / introvertida Antes t eras muy introvertida.

quiet You're no longer introverted, but you're very quiet.

callado / callada Ahora ya no eres introvertida, pero eres muy callada.

arrogant In the past he was very arrogant.

arrogante Antes l era muy arrogante.

ambitious He's no longer arrogant, but he's very ambitious.

ambicioso / ambiciosa Ahora l ya no es arrogante, pero es muy ambicioso.

impatient In the past we were very impatient.

impaciente Antes nosotros ramos muy impacientes.

lazy We're no longer impatient, but we're very lazy.

vago / vaga Ahora ya no somos impacientes, pero somos muy vagos.

naughty In the past you were very naughty.

travieso / traviesa Antes vosotras erais muy traviesas.

cowardly You're no longer naughty, but you're very cowardly.

cobarde Ahora ya no sois traviesas, pero sois muy cobardes. - All rights reserved


Como no quiero ser

- What I don`t want to be like

stingy In the past they were very stingy.

tacao / tacaa Antes ellos eran muy tacaos.

irresponsible They're no longer stingy, but they're very irresponsible.

irresponsable Ahora ya no son tacaos, pero son muy irresponsables.

touchy I've always been very touchy.

susceptible Yo siempre he sido muy susceptible.

hypochondriac You've always been a hypochondriac.

hipocondraco / hipocondraca T siempre has sido muy hipocondraca.

resigned She's always been resigned.

resignado / resignada Ella siempre ha sido resignada.

rude You've always been a little rude.

rudo / ruda Vosotros siempre habis sido un poco rudos.

show-off They've always been show-offs.

chulo / chula Ellos siempre han sido unos chulos.

hurt I'm hurt by what happened.

dolido / dolida Estoy dolido con lo sucedido.

ashamed You're ashamed, you can't deny it.

avergonzado / avergonzada T ests avergonzada, no puedes negarlo.

sad He's very sad about the news.

apenado / apenada l est muy apenado por la noticia.

snowed under We're snowed under because of the exams.

agobiado / agobiada Nosotras estamos muy agobiadas por los exmenes. - All rights reserved


Como no quiero ser

- What I don`t want to be like

indignant You're indignant.

indignado / indignada Vosotras estis indignadas.

stressed They are very stressed.

estresado / estresada Ellos estn muy estresados. - All rights reserved


Como no quiero ser

- What I don`t want to be like


Maria and Marc are getting ready to watch television together after a long day of work. Maria: Honey, can you bring me a glass of water, please? Marc: Do you think I'm your servant? Maria: How rude you are! What's the matter with you today? Marc: I'm not rude, you're very touchy. Maria: I'm not touchy, I'm simply stressed and tired. Marc: It was a joke darling, don't get angry Maria: I'm not getting angry Marc: OK, well, be quiet and we can watch the TV

Mara y Marcos se disponen a ver la tele juntos despus de un largo da de trabajo. Mara: Cario, me traes un vaso de agua, por favor? Marcos: Acaso piensas que soy tu criado? Mara: Qu borde ests!, qu te ha pasado hoy? Marcos: No estoy borde, t ests muy susceptible. Mara: Yo no estoy susceptible, simplemente estoy estresada y cansada. Marcos: Era una broma cario, no te enfades Mara: No me enfado Marcos: Venga, pues estate callada que vamos a ver la tele - All rights reserved


Como no quiero ser

- What I don`t want to be like

Elige la respuesta correcta

1. What does Maria want? a. Maria wants to have a servant. b. Maria wants to watch TV. c. Maria wants a glass of water. 2. Maria thinks that Marc is a. tired. b. rude. c. touchy. 3. Marc thinks that Maria is a. stressed. b. touchy. c. joking. - All rights reserved


Respuestas: 1(c): 2(b): 3(b)

Como quiero ser - How I want to be

Vocabulario y frases

intelligent I have always been very intelligent.

inteligente Yo siempre he sido muy inteligente.

clever You have always been very clever.

listo / lista T siempre has sido muy listo.

nice He has always been very nice.

simptico / simptica l siempre ha sido muy simptico.

open We have always been very open.

abierto / abierta Nosotros siempre hemos sido muy abiertos.

optimistic You have always been very optimistic girls.

optimista Vosotras siempre habis sido unas chicas muy optimistas.

energetic dinmico / dinmica They have always been very energetic. Ellos siempre han sido muy dinmicos.

patient I used to be very patient.

paciente Yo antes era muy paciente.

sensible A few years ago you were very sensible.

sensato / sensata T hace unos aos eras muy sensata.

responsible She used to be very responsible.

responsable Ella antes era muy responsable.

persevering We used to be very persevering.

perseverante Nosotras antes ramos muy perseverantes. - All rights reserved


Como quiero ser - How I want to be

curious curioso / curiosa A few years ago you were very curious. Vosotros hace unos aos erais muy curiosos.

amusing They were very amusing.

divertido / divertida Ellas eran muy divertidas.

sincere I am very sincere.

sincero / sincera Yo soy muy sincera.

discreet You are very discreet

discreto / discreta T eres muy discreto.

pleasant She is very pleasant.

amable Ella es muy amable.

affectionate We are very affectionate

tierno / tierna Nosotras somos muy tiernas.

sensitive You are very sensitive.

sensible Vosotros sois muy sensibles.

attentive They are very attentive

atento / atenta Ellos son muy atentos.

considerate I have been very considerate with others all my life.

considerado / considerada Yo toda mi vida he sido muy considerada con los dems.

unassuming You have always been an unassuming person.

humilde T siempre has sido una persona humilde.

altruistic He has always been an altruistic boy.

altruista l siempre ha sido un chico altruista. - All rights reserved


Como quiero ser - How I want to be

sympathetic We have been sympathetic people.

compasivo / compasiva Nosotros hemos sido unas personas compasivas.

hospitable You are very hospitable.

hospitalario / hospitalaria Vosotros sois muy hospitalarios.

dreamy They have always been very dreamy, they have never had their feet on the ground. passionate Julie and Paul are very passionate.

soador / soadora Ellas siempre han sido muy soadoras, nunca han tenido los pies en la tierra.

apasionado / apasionada Julia y Pablo son muy apasionados. - All rights reserved


Como quiero ser - How I want to be


Paul and his wife are talking about his promotion. Paul : I'm overjoyed! Anne: Why? What's happened? Paul : I've been promoted at last. Anne: That's wonderful, darling! Paul : After being sincere with my boss and telling him everything I thought, they've promoted me. Anne: Your perseverance and discretion have been rewarded at last. Paul : I'll have to work more, but I'm delighted with the post. Anne: I just hope you'll still be as affectionate and passionate as ever.

Pablo y su esposa hablan del ascenso de ste. Pablo: Estoy eufrico! Ana: Por qu?, qu te ha pasado? Pablo: Por fin me han ascendido. Ana: Eso es maravilloso, cario! Pablo: Despus de haber sido sincero con mi jefe y decirle todo lo que pensaba, me han ascendido. Ana: Por fin han recompensado tu perseverancia y tu discrecin. Pablo: Tendr que trabajar ms, pero estoy muy ilusionado con el puesto. Ana: Slo espero que sigas siendo tan tierno y apasionado como siempre. - All rights reserved


Como quiero ser - How I want to be

Elige la respuesta correcta

1. How does Paul feel after the news? a. Paul is oppressed b. Paul is overjoyed. c. Paul is tired. 2. How did Paul act with his boss? a. Paul was sincere with his boss. b. Paul was pleasant with his boss. c. Paul was hospitable with his boss. 3. What is Paul like at work? a. Dreamy b. Perseverant and discreet c. Passionate - All rights reserved


Respuestas: 1(b): 2(a): 3(b)

Sentimientos positivos - Positive feelings

Vocabulario y frases

satisfied She has been satisfied with her job since her old boss retired.

satisfecho/satisfecha Se encuentra satisfecha con su trabajo desde que se jubil su antiguo jefe.

energetic activo/activa I don't understand how they have been No entiendo cmo pueden estar tan so energetic all day. I am exhausted. activos durante todo el da. Yo estoy agotada. glad We are so glad you have decided to visit. contento/contenta Estamos muy contentos de que hayis decidido venir a visitarnos.

ambitious The manager has always been very ambitious, reaching his current position at the age of 24. light-hearted It was a nice story, a good light-hearted novel.

ambicioso/ambiciosa El director siempre ha sido muy ambicioso. Alcanz su puesto actual cuando tena 24 aos. desenfadado Fue una historia bonita, una novela desenfadada y alegre.

worthy It has been a worthy experience. We have all benefitted from it.

merecer la pena La experiencia ha merecido la pena. Todos nos hemos beneficiado de ella.

respected He has always been a well respected journalist. He tells it like it is.

respetado/respetada Siempre ha sido un periodista muy respetado. Dice las cosas tal y como son.

proud orgulloso/orgullosa I have never been so proud of you! You Nunca me haba sentido tan orgulloso de have passed all your exams. ti! Has aprobado todos los exmenes.

determined She was determined to swim to the other side and she did.

decidido/decidida Estaba decidida a nadar hasta el otro lado, y as lo hizo.

confident seguro/segura I have always been confident about my Siempre he estado segura de mis abilities as a teacher. aptitudes como profesora. - All rights reserved


Sentimientos positivos - Positive feelings

friendly She was such a friendly girl, always smiling.

simptico/simptica Era una chica muy simptica, siempre estaba sonriendo.

comfortable It was a very comfortable room, thank you.

cmodo/cmoda Nos ha parecido una habitacin muy cmoda, gracias.

zealous He was a zealous sports fan; he used to go to all the matches.

ferviente Era un ferviente aficionado a los deportes; sola ir a todos los partidos.

elated I was elated when I heard the good news.

eufrico/eufrica Me sent eufrica cuando escuch las buenas noticias.

smart She has passed all her exams. She is so smart!

listo/lista Ha aprobado todos los exmenes. Es tan lista!

gratified complacidos/complacidas Her achievement gratified her parents. Sus logros hicieron que sus padres se sintieran complacidos.

at-ease We have always felt at-ease and comfortable with each other.

sentirse cmodo/cmoda Siempre nos hemos sentido cmodos el uno con el otro.

amused The teacher was not amused at her students throwing things around.

divertido/divertida A la profesora no le pareci divertido que los alumnos tiraran las cosas.

cheerful He has always been cheerful on Friday afternoons.

alegre Siempre se ha mostrado alegre los viernes por la tarde.

passionate apasionado/apasionada She has always been passionate about Siempre ha sido una apasionada del arte. art. That is why she opened an art Por esta razn abri una galera. gallery. capable She was the most capable of all the interviewees. The job is hers. competente Demostr ser la ms competente de todas las personas entrevistadas. El trabajo es suyo. - All rights reserved


Sentimientos positivos - Positive feelings

vibrant They were so vibrant, so full of life.

vibrante Estaban tan vibrantes, tan llenos de vida.

enthusiastic She is a very enthusiastic person. Always so positive about things.

entusiasta Es una persona muy entusiasta. Siempre ve el lado positivo de las cosas. - All rights reserved


Sentimientos positivos - Positive feelings


Robert`s parents are talking about their son. Mother: It is fantastic news! Robert has passed his exam! Father: Great! He is so capable. So determined and ambitious! Mother: I know! I am so proud of himI am elated at the news! Father: Maybe he will become a doctor or a lawyer Mother: Or maybe a pilot or a diplomat! Father: Yesbut maybe we should wait and see what he can do when he starts school.

Los padres de Roberto hablan sobre su hijo. Madre: Qu noticias tan fantsticas! Roberto ha aprobado el examen! Padre: Genial! Es tan competente. Tan decidido y ambicioso! Madre: S, lo s! Estoy tan orgullosa de l Me siento eufrica! Padre: Podra ser mdico o abogado Madre: O podra ser piloto o diplomtico! Padre: S pero mejor ser que esperemos a ver qu tal le va cuando empiece el colegio. - All rights reserved


Sentimientos positivos - Positive feelings

Elige la respuesta correcta

1. Why are Roberts' parents so happy? a. Because he passed an exam. b. Because he failed an exam. c. Because he is going to be a doctor. 2. What kind of person is Robert? a. He is unhappy. b. He is confident. c. He is determined and ambitious. 3. What does Robert's mother want him to become? a. A teacher or an engineer. b. A policeman or a postman. c. A pilot or a diplomat. - All rights reserved


Respuestas: 1(a): 2(c): 3(c)

Mi cultura - My culture

Vocabulario y frases

the culture Different cultures tend to have different customs regarding marriage.

la cultura Las distintas culturas suelen tener costumbres diferentes en lo referente al matrimonio. la tradicin La sociedad moderna tiende a desvincularse de las tradiciones.

the tradition Modern society is inclined to move away from traditions.

the heritage The European Heritage Network tends to focus on cultural heritage.

el patrimonio La Red de Patrimonio Europeo tiende a centrarse en el patrimonio cultural.

the ritual Rituals like hand-shaking and saying hello are very common in most cultures. the stereotype The stereotype of all Irish people having red hair is an oversimplified concept. the influence Religion often has a huge influence on culture.

el ritual Los rituales de dar la mano y decir hola son muy comunes en la mayora de las culturas. el estereotipo El estereotipo de que todos los irlandeses son pelirrojos es un concepto excesivamente simplificado. la influencia La religin suele tener una gran influencia sobre la cultura.

the social norms Social norms are defined as appropriate and inappropriate behaviour within groups in society. the multiculturalism Australia has embraced multiculturalism. There are many people from different cultures living there. the cultural diversity It is necessary to be aware of the cultural diversity that exists in a country.

las normas sociales Las normas sociales se definen como comportamientos apropiados e inapropiados dentro de los grupos de la sociedad. el multiculturalismo Australia ha abrazado el multiculturalismo. En este pas viven muchas personas de diferentes culturas. la diversidad cultural Es necesario ser consciente de la diversidad cultural que existe en un pas.

the melting pot el crisol New York city is a veritable melting pot La ciudad de Nueva York es un verdadero of cultures. crisol de culturas. - All rights reserved


Mi cultura - My culture

the ethnic group el grupo tnico There are hundreds of ethnic groups in En Londres existen cientos de grupos London. tnicos.

the folk culture Folk culture tends to refer to the localized lifestyle of a culture.

El folclore El folclore tiende a hacer referencia al estilo de vida localizado de una cultura.

the typical cuisine The typical cuisine of Tuscany is generally very healthy and varied.

la cocina tpica La cocina tpica de la Toscana es muy sana y variada en trminos generales.

the gastronomy Goulash is a typical dish in Hungarian gastronomy.

la gastronoma El estofado es un plato tpico de la gastronoma hngara.

the folk music The folk music of Ireland is inclined to be very popular all over Europe.

la msica folk La msica folk de Irlanda suele ser muy popular en toda Europa.

the traditional music The traditional music of Peru is normally played on panpipes.

la msica tradicional La msica tradicional de Per se toca normalmente con flautas de pan.

the native language The native language of Denmark is Danish but most people speak perfect English. the minority language While Gaelic is a minority language in Ireland, it is still an official language.

el idioma nativo El idioma nativo de Dinamarca es el dans, pero la mayora de la gente habla un ingls perfecto. el idioma minoritario Si bien el galico es un idioma minoritario en Irlanda, sigue siendo un idioma oficial.

the architecture Through architecture it's possible to guess many things about a culture

la arquitectura A travs de la arquitectura se pueden adivinar muchas cosas sobre una cultura.

the works of art The most famous works of art in Spain can be found in the Prado museum.

las obras de arte Las obras de arte ms famosas de Espaa se pueden encontrar en el museo de El Prado. la literatura Hamlet es uno de los personajes ms famosos de la literatura.

the literature Hamlet is one of the most famous characters in literature. - All rights reserved


Mi cultura - My culture

the cultural institution The Louvre museum in Paris is one of the most important cultural institutions in the country. the anthropology Anthropology deals with the origins and cultural development of humankind.

la institucin cultural El museo del Louvre en Pars es una de las instituciones culturales ms importantes del pas. la antropologa La antropologa trata sobre los orgenes y la evolucin cultural de la raza humana. - All rights reserved


Mi cultura - My culture


Paul is telling Marc about his journey to Nepal. Paul: You know, it really is one of the most spectacular countries in the world. It has about thirty-six different ethnic groups and multiple religions and languages. Marc: Wow! Paul: Nepal's culture is greatly influenced by its music, architecture, religion and literature. Marc: Really and what about the food? Paul: The food of Nepal is as diverse as the country itself. It is healthy and easy to cook. I am going to prepare a typical dish for you tomorrow night.. Marc: Great. Thanks!

Pablo cuenta a Marcos su viaje a Nepal. Pablo: Sabes, se trata de uno de los pases ms espectaculares del mundo. Tiene alrededor de treinta y seis grupos tnicos, adems de mltiples religiones e idiomas. Marcos: Vaya! Pablo: La cultura de Nepal se encuentra fuertemente influenciada por la msica, la arquitectura, la religin y la literatura. Marcos: De verdad? Y cmo es la comida? Pablo: La comida de Nepal es tan diversa como el propio pas. Es sana y fcil de cocinar. Maana por la noche te voy a preparar un plato tpico Marcos: Genial. Gracias! - All rights reserved


Mi cultura - My culture

Elige la respuesta correcta

1. Where did Paul go on his holidays? a. To China. b. To India. c. To Nepal. 2. How many different ethnic groups are there in Nepal? a. 36 b. 31 c. 33 3. What is Paul going to do tomorrow night? a. Dance a typical Nepalese dance for Marc. b. Cook a typical Nepalese dish for Marc. c. Sing a typical Nepalese song for Marc. - All rights reserved


Respuestas: 1(c): 2(a): 3(b)

Sentimientos negativos - Negative feelings

Vocabulario y frases

terrified aterrorizado/aterrorizada I have been terrified of the dark since I Desde que vi aquella pelcula me saw that film. aterroriza la oscuridad.

moody She is so moody. She is always in a bad humour.

temperamental Es muy temperamental. Siempre est de mal humor.

lonely solo/sola They felt so lonely when their daughter Se sintieron muy solos cuando su hija se left home. fue de casa.

pessimistic Stop being so pessimistic! Things are not really that bad.

pesimista Deja de ser tan pesimista! Las cosas no estn tan mal.

exhausted He seems to be exhausted all of the time now.

agotado/agotada Ahora parece agotado todo el tiempo.

bitter resentido/resentida Stop being so bitter. You wouldn't have Deja de sentirte tan resentido. No won the race anyway. hubieras ganado la carrera de ninguna manera. jealous Maria has always been jealous of her husbands secretary. celoso/celosa Mara siempre ha sido celosa de la secretaria de su marido.

suspicious I am suspicious about what the new neighbours have just put in their car.

sospechoso/sospechosa Me resulta sospechoso lo que los nuevos vecinos acaban de introducir en su coche.

blue Why do I always feel so blue when I come back from holiday?

triste Por qu me siento tan triste cada vez que vuelvo de vacaciones?

smug Has she always had that smug look on her face?

engredo/engreda Siempre ha tenido esa cara de engreda? - All rights reserved


Sentimientos negativos - Negative feelings

perplexed She was perplexed by the strange package she had received in the post.

perplejo/perpleja Se qued perpleja ante el extrao paquete que recibi por correo.

puzzled The boss was puzzled because all the staff had left early.

confuso/confusa El jefe se sinti confuso al ver que todos los trabajadores se haban marchado pronto. avergonzado/avergonzada Le avergonzaba tener que llevar el vestido viejo a la fiesta.

ashamed She felt ashamed about wearing her old dress to the party.

abandoned She felt abandoned by all her friends when she wasn't invited to the party.

abandonado/abandonada Se sinti abandonada por todos sus amigos cuando no la invitaron a la fiesta.

envious I was so envious of my cousin's new car.

envidioso/envidiosa Sent mucha envidia del coche nuevo de mi primo.

provocative Sometimes she can be very provocative.

provocador/provocadora A veces ella puede ser muy provocadora.

disheartened desanimado/desanimada I have felt so disheartened since Sarah Me he sentido muy desanimada desde got that promotion in work. que Sara fue promocionada en su trabajo.

infuriated The shopkeeper was infuriated when he caught his own son shoplifting.

furioso/furiosa El dependiente de la tienda estaba furioso al descubrir a su propio hijo robando.

anxious They spent an anxious week waiting for the test results.

preocupado/preocupada Pasaron una semana preocupados a la espera de los resultados del anlisis.

threatened amenazado/amenazada I have felt threatened in my own home Me he sentido amenazada en mi propia since the last break-in. casa desde el ltimo robo.

intimidated She seems to be intimidated by my brains and good looks.

intimidado/intimidada Parece sentirse intimidada por mi cerebro y mi buena presencia. - All rights reserved


Sentimientos negativos - Negative feelings

abusive He was so abusive, always insulting her.

grosero/grosera Era muy grosero, siempre estaba insultndola.

offended Some people were offended by the content of the book.

ofendido/ofendida Algunas personas se sintieron ofendidas por el contenido del libro.

doubtful They were doubtful whether they would have enough money for a holiday this year.

dudoso/dudosa Tenan dudas de si tendran dinero suficiente para ir de vacaciones este ao. - All rights reserved


Sentimientos negativos - Negative feelings


Christine and Julia are talking about a workmate. Christine: What is the matter? Julia: I am infuriated! Maria just spilled coffee on my new dress! I think she is envious of me. She is determined to annoy me! Christine: Yes. I think she is bitter that you got promoted and she didn't. Julia: I think she feels so disheartened because she worked really hard but I got the job in the end. I don't really understand why she is so moody. She should just accept it. Christine: Yes but the boss is your father.

Cristina y Julia hablan sobre un compaero de trabajo. Cristina: Qu ocurre? Julia: Estoy furiosa! Mara acaba de tirarme caf en el vestido nuevo! Creo que tiene envidia de mi. Est dispuesta a enfadarme! Cristina: S. Creo que est resentida porque a ti te ascendieron y a ella no. Julia: Creo que est tan desanimada porque aunque trabaj realmente duro, al final me dieron el trabajo a mi. Lo cierto es que no logro entender por qu es tan temperamental. Debera aceptarlo simplemente. Cristina: S, pero el jefe es tu padre - All rights reserved


Sentimientos negativos - Negative feelings

Elige la respuesta correcta

1. What did Maria do? a. She tore Maria's dress. b. She stole Maria's dress. c. She spilled coffee on Julia's dress. 2. Why is Maria so upset? a. Because Christine got a promotion. b. Because Julia got a promotion. c. Because she got a promotion. 3. Who is the boss? a. Christine's father. b. Maria's father. c. Julia's father. - All rights reserved


Respuestas: 1(c): 2(b): 3(c)

Mi casa - My house

Vocabulario y frases

the house The house is too small.

la casa La casa es demasiado pequea.

the building The building is very tall.

el edificio El edificio es muy alto.

the room The flat has 3 rooms.

la habitacin El piso tiene 3 habitaciones.

the bedroom My bedroom is very big.

el dormitorio Mi dormitorio es muy grande.

the toilet A toilet is smaller than a bathroom.

el cuarto de aseo Un cuarto de aseo es ms pequeo que un bao.

the bathroom In the bathroom there is a bathtub.

el bao En el bao hay una baera.

the kitchen We cook in the kitchen.

la cocina Cocinamos en la cocina.

the living room My parents watch television in the living room.

el saln Mis padres miran la televisin en el saln.

the dining room In the dining room there is a table and four chairs.

el comedor En el comedor hay una mesa y cuatro sillas.

the corridor The corridor is too long.

el pasillo El pasillo es demasiado largo. - All rights reserved


Mi casa - My house

the balcony The balcony is very big.

el balcn El balcn es muy grande.

the terrace I sunbathe on the terrace.

la terraza Tomo el sol en la terraza.

the garden I like being in the garden.

el jardn Me gusta estar en el jardn.

the ground floor The kitchen is on the ground floor.

la planta baja En la planta baja est la cocina.

the first floor el primer piso The first floor is bigger than the ground El primer piso es ms grande que la floor. planta baja.

the lift The lift is broken.

el ascensor El ascensor est averiado.

the stairs The stairs are next to the rooms.

la escalera La escalera est al lado de las habitaciones.

the wall The walls are white.

la pared Las paredes son blancas.

big My house is very big.

grande Mi casa es muy grande.

small The house is very small.

pequeo / pequea La casa es muy pequea.

fully equipped The kitchen is fully equipped.

totalmente equipado La cocina est totalmente equipada. - All rights reserved


Mi casa - My house

to buy a flat I want to buy a flat.

comprar un piso Quiero comprar un piso.

to sell a flat Flats for sale.

vender un piso Se venden pisos.

to share a flat I share a flat with two Spanish girls.

compartir piso Comparto piso con dos chicas espaolas.

to move house My parents want to move house.

cambiarse de casa Mis padres quieren cambiarse de casa. - All rights reserved


Mi casa - My house


Julia is thinking of moving house and meets her old friend Peter on the street. Julia: Peter, are you still living at your parents' house? Peter: No, I've moved house. Julia: What's your house like? Peter: It's a very small flat. It has two bedrooms, a fully equipped kitchen and a toilet. It also has a small terrace. Julia: Do you live alone? Peter: Yes. Do you want to come and have dinner tonight?

Julia est pensando en cambiarse de casa y encuentra a su viejo amigo Pedro por la calle. Julia: Pedro, todava vives en casa de tus padres? Pedro: No, me he cambiado de casa. Julia: Cmo es tu casa? Pedro: Es un piso muy pequeo, tiene dos dormitorios, una cocina totalmente equipada y un cuarto de aseo. Tambin tiene una pequea terraza. Julia: Vives solo? Pedro: S. Quieres venir a cenar esta noche? - All rights reserved


Mi casa - My house

Elige la respuesta correcta

1. Where is Peter living now? a. Peter lives in a shared flat. b. Peter lives alone in a flat. c. Peter lives in his parent's house. 2. Is there any free bedroom in Peter's flat? a. No b. Yes, there are two free rooms. c. Yes 3. What is Peter's flat like? a. Peter's flat is big. b. Peter's flat is very big. c. Peter's flat is small. - All rights reserved


Respuestas: 1(b): 2(c): 3(c)

El saln y la habitacin - The living room and the bedroom

Vocabulario y frases

the living room The living room is at the end of the hallway.

el saln El saln est al final del pasillo.

the door The door is closed.

la puerta La puerta est cerrada.

the piece of furniture The piece of furniture is next to the wall.

el mueble El mueble est junto a la pared.

the table The table is behind the wall.

la mesa La mesa est detrs de la pared.

the chair The chairs are around the table.

la silla Las sillas estn alrededor de la mesa.

the sofa The sofa is opposite the television.

el sof El sof est enfrente del televisor.

the cushion The cushion is on the sofa.

el cojn El cojn est encima del sof.

the armchair The armchair is on the right of the sofa.

el silln El silln est a la derecha del sof.

the rug The rug is under the sofa.

la alfombra La alfombra est debajo del sof.

the painting The painting is hanging on the wall.

el cuadro El cuadro est colgado en la pared. - All rights reserved


El saln y la habitacin - The living room and the bedroom

the lamp The lamp is hanging over the table.

la lmpara La lmpara est colgada arriba de la mesa.

the window The window is open.

la ventana La ventana est abierta.

the curtain The curtains are hanging from the ceiling.

la cortina Las cortinas estn colgadas del techo.

the blind The blinds are up.

la persiana Las persianas estn levantadas.

the decoration The decoration in this house is very modern.

la decoracin La decoracin en esta casa es muy moderna

the bedroom The bedroom is on the first floor.

el dormitorio El dormitorio est en el primer piso.

the bed The bed is on the right of the door.

la cama La cama est a la derecha de la puerta.

the sheet The sheets are between the duvet and the bed.

la sbana Las sbanas estn entre el edredn y la cama.

the duvet The duvet is above the sheets.

el edredn El edredn est encima de las sbanas.

the cover The cover is being washed in the washing machine.

la funda La funda est lavndose en la lavadora.

the pillow The pillow is on the bed.

la almohada La almohada est encima de la cama. - All rights reserved


El saln y la habitacin - The living room and the bedroom

the bedside table The bedside table is next to the bed.

la mesita de noche La mesita de noche est al lado de la cama.

the wardrobe The wardrobe is behind the bedside table.

el armario El armario est detrs de la mesita de noche.

the bookcase The bookcase is opposite the wardrobe.

la estantera La estantera est enfrente del armario.

the poster The poster is hanging on the wall.

el pster El pster est colgado de la pared. - All rights reserved


El saln y la habitacin - The living room and the bedroom


Maria is showing her new house to her friend Julia. Julia: Ah! It's very small. Maria: Well it's big enough for two people. Julia: The thing is I want a big sofa with an enormous television opposite. Maria: With this sofa, Marcos and I will be very close together, because it's very small Julia: And a fireplace, I want to have a fireplace. Maria: What for? It's never cold here. Also, you need a lot of money for that. Julia: Yes, but I'm going to have a rich boyfriend.

Mara est ensendole su nueva casa a su amiga Julia. Julia: Ah!, es muy pequeo. Mara: Bueno es lo suficientemente grande para dos personas. Julia: Es que yo quiero un sof grande con un televisor enorme enfrente Mara: Con este sof, Marcos y yo estaremos ms juntos, porque es muy pequeo Julia: Y una chimenea, yo quiero tener una chimenea Mara: Para qu?, aqu nunca hace fro. Adems para eso necesitas mucho dinero. Julia: Ya, pero yo voy a tener un novio rico. - All rights reserved


El saln y la habitacin - The living room and the bedroom

Elige la respuesta correcta

1. What does Julia think about Marc and Maria's flat? a. Julia thinks that the flat has a big sofa. b. Julia thinks that the flat is very small. c. Julia thinks that the flat is perfect. 2. What is Marc and Maria's sofa like? a. The sofa is very small. b. The sofa is very big. c. The sofa is huge. 3. Why does Maria think that they don't need a fireplace? a. Because she doesn't like fireplaces. b. Because it's never cold in the flat. c. Because she prefers having an enormous television. - All rights reserved


Respuestas: 1(b): 2(a): 3(b)

En el bao - In the bathroom

Vocabulario y frases

the bathroom The bathroom is upstairs.

el bao El bao est en el piso de arriba.

the toilet The toilet is at the end of the corridor.

el cuarto de aseo El cuarto de aseo est al final del pasillo.

the bathtub There's no bathtub in the bathroom.

la baera En el cuarto de bao no hay baera.

the shower The shower is between the bidet and the basin.

la ducha La ducha est entre el bid y el lavabo.

the sponge There's a sponge in the shower.

la esponja Hay una esponja en la ducha.

the shower gel The shower gel is in the cupboard in the bathroom.

el gel de ducha El gel de ducha est en el armario del cuarto de aseo.

the basin The basin is on the left of the bidet.

el lavabo El lavabo est a la izquierda del bid.

the tap The tap is in the basin.

el grifo El grifo est en el lavabo.

the soapdish The soapdish is on top of the basin.

la jabonera La jabonera est encima del lavabo.

the soap There's a bar of soap in the soapdish.

el jabn Hay una pastilla de jabn en la jabonera. - All rights reserved


En el bao - In the bathroom

the mirror The mirror is above the basin.

el espejo El espejo est arriba del lavabo.

the toothbrush The toothbrush is on top of the basin.

el cepillo de dientes El cepillo de dientes est encima del lavabo.

the toothpaste There's no toothpaste.

la pasta de dientes No hay pasta de dientes.

the comb There's a comb on top of the toilet.

el peine Hay un peine encima del retrete.

the brush The brush is in the cupboard.

el cepillo El cepillo est dentro del armario.

the hair dryer The hair dryer is in the bathroom.

el secador de pelo El secador de pelo est en el cuarto de aseo.

the razor The razor is next to the toothbrush.

la maquinilla de afeitar La maquinilla de afeitar est al lado del cepillo de dientes.

the shaving foam There's no shaving foam.

la espuma de afeitar No hay espuma de afeitar.

the towel There's a towel hanging on the towel rail.

la toalla Hay una toalla colgada del toallero.

the cupboard The cupboard is under the basin.

el armario El armario est debajo del lavabo.

the bowl The bowl is in front of the basin.

el retrete El retrete est enfrente del lavabo. - All rights reserved


En el bao - In the bathroom

the cistern The cistern is next to the toilet.

la cisterna La cisterna est junto al retrete.

the toilet paper The toilet paper is next to the toilet.

el papel higinico El papel higinico est al lado del retrete.

the bidet The bidet is on the left of the wash basin.

el bid El bid est a la izquierda del lavabo. - All rights reserved


En el bao - In the bathroom


A brother and sister argue about going into the bathroom in the morning. Maria: Peter, get out of the bathroom right now! Peter: Coming. Maria: I need to get into the bathroom. Peter: Wait a moment, I'm in the shower. Maria: Open up or I'll be late for work! (Peter finally opens the door) Peter: I'm done. Maria: Hurry up I have to put my make-up on. Peter: Why don't you put your make-up on in your room?

Dos hermanos discuten para entrar al bao por la maana. Mara: Pedro, sal del bao de una vez! Pedro: Ya voy. Mara: Necesito entrar al bao. Pedro: Espera un momento, estoy en la ducha. Mara: breme o llegar tarde a trabajar! (Pedro finalmente abre la puerta) Pedro: Ya est. Mara: Date prisa, tengo que maquillarme. Pedro: Por qu no te maquillas en tu habitacin? - All rights reserved


En el bao - In the bathroom

Elige la respuesta correcta

1. What is Peter doing in the bathroom? a. He is having a shower. b. He is shaving. c. He is brushing his teeth. 2. Why is Maria in a hurry? a. Because she doesn't want to wait. b. Because she has to go to work. c. Because she has to go to class. 3. What does Maria want to do in the bathroom? a. Maria wants to comb her hair. b. Maria wants to put on her make-up. c. Maria wants to take a shower. - All rights reserved


Respuestas: 1(a): 2(b): 3(b)

En la cocina - In the kitchen

Vocabulario y frases

the refrigerator The refrigerator is next to the door.

el frigorfico El frigorfico est al lado de la puerta.

the freezer The freezer is on top of the refrigerator.

el congelador El congelador est encima del frigorfico.

the cupboard The food is inside the cupboard.

el armario La comida est dentro del armario.

the worktop The worktop is below the cupboard.

la encimera La encimera est debajo del armario.

the stove The stove is next to the sink.

el fogn El fogn est al lado del fregadero.

the oven The oven is below the hob.

el horno El horno est debajo de la placa.

the microwave The microwave is between the refrigerator and the sink.

el microondas El microondas est entre el frigorfico y el fregadero.

the sink The sink is next to the draining rack.

el fregadero El fregadero est al lado del escurreplatos.

the tap The tap is in the sink.

el grifo El grifo est en el fregadero.

the draining rack The draining rack is full of plates.

el escurreplatos El escurreplatos est lleno de platos. - All rights reserved


En la cocina - In the kitchen

the dishwasher The dishwasher is on the left of the sink.

el lavavajillas El lavavajillas est a la izquierda del fregadero.

the table The glasses are on the table.

la mesa Los vasos estn encima de la mesa.

the chair The chair is next to the table.

la silla La silla est al lado de la mesa.

to cook My father cooks very well.

cocinar Mi padre cocina muy bien.

the frying pan The frying pan is in the cupboard.

la sartn La sartn est dentro del armario.

the pot The pan is next to the pot.

la cacerola La cacerola est al lado de la olla.

the coffee maker The coffee maker is on the table.

la cafetera La cafetera est encima de la mesa.

the toaster la tostadora The toaster