Download - Vocab. #6 Quiz Key 1.O 2.D 3.L 4.S 5.M 6.E 7.C 8.N 9.U 10.K 11.I 12.A 13.R 14.B 15.G 16.H 17.F 18.Q 19.J 20.P 21.T.


Vocab. #6 Quiz Key1. O2. D3. L4. S5. M6. E7. C8. N9. U10.K


The 1970s

S.A.L.T In 1972, the U.S. began talks with the Soviets

about arms limitations.


There was an increased period of détente – an easing of tensions between rivals (enemies) through increased diplomatic, commercial & cultural contact

President Gerald Ford and Soviet General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev

BLACK SEPTEMBER In 1972, Olympics were held in MUNICH, West


Black September was an EXTREMIST movement of the Palestine National Liberation Movement, called al-Fatah (a group dedicated to recovering the homeland of the Palestinians back from the ISRAELI occupation

September 5, 1972: 8 members of al-Fatah gained easy access to the ISRAELI ATHLETES at the Olympic village. They killed 2 and took 9 hostages.

The terrorists demanded the release of 200 Palestinians who were imprisoned in Israel.

At the airport, German sharpshooters opened fire too soon and all of the hostages were killed. Six of the nine terrorists were killed & three captured.

In retaliation, Israel bombed sites in Lebanon & Syria.

Hostages killed at the airport

LACK of ENERGY 1974 – OPEC (Organization of Petroleum

Exporting Countries) temporarily embargoed (blocked trade) oil to all nations who supported Israel, including U.S.

This embargo created higher prices & shortages all over U.S.

Jimmy Carter (elected President in 1976) urged people to turn down their thermostats & put in place a 55 mile-per-hour speed limit on all interstates


Iran after the Shah (king), Muhammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, fled after a coup (overthrow)

The revolution had been an Islamic Revolution – a matter of religion rather than politics.

The shah came to the U.S. for medical treatment. In response, 500 Iranians stormed the U.S. embassy in Iran & took 66 embassy employees hostage!

April 24, 1980 – President Carter authorized an Army Special Forces unit to attempt a rescue. The mission failed (humiliation for the U.S.).

January 20, 1981 – Ronald Reagan became President & the hostages were released.


December 1979 – USSR (Soviet Union) sent troops into Afghanistan to install & support a Marxist government under Babrak Karmal

The goal was to create a buffer client state between USSR & Pakistan, which had close ties to China (Russian enemy)

100,000 Soviet troops had to fight the MUJAHADIN “Islamic warriors”

The MUJAHADIN, like the VIETCONG, were poorly equipped by excellent GUERILLA FIGHTERS

The US recruited an outspoken Islamic billionaire named OSAMA BIN LADEN to go to Afghanistan & help train resistance fighters.

As a result of the invasion, the US & 60 other nations boycotted the 1980 Olympics which were held in Moscow

(The Russians finally withdrew in 1989, having never conquered Afghanistan.)